– Saying this early: Bryant v. Inslee is not Jobs vs. Environment
– If this is how the Patriot Act goes, well, OK, I guess.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Saying this early: Bryant v. Inslee is not Jobs vs. Environment
– If this is how the Patriot Act goes, well, OK, I guess.
– Byron Calhoun and the Phantom Fetal Skull
Oh no…
Sure is amazing what the DONK DUMMOCRETINS do in just about every occupation isn’t it?
Meanwhile someone on PMSNBC grew some marbuls! http://www.mediaite.com/tv/msn.....tons-made/
Yet Hillary claims she’s an average American! Now that she’s worth what Mitt Romney is worth… wait for the OMGs!!!!
And more amazing stuff… http://newsbusters.org/blogs/k.....ing-e-mail
Hey, that’s great, a state that thinks bakers have a right not to bake cakes for gay weddings jails ministers who think they have a right to officiate for gay weddings. Well, that’s Alabammy for ya. She probably won’t do very well appealing her sentence to Alabammy Chief Justice Roy “Ten Commandments” Moore. He’s biased.
Now here is something amazing… http://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2.....-story.cnn
So Steponallofus runs to Dylan Byers big time DONK DUMMOCRETIN! And Politico makes it more important than in the Free Beacon. Soooooooooooooo FACTS slam fake DONK DUMMOCRETIN news journalists!
@2 Your problem is the worst Democratic candidate is better than the best Republican candidate.
“Today, two judges of the Fifth Circuit chose to misinterpret the facts and the law in denying the government’s request for a stay.”
Who is this whitey house spokeswoman Brandi Hoffine? Another DONK DUMMOCRETIN!
https://youtu.be/c44F9uFzhg8 tells you what DONK DUMMOCRETINS yearn for! Fully covered wimens…
“Walk away, don’t say a word, put on some gloves!
Meanwhile another HollyWeird DONK DUMMOCRETIN caught in a lie… http://www.theblaze.com/storie.....s-sort-of/
How do you know a DONK DUMMOCRETIN is lying
1 – Their lips are moving
2 – Their twitter accounts are chirping
3 – Their FaceBook accounts are constantly updating
4 – Their Pinterest accounts are constantly updating
5 – They are on PMSNBC
Must not be any work to do in the salt mine tonight.
Eat your heart out Puffy. Looks like Canada could move into Second place, over the USA, for home of the Free and Brave, after First place Ireland.
Oh, look, another family values TeaPotty’n conservative who likes diddling little kids.
I think I’m beginning to see the problem.
@4 Jesus died on the cross, so must she. More shit like this and the religious people will be screwed – they’ll have no one left that believes in their shit. They’ll have enough of turning this Country into Uganda and Russia.
All the salt sorted senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Union rules, only allowed to work 100 pounds a night! That was in the first 35 minutes! Now onto smacking your sill ASS early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@12 it is just the surface of the problem. It’s like an Iceberg.
@14 Thank God for unions.
This is where the Duggar’s get their faith and inspiration from.
I don’t know Roger – I may have many children in my afterlife. I’ll be cursed with children! But I don’t understand why having children would be a curse. The American Family Association better not hear about this, sounds like the televangelist is denouncing a family life and doesn’t like children.
I wonder what that whore pastor’s wife has to say about this bitch. The sanctity of marriage.
I’m not really sure she addressed anything other than confirming what we already knew. How nice of her to explain nothing. Is the bitch embarrassed?
A distinct pattern does seem to be emerging.
Family values, indeed.
@20 Puffy’s friends are pretty sick people.
The breed like Rabbits. Sorry Rog.
Who claimed they are Puddy’s friends? Psych 101 Projection!
Meanwhile we have this wonderful idea for solving part California’s water problem… http://www.foxnews.com/science.....latestnews The OHHhhhh NOOooooo’s crowd screams:
Stanford… another university populated by DONK DUMMOCRETIN perfessas leading research fellows with whack ideas!
This had to be performed by DUMMOCRETINS… http://news.yahoo.com/50-milli.....ector.html
The U.S. is extraditing 6 soccer officials from Switzerland on corruption and bribery charges; therefore, it seems logical and fair that The Hague should be able to extradite Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld from the U.S. on war crimes charges.
@ 25 RR
Sounds reasonable to me.
“Family values, indeed.”
It’s all about freedom of religion. God-fearing right-wing Christian extremists like Puddy are being persecuted by Godless communist-fascist progressives who would deny God-fearing right-wing Christian extremists like Puddy the freedom to sexually abuse little girls in the name of Christ.
… like Puddy the freedom to sexually abuse little girls in the name of Christ.
Where has Puddy advocated anything as vile as that Stupid Solution Steve?
Just because you anally abuse your fellow man/woman/boy/girl doesn’t mean Puddy advocates or promotes that behavior Stupid Solution Steve!
Just because Harry Hay was and deep down is still you hero n Puddy advocates or promotes that behavior Stupid Solution Steve!
Are you projecting your thoughts like the StormFront follower @26 again? A Psych 101 Thang again?
Something else HA DUMMOCRETINS hate like national DUMMOCRETINS… Praying before your wedding… http://abcnews.go.com/US/photo.....d=31293659
“StormFront follower @26”
Puddy’s predilection to project his whack shit on others is off the scale.
It’s a Psych 101 thang. Obviously.
“Praying before your wedding…”
Prayer. Indeed. As we can see for ourselves, right-wing extremist Christians not only pray before weddings, they pray before and after preying on little girls.
Godly right-wing extremist Christians take great issue with selling cakes and flowers to LGBTs. Selling cakes and flowers to right-wing extremist Christian pedophiles? No big deal. Obviously.
Great strides being made with respect to solar energy, but my fear is that climate change could change all that. Seems like a lot of cloudy days, more so than usual, here in the northeast. Seems like we are getting Seatales weather
Wow, the champeen of the little peeps acts like the rich 1%ers… http://www.nationalreview.com/.....y-melchior
Soooooooooo the sunlight appears to sanitize the cockroach BULLSHITTIUM!
Puddy’s FACTUAL discussion of the vomit producer’s commentary is off the scale correct. – FIXED!
Stupid Solution Steve forgot what Puddy wrote regarding the StormFront commentary of how these freakazoids depict black people and the parallel commentary of the vomit producer and its very similar black people commentary.
Sadly Stupid Solution Steve still hasn’t denounced the vomit producer calling blacks: “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”.
Must be a Psych 101 Projection Thang. Must be deep down Stupid Solution Steve feels the same way about black people!
Selling cakes and flowers to right-wing extremist Christian pedophiles? No big deal. Obviously.
Got proof the Gresham baker or the grandma florist has done this Stupid Solution Steve? Or is it another Psych 101 Projection Thang?
“Got proof the Gresham baker or the grandma florist has done this”
I suggest you take this up with the right-wing extremist Christian bakers and florists who sell their goods and services to the Duggars.
“Sadly Stupid Solution Steve still hasn’t denounced the vomit producer calling blacks: “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”.”
I don’t know anybody named vomit producer. But it really doesn’t matter as we long ago identified the person here who happily saddles up to racists.
53. Troll spews:
Are you talking about the niggers beat Tubaman to death, and only going to be sentenced to weeks in jail?
04/03/2009 at 6:09 pm
55. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews:
Troll@53, there are white ones too.
04/03/2009 at 6:21 pm
“Puddy wrote regarding the StormFront commentary of how these freakazoids depict black people and the parallel commentary of the vomit producer and its very similar black people commentary”
Stormfront? Parallel commentary? This is coming from a person who not only takes no exception to right-wing trolls coming here spewing the “N” word, he chums up to them.
If anybody fits in at Stormfront, it’s Puddy and his “N” word spewing racist friends.
– I don’t know anybody named vomit producer.
Golly Stupid Solution Steve… Nice attempt at deflection. He’s a great bud of yours willy vomit – producing thread vomit everywhere! Good train track wreckage! Sadly Stupid Solution Steve still hasn’t denounced the vomit producer calling blacks: “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”. Sad butt true about Supid Solution Steve.
– Stormfront? Parallel commentary? This is coming from a person who not only takes no exception to right-wing trolls coming here spewing the “N” word, he chums up to them.
Those white niggers? Your hero Three Sheets to the Wind Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd made that comment on national teevee. You are another possessor of 24 moronic moonbattic memory malady mastery! You were missing on HA during Byrd’s funeral. A final visit perhaps?
When the Cristian Cake Bakers bake cakes for their Christian pedophiles and inscest people, they use code by inscrpting the words “love stays within the Family” on the cake.
– I suggest you take this up with the right-wing extremist Christian bakers and florists who sell their goods and services to the Duggars.
Puddy hasn’t read about any bakers or florists selling to the Duggars.. Puddy has read extensive HA DUMMOCRETIN coverage of the Gresham baker and the Seattle florist.
Another of your BULLSHITTIUM storms like the
senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Throw out an accusation without FACT or MERIT to continually demontrate to everyone the perpetual ASShole you really are Stupid Solution Steve?
“love stays within the Family”
States try to buy jobs with tax breaks and subsidies, but it turns out that workers, education, skills, and infrastructure matter — which isn’t good news for Republican governors who are wrecking their states’ public schools and colleges in pursuit of ever-lower taxes for businesses and rich people.
“Nice attempt at deflection.”
“Puddy hasn’t read about any bakers or florists selling to the Duggars..”
Projection. It’s a Psych 101 thang.
@42 “Puddy hasn’t read about any bakers or florists selling to the Duggars..”
What we have here is the village idiot assuming the huge “family values” Duggar clan has never purchased any wedding cakes or wedding flowers.
@40 “Your hero Three Sheets to the Wind Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd made that comment on national teevee.”
LOL!!! Puddy’s resorting to graverobbing to find a Democrat to criticize — that guy’s been in the ground for 5 years now.
@34 Why are you against “capitalism” and “free markets”? Are you a closet commie?
Criticizing Warren for flipping a few foreclosed houses after embracing Romney, who destroyed healthy companies and put thousands of American workers out of work by stripping and flipping entire companies, makes Puddy a hypocrite on a grand scale.
For what it’s worth, I think Byrd’s involvement with the Klan was reprehensible, and Byrd represents the kind of old-time Southern Democrat we don’t have — and don’t want — in our party anymore. They’re all Republicans now. And if Jesse Helms — who was far more racist than Byrd ever was — were still around Puddy would hug the guy for being a Republican troglodyte, and for whatever, because Puddy is an Uncle Tom troglodyte wannabe who doesn’t realize he’d never get the time of day from the likes of Helms no matter how much he sucked up to him. Because to someone like Helms, Puddy would never be more than a servant boy.
Puddy’s resorting to graverobbing to find a Democrat to criticize — that guy’s been in the ground for 5 years now.
The search for a Democrat racist required Puddy to comb the graveyards, much like how the search for a Democrat terrorist as a counterpoint to today’s very real right-wing terrorists resulted in endless wingnut whining about 70 year old Bill Ayers.
WTF? Could this story get any more strange? I mean, is every right-wing extremist Christian a goddamned pedophile?
“Ex-state trooper: Jim Bob Duggar lied and told me his son had molested only one girl”
“Jim Bob explained to me that Josh inappropriately touched [a victim] while she was asleep,” Hutchens told the magazine. “He said it only happened one time.”
Now here’s a strange twist for you.
“I am a Christian myself, and I worry that if something else had happened, I would have been responsible,” said Hutchens, who was convicted four years later on child porn charges.”
The cop Duggar lied to went on to be busted for child porn himself?? WTF is wrong with these people?
@51 “The search for a Democrat racist required Puddy to comb the graveyards”
I’m tempted to wonder if he took some gold wedding rings, too, while unearthing rotting bodies. A part of me wants to say, “Puddy wouldn’t do that,” but it’s hard to get around the fact he’s a Republican …
@52 “WTF is wrong with these people?”
It’s hard for a kid to figure out right from wrong when his mother is also his sister.
Each day brings us another story of wingnut depravity, decadence and degradation. It happens so often, this shit is hardly news anymore, and that’s a damned shame.
“Former Brooklyn Tea Party head and anti-obscenity candidate arrested for child porn possession”
“His campaign website, which bears the header, “Our children are our future”
His own future doesn’t include any children, including his own, and for damned good reason.
“He was also ordered to comply with an order of protection barring him from having any contact with his three sons and 15-month-old daughter.”
So lemme get this straight:
Steve brings up something Puddy wrote in 2009, when Byrd was alive.
Puddy responds.
And Steve now claims that Puddy is reaching into the graveyard?
@56 No, I claimed Puddy is reaching into the graveyard, and if there’s a backstory to Puddy’s bringing up Byrd, I don’t know what it is, because I don’t waste my time reading all the crap he posts.
LOL!!! Puddy’s resorting to graverobbing to find a Democrat to criticize — that guy’s been in the ground for 5 years now.
Grave robbing? Bringing up Stupid Solution Steve’s senate hero early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Wrong again early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Apparently you can’t read or a very sad attempt at further deflection from the vomit producer’s words!
Puddy was not criticizing Robert Byrd for Stupid Solution Steve’s transgressions. Try reading again… As rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears wrote: “rewrite and resubmit”! Sadly Stupid Solution Steve still hasn’t denounced the vomit producer calling blacks: “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”. Sad butt true about Stupid Solution Steve. Still hasn’t either.
Wait a minute… reading in your condition early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is a difficult task unless the DONK libtard article writer lays it out in second grade terms for you!
– @56 No, I claimed Puddy is reaching into the graveyard, and if there’s a backstory to Puddy’s bringing up Byrd, I don’t know what it is, because I don’t waste my time reading all the crap he posts.
Then how would you know the backstory without reading thoroughly early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Seems you screwed the pooch again!
– I’m tempted to wonder if he took some gold wedding rings, too, while unearthing rotting bodies. A part of me wants to say, “Puddy wouldn’t do that,” but it’s hard to get around the fact he’s a Republican …
Well you just proved what thoughts bounce around in the sick demented mind of a HA DUMMOCRETIN FASCIST early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@50 more BULLSHITTIUM from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Where has Puddy embraced his inner Jesse Helms? Nope you DOPE! Butt you keep looking for it early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Stupid Solution Steve FACTUALLY embraced his inner vomit producer though! Blacks to Stupid Solution Steve are “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”. How else can you explain the lack of remorse for those comments by his good bud vomit producer?
What we have here is the village idiot assuming the huge “family values” Duggar clan has never purchased any wedding cakes or wedding flowers.
What we have is more BULLSHITTIUM from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! How does the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit not know if the baker or florist were still in the closet?
Criticizing Warren for flipping a few foreclosed houses after embracing Romney, who destroyed healthy companies and put thousands of American workers out of work by stripping and flipping entire companies, makes Puddy a hypocrite on a grand scale.
History proved Romney left Bain before what you claim happened… Seems the national media knows this. Only on HA DONK DUMMOCRETINS is their this silly claim and on a few left wrong sites y’all like to pollinate early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Ahhhh yes the Standard Racist Hotels http://www.alternet.org/civil-.....them-being
is at it again being the Standard Military Hating Hotel…
Puddy didn’t forget about Standard Hotel! Who owns André Balazs! Which party does André Balazs love? DONK DUMMOCRETINS… Puddy posted this last year!
Just because a hotel makes their guests wear Versace doesn’t mean it’s a classy joint. Puddy believes that’s called the lipstick and pig theorem! Something about the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit comes to mind! Oh yeah IDIOTIC behavior! In fact Standard Hotels are a racist and military hating place. Only in DiBlasio’s NYC!
Another DONK DUMMOCRETIN led city goes to waste… http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....-i-had-to/
Sad what these cities have become… DONK DUMMOCRETIN leadership has destroyed great American cities!
What real judicial tyranny looks like.
@63 “History proved Romney left Bain before what you claim happened… ”
To quote a notorious HA troll, BULLSHITTIUM.
How one Pennsylvania man celebrated Memorial Day with a letter to the editor of his local newspaper:
“To the families of those fallen heros whose blood lies on the sands of Iraq; don’t you think it might be time to rise up against an administration who has adequately demonstrated their gross incompetence? I think the appropriate, and politically correct, term is regime change. Forgive me for being blunt, but throughout history this has previously been accompanied by execution by guillotine, firing squad, public hanging. I have absolutely no reason to expect that current practice should be any different. The end result is elimination of the problem, the method is superfluous. When society dictates, the end always justifies the means, otherwise the action would not be taken.
W. Richard Stover, Lewisburg”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, that’s Republicans for ya; they’re all domestic terrorists now.
Ohhhh poor poor early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @67.
FACTS don’t support your latest BULLSHITTIUM attempt!
Puddy realizes this may be too dense for the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit to comprehend. Maybe there is a left wrong libtard DONK DUMMOCRETIN site that can decipher FactCheck.org documentation!
FACTS sanitize the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit BULLSHITTIUM!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, that’s Republicans for ya; they’re all domestic terrorists now.
The sad mind of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Ahhh yes this is how Obummer’s sadministration operates against small bidnesses… http://dailysignal.com/2015/05.....r-justice/
And how they use forfeiture laws in Obummer’s sadministration… http://dailysignal.com/2015/04.....-citizens/
@69 When Puddy flings the word “FACTS” around, watch out!!!
Hillary SoS emails release schedule… http://images.politico.com/glo.....lorder.pdf
Remember HA DONK DUMMOCRETINS it was Vice News filing the FOIA request when State ignored them ON PURPOSE to enhance Hillary’s preznit chances! Judicial Watch didn’t file this FOIA request!
When the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit flings the word “BULLSHITTIUM” around, watch out where you step!!! The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit pellets are all over this blog!
ROTFLRHMBBAO! Puddy told you the FactCheck.org article was too dense for the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit wee leetle mind!
Wait for it…
Wow, the progressives at progressives today are lamenting… http://www.progressivestoday.c.....ent-obama/ Obummer sadministration policies just whacked 1100 union jobs! Gotta love it when progressive actions eat their own!
Yuck progressives today… Now Puddy needs a hot shower after that left wrong DONK DUMMOCRETIN site!
This is why DUMMOCRETINS fear Carly Fiorina… http://www.breitbart.com/video.....ian-reset/
So which libtard led DONK DUMMOCRETIN site will make the first move?
“And Steve now claims that Puddy is reaching into the graveyard?”
You should try paying attention, Toonerville. Here’s how it works. I never mention Strom. I simply push Puddy’s button, then he heads to the graveyard and finds Strom Thurmond’s ghost for me. Happens every time. That’s what pushing buttons is all about.
Graveyard shmaveyard, only a distraction from the discussion of the Duggars and right wing radicals that are pedophiles.
@62? The baker was in the closet? Huh?
“How does the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit not know if the baker or florist were still in the closet?”
I see Puddy’s still 24/7 batshit insane. So sad.
@79 What’s sad about it? If he didn’t ring his leper bell everywhere he goes, he’d be dangerous.
@76 That move was made years ago, and if you ever read newspapers, you would know that. But somehow you’re oblivious to the fact Hillary’s pro-Iraq War vote is a big issue among rank-and-file Democrats, notwithstanding that it was fraudulently procured. (Future presidents aren’t supposed to let themselves get conned like that.)
The big sports news today is that most of the top echelon of soccer’s governing body has been arrested on racketeering, bribery, money laundering, and wire fraud charges. It’s been an open secret for years in Europe that FIFA was utterly corrupt, but given soccer’s popularity on the Continent, none of the governments there were willing to go after these crooks. The U.S. Justice Department has no such qualms. Now, why can’t they do the same with the thieving bankers who ran our economy into the dirt?
@ 82
It’s been an open secret for years in Europe that FIFA was utterly corrupt, but given soccer’s popularity on the Continent, none of the governments there were willing to go after these crooks.
Maybe they were all Clinton Foundation donors. Or perhaps this is the one open secret that Bill and HIllary weren’t in on.
Stupid Solution Steve farted @77, You should try paying attention, Toonerville. Here’s how it works. I never mention Strom. I simply push Puddy’s button, then he heads to the graveyard and finds Strom Thurmond’s ghost for me. Happens every time. That’s what pushing buttons is all about.
Let’s clear the air… If there are buttons being pushed, they are Stupid Solution Steve’s own buttons. The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit was discussing Puddy’s discussion of Stupid Solution Steve’s personal hero Grand Kleagle Robert 3 Sheets to the Wind Byrd. No where except in #77 is “strom” brought up!
What is that called? A pushbutton train wreck. Stupid Solution Steve is well known for train wrecks in threads. While the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit was on Byrd, did Stupid Solution Steve change the subject? When losing change the subject, change the subject!
Psychotic delusional disorder is strong in Stupid Solution Steve! Out of touch with reality!
@62? The baker was in the closet? Huh?
Puddy can easily push the buttons of HA DUMMOCRETINS.
Wow, look at the perfectly timed overreaction. There is no mention anywhere of Duggar purchases in the press. Yet HA DUMMOCRETINS make wild ASS claims. So when Puddy uses sarcasm ooooooooooohhh nooooooooooooo!
DAYUM this is:
@85 the only thing funny is your insanity and stupidity.
The big sports news today is that most of the top echelon of soccer’s governing body has been arrested on racketeering, bribery, money laundering, and wire fraud charges.
Puddy wonders if that’s why Hillary destroyed the famous email server! Make sure all those happenings above don’t happen to Clinton Foundation “friends”.
Puddy wonders if Hillary got wind of the FIFA investigation through their FBI contacts… Puddy realizes you all are 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady masters! Here let Puddy help you…
Oh teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, Puddy very sane. Maybe you are one of the crazy DONK DUMMOCRETINS!
More DONK DUMMOCRETINS disrespecting the flag on Memorial Day Weekend! http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2234851
Remember this DONK DUMMOCRETIN scumbag… back to jail for you! http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2193958
These are Chicago police officers. http://melanoidnation.org/whit.....for-photo/
@ 69
Nobody “fears” Carly Fiorina. She’s a fucking laughingstock. She pushed two highly profitable companies, including one of the largest tech-innovation firms into fucking bankruptcy within three years of her taking the CEO position.
She is persona non grata in Corporate circles.
Of course, that being said. I do hope she gets the nomination, at least for VP. She’ll be just as good a candidate as Sarah Palin.
@89 ahh yes America home of the Nazis
This is the type of freedom the American stands for now.
Long live Ireland!
@92 and she is the epitome of the sanctity of marriage.
Both her and her current husband both o their second marriages. And she never was pregnant in her life.
She pushed two highly profitable companies, including one of the largest tech-innovation firms into fucking bankruptcy within three years of her taking the CEO position.
Wrong again vomit producer. Butt Stupid Solution Steve still believes in you. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/.....34108.html
1999 took over
2002 bought Compaq
2005 out
What left wrong DONK DUMMOCRETIN kook-aid you reading vomit producer. Stupid Solution Steve still believes in you though! He thinks blacks are “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated” just like you do!
See ya!
You know it could be worse, I could have burned the American flag! But all I did was indulge in kiddie porn. Don’t tread on Me!
“But all I did was indulge in kiddie porn. Don’t tread on Me!”
Damn. Yet another Republican hero of Puddy’s busted for kiddie porn.
“The 2012 Republican candidate for District 41 of the state Assembly, who lost against incumbent Helene Weinstein, made written statements where he admits to owning the email address, viewing and sharing “children engaged in sexual conduct,” according to the criminal complaint.
The disgusting images are all of girls, some as young as two-years-old, Cotto said.”
“During Hayon’s failed campaign, he portrayed himself as an advocate for children.”
Of course he did.
The War on Women continues.
Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) is leading a new push to allow women to buy birth control without a prescription, hoping to deliver on one of the biggest promises of his freshman Senate campaign last year.
A half-dozen Senate Republicans have signed onto Gardner’s bill, which would require drug companies that sell contraceptives to file an application to sell their products over the counter.
Of course, Planned Parenthood objects. Who would need them if not for pills? Why, pharmacists might next begin telling patients how to do breast self-examinations each month. Rite-Aid could do pap smear clinics right next to the blood-pressure measurements and the flu shots they already do.
I wonder if this will make the Friday night list:
Only nine of the 173 newsroom staffers were laid off, nearly all from the paper’s video department.
Multimedia slightly less extravagant in San Diego.
Probably just a coincidence that on the same day LA unions move to protect their members from mandatory inclusion under the nearly-complete new minimum-wage law there, the LA deputy mayor in charge of budget and innovation lets the world know he wants the hell out.
We will soon have a new #CityManager, Rick Cole the Deputy Mayor for Budget and Innovation for the City of #LosAngeles.
God forbid their grass should turn brown.
Southland water importer OKs $350-million boost in lawn-removal rebates
MWD officials said that 36% of residential turf removal program dollars are going to “disadvantaged communities.”
Board member Michelle Martinez, who represents Santa Ana, said the board can do more to increase participation in these areas. Martinez pointed out that many residents don’t have access to a computer in order to apply for rebates.
And of course there’s also that lack of access to grass in those areas.
@ 101 STB
Shit. If you can’t find grass in California you’re doing it wrong.
Here’s one thing a restaurant robot can’t do:
Pizza shop employee tackles Crown Hill purse snatcher
Republicans should probably focus on where the real problem is. But this is America, second to Ireland where there is the land of the free and brave.
Teacher Accused Of IDing Student In Sex Case To Face Trial http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....54514.html
No card check needed.
The traditional process of union authorization runs through the National Labor Relations Board. But by mutual agreement we are bypassing this route in favor of holding our own secret-ballot vote, to be held on Wednesday, June 3, because we believe the cumbersome and often fractious process of unionization is premised on an assumption of complete antagonism between management and labor.
Nothing of the kind exists at Gawker Media. We are united in our belief that writers should decide for themselves whether to organize to protect their own rights through collective bargaining, and we hope the labor drive at Gawker Media, culminating in the June 3 election, can serve as a new model for cooperation in digital media.
Complete antagonism comes later. Most likely soon, but later.
It’s been a pretty bad week for republicans. If this keeps up, Democrats should capitalize and start talking about social values, and how they seem to be non existent with the Republicans. If they continue this way this Country might drop to close to Uganda with respect to being the land of the free and the brave. Thought want to look at Irelsnd to see how it is that you really show that you do cherish liberty and freedom.
Oh lookie here.. another “alleged” UNION thug! http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2237904
Wow http://dailycaller.com/2015/05.....planation/
The son of Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit), Max did the deed!
Nuff Said Suckas! This is getting deeper!
Information only learned on Newsmax… That’s why HA DONK DUMMOCRETINS hate Newsmax! http://www.newsmax.com/newswid.....id/646997/
Hmmm… http://dailycaller.com/2015/05.....eet-video/ Hope Twitter tells the truth!
@98. “Groups like Planned Parenthood have opposed the idea, which they argue could drive up contraception prices.
The group has pointed to ObamaCare’s contraception mandate — requiring insurance plans to cover all FDA-approved forms of birth control — and said that insurers may no longer cover the medication if it’s not prescribed by a doctor.”
Of course bickle don’t give the real reason Planned Parenthood is against making birth control over the counter. It make birth control more expensive for the women who need it.
Some people don’t like the idea because the victims have the same name, I kind of tend to agree, but since when does sensitivity come into play? Nobody is sensitive to the fact that everyday a gay person has to hear something stupid and insensitive about gay people, every fucking day! And a pastor’s wife has no problem dying he was only playing doctor. The Duggars like all the attention when it was positive. You have to take the bad with the good.
Dan Savage Wants To Give ‘Duggar’ The ‘Santorum’ Treatment http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....56736.html
You see, speaking out against stuff like this isn’t going to change anything, and stopping gay marriage is more important! Vroom, vroom, vroom, off we go.
Ireland – home of the Free and the Brave.
Wash. dad facing sex charges related to 12 kids in ‘cult’
Sent from Daily News iPhone app
@ the Schizo @ 109
Lol at Tom Fitton.
The reason it is only reported on NewsMax, is because it is a total fairy tale which is something the “Judicial Watch” specializes in.
It’s a goddamn Klayman Klan Publication for chrissake.
Once again God proves the stoooooooooopidity of the vomit producer…
Puddy has written about Larry Klayman and him leaving Judicial Watch 12 years ago. Does the vomit producer remember? NOPE Butt, the vomit producer will talk about blacks like a Klansman; calling them “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”.
Soooooooooooooo, we see that the vomit producer definitely has libtardism is a mental disease diagnosis. 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady mastered! Read and weep you IDIOT: http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....ial-watch/ Puddy posted this before, butt, you being a “man” with no marbuls never corroborated this fact! This link has been the crazed databaze for a long time!
Sometimes Puddy places entries here on HA DUMMOCRETINS to see if you left wrong libtards (rightwingwatch – HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!) actually remember anything… Well it seems you all bat 1.000 for lack of memory… http://time.com/2933940/mexico.....elicopter/ Yeah Time magazine that’s right wing too eh vomit producer?
HA’s vomit producer… continually lacking in mental skillz and prowess since arriving here long ago!
Well the perp and victim are white so no big deal here… http://dailycaller.com/2015/05.....mcdonalds/
Hmmm… Apple’s Green Marketing promotion a sham? http://dailycaller.com/2015/05.....a-centers/
Seems Al Gore is strong in Apple.
Hey teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, it was on the local Fox News a few days ago. http://q13fox.com/2015/05/22/h.....ap-county/ How come the Indian looking woman is free on bail while the black looking woman is still in jail? The guy looks black so Jesse and Al should arrive over the weekend to claim some injustice has happened here!
Maybe Melford Warren Jr was indoctrinating his 12 children to be “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”. Seems they never went to school and the older ones had poor reading skills. That’s what certain white people think about blacks on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Ann Coulter highlights her interview with Jorge Ramos with this final question from Jorge
— Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act was expressly designed to change the demographics of our country to be poorer and more inclined to vote Democratic.
— It worked! Post-1970 immigrants vote 8-2 for the Democrats.
— Citing this dramatic shift in the Democratic Party’s fortunes, Democratic consultant Patrick Reddy called the 1965 Immigration Act “the Kennedy family’s greatest gift to the Democratic Party.”
You can read the rest in the link… Already known facts per immigration champeen libtard Jorge Ramos! Puddy already gave you Nancy Pelosi illegal alien commentary links about potential future DUMMOCRETIN voters. Just grow some marbuls and visit the crazed databaze! Why do you think Obummer is breaking the constitution regarding the separation of powers and why the US Court of Appeals shot Obummer’s quest down earlier this week.
Now this is DAYUM funny… http://dailycaller.com/2015/05.....ury-video/
And that’s why HA DUMMOCRETINS love them some daily Dead Schultzie on PMSNBC!
Remember when a certain conservative preacher Pat Robertson asked if God is punishing America for its abortion policy. Remember how the libtard press went nutzo? No… 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady mastery!
Well Stupid Al gets a pass… http://dailycaller.com/2015/05.....-flooding/ Nary a peep!
God is a God of love… Satan punishes Al1
That Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) character keeps coming up in the news… http://www.politico.com/story/.....18359.html
Now when Politico delivers the goods
1) Clinton ran to them like Steponallofus did to scoop the bad news about to be delivered by another site
2) Better get this out now vs. later
3) Politico has grown some marbuls
4) Politico is pizzed Hillary is ignoring them too
5) The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is a moron!
6) All of the above
Puddy already linked how Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit) drew income from Media Morons and American Bridge. Yeah Media Morons is a 501C3 org only looking at conservative media for any wrong doing while giving a pass to libtard media. American Bridge an indirect mouthpiece for the Clinton Campaign. One of those “Koch Like orgs” on the DONK DUMMOCRETIN side! Seems the Clinton Crime Family Foundation was a private intelligence network gathering place for Hillary!
Gotta love how California DONK DUMMOCRETINS think… http://www.latimes.com/local/l.....story.html
Another UNION thug concession? What did Hicks say again…
Wait a minute… Didn’t Seattle bidnesses make a similar claim and the Sawant freakazoids screamed NOPE you DOPES? In most employer – labor agreements in a free market system, doesn’t the bidness owner and the employees negotiate an agreement that works for both of them over the next few years? But for LA peeps isn’t $15/hour good for everyone they claimed? So why in LA do they look at life through reality based glasses? FREEDOM Hicks claims! Freedom isn’t practiced in WA State. Sawant will make sure of that!
Sooooooooooooooooooo now we know… Only for non0union jobs in LA will this count! That’s another way to UNIONIZE the workforce, to LOWER their pay after the law passes? Golly, your UNION thug guys look for ways to keep the ASSes of the mASSes under their thumb after all!
Of course this WILL NOT make the Friday Night Comix!
@123 Everyone knows where Republicans stand on wages and rents, Spud. They believe employers should dictate wages and landlords should dictate rents, and workers should work for whatever employers want to pay them and pay whatever rents landlords want to charge them, and the idea of workers having any say about their standard of living is “socialism.”
Puddy’s stupid ranting does nothing to solve Seattle’s housing problems. To put Seattle’s (future) minimum wage in perspective, $15 x 40 hours is $2600/mo., but keep in mind that many low-wage workers get only 28, 32, or 36 hours a week. However, let’s work with $2600. According to this website, Seattle’s average rent is $1615 …
… which is 62% of $2600, leaving less than $1000 for taxes, food, clothing, transportation, medical care, etc. Thus, a raise to $15/hr. might get a worker living in Seattle off food stamps, but doesn’t come anywhere near providing a middle-class standard of living in a city where starter homes cost more than $300,000 and in-city working-class bungalows now get snapped up for $500,000 to $800,000.
Now try to find even one conservative blowhard whining about paying $15/hr. wages who’d be willing to live on that. Let’s face it, in Seattle, $15/hr. is poverty wages, given this city’s high cost of living; but hey, if you want to try free-market solutions, then go ahead and try to hire someone for less than that and see how long they stick around.
@ 123
There’s a substantial difference between Seattle and LA.
The job losses in Seattle can be smoothed over and covered up much more easily than in LA.
Unemployment rate in King County, WA (4/15) = 3.3%.
Unemployment rate in LA County, CA (2/15) = 7.7% (In the City of Los Angeles, it was 8.1% the same month)
If one were to assume that San Francisco’s data could apply to Seattle and LA, there is an estimated loss of 2% of private sector jobs with a large increase in the minimum wage.
Seattle at 5.3% unemployment (3.3 + 2) still doesn’t sound all that bad. LA at ~10% unemployment and a lot of politicians might be voted out of office. A lot of union workers at the lower wage scale would be out of jobs.
Makes very good sense that the unions wouldn’t want that. It’s still hypocritical, but very understandable.
Now playing at a theater near you.
Bimbo, Erupted.
EXCLUSIVE: ‘Don’t let Bill back in the White House, he abused women and he’ll do it again.’ Paula Jones warns against voting for Hillary – because she also lied about sex case which almost cost him presidency
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....z3bS8gNVNm
“Kiss it.”
A fun factiod
All but one of the ten recessions we’ve experienced since 1953 began while a Republican was president.
Both the Great Depression (1929) and the Great Recession (2008) began while a Republican was president.
“Remember when a certain conservative preacher Pat Robertson asked if God is punishing America for its abortion policy.?”
Texas restricted it’s abortion policy and it’s been hit with tornado and floods. By puddy logic….God is punishing Texas for making the wrong choice.
@ 128
How deep and cerebral of you, Better!
Now, do wars. 20th and 21st centuries.
Did the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit fart again @125? Where was Puddy discussing housing problems?
Another train wreck deflection from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Notice the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit doesn’t want to discuss the LA UNION thuggery around their review of wage contracts with bidnesses! It’s very apparent why too!
Can other HA DONK DUMMOCRETINS figger it out?
@130 statistics for fun and profits
worser misses the point again. What do you do worser; pull your thumb out yo ASS, look at it, and deliver that answer? Or pull your thumb out yo ASS, suck on it, and deliver that answer?
Either way it’s still worser BULLSHITTIUM!
Puddy made a comparison of press reaction between Pat Robertson vs. Al NotSoSharpton. Once again reading is not fundamental to you!
@126 “The job losses in Seattle can be smoothed over …”
Yeah, we’re bleeding $9.43/hr. barista jobs and drowning in $70,000-a-year tech jobs.
@127 Is Paula Jones a foreign policy expert, too?
https://youtu.be/ccZjIraji1M – Very telling about Guv Cuomo’s leetle bro Chris… And this guy is a trained lawyer?
Puddy loves it when DONK DUMMOCRETIN libtard whiteys talk about the n-word. Many use it in their private homes, around their private friends, etc…. What is missing in this moron’s thick skull is the DONK DUMMOCRETIN worry that anyone whom runs the cartoons are afraid they will become high-risk and end up being machine-gunned by fringe members of islam, like those two packing in Garland Texas were trying to do at a private event. They hate Israel like HA DUMMOCRETINS… Sooooooooooo the enemy of my enemy is my friend!
When it’s a Piss-Christ or Chris Ofili’s dung covered Madonna are manifested; cheers erupt, great press reports, these libtards like Cuomo have nothing to fear. No Catholic or other Christian believing religion gonna come in and machine-gun them down. Soooooooooooooobeing a zero-risk activity is pick on Christians. That’s why everyone does it. Turn the other cheek is always tested by progressive DONK DUMMOCRETIN FASCISTS! There was almost zero risk that any of them were going to nuke or machine-gun theaters and art galleries in protest. A high-risk activity is draw the cartoons per DONK DUMMOCRETINS. There was almost 100 percent risk that some of them would nuke or machine-gun theaters and art galleries in protest.
@ 135
@127 Is Paula Jones a foreign policy expert, too?
Well, she won’t admit to going around the world with Bill Clinton, if that’s what you mean.
Although he paid her $800,000 for something.
I have a special direct message to the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ultimate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad:
That is all…
@127 (continued) Bickle, we all know Bill is a loose-zippered swinging dick. So was JFK, and not a few of their other predecessors, which suggests that voters don’t give much weight to sexual morals. (So Republicans can still hope that Josh Duggar may someday get elected to something.) But please feel free to run against Hillary on a “her husband is a womanizer” platform — that should be a real winner for you guys!
One thing I gotta say for Republicans is they’re more likely to shoot it out with Cliven Bundy’s renegade army than any Democrat is, given the bloodlust that comes naturally to them. So they’re not 100% bad.
@128 That’s not a coincidence. Cheap labor conservatives like high unemployment.
Have you asked her early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Are you a foreign policy expert? Oh wait that’s why you voted for Obummer… he’s no foreign policy expert either!
@129 That may not be a coincidence, either.
@130 Which ones? The wars we won, or the wars we lost?
World War 1 – Democrat, won.
World War 2 – Democrat, won.
Korea – Republican, tie.
Vietnam – Republican, lost.
Iraq – Republican, lost for all practical purposes.
Afghanistan – Republican, tie.
If you need a tough job done, hire a Democrat to do it.
@131 You complaining about “deflection” in these comment threads is like Ted Bundy complaining about the crime rate in his neighborhood.
@137 “Although he paid her $800,000 for something.”
I doubt she was worth it. He could’ve gotten the same thing on the street for $50.
@141 No, why would I? Her expertise is blowjobs. When you need one, you can ask her about that, although I don’t think you should start the negotiations by offering $800,000; you probably could do better even taking into account who she is and her customary fee schedule.
@141 The guy you voted for got us into 2 wars he couldn’t finish. The guy I voted for got us out of those wars. ‘Nuff said.
The guy I voted for created ISIS. ‘Nuff said.
How correct you are early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@148 Like hell he did. ISIS is a direct consequence of Bush’s bungled invasion of Iraq. When you create a power vacuum, someone’s going to fill it, and not necessarily to your liking. That’s Political Science 101.
With a Supreme Court ruling in King v. Burwell, the Obamacare subsidies case, less than a month away, GOP strategists admit the best outcome for their party would be that Obama wins.
“Canadian Creationist Edgar Nernberg has struggled to defend his claim that the Earth is only 6,000 years old this week after he dug up a fossil that scientists say is 60 million years old.”
“But Nernberg, who volunteers at a museum that teaches humans lived alongside dinosaurs, told the Calgary Sun that he wasn’t buying it.”
“There’s no dates stamped on these things.”
You can take that guy, or our own resident simpleton, Puddy, beat them over the head with a 60,000,000 year old fossil they dug up themselves, and they’ll still blather on and on about the earth being 6,000 years old and how Jesus rode dinosaurs.
Tell ya what. If there were dinosaurs 6,000 years ago, wingnuts of the day were no doubt fucking them to death and that’s why they all went extinct. Heh. Looks like goats are next.
You know this is the hypocracy that Boob can live with. Unless of course a Democrat did it.
“You know this is the hypocracy that Boob can live with. Unless of course a Democrat did it.”
I doubt that we’ll get any of Bob’s snide on that one.
Sen. Ted Cruz, “Democrats and Republicans in the congressional delegation will stand as one in support of the federal government meeting its statutory obligations to provide the relief to help the Texans who are hurting.”
Of course, when those in New England were hurting following Hurricane Sandy, Sen. Cruz voted “fuck you” on the federal aid package.
“This bill is symptomatic of a larger problem in Washington — an addiction to spending money, blah, blah, blah.”
That’s how Republicans roll. He did get one thing right, though. Democrats in Congress will vote to send aid to Texas, as they should.
Sigh! The Republican base…
“Gun nut arrested for pointing pistol at peaceful Muslim couple she considered ‘suspicious’”
The couple’s daughter tweets, “Who looks more suspicious? My parents or this woman who threatened to shoot my parents for “looking suspicious”?”
Okay, I’ll bite. I’ll look. Whoa! OMG!
At the link you can take a gander at the woman who threatened to shoot a peaceful couple for “looking suspicious”.
Wisconsin. Always easy pickings these days.
“Wisconsin GOP bill would allow high school dropouts to teach high school”
“And DPI would be required to “issue a teaching permit for individuals who have not earned a bachelor’s degree, or potentially a high school diploma, to teach in any subject area, excluding the core subjects of mathematics, English, science, and social studies.”
Czaja said that the new requirements were necessary to give rural school districts more leeway when hiring staff.
But Wisconsin Rural Schools Alliance Jerry Fiene told the Journal Sentinel that the change “totally destroys any licensure requirements that we have in Wisconsin.”
“It’s breathtaking in its stupidity,” Evers told Wisconsin Radio Network.
Sigh! Another one of the nutjobs who screams at us that it’s Muslims who are the danger to Americans.
“Gun activist calls on Texans to arrest and hang state lawmakers after open carry bill is delayed”
Geez, not even a trial. Simply arrest them and hang’em. But that’s how Republicans roll these days, always thirsting to see Americans die.
So instead of a federal Jade 15 invasion of Texas, they get a federal aid. Still, those Texas TeaBirchers are gonna freak the fuck out when they see a caravan of FEMA trucks rolling down a Texas highway.
Revisionist history from the resident early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
– @148 Like hell he did. ISIS is a direct consequence of Bush’s bungled invasion of Iraq. –
Joe BiteME said of Iraq…
Puddy has to agree with Joe BiteME here. This ISIS caliphate will be one of Obummer’s most prominent foreign policy “achievements”.
“This ISIS caliphate will be one of Obummer’s most prominent foreign policy “achievements”.”
Enough of your fucking lies. Here’s some truth for you, buddy. You depraved, America-hating Christo-Fascist TeaBirchers pose more of a threat to America than ISIS ever will.
Well, it was bound to happen, and it finally did — I got a letter in today’s mail from a real estate agent who wants to buy my burrow. The letter was the usual fare — full of references to babies and puppies and so on. It obviously was written by someone who’s never been down in an actual rabbit hole.
So let me explain about rabbit holes. Like all wild creatures, we’re hard-wired for efficiency. We do no more digging than necessary, plus we want to keep our holes too small for dogs and snakes to get into. Down here in my hole, cold damp dank earth presses on all sides. In short, rabbit holes are cramped, with barely enough room to turn around in.
Nobody in their right mind would throw good money at a rabbit hole. So, when I get a letter from a real estate agent saying he wants to buy my hole, I automatically know he’s full of shit. But it shows just how desperate Seattle’s housing market is.
@153 Yeah, kinda reminiscent of when Rick Perry eliminated the state firefighting budget and then went crawling to Obama for federal emergency assistance when Texas caught fire.
@154 They would’ve been within their legal rights to shoot her dead. A clear case of self-defense.
@158 The fact you agree with a fantasy doesn’t make you less of an idiot.
To some DUMMOCRETINS some black lives don’t matter. This paragraph is very true rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears …
So rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, where have you made one single entry on HA DUMMOCRETINS with regards to the killing zones in Chicago?
So rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, where have you made one single entry on HA DUMMOCRETINS with regards to the killing zones in Philadelphia?
So rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, where have you made one single entry on HA DUMMOCRETINS with regards to the killing zones in Houston?
So rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, where have you made one single entry on HA DUMMOCRETINS with regards to the killing zones in New York City?
Sadly rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, Rich Lowry is very correct.
Yet rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears will gladly cheer the vomit producer when he calls your peeps “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”. Yes, that’s your speed rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! Yessiree!
And rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, you are an idiotic moron! You didn’t read the whole Lowry piece. You took the words of The Puke Morons as gospel! DUMMOCRETINS hate it when they are identified for what they really are.
@163 The fact you agree with the Obummer Iraq fantasy makes you a blithering idiot. You voted for Joe BiteME! TWICE!
Meanwhile more illegal aliens are being released by the Obummer sadministration. http://cis.org/vaughan/non-dep.....nal-aliens
“This paragraph is very true”
Like the black-hating black man gives a flying fuck about blacks. Go to hell.
By the way, your paragraph was posted without attribution. But you don’t care.
You don’t care because your a fucking Republican. You have no respect for our nation’s laws unless they can be used as an excuse for unarmed black men to be shot and killed.
“You voted for Joe BiteME! TWICE!”
Never heard of Joe BiteME.
You, you stupid motherfucker, you voted for John McCain and now you want him tried and hung for treason until he’s dead.
“John Cain (sic) is a traitor to the Constitution,” Rhodes later said, misstating the senator’s last name. “He should be tried for treason before a jury of his peers — which he would deny you.”
“He would deny you the right for trial to jury, but we would give him a trial by jury,” Rhodes added. “Then after we convict him he should be hung by the neck until dead.”
You vote for McCain, now you want him dead. And why? Insufficient wingnut purity. You truly are one vile motherfucker. Oh, and dumber than a stump.
What the fuck are “killing zones”?
I suspected as much, but now I know.
You just hate black people…really people in general, but black people for sure.
A little self-hating and cognitive dissonance, but it’s your life.
What a horrible thing to say and what a really horrible person you are.
Typical rethuglifuck….
…life begins at conception and ends at birth.
So the gangster biker who caps your ass for dissing some white woman in a shopping mall (like you said you like to do) won’t even have a clue that you are not the kind of negro that he thinks you are (or were).
The fucking cops won’t care either.
You are so screwed, pal.
rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears farts “What the fuck are “killing zones”?”
Apparently rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears has not been paying attention lately. How many times has Puddy posted this link? The killing zones of Chicago! http://heyjackass.com/ Well rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears doesn’t know!
Well rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is an IDIOT!
Guilty of stooooooooooooopidity every freaking day!
Never heard of Joe BiteME. Really? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxldH3vO7D0
Apparently Stupid Solution Steve is as stoooooooooooopid as evah! It’s so sad to be this stoooooooooooooopid all the time!
So the gangster biker who caps your ass for dissing some white woman in a shopping mall (like you said you like to do) won’t even have a clue that you are not the kind of negro that he thinks you are (or were).
The fucking cops won’t care either.
No they won’t you moron! Cops are afraid to do anything anymore and you are too clueless to comprehend that rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!!!!
Stoooooooooooopid as evah!
You, you stupid motherfucker, you voted for John McCain and now you want him tried and hung for treason until he’s dead.
Name the link, date and time where Puddy made this claim Stupid Solution Steve!
The rest of your idiotic rant is BULLSHITTIUM!
Well rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, it appears Stupid Solution Steve doesn’t read your links either.
Oh Stupid Solution Steve, the link was in the The Puke Morons link supplied by rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! ROTFLRHMBBAO! You ignore rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears as others do! Seems you are as stooooooooooooooooopid in real life Stupid Solution Steve as you write on Goldy’s blog!
“You just hate black people…”
Puddy and Mark Fuhrman, kindred spirits.
“Mark Fuhrman Endorses Baltimore Police Slowdown, Suggests African American Community Is Full Of ‘Animals’”
Of course, Fuhrman is referring to the type of “animal” that should be shot on sight.
Yup, Puddy and Mark Fuhrman, kindred spirits.
Another Republican crook bites the dust.
More BULLSHITTIUM from the white guy whom cheers a daily StormFront reader vomit producer whom calls blacks “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”.
Sux to be Stupid Solution Steve!
Notice all those accusations made by Stupid Solution Steve, refuted with PuddyFacts and Stupid Solution Steve moves onto the next attempt.
@164. Are republicans, are conservatives, are you, willing to work with progressives to try things that could make black lives better? Like lessening income equality. Empowering women. Taxing the rich to pay for education and jobs programs. Are you willing to compromise?
“Name the link, date and time where Puddy made this claim Stupid Solution Steve!”
Name the link, date and time that you ever took exception to right-wing violence. You, who shows up here demanding that we show outrage because Clinton sent an email, or some such bullshit, has never once shown outrage about any violent act and threat by right-wing extremists.
Well, now one of your right-wing extremist pals wants the man you voted for hung until dead for his lack of ideological purity. You, as always, have absolutely nothing to fucking say about it. Hell, if John McCain had been hung by right-wing extremists, you would still remain silent.
Why the silence? You obviously agree that John McCain, the man you once voted for, should be hung until dead for lack of ideological purity. After all, what have you ever written* that would lead anyone to believe otherwise?
* Link, date and time required, fucktard.
Case in point about rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! In the link on Dennis Hastert rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is soooooooooooooooooooo focused on this lookie here goodie, that rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears misses the real story!
DAYUM stooooooooooooooopid that rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
Sorry Stupid Solution Steve, you made the idiotic accusation so put up first. Yet you continue to jock strap the vomit producer whom calls blacks “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”. Nary a peep by you butt you’ll scream about Travis Bickle!
Talk to the hand moronic one.
@164 So white cops breaking black necks improves that how?
@165 This is what the screeching inside a nut house sounds like.
What is the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit babbling about now in #184?
@172 Why on earth would anyone pay attention to YOU???
@165 This is what the screeching inside a nut house sounds like. And you know that every day in your BULLSHITTIUM lined burrow!
@172 Why on earth would anyone pay attention to YOU???
We’ve been asking that about you for years early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@174 “Cops are afraid to do anything anymore”
Would you like to test that theory by walking on a sidewalk in Detroit, Cleveland, or Baltimore?
@182 WTF does does your link have to do with Hastert lying to the FBI? All it does is remind us that you approve of women in the military being raped and, if impregnated, denied an abortion.
“It is a tough memory,” Alcazar said, crying. “The military is a tough memory.”
That’s because she is also one the many women raped while serving their country.
A study by the Veteran’s Health Administration found nearly 40 percent of female homeless veterans were sexually assaulted while in the military.
“I got assaulted by police officers in our military. And I thought I was so strong. … I thought I could fight men off, even. And it’s — I can’t. And that’s just the truth about it,” Alcazar said.
Would you like to test that theory by walking on a sidewalk in Detroit, Cleveland, or Baltimore?
You talking about getting shot by a cop or another civilian; black white, his panic, arab, russian, italian? Huh?
@189 “We’ve … ”
There’s more than one of you? God I hope not.
“you made the idiotic accusation”
Projection. It’s a Psych 101 thang.
Soaring rents are a national crisis.
Now why the hell does Putin care about FIFA? I didn’t know he was such a big soccer lover.
Oh, I see, he’s one of the bribe payers: “Along with the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, the upcoming World Cup was supposed to be one of the crowning moments for Putin during his second stint in office. Russia got the 2018 tournament despite ‘pressure’ on Blatter to prevent it from happening, Putin said — suggesting that’s one reason U.S. authorities went after FIFA.”
All it does is remind us that you approve of women in the military being raped and, if impregnated, denied an abortion.
Ummm no Stupid Solution Steve… that be your best bud… the vomit producer…
It was your best bud… the vomit producer…
And yet Stupid Solution Steve likes his best bud vomit producer calling blacks “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”.
Still waiting Stupid Solution Steve!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor! Stupid Solution Steve is as stoooooooooooopid as evah!
Ah yes, here’s where Puddy is getting his latest black-hating talking points from.
Oh my early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
We’ve been discussing this since #138.
Hey rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit doesn’t read your posts either!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Hey climate deniers, are you enjoying this ICE AGE we’re having?
“Steve likes his best bud vomit producer calling blacks “niggers””
There’s nobody who posts here by that name. This current state you’re in, this 24/7 crazy thing, it must be fucking with what’s left of your mind.
The only racists in these threads have been your own very best buds, racists like Bob, Mr. Klynical, Mark and Troll. They didn’t all use the “N” word like your very best racist bud Troll did, but each played their hand. Your very best racist bud, Mark, he liked to call our nation’s president a “jigaboo”. Your very best racist bud, Mr. Klynical liked to make racist jokes about him. Your newest very best racist bud, Bob, shares racist fantasies of white militias shooting blacks on the streets of an American city.
Through all this, through every “nigger” and “jigaboo” spewed by your very best racist buds, you said nothing. Well, there were a few words of support, but other than that, nothing.
Now all of that is truly fucking disgusting, of course, but not nearly as truly fucking disgusting as the bloodlust unleashed in you since the Michael Brown killing. Now that is truly fucking disgusting, seeing a black man cheer the killing of unarmed black men. That’s some sick shit.
Keep on running Stupid Solution Steve…
Puddy even posted the links and you didn’t budge and call the vomit producer out. Keep screaming some weird BULLSHITTIUM here! That’s your prerogative as an American!
You see you call My Cynical, Mr. Klynical, yet you “claim” not to know who the vomit producer is. How stoooooooopid is dat? Sooooooooooooooooo… it’s readily apparent you and rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears have no problem with vomit producer or anyone else calling blacks “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”. Did you ever call out the original racist one headless lucy for calling Puddy a field nigger? Noooooooooo? Yeah didn’t think so either! So you see Stupid Solution Steve when the foe (foo) shits you have to wear it!
-Well, there were a few words of support, but other than that, nothing.
Oh Really? white niggers? Puddy brought up Robert 3 Sheets to the Wind Grand Kleagle Byrd… He identified “white niggers”! How as that Byrd funeral eh Stupid Solution Steve? Were you given the royal treatment, all the way from Seattle? You one of dem “white niggers”? You claim that’s Puddy’s support! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Now you scream about Puddy not saying anything… butt, you are wrong again. You see Stupid Solution Steve, you are a 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady master. Puddy did call out Cynical for one of his racist remarks. Puddy has the date and time. Butt for you to find it out you will need to ask the crazed databaze deala. Puddy has certain comments saved. Just like the last time you claimed Puddy didn’t say something and upon PuddyPresentation you had to eat those words! Well you be eating them again butt you have to get them this time! Now you Stupid Solution Steve told Puddy – PROVE IT before and Puddy proved it. Yet when Puddy asks any DUMMOCRETIN here to prove it, y’all never do. Even when the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla claimed Puddy was a liar on Airbnb, Puddy proved that the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla was lying. Just like the crazed database deala called Puddy out to prove which DUMMOCRETIN call the crazed database deala monomaniacal, Puddy stepped up and another Grand Salami!
So Stupid Solution Steve you gonna grow some marbuls and ask the crazed databaze deala for that replay? Well we know for a fact you still to this day have called out the vomit producer for its StormFront imitation of blacks as “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”.
Keep running dude. Talk to the hand. The Prosecution Rests your honor. No sentient life in that neanderthal cranial orifice!
Regarding blood lust… All those assassinated cops cheered by Stupid Solution Steve and other HA DUMMOCRETINS here. Michael the gentle giant Brown was a thug. Damian Johnson is a thug. So are those Waco Bike riders. Butt you don’t care because to you blacks are just “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”.
Rand Paul is imploding big time.
Based on Puffy’s intellectual skills of reasoning and drawing conclusions we know this guy must be a conservative individual, because you know Oklahoma and Kansas are very red states.
Manhunt Underway In Kansas After Police Officer Shot In The Head http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....66238.html
Ohh puffy. Love will overcome hate. You bigot.
Teen’s Act Of Love Inspires Town To Come Together Against Anti-Gay Protestors http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....62080.html
Well it’s open season on cops now. Just a few bad apples and all are bad per national DUMMOCRETINS. Crime has escalated in Baltimore because cops will not enter certain areas unless a dire emergency! Glad no family member lives there anymore!
Soooooooooooooooooo did rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears view the Chicago killing zones from http://heyjackass.com/? Or as Puddy suspects… rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears has decided to stay a LIV?
vs. 2013
Now what is common in all these cities?
Ted Cruz — who voted against Hurricane Sandy aid — calls for federal relief following Texas floods
Loved this comment:
“The people of Texas need help and it should be provided.
But if say… Peter King… wanted to earmark a provision that part of the aid package requires a video of Ted Cruz saying “I am a hypocrite who voted against helping people stricken by a hurricane in our country because some of them disagreed with me politically. Luckily people from the Eastern Seaboard and their representatives have more souls than my pathetic, vile, soulless self and are willing to help me and mine after a disaster hits us.”
And then the government can sell the rights to that video to any campaign against Cruz in the upcoming presidential election (Hey, these elections bring a lot of money) where the proceeds from buying the rights go to the charities set up to help Texan civilians hit by the storms.
If they wanted to earmark that, I wouldn’t be offended.”
If the puddyfuckwad is too stupid and self-obsessed to understand what is going on in the big cities (and little towns) for people of co;or in the US, I sure as fuck can’t help him.
@211. he’s willfully choosing not to understand.
If rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is too stupid and self-obsessed to comment at any time except regurgitate the left wrong libtard commentary on what is going on in the big cities (and little towns) for people of co;or in the US, then rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is beyond redeeming!
Well that’s that then.
Fuck you too, asshole.
worser found a tee shirt that describes HA DUMMOCRETINS such as hisself!
@213 Apparently rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears had issues comprehending the data from http://heyjackass.com/ regarding those Chicago killing zones! Puddy thought it would be easy to comprehend because rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is a jackASS!
There really is no adequate way to express the depth of the exceedingly childish, puerile and comically grotesque half-baked stew of toxic christianist clap-trap and fake libertarian horseshit sewage the readers of these comments are subjected to from this puddy character.
A classic example of a dead fucking wrong ultra right-wing christian dead ender.
Oh, oh. It looks like lynching John McCain won’t satisfy Puddy’s bloodlust.
One of Puddy’s very best buds is calling for the lynching of all of the Republicans (and Democrats) who won’t vote a bill they want passed.
“I’m calling for the arrest of every elected official in Texas that voted against open carry. They should be arrested, charged with treason and should face a punishment that could result in being hung from the tree of liberty.
What do you think gets their attention more after they go against the people? Some phone calls? Or actual liberty or death?
Texans, asking for our rights and waiting for them is not the right tactic.
Start putting #FootInDoors”
To make things easier for the extremist right-wing Death Squads to get it on, one wingnut posted names and addresses of Texas RINOS not voting for the bill.
Another wingnut suggested that they not only hang the RINO politicians, but everybody who voted for them as well. That went over pretty well!
Geez, Puddy, we all know that your GOP has some deep inner conflicts to work out before 2016 rolls around, but this notion of your very best buds to kill off half of your politicians and your base by hanging them all from the Tree of Liberty seems, well, a bit slow. That’s a lot of RINOS, not to mention those stinkin’ DUMMOCRETIN scum. If you go nation-wide with this, we’re talking a couple hundred million people, and lynching all of them might take you until 2024, maybe even 2030.
Might I suggest you consider the efficiencies of extermination camps with gas chambers and huge crematoriums?
Of course, Bob has no opinion on any of this until he crunches some numbers to see what effect all of this carnage will have on his tax rates.
“the exceedingly childish, puerile and comically grotesque and comically grotesque half-baked stew of toxic christianist clap-trap and fake libertarian horseshit sewage”
When Puddy and his very best buds are done lynching all of the RINO politicians and voters, that’ll be all that’s left of the Republican party and its base.
Stupid Solution Steve claims Puddy has a bloodlust.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It’s libtards like Stupid Solution Steve whom have bloodlust. Starting from 2005 on zombietime… and it continues to this day… http://www.zombietime.com/zomblog/?p=612 and http://www.zombietime.com/zomblog/?p=621 http://www.mlive.com/news/kzga.....173950.xml – he was upset about Iraq, ENRON, and ‘Global Warming’ – sounds just like an HA DUMMOCRETIN
To prove that RINOS and DUMMOCRETIN scum should be exterminated, hung from the Tree of Liberty, Puddy @222 gives us links to some crazy fucking zombie TeaBircher whining his ass off about a protester waving a Bush/Hitler sign at an anti-war protest over a decade ago.
Batshit fucking insane. I say it’s time for the Kenyan Marxist usurper to unleash some Jade 15 whupass on these treasonous bitches. Heh.
LA Times: Hastert Misconduct Involves Sexual Abuse Of A Male
“Asked why Hastert was making the payments, the official said it was to conceal Hastert’s past relationship with the male. “It was sex,’’ the source said. The other official confirmed that the misconduct involved sexual abuse.”
Sexual abuse of a male. No surprise here. None at all.
Take it easy, Bob! I’m sure Hastert sexually abusing a male will have no effect at all on the only things that are important to you, your income, tax rates and investments.
protest over a decade ago.
Apparently Stupid Solution Steve didn’t get to link #3 which happened in March! And most of these same freakazoids are still calling for the killing of Bush and Cheney on the DUmmies site.
Oh BTW, you missed seems Stupid Solution Steve missed the whack rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears commentary on Cheney earlier in the week. Must be no one reads rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears entries. Well he is a cut and paste DUMMOCRETIN legend (in his own mind). Ask rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears for a repeat performance since you can grow a pair of marbuls and check in with the crazed databaze deala!
Meanwhile… It is still the economy stooooooooooooooopid… http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/s.....CONOMY_GDP
Even the Administrations’ Press can’t put lipstick on this pig too well! Obummer bragged the economy was getting better…
Headline: “Cuba Removed From Terrorism List”
No word yet on whether Texas was added to the list or not.
Why isn’t Puddy screaming outrage 24/7 about Hastert?? Geez, not a word. Could it be because Puddy has sexually abused males too? Makes sense, doesn’t it?
“Steve didn’t get to link #3”
It’s just another one of your “links to nowhere”. We’ve all seen that tired ploy before. But thanks for acknowledging that links #1 and #2 are nothing but bullshit.
Three links and three strikes. You’re out, buddy. What a huge fucking fail!
The guilty dog barks the loudest.
The empty vessel makes the loudest sound.
The loudest voices we hear are those who advocate conflict, divisiveness.
He who shouts loudest isn’t always the most knowledgeable. –
Perfect description of Stupid Solution Steve and HA DUMMOCRETINS everywhere.
It’s just another one of your “links to nowhere”.
Maybe you should subscribe to more than left wrong libtard news Stupid Solution Steve. The raw story is tired and useless!
Ahhh yes Stupid Solution Steve… I think that everybody wants to be heard, and the easiest way to be the loudest is to be the hater.
Hey Stupid Solution Steve… Your Michigan cousin Homer Shoup Jr., 51, of Wayland…
Look him up! Family resemblance too! Reminds Puddy of these two gentlemen! http://www.grimmemennesker.dk/ugly-people-243.htm
“The guilty dog barks the loudest.
The empty vessel makes the loudest sound.
The loudest voices we hear are those who advocate conflict, divisiveness.”
Projection. It’s a Psych 101 thang.
I can readily accept those as the reasons why you type in CAPS all the time, yelling your fool head off at any passerby from an internet streetcorner. Indeed, you are very much the rabid barking dog trying to be the loudest voice, advocating conflict and divisiveness, just like your call to lynch RINOS who won’t go along with your insane and treasonous bullshit.
Ka-fucking-blammoooo to the fucking asshole puddyfuckwad, the hometown practitioner of this disingenuous style of dissembling.
Type in caps all the time Stupid Solution Steve? The only words are DUMMOCRETIN and FASCIST…
Butt it’s amazing you type” RINOS ” in caps Stupid Solution Steve!
And you were saying…
Remember Puddy is not a “nigger”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”.
“these myriad arguments are full of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments”
Since Puddy supplies links to most of PuddyPosts and many of them are from left wrong libtard sites, then it must mean libtards are liars, posting half-truths and straw man arguments.
Thanks for clarifying rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! Another cut and paste job from rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears without thinking it through. Now what did Travis Bickle claim here about a rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears post? http://horsesass.org/civil-lib.....nt-1288276
Seems rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is still confused about those killing zones found on http://heyjackass.com! Well rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is one of the biggest jackASSes here!
@235… Projection. It’s a Psych 101 thang.
The only projection is the Super 8 projector running that empty reel in yo head! http://www.porterelectronics.c.....rojectors/
A federal judge has sentenced Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht to life in prison, and told him he’s “no better than any other drug dealer.”
It must be nice to be in a position to pay $3.5 million to keep a mistress quiet.
(Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit has never cheated on his spouse, and Roger Rabbit’s entire net worth is far less than what Dennis Hastert paid in hush money to the former student he was banging — being a “failed attorney” as Bickle pointed out, I’m worth only a measly $1 million.)
Okay, so, we know Hastert — a REPUBLICAN ex-House Speaker — was a teacher and is accused by federal prosecutors of paying $3.5 million of hush money to a former student of his to cover up “past sexual misconduct.”
Now think about this. Why is this woman’s silence worth $3.5 million, unless she was underage at the time? Meaning, Hastert’s misconduct constituted prosecutable statutory rape.
(Alternatively, maybe there were multiple victims and multiple hush money payees. If we assume, for example, that he paid his molestation victims $100,000 each to keep their mouths shut that’s, um, 35 victims.)
And where does a teacher get $3.5 million to buy the silence of a victim of his sexual predation? Not from his teacher’s salary, and his Wikipedia bio describes his family as “middle class,” so that cash had to come from the GOP money machine.
Most likely, rich GOP donors ponied up to keep quiet the fact that a rising GOP congressional star legally raped a young girl when he was a teacher — the sort of crime that most people go to prison for.
They didn’t have much choice. That’s a hell of a way to lose a House Speaker.
Drugs for money… sound pretty DUMMOCRETIN to Puddy!
Well, shit, that’s “family values” Republicans for ya. Nothing unique or novel about it. Happens all the time in that crowd.
More on the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ultimate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad….
Sounds like rethuglifuck s.o.p. to me…
Why is this woman’s silence worth $3.5 million, unless she was underage at the time?
It was a woman early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? @224 claims it was a male person!
Seems one of you is lying? Now whom to bet on?
I like the way the shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ultimate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad…
…totally ignores that the Reagan CIA flooded the inner cities with cheap drugs…ergo the lost generations of black males.
The shrieking harpie HR nightmare ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied-up white kids, ultimate affirmative action baby’ warmongering prick and shameless uncle tom puddyfuckwad….
…really is that fucking stupid isn’t he?
“Butt it’s amazing you type” RINOS ” in caps Stupid Solution Steve!”
It just goes to show the difference between the two of us. I’ll CAP me some acronyms. You, on the other hand, love to CAP all your hate-words in a quest to be the loudest barking dog, always advocating conflict and divisiveness. And yet in doing so, all you really do is reveal yourself as being just another empty wingnut vessel, which really is just nice way of saying “sociopath”.
Sucks to be you. As always.
“Remember Puddy is not a “nigger”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”.”
The thought never occurred to me. “Psychopath”, on the other hand…
Uh, oh. The “psycho-laugh” is back.
“Drugs for money… sound pretty DUMMOCRETIN to Puddy!”
Like you Republicans, drug dealers are capitalists who love guns. What’s not for you guys to love? Well, except for the black ones, of course. But isn’t that why you Republicans are now opening your Big Tent to white biker gangs? You recently discovered that you’re kindred spirits, didn’t you?
Hell, even now, Bob’s probably dreaming of white Republican biker gangs roaming the streets of Detroit, shooting unarmed black people!
Oh dear. I think I found out where Schitzopoodle gets his material.
The dude is nuttier than a squirrel turd.
“Why is this woman’s silence worth $3.5 million”
The news reports are saying it was a male student and that his bank reported him to the FBI for suspicious withdrawals. After nine withdrawals of $50K each, the bank talked to him about it, then he kept going, although reducing them to $10K, then the bank reported him.
$3.5 million in $10K cash withdrawals. That’s a lot of fucking trips to the bank!
@244 Sounds more like Russian or Republican to me. Maybe some of both.
@248 Well that’s interesting. I missed that. By the way, guessing wrong isn’t the same thing as “lying.” I don’t have to explain that to most people, but you’re not most people.
So Hastert, in addition to being a pedophile, is a closet homo. That won’t go down well in GOP circles. His crowd would be more understanding if he’d fondled little girls.
I’m sure he didn’t think much about it at the time, and not in his wildest dreams did he suspect that someday he’d have to pay millions to keep it quiet. It probably was ordinary everyday behavior in his social circles. You know, small town Republicans, and all that implies.
Now that the word’s out, the goats are going to want money, too.
@255 Fortunately, some kids turn out okay despite their parents.
@257 Normally a bank would talk to an elderly person who’s withdrawing large sums from his accounts out of concern for his welfare.
“That won’t go down well in GOP circles.”
It seems to me that all he has to do is to declare that he has accepted Baby Jesus into his heart.
“Now that the word’s out, the goats are going to want money, too.”
Too bad goats can’t talk. It’d be curtains for the GOP.
Might as well pile it on.
“Indicted former House Speaker Dennis Hastert was paying a former student from Yorkville, Ill., to conceal his alleged sexual abuse of the young man while Hastert was a teacher at a high school there, federal law enforcement officials said Friday.
A top official, who would not be identified speaking about the federal charges in Chicago, said investigators also spoke with a second person who raised similar allegations that corroborated what the student said.
The second person was not being paid by Hastert, the official said.”
@ 267
Yeah, I figured right away it had to be gay sex and likely with a minor. At $3.5M it was going to be either a dead girl or a live boy.
Enjoy it, Steve. For all it’s worth. It will be totally deserved.
This is for you, Steve.
Enjoy your evening.
The caller identified himself only as “Bruce” from Illinois.
“Hello, Denny,” the caller said.
“Do you remember me from Yorkville?” he added, before laughing and hanging up.
How did a political payoff get all the way to $3.5M without involving either Bill Clinton or Al Sharpton on the receiving end?
Hell, even now, Bob’s probably dreaming of white Republican biker gangs roaming the streets of Detroit, shooting unarmed black people!
The BULLSHITTIUM that comes from the minds of HA DUMMOCRETINS like Stupid Solution Steve!
rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears @247,
Man you are an interminable moron…
Just jump on the latest left wrong BULLSHITTIUM and run with it… From the leftist WikiPedia… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crack_epidemic
Now it was Clinton’s DUMMOCRETIN CIA clearing Reagan’s CIA!
rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, this isn’t the first time some HA low life DUMMOCRETIN like you argued this BULLSHITTIUM before. Just ask your ugly twin http://www.grimmemennesker.dk/ugly-people-243.htm the crazed databaze deala!
One day rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears will lay off the BULLSHITTIUM of left wrong libtard sites!
@248 Well that’s interesting. I missed that. By the way, guessing wrong isn’t the same thing as “lying.”
Guessing wrong early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? So all these posts over the years were wrong guesses on your part! Thanks for the clarification! All those accusations above are wrong guesses too! Thanks for the clarification!
Wow, who know you’ve been guessing wrong all these years!
More Stupid Solution Steve projection. Butt, there was no projection from his acceptance of the vomit producer calling blacks “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”.
@250 Ignored for being a moron!
The StormFront visiting vomit producer has thinking problems!