I think this pretty much sums up where things are at Nationally. Of course, each race has it’s own dynamics. Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 28% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -15.
Republicans lead by nine on the Generic Congressional Ballot. It’s worth noting that despite all the talk of momentum and waves, this measure of Election 2010 has remained fairly steady all year. In fact, the first release of our Generic Ballot numbers in January showed a nine-point edge for the GOP which matches the current spread. The change took place in 2009, a year that began with Democrats enjoying a 7-point edge on inauguration day and ended up badly behind. As Scott Rasmussen has noted, “Voters are prepared to vote against the party in power for the third straight election. The only thing that has changed is the party in power.”
Still have liberal goons here and over at Slog who think they did us a favor by beating down DDT. Here’s extreme green National Geographic with the belated inconvenient truth:
Destroying fragile wetlands, in the world of malaria, is a noble act. Rachel Carson, the environmental icon, is a villain; her three-letter devil, DDT, is a savior. …
In 1962 Rachel Carson published Silent Spring … painting so damning a picture that [DDT … “nontoxic to humans”] was eventually outlawed by most of the world for agricultural use. Exceptions were made for malaria control, but DDT became nearly impossible to procure.
“The ban on DDT,” ways Gwadz of the National Institutes of Health, “may have killed 20 million chilren.”
[Malaria cases] rose in the mid-1980s when refugees arrived with the disease, then spiked in the late 1990s, especially after DDT use ended in 1996. Renewed DDT spraying in 2000 and new drugs helped turn the tide [in three provinces of South Africa.] …
In the face of the growing malaria toll, access to DDT is gradually becoming easier, and even the Sierra Club does not oppose limited spraying for malaria control.
Gee, thanks, Sierra Club. That’s almost as good as an apology for, um, about four decades of killing kids.
Sort of makes Goldy’s little snit about Rand Paul look pathetic, doesn’t it?
And is osrt of a reminder that the United States, thanks to DDT, got rid of its malaria problem about a decade before Rachel Killa Carson published Silent Spring. After Silent Spring there were about 2-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 homes over there that had silent springs and summers and winters because their DDT was gone and kids had died. Kids who weren’t pretty pasty white like Rachel Carson.
6 – Bzzzt.. Sorry Republicans controlled the Congress under Bush for 4 years before 2007 and all but in name the 2 before that.
If Republicans wanted to do something about Freddie/Fannie they could have.
They didn’t want to.
“let the market decide”…
HELLO, they tried to reign in Freddy/Fannie. Barney Fagg was one of the ones that prevented it!
How deliciously orwellian.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face, forever.
as someone that does not vote donkey or elephant i love how their followers seem to place blame on the other party without making the connection to the one true common denominator to it all…..Donkeys and Elephants.
the poster that rails against Freddie and Fannie fails to understand that both parties supported the removal of regulations on the banking industry that forced F&F to back the bad loans in the first place.
to blame Freddie and Fannie for doing the job they were created to do by an act of congress is a bit of a fallacy.
if only there were regulations in place to police these transactions to begin with eh??
The Banking Act of 1933 was a law that established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in the United States and introduced banking reforms, some of which were designed to control speculation.[1] It is most commonly known as the Glass–Steagall Act, after its legislative sponsors, Carter Glass and Henry B. Steagall.
Some provisions of the Act, such as Regulation Q, which allowed the Federal Reserve to regulate interest rates in savings accounts, were repealed by the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980. Provisions that prohibit a bank holding company from owning other financial companies were repealed on November 12, 1999, by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act. [2][3]
The repeal of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933 effectively removed the separation that previously existed between Wall Street investment banks and depository banks and has been blamed by some for exacerbating the damage caused by the collapse of the subprime mortgage market that led to the Financial crisis of 2007–2010.[4] The potential to make enormous profits trading mortgage-backed securities with artificially high ratings[5] encouraged banks to take on otherwise intolerable risk in the form of bad loans. The ease with which people were obtaining home loans contributed to an artificial housing boom and exacerbated the inevitable decline.[6]
11 – HELLO – Republicans CONTROLLED Congress 6 years BEFORE 2007.
Barney FRANK was not a factor you blockhead!
then the deregulation of Fannie by giving it to wall street…
The Federal National Mortgage Association, colloquially known as Fannie Mae, was established in 1938 after the Great Depression to create a liquid secondary mortgage market and thereby free the loan originators to originate more loans, primarily by buying Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insured mortgages.[5] In 1968 Fannie Mae was converted into a private shareholder-owned corporation in order to remove its activity from the annual balance sheet of the federal budget.[6] Fannie Mae was split into the current Fannie Mae and the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA), colloquially known as Ginnie Mae, to support the FHA-insured mortgages as well as Veterans Administration (VA) and Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) insured mortgages, with the full faith and credit of the United States government.[7] In 1970, the federal government authorized Fannie Mae to purchase private mortgages, i.e. those not insured by the FHA, VA, or FmHA, and created the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), colloquially known as Freddie Mac, to compete with Fannie Mae and thus facilitate a more robust and efficient secondary mortgage market. [7]
Waggle Dancing @ Puddy-Goldy Uspews:
The bees’ rules for decision-making — seek a diversity of options, encourage a free competition among ideas, and use an effective mechanism to narrow choices — so impressed Seeley that he now uses them at Cornell as chairman of his department.
– NG, July 2007
Me? Think I’ll go with Goldy’s endorsement and send my $$ to SarahPac, prominently featured at the top of Goldy’s homepage.
@7: Nice lie Klynical
Umm, you already posted this under your other alias – and it was thoroughly debunked then.
Just for your information – taking over the House and Senate does not guarantee that policies will be implented (do you even understand the constitution or our system of government? or are you just copying right wing know-nothing crap that makes no sense). In 2007, the dmeocrats did not have filibuster proof majority in the Senate and also BUSH was still President and could veto anything. Also, there were not enough votes to overide a veto in either house.
One other point – economic policies sometimes take a long time to have an effect. The policies that caused the banking cirsis and the housing/mortgage crisis had their genesis in the Phil Gramm bills for “deregulation and reform” of the banking industry. These allowed the banks to re-sell bundled bad moartgages and to agressively give out loans to people who previously would never have gotten them.
@7: hahaha Puddy – Is that the best you have?
Whining that we should use DDT to kill mosquitos?
Perhaps Puddy moron did not read this:
panel of scientists recommended today that the spraying of DDT in malaria-plagued Africa and Asia should be greatly reduced because people are exposed in their homes to high levels that may cause serious health effects.
The scientists from the United States and South Africa said the insecticide, banned decades ago in most of the world, should only be used as a last resort in combating malaria
so – health risks for Africans are OK – have you heard of mosquito netting and draining swamps?
wow- Puddy likes to defend racists and DDT. What is next Puddy, Tim McVeigh, and Terrorists?
@11 Chuck (Klynical) – Wow, you are dumb (and calling someone a fag also lets me know that you have a third grade level intelligence).
Do you have any evidence to back up what you said about Freddy and Fannie?
Of course, Freddie and Fannie May are not the real problem (althoug they had some lax oversight). They don’t MAKE any loans – they gurantee them. The banks made the bad loans and then hid them in bundles and then resold the loans. Fannie and Freddie got stuck with the aftermath – but there WAS lax oversight (see BUSH, republicans, regulations)
Yes, it was an unpleasant incident.
Here’s a brief video clip of the woman post-incident, on WaPo:
Looks like she clearly needed that trip to the hospital. I know I always go to the hospital when I bump my noggin.
Bottom line: Both Left and Right can point to isolated examples of ugliness. The Left will play this up for all it is worth. It is all they have left. So good luck with that.
Well, whaddya know. There were TWO incidents at the Paul/Conway debate. Guess the one that drew blood wasn’t worthy of mention to Goldy:
The second occurred after a Conway supporter stepped on the foot of a female Rand supporter, who recently had foot surgery, according to police.
The woman was wearing a surgical boot, but after the injury, her incision was cut open. Police say she refused medical treatment and also filed an assault report.
Maybe Rasmussen is sending out systematically skewed data.
Daddy Lovespews:
What’s the matter with those Randy Paul zombies, don’t they have any meat cleavers?
@22: Umm, no.
Did you actually read what he said and what the legislation was for?
He said the Federal governmment should not be on the hook for mismanagement by Fannie and Freddie. That was in 2003.
He was interested in keeping housing affordable – and not putting the Fed on the hook.
And the “reform” would have made things worse….so, maybe if you could actually read and understand what YOU posted as a link then you would be able tTHINK about waht happened and why.
Try reading an actual economists analysis of the housing mortgage crisis….
Three important catalysts of the subprime crisis were the influx of moneys from the private sector, the banks entering into the mortgage bond market and the predatory lending practices of the mortgage lenders, specifically the adjustable-rate mortgage, 2-28 loan, that mortgage lenders sold directly or indirectly via mortgage brokers.[1][37] On Wall Street and in the financial industry, moral hazard lay at the core of many of the causes.[38]
The Role of Credit Default Swaps
You might imagine that this irresponsible lending by US mortgage companies would mean they would go out of business – end of story. However, the problem of the US mortgage defaults was spread across the financial system.
•Mortgage companies in the US borrowed from other financial institutions to lend mortgages. They sold collateralised mortgage debt in the form of CDOs to other banks and financial institutions. This was a kind of insurance for the mortgage companies. It means that other banks shared the risk of these subprime mortgages.
•Because these subprime mortgage debts were bought by ‘responsible’ banks like Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers e.t.c. risk agencies gave these highly dubious and risky debt bundles triple A safety ratings. Thus banks either ignored or were unaware of how risky their financial position was.
•Therefore, when mortgage defaults in the US occured, many banks and financial institutions around the world had to write off bad assets. E.g. AIG had been insuring many of these mortgage debts so was faced with huge losses
•The extent of this bad debt is estimated by the IMF to be close to £1.3trillion.
Daddy Lovespews:
6 Chuck
Democrats gained a Congressional majority in January 2007. They passed a budget based on the Bush proposal that began in October 2007. The recession began in December 2007.
Please tell us specifically what actions by the Democratic majority caused the December 2007 recession, and show your work.
Otherwise you’re just another spewer.
Point is it was floundering back then.
“That is, in my view, the two government sponsored enterprises we are talking about here, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are not in a crisis. We have recently had an accounting problem with Freddie Mac that has led to people being dismissed, as appears to be appropriate. I do not think at this point there is a problem with a threat to the Treasury.”
Daddy Lovespews:
Randy Paul thugs should face hard time for assault.
Daddy Lovespews:
Here’s a hypothetical: if large, male union members had grabbed a young woman who worked with Tea Partiers, dragged her to the ground, and literally stepped on her head, would Randy Paul be on Fox News saying “it wasn’t something that I liked,” or might his response be a little stronger?
And would our trolls be changing the subject about Fannie and Freddy, or would they be staying on message and pounding the isssue of Democratic “thuggery?”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
ImamObaMao is using racially charged statements in a desperate attempt to survive.
he just said this–
We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”
What if an all-White Conservative had said this?
Perhaps this is ImamObaMao’s “typical white woman” granny, who saved his sorry ass when his daddy & mommy abandoned him, channelling thru ImamObaMao??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
18. correctnotright spews:
@7: Nice lie Klynical
Umm, you already posted this under your other alias – and it was thoroughly debunked then.
20. correctnotright spews:
@11 Chuck (Klynical) – Wow, you are dumb (and calling someone a fag also lets me know that you have a third grade level intelligence).
Not me in either case. You are really losing it pal. As Judgment Day approaches, you seem to see me everywhere!! Smokin’ BC Bud with your Prozac leads to advanced PARANOIA.
So cnr (aka YLB and Proud Leftist)…when are you going to seek counsel??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
What has happened to the Uber-Leftist Elite of Hollywood this election cycle?
They were soooooooo vocal 2 years ago.
Could it be because they represent arrogance and opulence & excessive wealth…at a time when jobs are the issue?
Are they angry with ImamObaMao because he isn’t ruining the Country fast enough for them?
Wow, I haven’t seen that canard for a while, thought we’d gotten rid of it. DDT is still used in Africa and South America for small scale pest control. DDT was banned for use in agriculture. Besides, DDT was one of the first pesticides ever made and we’ve come up with better stuff over the years.
Although DDT has never been banned for use in malaria control and there are several other insecticides suitable for IRS, some advocates have claimed that bans are responsible for tens of millions of deaths in tropical countries where DDT had once been effective in controlling malaria. Furthermore, most of the problems associated with DDT use stem specifically from its industrial-scale application in agriculture, rather than its use in public health.
20. correctnotright
Your meth pipe must have gotten in your way, I failed to comprehend what the point of this post was???
The rich folks increased earnings 500% in 2009 under ImamObaMao. You know why? They know tax increases are coming and want to recognize income now at a lower rate. Just like some are doing here in Washington State…and will do before year-end if the Gates Scam passes.
I told you KLOWNS before…rich folks are smart. They have options and good attorneys like old man Gates advising them on how to minimize their tax hit. The over $400K threshold will be lowered faster than bad pork running thru YLB’s colon!
Between recognizing income NOW and then borrowing against assets for a few years until R’s take control and lower the tax rates again, you cannot trap them. In fact, old man Gates left plenty of loopholes in his Initiative for his rich buddies.
Do you remember Brer Rabbit screaming “Don’t throw me in the briar patch” when that is precisely what he wanted?
Folks putting money into fighting old man Gates know that the State Income Tax is a barrier to folks who strive to be rich and create jobs. You KLOWNS only take joy in stealing from successful folks and pissing the money away sitting on your asses & not taking risks.
Grow up…and wise up foools.
Actually you can still buy DDT over the counter as well as Chlordane but ONLY for termite control. (wink wink)
These tea-hadists and hatriots despise anyone who doesn’t think like they do.
Cynical, Puddy, lostinhisownasshole, Mark1, troll, id and all the rest.
It’s a sickness really. Intolerance on the grandest of scale by sick, scared people.
Look in the mirror. This is who you are. No discouse…no compromise…you cross us and we’ll kill you, or beat you until you see things our way. This is what you’ve become. This is totalitarianism. This is fascism. You’re building a soviet style state. YOU are the stalinists…YOU are the oppressors.
42. Rujax!
I think you are talking about the wrong people when it comes to hate as well as stomping on peoples right to free speech. NPR recently pointed that out and they aren’t exactly tea party attendees.
This billboard was spotted in Colorado, on the I-70B between Grand Junction and Clifton. It features four caricatures of President Obama in poses popular amongst Tea Baggers: a Muslim terrorist with explosives strapped to his chest; a pimp/thug; a Mexican/illegal alien; and a gay man. So in one image the “artist” manages to reveal himself as a racist, a religious bigot, anti-Latino, and homophobic. The picture also displays the four Obamas “gambling” with America’s treasures and principles. And to top it off it refers to Democrats as “rats.”
This revolting display was put up by a cowardly sleazeball who wishes to remain anonymous. The person responsible is obviously ashamed of his viewpoint, and is afraid to embarrass himself by being associated with it. The same is true for the artist who, while identifying himself (Paul Snover), the sniveling jerkwad attempts to pass off any connection to the work as that of his anonymous patron:
October 15, 2010 07:00 AM
Patty Murray Supporters Threatened By Man Brandishing a Knife and Meat Cleaver
This is what a daily diet of toxic spew from the likes of Fox News, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Americans for Prosperity emails can do to a person. I’m on two tea party lists. They send out emails 3-4 times per day, all apocalyptic, all promising we live in a doomed country with a pretender in the White House.
Patty Murray voted for health care reform. You’d think she voted to let Jack the Ripper go free. I’m certain that in the days to come we’ll hear much more about Johnny J. Sieler and his viewing, listening and reading habits. I’m guessing the story will play much like this one.
Sadly, Sean Hannity will not recognize his part in it either. I remain convinced that if something doesn’t change, this will not end well at all.
No hate there either…no condemnation from the Rossi camp or the WSRP.
Sharron Angle Floated ‘2nd Amendment Remedies’ As ‘Cure’ For ‘The Harry Reid Problems’
Sharron Angle, the Tea Party candidate turned Republican primary winner in Nevada, has taken heat for a number of extreme affiliations and policy positions. One of the more outlandish was a statement she made during a radio interview last January in which she floated the idea that the public would bring down an out-of-control Congress with “Second Amendment remedies
Just WHAT THE FUCK is THIS suposed to mean…”Chuck”???
45. Rujax!
He is probably afraid some leftist hate group will burn his house down, or PETA will let his cattle “go free”.
GOP congressional candidate Stephen Broden says violent overthrow of government is ‘on the table’
WASHINGTON – Republican congressional candidate Stephen Broden stunned his party Thursday, saying he would not rule out violent overthrow of the government if elections did not produce a change in leadership.
You assholes have GOT to be really happy with THIS guy…LOUD and PROUD!!!
49. Rujax!
It means vote the bastards out…simple translation.
47. Rujax!
You bring up a single nutjob and call it the tea party? Come on you can do better than that. Charles Manson was a liberal if you want to take that route, Bundy was as well.
Don’t give me your fucking equivalence shit…there has NEVER been ANYTHING EVER from Democrats that compares with the hate and vitriol you vicious people spew daily.
You have no shame. No conscience. Not a scintilla of an idea of how you are destroying the fabric of freedom and democracy.
A pox on you and all your houses.
I tend to take the position that a little shoving and a little shouting are normal. As long as nothing gets bloodied, bruised or broken and the combat is fairly mutual it’s part of life. The young woman in the video deliberately put herself in a position to get shoved and yelled at, but it should ended there. She shouldn’t have been taken down and once she did hit the ground things should have been ended. She should have been helped up and sent on her way. There were all sorts of people there and it looked like only 3 people in on the assault, the crowd should have broken that thing up.
Ever watch Fox instead of poking fun at it? They invite ANY liberal to expose their views, even the nutjob from MSNBC’s Joe show
EX-cuse me asshole…that was FOUR examples…FIVE including the video at the top of this post…
…there’s more. Every day you demonstrate your utter disdain for the democratis process.
You’re fucking bullies and thugs.
What a legacy…you’re a sad sad chapter in the history of this Nation.
56. Chuck spews:
Ever watch Fox instead of poking fun at it? They invite ANY liberal to expose their views, even the nutjob from MSNBC’s Joe show
10/26/2010 at 10:16 am
That’s complete and utter bullshit and incontrovertible evidence of how fucking BRAINWASHED a fucking fuck you are.
Bill O’Reilly’s ambush tactics reached new lows when Jesse Watters, King of the Ambushing Producers, chased down blogger Amanda Terkel at Think Progress while she was on vacation. What makes these tactics even more despicable is the fact that Bill O’Reilly is sending his minions to his victims’ homes, vacation spots, parking lots — you name it — just to fulfill the odious mission of being smear mercenaries.
THIS is what happens to liberals on Fox.
58. Rujax! spews:
Exactly my point, you simply poke fun at it, seldom ever watch it! You see this is the difference, I WATCH MSNBC as well as CNN. I will admit that Oberman…sometimes makes a decent point, and Joe is a complete nut case, but I WATCH them.
O’Reilly Ambush Interviews Alan Grayson
37 sec – Oct 29, 2009
It was only a matter of time Amendment Popular Links About Contact RSS RDF Search: O’Reilly Ambush Interviews Alan Grayson …
thehopeforamerica.com – Related videos
Juan Williams shills for Bill O’Reilly over the murder of Dr. Tiller..
3 min – Jun 2, 2009
You can view this video right here by getting the latest version of Flash Player! clMediaLoader.loadEmbed(“853123500”,”video …
vodpod.com – Related videos
O’Reilly Factor’ Ambushes Al Gore, Gets Nothing …
Apr 13, 2010
“O’Reilly Factor” ambush expert Jesse Watters set his sights on Al Gore recently. “We’ve been trying to get Al Gore on the …
huffingtonpost.com – Related videos
Bill O Reilly Sends Ambush Team To National …
Oct 18, 2009
Bill O Reilly Sends Ambush Team To National Conference Upload, share, download and embed your videos. Watch premium and …
vidoemo.com – Related videos
Now that she’s not before a Latino audience, Angle unleashes another bigoted ad riddled with racial stereotypes
You know, one can only hope that this kind of ugliness works as well for Angle as that right-wing Latino-voter-suppression effort.
More teahadist LOOOOOVE for their fellow man.
59. Rujax!
This was something that was started years ago on the liberal 60 minutes, and Orielly always asks them on his show in defense of their actions which usually involves mishandling of tax dollars.
56. Chuck spews:
Ever watch Fox instead of poking fun at it? They invite ANY liberal to expose their views, even the nutjob from MSNBC’s Joe show
George Monbiot at The Guardian on the big money backstopping the Tea Party:
The Tea Party movement is remarkable in two respects. It is one of the biggest exercises in false consciousness the world has seen – and the biggest Astroturf operation in history. These accomplishments are closely related. …
The Kochs have lavished money on more than 30 other advocacy groups, including the Heritage Foundation, the Manhattan Institute, the George C Marshall Institute, the Reason Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. These bodies have been instrumental in turning politicians away from environmental laws, social spending, taxing the rich and distributing wealth. They have shaped the widespread demand for small government. The Kochs ensure that their money works for them. “If we’re going to give a lot of money,” David Koch explained to a libertarian journalist, “we’ll make darn sure they spend it in a way that goes along with our intent. And if they make a wrong turn and start doing things we don’t agree with, we withdraw funding.”
Gullible fools.
The LYING got to me.
I did not say that MSNBC and CNN does not lie I was referring to fair and balanced FOX.
…and you’re worried about SOROS????
He’s penny-ante compared to the Koch’s.
Get busy…your “Palin Porn” is calling.
Daddy Lovespews:
37. Mr. Cynical spews:
Dear Boneheads from the Left–
Did you read this article in the Times?
The rich folks increased earnings 500% in 2009 under ImamObaMao. You know why?
You had something there until you assumed that you could read the minds of the people whose income rose. You know somehting? You don’t know why.
Maybe it’s because Obama is making the country prosperous again. One might expect someone’s income to rise after the worst depression since 1929. The fact that it’s all skewed to the richest among us (the top 74 individuals making more than the bottom 19 million wage earners) I tend to chalk up to the playing field tilt that began under Reagan and Bush and that we have not yet been able to completely counter.
Allowing the Republican tax cuts to expire as they planned is a good first step.
Oh, and “Judgment Day?” Funny. In my humble, the GOP won’t even take the House.
A couple last thoughts.
Those folks wrestling with the young woman should get an award for worlds worst take-down.
The young woman did a really good job on her interview and considering what she’d just been though that’s quite a feat.
The reporters report doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, add and context to the story or create any sort of meaningful narrative. I thought that’s what reporters were supposed to do.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
69. Daddy Love spews:
37. Mr. Cynical spews:
Dear Boneheads from the Left–
Did you read this article in the Times?
The rich folks increased earnings 500% in 2009 under ImamObaMao. You know why?
You had something there until you assumed that you could read the minds of the people whose income rose. You know somehting? You don’t know why.
Daddy Love–
You are incredibly naive to not believe that the marginal tax rate has an impact on how much taxable income is declared.
The more it goes up…the less “rich folks” declare.
Really DL, don’t you get it??
Why in the world would a rich guy who can borrow on assets report a bunch of income at a high marginal tax rate if he believed in a couple years ImamObaMao would be voted OUT OF OFFICE??
Have you ever seen a tax planning specialist like Gates Sr. in action???
Naive nincompoop!
I’m just curious Cynical… just how much does Goldy pay you? Let me just tell you it’s not enough. Your performance as a sad, aging paranoid desperately cherry picking from articles and easily discredited polls is just brilliant. Your contribution to our cause is not appreciated enough.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Let’s discuss this on November 2nd, shall we?
And why would you think Goldy & I have some “conspiracy” going?
You Leftists get more & more paranoid as your doomsday approaches.
Doomsday for y’all isn’t 11/2/10–
If you think this is bad, you’ll really go nuts in November of 2012!
@28: They were not floundering back then – but you forgot to include the part about the government not being on the hook for the money.
Also, that legislation was particulary dumb and it would not have helped prevent the crisis – and I outlined the major reasons for the crisis in the other posts.
By the way, the TARP program (started and proposed by BUSH) may actually make us money in interest in the long run – so what exactly IS your point?
so – Frank oppposed useless legislation that would not have preventing the housing crisis – but who proposed and pushed through the legislation that led to the subprime crisis?
Phil Gramm and the free market republicans (and the banking industry lobbyists).
So – what is your point again?
Blue Johnspews:
The rand paul supporters are thugs and bullies, violently intimidating anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Is Rand Paul distancing himself from them?
Damn you are good. That display of righteous indignation while at the same time always sticking to the party line. Just perfect, a consummate performance. You are wasted here, man.
Idiot Klynical
Umm – Since Chuck can’t think and can’t spell and uses the same incorrect third grade level mispellings as Klynical – I am making the leap that you are a sock puppet.
However, I am clearly not YLB or proud leftist. I have been to DL and I have a very different job from either of them.
I don’t think I am one and the same with anyone on here.
Klynical – if you were truly a serious person you would actually argue your points – but you can’t. Instead, you copy stuff and write really dumb things that you can’t back up.
We have no respect for you because you are such easy pickin’s and can’t back up a damn thing you say.
Rujax! Exposing Right-Wing Lying Liars on HA Since 2004spews:
cnr…great points.
Blue Johnspews:
Ever watch Fox instead of poking fun at it?
About once a month and it gets worse each time. I’m floored at their choice of subversive and incendiary language. I’m amazed at the contempt they have for what I value, that I think makes America great, they denigrate and mock. Why would I watch a network that I find consistently wrong, it seems no different than Pravda or Al Jazera. (No clue on spelling those)
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Too Damn Funny–
CNR’s Socketpuppet Rujax compliments cnr!!!
I love it.
Here is how one of your “progressives” is doing– Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Republican challenger Ron Johnson receives over 50% support against incumbent Democrat Russ Feingold in the fourth consecutive survey of Wisconsin’s U.S. Senate race.
The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Johnson picking up 53% of the vote. Feingold, who has represented the state in the Senate since 1993, draws support from 46%.
@36 Chuck
You failed to comprehend? Is that suprising? Here, let me write it slowly for you:
Fannie mae and FReddi Mac did not write the bad loans…got that.
The real resaons for the mortgage subprime crisis – identified by real economists – were listed in the other posts. Cheif among them were predatory lending and the dredit-default swap.
Did you see Fanny Mae or Freddie mac in there?
No? that is becuase they were not the real reason for the problem.
And your argument is debunked.
And you still don’t even understand how foolish your statments are?
Try reading – it is a very useful tool to understand what is going on the world.
Man – I am having trouble typing fast! Look at all those mispellings!
Rujax! Exposing Right-Wing Lying Liars on HA Since 2004spews:
81. Mr. Cynical spews:
Too Damn Funny–
CNR’s Socketpuppet Rujax compliments cnr!!!
I love it.
You’re about as smart as a sock puppet, shithead.
(psst…you might want to find out what a word means BEFORE you use it)
Blue Johnspews:
Do we have historical parallels where during times of economic change, the culture turned conservative and violent?
Daddy Lovespews:
53. Chuck spews:
You bring up a single nutjob and call it the tea party?
“…it is your historical, constitutional and moral duty to participate in a citizen’s militia. And I’ll say this, shame on those who are either too busy or too scared or too apathetic to step up…The British aren’t coming. It is the Soviet socialists that have occupied our Capitol…Now some citizens are holding out hope that the upcoming elections will better things, and you know we’ll wait and see. Lots of us believe that maybe that’s not reliable, considering the fact that the progressive socialists have been chipping away at our foundations. Regardless, the founders made sure we had plan B (holds up his gun). You know what that is.…
[reference to “treasonous left wing socialist politicians and their lapdogs in the press”] If they read history, they should know and fear what came after those events over 200 years ago.…
After a long and costly civil war that is imminent, and sure to be forced upon us, we are taking note of those who are responsible for the treason, and they will be held accountable. I advise the press to start getting it right from this moment on, and stop aiding and abetting un-American activities. Like the Tories of old, the worst shall be hung, most will be exiled, and I’m a contractor so I have a little bit of tar and feathers for those who are only partially guilty.“
But it’s so UNFAIR to call ALL Randy Paul supporters violent just because a speaker advocating violence headlines their rally!
J. Boner (pronounced bayner)spews:
A Democrat from the DemocRAT party once stepped on my toe.
It’s the same thing.
Daddy Lovespews:
71 CYn
Only a Republican believes that cutting taxes raises revenue and raising taxes lowers revenue.
If we have illegal tax avoidance, we need to staff the IRS properly to minimize it by means of vigorous prosecution. If we have legal tax avoidance, we should either close their loopholes or who cares if they do what is legal?
IOW, your conclusion is baseless and you have put forward exactly ZERO compelling evidence to prove otherwise beyond your biased and ignorant surmise. There may be many reasons, and yours may not even be one of them. If you think it is, do your research and prove it. Otherwise we’re just listening to another serving of your ignorant opinion, and we’ve all had quite a bit of that.
Rujax! Exposing Right-Wing Lying Liars on HA Since 2004spews:
Nice catch DL.
Nope…no unhinged teahad hatriot calls to violence.
No way…not here…move along…nothin to see here…just move along…
Daddy Lovespews:
76 Blue John
Nope. Here’s what Randy Paul said, on Fox News, of course. He’d never go to an outlet that might actually question or challenge hiom.
“We want everybody to be civil; we want the campaign to be about issues. I will tell you that when we arrived, there was enormous passion on both sides and it really was something where you walked into a daze of lights flashing, people yelling and screaming, bumping up. There was a bit of a crowd control problem.
“I don’t want anybody, though, to be involved in things that aren’t civil. I think it should always be about the issues. It is an unusual situation to have so many people, so passionate on both sides, jockeying back and forth and it wasn’t something that I liked or anybody liked about that situation. So I hope in the future it’s going to be better.”
So it’s something that was happening “on both sides” and it wasn’t something he “liked.” Strong words, eh? He was really denouncing the HELL out of them. Not.
C’mon now, a defenseless woman was stomped on the head by Randy Paul supporters, and wound up in the hospital. You think he could use words like “condemn” and “denounce?” Or distance himself from the violence-advocating rable rousers in his supporters’ rally? OF COURSE NOT! It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.
Daddy Lovespews:
Lexington police are getting tips from all over the country identifying the assholes in the video. Good on ya all, people (Dem and GOP) who don’t support Randy Paul supporters’ thug tactics!
“I think we’re probably going to come up with something later today,” Roberts said, adding that tips have been coming in literally from around the country about who the suspects in the attack might be. “Because it was captured on video, we have a good idea what happened [and] at this point there doesn’t seem to be anything to justify how this incident unfolded.”
FYI, MoveOn’s political director Ilyse Hogue tells us that Valle suffered a concussion and sprains to her shoulder and arm as a result of the stomping.
J. Boner (pronounced bayner)spews:
re 91: One wonders where the chivalrous men of the right were while all this was happening.
J. Boner (pronounced bayner)spews:
This must be one of the reasons we should fear the right’s rage.
They’ll beat up some girls.
J. Boner (pronounced bayner)spews:
re 93: Now Cynical will chime in stating that I am predjudiced against women.
Blue Johnspews:
“We as a people are not judged by the way we treat the rich, famous and influential but by the way we treat the weak and the innocent.”
This must be one of the reasons we should fear the right’s rage.
Exactly, they would beat up on anyone weaker then them.
Because. They. Can.
Daddy Lovespews:
One guy (after being outed by a local KY blog, naturally; IOW, after he was already caught) hasd confessed to the Associated Press that he was the stomper.
Uh, he’d better have a good lawyer. It’s a felony.
Daddy Lovespews:
94-95 BJ and JB
You’re right. What they want is to bully us all into abandoning our own views and giving way to theirs.
Not. Gonna. Happen.
“we are taking note of those who are responsible for the treason, …, the worst shall be hung”
Lost’s wetdream, no doubt. The same for us as he wished for FDR.
“And I’ll say this, shame on those who are either too busy or too scared or too apathetic to step up…”
…or step on a woman’s head. Eh, whichever.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
88. Daddy Love spews:
71 CYn
Only a Republican believes that cutting taxes raises revenue and raising taxes lowers revenue.
You live in a dream world if you think rich folks report as much income with high marginal tax rates as they do with lower marginal tax rates. Plus, why should they invest? They look at Return on Investment AFTER TAXES.
Why is that so hard for you to understand.
did you go to Evergreen or some lib school where they don’t teach economics 101.
Plus you don’t create more jobs by penalizing the job creators!
Wise up and grow up.
You live in this little Utopian book world and fail to understand how Free Enterprise works.
Try it sometime…you’ll like it.
There is over $3 TRILLION on the sidelines not being invested by big, medium & small business.
Why is that Daddy Love?
Are you going to try and FORCE folks to invest in creating jobs next??
“Exactly, they would beat up on anyone weaker then them.”
Weaker? It would appear that for wingnut males this reduces them to beating up on women.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
This poll just released!
You KLOWNS are swimming upstream against a tidal wave. It’s fun to watch. Your jaws keep fwapping….futily.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
With midterm congressional elections just a week away, the number of voters who view Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Very Unfavorably have reached their highest levels yet.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 60% of Likely Voters have an unfavorable impression of Pelosi, including 52% who hold a Very Unfavorable opinion of her. That’s her highest Very Unfavorable rating since regular tracking began in early February 2009. Only 33% share a favorable impression of the California Democrat, including 16% who view her Very Favorably.
Fifty-four percent (54%) view Reid unfavorably, including 41% with a Very Unfavorable opinion, also the highest finding since February of last year. Twenty-nine percent (29%) hold a favorable view of Reid, who is struggling for reelection in Nevada. That includes just seven percent (7%) with a Very Favorable regard for him. Of course, Pelosi and Reid are the most visible congressional leaders at a time when opinions of Congress are so low that 62% of voters think it would be better for the country if most congressional incumbents are defeated this November.
Daddy Lovespews:
Randy Paul finally released a statement (they’re obviously under a LOT of pressure due to the video) of condemnation:
“The Paul for Senate campaign is extremely disappointed in, and condemns the actions of a supporter last night outside the KET debate,” the statement reads. “Whatever the perceived provocation, any level of aggression or violence is deplorable, and will not be tolerated by our campaign. The Paul campaign has disassociated itself from the volunteer who took part in this incident, and once again urges all activists — on both sides — to remember that their political passions should never manifest themselves in physical altercations of any kind.”
Sounds like they already knew who did it. But they weren’t the ones to turn him in.
99. Mr. Cynical spews:
88. Daddy Love spews:
71 CYn
Only a Republican believes that cutting taxes raises revenue and raising taxes lowers revenue.
You live in a dream world if you think rich folks report as much income with high marginal tax rates as they do with lower marginal tax rates.
So Cyn, you’re saying that with a higher marginal tax rate that the rich folks are going to lie about their taxes and commit felony tax evasion?
The Paul campaign has disassociated itself from the volunteer who took part in this incident,
Well that kicks it up a notch.
Daddy Lovespews:
99. Mr. Cynical spews:
You live in a dream world if you think rich folks report as much income with high marginal tax rates as they do with lower marginal tax rates.
Agaiun, not a shread of objective proof, just more or your already discredited surmise. WHy should I or anyone else care what youthink is comon sense. Prove it. But you can’t, can you?
There is over $3 TRILLION on the sidelines not being invested by big, medium & small business.
Why is that Daddy Love?
AGain, this is an assertion that is aching for a citation before it can be beleived. But I’ll tell you why: lack of demand. No one is going to hire and increase production of goods that no one is going to buy. COnsumers are deleveraging (that is, reducing their debt) after the debt-fueled spending of the last 20-30 years. I beleive that this phenomenon has been widely reported and contrary to your opins IS copmmon knowledge at thsi time. But if you need it, I can supply you with plenty of information on
– How dependent our economy is on US consumer spending (very)
– How much our last few decades has been running on debt-fueled US consumer spending (lots)
– How much LESS consumer spending there is right now in the depression (much)
– How many US consumers are deleveraging (lots)
Daddy Lovespews:
99 Cyn
You live in a dream world if you think rich folks report as much income with high marginal tax rates as they do with lower marginal tax rates.
Again, so what? If their non-reporting is illegal, then we need much more amd more efficient enforcement. If their non-reporting is legal, then who cares?
The fact remains that higher taxes generate more revenue, and lower taxes generate less. Period.
How about you, KLOWN? Are you ready to beat up on a woman?
Blue Johnspews:
What I miss is the American idea of shared sacrifice.
The poor have been hurt for a long time, the middle class are now hurting, the rich are getting richer. Where is the equality in that? Where is fairness?
America will never see times as good as they were for the Greatest Generation, in part, he wrote, because “the Greatest Generation’s leaders were never afraid to ask Americans to sacrifice . . . and that generation was ready to sacrifice, and pull together, for the good of the country” through the Great Depression and World War II.
Today, “Our leaders never dare utter the word ‘sacrifice.’ All solutions must be painless. Which drug would you like? A stimulus from the Democrats or a tax cut from the Republicans? ”
You live in a dream world if you think rich folks report as much income with high marginal tax rates as they do with lower marginal tax rates. Plus, why should they invest? They look at Return on Investment AFTER TAXES.
Why is that so hard for you to understand.
Maybe because it’s such a blatant lie.
I mean, you must be saying that nobody invested anything whatsoever during the Eisenhower Administration, when the highest marginal income tax rate was a mere 91.0%.
Daddy Lovespews:
112 NiS
To a wingnut, facts don’t matter, and ideology is never wrong.
Blue Johnspews:
Yeah, why did investors and earners do anything when they would have had their top earnings taxed at 91%?
I’d like the conservatives to explain that time?
J. Boner (pronounced bayner)spews:
re 99: Is that what they taught you in economics 101 — that rich people cheat on their taxes? That must be why you wasted your life chasing the almighty dollar.
Rujax! Exposing Right-Wing Lying Liars on HA Since 2004spews:
The court ordered the plaintiffs to pay all court fees of the defendants.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
103. RepubliCorp spews:
So Cyn, you’re saying that with a higher marginal tax rate that the rich folks are going to lie about their taxes and commit felony tax evasion?
You are yet another Leftist Idiot who knows nothing about tax planning. Ask Bill Gates Sr.
He made a fortune advising folks how to legally avoid taxes for decades!
With the use of bonuses and other perfectly LEGAL actions, taxable income can be moved between years.
Bill Gates Jr. only made $660,000 at Microsoft last year. But he could have easily made more with a simple vote of the Board.
you lefty’s are idiots.
you seem to think tax avoidance is illegal.
EVASION is….avoidance is something lefty’s readily practice.
Tell me you aren’t as stupid as you sound?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
N @ 112 spews
I mean, you must be saying that nobody invested anything whatsoever during the Eisenhower Administration, when the highest marginal income tax rate was a mere 91.0%.
I never said NOBODY invested.
Things are much more sophisticated now than then. Offshore and so many investment vehicles to shift income from year-to-year.
I’ll give you an example..
Group Universal Variable Life policies…
Money can be put in, income earned and only recognized after all the principal is taken out. There are 1000’s of perfectly LEGAL vehicles.
You KLOWNS confuse tax avoidance or tax deferral with tax EVASION….because you are KLOWNS and stupid about finance.
Daddy Lovespews:
So now the assclown who stomped that protestors head (according to AP) “criticized police for not stepping in and says other supporters warned authorities about the activist.”
You know, because the police didn’t “step in” and arrest a peaceful protestor these guys were FORCED to stomp her head. Or something like that. I hope he says that in court!
Daddy @ 119: According to the news story, the thug claims he pointed out the gal to the police, and told them “she was about to ‘do something'”. I guess he wanted to try to make it seem like she was a security threat, so they could take her away for questioning until after Paul had departed.
Apparantly this is an old tactic similar to that used during the Bush administration, when the Secret Service or local police would be called upon to remove people from open “town meetings” who gave any indication that they were other than enthusiastic supporters of the Bush administration.
But in this case, the police wisely refused to do his dirty work for him, saying “That’s not our job”.
So he took it upon himself to do what he thought the police should have done – beat up the demonstrator, before she had even started to demonstrate against Rand Paul.
Daddy Lovespews:
118. Mr. Cynical spews:
What’s your point? I really don’t think you have one. You WERE trying to say that the huge jump in the rich’s income is because they have changed their behavior due to their uncertainloy about not-yet-known changes that may or may not occur in national tax policy.
I have contended that you have shown us EXACTLY ZERO proof that this is in Reality World the true driver of this phenomenon. To my mind, it would require
A. Establishing by means of empirical data that a critical mass of rich people are actually motivated by this.
B. Establshing that their actions so motivated are what has driven this change in income.
Otherwise you’re just verbally masturbating again.
There are 1000’s of perfectly LEGAL vehicles.
Yes, they exist. But so what? Legal tax avoidance is, um, legal, but that’s a tautology. You have not yet established A and B above, so who the fuck cares if there are ways to avoid taxes?
You KLOWNS confuse tax avoidance or tax deferral with tax EVASION
Not me. I mentioned it in two posts here so far. You know, how illegal tax evasion needs to be prosecuted, and how legal tax avoidance should either be ignored or laws should be changed.
Please establish A and B above, and also: Instead of what you theorize without proof, why would the rich not avoid today’s taxes AND tomorrow’s taxes instead of paying today’s taxes now?
Okay, I actually heard this “joke” told among wingnuts this past weekend:
Question: What do you call an Obama supporter who keeps getting beat up by anti-Obama protestors?
Answer: A slow learner.
They thought it was hilarious. I’ll bet Cynical is chuckling right now, as well.
Daddy Lovespews:
120. rhp6033
According to the victim, the volunteers recognized her, tried to surround her with five men, at which point she ran around Randy Paul’s car to get away from them until they forced her to the ground right in front of the car and stomped her head.
As an attorney wrote to Talking Points Memo today, “No competent defense attorney wants to cross examine that video.”
The victim said:
“The Rand Paul campaign knows me and they have expressed their distaste for my work before,” Lauren Valle, 23, told TPM and two other reporters on a conference call this afternoon.
According to Valle, several men surrounded her before Paul arrived at the event in Lexington last night.
“They surrounded me,” she said. “There were about five of them, they started motioning to each other, and they got behind me.”
Valle says her partner, whom she identified as Alex, overheard the men threaten, “we’re here to do crowd control and we might have to take someone out.”
On the call, she provided certain details that were not caught on camera.
“Rand Paul’s car arrived, and as soon as it did, a couple of them stepped right in front of me and so I stepped off the curb to get around them, back out to the front, and at that point they started grabbing for me and I ran all the way around the car with them in pursuit, and the point at which they see the footage is after I’ve run all the way around the car and am in front of the car and that is when they take me down,” Valle said.
Yeah, good, but depressing, point.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Rand Calls Stomping ‘Crowd Control Problem’
“Kentucky Senate candidate Rand Paul said Tuesday the rough treatment meted out by one of his supporters to a woman outside of his debate with Democrat Jack Conway was a consequence of passionate feelings on both sides and a ‘crowd control problem.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No, you twit, it’s a criminal act by the individual who committed it. Stepping on someone’s head without their permission is what the legal system calls “assault and battery.” This is really simple. If you kick someone in the head, you go to jail. Rand Paul’s supporter is a criminal. Over and out.
@81 Klynical
Umm, you are a lying idiot. I have NO sockpuppets and never have – I dare you to show up at DL. I know you won’t….but I will.
Once again, the rightwingnut Klynical shows how shallow, vapid and just plain stoopid he/she is.
Really, if Klynical is at all representative of the lying, dumb republican rightwingnuts then we know why they can’t argue themselves out of a paper bag and only rely on repeating lies.
I have yet to see Klynical actually rationally defend a position without running away, changing the topic or repeating right wing memes and lies.
When a teabagger stomps on a woman’s head, he will expect an apology from the woman.
“I don’t think it’s that big of a deal,” Profitt said. “I would like for her to apologize to me to be honest with you.”
WTF is wrong with you people?
Has a single teabagging troll come here and denounced this act of violence? HELL NO!
@126 The KLOWN would bever face up to a man, CNR. But he’d no doubt beat a woman and then ask her to apologize for making him do it.
You teabaggers disgust me.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
126. correctnotright spews:
@81 Klynical
Umm, you are a lying idiot. I have NO sockpuppets and never have – I dare you to show up at DL. I know you won’t….but I will.
Cnr is a LIAR, LIAR Pants on Fire!!
CNR=Rujax and Ylb
You seem to be quite….unhinged cnr/Rujax/ylb.
It’s only politics.
Time to let your massive ego rest awhile and congratulate the Conservatives for a job well done. Besides, this election isn’t nearly as important as 2012. If things go according to plan, ObamaCare will be repealed in 2013 (January).
Rujax! Exposing Right-Wing Lying Liars on HA Since 2004spews:
You know what…”shit-for-brains”,
I only WISH I was as smart as cnr and YLB.
The better to pummel assclowns like you and puddy and lost and…fuck. Whatever, dude.
Go drink more vodka and cornhole your favaoite goat or beat your wife or whatever else it is sick fucks like you do to get their nut.
I think this pretty much sums up where things are at Nationally. Of course, each race has it’s own dynamics.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
SEIU beats down a black Tea Party activist.
Progressive union goons beat up and beat down a black conservative.
Still have liberal goons here and over at Slog who think they did us a favor by beating down DDT. Here’s extreme green National Geographic with the belated inconvenient truth:
– NG, Michael Finkel July 2007
Adkisson, the shooter targeting the Tides Foundation, the Holocaust Museum shooter, the mad pilot flying into the IRS building.
David Duke just crawled out from under a rock to address the Tea Party.
The right wing personifies paranoid madness and VIOLENCE!
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
chilren = children
Gee, thanks, Sierra Club. That’s almost as good as an apology for, um, about four decades of killing kids.
Sort of makes Goldy’s little snit about Rand Paul look pathetic, doesn’t it?
And is osrt of a reminder that the United States, thanks to DDT, got rid of its malaria problem about a decade before Rachel Killa Carson published Silent Spring. After Silent Spring there were about 2-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 homes over there that had silent springs and summers and winters because their DDT was gone and kids had died. Kids who weren’t pretty pasty white like Rachel Carson.
2,3 – LMAO!!! Here’s a better tape:
Where’s the foot on top of Kenny the flag hustler’s head?
He’s standing just fine after his “beatdown”..
The right wing LIES!
6 – What an intellectual giant you are.
Congress made him do it? Did Bush ever hear of the veto pen?
Obviously – he never bothered to use it until the Dems took over..
What was socialism for banks, i.e. TARP all about? Did he veto that?
6 – Bzzzt.. Sorry Republicans controlled the Congress under Bush for 4 years before 2007 and all but in name the 2 before that.
If Republicans wanted to do something about Freddie/Fannie they could have.
They didn’t want to.
“let the market decide”…
HELLO, they tried to reign in Freddy/Fannie. Barney Fagg was one of the ones that prevented it!
How deliciously orwellian.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face, forever.
as someone that does not vote donkey or elephant i love how their followers seem to place blame on the other party without making the connection to the one true common denominator to it all…..Donkeys and Elephants.
the poster that rails against Freddie and Fannie fails to understand that both parties supported the removal of regulations on the banking industry that forced F&F to back the bad loans in the first place.
to blame Freddie and Fannie for doing the job they were created to do by an act of congress is a bit of a fallacy.
if only there were regulations in place to police these transactions to begin with eh??
The Banking Act of 1933 was a law that established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in the United States and introduced banking reforms, some of which were designed to control speculation.[1] It is most commonly known as the Glass–Steagall Act, after its legislative sponsors, Carter Glass and Henry B. Steagall.
Some provisions of the Act, such as Regulation Q, which allowed the Federal Reserve to regulate interest rates in savings accounts, were repealed by the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980. Provisions that prohibit a bank holding company from owning other financial companies were repealed on November 12, 1999, by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act. [2][3]
The repeal of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933 effectively removed the separation that previously existed between Wall Street investment banks and depository banks and has been blamed by some for exacerbating the damage caused by the collapse of the subprime mortgage market that led to the Financial crisis of 2007–2010.[4] The potential to make enormous profits trading mortgage-backed securities with artificially high ratings[5] encouraged banks to take on otherwise intolerable risk in the form of bad loans. The ease with which people were obtaining home loans contributed to an artificial housing boom and exacerbated the inevitable decline.[6]
11 – HELLO – Republicans CONTROLLED Congress 6 years BEFORE 2007.
Barney FRANK was not a factor you blockhead!
11 – HELLO – Republicans CONTROLLED Congress 6 years BEFORE 2007.
Barney FRANK was not a factor you blockhead!
then the deregulation of Fannie by giving it to wall street…
The Federal National Mortgage Association, colloquially known as Fannie Mae, was established in 1938 after the Great Depression to create a liquid secondary mortgage market and thereby free the loan originators to originate more loans, primarily by buying Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insured mortgages.[5] In 1968 Fannie Mae was converted into a private shareholder-owned corporation in order to remove its activity from the annual balance sheet of the federal budget.[6] Fannie Mae was split into the current Fannie Mae and the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA), colloquially known as Ginnie Mae, to support the FHA-insured mortgages as well as Veterans Administration (VA) and Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) insured mortgages, with the full faith and credit of the United States government.[7] In 1970, the federal government authorized Fannie Mae to purchase private mortgages, i.e. those not insured by the FHA, VA, or FmHA, and created the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), colloquially known as Freddie Mac, to compete with Fannie Mae and thus facilitate a more robust and efficient secondary mortgage market. [7]
– NG, July 2007
Me? Think I’ll go with Goldy’s endorsement and send my $$ to SarahPac, prominently featured at the top of Goldy’s homepage.
@7: Nice lie Klynical
Umm, you already posted this under your other alias – and it was thoroughly debunked then.
Just for your information – taking over the House and Senate does not guarantee that policies will be implented (do you even understand the constitution or our system of government? or are you just copying right wing know-nothing crap that makes no sense). In 2007, the dmeocrats did not have filibuster proof majority in the Senate and also BUSH was still President and could veto anything. Also, there were not enough votes to overide a veto in either house.
One other point – economic policies sometimes take a long time to have an effect. The policies that caused the banking cirsis and the housing/mortgage crisis had their genesis in the Phil Gramm bills for “deregulation and reform” of the banking industry. These allowed the banks to re-sell bundled bad moartgages and to agressively give out loans to people who previously would never have gotten them.
@7: hahaha Puddy – Is that the best you have?
Whining that we should use DDT to kill mosquitos?
Perhaps Puddy moron did not read this:
so – health risks for Africans are OK – have you heard of mosquito netting and draining swamps?
wow- Puddy likes to defend racists and DDT. What is next Puddy, Tim McVeigh, and Terrorists?
@11 Chuck (Klynical) – Wow, you are dumb (and calling someone a fag also lets me know that you have a third grade level intelligence).
Do you have any evidence to back up what you said about Freddy and Fannie?
Of course, Freddie and Fannie May are not the real problem (althoug they had some lax oversight). They don’t MAKE any loans – they gurantee them. The banks made the bad loans and then hid them in bundles and then resold the loans. Fannie and Freddie got stuck with the aftermath – but there WAS lax oversight (see BUSH, republicans, regulations)
Yes, it was an unpleasant incident.
Here’s a brief video clip of the woman post-incident, on WaPo:
Looks like she clearly needed that trip to the hospital. I know I always go to the hospital when I bump my noggin.
Bottom line: Both Left and Right can point to isolated examples of ugliness. The Left will play this up for all it is worth. It is all they have left. So good luck with that.
Good enough?
Well, whaddya know. There were TWO incidents at the Paul/Conway debate. Guess the one that drew blood wasn’t worthy of mention to Goldy:
The second occurred after a Conway supporter stepped on the foot of a female Rand supporter, who recently had foot surgery, according to police.
The woman was wearing a surgical boot, but after the injury, her incision was cut open. Police say she refused medical treatment and also filed an assault report.
from the Kentucky Post. kypost.com.
1 Cyn
Funny, that’s not what Newsweek says.
Maybe Rasmussen is sending out systematically skewed data.
What’s the matter with those Randy Paul zombies, don’t they have any meat cleavers?
@22: Umm, no.
Did you actually read what he said and what the legislation was for?
He said the Federal governmment should not be on the hook for mismanagement by Fannie and Freddie. That was in 2003.
He was interested in keeping housing affordable – and not putting the Fed on the hook.
And the “reform” would have made things worse….so, maybe if you could actually read and understand what YOU posted as a link then you would be able tTHINK about waht happened and why.
Try reading an actual economists analysis of the housing mortgage crisis….
6 Chuck
Democrats gained a Congressional majority in January 2007. They passed a budget based on the Bush proposal that began in October 2007. The recession began in December 2007.
Please tell us specifically what actions by the Democratic majority caused the December 2007 recession, and show your work.
Otherwise you’re just another spewer.
Point is it was floundering back then.
“That is, in my view, the two government sponsored enterprises we are talking about here, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are not in a crisis. We have recently had an accounting problem with Freddie Mac that has led to people being dismissed, as appears to be appropriate. I do not think at this point there is a problem with a threat to the Treasury.”
Randy Paul thugs should face hard time for assault.
Here’s a hypothetical: if large, male union members had grabbed a young woman who worked with Tea Partiers, dragged her to the ground, and literally stepped on her head, would Randy Paul be on Fox News saying “it wasn’t something that I liked,” or might his response be a little stronger?
And would our trolls be changing the subject about Fannie and Freddy, or would they be staying on message and pounding the isssue of Democratic “thuggery?”
ImamObaMao is using racially charged statements in a desperate attempt to survive.
he just said this–
What if an all-White Conservative had said this?
Perhaps this is ImamObaMao’s “typical white woman” granny, who saved his sorry ass when his daddy & mommy abandoned him, channelling thru ImamObaMao??
18. correctnotright spews:
20. correctnotright spews:
Not me in either case. You are really losing it pal. As Judgment Day approaches, you seem to see me everywhere!! Smokin’ BC Bud with your Prozac leads to advanced PARANOIA.
So cnr (aka YLB and Proud Leftist)…when are you going to seek counsel??
What has happened to the Uber-Leftist Elite of Hollywood this election cycle?
They were soooooooo vocal 2 years ago.
Could it be because they represent arrogance and opulence & excessive wealth…at a time when jobs are the issue?
Are they angry with ImamObaMao because he isn’t ruining the Country fast enough for them?
They are mighty quiet.
Wow, I haven’t seen that canard for a while, thought we’d gotten rid of it. DDT is still used in Africa and South America for small scale pest control. DDT was banned for use in agriculture. Besides, DDT was one of the first pesticides ever made and we’ve come up with better stuff over the years.
20. correctnotright
Your meth pipe must have gotten in your way, I failed to comprehend what the point of this post was???
Dear Boneheads from the Left–
Did you read this article in the Times?
The rich folks increased earnings 500% in 2009 under ImamObaMao. You know why? They know tax increases are coming and want to recognize income now at a lower rate. Just like some are doing here in Washington State…and will do before year-end if the Gates Scam passes.
I told you KLOWNS before…rich folks are smart. They have options and good attorneys like old man Gates advising them on how to minimize their tax hit. The over $400K threshold will be lowered faster than bad pork running thru YLB’s colon!
Between recognizing income NOW and then borrowing against assets for a few years until R’s take control and lower the tax rates again, you cannot trap them. In fact, old man Gates left plenty of loopholes in his Initiative for his rich buddies.
Do you remember Brer Rabbit screaming “Don’t throw me in the briar patch” when that is precisely what he wanted?
Folks putting money into fighting old man Gates know that the State Income Tax is a barrier to folks who strive to be rich and create jobs. You KLOWNS only take joy in stealing from successful folks and pissing the money away sitting on your asses & not taking risks.
Grow up…and wise up foools.
Actually you can still buy DDT over the counter as well as Chlordane but ONLY for termite control. (wink wink)
This is funny:
Heh. Not me in either case. And most of us here know you’ve long since “lost it”.
To the level they were under Clinton. Nobody got rich then. Blah, blah…
rich folks are smart
Not if they’re right wing:
Just greedy.
It’s just all about the hate.
These tea-hadists and hatriots despise anyone who doesn’t think like they do.
Cynical, Puddy, lostinhisownasshole, Mark1, troll, id and all the rest.
It’s a sickness really. Intolerance on the grandest of scale by sick, scared people.
Look in the mirror. This is who you are. No discouse…no compromise…you cross us and we’ll kill you, or beat you until you see things our way. This is what you’ve become. This is totalitarianism. This is fascism. You’re building a soviet style state. YOU are the stalinists…YOU are the oppressors.
42. Rujax!
I think you are talking about the wrong people when it comes to hate as well as stomping on peoples right to free speech. NPR recently pointed that out and they aren’t exactly tea party attendees.
NPR didn’t say why they fired Williams AFAIK..
They just hinted at some “disturbing events”. Now who’s going to STFU now that that hint has been put out?
It seems it will be the latest 2 million dollar paycheck at Faux News to me.
OH! Sorry…no hatriots here…”Chuck”…
Raul Grijalva’s Office On Lockdown After Swastika-Covered Suspicious Package Arrives
OH! Sorry…no hatriots here either…”Chuck”…
No hate there either…no condemnation from the Rossi camp or the WSRP.
Just WHAT THE FUCK is THIS suposed to mean…”Chuck”???
45. Rujax!
He is probably afraid some leftist hate group will burn his house down, or PETA will let his cattle “go free”.
You assholes have GOT to be really happy with THIS guy…LOUD and PROUD!!!
49. Rujax!
It means vote the bastards out…simple translation.
47. Rujax!
You bring up a single nutjob and call it the tea party? Come on you can do better than that. Charles Manson was a liberal if you want to take that route, Bundy was as well.
Don’t give me your fucking equivalence shit…there has NEVER been ANYTHING EVER from Democrats that compares with the hate and vitriol you vicious people spew daily.
You have no shame. No conscience. Not a scintilla of an idea of how you are destroying the fabric of freedom and democracy.
A pox on you and all your houses.
I tend to take the position that a little shoving and a little shouting are normal. As long as nothing gets bloodied, bruised or broken and the combat is fairly mutual it’s part of life. The young woman in the video deliberately put herself in a position to get shoved and yelled at, but it should ended there. She shouldn’t have been taken down and once she did hit the ground things should have been ended. She should have been helped up and sent on her way. There were all sorts of people there and it looked like only 3 people in on the assault, the crowd should have broken that thing up.
Ever watch Fox instead of poking fun at it? They invite ANY liberal to expose their views, even the nutjob from MSNBC’s Joe show
EX-cuse me asshole…that was FOUR examples…FIVE including the video at the top of this post…
…there’s more. Every day you demonstrate your utter disdain for the democratis process.
You’re fucking bullies and thugs.
What a legacy…you’re a sad sad chapter in the history of this Nation.
That’s complete and utter bullshit and incontrovertible evidence of how fucking BRAINWASHED a fucking fuck you are.
THIS is what happens to liberals on Fox.
58. Rujax! spews:
Exactly my point, you simply poke fun at it, seldom ever watch it! You see this is the difference, I WATCH MSNBC as well as CNN. I will admit that Oberman…sometimes makes a decent point, and Joe is a complete nut case, but I WATCH them.
WOW…so fair…
More teahadist LOOOOOVE for their fellow man.
59. Rujax!
This was something that was started years ago on the liberal 60 minutes, and Orielly always asks them on his show in defense of their actions which usually involves mishandling of tax dollars.
The LYING got to me.
Gullible fools.
The LYING got to me.
I did not say that MSNBC and CNN does not lie I was referring to fair and balanced FOX.
…and you’re worried about SOROS????
He’s penny-ante compared to the Koch’s.
Get busy…your “Palin Porn” is calling.
37. Mr. Cynical spews:
Dear Boneheads from the Left–
Did you read this article in the Times?
The rich folks increased earnings 500% in 2009 under ImamObaMao. You know why?
You had something there until you assumed that you could read the minds of the people whose income rose. You know somehting? You don’t know why.
Maybe it’s because Obama is making the country prosperous again. One might expect someone’s income to rise after the worst depression since 1929. The fact that it’s all skewed to the richest among us (the top 74 individuals making more than the bottom 19 million wage earners) I tend to chalk up to the playing field tilt that began under Reagan and Bush and that we have not yet been able to completely counter.
Allowing the Republican tax cuts to expire as they planned is a good first step.
Oh, and “Judgment Day?” Funny. In my humble, the GOP won’t even take the House.
A couple last thoughts.
Those folks wrestling with the young woman should get an award for worlds worst take-down.
The young woman did a really good job on her interview and considering what she’d just been though that’s quite a feat.
The reporters report doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, add and context to the story or create any sort of meaningful narrative. I thought that’s what reporters were supposed to do.
69. Daddy Love spews:
Daddy Love–
You are incredibly naive to not believe that the marginal tax rate has an impact on how much taxable income is declared.
The more it goes up…the less “rich folks” declare.
Really DL, don’t you get it??
Why in the world would a rich guy who can borrow on assets report a bunch of income at a high marginal tax rate if he believed in a couple years ImamObaMao would be voted OUT OF OFFICE??
Have you ever seen a tax planning specialist like Gates Sr. in action???
Naive nincompoop!
Oops, that should read “add any” not “add and”
I’m just curious Cynical… just how much does Goldy pay you? Let me just tell you it’s not enough. Your performance as a sad, aging paranoid desperately cherry picking from articles and easily discredited polls is just brilliant. Your contribution to our cause is not appreciated enough.
Let’s discuss this on November 2nd, shall we?
And why would you think Goldy & I have some “conspiracy” going?
You Leftists get more & more paranoid as your doomsday approaches.
Doomsday for y’all isn’t 11/2/10–
If you think this is bad, you’ll really go nuts in November of 2012!
@28: They were not floundering back then – but you forgot to include the part about the government not being on the hook for the money.
Also, that legislation was particulary dumb and it would not have helped prevent the crisis – and I outlined the major reasons for the crisis in the other posts.
By the way, the TARP program (started and proposed by BUSH) may actually make us money in interest in the long run – so what exactly IS your point?
so – Frank oppposed useless legislation that would not have preventing the housing crisis – but who proposed and pushed through the legislation that led to the subprime crisis?
Phil Gramm and the free market republicans (and the banking industry lobbyists).
So – what is your point again?
The rand paul supporters are thugs and bullies, violently intimidating anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Is Rand Paul distancing himself from them?
Damn you are good. That display of righteous indignation while at the same time always sticking to the party line. Just perfect, a consummate performance. You are wasted here, man.
Idiot Klynical
Umm – Since Chuck can’t think and can’t spell and uses the same incorrect third grade level mispellings as Klynical – I am making the leap that you are a sock puppet.
However, I am clearly not YLB or proud leftist. I have been to DL and I have a very different job from either of them.
I don’t think I am one and the same with anyone on here.
Klynical – if you were truly a serious person you would actually argue your points – but you can’t. Instead, you copy stuff and write really dumb things that you can’t back up.
We have no respect for you because you are such easy pickin’s and can’t back up a damn thing you say.
cnr…great points.
Ever watch Fox instead of poking fun at it?
About once a month and it gets worse each time. I’m floored at their choice of subversive and incendiary language. I’m amazed at the contempt they have for what I value, that I think makes America great, they denigrate and mock. Why would I watch a network that I find consistently wrong, it seems no different than Pravda or Al Jazera. (No clue on spelling those)
Too Damn Funny–
CNR’s Socketpuppet Rujax compliments cnr!!!
I love it.
Here is how one of your “progressives” is doing–
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
@36 Chuck
You failed to comprehend? Is that suprising? Here, let me write it slowly for you:
Fannie mae and FReddi Mac did not write the bad loans…got that.
The real resaons for the mortgage subprime crisis – identified by real economists – were listed in the other posts. Cheif among them were predatory lending and the dredit-default swap.
Did you see Fanny Mae or Freddie mac in there?
No? that is becuase they were not the real reason for the problem.
And your argument is debunked.
And you still don’t even understand how foolish your statments are?
Try reading – it is a very useful tool to understand what is going on the world.
Man – I am having trouble typing fast! Look at all those mispellings!
You’re about as smart as a sock puppet, shithead.
(psst…you might want to find out what a word means BEFORE you use it)
Do we have historical parallels where during times of economic change, the culture turned conservative and violent?
Well, here’s a
speaker from that rally (video):
But it’s so UNFAIR to call ALL Randy Paul supporters violent just because a speaker advocating violence headlines their rally!
A Democrat from the DemocRAT party once stepped on my toe.
It’s the same thing.
71 CYn
Only a Republican believes that cutting taxes raises revenue and raising taxes lowers revenue.
If we have illegal tax avoidance, we need to staff the IRS properly to minimize it by means of vigorous prosecution. If we have legal tax avoidance, we should either close their loopholes or who cares if they do what is legal?
IOW, your conclusion is baseless and you have put forward exactly ZERO compelling evidence to prove otherwise beyond your biased and ignorant surmise. There may be many reasons, and yours may not even be one of them. If you think it is, do your research and prove it. Otherwise we’re just listening to another serving of your ignorant opinion, and we’ve all had quite a bit of that.
Nice catch DL.
Nope…no unhinged teahad hatriot calls to violence.
No way…not here…move along…nothin to see here…just move along…
76 Blue John
Nope. Here’s what Randy Paul said, on Fox News, of course. He’d never go to an outlet that might actually question or challenge hiom.
So it’s something that was happening “on both sides” and it wasn’t something he “liked.” Strong words, eh? He was really denouncing the HELL out of them. Not.
C’mon now, a defenseless woman was stomped on the head by Randy Paul supporters, and wound up in the hospital. You think he could use words like “condemn” and “denounce?” Or distance himself from the violence-advocating rable rousers in his supporters’ rally? OF COURSE NOT! It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.
Lexington police are getting tips from all over the country identifying the assholes in the video. Good on ya all, people (Dem and GOP) who don’t support Randy Paul supporters’ thug tactics!
FYI, MoveOn’s political director Ilyse Hogue tells us that Valle suffered a concussion and sprains to her shoulder and arm as a result of the stomping.
re 91: One wonders where the chivalrous men of the right were while all this was happening.
This must be one of the reasons we should fear the right’s rage.
They’ll beat up some girls.
re 93: Now Cynical will chime in stating that I am predjudiced against women.
“We as a people are not judged by the way we treat the rich, famous and influential but by the way we treat the weak and the innocent.”
This must be one of the reasons we should fear the right’s rage.
Exactly, they would beat up on anyone weaker then them.
Because. They. Can.
One guy (after being outed by a local KY blog, naturally; IOW, after he was already caught) hasd confessed to the Associated Press that he was the stomper.
Uh, he’d better have a good lawyer. It’s a felony.
94-95 BJ and JB
You’re right. What they want is to bully us all into abandoning our own views and giving way to theirs.
Not. Gonna. Happen.
“we are taking note of those who are responsible for the treason, …, the worst shall be hung”
Lost’s wetdream, no doubt. The same for us as he wished for FDR.
“And I’ll say this, shame on those who are either too busy or too scared or too apathetic to step up…”
…or step on a woman’s head. Eh, whichever.
88. Daddy Love spews:
You live in a dream world if you think rich folks report as much income with high marginal tax rates as they do with lower marginal tax rates. Plus, why should they invest? They look at Return on Investment AFTER TAXES.
Why is that so hard for you to understand.
did you go to Evergreen or some lib school where they don’t teach economics 101.
Plus you don’t create more jobs by penalizing the job creators!
Wise up and grow up.
You live in this little Utopian book world and fail to understand how Free Enterprise works.
Try it sometime…you’ll like it.
There is over $3 TRILLION on the sidelines not being invested by big, medium & small business.
Why is that Daddy Love?
Are you going to try and FORCE folks to invest in creating jobs next??
“Exactly, they would beat up on anyone weaker then them.”
Weaker? It would appear that for wingnut males this reduces them to beating up on women.
This poll just released!
You KLOWNS are swimming upstream against a tidal wave. It’s fun to watch. Your jaws keep fwapping….futily.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Randy Paul finally released a statement (they’re obviously under a LOT of pressure due to the video) of condemnation:
Sounds like they already knew who did it. But they weren’t the ones to turn him in.
So Cyn, you’re saying that with a higher marginal tax rate that the rich folks are going to lie about their taxes and commit felony tax evasion?
Well that kicks it up a notch.
Agaiun, not a shread of objective proof, just more or your already discredited surmise. WHy should I or anyone else care what youthink is comon sense. Prove it. But you can’t, can you?
AGain, this is an assertion that is aching for a citation before it can be beleived. But I’ll tell you why: lack of demand. No one is going to hire and increase production of goods that no one is going to buy. COnsumers are deleveraging (that is, reducing their debt) after the debt-fueled spending of the last 20-30 years. I beleive that this phenomenon has been widely reported and contrary to your opins IS copmmon knowledge at thsi time. But if you need it, I can supply you with plenty of information on
– How dependent our economy is on US consumer spending (very)
– How much our last few decades has been running on debt-fueled US consumer spending (lots)
– How much LESS consumer spending there is right now in the depression (much)
– How many US consumers are deleveraging (lots)
99 Cyn
Again, so what? If their non-reporting is illegal, then we need much more amd more efficient enforcement. If their non-reporting is legal, then who cares?
The fact remains that higher taxes generate more revenue, and lower taxes generate less. Period.
How about you, KLOWN? Are you ready to beat up on a woman?
What I miss is the American idea of shared sacrifice.
The poor have been hurt for a long time, the middle class are now hurting, the rich are getting richer. Where is the equality in that? Where is fairness?
They teach Econ at Evergreen, they just do it context and give the classes funky names.
Evergreen, actually, has a pretty good business program and most of its students are place bound locals. You’re about 15 years behind the times…
What’s going to happen when those guys mothers see that video? I almost feel sorry for them.
@110. Really? Their parents already failed to teach them to be civilized. Do you think those thugs care what their mothers think?
Maybe because it’s such a blatant lie.
I mean, you must be saying that nobody invested anything whatsoever during the Eisenhower Administration, when the highest marginal income tax rate was a mere 91.0%.
112 NiS
To a wingnut, facts don’t matter, and ideology is never wrong.
Yeah, why did investors and earners do anything when they would have had their top earnings taxed at 91%?
I’d like the conservatives to explain that time?
re 99: Is that what they taught you in economics 101 — that rich people cheat on their taxes? That must be why you wasted your life chasing the almighty dollar.
103. RepubliCorp spews:
You are yet another Leftist Idiot who knows nothing about tax planning. Ask Bill Gates Sr.
He made a fortune advising folks how to legally avoid taxes for decades!
With the use of bonuses and other perfectly LEGAL actions, taxable income can be moved between years.
Bill Gates Jr. only made $660,000 at Microsoft last year. But he could have easily made more with a simple vote of the Board.
you lefty’s are idiots.
you seem to think tax avoidance is illegal.
EVASION is….avoidance is something lefty’s readily practice.
Tell me you aren’t as stupid as you sound?
N @ 112 spews
I never said NOBODY invested.
Things are much more sophisticated now than then. Offshore and so many investment vehicles to shift income from year-to-year.
I’ll give you an example..
Group Universal Variable Life policies…
Money can be put in, income earned and only recognized after all the principal is taken out. There are 1000’s of perfectly LEGAL vehicles.
You KLOWNS confuse tax avoidance or tax deferral with tax EVASION….because you are KLOWNS and stupid about finance.
So now the assclown who stomped that protestors head (according to AP) “criticized police for not stepping in and says other supporters warned authorities about the activist.”
You know, because the police didn’t “step in” and arrest a peaceful protestor these guys were FORCED to stomp her head. Or something like that. I hope he says that in court!
Daddy @ 119: According to the news story, the thug claims he pointed out the gal to the police, and told them “she was about to ‘do something'”. I guess he wanted to try to make it seem like she was a security threat, so they could take her away for questioning until after Paul had departed.
Apparantly this is an old tactic similar to that used during the Bush administration, when the Secret Service or local police would be called upon to remove people from open “town meetings” who gave any indication that they were other than enthusiastic supporters of the Bush administration.
But in this case, the police wisely refused to do his dirty work for him, saying “That’s not our job”.
So he took it upon himself to do what he thought the police should have done – beat up the demonstrator, before she had even started to demonstrate against Rand Paul.
What’s your point? I really don’t think you have one. You WERE trying to say that the huge jump in the rich’s income is because they have changed their behavior due to their uncertainloy about not-yet-known changes that may or may not occur in national tax policy.
I have contended that you have shown us EXACTLY ZERO proof that this is in Reality World the true driver of this phenomenon. To my mind, it would require
A. Establishing by means of empirical data that a critical mass of rich people are actually motivated by this.
B. Establshing that their actions so motivated are what has driven this change in income.
Otherwise you’re just verbally masturbating again.
Yes, they exist. But so what? Legal tax avoidance is, um, legal, but that’s a tautology. You have not yet established A and B above, so who the fuck cares if there are ways to avoid taxes?
Not me. I mentioned it in two posts here so far. You know, how illegal tax evasion needs to be prosecuted, and how legal tax avoidance should either be ignored or laws should be changed.
Please establish A and B above, and also: Instead of what you theorize without proof, why would the rich not avoid today’s taxes AND tomorrow’s taxes instead of paying today’s taxes now?
Okay, I actually heard this “joke” told among wingnuts this past weekend:
Question: What do you call an Obama supporter who keeps getting beat up by anti-Obama protestors?
Answer: A slow learner.
They thought it was hilarious. I’ll bet Cynical is chuckling right now, as well.
120. rhp6033
According to the victim, the volunteers recognized her, tried to surround her with five men, at which point she ran around Randy Paul’s car to get away from them until they forced her to the ground right in front of the car and stomped her head.
As an attorney wrote to Talking Points Memo today, “No competent defense attorney wants to cross examine that video.”
The victim said:
Yeah, good, but depressing, point.
Rand Calls Stomping ‘Crowd Control Problem’
“Kentucky Senate candidate Rand Paul said Tuesday the rough treatment meted out by one of his supporters to a woman outside of his debate with Democrat Jack Conway was a consequence of passionate feelings on both sides and a ‘crowd control problem.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No, you twit, it’s a criminal act by the individual who committed it. Stepping on someone’s head without their permission is what the legal system calls “assault and battery.” This is really simple. If you kick someone in the head, you go to jail. Rand Paul’s supporter is a criminal. Over and out.
@81 Klynical
Umm, you are a lying idiot. I have NO sockpuppets and never have – I dare you to show up at DL. I know you won’t….but I will.
Once again, the rightwingnut Klynical shows how shallow, vapid and just plain stoopid he/she is.
Really, if Klynical is at all representative of the lying, dumb republican rightwingnuts then we know why they can’t argue themselves out of a paper bag and only rely on repeating lies.
I have yet to see Klynical actually rationally defend a position without running away, changing the topic or repeating right wing memes and lies.
When a teabagger stomps on a woman’s head, he will expect an apology from the woman.
“I don’t think it’s that big of a deal,” Profitt said. “I would like for her to apologize to me to be honest with you.”
WTF is wrong with you people?
Has a single teabagging troll come here and denounced this act of violence? HELL NO!
@126 The KLOWN would bever face up to a man, CNR. But he’d no doubt beat a woman and then ask her to apologize for making him do it.
You teabaggers disgust me.
126. correctnotright spews:
Cnr is a LIAR, LIAR Pants on Fire!!
CNR=Rujax and Ylb
You seem to be quite….unhinged cnr/Rujax/ylb.
It’s only politics.
Time to let your massive ego rest awhile and congratulate the Conservatives for a job well done. Besides, this election isn’t nearly as important as 2012. If things go according to plan, ObamaCare will be repealed in 2013 (January).
You know what…”shit-for-brains”,
I only WISH I was as smart as cnr and YLB.
The better to pummel assclowns like you and puddy and lost and…fuck. Whatever, dude.
Go drink more vodka and cornhole your favaoite goat or beat your wife or whatever else it is sick fucks like you do to get their nut.