Enuf. Enuph. I think it was Andy Jackson who said “It’s a damn poor mind that can’t think of at least two was to spell a word”.
Heterosexuality is a choice….Heterosexuals choose Heterosexuality like whether they want Lobster or Crab.
poor gman continues his confused and twisted path through life….
Blue Johnspews:
I’m listening to the debates. Lost IS Dino Rossi.
proud leftistspews:
Pretty funny, except that misinformation is the wingnut game. Remarkably, they don’t need to target children. Our trolls provide ample evidence of how even adults (I think they’re adults) are susceptible to the GOP lie machine. May God have mercy on our nation.
If you’ll permit me to plagiarize a comment from another blog because it made me giggle:
The only Gap is between The Quitter’s ears.
That from the same person who wrote the idea for a sign that I liked so much last week or so:
Thank you President Obama. Palin would have quit by now.
Far better humor than anything Jack Black could come up with.
The Seattle Times in their DelBene endorsement:
“DelBene…would have gone further to reform Wall Street, including reviving the Glass-Steagall Act the Depression-era legislation that once kept commercial lending separate from investment activities. DelBene seems to grasp the urgency to simplify and reinvigorate government oversight.”
Dave Reichert at the Newcastle Candidates forum:
Question from audience: “Should Glass-Steagall be reinstated?”
Reichert: “I’m not familiar with that bill.”
Yes, “unstudied” indeed. Would it kill us to elect the smart one for a change?
Zotz sez: GOTV!spews:
@4: Eerie resemblance, huh? Just a bunch of tired cliche talking points in lieu of anything like an argument.
I watched the debates.
Rossi did not address a single question asked! All attack lines, all the time, pretty much the whole debate except for thanking Patty and the moderators at the beginning and end.
I really wanted to smack his smarmy lyin’ face a couple times. I was impressed that Patty didn’t take the bait, cause the shit was gettin’ deep.
proud leftistspews:
Sarge @ 8
You must be making up that Q-&-A about Glass-Steagall, aren’t you? Reichert’s dumb, but he can’t be that dumb.
Once again another Republican cannot answer the question as to how the extending of the Bush tax cuts would be funded….even when directly asked twice.
@10: No kidding. I came home and immediately wrote a dKos post and fired off letters to the editors of the Times, PI, and Bellevue Reporter.
Here is the complete answer:
“I’m not familiar with Glass-Steagall. If you give me your contact information I’ll get back to you”.
DelBene’s campaign has it on tape. We are going to hear alot about this for the next couple of weeks.
Unfortunately, most voters don’t know what Glass-Steagall was all about either.
Yep, and most libtardos didn’t know Glass-Steagall either.
Damn hard typing on a foreign keyboard!
BTW Goldy, they aren’t too impressed with Odumba right now here where I’m at.
@3. Poor max, he hasn’t figured out whether he wants to kill, rape or murder today. Or maybe he wants to divulge in a little incest today with a family member.
Anyone care where Puddy is? No.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Tea Party Goons Assault & Handcuff News Reporter
Private security guards working for Alaska Senate hopeful Joe Miller (prefer Tea Party) slammed a news reporter against a wall and handcuffed him, news sources report.
A press flack for Miller said the reporter was “trespassing” at a “private” campaign event.
The event occurred at a public school and the general public was invited to attend. The reporter may have been targeted because he works for an online news organization thought by Miller’s campaign to be liberal-oriented.
Miller didn’t want to answer the reporter’s questions about Miller’s work as a government lawyer for an Alaskan borough, a public office.
Tides Foundation CEO Urges Advertisers to Boycott Fox News
In media news, the founder and CEO of the Tides Foundation has written to advertisers of Fox News asking them to remove all of their ads from the network or risk having blood on their hands. In July, a fan of Fox News broadcaster Glenn Beck was arrested for plotting to assassinate employees of the Tides Foundation and the ACLU. The gunman, Byron Williams, admitted Beck’s show inspired him to plot the attack. For months Beck has railed against the Tides Foundation, accusing the San Francisco-based non-profit of being part of a secret left-wing plot to take over the government. In his letter to advertisers on Fox News, Drummond Pike of the Tides Foundation wrote, “The next ‘assassin’ may succeed, and if so, there will be blood on many hands. The choice is yours. Please join my call to do the right thing in this regard and put Fox News at arm’s length from your company by halting your advertising with them.” Recipients of the letter included JPMorgan Chase, BP, GEICO, Chrysler and GlaxoSmithKline.
Do they also agree with you that Christians should be arrested for feeding poor people?
@16 Roger Rabbit on 10/18/2010 at 6:41 am,
No doubt real TEAbaggers will rise up and protest Alaskan senate candidate Miller’s unconstitutional use of force in the suppression for the first and fourth amendments.
Is anyone certain Miller is not a Muslim aiming at imposing Sharia law on the residents of Alaska?
In his 1988 book The Age of Heretics, author Art Kleiner maintained that the real reason why Chrysler refused to produce the car was because bankers had threatened to recall their loans, feeling that the car would destroy sales for vehicles already in the distribution channels and second-hand cars.
Frickin’ unions. Always thwarting the altruistic efforts of the captains of production and finance from making America energy independent.
“Yep, and most libtardos didn’t know Glass-Steagall either.”
Maybe, but then again most libtardos aren’t trying to join Congress. Notably, the one who IS does know what Glass-Steagall is … so what, exactly, is your point?
(Aside to politically incorrect: Frickin unions trying to keep American jobs in America.)
There’s lots of pressure to send software development overseas. I keep hearing about tax breaks. Learning about the perverse “free market” incentives for hollowing out America has been on my to do list.
Anyone know what, specifically, these tax breaks are? I barely even know enough to know how to ask.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
To all my friends who are RIGHT–
Do you remember this clip where Milton Friedman educated Phil Donahue?
The Democrats are still the Donahue’s and the Conservatives are like Friedman.
Watch this carefully—
It is so insightful and will make today’s Atheist Progressive’s head explode!
Your l’il troll is moving ahead. I think this is about right today.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Democratic incumbent Patty Murray is barely ahead of Republican challenger Dino Rossi now as the lead seesaws again in Washington’s neck-and-neck U.S. Senate race.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Washington shows Murray with 49% of the vote to Rossi’s 46%.
Rossi does not appear to have the charisma needed to overtake an entrenched incumbent..even though Murray has Zero Charisma herself. The commercials on both sides have been weak and silly.
I can see Murray winning by 3-4 points.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Apparently they have chosen to eliminate YLB, the killer goat!
By the way, there was an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal’s Saturday edition, asking psychologists why powerful and otherwise successful people (politicians, televangelists, captains of industry, etc.) would engage in risky behavior with little upside and a huge potential downside risk.
The article was focusing on conflicts of interest among Congress, their spouses, and aids, especially as it relates to what might have been called “insider trading” if they had worked for a company, rather than for Congress.
But it’s principles seem to apply to lots of other areas – financial, sexual, etc. Anything where, when we read the news, the first thing which comes to our mind is “what in the hell were they thinking????”
So here’s the money quote(s), from psychologists:
…Power makes people feel both psychologically invincible and psychologically invisible….
Being in a position of power also may people feel that they can do no wrong…. Acquiring power makes people more comfortable committing acts they might otherwise be reluctant to commit, like lying or chating. As people rise to a position of pwer… their bodies generate more testosterone, a hormone associated with agression and risk-taking, and less cortisol, a chemical that the body generates in response to stress.
Having power changes you phsyiologically, reducing your body’s internal feed back that tells you which actions are good or bad…. Power temporarily intoxicates you….
Naturally, the lessons oof how power alters behavior apply to us all. When your investments have been on a roll lately, that may fill you with a sense of your own power over the market, leading you to feel that all your ideas are brilliant and that any evidence to the contrary is unconvincing….”
Source: “What Conflict of Interest? How Power Blinds Us to our Flaws”, by Jason Zweig, The Wall Street Journal, October 16, 2010 Page B1.
And in the news, of course, is a lesson on how to MAKE SURE you get arrested:
“When deputies placed Hincapie under arrest, she allegedly said, “You are in trouble because I am a New Yorker and my brother is CSI” and “My dad paid cash for my Toyota Corolla and I am too rich to go to jail.”
Even as she was being taken to jail, deputies say she continued to tell the deputy he was going to be in serious trouble for arresting her.”
And two votes went out the door for Patty Murray as well.
Zotz sez: GOTV!spews:
@34: Don’t be too sure. While Stein is certainly a follower of Friedman, I think our current economic travails (and resultant looting and fascism) can best be understood as “disaster capitalism” — also a central Friedman tenet.
We had a judicial coup in 2000. The financial coup is in process.
Re 26
Maybe the poster is saying that demanding cognizance of something of which one is personally ignorant is a bit foolish. How can it be seen as important if the basics aren’t understood by the person thinking it important.
Oops. I forgot the progressive methodology.
Thinking for yourself, for the left, is forbidden. Whatever MSNBC or whatever replaced Air America says is Gods honest truth. These paid entertainers are vox populi, vox dei. They aren’t folks feigning outrage to boost ratings and advertisements at all! Now, this bit is important, aspiring progressives. You must simultaneously believe everything MSNBC says, while simultaneously castigating the right for believing everything Fox says. I know, this is difficult at first, but shut your mind down, use a lot of catch-phrases like wingnut and corporatists and banksters and you too can be a mindless progressive drone.
Now I’ve done my daily act of kindness and helped confused leftists with the cognitive dissonance so inevitable in their world view. I feel a better person for this bipartisan effort.
Maybe the poster is saying that demanding cognizance of something of which one is personally ignorant is a bit foolish.
I am personally ignorant of the pre-flight safety inspection for a Boeing 737. Is it a bit foolish of me to demand that the person who will perform the pre-flight inspection on my next flight is not?
“Is it ignorant of me to demand that the person who will perform the pre-flight inspection on my next flight is not?”
Maybe, maybe not. If I know the role of pre-flight safety inspections in the operation of the airline, no. If I don’t know why it’s being done, what’s being done or whether the person doing it is competent but insist on the ritual for rituals sake, yes.
In my opinion as a non-banker and non-legislator Glass-Steagal was a good idea. Re-instating the provisions of it would be a good thing, so far as I understand the broad principles (as opposed to the legislative fine print, which can negate those principles pretty easily.) The function of a bank as a repository for my cash and the function of investing for profit aren’t necessarily compatible. Frankly, I’m as appalled as the left that Reichert gave the answer he did.
How can it be seen as important if the basics aren’t understood by the person thinking it important.
Welcome back “lost”! We’ve missed your wit.
Please allow me to be the first to say: Ah, what the hell are you talking about?
Oh. Maybe this is the preamble to one of your famous mind reading stunts. Gah, sorry. Let’s me introduce you:
Stand aside!
Stand aside!
The Magnificent Lostido is here to impress us with his Amazing Mind Reading skills!
Ladies and Gentlemen, make room for the Stupendous Lostido!
Please, Lostido, tell us, now that you’ve plumbed the depths of the progressive psyche: Just how much do those dastardly liberals hate America?
Maybe, maybe not. If I know the role of pre-flight safety inspections in the operation of the airline, no. If I don’t know why it’s being done, what’s being done or whether the person doing it is competent but insist on the ritual for rituals sake, yes.
That was a rhetorical question, Lost. Of course I should expect a safety inspector to know their job even if I don’t understand everything about it. The fact that you answered it like this says a lot about you.
And finally, according to your own answer, you must know whether or not the person doing the inspection is competent before you can require that they are competent? What does that even mean? Do you personally interview the pilots before you take every flight before you have a reasonable expectation that they know their job?
And finally, yes, it is perfectly acceptable for any of Reichert’s constituents to expect that he is at least familiar with Glass-Steagall considering the recent fiasco in the banking industry.
“And finally, yes, it is perfectly acceptable for any of Reichert’s constituents to expect that he is at least familiar with Glass-Steagall considering the recent fiasco in the banking industry.”
If they aren’t familiar with it, how do they know if he is? Which was kind of my point.
Joe MIller certainly know how to get his freak on.
When you’re Lost, preflight inspection is some kind of Randian “ritual”.
heh- Lost has got to be Darryl’s sockpuppet. C’mon and cop to it, Darryl. You’ve been fucking with us, haven’t you?
RE 45
“We’ve missed your wit.”
Umm. I’ll bet. The weekend was spent in the woods trying to commit a racist hate crime against Bambis’ dad. I had stereotyped him as a lazy father with no moral strengths as exhibited by his many wives and offspring for which he had no means of support (except some twigs and grass and some bushes to sleep in.) Having confronted my personal demons over a whiskey and cigar at the campfire, I renounced my evil ways and allowed him to live in peace in the way he chose.
Or, more succinctly, I didn’t see hide nor hair of a buck all weekend.
If they aren’t familiar with it, how do they know if he is? Which was kind of my point.
Because he said that he is not familiar with it. If they really don’t know what it is (which is a big assumption for informed voters), then they can see that he didn’t know it, look it up, and say, ‘Oh man, he really should have known what that is.’
Re 48
For an engineer you’re singularly obtuse. Sorry, forgot, that’s sort of a job requirement for engineers.
Follow this like a laser beam, old pal. If I don’t know the role of pre-flight inspection in my flight but insist on it anyway, then yes it is a ritual without other meaning.
If I know that an airplane is a very complicated machine and an inspection of basic flight systems is to my advantage then it isn’t.
Is that clear enough, or do you need the third mono-syllabic version?
Okay. I get it. It’s monday. You’re still working off your weekend buzz.
Just let me know when you’re ready to get back to hating. No hurry.
Lost @ 50: Have you considered that perhaps the smell of cigar smoke might have had something to do with your inability to see a deer during hunting season?
I don’t hunt (I target shoot instead). But I’ve got some friends that hunt every season. They’ve been skunked for several years in a row now. They hear the deer moving at night, but at first light they’ve gone to ground – no movement at all. They’ve seen lots of them on pre-season scouting trips, but the minute hunting season opens they are nowhere to be found. Perhaps they are more intelligent than we generally give them credit.
“you’re singularly obtuse”
You project too much. It’s a Psych 101 thing, in case you didn’t know.
Unless you can point to another definition of the word, prefight inspections are what, a ceremony intended to relieve your anxiety?
Your NPD-fueled contempt for all things imaginable is growing tiresome.
“old pal”
I’m not your “old pal”, chum.
Re 56
People who are or may at some point become friends I call friends or just by name.
People with whom no friendly or even polite relationships are possible and for whom I feel at best a distant pity I call pal.
@57 Just be glad I give you attention, fucktwit. After all, it’s why you come here, isn’t it? I seriously doubt that anybody puts up with your NPD addledpated self in person. I know damn well I wouldn’t put up with you for one fucking minute. Eh, so you come here, where no one can shut you the fuck up. You can spew your dumbfuck thoughts all you want. You’re still unwanted, but at least you get the attention you don’t get elsewhere.
What a pathetic psycho-basketcase you must be, hanging out here where people far more intelligent than you could ever dream of being heap huge helpings of scorn on you and laugh at your dumbfuckedness.
Re 60
What was that about projection?
Actually I post here for 2 reasons. People like you who substitute abuse for thought amuse me. You are free entertainment.
And some of the others who are clearly intelligent puzzle me. I mean, why would an intelligent person vote Democrat? Why would they adhere to the obviously unrealistic notions of leftist thought? It’s interesting in a tragic kind of way.
@60 – Steve, why do you bother? A couple of days ago, some were asking him why he comes here and the question applies to all trolls – why do they do what they do? Can you imagine yourself going to Redstate day after day and doing the same thing? (hypothetical, because if you or I registered at Redstate, we’d be banned in under ten minutes) What compels the online Kulture Kampher to wage their petty little daily wortkrieg? What odd impulse forces them to wail ceaselessly into the digital ether? What is the pay off?
“What was that about projection?”
Can’t you fucking read? I said you project too much and that it’s a Psych 101 thing. I’d explain further but I have little patience for people like you who are just too damn stupid for words.
Re 63
Good Lord, you are dim.
That was irony, a different form of ‘physician, heal thyself.’
“What is the pay off?”
He obviously gets a need met. Not a real need, mind you, it’s more like it’s associated with that deep-seated NPD shit that he delivers here in spades. I’d guess that people in person can’t help but tell him to STFU and he has to, or face the consequences. He probably hears STFU from the wife, his kids, relatives, his so-called friends, his co-workers, and even strangers who’ve never even heard him speak. Here we tell him to STFU and he gets to witlessly prattle on and on with impunity.
“Good Lord, you are dim.”
You project too much, dimwit. Haven’t you heard? It’s a Psych 101 thing.
I wish Lost wasn’t so slow on the uptake as I really hate repeating myself.
Sorry. I missed my cue. I thought you were taking the day off.
And some of the others who are clearly intelligent puzzle me. I mean, why would an intelligent person vote Democrat?
Asked and answered.
Ask again. Maybe the answer will change more to your liking.
Now. Back to the hating.
Tell us Lostido the Magnificent, using your Awesome Abilities to Read Minds, just how much do Liberals Hate America, O Wise One?
@68 The other day Lost was sure taking his sweet time getting around to making his point that the corporatist-fascism of Nazi Germany was the ideal fucking political system because between 1932 and 1945 they had so many damned patents, putting the rest of the world to shame. Yup, one technological acheivement after another. Wasn’t that where he was headed, telling us that the system that produced the most patents was the best?
Re 69
Yep. You caught me. I’m a neo-nazi. Damn, how’d you know? I remember now. You’re the great psychiatrist or psychologist or whatever who knows all about others without even knowing them! (I hope for everyones’ sake that you’re not the kind that can prescribe medication. With your irresponsible approach to mental healh issues that could be a really bad thing.)
Steve, admit it, you were the inspiration for Superman, weren’t you? I know you’re my hero, and the thought that you don’t like me just makes me weep bitter tears into my pillow at night.
See, you are hilarious to me, old pal.
Sorry, for Steve to understand anything I fucking should have fucking used fucking as a fucking word fucking more. His limited English seems to require it.
“Yep. You caught me. I’m a neo-nazi.”
Like we didn’t already know that.
“the thought that you don’t like me just makes me weep bitter tears into my pillow at night”
Weep away, fucktwit.
You may not know why the fuck you’re here but I happen to know what the hell I’m doing here. I’m here to shove it up your fucking NPD ass. You’re here to fucking take it. You can learn to like it or you can damn well leave.
“I fucking should have fucking used fucking as a fucking word fucking more.”
You might want to go have your breakdown someplace where somebody actually gives a shit about you.
Seriously old pal, you are a constant source of amusement to me. Especially this bit- “I’m here to shove it up your fucking NPD ass.” I mean, the cheesy tough guy thing is hysterically funny.
Laughter is, they say, the best medicine, so you should talk to Obama about some kind of grant. Put your show on the road so all Americans can benefit from it, like a true patriot.
Thanks for the amusement, and have a pleasant evening.
Lost, you really have no business calling anyone dim. Your argument @40 starts with a non-sequitur and goes nowhere from there.
I mean, Steve does seem like a bit of an asshole, I will give you that. But it sounds like he has been reading your ignorant comments for a while, and I will admit, it would pain anyone to truly loves America to know that she has produced such idiocy.
I just feel sorry for lost. He/she is a person who thinks they are making a logical argument – but instead are just repeating slogans with no basis in fact. Lost is intellectually vacant and fails to understand when his/her arguments make no sense.
Tell us again Lost, how LESS regulation will solve the banking crisis, the mining disasters, the oil spills and the health care mess that private industry has gotten us into.
Oh, and remember that most of Europe is more socialist than us including the booming economy in Germany. They, and Canada and Australia and Brazil all have higher taxes, more regulation and public health care and their economies are outperforming ours. Of course, the best economy right now is in China – but I am not even going there.
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
speaking of regulation…
just for shits and giggles: The Canadian province of Alberta has unregulated energy…meaning that customers can pick and choose from various power providers with differing rate plans to meet the wide range of needs of customers…eh.
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
socialism is for pussies, by the way.
just sayin….
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
Sounds like there was more fun and games going on in Belltown this weekend….
I give an official golfclap to all the wannabe hipsters who moved into that shithole so they could pretend to be cool..HAHAHHAHHAHAAH
When they finally decide to grow up and be adults and raise children, they will end up moving to the burbs, just like Lee did.
@75 “I mean, Steve does seem like a bit of an asshole”
Yeah, I am. Towards wingnuts. Look, I was around when people like Lost were calling JFK a commie loving traitor decades ago. I saw them dance a jig when he was murdered. But back then these bastards were at least confined to the woodwork, to the backwaters of society where they belonged. Now they’ve come out of the woodwork, and they come out calling decent people like you, Masaba, or my friends proud leftist, Roger and Zotz, millions of you really, they now call you terrorist loving, commie-fascist traitors. Over the years nothing has changed except that now I won’t stand for it. They can call me anything they want, threaten to do anything they want, and I don’t care. I have no fear of them. I want them to bring it and so far I haven’t seen jack shit.
If anybody decent doesn’t like the way I deal with assholes like Lost, I’m sorry, but I suggest that you simply don’t read my posts.
@74 “I mean, the cheesy tough guy thing is hysterically funny.”
You’re not laughing. You’re pissed. If there’s one thing I know about you NPD types, it’s that your buttons are just too damn easy to push.
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
Steve isnt an asshole, he’s worse: an engineer!
@77 Eh, my county PUD is OK, as far as that goes, but I’d sure love to shitcan PSE from the planet. I’ll be glad to never build anything in their territory again. And don’t even get me started on Potelco. Aarrgh!!
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
hahahaha..but..those…PSE…rebates! high efficiency condensing boilers, VFD controlled pumps and fans, economizers….oh my!
daddy loves them PSE rebates…hahahah
@77 You ever see those pics of Seattle’s old overhead lines down by Pioneer Square? It looked like there were hundreds of lines strung on those poles. It looked like third-world ghetto power. Back then there were umpteen power providers all stringing their own lines and you could strike your own deal. On the back side of a few old buildings you can still see abandoned service masts galore as tenants back then would make deals with the utilities for power service to their space.
I don’t think PSE has anybody that can terminate cable anymore. Everything is done by Potelco. PSE has been reduced to being a bunch of paper pushers.
I hope you’re making money hand over fist on that energy stuff, Max. The last I saw of Mac-Miller they were over at the shipyards raking it in, changing out big motors and starters. But you guys always did make the big bucks, even the mechanical engineers. Mechanical engineering – shit, specify a zillion dollar boiler for an 8% fee and then light cigars with a $100 bills. In fact, now that I think of it, I hate those guys!
proud leftistspews:
Wow. I just read this thread, but must now go to bed. masaba, Steve is a most decent, thoughtful, kind of guy. He doesn’t do well, though, with nonsense; doesn’t do well with rightwing rot. With rot like lost. lost, though he tries to camouflage it every now and again, is a neanderthal of rightwing politics. So, Steve bashes him, and righteously so. lost’s worldview would lead to Armageddon within the decade. Maybe, though, that’s what he wants. Teabaggers seem to want that. ‘Night all. (Unlike lost, when I say I’m leaving, I am, indeed, leaving.)
@68 “Tell us Lostido the Magnificent, using your Awesome Abilities to Read Minds, just how much do Liberals Hate America, O Wise One?”
heh- For an encore, Lostido the Magnificent will channel the Founding Fathers.
Thank you very much for the kind words, proud leftist.
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
I wish I could say we were making money hand over fist, but nowadays its who can do the work for closest to cost. ugh.
and as a former Mac-Miller employee(back in the Encompass days), I am glad they are doing well in at least one market segment…:P
McKinstry was ahead of the curve on the energy stuff…but even they are having some rough times lately.
Hope is all going well on the structural side of the table…hard to put in a gold(make that diamond) plated HVAC system if the damn building falls down…
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
Im thinking the Canadians are smarter than that – using the same grid but with different providers….big govt people like Proud Communist would never go for such an idea…
piles 4 peanutspews:
I think it was Andy Jackson who said …
elevate them guns a little lower.
piles 4 peanutspews:
Hey, wanna see me pull Rabbit out of a hat? Check out Confounding Fathers in the New Yorker. Wilentz tries to show that Beck and the rest of the Mad Hatter Tea Party are jonesing on John Birch historiography from back in the day. When Beck takes a dump on Woodrow Wilson, after brushing aside pellets from Our Rabbit who also dumps on Wilson, Beck is stealing his stand-up from Mormon Klingon Skousen and Robert Welch, who called Eisenhower a commie.
Back in the day. That would be back in my day. We used to make fun of a moonbat Birch John neighbor who really didn’t like Ike and who wanted to impeach Earl Warren, VP Nixon, and John Foster Dulles, all conscious agents of the global Zionist communist conspiracy.
Wilentz preposterously implies that we birther baggers are just like our old Bircher neighbor. He also implies that right-wing William F. Buckley, compared to right-wing candyman Welch, was almost sane and almost reasonable and responsible.
Tell it to Buckley, if you can find him. When Buckley ran for NYC mayor (that’s when he said he’d demand a recount if he won) reasonable and responsible leftist loontards like Wilentz were calling him the Bircher candidate. That’s two years after Dan Schorr accused Senator Goldwater, Jewish Episcopalian, of palling around with the Waffen SS. That’s when the always tolerant and compassionate left was calling everyone to the right of John Lindsay a Nazi Bircher.
Sort of like Doonesbury showing Gingrich as a bomb thrower while the rest of the left yells that it’s racist and impermissible to talk about Obama palling around with a real bomb thrower, Bill Ayers.
As for Woodrow Wilson, just wait. There’s more.
Re 80
Poor Steve.
The angry drunk in the corner muttering obscenities with a tragic twist. He actually knows a bit better than to scapegoat others for his personal failings, but can’t help himself. Nor can he help the delusion that his drunken mutterings matter to the sane and rational people around him. Really, poor Steve is a sad case, a permanent 14 year surly adolescent yelling at others to disguise his own underlying lack of self esteem.
Yes, Steve, you are a clown to me. Too bad you’re an drunken angry one with nothing to say. Too bad that the humor I take from you is derived from your failed attempts at being insulting. Ah well. Maybe you’ll grow up someday.
“Steve is a most decent, thoughtful, kind of guy.”
Sorry Proud, not buying it. A person who is that hateful and substanceless is most decent, thoughtful etc just because you agree with him? That kind of bile isn’t spewed from a kind person, nor a thoughtful one. He may put on an act for his friends, but underneath he is as you see him here.
Steve is a sad and hurt little boy using grown up words to express his sadness and hurt. I can feel pity for this, but still come short of excusing the behavior, never mind praising it.
But then I’m a conservative, and intellectual honesty matters to me. Unlike, apparently, you.
Re 88
“For an encore, Lostido the Magnificent will channel the Founding Fathers.
Well, fortunately I don’t have to. They left behind a means of divining their intent. It spelled out what they wanted the government they were building to do item by item. Liberals hate this document and igore it as often as possible. It’s called the Constitution.
Sorry if I offended you. I meant more that I can see why Lost would call you an asshole. You and he seem to have a, well, let’s just say, antagonistic relationship. But for Lost to call anyone stupid or dim is just wrong considering the source.
‘Liberals hate this document and igore it as often as possible.’
8:41 in the morning and you are already reading minds, huh Lost?
I hate the Constitution so much that I raised my right hand and swore to defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic. So you better break out a new deck of tarot cards.
Unlike the twisted New Yorker, the straight National Review plays it straight with good stuff about bad Paul Krugman. Note how carefully NR gives Krug credit for getting a few things right. He correctly saw increasing disparities of wealth and income during the Clinton years. He correctly denounced GWB’s increasing deficits. And he seems to have seen the shimmer of the housing bubble.
As for twisted New Yorkers, that would be just about all of them. Including the ones from the swank, snob, trust-fund suburbs of Philadelphia.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Actually steve has told us many times he belongs to a Kountry Klub near Gig Harbor (Alderbrooke) and was also Kommodore of his Yacht Klub down there. He is clearly an angry drunk with no life shacked up with a gal for many years that he won’t man up and marry.
I have friends that belong to Alderbrooke BTW.
Steve occasionally tries to pander to Puddy because his other imaginary black friend sadly died. Oh, steve has called Puddy an Oreo and worse over & over again…but in steve’s alleged mind that’s ok because steve believes he is the reincarnation of Navin Johnson from Steve Martin’s Movie “The Jerk”.
Steve believes “It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child. I remember the days, sittin’ on the porch with my family, singin’ and dancin’ down in Mississippi… ”
Steve truly is THE JERK!
birth of a woodrow nationspews:
Re Wilson, the sick racist mean old man who was also a sick racist mean young man, there’s a pretty good book by a no-name writer whose name is David Pietrusza. It’s about 1920 when Wilson’s frump ruled the world.
Back in the day, before Schlesinger, Jr. and Laura Schlessinger, there was Arthur Schlesinger, Sr. He was a progressive and a historian. He colluded with other progressive historians to elevate progressive presidents to the pantheon where every one of them, from Jefferson-Jackson to HST, was conveniently called Great or Near Grrrrreat. Then Schlesinger put his presidents on a poster — great progressives at the top and Republican failures at the bottom with below-average Eisenhower — and sent ’em to grade schools where he sold his Democrats like sugar-bomb cereal.
Too bad Pietrusza wasn’t there to set old Arthur straight about Near-Great Progressive
Woodrow Wilson, who was a monster even before Glenn Beck made him one.
Pietrusza probably wouldn’t have made Schlesinger’s cut as an approved historiographer, but he tells a hell of a story. All of the delicious dish and dirt is here, or most of it: FDR’s Lucy — no, not Pudless Lucy; the other one. The one about whom Princess Alice said that Franklin deserved a break today and a playmate because he was married to the impossible Eleanor (who, by the way, is the lucky winner @53).
There’s FDR saying that he cut so many corners working for Wilson that he could have been put away for 999 years.
That he was waiting for the sailor of his dreams to come tap-dancing his way into his heart. Well, almost. What FDR did was try to cover up a buggery scandal at Portsmouth. Then he sent the “unlawful and unnatural” sailors back to their boats.
Then he looked the other way when his Navy’s Marines murdered and molested Haitians. Then he lied about writing Haiti’s constitution.
Then he lied about serving over there:
In his own mind, though, he served. … “I believe that my name should go in the first division of those who were ‘in the service,'” he responded, claiming that his sightseeing inspections of France somehow qulified him …
A legend in his own mind.
Then he picked up pieces of the leftist bomb thrower who tried to blow up Attorney General Palmer.
Those were the days, Pietrusza writes, when left-wing bombs were bursting in air from coast to coast. Blowing off the hands of a senator’s black maid. Going to Mr. Justice Holmes. Going to Seattle’s general-strike mayor Ole Hanson. Blowing up Wall Street … actually, about three dozen underpaid workers of the world on Wall Street.
But most of the bombs didn’t go. Most of them got stalled in the mail. Only the chronic incompetence of our Big Government Post Office kept things from getting really messy.
Good thing, because things were bad enough with all the “hysteria” and “paranoia” and “red scare” going around.
Bombs? How could we worry about anarcho-syndicalist leftist bombs when we had to worry about possible truncation of the civil liberties and human rights a just society must accord to mad Bolshi bombers? I mean, get real. Any corrupt society like ours that values security more than liberty deserves neither.
Re 98
“But for Lost to call anyone stupid or dim is just wrong considering the source.”
I gather by your writings you think yourself the smartest person around. Congratulations. If you want to question my intelligence, fine. It doesn’t change me, so play your silly childish name calling game if it makes you happy.
“I raised my right hand and swore to defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”
I assume you’re referring to serving in the armed forces. Thank you for your service, whatever your mistaken political or economic theories.
So you know, you’re guilty of the same intellectual dishonesty Proud is. Steve has never once engaged an argument on grounds of fact or principle. He has never brought anything to the table but vitriol and personal attack. You defend him, as Proud did, on the sole grounds that he agrees with your politics. Pretty reprehensible, really, but it’s your outlook.
“Sorry if I offended you.”
There was no offense taken, Masaba. I thought I’d just clarify for you what I do here and why.
“8:41 in the morning and you are already reading minds, huh Lost?”
heh- I see that you have Lost pegged. He can’t engage in reality-based debate with amybody here so he just makes stuff up.
Re 76
“Tell us again Lost, how LESS regulation will solve the banking crisis, the mining disasters, the oil spills..”
How about we try enforcing the regs on the books, then write new ones? And how about we wait for a report on first causes of the mine cave-in and BP disaster before assuming it was a regulatory failing? Or would that be too balanced for a liberal. I mean, the first instinct is to blame a corporation for everything from the sock missing in your laundry to CATASTROPHIC GLOBAL WARMING WHICH WILL PUT SEATTLE UNDERWATER BY CHRISTMAS!!!!
As for health care, the US has had a hybrid system of private and government care. Before blaming everything on the private side you might consider whether the public side has any blame as well.
Of course, the best economy right now is in China – but I am not even going there.”
Oh, please do. Please go there. I mean, clearly this is your utopian dream, so why stay in the disfunctional, horrible USA? (At least by your terms.) Your emigrating would mean one less person carping on and on about how terrible this country is.
“I gather by your writings you think yourself the smartest person around.”
Too much. Have I ever mentioned that you project too much? It’s a Psych 101 thing. You’re not alone though. Get a load of the drunken Psycho-KLOWN posting his clearly inebriated projections @100. By the way, did you know that it’s common knowledge that he fucks goats?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
lost @104–
Steve doesn’t deny postings that hit home…his only option is to screech “projection”. He also told us he took lots of Psych courses in addition to being a high-level engineer.
“Steve has never once engaged an argument on grounds of fact or principle. He has never brought anything to the table but vitriol and personal attack.”
Makining up more shit, huh, Lost? You haven’t posted a fact since you’ve been here. You do know, don’t you, that your opinion isn’t fact?
“I mean, the first instinct is to blame a corporation for everything from the sock missing in your laundry to CATASTROPHIC GLOBAL WARMING WHICH WILL PUT SEATTLE UNDERWATER BY CHRISTMAS!!!!”
heh- One of Lost’s “facts”.
You seem quite angry this morning, Lost. Is that a carryover from last night? Did somebody push your buttons?
“I mean, clearly this is your utopian dream, so why stay in the disfunctional, horrible USA? (At least by your terms.) Your emigrating would mean one less person carping on and on about how terrible this country is.”
This is from the only person here who keeps threatening to bail on this nation and to move to Italy because America has long been “ruined” by that “traitor”, FDR.
“Steve doesn’t deny postings that hit home…”
Hmm, more Psycho-KLOWN projection? You do realize, don’t you, that you’ve never denied fucking goats?
Ah Steve, the angry clown is back.
You do know this is what you are, right?
Really, to save you embarassment, you don’t anger me. If you ever had even a tenuous connection to the real world you might have some chance of striking home with one of your infantile insults. Alas for poor little Steve, you left reality behind a long long time ago.
Keep clowning, old pal. I can use always do with some impromptu humor.
For clarities sake, to help extricate you from your general state of confusion-
I have a house in Italy which I visit as often as I can. This doesn’t mean I plan to move there permanently any time soon. Should my country fall to the wasting disease of socialism irretrievably that may change. But I have faith in the native intelligence of my countrymen to reject such nonsense in time.
You really should see someone to renew that prescription old pal. Your connection to reality seems even more limited today than usually. I know, it slows you down, but the phsychosis is really much worse, even if it doesn’t feel that way.
re 105
Ah well, Steve and facts parted company before I was ever born.
My, but you’re angry, Lost. WTF is up with that? I bet somebody pushed your buttons. Maybe you should go back to telling us how the poor are lazy, the unemployed are shiftless, and other Lost “facts”. That seems to be your comfort zone – ragging on the disadvantaged and the poor so you can feel better about yourself.
Re 111
Clown, now you’re just repeating yourself. That’s not funny.
If you’re not even going to be a funny angry clown I’ve got work to do.
Have a pleasant day.
Um, it’s spelled “psychosis”. Are you getting so upset that you can’t hit the right keys, Lost? Hmm, that would make you very angry. Want to talk about it?
“That’s not funny.”
That’s very understandable, Lost. Very angry people like you often struggle with humor.
One reason you go down the road of unwarranted smugness, conceit and arrogance is that you use that to cover the mess of insecurities that lay underneath that shallow surface personality of yours. I see through it and that is no doubt very threatening to you. So of course you’re damned angry. It’s a very predictable response.
I gather by your writings you think yourself the smartest person around. Congratulations.
Your reasoning ability is failing you again, Lost. When I say that you are in idiot, it does not mean that I think I am the smartest person around. No, it in fact means that I think that you are not the smartest person around. This is actually pretty simple stuff, and I think that the fact that you don’t get it at least shows that I am right some of the time.
Blue Johnspews:
America’s Poor: Where Poverty Is Rising In America
Crippling poverty rates in many of America’s hardest-hit regions have been accompanied by several other disturbing trends for the middle class. Income inequality hit an all-time high before the recession, according University of California, Berkeley, economist Emmanuel Saez. States, faced with an estimated budget shortfall of $380 billion for 2011, have started to cut crucial services and have laid off thousands of workers.
Growing layoffs last year caused millions of Americans to lose employee-provided health insurance, leaving 16.7 percent of Americans with no health insurance, the highest level since the Census started collecting the data in 1987.
As income levels have been ravaged in areas particularly tied to the housing boom, some have speculated that industries like construction may never return to their pre-crisis levels.
WASHINGTON — The American suburb is no longer a refuge from poverty in cities.
A pair of analyses by the nonprofit Brookings Institution paints a bleak economic picture for the 100 largest metropolitan areas over the past decade and in coming years, and finds that suburbs now are home to one-third of the nation’s poor, and rising.
The study of census data finds that since 2000, the number of poor people in the suburbs jumped by 37.4 percent to 13.7 million. The growth rate of suburban poverty is more than double that of cities and higher than the national rate of 26.5 percent.
I’ve had time to walk the dogs, make my morning phone calls, plan the next couple days work and have a cup of coffee with my wife. And still Steve the wonder psychiatrist or psychologist or engineer or whatever he is, is giving us the dubious benefit of his psychotic mutterings.
What exactly are your employers paying you for? You seem to have plenty of time to type your disconnected ramblings into the computer.
According to Steve the highly skilled mental health professional/engineer I’m angry. Hmm.
Which of us seems the most angry, Stevie Boy? Which erupts with anger and hatred and obscenities at every post? Some vague recollection of getting the beam out of your own eye before removing the speck in anothers’ comes to mind…
Think about it while you’re getting your prescription refilled, if only for the sake of your long-suffering co-workers and friends.
Re 116
Sorry, not really interested in playing the internet version of ‘I know you are, but what am I’ with you.
I get that you think me stupid. Fair enough. I just don’t know why I’m supposed to care about your opinion.
You do realize you don’t know me, or I you. And that rational people don’t spend a lot of emotional energy worrying about what strangers think of them? Don’t you?
Re 116
And speaking of reasoning abilities failing one…
The logical construct would go something like this. Masabas writings reflect an underlying assumption of personal intelligence higher than those around him/her. What a person writes may reflect what that person thinks or feels. Therefore if Masaba writes as though he or she believes themself to be the smartest person around, he or she may well believe this of themself.
Try reading a basic text on logic. I’m sure you’ll get it eventually.
Blue Johnspews:
Why is (in general) the states that hate the government the most, have the most poverty?
It seems to go against the conservative mantra that government is the problem.
I’m just going to drop this. It really is beyond ridiculous at this point.
“What exactly are your employers paying you for?”
Since you ask, I provide electrical engineering services for building construction. I specialize in healthcare, such as new hospitals for Stanford University, projects at all the major local hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, clinics and long term care facilities, but have also done projects like the Washington State Convention Center Expansion project, some 50 or so buildings for Microsoft, other techy buildings, biotech labs, and fire service projects. Because I get along so well with contractors and AHJ’s, I’m often asked to administer other engineer’s designs through construction. As I’m a nationally recognized code authority, especially where it comes to building life safety systems, I’m occasionally asked to mediate disputes between design and construction teams and city and state agencies. Bellevue’s very troubled Lincoln Square comes to mind. Yesterday and this morning I was wrapping up the design of two fire service projects and a surgery center, even while diagnosing what ails you. Hmm, evidently, I multi-task better than you. No surprise there, though, seeing as how you’re burdened with both stupidity and deep-seated psychological issues.
Anybody who knows me knows that I’m decidedly uninterested in discussing my work, although I will talk about the people I’ve been honored to know. It’s just work to me. I have no cause to brag about anything. I could have accomplished far more in this life and have thus far failed to do so. Many people on this forum have accomplished far more than I could ever dream of doing and they’re far more educated than myself. I’ve only disclosed what I do here within the context of dumbfucks like you ragging on the poor as being lazy and shiftless, as well your attacks on the social safety nets that made my life possible. As I was once quite literally the poorest kid in Seattle, as well as someone who owes anything I might have accomplished to those social safety nets being there for me, I take offense to the insensitive and mindless drivel you spew here.
Now can we finally get back to discussing your psychological problems? That’s a far more interesting subject for me to discuss than my career in engineering.
I am proud of one thing, though. When I first showed up at Travis AFB for the start of their new hospital, the Major in charge calls me into his office. He’s looking me up and down and then he says to me, “You don’t look so tough!” I’m like, “Huh?” Then he says, “I told so and so (at the time the largest contractor in the country) that you were assigned to the project and he dropped his jaw.” So he asks the contractor, “What’s your fucking problem?” The guy replies, “He’s the toughest engineer in the whole country!” heh- I later saw fit to steer them into Chapter 11. I had a saying after that. “Bonding companies don’t file claims.”
That was so long ago. I’m actually a much nicer guy now.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Just because steve has a Red Rubber Nose, Yellow Yarn Hair, Shoes 20 sizes to big, white pancake makes with 3″ wide red lipstick and rides around on a trike with a big squeeze horn does not make steve a Klown.
Steve’s mouth makes him a Klown!!
I’ve noticed that our Psycho-KLOWN simply can’t help but repeatedly demonstrate just how dumbed down he’s become after all those countless hours of decadence spent in the barn.
Really, proud leftist, it’s well past time that we freed that poor, hapless goat.
Facts fly from my fingers. Mt being calls them into being. I don’t need no stinkin’ corroboration. You people are soooooooooo stupid.
It’s a fact, ’cause I said so.
I know you don’t get it, Lost, but when you talk about the Constitution we laugh at you pretty much in the same spirit as those law school students who were laughing at your teabagger candidate.
I wrote the Constitution. That’s how I know exactly what it means.
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
We all know Max is the smartest person around.
it also helps that he has a 10″ personality, but thats another story for the ladies…
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
Steve-o….I thought you were structural…for gods sake tell me you arent a Div 16(or whatever the new number is) whore.
fuck, you would only be 1 step from being a lowly controls contractor/designer….eeewwwwwwww
“When you talk about the Constitution we laugh at you..”
‘We?’ Is that the royal we, are are you hearing voices again?
I keep telling you, the meds do help, even if they slow you down and make your mojo a bit scarce. Really, re-fill that prescription, old pal.
@134 Of course I’m a Div 16, 26, 27 and 28 whore. Damn, Max, I thought you knew. Can you ever forgive me?
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
you guys really need to stop. I mean lets be serious, neither party gives a damn about the constitution. They see it as a hindrance rather than the sacred paper that it is….and the far left socialists and far right both are eager to tear it to shreds.
“Really, re-fill that prescription”
Quit stealing my lines, you unhumorous piece of shit. And good fucking grief! Do you really think I’m the only person here who laughs at you? You’re must dumber than I thought, and I already thought you were the dumbest fucktwit on the entire planet.
Re 131
Wow. On top of being a world quality engineer and the modern version of Sigmund Freud, you’re also well versed in Constitutional law? Steve, I wish I could be the erudite superman you are. Alas, I can only dream of being the superlative being you are.
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
silly me this whole time I thought you were structural….and no, I cant…lol
“and the far left socialists and far right both are eager to tear it to shreds”
That’s why I like you, Max.
Or as I put it, commies to my left, fascists to my right, and I don’t cotton to either of them.
Re 138
“You’re must dumber than I thought…”
Huh? Guess I’m too dumb to get that one.
“you’re also well versed in Constitutional law”
Fucking idiot. Did I ever say that? No. But I can say that I know that you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about because you’re the dumbest fucktard on the entire planet.
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
fuckin-a brotha
“You’re must be dumber than I thought…”
Get it yet?
Re 137
The fact that Steve agrees with you gives me pause in saying that I do as well. But I do. Privacy rights under Bush took a beating, as did rights of free expression.
Oh well, even Steve can be right on the rare occasion.
Well, enough comic relief from Steve for one night.
Have a pleasant evening.
@145 I picked up on where you’re coming from long ago and we agree in so many ways. But don’t tell the Libs or they’ll take my commie card away from me.
“Oh well, even Steve can be right on the rare occasion.”
You’re so fucking stupid, you’re not even right when you agree with me.
Personally, Steve, I never laugh at lost. I find it difficult to laugh at racists. Pud is a barrel of laughs, though.
Nah… Just kiddin’. I laugh at the racist asshole all the time.
@151 Lost’s attempts at humor and wit are so pathetic – I really do think that’s when I laugh the hardest at him.
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
I laugh at everyone here…
..just sayin….
Only two things make me cry, Max – Democrats and you when you laugh at me. So if you would just stop, I’d be crying half as much as I do now.
And what a standout in the role model department you are!
Hey Maxey…stopped beating your wife yet? She outta the hospital soon?
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
you obviously dont know what a bad ass my wife is.
if there are going to be any beatings, its probably gonna be her beating the fuck out of you.
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
yes YLBasement….I am such a poor, gainfully employed, time spending with the kids, loving on the wife type of roll model. Hell, Im the coolest cat I know…
you on the other hand…..eh….shit, you wont even go look for a job or hang with your kids…
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
in due time my ass YLBasement.
I bet your gonna spend hours and hours just looking through posts trying to pick me out.
Fuck, I love it! goading you into more stupid shit because you really are that much of a fuckwad and drone.
You know your a limp wristed girly-man metrosexual when....spews:
Enuf. Enuph. I think it was Andy Jackson who said “It’s a damn poor mind that can’t think of at least two was to spell a word”.
Heterosexuality is a choice….Heterosexuals choose Heterosexuality like whether they want Lobster or Crab.
poor gman continues his confused and twisted path through life….
I’m listening to the debates. Lost IS Dino Rossi.
Pretty funny, except that misinformation is the wingnut game. Remarkably, they don’t need to target children. Our trolls provide ample evidence of how even adults (I think they’re adults) are susceptible to the GOP lie machine. May God have mercy on our nation.
If you’ll permit me to plagiarize a comment from another blog because it made me giggle:
That from the same person who wrote the idea for a sign that I liked so much last week or so:
Far better humor than anything Jack Black could come up with.
The Seattle Times in their DelBene endorsement:
Dave Reichert at the Newcastle Candidates forum:
Question from audience: “Should Glass-Steagall be reinstated?”
Reichert: “I’m not familiar with that bill.”
Yes, “unstudied” indeed. Would it kill us to elect the smart one for a change?
@4: Eerie resemblance, huh? Just a bunch of tired cliche talking points in lieu of anything like an argument.
I watched the debates.
Rossi did not address a single question asked! All attack lines, all the time, pretty much the whole debate except for thanking Patty and the moderators at the beginning and end.
I really wanted to smack his smarmy lyin’ face a couple times. I was impressed that Patty didn’t take the bait, cause the shit was gettin’ deep.
Sarge @ 8
You must be making up that Q-&-A about Glass-Steagall, aren’t you? Reichert’s dumb, but he can’t be that dumb.
Once again another Republican cannot answer the question as to how the extending of the Bush tax cuts would be funded….even when directly asked twice.
@10: No kidding. I came home and immediately wrote a dKos post and fired off letters to the editors of the Times, PI, and Bellevue Reporter.
Here is the complete answer:
“I’m not familiar with Glass-Steagall. If you give me your contact information I’ll get back to you”.
DelBene’s campaign has it on tape. We are going to hear alot about this for the next couple of weeks.
Unfortunately, most voters don’t know what Glass-Steagall was all about either.
Yep, and most libtardos didn’t know Glass-Steagall either.
Damn hard typing on a foreign keyboard!
BTW Goldy, they aren’t too impressed with Odumba right now here where I’m at.
@3. Poor max, he hasn’t figured out whether he wants to kill, rape or murder today. Or maybe he wants to divulge in a little incest today with a family member.
Anyone care where Puddy is? No.
Tea Party Goons Assault & Handcuff News Reporter
Private security guards working for Alaska Senate hopeful Joe Miller (prefer Tea Party) slammed a news reporter against a wall and handcuffed him, news sources report.
A press flack for Miller said the reporter was “trespassing” at a “private” campaign event.
The event occurred at a public school and the general public was invited to attend. The reporter may have been targeted because he works for an online news organization thought by Miller’s campaign to be liberal-oriented.
Miller didn’t want to answer the reporter’s questions about Miller’s work as a government lawyer for an Alaskan borough, a public office.
Anchorage police are investigating the incident.
@15 Of course we care! We want to know where to send the flowers.
@5 If he does, it’ll be the first time in his life Dino has ever done anything besides cash checks from his patrons.
@8 Everyone knows Republicans vote to repeal laws they haven’t read and don’t know anything about.
2010 is on track to become the hottest year on record. Hey global warming deniers! How do ya like this fucking ICE AGE we’re having??!!
On Democracy Now today:
puddy @ 13
Do they also agree with you that Christians should be arrested for feeding poor people?
@16 Roger Rabbit on 10/18/2010 at 6:41 am,
No doubt real TEAbaggers will rise up and protest Alaskan senate candidate Miller’s unconstitutional use of force in the suppression for the first and fourth amendments.
Is anyone certain Miller is not a Muslim aiming at imposing Sharia law on the residents of Alaska?
YellowPup @ 21
What’s FOX News’ death toll now?
Someone should keep a count. To keep it simple, just tally the domestic hate crimes they incite, for profit.
Followup to my prior comment…
Decades before our auto industry killed the electric car, they killed the gas turbine car.
Money quote:
Frickin’ unions. Always thwarting the altruistic efforts of the captains of production and finance from making America energy independent.
“Yep, and most libtardos didn’t know Glass-Steagall either.”
Maybe, but then again most libtardos aren’t trying to join Congress. Notably, the one who IS does know what Glass-Steagall is … so what, exactly, is your point?
I want to learn more about tax credits for corporations offshoring our jobs.
Does anyone have some handy links?
I see lots of stuff like this: Town Hall – Tax Breaks for Offshoring
(Aside to politically incorrect: Frickin unions trying to keep American jobs in America.)
There’s lots of pressure to send software development overseas. I keep hearing about tax breaks. Learning about the perverse “free market” incentives for hollowing out America has been on my to do list.
Anyone know what, specifically, these tax breaks are? I barely even know enough to know how to ask.
To all my friends who are RIGHT–
Do you remember this clip where Milton Friedman educated Phil Donahue?
The Democrats are still the Donahue’s and the Conservatives are like Friedman.
Watch this carefully—
It is so insightful and will make today’s Atheist Progressive’s head explode!
Your l’il troll is moving ahead. I think this is about right today.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Rossi does not appear to have the charisma needed to overtake an entrenched incumbent..even though Murray has Zero Charisma herself. The commercials on both sides have been weak and silly.
I can see Murray winning by 3-4 points.
Apparently they have chosen to eliminate YLB, the killer goat!
YLB is currently being examined..
By the way, there was an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal’s Saturday edition, asking psychologists why powerful and otherwise successful people (politicians, televangelists, captains of industry, etc.) would engage in risky behavior with little upside and a huge potential downside risk.
The article was focusing on conflicts of interest among Congress, their spouses, and aids, especially as it relates to what might have been called “insider trading” if they had worked for a company, rather than for Congress.
But it’s principles seem to apply to lots of other areas – financial, sexual, etc. Anything where, when we read the news, the first thing which comes to our mind is “what in the hell were they thinking????”
So here’s the money quote(s), from psychologists:
Source: “What Conflict of Interest? How Power Blinds Us to our Flaws”, by Jason Zweig, The Wall Street Journal, October 16, 2010 Page B1.
And in the news, of course, is a lesson on how to MAKE SURE you get arrested:
MSNBC via KBBH-TV: “I’m too rich to go to jail”
I’m guessing alchohol was involved.
Mr Cynical @ 30
Mocking a personal tragedy. Nice. I’m sure Bob Boardman’s family appreciates your sensitivity.
For the viewing audience…
Milton Friedman is the “greed is good” guy. He believed markets are infallible. His “free markets” is code for unbridled corporate malfeasance.
Ben Stein is Milton’s intellectual successor, but with more charisma.
Mr Cynical hasn’t gotten the memo that the Chicago School of economics has been thoroughly discredited, if not yet dethroned.
Yawwwwn.. The KLOWN and his goat fantasies.
By the way KLOWN two votes for I-1098 went into the mail last Friday.
@33: That was pre-emptive on Klynical’s part as it is clear the goat was pissed at Klynical’s routine goatfucking.
Bottom feeding real estate hustlers rarely do. Once they’re exposed as such anyway.
Murray doesn’t need any such “charisma” claptrap – only dedication to serve her constituents.
ALL her constituents..
And two votes went out the door for Patty Murray as well.
@34: Don’t be too sure. While Stein is certainly a follower of Friedman, I think our current economic travails (and resultant looting and fascism) can best be understood as “disaster capitalism” — also a central Friedman tenet.
We had a judicial coup in 2000. The financial coup is in process.
Re 26
Maybe the poster is saying that demanding cognizance of something of which one is personally ignorant is a bit foolish. How can it be seen as important if the basics aren’t understood by the person thinking it important.
Oops. I forgot the progressive methodology.
Thinking for yourself, for the left, is forbidden. Whatever MSNBC or whatever replaced Air America says is Gods honest truth. These paid entertainers are vox populi, vox dei. They aren’t folks feigning outrage to boost ratings and advertisements at all! Now, this bit is important, aspiring progressives. You must simultaneously believe everything MSNBC says, while simultaneously castigating the right for believing everything Fox says. I know, this is difficult at first, but shut your mind down, use a lot of catch-phrases like wingnut and corporatists and banksters and you too can be a mindless progressive drone.
Now I’ve done my daily act of kindness and helped confused leftists with the cognitive dissonance so inevitable in their world view. I feel a better person for this bipartisan effort.
I am personally ignorant of the pre-flight safety inspection for a Boeing 737. Is it a bit foolish of me to demand that the person who will perform the pre-flight inspection on my next flight is not?
“Is it ignorant of me to demand that the person who will perform the pre-flight inspection on my next flight is not?”
Maybe, maybe not. If I know the role of pre-flight safety inspections in the operation of the airline, no. If I don’t know why it’s being done, what’s being done or whether the person doing it is competent but insist on the ritual for rituals sake, yes.
In my opinion as a non-banker and non-legislator Glass-Steagal was a good idea. Re-instating the provisions of it would be a good thing, so far as I understand the broad principles (as opposed to the legislative fine print, which can negate those principles pretty easily.) The function of a bank as a repository for my cash and the function of investing for profit aren’t necessarily compatible. Frankly, I’m as appalled as the left that Reichert gave the answer he did.
Well whadaya know – committing an act of regulation (Glass-Steagal) gets the approval of lost…
And the 1933 Glass-Steagall act was a cornerstone of the New Deal.
lost @ 40
Welcome back “lost”! We’ve missed your wit.
Please allow me to be the first to say: Ah, what the hell are you talking about?
Oh. Maybe this is the preamble to one of your famous mind reading stunts. Gah, sorry. Let’s me introduce you:
Stand aside!
Stand aside!
The Magnificent Lostido is here to impress us with his Amazing Mind Reading skills!
Ladies and Gentlemen, make room for the Stupendous Lostido!
Please, Lostido, tell us, now that you’ve plumbed the depths of the progressive psyche: Just how much do those dastardly liberals hate America?
That was a rhetorical question, Lost. Of course I should expect a safety inspector to know their job even if I don’t understand everything about it. The fact that you answered it like this says a lot about you.
And finally, according to your own answer, you must know whether or not the person doing the inspection is competent before you can require that they are competent? What does that even mean? Do you personally interview the pilots before you take every flight before you have a reasonable expectation that they know their job?
And finally, yes, it is perfectly acceptable for any of Reichert’s constituents to expect that he is at least familiar with Glass-Steagall considering the recent fiasco in the banking industry.
“And finally, yes, it is perfectly acceptable for any of Reichert’s constituents to expect that he is at least familiar with Glass-Steagall considering the recent fiasco in the banking industry.”
If they aren’t familiar with it, how do they know if he is? Which was kind of my point.
Joe MIller certainly know how to get his freak on.
Apparently, so does Lost.
“insist on the ritual for rituals sake”
When you’re Lost, preflight inspection is some kind of Randian “ritual”.
heh- Lost has got to be Darryl’s sockpuppet. C’mon and cop to it, Darryl. You’ve been fucking with us, haven’t you?
RE 45
“We’ve missed your wit.”
Umm. I’ll bet. The weekend was spent in the woods trying to commit a racist hate crime against Bambis’ dad. I had stereotyped him as a lazy father with no moral strengths as exhibited by his many wives and offspring for which he had no means of support (except some twigs and grass and some bushes to sleep in.) Having confronted my personal demons over a whiskey and cigar at the campfire, I renounced my evil ways and allowed him to live in peace in the way he chose.
Or, more succinctly, I didn’t see hide nor hair of a buck all weekend.
Because he said that he is not familiar with it. If they really don’t know what it is (which is a big assumption for informed voters), then they can see that he didn’t know it, look it up, and say, ‘Oh man, he really should have known what that is.’
Re 48
For an engineer you’re singularly obtuse. Sorry, forgot, that’s sort of a job requirement for engineers.
Follow this like a laser beam, old pal. If I don’t know the role of pre-flight inspection in my flight but insist on it anyway, then yes it is a ritual without other meaning.
If I know that an airplane is a very complicated machine and an inspection of basic flight systems is to my advantage then it isn’t.
Is that clear enough, or do you need the third mono-syllabic version?
lost @ 50
Okay. I get it. It’s monday. You’re still working off your weekend buzz.
Just let me know when you’re ready to get back to hating. No hurry.
Lost @ 50: Have you considered that perhaps the smell of cigar smoke might have had something to do with your inability to see a deer during hunting season?
I don’t hunt (I target shoot instead). But I’ve got some friends that hunt every season. They’ve been skunked for several years in a row now. They hear the deer moving at night, but at first light they’ve gone to ground – no movement at all. They’ve seen lots of them on pre-season scouting trips, but the minute hunting season opens they are nowhere to be found. Perhaps they are more intelligent than we generally give them credit.
“you’re singularly obtuse”
You project too much. It’s a Psych 101 thing, in case you didn’t know.
Unless you can point to another definition of the word, prefight inspections are what, a ceremony intended to relieve your anxiety?
Your NPD-fueled contempt for all things imaginable is growing tiresome.
“old pal”
I’m not your “old pal”, chum.
Re 56
People who are or may at some point become friends I call friends or just by name.
People with whom no friendly or even polite relationships are possible and for whom I feel at best a distant pity I call pal.
Hope that clarifies things, old pal.
@57: What a whiny ass pussy!
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Senator from East Germany.
@58 heh- Lost has unleased his NPD.
@57 Just be glad I give you attention, fucktwit. After all, it’s why you come here, isn’t it? I seriously doubt that anybody puts up with your NPD addledpated self in person. I know damn well I wouldn’t put up with you for one fucking minute. Eh, so you come here, where no one can shut you the fuck up. You can spew your dumbfuck thoughts all you want. You’re still unwanted, but at least you get the attention you don’t get elsewhere.
What a pathetic psycho-basketcase you must be, hanging out here where people far more intelligent than you could ever dream of being heap huge helpings of scorn on you and laugh at your dumbfuckedness.
Re 60
What was that about projection?
Actually I post here for 2 reasons. People like you who substitute abuse for thought amuse me. You are free entertainment.
And some of the others who are clearly intelligent puzzle me. I mean, why would an intelligent person vote Democrat? Why would they adhere to the obviously unrealistic notions of leftist thought? It’s interesting in a tragic kind of way.
@60 – Steve, why do you bother? A couple of days ago, some were asking him why he comes here and the question applies to all trolls – why do they do what they do? Can you imagine yourself going to Redstate day after day and doing the same thing? (hypothetical, because if you or I registered at Redstate, we’d be banned in under ten minutes) What compels the online Kulture Kampher to wage their petty little daily wortkrieg? What odd impulse forces them to wail ceaselessly into the digital ether? What is the pay off?
“What was that about projection?”
Can’t you fucking read? I said you project too much and that it’s a Psych 101 thing. I’d explain further but I have little patience for people like you who are just too damn stupid for words.
Re 63
Good Lord, you are dim.
That was irony, a different form of ‘physician, heal thyself.’
“What is the pay off?”
He obviously gets a need met. Not a real need, mind you, it’s more like it’s associated with that deep-seated NPD shit that he delivers here in spades. I’d guess that people in person can’t help but tell him to STFU and he has to, or face the consequences. He probably hears STFU from the wife, his kids, relatives, his so-called friends, his co-workers, and even strangers who’ve never even heard him speak. Here we tell him to STFU and he gets to witlessly prattle on and on with impunity.
“Good Lord, you are dim.”
You project too much, dimwit. Haven’t you heard? It’s a Psych 101 thing.
I wish Lost wasn’t so slow on the uptake as I really hate repeating myself.
lost @ 61
Sorry. I missed my cue. I thought you were taking the day off.
Asked and answered.
Ask again. Maybe the answer will change more to your liking.
Now. Back to the hating.
Tell us Lostido the Magnificent, using your Awesome Abilities to Read Minds, just how much do Liberals Hate America, O Wise One?
@68 The other day Lost was sure taking his sweet time getting around to making his point that the corporatist-fascism of Nazi Germany was the ideal fucking political system because between 1932 and 1945 they had so many damned patents, putting the rest of the world to shame. Yup, one technological acheivement after another. Wasn’t that where he was headed, telling us that the system that produced the most patents was the best?
Re 69
Yep. You caught me. I’m a neo-nazi. Damn, how’d you know? I remember now. You’re the great psychiatrist or psychologist or whatever who knows all about others without even knowing them! (I hope for everyones’ sake that you’re not the kind that can prescribe medication. With your irresponsible approach to mental healh issues that could be a really bad thing.)
Steve, admit it, you were the inspiration for Superman, weren’t you? I know you’re my hero, and the thought that you don’t like me just makes me weep bitter tears into my pillow at night.
See, you are hilarious to me, old pal.
Sorry, for Steve to understand anything I fucking should have fucking used fucking as a fucking word fucking more. His limited English seems to require it.
“Yep. You caught me. I’m a neo-nazi.”
Like we didn’t already know that.
“the thought that you don’t like me just makes me weep bitter tears into my pillow at night”
Weep away, fucktwit.
You may not know why the fuck you’re here but I happen to know what the hell I’m doing here. I’m here to shove it up your fucking NPD ass. You’re here to fucking take it. You can learn to like it or you can damn well leave.
“I fucking should have fucking used fucking as a fucking word fucking more.”
You might want to go have your breakdown someplace where somebody actually gives a shit about you.
Seriously old pal, you are a constant source of amusement to me. Especially this bit- “I’m here to shove it up your fucking NPD ass.” I mean, the cheesy tough guy thing is hysterically funny.
Laughter is, they say, the best medicine, so you should talk to Obama about some kind of grant. Put your show on the road so all Americans can benefit from it, like a true patriot.
Thanks for the amusement, and have a pleasant evening.
Lost, you really have no business calling anyone dim. Your argument @40 starts with a non-sequitur and goes nowhere from there.
I mean, Steve does seem like a bit of an asshole, I will give you that. But it sounds like he has been reading your ignorant comments for a while, and I will admit, it would pain anyone to truly loves America to know that she has produced such idiocy.
I just feel sorry for lost. He/she is a person who thinks they are making a logical argument – but instead are just repeating slogans with no basis in fact. Lost is intellectually vacant and fails to understand when his/her arguments make no sense.
Tell us again Lost, how LESS regulation will solve the banking crisis, the mining disasters, the oil spills and the health care mess that private industry has gotten us into.
Oh, and remember that most of Europe is more socialist than us including the booming economy in Germany. They, and Canada and Australia and Brazil all have higher taxes, more regulation and public health care and their economies are outperforming ours. Of course, the best economy right now is in China – but I am not even going there.
speaking of regulation…
just for shits and giggles: The Canadian province of Alberta has unregulated energy…meaning that customers can pick and choose from various power providers with differing rate plans to meet the wide range of needs of customers…eh.
socialism is for pussies, by the way.
just sayin….
Sounds like there was more fun and games going on in Belltown this weekend….
I give an official golfclap to all the wannabe hipsters who moved into that shithole so they could pretend to be cool..HAHAHHAHHAHAAH
When they finally decide to grow up and be adults and raise children, they will end up moving to the burbs, just like Lee did.
@75 “I mean, Steve does seem like a bit of an asshole”
Yeah, I am. Towards wingnuts. Look, I was around when people like Lost were calling JFK a commie loving traitor decades ago. I saw them dance a jig when he was murdered. But back then these bastards were at least confined to the woodwork, to the backwaters of society where they belonged. Now they’ve come out of the woodwork, and they come out calling decent people like you, Masaba, or my friends proud leftist, Roger and Zotz, millions of you really, they now call you terrorist loving, commie-fascist traitors. Over the years nothing has changed except that now I won’t stand for it. They can call me anything they want, threaten to do anything they want, and I don’t care. I have no fear of them. I want them to bring it and so far I haven’t seen jack shit.
If anybody decent doesn’t like the way I deal with assholes like Lost, I’m sorry, but I suggest that you simply don’t read my posts.
@74 “I mean, the cheesy tough guy thing is hysterically funny.”
You’re not laughing. You’re pissed. If there’s one thing I know about you NPD types, it’s that your buttons are just too damn easy to push.
Steve isnt an asshole, he’s worse: an engineer!
@77 Eh, my county PUD is OK, as far as that goes, but I’d sure love to shitcan PSE from the planet. I’ll be glad to never build anything in their territory again. And don’t even get me started on Potelco. Aarrgh!!
hahahaha..but..those…PSE…rebates! high efficiency condensing boilers, VFD controlled pumps and fans, economizers….oh my!
daddy loves them PSE rebates…hahahah
@77 You ever see those pics of Seattle’s old overhead lines down by Pioneer Square? It looked like there were hundreds of lines strung on those poles. It looked like third-world ghetto power. Back then there were umpteen power providers all stringing their own lines and you could strike your own deal. On the back side of a few old buildings you can still see abandoned service masts galore as tenants back then would make deals with the utilities for power service to their space.
I don’t think PSE has anybody that can terminate cable anymore. Everything is done by Potelco. PSE has been reduced to being a bunch of paper pushers.
I hope you’re making money hand over fist on that energy stuff, Max. The last I saw of Mac-Miller they were over at the shipyards raking it in, changing out big motors and starters. But you guys always did make the big bucks, even the mechanical engineers. Mechanical engineering – shit, specify a zillion dollar boiler for an 8% fee and then light cigars with a $100 bills. In fact, now that I think of it, I hate those guys!
Wow. I just read this thread, but must now go to bed. masaba, Steve is a most decent, thoughtful, kind of guy. He doesn’t do well, though, with nonsense; doesn’t do well with rightwing rot. With rot like lost. lost, though he tries to camouflage it every now and again, is a neanderthal of rightwing politics. So, Steve bashes him, and righteously so. lost’s worldview would lead to Armageddon within the decade. Maybe, though, that’s what he wants. Teabaggers seem to want that. ‘Night all. (Unlike lost, when I say I’m leaving, I am, indeed, leaving.)
@68 “Tell us Lostido the Magnificent, using your Awesome Abilities to Read Minds, just how much do Liberals Hate America, O Wise One?”
heh- For an encore, Lostido the Magnificent will channel the Founding Fathers.
Thank you very much for the kind words, proud leftist.
I wish I could say we were making money hand over fist, but nowadays its who can do the work for closest to cost. ugh.
and as a former Mac-Miller employee(back in the Encompass days), I am glad they are doing well in at least one market segment…:P
McKinstry was ahead of the curve on the energy stuff…but even they are having some rough times lately.
Hope is all going well on the structural side of the table…hard to put in a gold(make that diamond) plated HVAC system if the damn building falls down…
Im thinking the Canadians are smarter than that – using the same grid but with different providers….big govt people like Proud Communist would never go for such an idea…
elevate them guns a little lower.
Hey, wanna see me pull Rabbit out of a hat? Check out Confounding Fathers in the New Yorker. Wilentz tries to show that Beck and the rest of the Mad Hatter Tea Party are jonesing on John Birch historiography from back in the day. When Beck takes a dump on Woodrow Wilson, after brushing aside pellets from Our Rabbit who also dumps on Wilson, Beck is stealing his stand-up from Mormon Klingon Skousen and Robert Welch, who called Eisenhower a commie.
Back in the day. That would be back in my day. We used to make fun of a moonbat Birch John neighbor who really didn’t like Ike and who wanted to impeach Earl Warren, VP Nixon, and John Foster Dulles, all conscious agents of the global Zionist communist conspiracy.
Wilentz preposterously implies that we birther baggers are just like our old Bircher neighbor. He also implies that right-wing William F. Buckley, compared to right-wing candyman Welch, was almost sane and almost reasonable and responsible.
Tell it to Buckley, if you can find him. When Buckley ran for NYC mayor (that’s when he said he’d demand a recount if he won) reasonable and responsible leftist loontards like Wilentz were calling him the Bircher candidate. That’s two years after Dan Schorr accused Senator Goldwater, Jewish Episcopalian, of palling around with the Waffen SS. That’s when the always tolerant and compassionate left was calling everyone to the right of John Lindsay a Nazi Bircher.
Sort of like Doonesbury showing Gingrich as a bomb thrower while the rest of the left yells that it’s racist and impermissible to talk about Obama palling around with a real bomb thrower, Bill Ayers.
As for Woodrow Wilson, just wait. There’s more.
Re 80
Poor Steve.
The angry drunk in the corner muttering obscenities with a tragic twist. He actually knows a bit better than to scapegoat others for his personal failings, but can’t help himself. Nor can he help the delusion that his drunken mutterings matter to the sane and rational people around him. Really, poor Steve is a sad case, a permanent 14 year surly adolescent yelling at others to disguise his own underlying lack of self esteem.
Yes, Steve, you are a clown to me. Too bad you’re an drunken angry one with nothing to say. Too bad that the humor I take from you is derived from your failed attempts at being insulting. Ah well. Maybe you’ll grow up someday.
“Steve is a most decent, thoughtful, kind of guy.”
Sorry Proud, not buying it. A person who is that hateful and substanceless is most decent, thoughtful etc just because you agree with him? That kind of bile isn’t spewed from a kind person, nor a thoughtful one. He may put on an act for his friends, but underneath he is as you see him here.
Steve is a sad and hurt little boy using grown up words to express his sadness and hurt. I can feel pity for this, but still come short of excusing the behavior, never mind praising it.
But then I’m a conservative, and intellectual honesty matters to me. Unlike, apparently, you.
Re 88
“For an encore, Lostido the Magnificent will channel the Founding Fathers.
Well, fortunately I don’t have to. They left behind a means of divining their intent. It spelled out what they wanted the government they were building to do item by item. Liberals hate this document and igore it as often as possible. It’s called the Constitution.
Sorry if I offended you. I meant more that I can see why Lost would call you an asshole. You and he seem to have a, well, let’s just say, antagonistic relationship. But for Lost to call anyone stupid or dim is just wrong considering the source.
‘Liberals hate this document and igore it as often as possible.’
8:41 in the morning and you are already reading minds, huh Lost?
I hate the Constitution so much that I raised my right hand and swore to defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic. So you better break out a new deck of tarot cards.
Unlike the twisted New Yorker, the straight National Review plays it straight with good stuff about bad Paul Krugman. Note how carefully NR gives Krug credit for getting a few things right. He correctly saw increasing disparities of wealth and income during the Clinton years. He correctly denounced GWB’s increasing deficits. And he seems to have seen the shimmer of the housing bubble.
As for twisted New Yorkers, that would be just about all of them. Including the ones from the swank, snob, trust-fund suburbs of Philadelphia.
Actually steve has told us many times he belongs to a Kountry Klub near Gig Harbor (Alderbrooke) and was also Kommodore of his Yacht Klub down there. He is clearly an angry drunk with no life shacked up with a gal for many years that he won’t man up and marry.
I have friends that belong to Alderbrooke BTW.
Steve occasionally tries to pander to Puddy because his other imaginary black friend sadly died. Oh, steve has called Puddy an Oreo and worse over & over again…but in steve’s alleged mind that’s ok because steve believes he is the reincarnation of Navin Johnson from Steve Martin’s Movie “The Jerk”.
Steve believes “It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child. I remember the days, sittin’ on the porch with my family, singin’ and dancin’ down in Mississippi… ”
Steve truly is THE JERK!
Re Wilson, the sick racist mean old man who was also a sick racist mean young man, there’s a pretty good book by a no-name writer whose name is David Pietrusza. It’s about 1920 when Wilson’s frump ruled the world.
Back in the day, before Schlesinger, Jr. and Laura Schlessinger, there was Arthur Schlesinger, Sr. He was a progressive and a historian. He colluded with other progressive historians to elevate progressive presidents to the pantheon where every one of them, from Jefferson-Jackson to HST, was conveniently called Great or Near Grrrrreat. Then Schlesinger put his presidents on a poster — great progressives at the top and Republican failures at the bottom with below-average Eisenhower — and sent ’em to grade schools where he sold his Democrats like sugar-bomb cereal.
Too bad Pietrusza wasn’t there to set old Arthur straight about Near-Great Progressive
Woodrow Wilson, who was a monster even before Glenn Beck made him one.
Pietrusza probably wouldn’t have made Schlesinger’s cut as an approved historiographer, but he tells a hell of a story. All of the delicious dish and dirt is here, or most of it: FDR’s Lucy — no, not Pudless Lucy; the other one. The one about whom Princess Alice said that Franklin deserved a break today and a playmate because he was married to the impossible Eleanor (who, by the way, is the lucky winner @53).
There’s FDR saying that he cut so many corners working for Wilson that he could have been put away for 999 years.
That he was waiting for the sailor of his dreams to come tap-dancing his way into his heart. Well, almost. What FDR did was try to cover up a buggery scandal at Portsmouth. Then he sent the “unlawful and unnatural” sailors back to their boats.
Then he looked the other way when his Navy’s Marines murdered and molested Haitians. Then he lied about writing Haiti’s constitution.
Then he lied about serving over there:
A legend in his own mind.
Then he picked up pieces of the leftist bomb thrower who tried to blow up Attorney General Palmer.
Those were the days, Pietrusza writes, when left-wing bombs were bursting in air from coast to coast. Blowing off the hands of a senator’s black maid. Going to Mr. Justice Holmes. Going to Seattle’s general-strike mayor Ole Hanson. Blowing up Wall Street … actually, about three dozen underpaid workers of the world on Wall Street.
But most of the bombs didn’t go. Most of them got stalled in the mail. Only the chronic incompetence of our Big Government Post Office kept things from getting really messy.
Good thing, because things were bad enough with all the “hysteria” and “paranoia” and “red scare” going around.
Bombs? How could we worry about anarcho-syndicalist leftist bombs when we had to worry about possible truncation of the civil liberties and human rights a just society must accord to mad Bolshi bombers? I mean, get real. Any corrupt society like ours that values security more than liberty deserves neither.
Re 98
“But for Lost to call anyone stupid or dim is just wrong considering the source.”
I gather by your writings you think yourself the smartest person around. Congratulations. If you want to question my intelligence, fine. It doesn’t change me, so play your silly childish name calling game if it makes you happy.
“I raised my right hand and swore to defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”
I assume you’re referring to serving in the armed forces. Thank you for your service, whatever your mistaken political or economic theories.
So you know, you’re guilty of the same intellectual dishonesty Proud is. Steve has never once engaged an argument on grounds of fact or principle. He has never brought anything to the table but vitriol and personal attack. You defend him, as Proud did, on the sole grounds that he agrees with your politics. Pretty reprehensible, really, but it’s your outlook.
“Sorry if I offended you.”
There was no offense taken, Masaba. I thought I’d just clarify for you what I do here and why.
“8:41 in the morning and you are already reading minds, huh Lost?”
heh- I see that you have Lost pegged. He can’t engage in reality-based debate with amybody here so he just makes stuff up.
Re 76
“Tell us again Lost, how LESS regulation will solve the banking crisis, the mining disasters, the oil spills..”
How about we try enforcing the regs on the books, then write new ones? And how about we wait for a report on first causes of the mine cave-in and BP disaster before assuming it was a regulatory failing? Or would that be too balanced for a liberal. I mean, the first instinct is to blame a corporation for everything from the sock missing in your laundry to CATASTROPHIC GLOBAL WARMING WHICH WILL PUT SEATTLE UNDERWATER BY CHRISTMAS!!!!
As for health care, the US has had a hybrid system of private and government care. Before blaming everything on the private side you might consider whether the public side has any blame as well.
Of course, the best economy right now is in China – but I am not even going there.”
Oh, please do. Please go there. I mean, clearly this is your utopian dream, so why stay in the disfunctional, horrible USA? (At least by your terms.) Your emigrating would mean one less person carping on and on about how terrible this country is.
“I gather by your writings you think yourself the smartest person around.”
Too much. Have I ever mentioned that you project too much? It’s a Psych 101 thing. You’re not alone though. Get a load of the drunken Psycho-KLOWN posting his clearly inebriated projections @100. By the way, did you know that it’s common knowledge that he fucks goats?
lost @104–
Steve doesn’t deny postings that hit home…his only option is to screech “projection”. He also told us he took lots of Psych courses in addition to being a high-level engineer.
“Steve has never once engaged an argument on grounds of fact or principle. He has never brought anything to the table but vitriol and personal attack.”
Makining up more shit, huh, Lost? You haven’t posted a fact since you’ve been here. You do know, don’t you, that your opinion isn’t fact?
“I mean, the first instinct is to blame a corporation for everything from the sock missing in your laundry to CATASTROPHIC GLOBAL WARMING WHICH WILL PUT SEATTLE UNDERWATER BY CHRISTMAS!!!!”
heh- One of Lost’s “facts”.
You seem quite angry this morning, Lost. Is that a carryover from last night? Did somebody push your buttons?
“I mean, clearly this is your utopian dream, so why stay in the disfunctional, horrible USA? (At least by your terms.) Your emigrating would mean one less person carping on and on about how terrible this country is.”
This is from the only person here who keeps threatening to bail on this nation and to move to Italy because America has long been “ruined” by that “traitor”, FDR.
“Steve doesn’t deny postings that hit home…”
Hmm, more Psycho-KLOWN projection? You do realize, don’t you, that you’ve never denied fucking goats?
Ah Steve, the angry clown is back.
You do know this is what you are, right?
Really, to save you embarassment, you don’t anger me. If you ever had even a tenuous connection to the real world you might have some chance of striking home with one of your infantile insults. Alas for poor little Steve, you left reality behind a long long time ago.
Keep clowning, old pal. I can use always do with some impromptu humor.
For clarities sake, to help extricate you from your general state of confusion-
I have a house in Italy which I visit as often as I can. This doesn’t mean I plan to move there permanently any time soon. Should my country fall to the wasting disease of socialism irretrievably that may change. But I have faith in the native intelligence of my countrymen to reject such nonsense in time.
You really should see someone to renew that prescription old pal. Your connection to reality seems even more limited today than usually. I know, it slows you down, but the phsychosis is really much worse, even if it doesn’t feel that way.
re 105
Ah well, Steve and facts parted company before I was ever born.
My, but you’re angry, Lost. WTF is up with that? I bet somebody pushed your buttons. Maybe you should go back to telling us how the poor are lazy, the unemployed are shiftless, and other Lost “facts”. That seems to be your comfort zone – ragging on the disadvantaged and the poor so you can feel better about yourself.
Re 111
Clown, now you’re just repeating yourself. That’s not funny.
If you’re not even going to be a funny angry clown I’ve got work to do.
Have a pleasant day.
Um, it’s spelled “psychosis”. Are you getting so upset that you can’t hit the right keys, Lost? Hmm, that would make you very angry. Want to talk about it?
“That’s not funny.”
That’s very understandable, Lost. Very angry people like you often struggle with humor.
One reason you go down the road of unwarranted smugness, conceit and arrogance is that you use that to cover the mess of insecurities that lay underneath that shallow surface personality of yours. I see through it and that is no doubt very threatening to you. So of course you’re damned angry. It’s a very predictable response.
Your reasoning ability is failing you again, Lost. When I say that you are in idiot, it does not mean that I think I am the smartest person around. No, it in fact means that I think that you are not the smartest person around. This is actually pretty simple stuff, and I think that the fact that you don’t get it at least shows that I am right some of the time.
America’s Poor: Where Poverty Is Rising In America
Crippling poverty rates in many of America’s hardest-hit regions have been accompanied by several other disturbing trends for the middle class. Income inequality hit an all-time high before the recession, according University of California, Berkeley, economist Emmanuel Saez. States, faced with an estimated budget shortfall of $380 billion for 2011, have started to cut crucial services and have laid off thousands of workers.
Growing layoffs last year caused millions of Americans to lose employee-provided health insurance, leaving 16.7 percent of Americans with no health insurance, the highest level since the Census started collecting the data in 1987.
As income levels have been ravaged in areas particularly tied to the housing boom, some have speculated that industries like construction may never return to their pre-crisis levels.
WASHINGTON — The American suburb is no longer a refuge from poverty in cities.
A pair of analyses by the nonprofit Brookings Institution paints a bleak economic picture for the 100 largest metropolitan areas over the past decade and in coming years, and finds that suburbs now are home to one-third of the nation’s poor, and rising.
The study of census data finds that since 2000, the number of poor people in the suburbs jumped by 37.4 percent to 13.7 million. The growth rate of suburban poverty is more than double that of cities and higher than the national rate of 26.5 percent.
Insane mutterings at 113-115
I’ve had time to walk the dogs, make my morning phone calls, plan the next couple days work and have a cup of coffee with my wife. And still Steve the wonder psychiatrist or psychologist or engineer or whatever he is, is giving us the dubious benefit of his psychotic mutterings.
What exactly are your employers paying you for? You seem to have plenty of time to type your disconnected ramblings into the computer.
According to Steve the highly skilled mental health professional/engineer I’m angry. Hmm.
Which of us seems the most angry, Stevie Boy? Which erupts with anger and hatred and obscenities at every post? Some vague recollection of getting the beam out of your own eye before removing the speck in anothers’ comes to mind…
Think about it while you’re getting your prescription refilled, if only for the sake of your long-suffering co-workers and friends.
Re 116
Sorry, not really interested in playing the internet version of ‘I know you are, but what am I’ with you.
I get that you think me stupid. Fair enough. I just don’t know why I’m supposed to care about your opinion.
You do realize you don’t know me, or I you. And that rational people don’t spend a lot of emotional energy worrying about what strangers think of them? Don’t you?
Re 116
And speaking of reasoning abilities failing one…
The logical construct would go something like this. Masabas writings reflect an underlying assumption of personal intelligence higher than those around him/her. What a person writes may reflect what that person thinks or feels. Therefore if Masaba writes as though he or she believes themself to be the smartest person around, he or she may well believe this of themself.
Try reading a basic text on logic. I’m sure you’ll get it eventually.
Why is (in general) the states that hate the government the most, have the most poverty?
It seems to go against the conservative mantra that government is the problem.
I’m just going to drop this. It really is beyond ridiculous at this point.
“What exactly are your employers paying you for?”
Since you ask, I provide electrical engineering services for building construction. I specialize in healthcare, such as new hospitals for Stanford University, projects at all the major local hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, clinics and long term care facilities, but have also done projects like the Washington State Convention Center Expansion project, some 50 or so buildings for Microsoft, other techy buildings, biotech labs, and fire service projects. Because I get along so well with contractors and AHJ’s, I’m often asked to administer other engineer’s designs through construction. As I’m a nationally recognized code authority, especially where it comes to building life safety systems, I’m occasionally asked to mediate disputes between design and construction teams and city and state agencies. Bellevue’s very troubled Lincoln Square comes to mind. Yesterday and this morning I was wrapping up the design of two fire service projects and a surgery center, even while diagnosing what ails you. Hmm, evidently, I multi-task better than you. No surprise there, though, seeing as how you’re burdened with both stupidity and deep-seated psychological issues.
Anybody who knows me knows that I’m decidedly uninterested in discussing my work, although I will talk about the people I’ve been honored to know. It’s just work to me. I have no cause to brag about anything. I could have accomplished far more in this life and have thus far failed to do so. Many people on this forum have accomplished far more than I could ever dream of doing and they’re far more educated than myself. I’ve only disclosed what I do here within the context of dumbfucks like you ragging on the poor as being lazy and shiftless, as well your attacks on the social safety nets that made my life possible. As I was once quite literally the poorest kid in Seattle, as well as someone who owes anything I might have accomplished to those social safety nets being there for me, I take offense to the insensitive and mindless drivel you spew here.
Now can we finally get back to discussing your psychological problems? That’s a far more interesting subject for me to discuss than my career in engineering.
I am proud of one thing, though. When I first showed up at Travis AFB for the start of their new hospital, the Major in charge calls me into his office. He’s looking me up and down and then he says to me, “You don’t look so tough!” I’m like, “Huh?” Then he says, “I told so and so (at the time the largest contractor in the country) that you were assigned to the project and he dropped his jaw.” So he asks the contractor, “What’s your fucking problem?” The guy replies, “He’s the toughest engineer in the whole country!” heh- I later saw fit to steer them into Chapter 11. I had a saying after that. “Bonding companies don’t file claims.”
That was so long ago. I’m actually a much nicer guy now.
Just because steve has a Red Rubber Nose, Yellow Yarn Hair, Shoes 20 sizes to big, white pancake makes with 3″ wide red lipstick and rides around on a trike with a big squeeze horn does not make steve a Klown.
Steve’s mouth makes him a Klown!!
Here’s steve at the Yacht Klub–
I’ve noticed that our Psycho-KLOWN simply can’t help but repeatedly demonstrate just how dumbed down he’s become after all those countless hours of decadence spent in the barn.
Really, proud leftist, it’s well past time that we freed that poor, hapless goat.
Facts fly from my fingers. Mt being calls them into being. I don’t need no stinkin’ corroboration. You people are soooooooooo stupid.
It’s a fact, ’cause I said so.
Hey, Loserinaseaofshit, get a load of the Widener Law School debate audience laughing their asses off at your teabagger candidate, Christine O’Donnell for her utter lack of knowledge about our nation’s constitution. Hell, and she’s twice as knowledgable about it as you!
I know you don’t get it, Lost, but when you talk about the Constitution we laugh at you pretty much in the same spirit as those law school students who were laughing at your teabagger candidate.
I wrote the Constitution. That’s how I know exactly what it means.
We all know Max is the smartest person around.
it also helps that he has a 10″ personality, but thats another story for the ladies…
Steve-o….I thought you were structural…for gods sake tell me you arent a Div 16(or whatever the new number is) whore.
fuck, you would only be 1 step from being a lowly controls contractor/designer….eeewwwwwwww
“When you talk about the Constitution we laugh at you..”
‘We?’ Is that the royal we, are are you hearing voices again?
I keep telling you, the meds do help, even if they slow you down and make your mojo a bit scarce. Really, re-fill that prescription, old pal.
@134 Of course I’m a Div 16, 26, 27 and 28 whore. Damn, Max, I thought you knew. Can you ever forgive me?
you guys really need to stop. I mean lets be serious, neither party gives a damn about the constitution. They see it as a hindrance rather than the sacred paper that it is….and the far left socialists and far right both are eager to tear it to shreds.
“Really, re-fill that prescription”
Quit stealing my lines, you unhumorous piece of shit. And good fucking grief! Do you really think I’m the only person here who laughs at you? You’re must dumber than I thought, and I already thought you were the dumbest fucktwit on the entire planet.
Re 131
Wow. On top of being a world quality engineer and the modern version of Sigmund Freud, you’re also well versed in Constitutional law? Steve, I wish I could be the erudite superman you are. Alas, I can only dream of being the superlative being you are.
silly me this whole time I thought you were structural….and no, I cant…lol
“and the far left socialists and far right both are eager to tear it to shreds”
That’s why I like you, Max.
Or as I put it, commies to my left, fascists to my right, and I don’t cotton to either of them.
Re 138
“You’re must dumber than I thought…”
Huh? Guess I’m too dumb to get that one.
“you’re also well versed in Constitutional law”
Fucking idiot. Did I ever say that? No. But I can say that I know that you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about because you’re the dumbest fucktard on the entire planet.
fuckin-a brotha
“You’re must be dumber than I thought…”
Get it yet?
Re 137
The fact that Steve agrees with you gives me pause in saying that I do as well. But I do. Privacy rights under Bush took a beating, as did rights of free expression.
Oh well, even Steve can be right on the rare occasion.
Well, enough comic relief from Steve for one night.
Have a pleasant evening.
@145 I picked up on where you’re coming from long ago and we agree in so many ways. But don’t tell the Libs or they’ll take my commie card away from me.
“Oh well, even Steve can be right on the rare occasion.”
You’re so fucking stupid, you’re not even right when you agree with me.
Personally, Steve, I never laugh at lost. I find it difficult to laugh at racists. Pud is a barrel of laughs, though.
Nah… Just kiddin’. I laugh at the racist asshole all the time.
@151 Lost’s attempts at humor and wit are so pathetic – I really do think that’s when I laugh the hardest at him.
I laugh at everyone here…
..just sayin….
Only two things make me cry, Max – Democrats and you when you laugh at me. So if you would just stop, I’d be crying half as much as I do now.
I find trolls funny.
oh shut the fuck up YLBasement.
nobody pays any attention to you unless its to mock your dumb ass.
you think your so smart with your king-o-the-nerds databaze, you dont even know a quarter of my aliases here.
now get back into your basement like a good little girly-man and let your wife run the show at home..
and you are still a racist little bitch….
158 – I laugh at you chickenshit. Me mocking Bush’s feckess abstinence programs was what set you off on your stint in race hustling.
It useless discussing things like effective policy with a knee jerk hater like you.
Oh I know more than you think. I uncover them all the time and tag them. The behavior stands out – a bigoted, angry, hateful lout.
Geez, YLB…that’s an insult to “bigoted, angry, hateful louts”…LOLOL…
160 – Agreed. Had to start somewhere I guess. Not sure I want to go much further with likes of this chickenshit.
then prove it and list them numbnuts.
you will always be a little faggy geek stuck in your basement while your wife earns the income.
if you have a son, 50-50 he turns into a limp wrist just like his absentee father.
teh loozer..
it looks like Rujax was back up to his old tricks again last weekend…another church got torched in western washington.
162 – In due time tehchickenshit…
And what a standout in the role model department you are!
Hey Maxey…stopped beating your wife yet? She outta the hospital soon?
you obviously dont know what a bad ass my wife is.
if there are going to be any beatings, its probably gonna be her beating the fuck out of you.
yes YLBasement….I am such a poor, gainfully employed, time spending with the kids, loving on the wife type of roll model. Hell, Im the coolest cat I know…
you on the other hand…..eh….shit, you wont even go look for a job or hang with your kids…
in due time my ass YLBasement.
I bet your gonna spend hours and hours just looking through posts trying to pick me out.
Fuck, I love it! goading you into more stupid shit because you really are that much of a fuckwad and drone.
bump..cause im getting jiggy with it…..