Sadly, Ron Santo, a great ballplayer out my old school, Franklin HS, has passed on. I didn’t know Ron but I did know his younger brother Leo, who was in my class and played the Hammond in a competing band, the Trip, along with another friend, the late Big Joe Erickson. Maybe the Hall of Fame will finally open it’s doors to Ron. I always thought he deserved it. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Santo family today.
Brain Damagespews:
What? So John McCain said Obama made his ending Don’t Ask Don’t Tell decision out of “inexperience”. Really? Obama has 2 years more experience than McCain in being Commander in Chief and actually running an entire military and coordinating 2 wars. McCain was a grunt, captured, tortured and released. He has no more experience (less actually) than Obama in actually RUNNING a military. And what about the folks like Colin Powell and the other top brass who actually conducted this survey and are the ones to say the policy can and should end…they ALSO have more experience than McCain in being actual soldiers AND in being commanders.
So why is McCain ignoring folks with VASTLY more experience in being soldiers, in being commanders, in running a military, and after this entire survey (which by the way we shouldn’t have done anyway) says it’s ok to end this stupid policy? The majority of the military is ok with this. The majority of Democrats are ok with this. The majority of Republicans are ok with this. What the fuck is wrong with McCain?
He used to say ALL THE TIME that he was for this if the military top commanders said it was ok (which they do now), so what’s his problem now? Oh, McCain also used to call himself a maverick all the time (even painted it on the said of his campaign bus) and now says he never said that and never claimed to be a maverick. I think he just simply has Alzheimers. Seriously. I think he’s just too old and brain damaged to serve anymore.
Douglass Firzspews:
Barry Goldwater was in favor of recognizing the right of gays to openly serve in the military — noting that the majority of soldiers in combat roles cared more about the accuracy of their fellow soldiers’ shooting rather than their sexual orientation.
Then again, Goldwater was a real conservative — not just a narrow-minded prick — like today’s brand of conservative.
I miss the days of actual, honest-to-goodness, conservatives. It gave us a real alternative if we didn’t like a particular candidate, and if nothing else we could at least respect them for holding to their beliefs.
Douglass Firzspews:
re 4: You can’t respect today’s conservative for even that: They either have no belief beyond self-interest, or their beliefs are completely absurd.
proud leftistspews:
John McCain is a pathetic, washed-up, bitter, disingenuous, hypocrite who is striving through whatever means might be at hand to retain some sort of relevance. He defines “poor loser.” He should slink off the national scene. He is shitting all over his legacy.
McCain accused one of the senior Admirals testifying in favor of repeal of DADT “not being in command of troops”. The admiral showed a great deal of restraint, in my opinion, when he calmly pointed out that he had commanded two carrier groups in his career. If a Democrat had tried that line, you would have never heard the end of it.
McCain is grasping at straws. First he said he would listen to the Pentagon leadership, until they came out in favor of repeal. Then he said he would listen to the troops, until they came out in favor of repeal. Now he’s desperately looking for another excuse.
You have to wonder about his motives at this point. Is he trying to repair his base among the tea partiers? Is he contemplating another run in 2012?
proud leftistspews:
I don’t think his motives extend beyond expressing anger toward the country that refused to give him his just due in 2008. After all he thinks he’s done for this nation, I think he feels he’s going to punish the ingrates (Democrats, liberals, progressives) who did not vote for him. So, he’s just going to reflexively lash out at any cause that he sees the left as supporting, even if a big chunk of the right supports it as well. He’s really making himself look small. Thank God we have Obama in the White House and not this petty, spiteful man.
Douglass Firzspews:
I think he’s just become a realist about the dolts that he represents. The McCain that meets behind closed doors is probably not unlike ‘McCain Classic’.
Damn, looks like the they did it to themselves arguement may fall apart. Tell troll.
(Must State Attorney General McKenna represent State Public Lands Commissioner Peter Goldmark in an appeal from a trial court decision?)
Please do not attempt to elevate Oboma with having yet actually accomplished any sort of real leadership role, he has not and is not actually capable of doing so. One reason he needs 200 folks in the white house to make sure he brushes his teeth!
I think McCain is showing why so many folks did not vote for him. The GOP made a massive error in putting him up as most of those casting votes see him like they see their own great grand father. Pretty aged! He is. The old boys club is indeed getting very much older.
“McCain was a grunt, captured, tortured and released.”
Just for the hell of it, grunts usually are associated with the army and grunts do NOT get to fly jet aircraft off of carriers! There is no need to make some sort of an attempt to compare his actual accomplishments with those of our Der Leader. McCain has done many good things and did make a choice to stay in that hell hole with others rather than take a politicos favor release.
He is, I think,wrong on this issue. Though many folks still have no tolerance of gays, most of them have no idea the feller or lady sitting next to them might be one. By the words, don’t ask, don’t tell, the implication is one of not really caring about the subject. Such is my perspective. Don’t make an issue out of it, period PS the end!
If you do, we the military, as would any organization you worked for will escort you to the door. Not because you have a same gender preference, but probably because you choose to make others uncomfortable to be around you. They will do the same for you if you chase skirts or pants of the opposite gender too!
Who knows, maybe if they were declared upon entrance they could form super units, like the Tuskegee airmen of WWII fame. Yeah that would work out well I’m sure.
Oh and just so you get a tiny thread of where I’m coming from…. RE-Elect NO-ONE! Two terms you are back to being a civi! For a senate seat that is 12 years, if you aint got it done after 12 years then it aint gonna git done on your watch. Move on and work the backrooms if you wish. But move on!
enough is enoughspews:
RE-Elect NO-ONE! Two terms you are back to being a civi! For a senate seat that is 12 years, if you aint got it done after 12 years then it aint gonna git done on your watch. Move on and work the backrooms if you wish. But move on!
Sadly, Ron Santo, a great ballplayer out my old school, Franklin HS, has passed on. I didn’t know Ron but I did know his younger brother Leo, who was in my class and played the Hammond in a competing band, the Trip, along with another friend, the late Big Joe Erickson. Maybe the Hall of Fame will finally open it’s doors to Ron. I always thought he deserved it. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Santo family today.
What? So John McCain said Obama made his ending Don’t Ask Don’t Tell decision out of “inexperience”. Really? Obama has 2 years more experience than McCain in being Commander in Chief and actually running an entire military and coordinating 2 wars. McCain was a grunt, captured, tortured and released. He has no more experience (less actually) than Obama in actually RUNNING a military. And what about the folks like Colin Powell and the other top brass who actually conducted this survey and are the ones to say the policy can and should end…they ALSO have more experience than McCain in being actual soldiers AND in being commanders.
So why is McCain ignoring folks with VASTLY more experience in being soldiers, in being commanders, in running a military, and after this entire survey (which by the way we shouldn’t have done anyway) says it’s ok to end this stupid policy? The majority of the military is ok with this. The majority of Democrats are ok with this. The majority of Republicans are ok with this. What the fuck is wrong with McCain?
He used to say ALL THE TIME that he was for this if the military top commanders said it was ok (which they do now), so what’s his problem now? Oh, McCain also used to call himself a maverick all the time (even painted it on the said of his campaign bus) and now says he never said that and never claimed to be a maverick. I think he just simply has Alzheimers. Seriously. I think he’s just too old and brain damaged to serve anymore.
Barry Goldwater was in favor of recognizing the right of gays to openly serve in the military — noting that the majority of soldiers in combat roles cared more about the accuracy of their fellow soldiers’ shooting rather than their sexual orientation.
Then again, Goldwater was a real conservative — not just a narrow-minded prick — like today’s brand of conservative.
I miss the days of actual, honest-to-goodness, conservatives. It gave us a real alternative if we didn’t like a particular candidate, and if nothing else we could at least respect them for holding to their beliefs.
re 4: You can’t respect today’s conservative for even that: They either have no belief beyond self-interest, or their beliefs are completely absurd.
John McCain is a pathetic, washed-up, bitter, disingenuous, hypocrite who is striving through whatever means might be at hand to retain some sort of relevance. He defines “poor loser.” He should slink off the national scene. He is shitting all over his legacy.
McCain accused one of the senior Admirals testifying in favor of repeal of DADT “not being in command of troops”. The admiral showed a great deal of restraint, in my opinion, when he calmly pointed out that he had commanded two carrier groups in his career. If a Democrat had tried that line, you would have never heard the end of it.
McCain is grasping at straws. First he said he would listen to the Pentagon leadership, until they came out in favor of repeal. Then he said he would listen to the troops, until they came out in favor of repeal. Now he’s desperately looking for another excuse.
You have to wonder about his motives at this point. Is he trying to repair his base among the tea partiers? Is he contemplating another run in 2012?
I don’t think his motives extend beyond expressing anger toward the country that refused to give him his just due in 2008. After all he thinks he’s done for this nation, I think he feels he’s going to punish the ingrates (Democrats, liberals, progressives) who did not vote for him. So, he’s just going to reflexively lash out at any cause that he sees the left as supporting, even if a big chunk of the right supports it as well. He’s really making himself look small. Thank God we have Obama in the White House and not this petty, spiteful man.
I think he’s just become a realist about the dolts that he represents. The McCain that meets behind closed doors is probably not unlike ‘McCain Classic’.
Damn, looks like the they did it to themselves arguement may fall apart. Tell troll.
Oral arguments: Peter Goldmark v. Robert M. McKenna
Washington State Supreme Court
November 18, 2010 10:00am
(Must State Attorney General McKenna represent State Public Lands Commissioner Peter Goldmark in an appeal from a trial court decision?)
Please do not attempt to elevate Oboma with having yet actually accomplished any sort of real leadership role, he has not and is not actually capable of doing so. One reason he needs 200 folks in the white house to make sure he brushes his teeth!
I think McCain is showing why so many folks did not vote for him. The GOP made a massive error in putting him up as most of those casting votes see him like they see their own great grand father. Pretty aged! He is. The old boys club is indeed getting very much older.
“McCain was a grunt, captured, tortured and released.”
Just for the hell of it, grunts usually are associated with the army and grunts do NOT get to fly jet aircraft off of carriers! There is no need to make some sort of an attempt to compare his actual accomplishments with those of our Der Leader. McCain has done many good things and did make a choice to stay in that hell hole with others rather than take a politicos favor release.
He is, I think,wrong on this issue. Though many folks still have no tolerance of gays, most of them have no idea the feller or lady sitting next to them might be one. By the words, don’t ask, don’t tell, the implication is one of not really caring about the subject. Such is my perspective. Don’t make an issue out of it, period PS the end!
If you do, we the military, as would any organization you worked for will escort you to the door. Not because you have a same gender preference, but probably because you choose to make others uncomfortable to be around you. They will do the same for you if you chase skirts or pants of the opposite gender too!
Who knows, maybe if they were declared upon entrance they could form super units, like the Tuskegee airmen of WWII fame. Yeah that would work out well I’m sure.
Oh and just so you get a tiny thread of where I’m coming from…. RE-Elect NO-ONE! Two terms you are back to being a civi! For a senate seat that is 12 years, if you aint got it done after 12 years then it aint gonna git done on your watch. Move on and work the backrooms if you wish. But move on!
RE-Elect NO-ONE! Two terms you are back to being a civi! For a senate seat that is 12 years, if you aint got it done after 12 years then it aint gonna git done on your watch. Move on and work the backrooms if you wish. But move on!