– Public Internet is the fight of the future.
– Shorter Commissioner Tom Mielke: We have to keep arresting people for marijuana related crimes because we don’t want additional policing. (h/t on the article)
– Mars Hill is such a problem (h/t)
– Here’s Some Real Talk: ‘If Gay Guys Said the Shit Straight People Say’
Republicans are proof that aliens exist – not from outer space, but from right here on mother earth.
I think most of our religions are consequences of alien visitor thousands of years ago. Man, they’re probably laughing the butts off now at the way we interpreted their visits and made up religions to explain I all!
I am currently homeless and I don’t want to pay for your kids schooling – the rent is too damn high already!
BUT I would pay taxes for this at the new Maple Leaf Park!
@3 If you’re homeless, why do you care what rents are?
This weekend, the Financial Times attacked Thomas Piketty’s book on wealth inequality for gaming the data. This week, Newsweek criticizes the Financial Times for gaming Piketty’s statistical work.
Cheap labor conservatives who bitterly oppose raising the minimum wage keep telling us low-wage workers get stuck in those jobs because they’re lazy and lack skills; the solution, they claim, is not raising wages but telling those people to get more education. Like every other argument the right uses to keep workers down, it’s bullshit. From today’s Seattle Times:
“Nearly 45 percent of U.S. workers who earned less than $10.10 an hour last year had either attended college or had graduated, according to an analysis by … a senior economist at the … Center for Economic and Policy Research.”
They should have learned a trade.
It’s sounding more and more like Mark Driscoll and his associates (or co-pastors, elders, coaches or whatever other titles they’ve conferred upon themselves) are having trouble with the notion that after they’re gone God is going to get along just fine without them.
Joe The Plumber, Warm & Fuzzy Version
“Your dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights,” Joe The Plumber ranted to families of dead kids.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is the kind of guy the right holds up as a hero?
Mrs. Rabbit Commentary: Joe should make himself useful by using his fat mouth to suck shit out of plugged toilets.
Senator James Inhofe, (R-OK) now seems to support an extension of Amtrak’s Heartland Flyer. Which is odd, he is usually an Amtrak critic.
@ 7
The Trades don’t pay jack shit anymore. It used to be, that you went to University to develop a greater sense of the world in terms of literature, art, music, science, mathematics etc and the degree itself was the qualification for an entry-level job in a company. The tradesmen were the specialists, the degrees were the generalists.
Now, the trades don’t pay much more than minimum wage, and there isn’t hardly a market at all anymore for engineers, scientists or trained generalists. We could put nearly everyone to work, if the 3200 people at the top income bracket actually started paying taxes and investing their money in the United States. The billionaires want and pretty much get everything for free. They can write off pretty much the total costs of their personal aircraft, their automobiles, their food, their homes, their property, their clothing and their business expenses. Mitt Rmoney didn’t pay a cent in taxes for 12 years on income derived from laundering the cocaine cartel’s money into the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ. Hell, he was even rewarded with tens of millions in taxpayers subsidies on top of that.
Eliminate the tax breaks from foreign investments, and tax foreign income as it should be and most of the issues around the public schools, veterans hospitals and low income trades workers go away.
The GOP and the Conservatives WANT hungry, uneducated and ignorant people. They WANT a 12-15%% unemployment rate. Without such people, they stand no chance of ever being elected to office or holding positions of political power.
The entire Conservative economic premise is based on paying dumb kids to deliberately smash windows to drum up business for the glaziers.
Renowned singer, dancer, actress, poet, and writer Maya Angelou has died at age 85.
In Australia, reasonable gun regulation laws are working effectively to prevent mass shootings and save innocent lives.
Why is that when ONE guy FAILS to set off a bomb in his shoes on a plane and nobody is hurt and we immediately enact regulations so every last person takes of their shoes to get on a plane but when there have been 31 shootings at schools since columbine to 2012, that actually KILLED people, and there has been no change in regulations?
What is wrong with America?
@11, “The Democrat party WANTS a hungry, uneducated, ignorant and government dependent population. They WANT a 12-15% unemployment rate. Without such people, they stand no chance of ever being elected to office or holding positions of political power.”
Besides the typos I fixed, this was a very good description of the left-wing voter base, well done comrade.
@15. Really?
Do me a favor, Would you please post, if you were in complete charge, using republican policies, how you would get from now, to a well fed, well educated population with a very high employment rate and as little dependance on goverment as possible?
What steps would you take to get there? What’s your plan?
Guns Don’t Kill Dep’t, Part 1
In Arizona, a 3-year-old killed his 18-month-old brother with a gun.
In Brooklyn, a mentally ill Marine veteran who feels guilty for letting 9/11 happen (he was 14 years at the time) was arrested on a subway with a duffelbag containing a shotgun, ammo, laser sight, machete, and gun magazines. The weapons apparently belong to the Marine Corps. No word no who he intended to unload his guilt on, but his mother assured police “he is very kind and not violent.”
A while back, the German Constitutional Court struck down the 3% threshold for electing it’s 96 Members of the European Parliament. The loophole was, that the European Parliament is not a governing body, like the German Bundestag(The 5%/ 3 seat threshold for that was not affected). The result in the recent European Parliament elections, 13 Parties won seats. This is exactly the fragmentation that post-war Germany tries to avoid. The 5 Parties with seats in Berlin won(Christian Democratic Union, Christian Social Union, Social Democrats, Greens, Die Lienke), the Free Democrats, and the new, Euroskeptic Alternative for Deutschland. Unfortunately the far-right National Democratic Party won a seat.
I am not familiar with German Politics but it seems that the one party republican obstructionism here is not working very well.
@ 20
Well, at least this time you didn’t blame it on a Corporate Lie, so there’s that.
@3 If you’re homeless, why do you care what rents are?
If someone is jobless, why might he/she care what the minimum wage is? Feel stupid yet?