goldstien, you are a repulsive human being, jew or not.
Pretty presumptuous to claim to be me, and everyone else. If it were even possible, I would have to be the first to say that I would want someone more qualified than me in the Senate.
Unkl Witzspews:
Not only do I want someone more qualified than O’Donnell to represent me in the Senate, but I want someone way, way, way more qualified than Christine O’Donnell to represent anyone in the United States Senate.
There is a great political theme. Vote for me. I’m not a witch.
Her opponent should thank her, early and often, for clearing up her witchcraft beliefs.
Mal Conspews:
So that means she is a liberal democratic attorney who likes Quinton Terentino films?
The Dukespews:
The next ad I want to see is my surgeon say “I’m you. . . I’m no more trained to cut you open and play around inside there then the drunk you sat next to at the bar last night. . . really. . . I’m you”.
This is the best we can do? I want to at least hope the person I am voting for is far more qualified to handle this job. . . then . . . me! I know a lot of you lefties hated my pal Slade Gorton, but hate him or love him, you knew you were voting for the smartest guy in the room. We used to joke that Slade was the first person you met who really had an IQ over 180, and was also the first person who let you know it. He was not me. . . or you. And he sure as hell is not this moron!!
So…when she says “I am you”…is she calling the rest of us a resume padding, financial deadbeat, pathological liar?
yeh, yeh ….
Hows about explaining how Ms Suzette del Beignet got names after a french doughnut?
At least Sheriff Reichert has a good AMERICAN name!
proud leftistspews:
Roman Hruska, Republican Senator from Nebraska in the Nixon era, in defending Nixon’s nomination for the Supreme Court, Carswell, said that the average person should be represented on the Supreme Court. I don’t get that kind of thinking. If I recall correctly, at some point late in his life, Carswell was arrested for Larry Craig-like acts in a public men’s room. I could Google this shit to make sure I have the details correctly, but I don’t feel like doing so. The point is, as several of you say above [even The Duke!], “I want those who are governing me to be better than me.” I can’t understand those who think otherwise.
Bluecollar Libertarianspews:
I think everyone should mail her a cucumber.
proud leftistspews:
Nice, but I think, given her apparent poverty, that she’d eat the damned thing. A battery-powered dildo, that’s what she needs. Something that has only one use and costs her nothing to use.
You guys seem to suffer from CLIT*.
At lease the Repubs keep their sex in private! No wonder you are all gay!
Maybe that is it .. if O’Donnell came out as gay, then all the libs would change their tune!
Clinton Liberal Insertion Trauma
proud leftistspews:
Are you for real? Somebody, help me here. I’ve seen this guy before–is it satire that doesn’t work, or is this guy really as crazy as he appears to be?
PL, he has a point – wingnuts would rather stay in the closet because they’re far bigger pervs than us.
Ya know, the percentage of people who don’t masturbate is actually quite a bit higher than the percentage of people who go directly from college into cushy political party think tank jobs, and then thinks that that and no other work experience qualifies them to serve in the US Senate.
How’s this for a platform? “I’m just like you, except that I’ve never had to work an honest day in my life. So hire me to be one of the most powerful people in our state.
“Oh, and I promise not to play with myself.
“Or with eye of newt. Any more. Although, if you need a good recipe…”
Re 18
Oh well, if that’s your criteria, how do you rate your president?
Lawyer (based on political connections)-less than a year.
Author of two treacly books of no literary merit, if he didn’t have them ghost written, that is. (Actually a big chunk of his money comes from these ridiculous exercises in Obama ego. I guess PT Barnum had it right.)
Part time college professor- Well, I’ll grant that he probably would have kept this job. But at most colleges the only way to get fired from that job is… Is there a way to get fired from this job? Not job performance, or moral problems, or odd/crazy views. Hmm, nice work if you can get it. If you have friends in Chicago politics who will get it for you, that is.
Community organizer- Whatever the hell that is. Nothing that suits a person to run a hot dog stand, never mind a country anyway.
Illinois Congress- Which job he had no intention of doing, as a stepping stone to…
The United States Senate- Where he spent his entire time running for president.
Yep, the president and this O’Donnel character have a lot in common. Political oportunists with no marketable skills and with no qualifications for the job they are running for/holding. They should get together for a beer summit.
proud leftistspews:
Joe @ 17
You’re probably right. I didn’t look at it from that angle.
So, any of you go to that huge One Nation rally in DC? I mean, it was going to eclipse the million man march, and show how strong the hold of progressive politics is in this country!
No? That’s okay, hardly anyone else did either.
No job any nigger has or has had is or will ever be as impressive or as important as any job I have had. Any job a nigger gets he stole from a white man like me. No nigger deserves a job because any job he has he got through corruption and cheating.
Seriously lost, fuck off. You are lower even than that vile piece of human waste, manoftruth. Just crawl back to your Idaho compound and go Galt. Fuck off and die.
Umm, you mentioned Obamas’ ethnicity. I didn’t. Anywhere. Nor did I imply it, or use the word nigger. Though you did quite often. Projection?
Seriously, if you want to call me a racist crawl off to somewhere where not knowing what you’re talking about isn’t noticeable. Congress, maybe? Opinion writ
Jesus Christ on a Tortilla, you Tea Baggers are really fucked up.
The proof isn’t in what you say or post here, it’s what you do. You are all a bunch of sniveling, whiny cowards. You are so fucking terrified that someone you spent your whole life trying to beat down is getting ahead of you. It drives you nuts that a black man has been legally elected president.
You’ve spent the last two years trying every sleazy dodge and trumped-up bullshit conspiracy to convince yourselves that it HAD to be a mistake, it HAD to be rigged, it HAD to be a grand Muslim plot to take over the US… anything but the truth – that well over half of the people in this country felt he was qualified to be president.
All I can say is, you racist bastards, deal with it!
Indeed. It is strictly between you and the guy in the stall next to you….
@25 Indeed. It is strictly between you and the guy in the stall next to you….
daryl, i would have thought you teach your unfortunate studenrs gay sex is abeautifuk and wonderful experience, to be celebrated and applauded on shows like oprah.
Has anyone ever mentioned to you that you are really, really, really boring? I mean, like, some Wingdings are quite interesting to read in that freak-show kind of way. You? It’s like listening to Thurston Howell, III orating on the wonders preserved in the British Museum of Toenail Clippings.
“daryl, i would have thought you teach your unfortunate studenrs gay sex is abeautifuk and wonderful experience, to be celebrated and applauded on shows like oprah.”
Best keep your “thoughts” to yourself….they reveal more about you than anyone really wants to know, there, Squirt.
Is it any wonder to you libs that Gold and Silver are skyrocketing, because of the imploding spending your idiot president is doing, and the falling dollar he is directly responsible for?
November cannot possibly come soon enough. Two more years of this broke and business killing state and Fed and there will be no country left.
“and the falling dollar he is directly responsible for?”
Are you for real? Is it that you figure when Republicans control the presidency and both houses that you should not pay attention? I cannot picture the gall it takes to type a sentence like that.
@19: hmmm, Lost is once again showing us how ignorant and how pathetically lacking in thinking ability and logic he/she is.
Comparing O’Donnell to Obama?
How about education?
O’Donnell lied about “Oxford” and “Claremont” and has a BS…Obama went to Columbia, Harvard Law and was Law review.
Gee – is that even close? No. But a total idiot like Lost pretends it is…
Obama was a US Senator and O’Donnell…well, she was head of some half-wit organization she started and has said lots of stupid things – just like Lost.
There is no comparison and Lost is just making a total fool of him/her self by attempting an analogy that is of the third grade level. But then, that is as deep as Lost’s thinking goes….
Yes, I can see how you’d think that.
From a liberals point of view I don’t use nearly enough gratuitous profanity, for a start. I fucking mean it’s not a cock-sucking sentence if it fucking doesn’t use God damned profanity, to most here. Right?
I don’t use outrageous and ill informed slander either.
I don’t attack the person whom I’m addressing, preferring to make actual arguments.
So I can see how a someone who values the first two and can’t answer the third would find me boring.
My fault, I’m sure.
Ohh, the soul deep pain! The agony of not being respected by CNR! The sheer despair of feeling that CNR doesn’t think me intelligent!
Seriously, I think I’ll end it all just because of your opinion.
BTW, I’ll grant that Obama is intellligent, and even eloquent when he has time to write speeches. For a slimy snake oil salesman without any real convictions except his own aggrandizement he has done very well.
Is it any wonder to you libs that Gold and Silver are skyrocketing
A gallon of gas costs 2.75. That’s not indicative of a problem with a falling dollar for most people.
And a falling dollar means exports from this country are cheaper. Wheat farmers right now are having boom times. They’re not asking to be paid in gold and silver.
People who hold lots of dollars are contributing to inflating precious metal prices. So freaking what? That bubble will pop like all the rest.
Wall Street is not amused. Rising precious metal prices means there’s less interest in their garbage derivative products.
Well, off to work. Like the man said, ‘Annoy a liberal, make money doing what you like and be happy.’
because of the imploding spending your idiot president is doing, and the falling dollar he is directly responsible for?
What a moron. We’ve already proved that the bulk of the deficit comes from continuing the Bush policies. Only a small sliver is from anything Obama has done.
“Well, off to work. Like the man said, ‘Annoy a liberal, make money doing what you like and be happy.’”
If by “annoy” you mean “cure insomnia for”, I’d be forced to agree with you.
Lost, you are everybit the racist filth that MOT is, probably more so. MOT, at least, has never presented himself as anything other than the vile, Aryan Nation-skinhead-nazi scum that he is. You, on the other hand, hide your Aryan Nation leanings and pretend to be a reasonable conservative. Bullshit. @22 I distilled your comment @ 19 down to it’s purest essence. You post that Beck inspired drivel over and over and pretend it’s not racist simply because you don’t use the bad word – but it’s a damn obfuscation and you and everyone else, left and right knows it. The ONLY reason you despise our current President is because he is part African. Each and everyone one of your simplistic dismissals of his every achievement screams out the shrill dog whistles of covert racism that your kind has been polishing for as long as I can remember. There is nothing in your eyes that Obama can do that isn’t suspect or the result of some sort of conspiratorial affirmative action plot to deny hard working white folk their birthright. You ooze racism from every pore of your being. Fuck off.
@11) She married a guy named DelBene, (which is Italian, not French). Reichert is a German name.
Don’t know Suzan’s maiden name. Might be Smith or Jones.
Isn’t that what you libs call “don’t as don’t tell?”
I thought libs believed in personal privacy and keeping the Government (and God) “out of the bedroom?” Yet, if nw of you found hir growing on Senator O’Donnell’s hands, the screams of “Masturbator” would be in red type all across the NY Times/MSNBC Jewish conglomerate.
Oh yeh, how is that free speech thing treating Rick Sanchez?
Goldy’s going far afield. Can we in Washington state vote in the Delaware election? No. So why is Goldy posting this? Remember what I taught you. Always ask yourself when it comes to Goldy, what ISN’T he talking about? What is he trying to draw your attention away from?
@39 Sarge …
Le Petit Suzanne Beignet
I remember her as one of THE class acts at the old Lusty Lady till your libturds closed it down.
If her real name were Benet, why would she pronounce it Beignet?
As for American names, this country was settled by good Northern Europeans! We came here and God showed his wrath by sending a plague to wipe out all those Indians just as He used plagues to free the ancient Jews so they could prepare a home for Jesus.
Read some history!
@41 Troll
You have a point there.
Did you know Goldy’s people spent the last week or so living in shacks? Liberal Jews do this every year to show how great it is to be poor!
I’ll bet ya Goldstein stayed inside!
BTW, do you suppose the pagans here worship at that statue of you in Fremont or do they kowtow to their other idol, Lenin?
Lost @ 19: Interesting attempt to try to equate a Tea Party candidate who took over ten years to get an undergraduate degree is somehow equivilent to the editor of the law review of what is undisputedly one of a handful of top law schools in the country.
In case you didn’t know, the law review isn’t a social club. You have to earn your way on board. In most law schools, you aren’t even eligible unless you finish your first year in the top 10% of your class. Then you have to spend your second year writing a publishable article on some obsure legal case, complete with legal research on every aspect of the case (the footnotes often exceed the text length), all while doing “spadework” editing and checking the citation of articles submitted by legal scholars for publication, and your normal class load.
Assuming you’ve still kept your grades high by the end of the second year, you are then eligible to serve on the editorial board during your third year of law school. In most law reviews, the third-year members of the staff of the law review then vote from among themselves to elect the overall editor of the law review, who is responsible for management of the publications during his term (usually three or four volumes a year). Although there is always a bit of a “popularity” nature of such an election, nobody gets elected based on popularity alone – if the editor doesn’t do his job properly, everyone suffers and has to pick up the slack. Given that time is a very valuable comodity among law students, they are very hesitant to give it away if they don’t have to, so everyone is expected to carry his own weight.
Anyone who graduates from an Ivy-league law school as the editor of the law review can write their own ticket, the number and quality of the job offers will be impressive. Obama didn’t need political connections to get a job.
The attempts to minimize Obama’s achievement is rather amazing. And yes, race does come into it, because many of the allegations add “affirmative action” to claim that Obama couldn’t have gotten as far as he did without special assistance.
By the way, did anyone here the clip of O’Donnell which came out the other day? She was explaining how she became a Christian, after trying all the other major religions. She said she almost became a Buddist, but couldn’t become a vegitarian because as a good Italian, she loves meatballs!
Not exactly the most persuasive argument I’ve ever heard for being a Christian….
Goldy told us to vote for Gregoire, and she won, and now the state has a 4.5 billion dollar deficit.
What HA is all about is distracting people from the horrible job Democrats are doing.
And I’m saying this as a Democrat myself!
At least Sheriff Reichert has a good AMERICAN name!
Okay, you could look at it that way, since the Germans have been in this country as long as the British and the (ahem) French. But if you want a REAL good American name, how about Joe Two Feathers?
‘Isn’t that what you libs call “don’t as[k] don’t tell?”’
Kind-of. It’s “Do ask or don’t tell.” Do ask the guy in the stall next to you if he is a cop, or else don’t tell him how excited you are to be sitting next to him….
‘I thought libs believed in personal privacy and keeping the Government (and God) “out of the bedroom?”’
I suspect many libs do believe this about the Guvmnt. But there is a greater diversity of opinions about the role of God, whether or not she exists, and what she wears in the bedroom.
“Yet, if [one] of you found [hair] growing on Senator [sic] O’Donnell’s hands, the screams of “Masturbator” would be in red type all across the NY Times/MSNBC Jewish conglomerate.”
Naaaa…maybe at TMZ, but if anything, the Old Gray Lady would scream “Masturbatrix!”
“Oh yeh, how is that free speech thing treating Rick Sanchez?”
Obviously, perfectly well. I mean, I haven’t heard anything about the Guvmnt going after him….
@46 Perhaps you weren’t paying attention when the economy began contracting and Washington State’s revenues were severely compromised and Gregoire had to make increasingly more difficult decisions to cut more and more services and projects to try to keep the deficit from rising even higher. I’m hoping someone here with some research chops can find for us the State in this Union that doesn’t have a large deficit right now.
44 – Obama was PRESIDENT of the Law Review not editor (as I understand it anyway) and he had to win his position by gaining the support of ideological conservatives.
Under Obama the Law Review tilted a bit more to the right publishing pieces like an attack on affirmative action penned by a former Reagan administration official.
Overall the judgement of Obama’s tenure is that he brought a some more ideological balance to the law review which before him had focused quite a bit on race and gender issues.
Why do you keep deriding Obama’s work as a social activist/organizer? What do you think of Martin Luther King Jr.’s work in that department? Would you also say that King never had a real job, and imply that he also doesn’t have what it takes to be a political leader? Of course, Obama is no Martin Luther King; however, your complete dismissal of an entire area of human endeavors that encompasses the work of many people we would consider American heroes is unnerving.
And if you can honestly equate Obama and O’Donnell in terms of experience, knowing that the former graduated from Harvard Law, and the latter never graduated from college but has been lying about it ever since, then I see no reason to give credence to any of your opinions.
Zotz sez: Puddybud is just another word for arschloch.spews:
@45, rhp: Yep! And the really sweet thing was that this Teabagger actually said:
I tried being a Hare Krisna, but I love meatballs too much!
And as we all know, though they whine at us for pointing out what they called themselves, Teabaggers luvs them some balls!
No states have budget deficits (i.e. spending that actually exceeding revenues), unless CA has started issuing IOUs.
However most states (including WA) have been dealing with projected budget shortfalls (i.e. gaps between planned spending and projected revenues) since the start of the Bush Recession.
The worst recession since the 1930s has caused the steepest decline in state tax receipts on record. As a result, even after making very deep spending cuts over the last two years, states continue to face large budget gaps. At least 46 states struggled to close shortfalls when adopting budgets for the current fiscal year (FY 2011, which began July 1 in most states). These came on top of the large shortfalls that 48 states faced in fiscal years 2009 and 2010. States will continue to struggle to find the revenue needed to support critical public services for a number of years, threatening hundreds of thousands of jobs.
They list AR, MT, and ND as the only three states spared budget gaps. They show 17 24 states with projected shortfalls making up a larger proportion of the budget than Washington state.
(Corrected 17 to 24–The 17 was from last year’s analysis…Washington state has improved it’s standing. For 2011, there are 24 states with projected %shortfalls greater than WA.)
Really, ask your mommy, not Diane Tebelius. She is wrong. Apparently, she doesn’t understand the legal requirements for state budgeting and spending! (Or she is simply being sloppy with her language. Either way…YIKES! I definitely will be putting some time and resources into getting my State Rep. Ross Hunter re-elected!)
#32 Lost, “I don’t attack the person whom I’m addressing, preferring to make actual arguments.”
This is clearly not an attack on CNR three minutes later in Lost’s next post @33,
“Ohh, the soul deep pain! The agony of not being respected by CNR! The sheer despair of feeling that CNR doesn’t think me intelligent!
Seriously, I think I’ll end it all just because of your opinion.”
Continuing @33, this must be what Lost considers an “actual argument”,
“BTW, I’ll grant that Obama is intellligent, and even eloquent when he has time to write speeches. For a slimy snake oil salesman without any real convictions except his own aggrandizement he has done very well.”
Lost, I think that the reason people find you boring is statements like this one:
‘Yep, the president and this O’Donnel character have a lot in common.’
It is just so trivially ridiculous that it is hardly worth bothering with. You’re equating a graduate of Harvard Law who was also President of the Harvard Law Review, an eight year state senator, 4 year US senator, and 4 year community organizer with someone who has done nothing but appear in some anti-masturbation commercials and lie about her credentials.
And to answer what Obama did as a community organizer, Wikipedia is pretty helpful:
‘He worked there as a community organizer from June 1985 to May 1988.[32][34] During his three years as the DCP’s director, its staff grew from one to thirteen and its annual budget grew from US$70,000 ($141,564 in 2010) to US$400,000 ($735,648 in 2010). He helped set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants’ rights organization in Altgeld Gardens.[35] Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute.[36]’
If this had been a business, and you replaced grew its budget to grew its profit, Republicans would salivate over this experience by someone who was 24 at the time he started. But I guess since it was just community activism (you know, what Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr. participated in) it is worthless experience.
@60 Thanks for the link. One of the great lines from a great article,
“Harris found in an online poll that 14 percent of Americans believe in their hearts that President Barack Obama is the antichrist, with nearly a quarter of Republicans saying so.
At least in this form, however, Satan (sometimes) wears a flag pin.”
And the one about Obama in his “golf attire” had me rolling on the floor.
# 53: I’m not sure, but I think there was a movie line somewhere to the effect that “Mr. President, it was on a need-to-know basis, and respectfully, you didn’t need to know”.
Of coure, the whole idea is preposterous, and it’s just one of the wierd things about West’s candidacy (some of which are detailed in the link in # 6).
@64 – this quote sums up the glibertarian mindset for me:
Few were really surprised, for example, when Tea Party Express President Mark Williams turned out to have penned a letter that could have been written in the worst decades of Jim Crow: “We Coloreds have taken a vote and decided that we don’t cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop!”
It’s like Lost and Williams are two peas in a pod.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Wikipedia ain’t exactly the most reliable “source”.
The article failed to tell us WHERE ImamObaMao got all that “Kommunity Orginizing” $$ to increase his staff.
That’s a pretty fundmental element you conveniently omitted.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Once again, all Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats can do is launch personal attacks on Conservative Candidates. You see nothing defending the Health Care Vote, Porkulous, Budgets with earmarks and massive deficit spending.
You KLOWNS are trying hard to deflect from the main reason we elect representatives…to VOTE on Legislation.
Elections are to hold those in power accountable. And they will.
You KLOWNS can jerk each other off on the sideshows…you already know how you are going to vote so it accomplishes….NOTHING!
‘cept maybe allow you to relieve the stress caused by ImamObaMao blowing the Democrat majorities so he can have R’s in power to actually try & blame in 2012.
ImamObaMao cares more about his personal legacy than pleasing you a$$holes.
If the D’s maintain majorities, ImamObaMao is finished in 2012. Jimmy Carter II!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You could simply substitute the name “PATTY MURRAY” for Francisco Silva. After all, she is a KLOWN and the Dumbest Senator!!
Where to start… If you excuse yourself, you accuse yourself. In otherwords, if you are going to say you are not a witch, don’t do it wearing black with the emphasis being your floating head in space. Rather dress in white and stand before a white background with lots of light to flush it all out. Cause the moment you say “I’m not a witch” people are going to think “she’s a witch” and as long as you are leading them there, at least leave enough to make them think you are a good witch. But what ever you do, don’t dress like a witch when you say “I’m not a witch” Or at least use humor, with explicit wizard of oz references to show what a clown your opponent is.
Puddy must have had his prescription refilled because it’s pretty darned obvious that he’s heavily sedated of late.
Quinton Terentino I know this is way at the top, but really: Quinton Terentino. How could you screw up the spelling of both names? Jesus H. Fucking Christ….
And the Sinful one has demonstrated quite clearly that he is not a good judge of sources: “Wikipedia ain’t exactly the most reliable “source”” From the same guy who only gives FoxNews and Rasmussen links?
I wonder what % of people in Delaware have spanked it while watching this ad?
Cynical, I’m not going to climb down your rabbit hole of absurdity by trying to counter the stuff you make up on the fly.
My only point is that community activism is real work (just look at the examples of other community activists I gave, or at what Obama accomplished in his 3 years at DCP). Dismissing this experience as irrelevant because Faux News tells you to is the definition of sheeple.
That’s a really stupid ad, btw.
She’s me? She’s a member of the working class left?
Until they put the words on the screen, I thought, perhaps, she was saying, “I ewe“.
Mr. Cynically Crazyspews:
Bunch of stories today about our “high” unemployment and what it meas. Er…nothing?
When in US history, from 1776 to today, have we EVER had 100% employment? Never. Ever.
There’s ALWAYS somewhere between 4% – 10% unemployment at any given time. That’s how it’s always been.
The Great Depression was 25%. Let me repeat that. The Great Depression was 25% of the public without jobs. 1 out of 4. We’re CLOSE to 10% now. While high in terms of statical norms, it’s NO WHERE near catastrophic unemployment the way the fake media keeps pointing out.
And for the wingnut anti-reality anti-fact crowd on here…Reagan (who’s polling Obama matches) had HIGHER unemployment than we do now. Two years into Ronald Reagan’s first term (about where we are now with Obama) unemployment hit 10.8%. So we have a ways to go JUST to match the economy under Reagan, which if I remember Republicans telling me was FANTASTIC, and didn’t he get re-elected to a 2nd term. So just saying…
P.S. The high unemployment during the first 2 years of Reagan is always blamed on the previous President (Carter) according to Republicans, meaning by their logic our current relatively high unemployment is the fault of our previous President (George W Bush). Of course logic doesn’t apply to insane people.
proud leftistspews:
I think she should have acknowledged being a witch. She could have claimed, “I have maintained my skills in the black arts. I cast spells on those who cross me, even strangers who I don’t know. Keep that in mind when voting.”
Deep thought on the O’Donnell ad…
“I’ll go to Washington. And do what you’d do.”
You mean you’ll nerd out at the Folger Library, Air and Space, and the Library of Congress and then go drink rare beers at the Brickskeller?
76. masaba spews:
Cynical, I’m not going to climb down your rabbit hole of absurdity by trying to counter the stuff you make up on the fly.
My only point is that community activism is real work (just look at the examples of other community activists I gave, or at what Obama accomplished in his 3 years at DCP).
Whoa Partner…I only questioned where the funding came from for ImamObaMao to increase his “staff” so much as you pointed out??
How much was Taxpayer Money?
How did he get it?
Where did the rest come from?
Reasonable questions…I await your answer.
Those questions don’t even relate to my original argument. That’s why I described them as your rabbit hole of absurdity. There’s no need to answer them.
If you care so much, and think that their answer will counter my argument, then you should do that and type out a clear, concise and referenced counter.
68. Mr. Cynical spews: “masaba@59– Wikipedia ain’t exactly the most reliable “source”.
The article failed to tell us WHERE ImamObaMao”
76. masaba spews: “@68 Cynical, I’m not going to climb down your rabbit hole of absurdity”
@82 ed spews: “Whoa Partner…I only questioned where the funding came from for ImamObaMao”
Is the KLOWN sockpuppeting it these days?
re 30 and 67
Whoever gave you courses on mind reading, I’d ask for your money back. You really aren’t very good at it.
Under every comment about Obama, in your fevered imaginings, must lurk a cesspool of rampant racism. It doesn’t matter if the race of the person in question isn’t mentioned. It doesn’t matter if no racist comment at all is present. Nope, you’re much too smart, and can detect racism even where it isn’t present. Quite a gift, if a somewhat questionably valuable one.
You might consider whether some folks just find an underqualified leftist ideologue as President a bit too much. Or would that strain your partisan bigotry too much?
BTW, spelling ‘shit’ in the Brit version ‘shite’ is almost as pretensious as spelling theater as ‘theatre.’ Actually, points for vulgar pretensiousness mean it might be more. I bet you wear an ascot and affect an English accent too.
You might consider whether some folks just find an underqualified leftist ideologue as President a bit too much
No, I wouldn’t find that too much. But since Obama is neither unqualified nor a leftist, your point is moot.
He is, in fact, highly qualified, and exactly what you pretend to be – a reasonable conservative.
Lost, you always ignore questions that derail your weak arguments. Why do you insist that social activism is not a real job. Again, see the comments @52, @59.
Do you think Mother Theresa never did an honest day’s work in her life? Again, how can you just disregard social activism, ‘whatever the hell that is’ to quote you, as meaningless.
I know that Faux News and Rush have told you that it is meaningless (particularly since they found out that Obama spent 3 years as a social activist), and if that is your only reason for saying it here, then go ahead and let us know that.
@33: Poor Lost
Yes, I don’t respect anyone who makes false analogies, fails to back up what they write and can’t think or reason past the third grade level. That leads to the type of shallow thinking that Lost has – skimming the surface on issues, issuing platitudes as if they mean something (like government is BAD or inefficient) and the failure to understand or look underneath complex issues.
So – yeah – I don’t respect a shallow thinker who can’t back up what they write. Try actually thinking and using actual facts and then you can earn my respect. Until then, you are simply a simple-minded fool who repeats slogans but can’t back up what you say. You KNOW what you believe – but you don’t know WHY you believe it.
goldstien, you are a repulsive human being, jew or not.
Pretty presumptuous to claim to be me, and everyone else. If it were even possible, I would have to be the first to say that I would want someone more qualified than me in the Senate.
Not only do I want someone more qualified than O’Donnell to represent me in the Senate, but I want someone way, way, way more qualified than Christine O’Donnell to represent anyone in the United States Senate.
There is a great political theme. Vote for me. I’m not a witch.
wayne @4,
You’re right. Maybe Reichert should run an ad: “Vote for me; I’m not brain damaged” …?
Did she say, “bathroom deals?” Sure sounded like it. Is she running for Larry Craig’s old seat, or what?
Also, shouldn’t she have said, “I’m not a witch… anymore.” By now everybody knows she used to be a witch. It’s good of her to at least remind us.
Her opponent should thank her, early and often, for clearing up her witchcraft beliefs.
So that means she is a liberal democratic attorney who likes Quinton Terentino films?
The next ad I want to see is my surgeon say “I’m you. . . I’m no more trained to cut you open and play around inside there then the drunk you sat next to at the bar last night. . . really. . . I’m you”.
This is the best we can do? I want to at least hope the person I am voting for is far more qualified to handle this job. . . then . . . me! I know a lot of you lefties hated my pal Slade Gorton, but hate him or love him, you knew you were voting for the smartest guy in the room. We used to joke that Slade was the first person you met who really had an IQ over 180, and was also the first person who let you know it. He was not me. . . or you. And he sure as hell is not this moron!!
So…when she says “I am you”…is she calling the rest of us a resume padding, financial deadbeat, pathological liar?
yeh, yeh ….
Hows about explaining how Ms Suzette del Beignet got names after a french doughnut?
At least Sheriff Reichert has a good AMERICAN name!
Roman Hruska, Republican Senator from Nebraska in the Nixon era, in defending Nixon’s nomination for the Supreme Court, Carswell, said that the average person should be represented on the Supreme Court. I don’t get that kind of thinking. If I recall correctly, at some point late in his life, Carswell was arrested for Larry Craig-like acts in a public men’s room. I could Google this shit to make sure I have the details correctly, but I don’t feel like doing so. The point is, as several of you say above [even The Duke!], “I want those who are governing me to be better than me.” I can’t understand those who think otherwise.
I think everyone should mail her a cucumber.
Nice, but I think, given her apparent poverty, that she’d eat the damned thing. A battery-powered dildo, that’s what she needs. Something that has only one use and costs her nothing to use.
You guys seem to suffer from CLIT*.
At lease the Repubs keep their sex in private! No wonder you are all gay!
Maybe that is it .. if O’Donnell came out as gay, then all the libs would change their tune!
Clinton Liberal Insertion Trauma
Are you for real? Somebody, help me here. I’ve seen this guy before–is it satire that doesn’t work, or is this guy really as crazy as he appears to be?
PL, he has a point – wingnuts would rather stay in the closet because they’re far bigger pervs than us.
Ya know, the percentage of people who don’t masturbate is actually quite a bit higher than the percentage of people who go directly from college into cushy political party think tank jobs, and then thinks that that and no other work experience qualifies them to serve in the US Senate.
How’s this for a platform? “I’m just like you, except that I’ve never had to work an honest day in my life. So hire me to be one of the most powerful people in our state.
“Oh, and I promise not to play with myself.
“Or with eye of newt. Any more. Although, if you need a good recipe…”
Re 18
Oh well, if that’s your criteria, how do you rate your president?
Lawyer (based on political connections)-less than a year.
Author of two treacly books of no literary merit, if he didn’t have them ghost written, that is. (Actually a big chunk of his money comes from these ridiculous exercises in Obama ego. I guess PT Barnum had it right.)
Part time college professor- Well, I’ll grant that he probably would have kept this job. But at most colleges the only way to get fired from that job is… Is there a way to get fired from this job? Not job performance, or moral problems, or odd/crazy views. Hmm, nice work if you can get it. If you have friends in Chicago politics who will get it for you, that is.
Community organizer- Whatever the hell that is. Nothing that suits a person to run a hot dog stand, never mind a country anyway.
Illinois Congress- Which job he had no intention of doing, as a stepping stone to…
The United States Senate- Where he spent his entire time running for president.
Yep, the president and this O’Donnel character have a lot in common. Political oportunists with no marketable skills and with no qualifications for the job they are running for/holding. They should get together for a beer summit.
Joe @ 17
You’re probably right. I didn’t look at it from that angle.
So, any of you go to that huge One Nation rally in DC? I mean, it was going to eclipse the million man march, and show how strong the hold of progressive politics is in this country!
No? That’s okay, hardly anyone else did either.
No job any nigger has or has had is or will ever be as impressive or as important as any job I have had. Any job a nigger gets he stole from a white man like me. No nigger deserves a job because any job he has he got through corruption and cheating.
Seriously lost, fuck off. You are lower even than that vile piece of human waste, manoftruth. Just crawl back to your Idaho compound and go Galt. Fuck off and die.
Umm, you mentioned Obamas’ ethnicity. I didn’t. Anywhere. Nor did I imply it, or use the word nigger. Though you did quite often. Projection?
Seriously, if you want to call me a racist crawl off to somewhere where not knowing what you’re talking about isn’t noticeable. Congress, maybe? Opinion writ
Beckoner, what, pray tell, is an ‘American’ name?
Jesus Christ on a Tortilla, you Tea Baggers are really fucked up.
The proof isn’t in what you say or post here, it’s what you do. You are all a bunch of sniveling, whiny cowards. You are so fucking terrified that someone you spent your whole life trying to beat down is getting ahead of you. It drives you nuts that a black man has been legally elected president.
You’ve spent the last two years trying every sleazy dodge and trumped-up bullshit conspiracy to convince yourselves that it HAD to be a mistake, it HAD to be rigged, it HAD to be a grand Muslim plot to take over the US… anything but the truth – that well over half of the people in this country felt he was qualified to be president.
All I can say is, you racist bastards, deal with it!
Beckoner @ 15
“At lease the Repubs keep their sex in private!””
Indeed. It is strictly between you and the guy in the stall next to you….
Indeed. It is strictly between you and the guy in the stall next to you….
daryl, i would have thought you teach your unfortunate studenrs gay sex is abeautifuk and wonderful experience, to be celebrated and applauded on shows like oprah.
Has anyone ever mentioned to you that you are really, really, really boring? I mean, like, some Wingdings are quite interesting to read in that freak-show kind of way. You? It’s like listening to Thurston Howell, III orating on the wonders preserved in the British Museum of Toenail Clippings.
Manoftruth @ 26,
“daryl, i would have thought you teach your unfortunate studenrs gay sex is abeautifuk and wonderful experience, to be celebrated and applauded on shows like oprah.”
Best keep your “thoughts” to yourself….they reveal more about you than anyone really wants to know, there, Squirt.
Is it any wonder to you libs that Gold and Silver are skyrocketing, because of the imploding spending your idiot president is doing, and the falling dollar he is directly responsible for?
November cannot possibly come soon enough. Two more years of this broke and business killing state and Fed and there will be no country left.
“and the falling dollar he is directly responsible for?”
Are you for real? Is it that you figure when Republicans control the presidency and both houses that you should not pay attention? I cannot picture the gall it takes to type a sentence like that.
@19: hmmm, Lost is once again showing us how ignorant and how pathetically lacking in thinking ability and logic he/she is.
Comparing O’Donnell to Obama?
How about education?
O’Donnell lied about “Oxford” and “Claremont” and has a BS…Obama went to Columbia, Harvard Law and was Law review.
Gee – is that even close? No. But a total idiot like Lost pretends it is…
Obama was a US Senator and O’Donnell…well, she was head of some half-wit organization she started and has said lots of stupid things – just like Lost.
There is no comparison and Lost is just making a total fool of him/her self by attempting an analogy that is of the third grade level. But then, that is as deep as Lost’s thinking goes….
Yes, I can see how you’d think that.
From a liberals point of view I don’t use nearly enough gratuitous profanity, for a start. I fucking mean it’s not a cock-sucking sentence if it fucking doesn’t use God damned profanity, to most here. Right?
I don’t use outrageous and ill informed slander either.
I don’t attack the person whom I’m addressing, preferring to make actual arguments.
So I can see how a someone who values the first two and can’t answer the third would find me boring.
My fault, I’m sure.
Ohh, the soul deep pain! The agony of not being respected by CNR! The sheer despair of feeling that CNR doesn’t think me intelligent!
Seriously, I think I’ll end it all just because of your opinion.
BTW, I’ll grant that Obama is intellligent, and even eloquent when he has time to write speeches. For a slimy snake oil salesman without any real convictions except his own aggrandizement he has done very well.
See, I can compliment Obama.
A gallon of gas costs 2.75. That’s not indicative of a problem with a falling dollar for most people.
And a falling dollar means exports from this country are cheaper. Wheat farmers right now are having boom times. They’re not asking to be paid in gold and silver.
People who hold lots of dollars are contributing to inflating precious metal prices. So freaking what? That bubble will pop like all the rest.
Wall Street is not amused. Rising precious metal prices means there’s less interest in their garbage derivative products.
Well, off to work. Like the man said, ‘Annoy a liberal, make money doing what you like and be happy.’
Have a nice day.
What a moron. We’ve already proved that the bulk of the deficit comes from continuing the Bush policies. Only a small sliver is from anything Obama has done.
Lostinaseaofblue @ 35
“Well, off to work. Like the man said, ‘Annoy a liberal, make money doing what you like and be happy.’”
If by “annoy” you mean “cure insomnia for”, I’d be forced to agree with you.
Lost, you are everybit the racist filth that MOT is, probably more so. MOT, at least, has never presented himself as anything other than the vile, Aryan Nation-skinhead-nazi scum that he is. You, on the other hand, hide your Aryan Nation leanings and pretend to be a reasonable conservative. Bullshit. @22 I distilled your comment @ 19 down to it’s purest essence. You post that Beck inspired drivel over and over and pretend it’s not racist simply because you don’t use the bad word – but it’s a damn obfuscation and you and everyone else, left and right knows it. The ONLY reason you despise our current President is because he is part African. Each and everyone one of your simplistic dismissals of his every achievement screams out the shrill dog whistles of covert racism that your kind has been polishing for as long as I can remember. There is nothing in your eyes that Obama can do that isn’t suspect or the result of some sort of conspiratorial affirmative action plot to deny hard working white folk their birthright. You ooze racism from every pore of your being. Fuck off.
@11) She married a guy named DelBene, (which is Italian, not French). Reichert is a German name.
Don’t know Suzan’s maiden name. Might be Smith or Jones.
Isn’t that what you libs call “don’t as don’t tell?”
I thought libs believed in personal privacy and keeping the Government (and God) “out of the bedroom?” Yet, if nw of you found hir growing on Senator O’Donnell’s hands, the screams of “Masturbator” would be in red type all across the NY Times/MSNBC Jewish conglomerate.
Oh yeh, how is that free speech thing treating Rick Sanchez?
Goldy’s going far afield. Can we in Washington state vote in the Delaware election? No. So why is Goldy posting this? Remember what I taught you. Always ask yourself when it comes to Goldy, what ISN’T he talking about? What is he trying to draw your attention away from?
@39 Sarge …
Le Petit Suzanne Beignet
I remember her as one of THE class acts at the old Lusty Lady till your libturds closed it down.
If her real name were Benet, why would she pronounce it Beignet?
As for American names, this country was settled by good Northern Europeans! We came here and God showed his wrath by sending a plague to wipe out all those Indians just as He used plagues to free the ancient Jews so they could prepare a home for Jesus.
Read some history!
@41 Troll
You have a point there.
Did you know Goldy’s people spent the last week or so living in shacks? Liberal Jews do this every year to show how great it is to be poor!
I’ll bet ya Goldstein stayed inside!
BTW, do you suppose the pagans here worship at that statue of you in Fremont or do they kowtow to their other idol, Lenin?
Lost @ 19: Interesting attempt to try to equate a Tea Party candidate who took over ten years to get an undergraduate degree is somehow equivilent to the editor of the law review of what is undisputedly one of a handful of top law schools in the country.
In case you didn’t know, the law review isn’t a social club. You have to earn your way on board. In most law schools, you aren’t even eligible unless you finish your first year in the top 10% of your class. Then you have to spend your second year writing a publishable article on some obsure legal case, complete with legal research on every aspect of the case (the footnotes often exceed the text length), all while doing “spadework” editing and checking the citation of articles submitted by legal scholars for publication, and your normal class load.
Assuming you’ve still kept your grades high by the end of the second year, you are then eligible to serve on the editorial board during your third year of law school. In most law reviews, the third-year members of the staff of the law review then vote from among themselves to elect the overall editor of the law review, who is responsible for management of the publications during his term (usually three or four volumes a year). Although there is always a bit of a “popularity” nature of such an election, nobody gets elected based on popularity alone – if the editor doesn’t do his job properly, everyone suffers and has to pick up the slack. Given that time is a very valuable comodity among law students, they are very hesitant to give it away if they don’t have to, so everyone is expected to carry his own weight.
Anyone who graduates from an Ivy-league law school as the editor of the law review can write their own ticket, the number and quality of the job offers will be impressive. Obama didn’t need political connections to get a job.
The attempts to minimize Obama’s achievement is rather amazing. And yes, race does come into it, because many of the allegations add “affirmative action” to claim that Obama couldn’t have gotten as far as he did without special assistance.
By the way, did anyone here the clip of O’Donnell which came out the other day? She was explaining how she became a Christian, after trying all the other major religions. She said she almost became a Buddist, but couldn’t become a vegitarian because as a good Italian, she loves meatballs!
Not exactly the most persuasive argument I’ve ever heard for being a Christian….
Goldy told us to vote for Gregoire, and she won, and now the state has a 4.5 billion dollar deficit.
What HA is all about is distracting people from the horrible job Democrats are doing.
And I’m saying this as a Democrat myself!
Okay, you could look at it that way, since the Germans have been in this country as long as the British and the (ahem) French. But if you want a REAL good American name, how about Joe Two Feathers?
‘Isn’t that what you libs call “don’t as[k] don’t tell?”’
Kind-of. It’s “Do ask or don’t tell.” Do ask the guy in the stall next to you if he is a cop, or else don’t tell him how excited you are to be sitting next to him….
‘I thought libs believed in personal privacy and keeping the Government (and God) “out of the bedroom?”’
I suspect many libs do believe this about the Guvmnt. But there is a greater diversity of opinions about the role of God, whether or not she exists, and what she wears in the bedroom.
“Yet, if [one] of you found [hair] growing on Senator [sic] O’Donnell’s hands, the screams of “Masturbator” would be in red type all across the NY Times/MSNBC Jewish conglomerate.”
Naaaa…maybe at TMZ, but if anything, the Old Gray Lady would scream “Masturbatrix!”
“Oh yeh, how is that free speech thing treating Rick Sanchez?”
Obviously, perfectly well. I mean, I haven’t heard anything about the Guvmnt going after him….
@46 Perhaps you weren’t paying attention when the economy began contracting and Washington State’s revenues were severely compromised and Gregoire had to make increasingly more difficult decisions to cut more and more services and projects to try to keep the deficit from rising even higher. I’m hoping someone here with some research chops can find for us the State in this Union that doesn’t have a large deficit right now.
44 – Obama was PRESIDENT of the Law Review not editor (as I understand it anyway) and he had to win his position by gaining the support of ideological conservatives.
Under Obama the Law Review tilted a bit more to the right publishing pieces like an attack on affirmative action penned by a former Reagan administration official.
Overall the judgement of Obama’s tenure is that he brought a some more ideological balance to the law review which before him had focused quite a bit on race and gender issues.
Troll @ 46,
“now the state has a 4.5 billion dollar deficit.”
No it doesn’t.
Perhaps your mommy can explain it to you…
Why do you keep deriding Obama’s work as a social activist/organizer? What do you think of Martin Luther King Jr.’s work in that department? Would you also say that King never had a real job, and imply that he also doesn’t have what it takes to be a political leader? Of course, Obama is no Martin Luther King; however, your complete dismissal of an entire area of human endeavors that encompasses the work of many people we would consider American heroes is unnerving.
And if you can honestly equate Obama and O’Donnell in terms of experience, knowing that the former graduated from Harvard Law, and the latter never graduated from college but has been lying about it ever since, then I see no reason to give credence to any of your opinions.
@45, rhp: Yep! And the really sweet thing was that this Teabagger actually said:
And as we all know, though they whine at us for pointing out what they called themselves, Teabaggers luvs them some balls!
In. Your. Face.
tienle @ 49,
No states have budget deficits (i.e. spending that actually exceeding revenues), unless CA has started issuing IOUs.
However most states (including WA) have been dealing with projected budget shortfalls (i.e. gaps between planned spending and projected revenues) since the start of the Bush Recession.
From the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:
They list AR, MT, and ND as the only three states spared budget gaps. They show
1724 states with projected shortfalls making up a larger proportion of the budget than Washington state.(Corrected 17 to 24–The 17 was from last year’s analysis…Washington state has improved it’s standing. For 2011, there are 24 states with projected %shortfalls greater than WA.)
Troll @ 51
Really, ask your mommy, not Diane Tebelius. She is wrong. Apparently, she doesn’t understand the legal requirements for state budgeting and spending! (Or she is simply being sloppy with her language. Either way…YIKES! I definitely will be putting some time and resources into getting my State Rep. Ross Hunter re-elected!)
#32 Lost, “I don’t attack the person whom I’m addressing, preferring to make actual arguments.”
This is clearly not an attack on CNR three minutes later in Lost’s next post @33,
“Ohh, the soul deep pain! The agony of not being respected by CNR! The sheer despair of feeling that CNR doesn’t think me intelligent!
Seriously, I think I’ll end it all just because of your opinion.”
Continuing @33, this must be what Lost considers an “actual argument”,
“BTW, I’ll grant that Obama is intellligent, and even eloquent when he has time to write speeches. For a slimy snake oil salesman without any real convictions except his own aggrandizement he has done very well.”
Sigh! Narcissism unbound.
Here is a good article about a number of key races for you political hounddogs.
Lost, I think that the reason people find you boring is statements like this one:
‘Yep, the president and this O’Donnel character have a lot in common.’
It is just so trivially ridiculous that it is hardly worth bothering with. You’re equating a graduate of Harvard Law who was also President of the Harvard Law Review, an eight year state senator, 4 year US senator, and 4 year community organizer with someone who has done nothing but appear in some anti-masturbation commercials and lie about her credentials.
And to answer what Obama did as a community organizer, Wikipedia is pretty helpful:
‘He worked there as a community organizer from June 1985 to May 1988.[32][34] During his three years as the DCP’s director, its staff grew from one to thirteen and its annual budget grew from US$70,000 ($141,564 in 2010) to US$400,000 ($735,648 in 2010). He helped set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants’ rights organization in Altgeld Gardens.[35] Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute.[36]’
If this had been a business, and you replaced grew its budget to grew its profit, Republicans would salivate over this experience by someone who was 24 at the time he started. But I guess since it was just community activism (you know, what Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr. participated in) it is worthless experience.
White America has lost it’s mind. A five page dissection of the depths to which frightened fools like lost have sunk.
Well she is dressed as one.
(I don’t know why but for some reason this ad reminds me of the scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
She is quite the gift that keeps on giving isn’t she? Now if only we could tie her around the necks of a few other GOP canidates …
A man after Puddybud’s own heart:
Earl Grey Party candidate Alan West:
A security clearance HIGHER than the President’s?
@60 Thanks for the link. One of the great lines from a great article,
“Harris found in an online poll that 14 percent of Americans believe in their hearts that President Barack Obama is the antichrist, with nearly a quarter of Republicans saying so.
At least in this form, however, Satan (sometimes) wears a flag pin.”
And the one about Obama in his “golf attire” had me rolling on the floor.
# 53: I’m not sure, but I think there was a movie line somewhere to the effect that “Mr. President, it was on a need-to-know basis, and respectfully, you didn’t need to know”.
Of coure, the whole idea is preposterous, and it’s just one of the wierd things about West’s candidacy (some of which are detailed in the link in # 6).
We highlighted a Butthead guy. How’s old Beavis doing?
There’s 637 days between 1/1/2009 and 9/30/2010.
$ b hacols ‘-f=c -c=tag:eq~klown,datetime:matches~”^2009|2010″,body:phrase~rasmussen -C’
| count |
| 584 |
It’s catching up.
@64 – this quote sums up the glibertarian mindset for me:
It’s like Lost and Williams are two peas in a pod.
Wikipedia ain’t exactly the most reliable “source”.
The article failed to tell us WHERE ImamObaMao got all that “Kommunity Orginizing” $$ to increase his staff.
That’s a pretty fundmental element you conveniently omitted.
Once again, all Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats can do is launch personal attacks on Conservative Candidates. You see nothing defending the Health Care Vote, Porkulous, Budgets with earmarks and massive deficit spending.
You KLOWNS are trying hard to deflect from the main reason we elect representatives…to VOTE on Legislation.
Elections are to hold those in power accountable. And they will.
You KLOWNS can jerk each other off on the sideshows…you already know how you are going to vote so it accomplishes….NOTHING!
‘cept maybe allow you to relieve the stress caused by ImamObaMao blowing the Democrat majorities so he can have R’s in power to actually try & blame in 2012.
ImamObaMao cares more about his personal legacy than pleasing you a$$holes.
If the D’s maintain majorities, ImamObaMao is finished in 2012. Jimmy Carter II!
You could simply substitute the name “PATTY MURRAY” for Francisco Silva. After all, she is a KLOWN and the Dumbest Senator!!
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy.]
She turned me into a newt!
Where to start… If you excuse yourself, you accuse yourself. In otherwords, if you are going to say you are not a witch, don’t do it wearing black with the emphasis being your floating head in space. Rather dress in white and stand before a white background with lots of light to flush it all out. Cause the moment you say “I’m not a witch” people are going to think “she’s a witch” and as long as you are leading them there, at least leave enough to make them think you are a good witch. But what ever you do, don’t dress like a witch when you say “I’m not a witch” Or at least use humor, with explicit wizard of oz references to show what a clown your opponent is.
Puddy must have had his prescription refilled because it’s pretty darned obvious that he’s heavily sedated of late.
Quinton Terentino I know this is way at the top, but really: Quinton Terentino. How could you screw up the spelling of both names? Jesus H. Fucking Christ….
And the Sinful one has demonstrated quite clearly that he is not a good judge of sources: “Wikipedia ain’t exactly the most reliable “source”” From the same guy who only gives FoxNews and Rasmussen links?
I wonder what % of people in Delaware have spanked it while watching this ad?
Cynical, I’m not going to climb down your rabbit hole of absurdity by trying to counter the stuff you make up on the fly.
My only point is that community activism is real work (just look at the examples of other community activists I gave, or at what Obama accomplished in his 3 years at DCP). Dismissing this experience as irrelevant because Faux News tells you to is the definition of sheeple.
That’s a really stupid ad, btw.
She’s me? She’s a member of the working class left?
Until they put the words on the screen, I thought, perhaps, she was saying, “I ewe“.
Bunch of stories today about our “high” unemployment and what it meas. Er…nothing?
When in US history, from 1776 to today, have we EVER had 100% employment? Never. Ever.
There’s ALWAYS somewhere between 4% – 10% unemployment at any given time. That’s how it’s always been.
The Great Depression was 25%. Let me repeat that. The Great Depression was 25% of the public without jobs. 1 out of 4. We’re CLOSE to 10% now. While high in terms of statical norms, it’s NO WHERE near catastrophic unemployment the way the fake media keeps pointing out.
And for the wingnut anti-reality anti-fact crowd on here…Reagan (who’s polling Obama matches) had HIGHER unemployment than we do now. Two years into Ronald Reagan’s first term (about where we are now with Obama) unemployment hit 10.8%. So we have a ways to go JUST to match the economy under Reagan, which if I remember Republicans telling me was FANTASTIC, and didn’t he get re-elected to a 2nd term. So just saying…
P.S. The high unemployment during the first 2 years of Reagan is always blamed on the previous President (Carter) according to Republicans, meaning by their logic our current relatively high unemployment is the fault of our previous President (George W Bush). Of course logic doesn’t apply to insane people.
I think she should have acknowledged being a witch. She could have claimed, “I have maintained my skills in the black arts. I cast spells on those who cross me, even strangers who I don’t know. Keep that in mind when voting.”
Deep thought on the O’Donnell ad…
“I’ll go to Washington. And do what you’d do.”
You mean you’ll nerd out at the Folger Library, Air and Space, and the Library of Congress and then go drink rare beers at the Brickskeller?
76. masaba spews:
Whoa Partner…I only questioned where the funding came from for ImamObaMao to increase his “staff” so much as you pointed out??
How much was Taxpayer Money?
How did he get it?
Where did the rest come from?
Reasonable questions…I await your answer.
Those questions don’t even relate to my original argument. That’s why I described them as your rabbit hole of absurdity. There’s no need to answer them.
If you care so much, and think that their answer will counter my argument, then you should do that and type out a clear, concise and referenced counter.
Is the KLOWN sockpuppeting it these days?
re 30 and 67
Whoever gave you courses on mind reading, I’d ask for your money back. You really aren’t very good at it.
Under every comment about Obama, in your fevered imaginings, must lurk a cesspool of rampant racism. It doesn’t matter if the race of the person in question isn’t mentioned. It doesn’t matter if no racist comment at all is present. Nope, you’re much too smart, and can detect racism even where it isn’t present. Quite a gift, if a somewhat questionably valuable one.
You might consider whether some folks just find an underqualified leftist ideologue as President a bit too much. Or would that strain your partisan bigotry too much?
BTW, spelling ‘shit’ in the Brit version ‘shite’ is almost as pretensious as spelling theater as ‘theatre.’ Actually, points for vulgar pretensiousness mean it might be more. I bet you wear an ascot and affect an English accent too.
You might consider whether some folks just find an underqualified leftist ideologue as President a bit too much
No, I wouldn’t find that too much. But since Obama is neither unqualified nor a leftist, your point is moot.
He is, in fact, highly qualified, and exactly what you pretend to be – a reasonable conservative.
Lost, you always ignore questions that derail your weak arguments. Why do you insist that social activism is not a real job. Again, see the comments @52, @59.
Do you think Mother Theresa never did an honest day’s work in her life? Again, how can you just disregard social activism, ‘whatever the hell that is’ to quote you, as meaningless.
I know that Faux News and Rush have told you that it is meaningless (particularly since they found out that Obama spent 3 years as a social activist), and if that is your only reason for saying it here, then go ahead and let us know that.
@33: Poor Lost
Yes, I don’t respect anyone who makes false analogies, fails to back up what they write and can’t think or reason past the third grade level. That leads to the type of shallow thinking that Lost has – skimming the surface on issues, issuing platitudes as if they mean something (like government is BAD or inefficient) and the failure to understand or look underneath complex issues.
So – yeah – I don’t respect a shallow thinker who can’t back up what they write. Try actually thinking and using actual facts and then you can earn my respect. Until then, you are simply a simple-minded fool who repeats slogans but can’t back up what you say. You KNOW what you believe – but you don’t know WHY you believe it.