If we’re looking for some good ways to trim the budget, maybe we can cut out re-enacting episodes of the A-Team:
Marijuana activists are criticizing — and at least partly laughing off — a counter-terrorism exercise carried out Wednesday in California that featured marijuana growers setting off bombs and seizing a dam.
Organized by the federal Bureau of Reclamation, the exercise involved 20 government agencies and some 250 personnel, according to a report from the Redding Record-Searchlight. In the scenario, marijuana growers blew up a bus and car and seized control of northern California’s Shasta Dam in a bid to free an imprisoned colleague.
How did Hannibal, B.A. and the boys handle this one?
The team drives up to the compound in the terrorists’ truck, with the Frank Stallone guy as their hostage. Then there’s a funny montage, where Ramon is talking about some attack they’re going to launch while the team launches basically the same attack on his guards! Hannibal and B.A. pick up some needed supplies, and Hannibal tells the rest of the team all the trouble is behind them: “from here on out, it’s open road.” Not two seconds later B.A. walks around a corner and finds the giant beard guy, ready for another 38 minutes of fighting! The look on B.A.’s face is priceless. “Not again!” he says.
Luckily not everything is going wrong; Hannibal, Murdock and Face storm the terrorists’ interminable planning meeting and run off with Marcus and the briefcase full of money (though B.A. and the beard guy do crash through a window at one point). Ramon again promises the team “will not get away this time,” and to show he’s serious he lets his soldiers actually chase after them instead of calling another planning meeting. The dudes all run toward the front gate, only the team is being sneaky and escaping by rappelling off a treacherous cliff. Is anyone worried about escaping via an imposing rock cliff? Nah. “Piece of cake,” as Face, B.A. and Murdock all deadpan. The mountaineering actually goes pretty well, or at least until Ramon and company show up and shoot the rappelling ropes before Hannibal can lower himself down. So he just jumps. The jazz, man. But then they shoot the inflatable raft the team was going to use for their getaway. So the team is trapped! No, Ramon, who has REPEATEDLY SAID THEY WON’T GET AWAY lets them get away because it’s time to go blow up a dam.
The team is back at the van, so the mission’s over, right? Face sums up just how good the team is: “We lost our wheels, B.A. did fifteen rounds with Godzilla, Hannibal did a twenty story high dive, we had our raft blown out from under us, and we still managed to save the girl, her boyfriend and… retrieve the money.” “Now all you’ve gotta do is stop them from blowing up the dam,” says Marcus. Dam? Murdock: “I wanna cry.”
The terrorists show up at the dam, and they actually shoot the elderly security guy – that’s what, 40 million bullets on this show and he’s like the third guy who actually got hit? On the other hand, the guard saw a bunch of armed guys dressed in black bodysuits and ski masks and waved them through without a second thought, so maybe he shouldn’t be on the job anyway. Their red van is apparently a clown van, because about 40 guys pile out once they’re inside the dam area. Two of them have an explosive device. Ah, the security guard was Hannibal in disguise! “I’m beginning to love this bulletproof vest!” he says. He lets the team know the terrorists are inside the dam. Murdock and Face are already inside, so they subdue a few of the thieves and disarm a few others. Then Hannibal and B.A. come in to get the guys working on the explosives. Everybody’s accounted for, but Almost Brigitte says, in a halting, I-can-barely-remember-these-lines voice, “You forgot about this. It’s set and you can’t stop it. You’ve got less than 90 seconds. You’re too late.” Hannibal and B.A. race off with the bomb… and run right into the giant beard guy! But even he doesn’t want to fight when he realizes what they’re carrying and runs off. I was going to make a “Goldfinger” joke about Hannibal and B.A. disabling the thing with 007 seconds to spare, but they actually heaved the bomb into the nearby water with 007 seconds to spare! The bomb explodes and I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have taken out the whole dam – maybe chipped some of the paint in the boiler room, but then I’m being picky again. Thumbs up from B.A. and Hannibal.
It’s a good thing the terrorists in the A-Team episode weren’t pot growers or that dam would’ve been a goner.
The reefer madness demonizing continues, even though it has zero basis in reality.
Just like the GOP and their entire agenda, facts and the war on cannabis and never the twain shall meet.
And while I’m posting silly things, I might as well throw this one out there too:
i wish you wre this passionate about the 90 people killed by janet reno.
A young man named Jon received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary, like most HA leftists. Every word out of the bird’s’ mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity like rujax. Jon tried and tried to change the bird’s attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else he could think of to ‘clean up’ the bird’s vocabulary.
Finally, Jon was fed up and he yelled at the parrot. The parrot yelled back. Jon shook the parrot and the parrot got angrier and even more rude. Jon, in desperation, threw up his hand, grabbed the bird and put him in the freezer. For a few minutes the parrot squawked and kicked and screamed. Then suddenly there was total quiet. Not a peep was heard for over a minute.
Fearing that he’d hurt the parrot, Jon quickly opened the door to the freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out onto Jon’s outstretched arms and said “I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I’m sincerely remorseful for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend to do everything I can to correct my rude and unforgivable behavior.”
Jon was stunned at the change in the bird’s attitude.
As he was about to ask the parrot what had made such a dramatic change in his behavior, the bird spoke-up, very softly,.. “BTW, may I ask what the turkey did?”
That’s it…p’dumbski and MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown playing “dress-up” cops.
Once again Glenn Beck is right. The “puppet master” is hard at work, and it’s on Huff Pollution nonetheless.
The King ‘Rat is “abandoning ship”? The Loons are in the house!
Let’s see what Darryl does with #5.
I wish you’d leave comments that have a point.
My Oh My – In memory of Dave Niehaus
As long as a DUMBOCRAT does it it’s A-OK! Yep, the voters have spoken but DUMBOCRATS “must” ignore the will of the people and continue to shovel the crap.
Yep and now, who is John Podesta? He’s another of George Soros’ flunkies, running CAP, Center for American Progress. CAP is highly funded by libtardo “puppet master” George Soros.
Since this is an open thread — how about those close races and probable recounts (even hand ones)? Unfortunately, the prospects for the trailing Dems in House 25, Senate 41 and House 42 did not seem to improve.
I would love to see Steve Litzow get his ass kicked (in the election, that is), but unfortunately this result seems a bit further out of reach today than yesterday.
Person Playing Puddybud @ 7,
“Let’s see what Darryl does with #5.”
I don’t know how you do it, but your stupefying ignorance and inability to comprehend the comment policy continues to amaze me.
So, what is, exactly, you brain dead, breathtakingly moronic, retard that would cause you to insinuate there is something about comment #5 that would require my attention?
In a Rolling Stone interview, David Gergen tells us that we misunderestimate the ‘baggers at our peril and that they really are ‘not stupid’, but have some very nuanced positions.
I thought about that for a while, and to tell you the truth, I’ll bet not a single ‘bagger in the country read that interview or even knows who Gergen is.
Privatize Liquor Stores, a no brainer!
I was just reading an account of this on the NYT. Yours is much better.
13 – Eastern Washington hated the idea (LD)IOT.
What’s an “open thread” again?
Oh yeah…I remember….
It seems like Joe Miller hasn’t learned much from the 2004 GOP election challenge here in Washington.
He’s asking an Alaskan court for an injunction against certifying the recent Senate election there until a court determines the validity of just about each and every write-in vote for Murkowski.
Miller’s staffers have challenged some 8,000 write-in votes which were credited to Murkowski, arguably on the basis that they didn’t spell her name correctly. But the Anchorage papers pointed out that in a number of the challenged ballots, Murkowski’s name IS spelled correctly. Apparantly even Miller’s poll workers don’t know how to spell her name correctly, or they were simply challenging ballots at random.
But the problem for Miller is that he is Murkowski is leading him by over 10,000 votes. So even if every challenge was accepted, he would still lose by some 2,000+ votes. So how does he bridge that gap?
He’s arguing that the ballots began to be counted “sooner than expected”, so he didn’t have time to organize and train his ballot-challenge team in time, and some two days worth of ballots were counted before he could start challenging them.
It figures. Miller is arguing that his own incompetence should be grounds for a court to overturn an election and declare him the winner. I guess it kind of makes sense, when you figure that Republicans are always arguing that government is incompetent, and they make up a significant portion of the legislative branch of government.
Joe Miller tries to stop Senate election certification
Alan Durning (via Hugh Spitzer) on 1053 and its constitutionality:
Here: http://daily.sightline.org/dai.....urn-i-1053
Basically, in order to get 1053 in front of the WASC, we need to send Sir(!?) Brad on a long, long trip — or something.
Failing that, I pledge $500 to any credible D who will run against him or to a PI who can hound the corrupt bastard from office.
Watch the whining begin!
Marijuana wasn’t a problem in years past because it was only used by blacks, Hispanics and other non-white people. When, during the Prohibition Era, white people “discovered” marijuana, it suddenly became a big deal with the Feds.
It’s time to repeal all laws making marijuana illegal. It isn’t going away, and Americans of all colors will continue to enjoy marijuana regardless of what the laws say. Let’s finally end Prohibition!
Wow Darryl,
Playing dumb once again.
1) Comment was already in another thread
2) Told rujax, ylb and me to stop the attacks against each other.
Typical so typical.
21 – Ya dummy! Darryl told us to save it for the open threads.
Gotta problem with that? Of course! You can’t read and “teh bubble memory” ain’t too good..
Hey came up with a new one:
p’dumbski forgot (yeah right) his “papa bear” MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown…a candy-ass shit-slingin’…uhhh…christian? (I get confused…was the christ…Rambo…or the “prince of peace”?)
Th Pope just said that the use of a condom might be justified in some instances. Well what do you know – the Catholic Church is gradually moving-out of the Thirteenth Century into the early part of the Twentieth Century. A monumental leap!
Who knows – in a few hundred years our descendants might even see the Catholic Church living in the whatever current century the rest of the world is inhabiting!
Wanna bet the driver was libtardo?
More PDS in action… If someone did this to a progressive Chris Matthews would appear immediately to no audience.
When are Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Blair going to be brought top trial for war crimes?
Chris Christie destroys the Teacher’s Union AGAIN!
I LOVE Mike Singletary!
Thanks Mike, for being a really shitty NFL coach.