Now it appears that the “D.C. Madam’s” little black book of ten thousand names contains that of Richard “Dick the Prick” Cheney.
Check out Wayne Madsen’s website.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
‘Course, being married to Lynne (Eeewww!) Cheney, why would I be surprised?
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
I wonder if “The D.C. Madame” supplied “girls for girls”? Then maybe Lynne’s name would show up also. . .but then she would just be doing research for her next porn novel. . . .
Hmmm….maybe this would explain where some of the inspiration came from for Lynne’s smutty novel.
This also has to show there’s a hell of a difference between medical care for the priveleged class, and what the rest of us get. Ya wonder what kind of wonderful bionics or super-deluxe Viagra must be enabling Captain Cardiac to be able to pop a woody?
This may be a real test of the Web’s power. Will this become public knowledge or merely the surr surr of the invisible mass of the web?
Another story about the veep (that did not make the media) is that daughter Mary and her spouse were not invited to the dinner for Queen E. Interestingly the straight daughter and her hubby were invited.
Can you spell bigotry?
“Rompin’Rudy” Has no creds in NYC. When the voters in Iowa get to know him, he’ll have no creds anywhere.
Fr. John Malloy, pastor of Saints Peter and Paul Church in San Francisco, penned this “Open letter to Nancy Pelosi,” which was recently published in the parish bulletin.
Nancy, you are fooling yourself and I fear fooling many good Catholics. You are simply not in sync with the Catholic Church. Until you change your non-Catholic positions, you should stop calling yourself Catholic. Your record shows that you support embryonic stem cell research, Planned Parenthood, contraception, family planning funding, allowing minors to have an abortion without parental consent, and are against making it a crime to harm a fetus, etc. etc.
The fact that you favor married priests and women priests certainly would not classify you as conservative, but your answer to the question are you a conservative Catholic was:
“I think so. I was raised in a very strict upbringing in a Catholic home where we respected people, were observant, were practicing Catholics, and that the fundamental belief was that God gave us all a free will, and we were accountable for that, each of us. Each person had that accountability, so it wasn’t for us to make judgments about how people saw their responsibility and that it wasn’t for politicians to make decisions about how people led their personal lives; certainly, to a high moral standards, but when it got into decisions about privacy and all the rest, then that was something that individuals had to answer to God for, and not to politicians.”
That sounds fair and tolerant, but your record belies high moral standards.
The NARL rates you 100% pro-abortion. Your statement: “To me it isn’t even a question. God has given us a free will. We’re all responsible for our actions. If you don’t want an abortion, you don’t believe in it, [then] don’t have one. But don’t tell somebody else what they can do in terms of honoring their responsibilities. My family is very pro-life. They’re not fanatics and they’re not activists. I think they’d like it if I were not so vocally pro-choice.”
Do we not elect politicians to make laws that help people honor their responsibilities, such as protecting life itself? Can politicians not tell someone else not to kill? If you can kill a baby in the womb, Nancy, why not outside of it? Oh wait, you are in favor of partial birth abortion, so-called because the baby sticks out of the “mother” about halfway, while the “doctor” sucks out the baby\’s brain. That seems comparable to the choice the Nazis made killing six million Jews.
Yes, Nancy, we (together with your pro-life family) would all like it if you were not so vocally pro-choice, i.e. pro-death. Until your choice is in line with Catholic doctrine, please, Nancy, do not receive the Eucharist when you attend Mass.
Rev. John Malloy, SDB
San Francisco, CA
Ouch, gotta hurt when your own proclaimed religion, doesn\’t even want you because your claims do not match your actions.
I mean really there’s nothing like combining good old Texas arrogance, alcoholism and stupidity into a President who takes care of his thug buddies (Gonzo, Cuntileeza and our lesbo hating VP, Chuckles-the-Clown Dick Cheney).
They’ll sit there and veto, veto, veto. They’re complete immoral asswipes.
Despite the war of words over \”supporting the troops\” in Iraq, the troops are speaking for themselves through recruitment and retention rates, which are through the roof. The Defense Department released yesterday it\’s April 2007 Recruitment and Retention figures.
Don\’t think that these are high school drop out or inner city juvenile delinquents. The military is reporting a very educated, middle class enlisting to serve our country:
Myth: Military recruits are less educated and of lower aptitude than American youth.
Fact: The opposite is true
Myth: The Military attracts disproportionately from poor or underprivileged youth.
Fact: Military recruits mirror the US population and are solidly middle class.
Myth: A disproportionate number of military recruits come from urban areas.
Fact: Urban areas are the most underrepresented and suburban and rural areas are overrepresented.
Myth: African Americans suffer a disproportionate number of casualties.
Fact: The opposite is true.
Myth: The military is not geographically representative of America.
Fact: Military recruits are closely proportionate to the general population.
Myth: The military takes no better than an average cut of American youth when it comes to medical or physical conditioning.
Fact: About half of today\’s youth are not medically or physically qualified against current, and necessary, enlistment standards.
Myth: The Military is a good alternative for youthful offenders.
Fact: Current enlistment standards bar many youthful offenders from enlisting.
This reiterates the truth about America\’s fighting forces: they are the best and the brightest. Democrats and anti-war proponents are confused by these numbers and they won\’t be discussed in interviews with leading Democratic officials, but the truth is that most soldiers want to serve and finish the missions.In Tikrit, Iraq, 150 soldiers from ONE BATTALION with the 25th Combat Aviation Brigade have reenlisted in theater. At Camp Taji, Iraq, the 1st Cavalry Division marked its 450th reenlistment on April 9 during this deployment alone. Private First Class (PFC) Andrew Dubay reenlisted at Camp Taji on April 9 and said:
\”The Army has leadership traits and discipline that you just can\’t find in the civilian world. I love the Army. I wanted to reenlist for the entire 20 years but they wouldn\’t give me that option.\”
\”I\’m privileged to be able to serve in the military, rather than a civilian job. It like it for the military history-serving is something everyone is honored to do, and it\’s nice to be a part of something where people tend to look up to us because of who we are (as soldiers)and what we do.\”
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
As I correctly predicted last fall, the crane operator was NOT at fault for the accident in Bellevue. So much for moonbat engineering… again…
Of course, lack of understanding of engineering principles didn’t stop Sen Jeanne Hyphen-Name and the rest of the girlz from passing a crane law that has nothing to do with the accident. At least they “did something” so they could feeeeel good about it.
On a related note, looks like seattle will get a couple more strip clubs. http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....bs12m.html And you can bet they’ll be staffed only by licensed dancers, so you can all feel safe there.
Much that XYZ says is true. As with any pudding, the truth lies in how it is cooked.
The fodder for Bush’s war is a lot different then the fodder for Nixon’s war. Remember we do not have a draft. So who chooses to serve? Kids who have not graduated from high school or have criminal records are not eligible. The proportion of women who enter the military remains small as well. This eliminates about a third of the population and greatly skews the analysis. An analysis of only eligible males would show a very different result.
Myth: Military recruits are less educated and of lower aptitude than American youth.
Fact: The opposite is true
American kids have a lousy record in re drugs, etc. The military’ success rests mainly on their high standards. They claim those standards are necessary to do the jobs of the modern soldier. A better statistic is whether they are successfully recruiting. The answer here is yes, but barely.
Myth: The Military attracts disproportionately from poor or underprivileged youth.
Fact: Military recruits mirror the US population and are solidly middle class.
The report ignores the fact that we live in a very classist society where very few Americans earn more than 70k. If you ask about the numbersa of kids whose families can afford a house in Seattle, DC, Boston, Chicago, San Fran, etc, there are very few of these kids in the military, One piece of good evidence is the tiny proportion of kids of congresspeople who are serving.
Myth: A disproportionate number of military recruits come from urban areas.
Myth: African Americans suffer a disproportionate number of casualties.
Fact: Urban areas are the most underrepresented and suburban and rural areas are overrepresented.
The trick here is the definition of what is an urban area? Also, the low graduation rates form high school and criminal records of many AA rule them out.
Myth: The military takes no better than an average cut of American youth when it comes to medical or physical conditioning.
Fact: About half of today\’s youth are not medically or physically qualified against current, and necessary, enlistment standards.
Hardly something to brag about.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 “May 12-13, 2007 — … WMR has been informed by three well-placed sources that … Dick Cheney, … while serving as Halliburton’s CEO, was a customer of the DC Madam.”
Goldy needs a TV show so he can get Jane to visit Seattle?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ann Coulter Has Her Own Personal FBI Agent
Before you read in the rightwing-controlled media that Ann Coulter has been “cleared of wrongdoing” in her Florida vote-fraud case, I’m going to do a pre-emptive strike:
What they’re not telling you is that local authorities backed off under pressure from an FBI agent — who, it happens, had no agency authorization to involve himself in the case and is a former COULTER BOYFRIEND. The FBI has launched an internal investigation of the agent’s inappropriate intervention on Coulter’s behalf.
P.S., Brad Friedman has finally answered a question I’ve been wondering about for a long time: What jurisdiction controls Coulter’s license to practice law? New York. Now you know where to file the disbarment petition. An officer of the court can’t go around publicly advocating mass murder — there’s a Rule of Admission to Practice that says, to be a lawyer, you need a better character than Hitler’s.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Coulter fix is so rank even the Moonie-owned rightwing UPI can’t keep quiet about it:
“FBI profiler reportedly helps Ann Coulter
“WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., May. 11 (UPI) — An FBI profiler reportedly played a role in ending the Florida investigation into whether conservative pundit Ann Coulter committed voting fraud.
“Supervisory Special Agent Jim Fitzgerald, who works at the Behavioral Sciences Bureau in Quantico, Va., told the Palm Beach County detective investigating Coulter that he had been involved in tracking a stalker going after the right-wing glamour girl, The Palm Beach Post reported.
“After moving to Palm Beach, Coulter allegedly gave her real estate agent’s address as her home when she registered to vote, which put her in the wrong precinct. … The case was dropped without interviewing Coulter or her real estate agent.
“‘This doesn’t bode well in terms of the public’s impression that celebrities receive preferential treatment,’ Arthur Anderson, the county supervisor of elections, told the Post. ‘I’m curious about how anyone can justify the FBI’s intrusion.'”
The answer to Mr. Anderson’s question is: The FBI didn’t intercede, Coulter’s boyfriend did — by leveraging his employer’s power and prestige to his girlfriend’s advantage without the knowledge or authorization of his employer.
Now it’ll be interesting to see who intercedes to save Agent Fitzgerald’s ass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ann Coulter now joins Lori Sotelo as an unindicted vote-fraud alleged felon.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “They’re complete immoral asswipes.”
No, merely fascists ideologically rooted in Trotskyism.
Just for those that continue to insist that the “mainstream media” is “liberal”, it should be noted that CBS news has required Gen Batiste to steop down from his consultant position because he made those commercials for
The fallacy of the “mainstream media” being “liberal” appears to be just another example of the “Big Lie”. Certainly by careful selection of quotes, some leftward leaning stories can be found.
But to openly say that Viacom, General Electric, Time-Life and Disney are “liberal” companies takes willful blindness to the information available. They seem to try to keep the worst of the far-right leanings of their corporate ownership out of their news reporting, and for that, we should be grateful.
But mainstream media being “liberal”? That would make Newt Gingrich a “moderate”.
Broadway Joespews:
Roger, I have something to say about that.
I’d never question your intellect, but that one went so far over my head it got picked up on the radar at Reno-Tahoe International.
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
Barelli – And I suppose you think NYT just reports the “news”…
@26 Mark
Not at all. The NYT is consistently moderate. Calling it left is absurd.
The problem is that the nut right has gotten away with depicting moderation as activism. Take Faux News (please) SURELY you realize it is far right? Or do you think Combs is a liberal?
Can you imagine an America with a real left? Imagine the Nation as a daily news paper. Imagine a politcal movement that is openly and simply socialist? Pro-Chavez, nationalize industries, protectionist tarifs, tax wealth, require that schools promote atheism, tax the churches, nationalize Harvard, …. etc.
Hey Mark, is this news?
BAGHDAD, May 12 — A coordinated attack on seven American soldiers and an Iraqi Army interpreter on Saturday morning south of Baghdad left five of them dead and three missing, the United States military said.
Can you seriously argue the preparation and prosecution of the Iraq war were well done?
24 Since the big hoo-rah about “Road to 911” last fall, I’ve come to suspect that George Mitchell’s official function with Disney is to accept a substantial amount of money to sit as the company’s titular chairman and “token Democrat”, shut the fuck up and do nothing. If the man has no more conscience than that, we’re better off with him where he is than if he were still in the Senate, and presumably still Majority Leader.
Coulter has a boyfriend? The poor bastard…
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
Speaking of librul media… most of you moonbats probably don’t read Business Week cause the boys on the loading dock probably aren’t much into that.
Cover article is about how corporations screw “the poor”. Article starts out with a story about a Casino American woman 28 years old with 4 chirrens, no husband, no job, and none of that fancy book larnin’. So she tried to borrow herself into prosperity and son of a gun if it didn’t work.
The whole fucking article is full of stoopid fucking stories about stoopid fucking people doing stoopid fucking things. But are they to blame for their own bad choices…?
Noooooooo…… they’re victims of big bad corporations.
This is perfect example of nutball librual reporting. Instead of portraying them as victims, they should be portrayed as the dumshits that they are. I mean… why the fuck would a woman keep breeding when she has no fucking way to care for the chirrens? And I’m supposed to feel sorry for her? Sorry, fuck her. And I’m I supposed to pick up the tab for her choices? Sorry, fuck her.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says:
Barelli – And I suppose you think NYT just reports the “news”…
Thinking would be a good start, vagina lips. Tell us how Judith Miller’s cheerleading prior to the Iraq invasion fits into your twisted mindset.
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
Kike – NYT as “moderate”. LMAO…
that’s a good one…
And fox is “far right” ….yeah…
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
If a socialist woman can’t get elected in a shithole like france, what are the chances that The Smartest Woman in The World has a fucking prayer here?
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says:
If a socialist woman can’t get elected in a shithole like france, what are the chances that The Smartest Woman in The World has a fucking prayer here?
Fair to good. Why do you ask, vagina lips?
Come on Mark, see @ 28. Is that news? Will Fox cover it? Will they explore how we got ourselves into this situation?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Pay your fucking gambling debt, welsher! Until you’re PIF, this site is a pay-to-post site for you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 Pay up! Now!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 Shut up until you pay up!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Don’t worry, the End of Oil doesn’t have to mean the end of civilization. I’m living proof that Chlorophyll Fuel Cells in a package only 22 inches high and weighing last than 30 lbs. actually work. Grass-powered cars are just around the technological corner!
Roger Rabbitspews:
less than
Roger Rabbitspews:
P.S., pay up welsher!!
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
I’d like to know if any of you did any of your goofy religious practices today. Let me know if you did any of the following:
1) Installed compact bulbs
2) Took a bus
3) Conducted a chi squared analysis
4) Bought carbon credits
5) Wondered about the sun
6) Watched algore’s hilarious movie
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
Speaking of being brainwashed by the librul media…
how many of you think that Kansas couldn’t get national guard help after the tornado because they’re all in iraq?
And do you believe there was no impact on response capabilities?
While we’re at it, governing is about making choices. Do you believe that the deployment of our troops and resources is the best choice? Has this choice been well implemented?
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
K – I’m askin the questions here. Just wondering how ill informed you are.
Answer the fucking question shitforbrains.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Answer the fucking question shitforbrains.
Questions from a fucking lunatic do not require nor deserve an answer.
What a maroooooooooooooooooon!
Hey Mark, eat shit and bark at the moon. Where do you get off believing you can direct me to answer your half witted questions? I answered your question about the NY Times providing news and you never responded. Till then, I’ll keep asking.
seattle jew….”The fodder for Bush’s war is a lot different then the fodder for Nixon’s war.”
nixon’s war????? just how stupid and ill read are you anyway?
try again….it was kennedy’s war toots…nixon just inherited it from that incredibly stupid and vulgar LBJ.
and the french, BTW.
and speaking of the french ,isn’t it interesting how the people there get “it” now……hmmmmm
2008 elections will be very very interesting.
not for you guys, but for those of us that think…….
hey mark….isn’t the governor of kansas a liberal? why couldn’t she just stop the storm before it began like they expected bush to stop the hurricanes???
gawd…could liberals be any dumber?
ghost- the Kansas Governor is a Democrat. You folks automatically assume that means liberal. THe citizens of her state elected. DO you have a problem with democracy?
And there is no doubt this is Bush’s war. I ask you the question Mark refuses to answer, how do you think he is doing?
Publicans define LIBERAL MEDIA as any media that would tell the truth about Publican traitors, crooks, criminals and con men which is in fact any media NOT owned by Rupert Murdock.
By the way, note how hard the righties on this board are working NOT to talk about the General’s statements about AWOL Bush’s war? Remember when they were praising this General and now they will no doubt try to swift boat him since he had the balls to tell the truth about the chickenshit Monkeyfaced Pretender and Thief.
None of them will answer my simple question, how is Bush doing? He has had an unfettered hand in planning and prosecution from September 11, 2001 until January 2007.
ChristmasGhost @51
I served under Mr. Nixon in the US navy after he got elected claiming to have a plan to end the war. Instead Nixo9n prolonged the war by several years at great cost to those of us who served.
The other similarity with Bush is that Nixon flagrantly violoated the US Constitution.
ChristmasGhost @51
As for the French, Sarkozy is FAR to the left of Bush et al. If you were not a simplistic Publican you would realize that no one other than your party supports this war, “privatized” medicine, redstribution of wealth to the wealthy, creationism, outlawing same sex unions, etc.
Obama, Hillary, etc are a lot more like Sarkozy than is Mr. Bush. They, like he, support a 40 hr week, shorter vacations, civil unions, Israel, evolution, etc. He does go farther to the left in supporting state run medicine, state run corporations, free university education, and other nut-liberal ideas.
Sarkozy is a lot like most of the Publican candidates in one way .. his sex life is complicated.
Try running on a Publican ticket in any place other than Alabama with a stand against abortion!
ChristmasGhost @51
As for the next election, it is beginning to look as if the Xtian poor care more about their jobs and childrens’ lives than they do the phony baloney support of the Publicans for prayer in the schools.
Who is a better Christian?
Obama or Romney?
Hillary or Guiliani?
Oh yeh, there is talk f a candidacy by another actor, you know the one with the 25 yo wife with great boobs!
This is one for the Dems to lose. If the Dems do a good job ( can you spell Emanuel?) the Publican party may be headed back to tis glory days post Hoover.
56 Agreed. Nixon may have inherited Vietnam from someone else, but he sure hugged it and kissed it and called it his own.
As to who was responsible for getting it started, it goes back before Kennedy. John Foster Dulles no doubt had his dirty mitts in that one. As my conservative Democrat, lifelong union member, World War II veteran father-in-law said, “Never again should we try to clean up after the Goddamned French”.
I don’t even want to think about Sarkozky’s sex life.
I do have a good friend who moved to France a month ago. I’ll keep y’all posted as to what she tells me about the real goings-on. Somehow, I’m inclined to expect that all we’re going to hear from the Moon/Murdoch/Disney/General Electric/Viacom owned-and-operated “liberal” (yeah, right!) American media is that the man single-handedly saved France from impending doom and that it’s all nothing but happiness and prosperity from here onward.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 No, but I converted grass into energy and poop.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 “Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says: I’m askin the questions here.”
You may be asking the questions, but I’m giving the orders:
P A Y ! ! !
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 Hey flimsy bedsheet — it became Nixon’s war when he dragged it out for FOUR MORE YEARS. The majority of combat deaths in Nam occurred on Tricky Dick’s watch, dumbass.
And oh yeah — Tricky Dickie was a LIAR. He told voters that he had “a secret plan to end the war.” His secret plan turned out to be escalation — more war, and more casualties. He lost anyway. And your boy Bushie is going to lose, too. Because he’s a looooooooooser, like you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 “DO you have a problem with democracy?”
Yeah, unfortunately they do. Wingnuts want a fascist dictatorship. They’ll get it over my dead body. And that may be a long time coming, because the king of the rabbits is immortal.
Heathen Sinnerspews:
Last I knew, thou shall not commit adultry was not only considered immoral but one of the ten commandments. But I guess you can repent your sin if it is adultry and still be considered a good Christian. “Self righteous bastard that I am, I lie, cheat and steal” – Dick Cheney
Mark the Red Neck
Why not ell us more so we can figure out which epithet most applies to you?
seattlejew………where do i begin with you? if goldy wants to know what kind of potato-heads are running the FDA in the sciences department he should take a really good look at would fit right in. you are a non thinker….good lord…you are DOING RESEARCH and you can’t even spell. i mean…NOT AT ALL. here’s a classic example from your “blog”..
“IDEA: stp importing foods that do not meat US safety standards.”
i’ll give you the first as a typo [although we both know it isn’t] but meat? MEAT?
AND this is just the tip of the iceberg with you.even the top spiel on your blog is misspelled. okay…some of you might be saying “so what?”
here’s so what……i can tell you that this guy’s research would be as shoddy as his own blog.the devil is in the details ,especially when it comes to research.
you also can’t seem to hold a normal thought. i had a couple of OUR researchers check out your blog and they were appalled! until i told them where you worked and then it was “oh….of course” DUH!
they may be biased so i ran it past a couple of friends at the CDC…….and they were appalled also. i was not surprised in the least. less running of your mouth and more workie workie would be a really good thing for you. the best ,of course, would be for you to not be doing research.
you are an idiot. a complete idiot and anyone that would take your “research” at face value [or at all] is also an idiot. does your department head know what you are up to?
i don’t know which is a more frightening thought …you in the classroom ,or you in the lab.
either way…when it came time for us to decide which university[s] to donate equipment to… made it an easy decision. why put it somewhere that it wouldn’t be used for ANYTHING constructive?
as far as vietnam…oh get over it you fool. my husband was an officer in the navy…so what? where were you stationed anyway? i’m guessing by your complete idiocy that you didn’t [and don’t ] have security clearance, right?
i’ll bet you couldn’t get into Lawrence Livermore lab to save your life….some “researcher”….HAH!
so, goldy, if you want to know why the FDA doesn’t do it’s job it’s because it is clogged up with idiots like this one who spend time playing on the computer when THEY SHOULD BE WORKING…….
K…i’ll answer your question.
he’s doing quite well. were there mistakes made? yes…there were. have there been mistakes in every war? yup. war is messy… can’t have a plan that won’t have problems.
i find it very strange that people like you are so busy attacking their own country and president in a time of war that you actually forget what the war is never goes as “planned” [never has, never will….nature of the beast]and with you “instant gratification” liberals, even if it had been over and successful IN ONE FRIGGIN DAY it wouldn’t have been good enough, right? admit it.unless of course there was [as the sign says] a DEMOCRAT IN THE WHITE HOUSE. which makes me wonder…is it war you have a problem with? or just republicans?
do you remember what the war is about?
remember 9/11?
do you really?
now, try and be honest for a minute with yourself and imagine what it would have been like on that day with gore in charge.
how much ice cream would he have gone through before he could even make any decisions? he is a weak, foolish man.
is bush perfect? oh, hardly. but neither is anyone else either. i am glad that i voted for him [considering the choices] and i would do it again.
how’s that?
Heathen Sinnerspews:
christmasghost – do us all a favor and make yourself invisible again.
Let’s see now…… overwhelming congressional approval, United Nations resolutions, multi-national coalition forces……
Yeah. this is “Bush’s war”……
Our country is at war with radical Islam…
All Americans..
Puddybud Who Left the Reservationspews:
Roger Rabbit says: Looks like MWS aka pudwhacker aka 20 other screen names has a new screen name.
One again from the paws of PelletHead come lies.
You already know any other screen name I would use would cause me to be outed by Voice of Chalk Scratching.
And… while I sleuthed around figuring out yours and other doppelgangers he must have been pissed knowing you, his loyal friends, were too stuuuuuuuupid to figure it out.
He would never admit I was too smart not to write the same way!
Puddybud Who Left the Reservationspews:
SeattleJew says: @26 Mark Not at all. The NYT is consistently moderate. Calling it left is absurd.
With Frank Rich, Maureen Down, Robert Herbert, and the disgraced Paul Krugman leading the editorial pages with Jayson Blair fabricating stories yes! the Hew York TImes is so moderate.
Puddybud Who Left the Reservationspews:
K says: And do you believe there was no impact on response capabilities?
The spokesperson for the guvnur came out later and retracted what was said. Apparently you don’t read ooooooooooooooooor you have poor mental recollection. Covered this in the What’s the matter with Kansas’ governor? Not a damn thing! thread.
as a person with a very close relative who is an editor at the NYT, i can assure you that even she says it’s left. she’s so left that we laugh about her walking in circles.
Please do not buy cat and dog foods that contain CANOLA OIL. It is a toxic poison and do not eat any processed foods that contain it, read your labels. It will destroy your health. Causes lung cancers, causes blindness, causes the myelin shealth in the brain to get dissolved and many other illnesses. It is toxic chemical not made for human or animal consumption, it is POISON and cheap OIL and industrial OIL. Read about the dangers of CANOLA OIL does not matter if organic, it is not for food consumption the FDA is corrupt to allow this in the foods for humans and animals.
Now it appears that the “D.C. Madam’s” little black book of ten thousand names contains that of Richard “Dick the Prick” Cheney.
Check out Wayne Madsen’s website.
‘Course, being married to Lynne (Eeewww!) Cheney, why would I be surprised?
I wonder if “The D.C. Madame” supplied “girls for girls”? Then maybe Lynne’s name would show up also. . .but then she would just be doing research for her next porn novel. . . .
Hmmm….maybe this would explain where some of the inspiration came from for Lynne’s smutty novel.
This also has to show there’s a hell of a difference between medical care for the priveleged class, and what the rest of us get. Ya wonder what kind of wonderful bionics or super-deluxe Viagra must be enabling Captain Cardiac to be able to pop a woody?
For thosw who want to read the report:
This may be a real test of the Web’s power. Will this become public knowledge or merely the surr surr of the invisible mass of the web?
Another story about the veep (that did not make the media) is that daughter Mary and her spouse were not invited to the dinner for Queen E. Interestingly the straight daughter and her hubby were invited.
Can you spell bigotry?
“Rompin’Rudy” Has no creds in NYC. When the voters in Iowa get to know him, he’ll have no creds anywhere.
Fr. John Malloy, pastor of Saints Peter and Paul Church in San Francisco, penned this “Open letter to Nancy Pelosi,” which was recently published in the parish bulletin.
Nancy, you are fooling yourself and I fear fooling many good Catholics. You are simply not in sync with the Catholic Church. Until you change your non-Catholic positions, you should stop calling yourself Catholic. Your record shows that you support embryonic stem cell research, Planned Parenthood, contraception, family planning funding, allowing minors to have an abortion without parental consent, and are against making it a crime to harm a fetus, etc. etc.
The fact that you favor married priests and women priests certainly would not classify you as conservative, but your answer to the question are you a conservative Catholic was:
“I think so. I was raised in a very strict upbringing in a Catholic home where we respected people, were observant, were practicing Catholics, and that the fundamental belief was that God gave us all a free will, and we were accountable for that, each of us. Each person had that accountability, so it wasn’t for us to make judgments about how people saw their responsibility and that it wasn’t for politicians to make decisions about how people led their personal lives; certainly, to a high moral standards, but when it got into decisions about privacy and all the rest, then that was something that individuals had to answer to God for, and not to politicians.”
That sounds fair and tolerant, but your record belies high moral standards.
The NARL rates you 100% pro-abortion. Your statement: “To me it isn’t even a question. God has given us a free will. We’re all responsible for our actions. If you don’t want an abortion, you don’t believe in it, [then] don’t have one. But don’t tell somebody else what they can do in terms of honoring their responsibilities. My family is very pro-life. They’re not fanatics and they’re not activists. I think they’d like it if I were not so vocally pro-choice.”
Do we not elect politicians to make laws that help people honor their responsibilities, such as protecting life itself? Can politicians not tell someone else not to kill? If you can kill a baby in the womb, Nancy, why not outside of it? Oh wait, you are in favor of partial birth abortion, so-called because the baby sticks out of the “mother” about halfway, while the “doctor” sucks out the baby\’s brain. That seems comparable to the choice the Nazis made killing six million Jews.
Yes, Nancy, we (together with your pro-life family) would all like it if you were not so vocally pro-choice, i.e. pro-death. Until your choice is in line with Catholic doctrine, please, Nancy, do not receive the Eucharist when you attend Mass.
Rev. John Malloy, SDB
San Francisco, CA
Ouch, gotta hurt when your own proclaimed religion, doesn\’t even want you because your claims do not match your actions.
GWB and his fucking crony bastards are all scum.
I mean really there’s nothing like combining good old Texas arrogance, alcoholism and stupidity into a President who takes care of his thug buddies (Gonzo, Cuntileeza and our lesbo hating VP, Chuckles-the-Clown Dick Cheney).
They’ll sit there and veto, veto, veto. They’re complete immoral asswipes.
Despite the war of words over \”supporting the troops\” in Iraq, the troops are speaking for themselves through recruitment and retention rates, which are through the roof. The Defense Department released yesterday it\’s April 2007 Recruitment and Retention figures.
Don\’t think that these are high school drop out or inner city juvenile delinquents. The military is reporting a very educated, middle class enlisting to serve our country:
The DOD study Who is Volunteering For Today\’s Military? reports these findings:
Myth: Military recruits are less educated and of lower aptitude than American youth.
Fact: The opposite is true
Myth: The Military attracts disproportionately from poor or underprivileged youth.
Fact: Military recruits mirror the US population and are solidly middle class.
Myth: A disproportionate number of military recruits come from urban areas.
Fact: Urban areas are the most underrepresented and suburban and rural areas are overrepresented.
Myth: African Americans suffer a disproportionate number of casualties.
Fact: The opposite is true.
Myth: The military is not geographically representative of America.
Fact: Military recruits are closely proportionate to the general population.
Myth: The military takes no better than an average cut of American youth when it comes to medical or physical conditioning.
Fact: About half of today\’s youth are not medically or physically qualified against current, and necessary, enlistment standards.
Myth: The Military is a good alternative for youthful offenders.
Fact: Current enlistment standards bar many youthful offenders from enlisting.
This reiterates the truth about America\’s fighting forces: they are the best and the brightest. Democrats and anti-war proponents are confused by these numbers and they won\’t be discussed in interviews with leading Democratic officials, but the truth is that most soldiers want to serve and finish the missions. In Tikrit, Iraq, 150 soldiers from ONE BATTALION with the 25th Combat Aviation Brigade have reenlisted in theater. At Camp Taji, Iraq, the 1st Cavalry Division marked its 450th reenlistment on April 9 during this deployment alone. Private First Class (PFC) Andrew Dubay reenlisted at Camp Taji on April 9 and said:
\”The Army has leadership traits and discipline that you just can\’t find in the civilian world. I love the Army. I wanted to reenlist for the entire 20 years but they wouldn\’t give me that option.\”
\”I\’m privileged to be able to serve in the military, rather than a civilian job. It like it for the military history-serving is something everyone is honored to do, and it\’s nice to be a part of something where people tend to look up to us because of who we are (as soldiers)and what we do.\”
As I correctly predicted last fall, the crane operator was NOT at fault for the accident in Bellevue. So much for moonbat engineering… again…
Of course, lack of understanding of engineering principles didn’t stop Sen Jeanne Hyphen-Name and the rest of the girlz from passing a crane law that has nothing to do with the accident. At least they “did something” so they could feeeeel good about it.
On a related note, looks like seattle will get a couple more strip clubs. http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....bs12m.html And you can bet they’ll be staffed only by licensed dancers, so you can all feel safe there.
Much that XYZ says is true. As with any pudding, the truth lies in how it is cooked.
The fodder for Bush’s war is a lot different then the fodder for Nixon’s war. Remember we do not have a draft. So who chooses to serve? Kids who have not graduated from high school or have criminal records are not eligible. The proportion of women who enter the military remains small as well. This eliminates about a third of the population and greatly skews the analysis. An analysis of only eligible males would show a very different result.
Myth: Military recruits are less educated and of lower aptitude than American youth.
Fact: The opposite is true
American kids have a lousy record in re drugs, etc. The military’ success rests mainly on their high standards. They claim those standards are necessary to do the jobs of the modern soldier. A better statistic is whether they are successfully recruiting. The answer here is yes, but barely.
Myth: The Military attracts disproportionately from poor or underprivileged youth.
Fact: Military recruits mirror the US population and are solidly middle class.
The report ignores the fact that we live in a very classist society where very few Americans earn more than 70k. If you ask about the numbersa of kids whose families can afford a house in Seattle, DC, Boston, Chicago, San Fran, etc, there are very few of these kids in the military, One piece of good evidence is the tiny proportion of kids of congresspeople who are serving.
Myth: A disproportionate number of military recruits come from urban areas.
Myth: African Americans suffer a disproportionate number of casualties.
Fact: Urban areas are the most underrepresented and suburban and rural areas are overrepresented.
The trick here is the definition of what is an urban area? Also, the low graduation rates form high school and criminal records of many AA rule them out.
Myth: The military takes no better than an average cut of American youth when it comes to medical or physical conditioning.
Fact: About half of today\’s youth are not medically or physically qualified against current, and necessary, enlistment standards.
Hardly something to brag about.
@1 “May 12-13, 2007 — … WMR has been informed by three well-placed sources that … Dick Cheney, … while serving as Halliburton’s CEO, was a customer of the DC Madam.”
Looks like MWS aka pudwhacker aka 20 other screen names has a new screen name.
Public Service Message
Go to this link for a wonderful video:
Colbert Meets Barbarella
@11 “ARMY 107% OF GOAL
Well la-de-da … too bad they have to take criminals and other moral defectives to meet their recruiting goals.
Predictably, the “troop surge” is being accompanied by an “atrocity surge.”
They’re probably letting 15 and 16 year olds sign up, too. “Son, let’s erase ‘1992’ and have you write ‘1989’ in this here space ….”
What happens when an arch conservative talk show host meets Barbearella?
Next, Jane Fonda on OReilly!!!
Goldy needs a TV show so he can get Jane to visit Seattle?
Ann Coulter Has Her Own Personal FBI Agent
Before you read in the rightwing-controlled media that Ann Coulter has been “cleared of wrongdoing” in her Florida vote-fraud case, I’m going to do a pre-emptive strike:
What they’re not telling you is that local authorities backed off under pressure from an FBI agent — who, it happens, had no agency authorization to involve himself in the case and is a former COULTER BOYFRIEND. The FBI has launched an internal investigation of the agent’s inappropriate intervention on Coulter’s behalf.
P.S., Brad Friedman has finally answered a question I’ve been wondering about for a long time: What jurisdiction controls Coulter’s license to practice law? New York. Now you know where to file the disbarment petition. An officer of the court can’t go around publicly advocating mass murder — there’s a Rule of Admission to Practice that says, to be a lawyer, you need a better character than Hitler’s.
The Coulter fix is so rank even the Moonie-owned rightwing UPI can’t keep quiet about it:
“FBI profiler reportedly helps Ann Coulter
“WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., May. 11 (UPI) — An FBI profiler reportedly played a role in ending the Florida investigation into whether conservative pundit Ann Coulter committed voting fraud.
“Supervisory Special Agent Jim Fitzgerald, who works at the Behavioral Sciences Bureau in Quantico, Va., told the Palm Beach County detective investigating Coulter that he had been involved in tracking a stalker going after the right-wing glamour girl, The Palm Beach Post reported.
“After moving to Palm Beach, Coulter allegedly gave her real estate agent’s address as her home when she registered to vote, which put her in the wrong precinct. … The case was dropped without interviewing Coulter or her real estate agent.
“‘This doesn’t bode well in terms of the public’s impression that celebrities receive preferential treatment,’ Arthur Anderson, the county supervisor of elections, told the Post. ‘I’m curious about how anyone can justify the FBI’s intrusion.'”
The answer to Mr. Anderson’s question is: The FBI didn’t intercede, Coulter’s boyfriend did — by leveraging his employer’s power and prestige to his girlfriend’s advantage without the knowledge or authorization of his employer.
Now it’ll be interesting to see who intercedes to save Agent Fitzgerald’s ass.
Ann Coulter now joins Lori Sotelo as an unindicted vote-fraud alleged felon.
@10 “They’re complete immoral asswipes.”
No, merely fascists ideologically rooted in Trotskyism.
Just for those that continue to insist that the “mainstream media” is “liberal”, it should be noted that CBS news has required Gen Batiste to steop down from his consultant position because he made those commercials for
The fallacy of the “mainstream media” being “liberal” appears to be just another example of the “Big Lie”. Certainly by careful selection of quotes, some leftward leaning stories can be found.
But to openly say that Viacom, General Electric, Time-Life and Disney are “liberal” companies takes willful blindness to the information available. They seem to try to keep the worst of the far-right leanings of their corporate ownership out of their news reporting, and for that, we should be grateful.
But mainstream media being “liberal”? That would make Newt Gingrich a “moderate”.
Roger, I have something to say about that.
I’d never question your intellect, but that one went so far over my head it got picked up on the radar at Reno-Tahoe International.
Barelli – And I suppose you think NYT just reports the “news”…
@26 Mark
Not at all. The NYT is consistently moderate. Calling it left is absurd.
The problem is that the nut right has gotten away with depicting moderation as activism. Take Faux News (please) SURELY you realize it is far right? Or do you think Combs is a liberal?
Can you imagine an America with a real left? Imagine the Nation as a daily news paper. Imagine a politcal movement that is openly and simply socialist? Pro-Chavez, nationalize industries, protectionist tarifs, tax wealth, require that schools promote atheism, tax the churches, nationalize Harvard, …. etc.
Hey Mark, is this news?
BAGHDAD, May 12 — A coordinated attack on seven American soldiers and an Iraqi Army interpreter on Saturday morning south of Baghdad left five of them dead and three missing, the United States military said.
Can you seriously argue the preparation and prosecution of the Iraq war were well done?
24 Since the big hoo-rah about “Road to 911” last fall, I’ve come to suspect that George Mitchell’s official function with Disney is to accept a substantial amount of money to sit as the company’s titular chairman and “token Democrat”, shut the fuck up and do nothing. If the man has no more conscience than that, we’re better off with him where he is than if he were still in the Senate, and presumably still Majority Leader.
Coulter has a boyfriend? The poor bastard…
Speaking of librul media… most of you moonbats probably don’t read Business Week cause the boys on the loading dock probably aren’t much into that.
Cover article is about how corporations screw “the poor”. Article starts out with a story about a Casino American woman 28 years old with 4 chirrens, no husband, no job, and none of that fancy book larnin’. So she tried to borrow herself into prosperity and son of a gun if it didn’t work.
The whole fucking article is full of stoopid fucking stories about stoopid fucking people doing stoopid fucking things. But are they to blame for their own bad choices…?
Noooooooo…… they’re victims of big bad corporations.
This is perfect example of nutball librual reporting. Instead of portraying them as victims, they should be portrayed as the dumshits that they are. I mean… why the fuck would a woman keep breeding when she has no fucking way to care for the chirrens? And I’m supposed to feel sorry for her? Sorry, fuck her. And I’m I supposed to pick up the tab for her choices? Sorry, fuck her.
Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says:
Barelli – And I suppose you think NYT just reports the “news”…
Thinking would be a good start, vagina lips. Tell us how Judith Miller’s cheerleading prior to the Iraq invasion fits into your twisted mindset.
Kike – NYT as “moderate”. LMAO…
that’s a good one…
And fox is “far right” ….yeah…
If a socialist woman can’t get elected in a shithole like france, what are the chances that The Smartest Woman in The World has a fucking prayer here?
Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says:
If a socialist woman can’t get elected in a shithole like france, what are the chances that The Smartest Woman in The World has a fucking prayer here?
Fair to good. Why do you ask, vagina lips?
Come on Mark, see @ 28. Is that news? Will Fox cover it? Will they explore how we got ourselves into this situation?
@12 Pay your fucking gambling debt, welsher! Until you’re PIF, this site is a pay-to-post site for you.
@26 Pay up! Now!
@34 Shut up until you pay up!
Don’t worry, the End of Oil doesn’t have to mean the end of civilization. I’m living proof that Chlorophyll Fuel Cells in a package only 22 inches high and weighing last than 30 lbs. actually work. Grass-powered cars are just around the technological corner!
less than
P.S., pay up welsher!!
I’d like to know if any of you did any of your goofy religious practices today. Let me know if you did any of the following:
1) Installed compact bulbs
2) Took a bus
3) Conducted a chi squared analysis
4) Bought carbon credits
5) Wondered about the sun
6) Watched algore’s hilarious movie
Speaking of being brainwashed by the librul media…
how many of you think that Kansas couldn’t get national guard help after the tornado because they’re all in iraq?
And do you believe there was no impact on response capabilities?
While we’re at it, governing is about making choices. Do you believe that the deployment of our troops and resources is the best choice? Has this choice been well implemented?
K – I’m askin the questions here. Just wondering how ill informed you are.
Answer the fucking question shitforbrains.
Answer the fucking question shitforbrains.
Questions from a fucking lunatic do not require nor deserve an answer.
What a maroooooooooooooooooon!
Hey Mark, eat shit and bark at the moon. Where do you get off believing you can direct me to answer your half witted questions? I answered your question about the NY Times providing news and you never responded. Till then, I’ll keep asking.
seattle jew….”The fodder for Bush’s war is a lot different then the fodder for Nixon’s war.”
nixon’s war????? just how stupid and ill read are you anyway?
try again….it was kennedy’s war toots…nixon just inherited it from that incredibly stupid and vulgar LBJ.
and the french, BTW.
and speaking of the french ,isn’t it interesting how the people there get “it” now……hmmmmm
2008 elections will be very very interesting.
not for you guys, but for those of us that think…….
hey mark….isn’t the governor of kansas a liberal? why couldn’t she just stop the storm before it began like they expected bush to stop the hurricanes???
gawd…could liberals be any dumber?
ghost- the Kansas Governor is a Democrat. You folks automatically assume that means liberal. THe citizens of her state elected. DO you have a problem with democracy?
And there is no doubt this is Bush’s war. I ask you the question Mark refuses to answer, how do you think he is doing?
Publicans define LIBERAL MEDIA as any media that would tell the truth about Publican traitors, crooks, criminals and con men which is in fact any media NOT owned by Rupert Murdock.
By the way, note how hard the righties on this board are working NOT to talk about the General’s statements about AWOL Bush’s war? Remember when they were praising this General and now they will no doubt try to swift boat him since he had the balls to tell the truth about the chickenshit Monkeyfaced Pretender and Thief.
None of them will answer my simple question, how is Bush doing? He has had an unfettered hand in planning and prosecution from September 11, 2001 until January 2007.
ChristmasGhost @51
I served under Mr. Nixon in the US navy after he got elected claiming to have a plan to end the war. Instead Nixo9n prolonged the war by several years at great cost to those of us who served.
The other similarity with Bush is that Nixon flagrantly violoated the US Constitution.
ChristmasGhost @51
As for the French, Sarkozy is FAR to the left of Bush et al. If you were not a simplistic Publican you would realize that no one other than your party supports this war, “privatized” medicine, redstribution of wealth to the wealthy, creationism, outlawing same sex unions, etc.
Obama, Hillary, etc are a lot more like Sarkozy than is Mr. Bush. They, like he, support a 40 hr week, shorter vacations, civil unions, Israel, evolution, etc. He does go farther to the left in supporting state run medicine, state run corporations, free university education, and other nut-liberal ideas.
Sarkozy is a lot like most of the Publican candidates in one way .. his sex life is complicated.
Try running on a Publican ticket in any place other than Alabama with a stand against abortion!
ChristmasGhost @51
As for the next election, it is beginning to look as if the Xtian poor care more about their jobs and childrens’ lives than they do the phony baloney support of the Publicans for prayer in the schools.
Who is a better Christian?
Obama or Romney?
Hillary or Guiliani?
Oh yeh, there is talk f a candidacy by another actor, you know the one with the 25 yo wife with great boobs!
This is one for the Dems to lose. If the Dems do a good job ( can you spell Emanuel?) the Publican party may be headed back to tis glory days post Hoover.
56 Agreed. Nixon may have inherited Vietnam from someone else, but he sure hugged it and kissed it and called it his own.
As to who was responsible for getting it started, it goes back before Kennedy. John Foster Dulles no doubt had his dirty mitts in that one. As my conservative Democrat, lifelong union member, World War II veteran father-in-law said, “Never again should we try to clean up after the Goddamned French”.
I don’t even want to think about Sarkozky’s sex life.
I do have a good friend who moved to France a month ago. I’ll keep y’all posted as to what she tells me about the real goings-on. Somehow, I’m inclined to expect that all we’re going to hear from the Moon/Murdoch/Disney/General Electric/Viacom owned-and-operated “liberal” (yeah, right!) American media is that the man single-handedly saved France from impending doom and that it’s all nothing but happiness and prosperity from here onward.
@44 No, but I converted grass into energy and poop.
@48 “Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says: I’m askin the questions here.”
You may be asking the questions, but I’m giving the orders:
P A Y ! ! !
@52 Hey flimsy bedsheet — it became Nixon’s war when he dragged it out for FOUR MORE YEARS. The majority of combat deaths in Nam occurred on Tricky Dick’s watch, dumbass.
And oh yeah — Tricky Dickie was a LIAR. He told voters that he had “a secret plan to end the war.” His secret plan turned out to be escalation — more war, and more casualties. He lost anyway. And your boy Bushie is going to lose, too. Because he’s a looooooooooser, like you.
@54 “DO you have a problem with democracy?”
Yeah, unfortunately they do. Wingnuts want a fascist dictatorship. They’ll get it over my dead body. And that may be a long time coming, because the king of the rabbits is immortal.
Last I knew, thou shall not commit adultry was not only considered immoral but one of the ten commandments. But I guess you can repent your sin if it is adultry and still be considered a good Christian. “Self righteous bastard that I am, I lie, cheat and steal” – Dick Cheney
Mark the Red Neck
Why not ell us more so we can figure out which epithet most applies to you?
seattlejew………where do i begin with you? if goldy wants to know what kind of potato-heads are running the FDA in the sciences department he should take a really good look at would fit right in. you are a non thinker….good lord…you are DOING RESEARCH and you can’t even spell. i mean…NOT AT ALL. here’s a classic example from your “blog”..
“IDEA: stp importing foods that do not meat US safety standards.”
i’ll give you the first as a typo [although we both know it isn’t] but meat? MEAT?
AND this is just the tip of the iceberg with you.even the top spiel on your blog is misspelled. okay…some of you might be saying “so what?”
here’s so what……i can tell you that this guy’s research would be as shoddy as his own blog.the devil is in the details ,especially when it comes to research.
you also can’t seem to hold a normal thought. i had a couple of OUR researchers check out your blog and they were appalled! until i told them where you worked and then it was “oh….of course” DUH!
they may be biased so i ran it past a couple of friends at the CDC…….and they were appalled also. i was not surprised in the least. less running of your mouth and more workie workie would be a really good thing for you. the best ,of course, would be for you to not be doing research.
you are an idiot. a complete idiot and anyone that would take your “research” at face value [or at all] is also an idiot. does your department head know what you are up to?
i don’t know which is a more frightening thought …you in the classroom ,or you in the lab.
either way…when it came time for us to decide which university[s] to donate equipment to… made it an easy decision. why put it somewhere that it wouldn’t be used for ANYTHING constructive?
as far as vietnam…oh get over it you fool. my husband was an officer in the navy…so what? where were you stationed anyway? i’m guessing by your complete idiocy that you didn’t [and don’t ] have security clearance, right?
i’ll bet you couldn’t get into Lawrence Livermore lab to save your life….some “researcher”….HAH!
so, goldy, if you want to know why the FDA doesn’t do it’s job it’s because it is clogged up with idiots like this one who spend time playing on the computer when THEY SHOULD BE WORKING…….
K…i’ll answer your question.
he’s doing quite well. were there mistakes made? yes…there were. have there been mistakes in every war? yup. war is messy… can’t have a plan that won’t have problems.
i find it very strange that people like you are so busy attacking their own country and president in a time of war that you actually forget what the war is never goes as “planned” [never has, never will….nature of the beast]and with you “instant gratification” liberals, even if it had been over and successful IN ONE FRIGGIN DAY it wouldn’t have been good enough, right? admit it.unless of course there was [as the sign says] a DEMOCRAT IN THE WHITE HOUSE. which makes me wonder…is it war you have a problem with? or just republicans?
do you remember what the war is about?
remember 9/11?
do you really?
now, try and be honest for a minute with yourself and imagine what it would have been like on that day with gore in charge.
how much ice cream would he have gone through before he could even make any decisions? he is a weak, foolish man.
is bush perfect? oh, hardly. but neither is anyone else either. i am glad that i voted for him [considering the choices] and i would do it again.
how’s that?
christmasghost – do us all a favor and make yourself invisible again.
“And there is no doubt this is Bush’s war”
The liberal montra……Bush’s war.
Let’s see now…… overwhelming congressional approval, United Nations resolutions, multi-national coalition forces……
Yeah. this is “Bush’s war”……
Our country is at war with radical Islam…
All Americans..
Roger Rabbit says: Looks like MWS aka pudwhacker aka 20 other screen names has a new screen name.
One again from the paws of PelletHead come lies.
You already know any other screen name I would use would cause me to be outed by Voice of Chalk Scratching.
And… while I sleuthed around figuring out yours and other doppelgangers he must have been pissed knowing you, his loyal friends, were too stuuuuuuuupid to figure it out.
He would never admit I was too smart not to write the same way!
SeattleJew says: @26 Mark Not at all. The NYT is consistently moderate. Calling it left is absurd.
With Frank Rich, Maureen Down, Robert Herbert, and the disgraced Paul Krugman leading the editorial pages with Jayson Blair fabricating stories yes! the Hew York TImes is so moderate.
K says: And do you believe there was no impact on response capabilities?
The spokesperson for the guvnur came out later and retracted what was said. Apparently you don’t read ooooooooooooooooor you have poor mental recollection. Covered this in the What’s the matter with Kansas’ governor? Not a damn thing! thread.
I suggest you travel back in time and read it.
as a person with a very close relative who is an editor at the NYT, i can assure you that even she says it’s left. she’s so left that we laugh about her walking in circles.
Please do not buy cat and dog foods that contain CANOLA OIL. It is a toxic poison and do not eat any processed foods that contain it, read your labels. It will destroy your health. Causes lung cancers, causes blindness, causes the myelin shealth in the brain to get dissolved and many other illnesses. It is toxic chemical not made for human or animal consumption, it is POISON and cheap OIL and industrial OIL. Read about the dangers of CANOLA OIL does not matter if organic, it is not for food consumption the FDA is corrupt to allow this in the foods for humans and animals.