Just got back from the 41st LD candidates forum at Bellevue City Hall. Biggest ass-hole award was a tie between Dunbar and Strader. Dunbar thinks that if we put a tax on earnings over $250,000, greedy, would-be entrepreneurs will be just too depressed to even try to start a business. Strader is just sanctimonious, condescending, smug, and arrogant. He mocked the idea that consumer spending has anything to do with the economy because his big screen purchase didn’t turn things around.
The three incumbents: Clibborn, Maxwell, Gordon, had the best grasp of issues. Litzow held is own, but I still think he looks like Joe Isuzu.
I think Gordon was best of show, and was the Democrat most willing to defend Democratic positions.
Marcie was excellent. Judy was Judy – well prepared but typically amorphous. Hard to tell she is a Democrat some times, but she’ll have no problem with Strader and is obviously the far superior candidate. Did I mention he’s an ass-hole?
From an email I received.
Dear Michael,
President Obama’s economic team helped made his case: Now’s the time to invest in transportation
Now, the real work begins.
Congress needs to know that Americans want this to happen. And soon.
Amazing. For the second time in a month, President Obama has put the national spotlight on transportation.
Better yet, he could have been reading directly from a T4America brochure, hitting all the right notes about reforming our approach to what we build.
At a bipartisan meeting with elected officials and transportation leaders — including a representative from T4America — the President released a report from his key economic advisers making the case: Now is the time to make a transformational investment that will create jobs, give us transportation options, cut our household expenses and build the 21st century network that our competitors are already building.
At last, the President has put transportation reform and investment squarely on the national agenda. Now we need to make sure Congress does the heavy lifting to make it all happen. http://action.smartgrowthameri.....n_KEY=4398
I sure would like to see a pro R-52 piece up on HA.
Because it simply can not be said often enough – if conservative economic theories actually WORKED, if trickle down, supply side, voodoo economics were any thing other than a complete and utter LIE, than Alabama would be the best state to live in. Oddly, the opposite is true. Pesky facts.
Silly Christine. The answer for that one is “Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years.”
Actually she did quite well. I guess she’s only 99% bat sh*t crazy.
I put a spell on you…. cuzzzz…. yer mine!
I wonder what she thinks about the Citizens United case. You know where corporations can spend unlimited amounts of money attacking any politician that may actually challenge their power, and their total control of our guvvmint.
@5 & 6
I’m a big fan of the U.S. fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan comment. See Christine saw “Charlie Wilson’s War” and thinks she has a grasp of World Affairs.
I remember the U.S. actually in a shooting war with the Soviets. Patrick Swazee and C. Thomas Howell and the plucky Jennifer Grey did a great job. WOLVERINES!!!
proud leftistspews:
Isn’t Christine one of those so-called “constitutional conservatives”? Wouldn’t you think that would make her quite aware of Supreme Court decisions? After all, it would be the Supreme Court that gets to say what the Constitution means. Teabaggers should stick to sucking testicles. They don’t do politics very well.
proud leftistspews:
Hey Wingies!
You must be proud of Christine. Stand up for her. She is your future.
Christine is so anti-sex I think the chance that she doesn’t have a lesbian lover is practically zero….
You know how these Republicans operate.
I’m just sayyin’.
headless lucyspews:
Like Dana Perino, she can’t be expected to know about things that happened before she was born.
Richard Popespews:
If that is the worst part of her debate, she probably did okay. O’Donnell is still going to get her ass kicked in three weeks, since her positions are out of the mainstream for Delaware. The Republicans should have found her some sort of paying job after she was the sacrificial lamb against Biden in 2008. Now they are stuck with her as the losing nominee in a race they could have won. Castle may have been very popular with the average Delaware voter. But if he couldn’t make peace with his own party — after being elected eight times statewide — and couldn’t appease or neutralize O’Donnell — then that is a major flaw as an effective politician, and he deserved to lose.
All Facts Support My Positions @ 11
Maybe you are right. Republican men in her position often tend to be gay … If so, too bad. Politics aside, she is actually pretty cute!
Is the point of this that O’Donnell doesn’t follow the news, or that the Roberts court may be basically in line with O’Donnell’s point of view?
You all seem to forget, this is an ELECTION for to represent the people, not for someone to TELL ME WHAT TO DO!
Imagine you are hiring your own boss! Would you rather have a pretty babe like O’Donnel or a bald apparatchnik named Coons!
Same here in WAWA. How many would actually choose to work for some dress-for-success ex Microsoft secretary whose last name rhymes with a french donut?
In the meantime, Goldy seems obsessed with the idea that Sheriff Reichert fell, got a boo boo, and is now brain dead. Yeh! That is why so many brkight busness guys are supporting him!
As for Rossi vs. Murry, would any of you go to listen to this gap toothed broad tell you how to make a buck at real estate? Can you even imagine here being cast by Hollywood as a Senator? Rossi looks the part and, as well understand, how one looks is very important if you are going to represent others!
Liberal Scientistspews:
I still can’t tell if that’s just a clumsy attempt at satire and snark, or the genuine rantings of an especially disheveled denizen of the fever swamp.
Unkl Witzspews:
I have to agree with Lib Sci @16.
One of the big problems with the current crowd of right-wing-wackos and their nominees for public office is just how difficult it is to parody them. Their own words and deeds are so absurd and humorous that it’s impossible to make them sound any more ridiculous.
Unkl Witzspews:
Oh yeah, and I’m pretty sure Sheriff Dave was brain dead before he got his boo boo. That’s exactly why so many “smart business guys” are supporting him. He is pretty pliable on the issues.
@16, @17
I’ve mentioned it before, but will repeat anyway…
We are talking Poe’s Law here: “It is hard to tell parodies of fundamentalism (or, more generally, any crackpot theory) from the real thing, since they both seem equally insane. Conversely, real fundamentalism can easily be mistaken for a parody of fundamentalism.”
headless lucyspews:
e 15: Thanks for telling us what to think and do.
Personally, think @15 is the real deal with some kind of remuneration for comments in liberal threads, or maybe comments that get responses. Kind of like collecting cans at the highways edge, and getting a modest sum for a hefty-bag full at the end of the day.
At least you have it right about the quality of the junk I collect here.
What bothers me the most is the idea of a supposedly legitimate candidate for public office can be so overtly ridiculous and absurd in their public persona that any real chance of them actually being elected is, for all intentions, zero. That their campaigns presentation is almost deliberately bizarre.
It has become increasingly obvious that Ms. O’Donnell isn’t actually trying to win the office. She is in it for the money. She lives like a very upper-middle class woman while reporting less than $10,000 per year income over the last several years. Her house is located in a high end gated community, is around 4200 sq feet and seems to be paid for. Her personal vehicle is a Cadillac SUV. All her basic bills are paid for, she is well fed. She seems to have a lot of really nice and very expensive clothes. She has a full-time gardener to maintain the lawn.
So where is the money coming from?
The paranoid nugget that keeps rolling around in my little froggie brain is, if one wanted to put someone in office, someone friendly and loyal to your interests as a Corporation or foreign power, or maybe a domestic power with evil intentions, the surest way to accomplish that would be to present two candidates for the same office, on opposing lines of philosophy. One presented as being mostly rational and educated and capable, the other being a complete drooling microcephaletic type that presents themselves as a complete parody of a real candidate.
Finance them both, and which ever one wins that Corporation or vested interest wins. If the parody candidate wins, they get a compliant, totally obedient and entirely stupid Representative that they could keep a real tight leash on, if the other, more rational one wins, they get the same thing, but with some real measure of intelligence whom they could trust to competently and independently follow orders. This vested interest of course, would rather the intelligent candidate wins the election.
But either way that vested interest wins. They get what they want, which is essentially a black market loyalist to their interests.
The rationale here is, it fascinates me that Ms. O’Donnell is held up to the cameras and the audience nearly constantly, across the entire country, while Mr. Coons is practically invisible to anyone not residing within the State of Delaware.
You never see his speeches on NBC or FOX. You never see him making campaign speeches outside of his State. While Ms. O’Donnell is openly campaigning in New York, Washington D.C., New Hampshire and several other States. Her presentations are practically nationwide.
Who is running the show, and what are they really after in this election? Is it just being maintained as a distraction from something else?
It’s like the little funny man with the dancing puppet on the sidewalk, doing a really great little show for a cut of the take that the dips get working the back of the crowd.
Nobody notices that their pocket has been picked until the show has been over for a while, and the funny little puppet man has closed his box and gone home for the night.
Seems like this has been happening in a lot of election cycles.
When many idiots are put up as candidates the 50/50 probability an idiot is elected should be scary.
I hear and read many conservative Republicans belief that GWB was not a true conservative. I heard and read many liberal Democrats saying he was an idiot, a miserable failure.
Conservative Republicans nominated him, elected him, and re-elected him.
Maybe there is some argument that after being attacked and not completing 2 wars, and the worst economic recession in 70 years that our Republican led government under GWB was not a Miserable Failure. I can’t see how one comes to any other conclusion.
What amazes me is that in this cycle, rather than finding candidates with some decent possibility of governing effectively, the Republican party has nominated the biggest slate of brain dead, know-nothing idiots that I’ve seen in 40 years.
Compare the response of Republican party stalwarts and leaders to O’Donnell, Iott, Angle, Rand, Paladino (!!!) to the Democrats over NC Sen candidate Al Green.
Now as funny as this all may be, electing idiots who are incapable of governing and are philosophically opposed to regulation (which is what governance is!) has consequences.
“At JPMorgan Chase & Company, they were derided as “Burger King kids” — walk-in hires who were so inexperienced they barely knew what a mortgage was.
At Citigroup and GMAC, dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s on home foreclosures was outsourced to frazzled workers who sometimes tossed the paperwork into the garbage.
But interviews with bank employees, executives and federal regulators suggest that this mess was years in the making and came as little surprise to industry insiders and government officials. The issue gained new urgency on Wednesday, when all 50 state attorneys general announced that they would investigate foreclosure practices.”
Look, if the Republican party can’t come straight out and endorse the Democrat in Delaware, they can’t be trusted to do anything anywhere.
The time has long passed for being responsible adults and to step up to real issues and admit that deregulated Galtian RandRoid BS did not work. Our nation is teetering on the precipice.
24 – Politics being kind of like Vegas or Wall Street where the house always wins.
Seen Boardwalk Empire?? Maybe it’s always been that way.
Funny that the anti-hero in that series is a rigid religious prohibitionist who at least tries to challenge and change the status quo albeit in a wrongheaded way.
@21 “Personally, think @15 is the real deal”
Real deal or not, anybody who calls me “Satan’s evil spawn” is alright in my book.
proud leftistspews:
Man, you get all the good insults from our trolls. I’m going to have to ramp up my game.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s hard to find a SCOTUS decision you disagree with when you’ve never read one.
One legal subject O’Donnell does understand, though, is debt collection. She’s had personal experience with home foreclosure, student loan default, etc.
This would-be U.S. senator who can’t balance her own checkbook blames her personal financial rapsheet on being born poor. The concept of taking personal responsibility for her own choices doesn’t enter into her thinking. Which makes her a perfect fit for modern Republicanism.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 If you like O’Donnell so much why don’t you loan her some money? It’s a win-win: It’ll make you feel good and she needs your cash to get the bill collectors off her back.
@30 Rabbit
typical ,, “on her back?’
@28 Well, I do work very hard to earn those insults. But I can also see that you’re doing quite well in that arena this week with “Libs must arm”. I love it! I bet Roger does too.
proud leftistspews:
Maybe we should have a little friendly competition to see who can draw the most vicious insult from our sweet trolls.
Blue Johnspews:
I’d rather have a civilized discussion and give the trolls the opportunity to actually think.
headless lucyspews:
I think the first one to chum the PuddWakks sockpuppet to the surface deserves some sort of mention as well.
@4 Actually, Alabama was a pretty good place to live…back in the early 90’s before the Cold War ended, when NASA and the Pentagon were pouring money into Huntsville and the governor was a liberal Democrat. Then they elected Fob “Chain Gang” James, and it seems it’s been all downhill ever since.
proud leftistspews:
34: “I’d rather have a civilized discussion and give the trolls the opportunity to actually think.”
That’s a joke, right? As endearing as they might be, I don’t believe there’s a single thinker among our current crop of trolls. And, civilized? Maybe in a Lord of the Flies sort of way.
Re 29
“This would-be U.S. senator who can’t balance her own checkbook blames her personal financial rapsheet on being born poor. The concept of taking personal responsibility for her own choices doesn’t enter into her thinking. Which makes her a perfect fit for modern Republicanism.”
That’s hilarious! Not taking responsibility for anything is the standard progressive/liberal/democrat line, not republican. In liberal world, nothing is ever anyones’ fault. Unless they are a bank or oil company. Then they are responsible for all the stuff you’ve let everyone else off on.
Without providing a scapegoat for personal failures the democrats would have no base of voters at all. That’s what you are and that’s what you do. You don’t govern, you blame. You don’t find solutions to common problems, you endlessly drone on about inequal opportunity and all the other pseudo excuses for not taking accountability for personal choices.
Write a thousand more posts and you won’t get one as ironic as this one, Rabbit.
@25 Apparently you’re making the assumption that the smirking sock puppets that the right intends to elect to office will actually be the ones running things. That’s no more likely to be the case than it was with that cowardly idiot they had playing pocket pool in the Oval Office from 2001 through 2008.
Having said that, Christine O’Donnel and a few other ridiculous loonies like her have replaced serious and viable Republicans in some key races.
Somewhere between the afficionados of Lenin on the left and the far right wackos is where most Americans are comfortable, with a slight but definite bias to the right of center. Pelosi no more matches the ideals of Middle America than Sharon Angle. For some reason though the R’s have decided to emulate Democrat lack of organization, and may have jeapardized this very important election cycle for themselves and for America as a whole.
“lostinhisownasshole” is again…lost in his own asshole.
Blue Johnspews:
@40. Lost said. Having said that, Christine O’Donnel and a few other ridiculous loonies like her have replaced serious and viable Republicans in some key races.
>> I agree. If the repubs had nominated someone halfway moderate and non crazy, Reid would be toast. But they didn’t.
…most Americans are comfortable, with a slight but definite bias to the right of center.
>> I disagree. Older tend to the right, Younger tend to the left.
Pelosi no more matches the ideals of Middle America than Sharon Angle.
That’s an wrong analogy and you know it. I expect better of you. Pelosi is somewhat progressive. Angle is out there. “Human brain in a mouse!” Comparing their politics is like comparing apples to plaid. they are not on the same continuum.
Re 42
“Reid would be toast. But they didn’t.”
Yes. But the fact that Reid is even in a real race with Angle should give progressives something to think about.
“I disagree. Older tend to the right, Younger tend to the left.”
This has probably always been true. As folks age they tend to harden their positions, and adopt more conservative views of the world. Consider the demographics of our aging country the Dems have 2 saving graces. First, minorities (demographically less and less deserving of that term due in part to immigration) tend to vote D. Second, young urban dwelling voters are pretty reliably liberal. Unfortunately for you, neither are the die-hard voters that older and especially retired people are.
I’ll agree to disagree about Ms. Pelosi. I personally think she is very far to the left of the United States generally. Maybe for her district in California she is mainstream. If so she, like Bernie Sanders, is espousing the views for which they were elected. Though why a sane person would elect either is beyond me.
Just got back from the 41st LD candidates forum at Bellevue City Hall. Biggest ass-hole award was a tie between Dunbar and Strader. Dunbar thinks that if we put a tax on earnings over $250,000, greedy, would-be entrepreneurs will be just too depressed to even try to start a business. Strader is just sanctimonious, condescending, smug, and arrogant. He mocked the idea that consumer spending has anything to do with the economy because his big screen purchase didn’t turn things around.
The three incumbents: Clibborn, Maxwell, Gordon, had the best grasp of issues. Litzow held is own, but I still think he looks like Joe Isuzu.
I think Gordon was best of show, and was the Democrat most willing to defend Democratic positions.
Marcie was excellent. Judy was Judy – well prepared but typically amorphous. Hard to tell she is a Democrat some times, but she’ll have no problem with Strader and is obviously the far superior candidate. Did I mention he’s an ass-hole?
From an email I received.
I sure would like to see a pro R-52 piece up on HA.
Because it simply can not be said often enough – if conservative economic theories actually WORKED, if trickle down, supply side, voodoo economics were any thing other than a complete and utter LIE, than Alabama would be the best state to live in.
Oddly, the opposite is true. Pesky facts.
Silly Christine. The answer for that one is “Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years.”
Actually she did quite well. I guess she’s only 99% bat sh*t crazy.
I put a spell on you…. cuzzzz…. yer mine!
I wonder what she thinks about the Citizens United case. You know where corporations can spend unlimited amounts of money attacking any politician that may actually challenge their power, and their total control of our guvvmint.
@5 & 6
I’m a big fan of the U.S. fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan comment. See Christine saw “Charlie Wilson’s War” and thinks she has a grasp of World Affairs.
I remember the U.S. actually in a shooting war with the Soviets. Patrick Swazee and C. Thomas Howell and the plucky Jennifer Grey did a great job. WOLVERINES!!!
Isn’t Christine one of those so-called “constitutional conservatives”? Wouldn’t you think that would make her quite aware of Supreme Court decisions? After all, it would be the Supreme Court that gets to say what the Constitution means. Teabaggers should stick to sucking testicles. They don’t do politics very well.
Hey Wingies!
You must be proud of Christine. Stand up for her. She is your future.
Red Dawn was great and Jennifer Grey was hot!
Christine is so anti-sex I think the chance that she doesn’t have a lesbian lover is practically zero….
You know how these Republicans operate.
I’m just sayyin’.
Like Dana Perino, she can’t be expected to know about things that happened before she was born.
If that is the worst part of her debate, she probably did okay. O’Donnell is still going to get her ass kicked in three weeks, since her positions are out of the mainstream for Delaware. The Republicans should have found her some sort of paying job after she was the sacrificial lamb against Biden in 2008. Now they are stuck with her as the losing nominee in a race they could have won. Castle may have been very popular with the average Delaware voter. But if he couldn’t make peace with his own party — after being elected eight times statewide — and couldn’t appease or neutralize O’Donnell — then that is a major flaw as an effective politician, and he deserved to lose.
All Facts Support My Positions @ 11
Maybe you are right. Republican men in her position often tend to be gay … If so, too bad. Politics aside, she is actually pretty cute!
Is the point of this that O’Donnell doesn’t follow the news, or that the Roberts court may be basically in line with O’Donnell’s point of view?
You all seem to forget, this is an ELECTION for to represent the people, not for someone to TELL ME WHAT TO DO!
Imagine you are hiring your own boss! Would you rather have a pretty babe like O’Donnel or a bald apparatchnik named Coons!
Same here in WAWA. How many would actually choose to work for some dress-for-success ex Microsoft secretary whose last name rhymes with a french donut?
In the meantime, Goldy seems obsessed with the idea that Sheriff Reichert fell, got a boo boo, and is now brain dead. Yeh! That is why so many brkight busness guys are supporting him!
As for Rossi vs. Murry, would any of you go to listen to this gap toothed broad tell you how to make a buck at real estate? Can you even imagine here being cast by Hollywood as a Senator? Rossi looks the part and, as well understand, how one looks is very important if you are going to represent others!
I still can’t tell if that’s just a clumsy attempt at satire and snark, or the genuine rantings of an especially disheveled denizen of the fever swamp.
I have to agree with Lib Sci @16.
One of the big problems with the current crowd of right-wing-wackos and their nominees for public office is just how difficult it is to parody them. Their own words and deeds are so absurd and humorous that it’s impossible to make them sound any more ridiculous.
Oh yeah, and I’m pretty sure Sheriff Dave was brain dead before he got his boo boo. That’s exactly why so many “smart business guys” are supporting him. He is pretty pliable on the issues.
@16, @17
I’ve mentioned it before, but will repeat anyway…
We are talking Poe’s Law here: “It is hard to tell parodies of fundamentalism (or, more generally, any crackpot theory) from the real thing, since they both seem equally insane. Conversely, real fundamentalism can easily be mistaken for a parody of fundamentalism.”
e 15: Thanks for telling us what to think and do.
Personally, think @15 is the real deal with some kind of remuneration for comments in liberal threads, or maybe comments that get responses. Kind of like collecting cans at the highways edge, and getting a modest sum for a hefty-bag full at the end of the day.
Look over here at this O’Donnell video? No thanks. Goldy, how are the people you told us to vote doing?
At least you have it right about the quality of the junk I collect here.
What bothers me the most is the idea of a supposedly legitimate candidate for public office can be so overtly ridiculous and absurd in their public persona that any real chance of them actually being elected is, for all intentions, zero. That their campaigns presentation is almost deliberately bizarre.
It has become increasingly obvious that Ms. O’Donnell isn’t actually trying to win the office. She is in it for the money. She lives like a very upper-middle class woman while reporting less than $10,000 per year income over the last several years. Her house is located in a high end gated community, is around 4200 sq feet and seems to be paid for. Her personal vehicle is a Cadillac SUV. All her basic bills are paid for, she is well fed. She seems to have a lot of really nice and very expensive clothes. She has a full-time gardener to maintain the lawn.
So where is the money coming from?
The paranoid nugget that keeps rolling around in my little froggie brain is, if one wanted to put someone in office, someone friendly and loyal to your interests as a Corporation or foreign power, or maybe a domestic power with evil intentions, the surest way to accomplish that would be to present two candidates for the same office, on opposing lines of philosophy. One presented as being mostly rational and educated and capable, the other being a complete drooling microcephaletic type that presents themselves as a complete parody of a real candidate.
Finance them both, and which ever one wins that Corporation or vested interest wins. If the parody candidate wins, they get a compliant, totally obedient and entirely stupid Representative that they could keep a real tight leash on, if the other, more rational one wins, they get the same thing, but with some real measure of intelligence whom they could trust to competently and independently follow orders. This vested interest of course, would rather the intelligent candidate wins the election.
But either way that vested interest wins. They get what they want, which is essentially a black market loyalist to their interests.
The rationale here is, it fascinates me that Ms. O’Donnell is held up to the cameras and the audience nearly constantly, across the entire country, while Mr. Coons is practically invisible to anyone not residing within the State of Delaware.
You never see his speeches on NBC or FOX. You never see him making campaign speeches outside of his State. While Ms. O’Donnell is openly campaigning in New York, Washington D.C., New Hampshire and several other States. Her presentations are practically nationwide.
Who is running the show, and what are they really after in this election? Is it just being maintained as a distraction from something else?
It’s like the little funny man with the dancing puppet on the sidewalk, doing a really great little show for a cut of the take that the dips get working the back of the crowd.
Nobody notices that their pocket has been picked until the show has been over for a while, and the funny little puppet man has closed his box and gone home for the night.
Seems like this has been happening in a lot of election cycles.
When many idiots are put up as candidates the 50/50 probability an idiot is elected should be scary.
I hear and read many conservative Republicans belief that GWB was not a true conservative. I heard and read many liberal Democrats saying he was an idiot, a miserable failure.
Conservative Republicans nominated him, elected him, and re-elected him.
Maybe there is some argument that after being attacked and not completing 2 wars, and the worst economic recession in 70 years that our Republican led government under GWB was not a Miserable Failure. I can’t see how one comes to any other conclusion.
What amazes me is that in this cycle, rather than finding candidates with some decent possibility of governing effectively, the Republican party has nominated the biggest slate of brain dead, know-nothing idiots that I’ve seen in 40 years.
Compare the response of Republican party stalwarts and leaders to O’Donnell, Iott, Angle, Rand, Paladino (!!!) to the Democrats over NC Sen candidate Al Green.
Now as funny as this all may be, electing idiots who are incapable of governing and are philosophically opposed to regulation (which is what governance is!) has consequences.
In the NY Times today:
Look, if the Republican party can’t come straight out and endorse the Democrat in Delaware, they can’t be trusted to do anything anywhere.
The time has long passed for being responsible adults and to step up to real issues and admit that deregulated Galtian RandRoid BS did not work. Our nation is teetering on the precipice.
24 – Politics being kind of like Vegas or Wall Street where the house always wins.
Seen Boardwalk Empire?? Maybe it’s always been that way.
Funny that the anti-hero in that series is a rigid religious prohibitionist who at least tries to challenge and change the status quo albeit in a wrongheaded way.
@21 “Personally, think @15 is the real deal”
Real deal or not, anybody who calls me “Satan’s evil spawn” is alright in my book.
Man, you get all the good insults from our trolls. I’m going to have to ramp up my game.
It’s hard to find a SCOTUS decision you disagree with when you’ve never read one.
One legal subject O’Donnell does understand, though, is debt collection. She’s had personal experience with home foreclosure, student loan default, etc.
This would-be U.S. senator who can’t balance her own checkbook blames her personal financial rapsheet on being born poor. The concept of taking personal responsibility for her own choices doesn’t enter into her thinking. Which makes her a perfect fit for modern Republicanism.
@15 If you like O’Donnell so much why don’t you loan her some money? It’s a win-win: It’ll make you feel good and she needs your cash to get the bill collectors off her back.
@30 Rabbit
typical ,, “on her back?’
@28 Well, I do work very hard to earn those insults. But I can also see that you’re doing quite well in that arena this week with “Libs must arm”. I love it! I bet Roger does too.
Maybe we should have a little friendly competition to see who can draw the most vicious insult from our sweet trolls.
I’d rather have a civilized discussion and give the trolls the opportunity to actually think.
I think the first one to chum the PuddWakks sockpuppet to the surface deserves some sort of mention as well.
@4 Actually, Alabama was a pretty good place to live…back in the early 90’s before the Cold War ended, when NASA and the Pentagon were pouring money into Huntsville and the governor was a liberal Democrat. Then they elected Fob “Chain Gang” James, and it seems it’s been all downhill ever since.
34: “I’d rather have a civilized discussion and give the trolls the opportunity to actually think.”
That’s a joke, right? As endearing as they might be, I don’t believe there’s a single thinker among our current crop of trolls. And, civilized? Maybe in a Lord of the Flies sort of way.
Re 29
“This would-be U.S. senator who can’t balance her own checkbook blames her personal financial rapsheet on being born poor. The concept of taking personal responsibility for her own choices doesn’t enter into her thinking. Which makes her a perfect fit for modern Republicanism.”
That’s hilarious! Not taking responsibility for anything is the standard progressive/liberal/democrat line, not republican. In liberal world, nothing is ever anyones’ fault. Unless they are a bank or oil company. Then they are responsible for all the stuff you’ve let everyone else off on.
Without providing a scapegoat for personal failures the democrats would have no base of voters at all. That’s what you are and that’s what you do. You don’t govern, you blame. You don’t find solutions to common problems, you endlessly drone on about inequal opportunity and all the other pseudo excuses for not taking accountability for personal choices.
Write a thousand more posts and you won’t get one as ironic as this one, Rabbit.
@25 Apparently you’re making the assumption that the smirking sock puppets that the right intends to elect to office will actually be the ones running things. That’s no more likely to be the case than it was with that cowardly idiot they had playing pocket pool in the Oval Office from 2001 through 2008.
Having said that, Christine O’Donnel and a few other ridiculous loonies like her have replaced serious and viable Republicans in some key races.
Somewhere between the afficionados of Lenin on the left and the far right wackos is where most Americans are comfortable, with a slight but definite bias to the right of center. Pelosi no more matches the ideals of Middle America than Sharon Angle. For some reason though the R’s have decided to emulate Democrat lack of organization, and may have jeapardized this very important election cycle for themselves and for America as a whole.
“lostinhisownasshole” is again…lost in his own asshole.
@40. Lost said.
Having said that, Christine O’Donnel and a few other ridiculous loonies like her have replaced serious and viable Republicans in some key races.
>> I agree. If the repubs had nominated someone halfway moderate and non crazy, Reid would be toast. But they didn’t.
…most Americans are comfortable, with a slight but definite bias to the right of center.
>> I disagree. Older tend to the right, Younger tend to the left.
Pelosi no more matches the ideals of Middle America than Sharon Angle.
That’s an wrong analogy and you know it. I expect better of you. Pelosi is somewhat progressive. Angle is out there. “Human brain in a mouse!” Comparing their politics is like comparing apples to plaid. they are not on the same continuum.
Re 42
“Reid would be toast. But they didn’t.”
Yes. But the fact that Reid is even in a real race with Angle should give progressives something to think about.
“I disagree. Older tend to the right, Younger tend to the left.”
This has probably always been true. As folks age they tend to harden their positions, and adopt more conservative views of the world. Consider the demographics of our aging country the Dems have 2 saving graces. First, minorities (demographically less and less deserving of that term due in part to immigration) tend to vote D. Second, young urban dwelling voters are pretty reliably liberal. Unfortunately for you, neither are the die-hard voters that older and especially retired people are.
I’ll agree to disagree about Ms. Pelosi. I personally think she is very far to the left of the United States generally. Maybe for her district in California she is mainstream. If so she, like Bernie Sanders, is espousing the views for which they were elected. Though why a sane person would elect either is beyond me.