Religion is under attack in the US!
Religious organizations have long competed for federal contracts to provide social services, and they have tried to influence Congress on matters of moral and social policy — indeed, most major denominations have a presence in Washington to monitor such legislation. But an analysis of federal records shows that some religious organizations are also hiring professional lobbyists to pursue the narrowly tailored individual appropriations known as earmarks.
A New York Times analysis shows that the number of earmarks for religious organizations, while small compared with the overall number, have increased sharply in recent years. From 1989 to January 2007, Congress approved almost 900 earmarks for religious groups, totaling more than $318 million, with more than half of them granted in the Congressional session that included the 2004 presidential election. By contrast, the same analysis showed fewer than 60 earmarks for faith-based groups in the Congressional session that covered 1997 and 1998.
Onward Christian soldiers.
Private religious groups: America’s newest welfare class.
I thought those guys used to take pride in doing what they do with private donations? And didn’t conservatives spend, oh, three or four generations asserting we don’t NEED the public dole and should let PRIVATE charities do that job?
It appears they lied about that, too.
goldy…we all get it that you have a major problem with christians. and that just makes you another garden-variety bigot, doesn’t it?
this is news, how?
@4 I don’t see any evidence that Goldy has a problem with Christians. But I see plenty of evidence that Goldy has run out of patience with hypocrites who call themselves “Christians” (and defame real Christians by doing so). So have I. So has everyone with any brain and conscience.
All you have to know about Christians is that Puffybutt claims to be one. Case closed.
Did anyone read about the Pope partially blaming Marxism and Capitalism for the World’s problems? I guess our Conservative Christian Republicans no longer will hold the Pope in high regard.
Does any civilized person hold the bishop of Rome in high regard?
Just as I thought, hypocricy at its best. Use your religious beliefs to proclaim self-righteousness and then denounce your leaders beliefs.
7 through 9:
Catholicism is dying out. And with an arch-conservative Pope determined to drag the world back into to say, the 11th or 12th century, where the Pope was (for all intents and purposes) the de facto ruler of the known world, the decline will be that much faster.
I think George Carlin was right when he said that a lot of the world’s problems would be solved in a generation or two if we simply outlawed religion.
10 Nah. We’d just invent something even dumber.
“the 11th or 12th century, where the Pope was (for all intents and purposes) the de facto ruler of the known world,”
errr ahhhh known to whom white man?
Surely you do not mean the civilized world? You know like The Muslims, the Hindues, the Chinese, the Inca????
Il Papa, if he ruled anything, ruled a bunch of sweaty, illiterate barbarians who were uncivilized by any standard.
Christians, esp. those who claim to have grown out of it, have a wonderful habit of blaming their misdeeds of the religion or the phonies who claimed to run it. Buddhism, Confucianism, Judaism, and MOST religions have been relatively irrelevant to atrocities.
Is Jack Burton Banned?
Is Jack Burton Banned?
You miss the point. Goldy isn’t prejudiced against Christians, it the Christians who want the rest of us to pay for THEIR activity. Kinda like Toyota asking the government to pay for its advertising.
Giving charity is admirable (we call it a mitvah in Judaism). BUT, Judaism teaches that you should do good deeds simply because they are the right thing to do .. not to get on the Deity’s good side and certainly not to sell your Deity to others.
Who do YOU admire more Medecin sans Fronteir (an organization founded by French Jews) or World Vision. Both do good but MSF does this without pushing any belief system, sumply to help others!
Christians often ask, WWJD? One reason I am NOT a Christian is that I suspect your Jesus would give charity with the blessings of his religion. Charity should not be adulterated by the Deity.
Discussed at greater length at SeattleJew
Not sure what is wrong with the HTML editor at HA, but this is the correct link:
SeattleJew essay on death of Paul Raymond
Amazing to see how Moonbat!s talk about religion. Most probably don’t own a Bible or there is a thick coating of dust on the one they have.
Where is John Barelli for the libtards?
Moonbat!s: I believe in God. I believe in His Son Jesus Christ. He is coming again.
If I am wrong I lose nothing.
If I am right and Jesus comes again, where does that put you? You’ll be crying for the rocks to fall upon you just as it says in the Bible. Just like it says every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!
So……………. some of you don’t like my righteous indignation regarding your positions and the flip-flops of Jesse Hi-Jackson, Al EGore, etc. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Too bad Moonbat!s.
I already proved to GBS what Jesus said regarding his relationship with the Father.
Puddybutt said: “If I am wrong I lose nothing”
except your reason
and a lot of unnecessary guilt
seattlejew@14……’s without borders hands down.
BUT, goldy [and you, my friend] are very biased against christians. it’s in everything you say. you refer to them as “xtians” [what is this ? dune?] and your scapegoat is always christians. now, i am not a christian, so i really have no dog in this fight. but could you, in good conscience ,trade the word ‘jew’ [or black for that matter….although that’s race not religion] for christian and still be comfortable with what you say?………
“Giving charity is admirable (we call it a mitvah in Judaism). BUT, Judaism teaches that you should do good deeds simply because they are the right thing to do .. not to get on the Deity’s good side and certainly not to sell your Deity to others.”
this comment alone is hardly a thinker. come on! how can you compare religions without sounding like a bigoted jackass?
you can’t…….
and…you are implying that if someone is christian then their agendas can’t be positive. that’s just garden variety BIGOT.
most of the christians i know are hardly trying to “sell” their religion, or force it down anyone else’s’ throat…in fact one of my neighbors who is very religious had the best comment “if it weren’t for christians EVERYONE would be one”
i think we both know who she is referring to. we all know them. sometimes it’s their religion and sometimes it’s their politics.
remember what people used to say about jews when you and i were kids? you know…the vulgar stupid people….remember?
so what’s the difference with what you are doing?
and goldy my sweet..i am still laughing over what you wrote on the error page for seattlejew’s link.
gawd…sometimes you are really a card…….
I believe in God, but not religion. I believe in Christ, but not everything I read about him. I believe in creation because I believe in God and no one has, despite how hard they tried, proven that he did not or does not exist. Until you guilt ridden moon farts of disbelief can explain the creation of life and provide an explanation for death then I will always and forever believe. If religion makes you feel guilty then check yourselves because religion has nothing to do with it. Perhaps your guilt is because you’ve convinced yourselves to not believe that which is evident.
Look around you idiots and wake up, you don’t have a lot of time left!
Keep the faith Puddybud. If they want to believe that the end of the flesh is the end of life then let them suffer in the flesh of their limited visions!