Christine O’Donnell continues to amuse. She promised a big media buy to her fans, saying she booked 3 thirty minute spots to showcase stories of common people. Turns out her campaign forgot to buy the air time.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Interesting article about Government Employees using Government property for partisan campaign and that it may in many cases violate Federal Laws. Lack of prosecution in the past. I suspect there will be more as R’s take control and draw the line on such abuses of the law & taxpayers..
@1, another fine example of competence we can expect from the new Republicans. No way this batch of Republicans are as incompetent as the last batch.
And what is the name of the prominent Republican who brought us O’Donnell as the GOP’s candidate in Delaware? Hint: It is the same person who said CBS stands for “Corrupt Bastards Club.”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Seems like once again you cannot support or even discuss the Dems votes on Legislation and the impact on Americans…so you bring up a sideshow issue.
I think the Dems would actually have been better served by embracing their votes head-on….rather than running from them and the President.
Well, in most states running from Obama was necessary…but not all.
Certainly standing up and saying..
Here are my key votes, this is why I voted with Pelosi/Reid/Obama and these are the consequences.
If a candidate thinks he/she made a mistake, they should have admitted it. I never heard one Dem say that. Just mumbo-jumbo…double-talk. Folks were looking for clarity and they got a garbled message.
Why does darryl bring up close election and judge bridges…then deletes any commentary regarding both those subjects.
its not off-topic, so what are his issues.
I think we all know…
poor little squirt darryl feels uncomfortable when he has to deal with adults…
some people teach because they love the job…others teach because they have a need to be looked up to and project power and control over others….I think we know which one darryl is.
i wrote in david goldstein for every office. can i haz my “i voted” flag sticker nao?
Do your friends, family, neighbors and that guy/lady you see in the store remember?
Don’t forget to GOTV, less we have more to remember.
Hope to see the smirk wiped off the chimp’s face. That said, I love you Nolan Ryan. Always will. But for the next 27 outs…FUCK YOU!
proud leftistspews:
Yeah, Go Giants! Beat that red state, oil money team!
LMFAO…what kind of fool infuses politics into baseball.
get a life.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Odumba “claims” he’s funding Global Aid. He forgets how much GW Bush gave to fight global aids. Maybe the rainbow is fading.
“Let me just say this — these folks have been — you’ve been appearing at every rally we’ve been doing,” Obama said. “And we’re funding global AIDS. And the other side is not. So I don’t know why you think this is a useful strategy to take.”
Revisionist history.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Remember, there are 14 black conservative candidates running for congressional seats. Yet the HA fools keep saying the Tea Party are a bunch of racists.
Yet Puddy bets the first comment is a DUMBOCRAT plant!
Unfortunately, Lee and Lincecum would have had about the same records Freddie did this year. All the great pitching does no good if your team can’t scratch out a run.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Wow dirt stain ylb, there were 5 racist signs. The Odumba Joker was from LaRouche DUMBOCRATS!
See ya!
14 Conservative Blacks running for office. Remember that fool!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
“[The Tea Party-backed Republicans are] a group of unqualified, unstable individuals who will do what they are told, in exchange for money and power, and march this nation as far backward as they can get, backward to Jim Crow, or backward to the breadlines of the ’30s, or backward to hanging union organizers, or backward to the trusts and the robber barons…It is nothing short of an attempted use of democracy to end this democracy, to buy America wholesale and pave over the freedoms and the care we take of one another, which have combined to keep us the envy of the world. You do not think your freedom is at stake next Tuesday?…If you sit there tomorrow, and the rest of this week, and you let this cataclysm unfold, you have enabled this. It is one thing to be attacked by those who would destroy America from without. It is a worse thing to be attacked by those who would destroy America from within.” — MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann Countdown, October 27.
This one is your fool dirt stain!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
“The GOP’s agenda has to be stopped.” Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter being a left wing libtardo MSM retard.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
“KEEP DREAMING: The GOP hasn’t won yet. What it would take for the Dems to get re-fired up and score a big midterms upset.” Eleanor Clift, Newsweek
Just had too listen to two fucking Dino Rossi ads. Way to ruin a good game fcukhead.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
“No one will talk about taxes. They are terrified. Somehow the religion, the anti-tax religion has gotten so bad that if you — if anybody says, ‘We’re just going to have to do this,’ I mean, it’s as if, you know, you killed a baby or something.”
— CBS 60 Minutes’ Lesley Stahl on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, October 18.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Those were great Rossi ads. They tell the truth.
proud leftistspews:
Olbermann is spot-on there, Pud. Thanks for sharing his insight. Teabaggers are crazy. I got an email from a former client today who is of the rightwing persuasion. It was a video, in somber tones, arguing that our country is a republic, but not a democracy. Good luck, it that’s what you folks think you’re going to sell Americans.
Yep and pieces of work like Mark Williams to go with them:
For his part, Tea Party Express leader Mark Williams used the opportunity to post one more obnoxious and racist statement on his blog. It should be noted that Williams already had a history of remarks such as his claim that President Obama was an “Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug.” His so-called satire, written after the NAACP resolution, belittling black people generally and the NAACP in particular, was not a new departure. Nevertheless, as noted elsewhere in this report, his “satire” eventually resulted in his removal from the Tea Party Express leadership. Nevertheless, a later comment by Amy Kremer muddied the situation: “…Mark Williams may speak on behalf of us in some circumstances and in some situations…”236
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Olbermann is an ASS of the first order!
America is a republic, and remember Puddy had to clarify this to you before. And you call yourself a lawyer. Well you wouldn’t be representing Puddy. You’re too stupid in real civics.
Tim Fspews:
HAHAHAHA @ Mr. Cynical!!!! The Bush admin abused public offices for political scheming all over the place. The DOJ was chalked full of election “planning” meetings for the GOP. This was testified to in front of congress. Under Oath.
And what in the hell do you think was in the millions of “inadvertently deleted” White House emails?
But really I’d rather they win it in San Francisco..
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
America has been destroyed within by fools like Cass Sunstein, John Holdren, Kathleen Sebelius, Janet Napolitano, John Brennan.
No terrorist threat. – Brennan
Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not – Holdren – Imagine a world without the dirt stain?
People who “contribute to social deterioration” (i.e. undesirables) “can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility” — in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized. – Holdren – He had to be speaking about libtardos.
Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise – Holdren – How progressive
Need to see more goat master leftist?
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 30
Of course, we’re a republic. We’re also a representative democracy. The two are hardly mutually exclusive. But, surely you knew that, right, Puddy?
Typical of Puddy to neglect any semblance of context.
proud leftistspews:
Giants are looking good. I hope the whole state of Texas realizes that its ass is getting slapped. Hey, and you know what? Nancy Pelosi is from SF. This game must be making her happy, especially with that longhaired boy, Lincecum, doing his job. If Nancy’s happy, I’m happy. Go Giants!
As the wingnuts come here tomorrow to gloat, they will be so ignored. I’ll be thinking of this great series and those right wing politicians in CA that will almost certainly be defeated.
I’ll be celebrating all those victories!
I’ve never wanted to be in the place of my birth more than tonight.
So THIS is what winning the series feels like. The Mrs. May have to peel this jersey off me in a week or so.
LMFAO….this from a guy who probably cant throw a baseball 15 feet….
You just don’t watch the same screen the rest of us watch. Actually, we may be in the same room, watching the same screen, but you must be looking at the ceiling, imagining what should be on the screen, according to your dreams.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Like you libtardos moron pay attention to anything anyway…
Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee heard about the infamous “Guaranteed Retirement Account” (GRA) authored by Theresa Guilarducci.
“We need a comprehensive solution that addresses interrelated problems. For example, a system that places most of the burden for retirement saving on individuals will always have to wrestle with the problem of pre-retirement loans and withdrawals (simply plugging these leaks will not work, because many workers would stop contributing to the system). A system that relies on tax incentives to promote individual retirement savings will necessarily tend to favor high-income workers who can afford to save more and who benefit the most from these tax breaks. Conversely, a truly universal system would need to shield low-income workers from out-of-pocket costs or wage cuts. EPI has published and advocated what we feel would be an excellent national supplemental retirement plan, the Guaranteed Retirement Account which was authored by Prof. Teresa Ghilarducci, Director of the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis at the New School for Social Research. “
Now it seems DUMBOCRATS want to take away your 401Ks. Well for certain HA leftist morons this doesn’t apply. You need a job for a 401K! This moronic “Guaranteed Retirement Account” system government would seize your 401(k) private account(s), charging you another 5% mandatory payroll tax so ASSholes like the dirt stain ylb who does nothing useful at home would qualify for a “fair” pension. Huh you say? Watch the damn video. This GRA would take that confiscated 401K $$$$ coupled with the mandated contributions to bail our union pensions. Looks like another Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme!
Now why are DUMBOCRATS doing this?
And all you fools do is argue over the latest Lost post while idiots like Harkin and Sanders scheme away!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews: Michael? That joke of a web site where even the smart DUMBOCRATS (3 maximum in the party) said it was an EPIC FAIL? Where there are 800+ congressional districts receiving Porkulus funds? There are only 435 real congressional districts!
proud leftistspews:
Yikes, Puddy seems out of control again. Pud, your meds. Take them with some warm milk. Please.
Metro sets new record for highest Saturday Metrorail ridership
For immediate release: October 31, 2010
Preliminary count estimates 825,437 Metrorail trips taken on Saturday, October 30
Metro set a new record for highest Saturday Metrorail ridership on Saturday, October 30. Officials estimate 825,437 Metrorail trips were taken, with many people traveling to the National Mall for the “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear.”
@53 Michael?
Where did I link to that?
I linked to
Which points out things like the following.
Appointed more openly gay officials than any other president in US history. Signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, restoring basic protections against pay discrimination for women and other workers. What the fuck has Obama done so far?
Provided travel expenses to families of fallen soldiers to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover AFB.
Provided travel expenses to families of fallen soldiers to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover AFB.
Puddy, apparently, thinks this was a bad thing for the Democrats to do.
proud leftistspews:
Obama has done a great job as president. His biggest deficiency has been in spreading the news of all that he has accomplished. A lot of it is little things, like you’ve identified. Those are, however, huge things in the lives that he has touched. He just hasn’t done huge things (thank God) like start wars, that get lots of attention.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Puddy, apparently, thinks this was a bad thing for the Democrats to do.
Where did Puddy comment on this “bad thing” Michael? Why do you LIE Michael? Why are you such a DUNCE Michael? Once again Michael is projecting. He drank from his recent purchase of Steve’s Stupid Solution.
Puddy commented on the website which had 100,000s mythical jobs created and 400 more mythical congressional districts.
Read Michael. You posted the link. Apparently you didin’t venture into the link too far. Stop blogging under the influence.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Good old goaty leftist claiming someone is on drugs who DEFINITELY doesn’t use them. It must be the typical leftist reaction to being called out for what they are!
Watch the lame duck session if libtardos strike at those of us who have 401Ks with this stupid GLA. You libtardos can’t stand the light of day shown on your cockroach actions.
Walking to the tomb goaty leftist? We’re trying to climb out of the tomb. The a p o l o g y tours of 2009 didn’t help.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Way to bust their pathetic leftist chops!
Today is a referendum on ObaMaoism.
The White House is now desperately trying to re-spin this even after ObaMao acknowledged the obvious…it is a referendum on his policies & fuzzy vision of America.
However, today merely sets the stage for 2012 where ObaMao and 23 Democrat Senators who voted with him are held accountable by We the People.
The big prize is 2 years from now.
I do not see the Tea Party backing down. If anything, they will be more aggressive in demanding smaller, less costly, less intrusive government. No more Deficit Spending.
If the R’s take the House, watch for lots of Legislation to come out. Watch the Democrat Senate kill most of it…although watch those Dem Senators up for re-election in 2012.
Enjoy watching the results.
I’m going to a private Election Party at an amazing ranch…we’ll be jammin’ down lots of organic beef. I’ll of course avoid the alcohol…steve will drink enough for all of us. In fact, he probably is starting already!
“steve will drink enough for all of us”
You project too much, KLOWN.
@62 and 63 WTF are you talking about? While I can translate a lot of the Puddy-Speak you spew, this stuff is pretty far out there.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Actually steve I rarely drink…and if I do it’s one. You can’t stop though, can you.
Some folks are mean drunks filled with rage that explodes as they lose control.
Is that you steve??
Methinks alcohol is not good for you with your history of anger issues.
Was alcohol a contributor?
If so..stop drinking!
Two points, dumbfuck KLOWN – I don’t drink and you project too much. Go fuck the goat, listen to Beck, have a drink or whatever it is you do to while away the morning.
@4 fool Klynical
And did we hear a sngle republican say what they would cut out of the budget….no. they have compaigned on a balanced budget but they cannot give a single item they will cut – what a bunch of liars and the fools who support them.
But – they want tax cuts for the rich…
But- they claim they will protect social security.
But – they lie through their teeth.
I just CAN NOT believe that you two…well three now (Puddy, Klown and Lost) can be so ignorant (of history and current events), insensitive and intolerant (of ANYTHING or anybody who doesn’t share an exceptionaly narrow belief system), and just plain bone chillingly tone deaf and mind-numbingly STUPID….without being under the influence of SOMETHING.
I guess it’s your own hubris. You idiots just believe what you think…facts be damned.
In my experience real drunks (quart-a-day guys) and prescription drug abusers display that type of behaior and mind set. Drunks and “poppers” are also deep into denial, blame and victimhood.
I’ve been dealing with you cretins for a long time. That assessment sounds about right to me.
@64: Wow, Klynical you are truly delusional.
Clinton lost big in the midterm elections and then the republican clowns did the usual – they screwed up, were corrupt and lied about what they would do (anyone remember the “Contract with Amerika”?).
Actually, Obama has failed on several accounts:
1. He failed to push the public option on health care.
2. He failed to articulate his accomplishments (many) and expalin how badly Bush screwed up the country.
3. He tried to compromise with republicnas (don’t bother – the republicans are just out to win the next election – not to actually help the country out).
Re 70
What Obama failed on was basic leadership.
Leaders find ways to push their ideas through a hostile Congress, they don’t blame the Congress for being hostile.
Leaders inspire others to do for themselves, whatever their ideology. Reagan and Clinton viewed the world very differently, but both men inspired Americans to be optimistic about this country.
The country followed the execrable FDR through 4 terms. Much of this time the nation was in deep financial distress. Yet his narrative about the nation compelled others to trust it, regardless how foolish it was. He was a leader, for good or ill.
Obama is an intelligent guy. He seems personable. He seems to be a good dad and loving husband. To the extent that they serve his lust for power he seems to be sincere in his beliefs. (Not a specific condemnation of him. Most politicians come to care more about the power than their constituents whatever their party.) But he isn’t a leader, and that is what voters will be saying today.
I like all other human beings see what I’m prepared to see. I reject ‘facts’ which my experience or logic urge I reject. If someone tells me, for instance, that providing health care for 40 million more Americans at taxpayer expense will produce net savings in health care, I know how to treat such an absurd statement.
You view the world through a narrow ideological lens, and interpret facts accordingly, same as I do. You are intolerant of the slightest deviation from your party line.
All this is your right, but to accuse others of doing the same seems a bit disingenous.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Good point.
Just like when I ask these leftist KLOWNS where all the doctors are going to come from when projections show us being deficit even now.
And when you add 40 Million more Americans to Health Care with already a doctor shortage and no plan for providing the quality and quantity needed…how can any rational person think there won’t be Health Care Rationing??
What are the options KLOWNS?
lost, watch them name-call and not respond to either of our 2 points about COST and SERVICE.
Christine O’Donnell continues to amuse. She promised a big media buy to her fans, saying she booked 3 thirty minute spots to showcase stories of common people. Turns out her campaign forgot to buy the air time.
Interesting article about Government Employees using Government property for partisan campaign and that it may in many cases violate Federal Laws. Lack of prosecution in the past. I suspect there will be more as R’s take control and draw the line on such abuses of the law & taxpayers..
@1, another fine example of competence we can expect from the new Republicans. No way this batch of Republicans are as incompetent as the last batch.
And what is the name of the prominent Republican who brought us O’Donnell as the GOP’s candidate in Delaware?
Hint: It is the same person who said CBS stands for “Corrupt Bastards Club.”
Seems like once again you cannot support or even discuss the Dems votes on Legislation and the impact on Americans…so you bring up a sideshow issue.
I think the Dems would actually have been better served by embracing their votes head-on….rather than running from them and the President.
Well, in most states running from Obama was necessary…but not all.
Certainly standing up and saying..
Here are my key votes, this is why I voted with Pelosi/Reid/Obama and these are the consequences.
If a candidate thinks he/she made a mistake, they should have admitted it. I never heard one Dem say that. Just mumbo-jumbo…double-talk. Folks were looking for clarity and they got a garbled message.
Interesting summation of Issues the new Congress may face in addition to the obvious-
Why does darryl bring up close election and judge bridges…then deletes any commentary regarding both those subjects.
its not off-topic, so what are his issues.
I think we all know…
poor little squirt darryl feels uncomfortable when he has to deal with adults…
some people teach because they love the job…others teach because they have a need to be looked up to and project power and control over others….I think we know which one darryl is.
i wrote in david goldstein for every office. can i haz my “i voted” flag sticker nao?
Do you remember?
Do your friends, family, neighbors and that guy/lady you see in the store remember?
Don’t forget to GOTV, less we have more to remember.
Hope to see the smirk wiped off the chimp’s face. That said, I love you Nolan Ryan. Always will. But for the next 27 outs…FUCK YOU!
Yeah, Go Giants! Beat that red state, oil money team!
LMFAO…what kind of fool infuses politics into baseball.
get a life.
Odumba “claims” he’s funding Global Aid. He forgets how much GW Bush gave to fight global aids. Maybe the rainbow is fading.
Revisionist history.
Your people at the Jon Stewart rally.
Of course this is lost on HA libtardo morons.
Still no score in the fifth!
Lincecum is on fire.
Of course Cliff Lee is no slouch.
Both could have been Mariners. Dammit.
oh man….that is classic.
and these people say they are sane? hahahahahah
Remember, there are 14 black conservative candidates running for congressional seats. Yet the HA fools keep saying the Tea Party are a bunch of racists.
Yet Puddy bets the first comment is a DUMBOCRAT plant!
Unfortunately, Lee and Lincecum would have had about the same records Freddie did this year. All the great pitching does no good if your team can’t scratch out a run.
17 – Felix you mean?
Wow dirt stain ylb, there were 5 racist signs. The Odumba Joker was from LaRouche DUMBOCRATS!
See ya!
14 Conservative Blacks running for office. Remember that fool!
“[The Tea Party-backed Republicans are] a group of unqualified, unstable individuals who will do what they are told, in exchange for money and power, and march this nation as far backward as they can get, backward to Jim Crow, or backward to the breadlines of the ’30s, or backward to hanging union organizers, or backward to the trusts and the robber barons…It is nothing short of an attempted use of democracy to end this democracy, to buy America wholesale and pave over the freedoms and the care we take of one another, which have combined to keep us the envy of the world. You do not think your freedom is at stake next Tuesday?…If you sit there tomorrow, and the rest of this week, and you let this cataclysm unfold, you have enabled this. It is one thing to be attacked by those who would destroy America from without. It is a worse thing to be attacked by those who would destroy America from within.” — MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann Countdown, October 27.
This one is your fool dirt stain!
“The GOP’s agenda has to be stopped.” Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter being a left wing libtardo MSM retard.
“KEEP DREAMING: The GOP hasn’t won yet. What it would take for the Dems to get re-fired up and score a big midterms upset.” Eleanor Clift, Newsweek
Just had too listen to two fucking Dino Rossi ads. Way to ruin a good game fcukhead.
“No one will talk about taxes. They are terrified. Somehow the religion, the anti-tax religion has gotten so bad that if you — if anybody says, ‘We’re just going to have to do this,’ I mean, it’s as if, you know, you killed a baby or something.”
— CBS 60 Minutes’ Lesley Stahl on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, October 18.
Those were great Rossi ads. They tell the truth.
Olbermann is spot-on there, Pud. Thanks for sharing his insight. Teabaggers are crazy. I got an email from a former client today who is of the rightwing persuasion. It was a video, in somber tones, arguing that our country is a republic, but not a democracy. Good luck, it that’s what you folks think you’re going to sell Americans.
Yep and pieces of work like Mark Williams to go with them:
Olbermann is an ASS of the first order!
America is a republic, and remember Puddy had to clarify this to you before. And you call yourself a lawyer. Well you wouldn’t be representing Puddy. You’re too stupid in real civics.
HAHAHAHA @ Mr. Cynical!!!! The Bush admin abused public offices for political scheming all over the place. The DOJ was chalked full of election “planning” meetings for the GOP. This was testified to in front of congress. Under Oath.
And what in the hell do you think was in the millions of “inadvertently deleted” White House emails?
WOOOOOOOO! Three run homer!
Cliff Lee is broken!
But really I’d rather they win it in San Francisco..
America has been destroyed within by fools like Cass Sunstein, John Holdren, Kathleen Sebelius, Janet Napolitano, John Brennan.
No terrorist threat. – Brennan
Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not – Holdren – Imagine a world without the dirt stain?
People who “contribute to social deterioration” (i.e. undesirables) “can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility” — in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized. – Holdren – He had to be speaking about libtardos.
Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise – Holdren – How progressive
Need to see more goat master leftist?
Puddy @ 30
Of course, we’re a republic. We’re also a representative democracy. The two are hardly mutually exclusive. But, surely you knew that, right, Puddy?
Argghh.. Hang in there Lincecum..
3-1 Giants.
Typical of Puddy to neglect any semblance of context.
Giants are looking good. I hope the whole state of Texas realizes that its ass is getting slapped. Hey, and you know what? Nancy Pelosi is from SF. This game must be making her happy, especially with that longhaired boy, Lincecum, doing his job. If Nancy’s happy, I’m happy. Go Giants!
Nice stuff you learned there on the Beck show Puddybud.
37 – Really good! But damn it I was hoping they bring the series back to San Fran.
Darn those games were so entertaining. The crowd was so into it!
Heh. Just saw Laura.
She’s looking kind of grim.
Fear the BEARD!
I’m so happy for San Francisco. Great town.
As the wingnuts come here tomorrow to gloat, they will be so ignored. I’ll be thinking of this great series and those right wing politicians in CA that will almost certainly be defeated.
I’ll be celebrating all those victories!
I’ve never wanted to be in the place of my birth more than tonight.
So THIS is what winning the series feels like. The Mrs. May have to peel this jersey off me in a week or so.
LMFAO….this from a guy who probably cant throw a baseball 15 feet….
46 – Be happy chickenfeces. Commune with your peeps:
Maxie @ 46
Have you ever had an independent thought in your squeeze-brained head?
Context? Holdren ran away from his words when confronted. Butt he’s trying behind the scenes to implement them.
Great website:
You just don’t watch the same screen the rest of us watch. Actually, we may be in the same room, watching the same screen, but you must be looking at the ceiling, imagining what should be on the screen, according to your dreams.
Like you libtardos moron pay attention to anything anyway…
Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee heard about the infamous “Guaranteed Retirement Account” (GRA) authored by Theresa Guilarducci.
Now it seems DUMBOCRATS want to take away your 401Ks. Well for certain HA leftist morons this doesn’t apply. You need a job for a 401K! This moronic “Guaranteed Retirement Account” system government would seize your 401(k) private account(s), charging you another 5% mandatory payroll tax so ASSholes like the dirt stain ylb who does nothing useful at home would qualify for a “fair” pension. Huh you say? Watch the damn video. This GRA would take that confiscated 401K $$$$ coupled with the mandated contributions to bail our union pensions. Looks like another Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme!
Now why are DUMBOCRATS doing this?
And all you fools do is argue over the latest Lost post while idiots like Harkin and Sanders scheme away! Michael? That joke of a web site where even the smart DUMBOCRATS (3 maximum in the party) said it was an EPIC FAIL? Where there are 800+ congressional districts receiving Porkulus funds? There are only 435 real congressional districts!
Yikes, Puddy seems out of control again. Pud, your meds. Take them with some warm milk. Please.
Just the saw The Walking Dead – reminds me of the trolls.
Some of those Atlanta zombies – dead ringers for the right wing ghouls who haunt these threads.
YLB @ 55
Every movement gets a flash of life shortly before the lights go out. Enjoy the light, trolls, as you march toward the tomb.
Where did I link to that?
I linked to
Which points out things like the following.
Appointed more openly gay officials than any other president in US history. Signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, restoring basic protections against pay discrimination for women and other workers. What the fuck has Obama done so far?
Provided travel expenses to families of fallen soldiers to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover AFB.
Puddy, apparently, thinks this was a bad thing for the Democrats to do.
Obama has done a great job as president. His biggest deficiency has been in spreading the news of all that he has accomplished. A lot of it is little things, like you’ve identified. Those are, however, huge things in the lives that he has touched. He just hasn’t done huge things (thank God) like start wars, that get lots of attention.
Per Michael
Where did Puddy comment on this “bad thing” Michael? Why do you LIE Michael? Why are you such a DUNCE Michael? Once again Michael is projecting. He drank from his recent purchase of Steve’s Stupid Solution.
Puddy commented on the website which had 100,000s mythical jobs created and 400 more mythical congressional districts.
Read Michael. You posted the link. Apparently you didin’t venture into the link too far. Stop blogging under the influence.
Good old goaty leftist claiming someone is on drugs who DEFINITELY doesn’t use them. It must be the typical leftist reaction to being called out for what they are!
Watch the lame duck session if libtardos strike at those of us who have 401Ks with this stupid GLA. You libtardos can’t stand the light of day shown on your cockroach actions.
Walking to the tomb goaty leftist? We’re trying to climb out of the tomb. The a p o l o g y tours of 2009 didn’t help.
Way to bust their pathetic leftist chops!
Today is a referendum on ObaMaoism.
The White House is now desperately trying to re-spin this even after ObaMao acknowledged the obvious…it is a referendum on his policies & fuzzy vision of America.
However, today merely sets the stage for 2012 where ObaMao and 23 Democrat Senators who voted with him are held accountable by We the People.
The big prize is 2 years from now.
I do not see the Tea Party backing down. If anything, they will be more aggressive in demanding smaller, less costly, less intrusive government. No more Deficit Spending.
If the R’s take the House, watch for lots of Legislation to come out. Watch the Democrat Senate kill most of it…although watch those Dem Senators up for re-election in 2012.
Enjoy watching the results.
I’m going to a private Election Party at an amazing ranch…we’ll be jammin’ down lots of organic beef. I’ll of course avoid the alcohol…steve will drink enough for all of us. In fact, he probably is starting already!
“steve will drink enough for all of us”
You project too much, KLOWN.
@62 and 63 WTF are you talking about? While I can translate a lot of the Puddy-Speak you spew, this stuff is pretty far out there.
Actually steve I rarely drink…and if I do it’s one. You can’t stop though, can you.
Some folks are mean drunks filled with rage that explodes as they lose control.
Is that you steve??
Methinks alcohol is not good for you with your history of anger issues.
Was alcohol a contributor?
If so..stop drinking!
Two points, dumbfuck KLOWN – I don’t drink and you project too much. Go fuck the goat, listen to Beck, have a drink or whatever it is you do to while away the morning.
@4 fool Klynical
And did we hear a sngle republican say what they would cut out of the budget….no. they have compaigned on a balanced budget but they cannot give a single item they will cut – what a bunch of liars and the fools who support them.
But – they want tax cuts for the rich…
But- they claim they will protect social security.
But – they lie through their teeth.
I just CAN NOT believe that you two…well three now (Puddy, Klown and Lost) can be so ignorant (of history and current events), insensitive and intolerant (of ANYTHING or anybody who doesn’t share an exceptionaly narrow belief system), and just plain bone chillingly tone deaf and mind-numbingly STUPID….without being under the influence of SOMETHING.
I guess it’s your own hubris. You idiots just believe what you think…facts be damned.
In my experience real drunks (quart-a-day guys) and prescription drug abusers display that type of behaior and mind set. Drunks and “poppers” are also deep into denial, blame and victimhood.
I’ve been dealing with you cretins for a long time. That assessment sounds about right to me.
@64: Wow, Klynical you are truly delusional.
Clinton lost big in the midterm elections and then the republican clowns did the usual – they screwed up, were corrupt and lied about what they would do (anyone remember the “Contract with Amerika”?).
Actually, Obama has failed on several accounts:
1. He failed to push the public option on health care.
2. He failed to articulate his accomplishments (many) and expalin how badly Bush screwed up the country.
3. He tried to compromise with republicnas (don’t bother – the republicans are just out to win the next election – not to actually help the country out).
Re 70
What Obama failed on was basic leadership.
Leaders find ways to push their ideas through a hostile Congress, they don’t blame the Congress for being hostile.
Leaders inspire others to do for themselves, whatever their ideology. Reagan and Clinton viewed the world very differently, but both men inspired Americans to be optimistic about this country.
The country followed the execrable FDR through 4 terms. Much of this time the nation was in deep financial distress. Yet his narrative about the nation compelled others to trust it, regardless how foolish it was. He was a leader, for good or ill.
Obama is an intelligent guy. He seems personable. He seems to be a good dad and loving husband. To the extent that they serve his lust for power he seems to be sincere in his beliefs. (Not a specific condemnation of him. Most politicians come to care more about the power than their constituents whatever their party.) But he isn’t a leader, and that is what voters will be saying today.
I like all other human beings see what I’m prepared to see. I reject ‘facts’ which my experience or logic urge I reject. If someone tells me, for instance, that providing health care for 40 million more Americans at taxpayer expense will produce net savings in health care, I know how to treat such an absurd statement.
You view the world through a narrow ideological lens, and interpret facts accordingly, same as I do. You are intolerant of the slightest deviation from your party line.
All this is your right, but to accuse others of doing the same seems a bit disingenous.
Good point.
Just like when I ask these leftist KLOWNS where all the doctors are going to come from when projections show us being deficit even now.
And when you add 40 Million more Americans to Health Care with already a doctor shortage and no plan for providing the quality and quantity needed…how can any rational person think there won’t be Health Care Rationing??
What are the options KLOWNS?
lost, watch them name-call and not respond to either of our 2 points about COST and SERVICE.