Bonnie Mager is a completely awesome Democrat and is running for re-election to the Spokane County (you know the red, real American, part of the state) commissioners (district 3). You should show her some love and do a write up on her. Maybe get a little cash sent her way.
I discount and ignore anything from Brave New Films.
Christine O’donnell and the rest of the Tea Baggers don’t stand a chance in the general election. We shouldn’t be wasting our time on them.
republicans need to stop hating on the gai so patty & maria can get their $725b mil spending done in time for reelection. kill kill kill (but not with any bias based on sexual preference)!
iz suzan delbene one of the “superrich” nader talks about who can “save” us?
only 20k? she should have at least stole 90 and hid it in her freezer.
@ 7,3 et al
The problem is, O’donnel has managed to live a very wealthy lifestyle on only $8700 annual income. She lives in a huge house, (over 5000 sq ft) and when she defaulted on the mortgage after only owning it for a few months, a man named Brent Basher and bought her out and let her stay in the house while she paid rent. But the rent is only a few hundred a month, and she pays for it with her campaign money, which is illegal.
She has refused to hire a campaign treasurer, even as this is required by law. She has managed to swindle dozens of campaign workers out of their salaries, reusing to pay them, and they are now becoming quite vocal about this.
In short, she’s stealing her campaign money. She’s exactly the type of “politician” that you paperhangers constantly vilify.
So why do you support her? She has no substance, no real intelligence, and is probably the most uneducated person running for office this cycle. She’s a complete lunatic.
@8: Wouldn’t the below market rent also be illegal, unless it was reported as in-kind campaign contributions and subject to limits?
@6: She’s trying.
I wonder if Christine O’Donnell’s supporters fantasize about her while they masturbate.
With a Democrat like this, why would we need a Republican to screw working people.
“This is a special update of the Federation Hotline on Tuesday, Sept. 21.
Thurston County Superior Court Judge Tom McPhee late this afternoon ruled in favor of the Federation and found the governor and her budget office guilty of an unfair labor practice for failing to bargain when it determined the 2009-11 contracts agreed to in September 2008 were not “financially feasible” and the governor would not forward the contracts to the Legislature for funding.
McPhee said the state, not the union, had the obligation to request re-opening of negotiations once it, in effect, withdrew from the tentative agreements reached earlier. That failure “violated the good faith bargaining obligation and constitutes an unfair labor practice,” McPhee said in his ruling.
Once the budget office told the governor the contracts were not financially feasible, the state had the obligation “without delay” to notify the union, explain why it reached its conclusion and then request re-negotiation, the judge said.
Faced with the prospect of no contract because of the state’s refusal to initiate bargaining, the union demanded negotiations, which came in the spring of 2009, long after the financially infeasibility ruling was made in December 2008.
McPhee’s finding does not turn the clock back because the contracts eventually were re-negotiated. But finding the governor guilty of an unfair labor practice stands as a public rebuke of the state’s highest official. Such a censure has a sobering impact. It makes the statement that Federation members’ bargaining rights should be respected.
McPhee’s ruling directs the state to never repeat its actions again if a similar situation arises. And the state will notify all Federation members that it committed an unfair labor practice so there will be no doubt that Federation members were right and their governor was wrong.”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
2. Michael spews:
We really should be doing more to get Democrats elected in places where Democrats generally have a hard time getting elected. Full Court Press!
Michael, Michael, Michael–
The Dems are on the defensive almost everywhere. It’s a nice dream, but you need ground troops & money. Blogs have limited impact. ImamObaMao has alienated the vast majority of Independents. He is -14 on the Rasmussen Strong Approval Poll.
I like your silly optimism though Michael.
The problem Michael is you are yelling CHARGE~!! and there are few behind you.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Intersting WSJ article on the possible immediate shift of power in November. The Democrats threat of a lameduck session has created a big opportunity for several Republican candidates…including O’Donnell.
I like the strategy of “Sto the LameDuck”!
Take a look–
Pelosi’s big yap once again bites some of her Dem. collegues.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Also, ImamObaMao wants more authority to tap into your Internet connections.
ImamObaMao’s buddy, Bishop Eddie Long, is in big trouble. Eddie Long is a staunch Democrat was quoted as saying after Barack Obama won the 2008 Presidential election, “This is a century of prayers answered.” Eddie Long flew ImamObaMao around in his private jet.
Another ObaMao buddy bites the dust.
We’ve got more money than the Republicans.
I’d like to take a moment to thank the Tea Baggers for making sure the next governor of the state of New York will be a Democrat.
Former Representative Rick A. Lazio has agreed to have his name removed as the Conservative Party’s candidate for governor, in a decision that bolsters the candidacy of the Republican candidate, Carl P. Paladino.
Blue Johnspews:
#15. As a progressive raised on the book “1984” and “None dare call it Conspiracy” and the John Birch Society, I don’t like it, regardless what administration is doing it.
I “trust” the Obama administration will actually be snooping for terrorists, instead of the republican’s snooping the the democratic party’s network traffic about campaign tactics and blackmail dirt. rove and palin would give your eyeteeth for that kind of unfettered access.
But do you really care?
You and your kind would be slamming the administration if they were not, as being soft on terrorists.
Since they are, you are casting FUD with his base.
Richard Popespews:
Michael @ 18
Taking Lazio off the Conservative Party line and substituting Paladino (who won the Republican Party nomination) certainly helps Paladino. Maybe Paladino won’t win, but Lazio wasn’t favored to win even if he had won the GOP nomination. In any event, how does Lazio dropping off a minor party ballot position help the Democrats?
It was a bit of a cheap shot on my part written in a pre-coffee state.
But, now the only Republican on the ballot is the Tea Bagger who’s too crazy to win. I really do think the net effect of the Tea Baggers will be to help get Democrats elected.
@ Cynical
Got any more lies and spin on this one? You brownshirts days are numbered. I guess being a complete sociopath still doesn’t qualify one for public office in this country.
Unless you live in Texas.
Zotz sez: Puddybud is just another word for arschlochspews:
Froggy goes a courtin’ and he does ride, uh huh, uh huh…
Well done!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is an interesting Poll about Deleware where you have the Marxist Dummocrats Coons leading– Monday, September 27, 2010
It is possible that a write-in campaign by Congressman Mike Castle could hurt Democrat Chris Coons more than Republican Christine O’Donnell in the Delaware campaign for U.S. Senate.
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Delaware voters finds Coons with 49% support, while O’Donnell earns 40% of the vote. Castle, a longtime congressman who lost to O’Donnell in the state’s GOP Primary, picks up five percent (5%). Another five percent (5%) remain undecided.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
And here is another Democrat seat where the race is getting closer– Monday, September 27, 2010
Democrat Richard Blumenthal now holds just a five-point lead over Republican Linda McMahon in Connecticut’s race for the U.S. Senate. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state finds Blumenthal with 50% support and McMahon with 45% when leaners are included. One percent (1%) favor some other candidate, and three percent (3%) are undecided.
This is the closest the race has been since May when the New York Times detailed in an article how Blumenthal has been embellishing his military record in public statements over the years.
The fight this year isn’t D V. R it’s R v. R. Other than the little civil. war brewing in the Republican party this is a fairly boring status quo election.
Slip Sliding Awayspews:
@23 Got any more lies and spin on this one? You brownshirts days are numbered. I guess being a complete sociopath still doesn’t qualify one for public office in this country.
Well, those results are better than these:
“Only 38 percent of respondents said Obama deserves to be reelected . . .”
Certainly don’t hear Obama’s name mentioned much on HA these days, certainly nothing like during the election when it was the collective judgement of the HA faithful that he was the best thing since sliced bread.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Michael @ 29–
I think there is a bit more drama than that within the Democrat Party. Dems in trouble are running away from the President, Reid & Pelosi. They have their own Civil War…it’s just a bit more “civil” and kept behind the scenes to focus on the Establishment R’s vs. the Tea Party.
I don’t give a shit about some of these Big Government R’s…like Castle. I’m glad he lost. I’m a Conservative…a Constitutional Conservative who believes we must immediately stop Deficit Spending and shrink the role & size of Government. I suspect you knew that Michael.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I think this Iowa Governors Race is telling about the pulse of America.. Monday, September 27, 2010
Republican Terry Branstad maintains a double-digit lead against Democratic incumbent Chet Culver in Iowa’s gubernatorial race.
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state finds Branstad earning 55% support to Culver’s 37%.
A Democrat Incumbent DOWN 18 points?
In the Heartland of America.
I cannot wait for the November elections.
I hope the R’s fall just short in the House & Senate. Then in 2012, ImamObaMao will have no one to even try to blame. He will lose if the Dems maintain control of both Houses.
your post is most likely 100 per cent accurate. but, did you post just as accurate an analysis about charlie rangals decades of cheating?
Liberal Scientistspews:
@31 Cynical
I’m a Conservative…a Constitutional Conservative who believes we must immediately stop Deficit Spending and shrink the role & size of Government.
I really don’t remember you shreiking about deficits when Dubya was in office. In fact, his tax cuts to the wealthy, along with deficit financing of wars in Iraq and Afganistan are by far the biggest drivers of the deficit.
How ’bout going with Mr. Hypocritical, rather than Mr. Cynical?
Zotz sez: Puddybud is just another word for arschlochspews:
@35: Hypocrits are almost always cynical, almost by definition. The constant whining and sniping is a defense mechanism.
Their cynicism is what is usually perceived by others since hypocrits frantically project and compensate in the process of “distancing” themselves from their hypocrisy.
Just another sick, rightwing piece of shit.
It’s why I refer to him (when I even choose to acknowledge his existence) as “Klynical” since it aptly ties the outward manifestation of mental rot to the internal pathology.
“If she knows our constitution and upholds our bill of rights and votes according to the will of the people she represents, she’s more than qualified.”
“Is she qualified? Better yet is Barack Hussein Obama qualified to run a lemonade stand? ”
“I dare say if Harry Reid is qualified to be a Senator, then heck yes, O’Donnell is qualified.”
They absolutely don’t care if she steal from her campaign or breaks laws, She could say or do almost anything, so long as she pays lip service to the tea party agenda. “Steal from us? here, take some more, just do something, anything to stop that big scary Marxist Muslim black man!”
What do you think? The tea baggers feel powerless and terrified about the future so they are lashing out any anyone who is different?
Do you think they have been believing in the agenda of rush for so long, and watching their standard of living degrade, that they are so invested in the faith that republicans have the answers, they cannot admit they were mistaken, so they are lashing out at the very people trying to make things better?
Like a drowning person who pulls down their rescuer?
(And yes, I do thing that non corporate progressive democrats ARE trying to make thing better in america, for Everyone, not just the rich )
how come all you obama knob-slobbers arent all up in arms about the white house’s proposal for domestic spying?
sure is silent in here…..but we all know if this was Bush’s white house, you all would be popping boners and howling at the moon.
fucking douchebag hypocrites.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
So why do you support her? She has no substance, no real intelligence, and is probably the most uneducated person running for office this cycle. She’s a complete lunatic.
Could insert Patty Murray here!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
Another George Soros attack…
Nuthin new here move along little DUMMOCRAPTS!
@39 how come all you obama knob-slobbers arent all up in arms about the white house’s proposal for domestic spying?
cause, now the information is going to be channeled to rahm eamnuel, north american mossad chief, and sent directly to tel aviv.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
“There’s mourning in America. Under the leadership of President Obama, our country is fading and weaker and worse off. His policies were a grand experiment, policies that failed. This November, let’s choose a smaller, more caring government, one that remembers us.”
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
Stephen Colbert was useless on Capital Hill. Another DUMMOCRAPT stumble!
Slip Sliding Awayspews:
#39 sure is silent in here…..but we all know if this was Bush’s white house, you all would be popping boners and howling at the moon.
They are silent about a lot of things, not the least of which is the war in Afghanistan. In fact, you’d never know it was going on if you depended up HA for your news.
But, to be critical would be admitting that their choice of Obama – their poster child just 20 months ago – was deeply flawed . . . and that they’d been played like fiddles.
@45 But, to be critical would be admitting that their choice of Obama – their poster child just 20 months ago – was deeply flawed . . . and that they’d been played like fiddles.
slip, you have it wrong, as does everyone else in this country, dem or gop. it’s not so much that obama is flawed, though he certainly is. it is that this country is controlled by forces other than the president. the same ones that sent us into iraq and afg in the first place. now, if people dont beileve that, and choose to say its a conspiracy theory, they are in effect saying that after 2000 years of history, only now there are no more people looking to control people lives, that there are no more people who, having attained as much wealth and power as possible because of exceptional ambition, have now decided to sit back and let the little guy just go to work each day and not bother him. doesnt sound right to me. there will always be people trying to rule this world, and the more sophisticated they get, the more sublte the control is. you wont see people marching with arm bands on again.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
More proof how crazy Cass Sunstein is…
Let me explain the division among the conservative legal thinkers. Some conservative legal things like Justice Scalia and Justice Thomas is that the Constitution means what it originally meant. That means that we should understand the document by going through a sort of time machine and capturing the public understanding of the public that ratified the document a century or more than a century ago. So, that is a very distinctive approach which would involve quite radical changes in our existing Constitutional understanding and Justice Thomas is entirely clear on that.
Yep, it’s progressives who want to change or remove the Constitution.
@47 More proof how crazy Cass Sunstein is…
is he crazy? or crazy like a fox? if he’s a socialist, which he most assuradly is, of course he wants to diminish the influence of a demoratic/capitalist constitution. like any good lawyer, he can argue either side of an issue.
Alki Areaspews:
Can one of the wingnuts on here remind me exactly WHAT the Republicans are doing in their “pledge to f**k America” they just introduced that they didn’t JUST do a few years ago? They had the Presidency and Congress from 2000-2006 (and Presidency from 2006-2008). What exactly are they planning to do NOW that they just didn’t bother to get around to before? And how will they accomplish it with a Democrat President who they’ve all but promised to piss on and ignore fight (filibuster) literally every single piece of legislation. Even IF they get one of their ideas passed in the House (like outlawing gays or Jews, or making blacks slaves again or eliminating all taxes for those making over $1 million a year)…how do they expect to get them passed a President (who’s a secret Muslim from the planet xenon according to the Tea Party)? ROTFLMAO
It’s JUST SO F**KING FUNNY! You Republicans HAD control of the White AND Congress until just a few months ago…and for 6+ years…and you didn’t do SHIT. Did you secure the Mexico boarder after 9/11 when General Bush was in charge as Commander in Chief? Did you do it when Reagan was President? Did you do it when HW Bush was President? Did you do it when Ford was President? No? So why should I believe you’re do it now? You spent like druken monkeys under Reagan, HW Bush, W Bush…but NOW you promise you won’t? “I promise baby, this time it’ll be different…ya GOTTA believe me! Who loves ya baby!?”
Tsk, tsk, control the rage. 20 months ago you were in nirvana but have managed to throw it all away with one stumble after another. An amazingly inept performance, especially given all of the advantages you had. Remember, you were going to change the political landscape for decades?
Look in the mirror . . . why would anyone trust YOU again?
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
Did you secure the Mexico boarder after 9/11 when General Bush was in charge as Commander in Chief?
Because it was your progressive leftist congresscritters would call anything against illegal aliens racist. Wanna see the quotes from the DUMMOCRAPTS again? A simple Google search would display how stupid your memory is. Wait a minute… Alki Area is one of those progressives who ignore facts and hum their leftist homilies ad nauseum!
Alki Areaspews:
It’s “Lewis Black” rage (see the LOLs) Sorry my venting scared ya! :)
Why would anyone trust ME (Democrats) again? Because we’re not Tea Party wingnut crazy. We believe in rational thought, science, reality. Not magic, superstition, and anti-science. Your party is crazy and incompetent. You lied us into a war YOU didn’t then pay for (causing MASSIVE debt). Why would we trust YOU again after you JUST lied and stole from us?
Nirvana? ROTFLMAO. You’re CUTE! (Ruffles crazys head and sends him off with milk and animal crackers). Wow. Nirvana? A collapsing stock market (what did you leave us at, about 6,600), housing bubble, trillions in new debt for 2 wars put ENTIRELY on credit (always on ‘side budgets’ not counted on the ‘regular’ budget), corruption (Haliburton, Blackwater, etc).
You are Tea Party CRAZY funny! And I noticed like all winguts you made up stuff and avoided the facts.
QUESTION: Why didn’t the Republicans “secure our boarder” with Mexico or “spend NO more than we take in” when we were in Nirvana from 2000-2006? Or under Reagan? Or under HW Bush? Or under Ford? Or under Nixon? You’ve had decades to implement you policies and you’ve driven us to bankruptcy and YET not done anything you said you would. ROTFLMAO LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
You’re saying it’s ALWAYS the Democrats that stopped you from “securing our boarders”? How? Republicans Presidents (like W) were Commander in Chief and could have sent 100,000 troops to the boarder ANYTIME if they wanted. Never even tried. I don’t remember that every happening. We didn’t Reagan close our bases in Germany or Philippines (don’t think Japan is going to attack us again) and put them on the boarder with Mexico since that’s the big danger (according to YOU).
Alki Areaspews:
Elect Republicans and we’re use our “magic” we believe in to do our “magic” financial policy. We’re start 2 wars and spend a TRILLION EXTRA on top of our CURRENT spending…and give you a tax cut AT THE SAME TIME! What? Never in our nations history since 1776 has ANYONE ever done that? Wars cost money? We used to RAISE taxes or sell war bonds to pay for them? That’s asking the country to sacrifice. SOOO old school. No….not any more!! Now we have “magical Republicans” with “faith based economics”. Just cut taxes and spend more! It’ll just work out magically! ROTFLMAO
Republicans are like little children. They grab for the candy in the checkout line. They don’t understand mommy or daddy has to PAY for it. They don’t WANT to pay for it (make pouty faces). They want stuff for free! We need to elect adults (Democrats) who will be honest (not going to get that from a Republican) who will say “yes public, we can have a trillion dollar war, but I’m going to have to raise you’re taxes by a trillion since we’re always spending to our limit”. Common sense. Logical. Rational. Adult. Or elect Republicans who will tell you that you can have all the candy and wars you want for FREE!!! LOL
Michael @ 29–
I think there is a bit more drama than that within the Democrat Party.
I don’t blame you for thinking it. I’d think it too, but I’m working on a little bit of campaign stuff and have a few acquaintances that work for the Democrats and what we’re all seeing a stunning level of… Nothing…
Don’t mistake this with everyone being happy, that’s not what I’m saying at all. People aren’t happy, but they seem to know that despite all the hollering and hype that the Democrats are moving the country in the right direction (just not far enough or fast enough and they’re sellouts) and that they need to and will show up and vote in November.
Other than the giant Tea Party flameout, it will be a status quo election this time around. The Dems will loose a few seats in congress, but the in power party usually does in this kind of an election.
“Because it was your progressive leftist congresscritters would call anything against illegal aliens racist.”
Puddy argues that Republicans would rather allow America to fall into the hands of illegal Mexican desperados than be called names by treasonous, librul, dirty fucking hippies. Thanks for making my case that you freaks have no spine. All that tough talk, and yet you prove time and time again that you’re just a bunch of spineless cowards.
Puddy with head up ass sez, “Yep, it’s progressives who want to change or remove the Constitution.”
We just want to help you understand the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. For example, a Psycho-KLOWN hiding under his bed with a gun does not a well organized militia make.
@56 We just want to help you understand the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. For example, a Psycho-KLOWN hiding under his bed with a gun does not a well organized militia make.
steve, i don’t think its a atretch to say just about every gang member in the country owns a gun (illegaly, of course). good luck if you get stuck in a katrina like disaster calling 911 and clutching your frying pan.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
Just remember Steve Stupid Solution
There’s Mourning in America.
@52 Do voters trust Alki’s judgement
“Only 38 percent of respondents said Obama deserves to be reelected”
Apparently not. Unlike Alki, who’s sounding like an angry Tea Partier, most voters have come way down to earth . . . and that includes a big chunk of the Dem base.
Joey Bananasspews:
Mr. President, this is a big fucking deal:
Though Biden prides himself on his foreign-policy fluency, he’s been all over the map on national-security issues. Author Tom Ricks likes to point out that Biden voted against the Gulf War in 1991 (a quick triumph); in favor of the invasion of Iraq in 2003 (a prolonged disaster); and against the “surge” in troops to Iraq in 2007 (a remarkable success). Though Biden has sometimes opposed military action, during the Bosnian War his was the loudest voice in Congress in favor of arming the Muslim minority and encouraging the NATO air strikes against the Serbs.
It was Thatcher herself who said that her greatest achievement was to have changed the politics of the Labour Party, and this uncomfortable truth was one that Blair was swift and early to grasp. And not only grasp, but take to heart: he was the first senior member of the party to feel that it had to undergo a makeover, or rebranding, not for reasons of “image” alone, but as a matter of integrity. … In a mildly hilarious set of initial recollections, Blair describes how he confronted a party rank and file that still half believed it was possible that the voters had rejected Labour because they wanted more socialism rather than less. No compromise with the electorate was the clever taunt with which he disarmed them.
Better get the word out to Obama, “News”(We’re All Socialists Now)week, and the rest of you USA Goldycrats: When it comes to the socialism you want and think we need, more is less.
Joey Second Bananasspews:
How about that. GWB’s surge was a remarkable success.
Patty “dumb-as-a-tree-stump” Murray and her desperation, exposed. Enjoy!
Um, I’m pretty sure any bad guys won’t be mistaking a Detonics .451 magnum for a frying pan.
Puddy excretes, “There’s Mourning in America.”
And there’s a hapless goat in Klynical’s barn.
Blue Johnspews:
this was funny. The teabaggers have a lot of fence mending to do before non conservatives will trust them.
Headline Disabled Man to Tea Party: ‘Reforming Social Security Would Cut My Lifeline’
The problem is, Republicans don’t care about the disabled or the poor. They believe in social Darwinism, and think if you can’t afford to live, you don’t have a right to live. That belief is at the core of their philosophy. Never underestimate their selfishness, greed or their absolute contempt for the poor and the disenfranchised.
Tea Party To Disabled Man: ‘Wanna Try 50/50 Or Phone-A-Friend?’
Tea Party response: “buy some boots with straps”
Don’t adopt the language of the people who would cut your lifeline. They don’t want to “reform” Social Security, they want to kill it.
This is the exact same group that mocked a disabled man with Parkinson’s disease. It’s very simple. They just don’t care.
You’re pleading for sympathy from people who were born without the ability. It’s what makes a social conservative a social conservative in the first place. They’re physically unable to care about your plight in any meaningful way.
Asking Baggers and their RepubliKan Poodles for compassion is like asking an arsonist for a fire extinguisher.
Hey Michael…….they….don’t…
Isn’t it part of conservative orthodoxy that this man’s problems are his problems and that he is actually trying to pass his problems onto the backs of today’s hard working, over taxed, freedom loving constitutional conservative angry white man for something that is his own business?
Tea Party to Disabled man: Whats that?? DId somebody just say something??
Bonnie Mager is a completely awesome Democrat and is running for re-election to the Spokane County (you know the red, real American, part of the state) commissioners (district 3). You should show her some love and do a write up on her. Maybe get a little cash sent her way.
We really should be doing more to get Democrats elected in places where Democrats generally have a hard time getting elected. Full Court Press!
I discount and ignore anything from Brave New Films.
Christine O’donnell and the rest of the Tea Baggers don’t stand a chance in the general election. We shouldn’t be wasting our time on them.
republicans need to stop hating on the gai so patty & maria can get their $725b mil spending done in time for reelection. kill kill kill (but not with any bias based on sexual preference)!
iz suzan delbene one of the “superrich” nader talks about who can “save” us?
only 20k? she should have at least stole 90 and hid it in her freezer.
@ 7,3 et al
The problem is, O’donnel has managed to live a very wealthy lifestyle on only $8700 annual income. She lives in a huge house, (over 5000 sq ft) and when she defaulted on the mortgage after only owning it for a few months, a man named Brent Basher and bought her out and let her stay in the house while she paid rent. But the rent is only a few hundred a month, and she pays for it with her campaign money, which is illegal.
She has refused to hire a campaign treasurer, even as this is required by law. She has managed to swindle dozens of campaign workers out of their salaries, reusing to pay them, and they are now becoming quite vocal about this.
In short, she’s stealing her campaign money. She’s exactly the type of “politician” that you paperhangers constantly vilify.
So why do you support her? She has no substance, no real intelligence, and is probably the most uneducated person running for office this cycle. She’s a complete lunatic.
@8: Wouldn’t the below market rent also be illegal, unless it was reported as in-kind campaign contributions and subject to limits?
@6: She’s trying.
I wonder if Christine O’Donnell’s supporters fantasize about her while they masturbate.
With a Democrat like this, why would we need a Republican to screw working people.
“This is a special update of the Federation Hotline on Tuesday, Sept. 21.
Thurston County Superior Court Judge Tom McPhee late this afternoon ruled in favor of the Federation and found the governor and her budget office guilty of an unfair labor practice for failing to bargain when it determined the 2009-11 contracts agreed to in September 2008 were not “financially feasible” and the governor would not forward the contracts to the Legislature for funding.
McPhee said the state, not the union, had the obligation to request re-opening of negotiations once it, in effect, withdrew from the tentative agreements reached earlier. That failure “violated the good faith bargaining obligation and constitutes an unfair labor practice,” McPhee said in his ruling.
Once the budget office told the governor the contracts were not financially feasible, the state had the obligation “without delay” to notify the union, explain why it reached its conclusion and then request re-negotiation, the judge said.
Faced with the prospect of no contract because of the state’s refusal to initiate bargaining, the union demanded negotiations, which came in the spring of 2009, long after the financially infeasibility ruling was made in December 2008.
McPhee’s finding does not turn the clock back because the contracts eventually were re-negotiated. But finding the governor guilty of an unfair labor practice stands as a public rebuke of the state’s highest official. Such a censure has a sobering impact. It makes the statement that Federation members’ bargaining rights should be respected.
McPhee’s ruling directs the state to never repeat its actions again if a similar situation arises. And the state will notify all Federation members that it committed an unfair labor practice so there will be no doubt that Federation members were right and their governor was wrong.”
2. Michael spews:
Michael, Michael, Michael–
The Dems are on the defensive almost everywhere. It’s a nice dream, but you need ground troops & money. Blogs have limited impact. ImamObaMao has alienated the vast majority of Independents. He is -14 on the Rasmussen Strong Approval Poll.
I like your silly optimism though Michael.
The problem Michael is you are yelling CHARGE~!! and there are few behind you.
Intersting WSJ article on the possible immediate shift of power in November. The Democrats threat of a lameduck session has created a big opportunity for several Republican candidates…including O’Donnell.
I like the strategy of “Sto the LameDuck”!
Take a look–
Pelosi’s big yap once again bites some of her Dem. collegues.
Also, ImamObaMao wants more authority to tap into your Internet connections.
How do you paranoid KLOWNS feel about that?
ImamObaMao’s buddy, Bishop Eddie Long, is in big trouble. Eddie Long is a staunch Democrat was quoted as saying after Barack Obama won the 2008 Presidential election, “This is a century of prayers answered.” Eddie Long flew ImamObaMao around in his private jet.
Another ObaMao buddy bites the dust.
We’ve got more money than the Republicans.
I’d like to take a moment to thank the Tea Baggers for making sure the next governor of the state of New York will be a Democrat.
#15. As a progressive raised on the book “1984” and “None dare call it Conspiracy” and the John Birch Society, I don’t like it, regardless what administration is doing it.
I “trust” the Obama administration will actually be snooping for terrorists, instead of the republican’s snooping the the democratic party’s network traffic about campaign tactics and blackmail dirt. rove and palin would give your eyeteeth for that kind of unfettered access.
But do you really care?
You and your kind would be slamming the administration if they were not, as being soft on terrorists.
Since they are, you are casting FUD with his base.
Michael @ 18
Taking Lazio off the Conservative Party line and substituting Paladino (who won the Republican Party nomination) certainly helps Paladino. Maybe Paladino won’t win, but Lazio wasn’t favored to win even if he had won the GOP nomination. In any event, how does Lazio dropping off a minor party ballot position help the Democrats?
Brutally effective!!!
It was a bit of a cheap shot on my part written in a pre-coffee state.
But, now the only Republican on the ballot is the Tea Bagger who’s too crazy to win. I really do think the net effect of the Tea Baggers will be to help get Democrats elected.
@ Cynical
Got any more lies and spin on this one? You brownshirts days are numbered. I guess being a complete sociopath still doesn’t qualify one for public office in this country.
Unless you live in Texas.
Well done!
Here is an interesting Poll about Deleware where you have the Marxist Dummocrats Coons leading–
Monday, September 27, 2010
And here is another Democrat seat where the race is getting closer–
Monday, September 27, 2010
Will be interesting to see if ImamObaMao is behind the cyber-attack on Iran’s nuke system.
I suspect this ought to slow ’em up a bit.
But it could create a cyber-nuke war.
Tea Party takes over comics page
It really hard to to tell if this a parody or for real. It sure READS like conservative humor.
The fight this year isn’t D V. R it’s R v. R. Other than the little civil. war brewing in the Republican party this is a fairly boring status quo election.
@23 Got any more lies and spin on this one? You brownshirts days are numbered. I guess being a complete sociopath still doesn’t qualify one for public office in this country.
Well, those results are better than these:
“Only 38 percent of respondents said Obama deserves to be reelected . . .”
Certainly don’t hear Obama’s name mentioned much on HA these days, certainly nothing like during the election when it was the collective judgement of the HA faithful that he was the best thing since sliced bread.
Michael @ 29–
I think there is a bit more drama than that within the Democrat Party. Dems in trouble are running away from the President, Reid & Pelosi. They have their own Civil War…it’s just a bit more “civil” and kept behind the scenes to focus on the Establishment R’s vs. the Tea Party.
I don’t give a shit about some of these Big Government R’s…like Castle. I’m glad he lost. I’m a Conservative…a Constitutional Conservative who believes we must immediately stop Deficit Spending and shrink the role & size of Government. I suspect you knew that Michael.
I think this Iowa Governors Race is telling about the pulse of America..
Monday, September 27, 2010
A Democrat Incumbent DOWN 18 points?
In the Heartland of America.
I cannot wait for the November elections.
I hope the R’s fall just short in the House & Senate. Then in 2012, ImamObaMao will have no one to even try to blame. He will lose if the Dems maintain control of both Houses.
Ah, we are such a civilized nation:
your post is most likely 100 per cent accurate. but, did you post just as accurate an analysis about charlie rangals decades of cheating?
@31 Cynical
I really don’t remember you shreiking about deficits when Dubya was in office. In fact, his tax cuts to the wealthy, along with deficit financing of wars in Iraq and Afganistan are by far the biggest drivers of the deficit.
How ’bout going with Mr. Hypocritical, rather than Mr. Cynical?
@35: Hypocrits are almost always cynical, almost by definition. The constant whining and sniping is a defense mechanism.
Their cynicism is what is usually perceived by others since hypocrits frantically project and compensate in the process of “distancing” themselves from their hypocrisy.
Just another sick, rightwing piece of shit.
It’s why I refer to him (when I even choose to acknowledge his existence) as “Klynical” since it aptly ties the outward manifestation of mental rot to the internal pathology.
Well said, of course.
Read the comments in
“If she knows our constitution and upholds our bill of rights and votes according to the will of the people she represents, she’s more than qualified.”
“Is she qualified? Better yet is Barack Hussein Obama qualified to run a lemonade stand? ”
“I dare say if Harry Reid is qualified to be a Senator, then heck yes, O’Donnell is qualified.”
They absolutely don’t care if she steal from her campaign or breaks laws, She could say or do almost anything, so long as she pays lip service to the tea party agenda. “Steal from us? here, take some more, just do something, anything to stop that big scary Marxist Muslim black man!”
What do you think? The tea baggers feel powerless and terrified about the future so they are lashing out any anyone who is different?
Do you think they have been believing in the agenda of rush for so long, and watching their standard of living degrade, that they are so invested in the faith that republicans have the answers, they cannot admit they were mistaken, so they are lashing out at the very people trying to make things better?
Like a drowning person who pulls down their rescuer?
(And yes, I do thing that non corporate progressive democrats ARE trying to make thing better in america, for Everyone, not just the rich )
how come all you obama knob-slobbers arent all up in arms about the white house’s proposal for domestic spying?
sure is silent in here…..but we all know if this was Bush’s white house, you all would be popping boners and howling at the moon.
fucking douchebag hypocrites.
Could insert Patty Murray here!
Another George Soros attack…
Nuthin new here move along little DUMMOCRAPTS!
how come all you obama knob-slobbers arent all up in arms about the white house’s proposal for domestic spying?
cause, now the information is going to be channeled to rahm eamnuel, north american mossad chief, and sent directly to tel aviv.
“There’s mourning in America. Today, 15 million men and women won’t have the opportunity to go to work, business is shuttered, 2,900 families will have their homes foreclosed by nightfall.”
“There’s mourning in America. Under the leadership of President Obama, our country is fading and weaker and worse off. His policies were a grand experiment, policies that failed. This November, let’s choose a smaller, more caring government, one that remembers us.”
Stephen Colbert was useless on Capital Hill. Another DUMMOCRAPT stumble!
#39 sure is silent in here…..but we all know if this was Bush’s white house, you all would be popping boners and howling at the moon.
They are silent about a lot of things, not the least of which is the war in Afghanistan. In fact, you’d never know it was going on if you depended up HA for your news.
But, to be critical would be admitting that their choice of Obama – their poster child just 20 months ago – was deeply flawed . . . and that they’d been played like fiddles.
But, to be critical would be admitting that their choice of Obama – their poster child just 20 months ago – was deeply flawed . . . and that they’d been played like fiddles.
slip, you have it wrong, as does everyone else in this country, dem or gop. it’s not so much that obama is flawed, though he certainly is. it is that this country is controlled by forces other than the president. the same ones that sent us into iraq and afg in the first place. now, if people dont beileve that, and choose to say its a conspiracy theory, they are in effect saying that after 2000 years of history, only now there are no more people looking to control people lives, that there are no more people who, having attained as much wealth and power as possible because of exceptional ambition, have now decided to sit back and let the little guy just go to work each day and not bother him. doesnt sound right to me. there will always be people trying to rule this world, and the more sophisticated they get, the more sublte the control is. you wont see people marching with arm bands on again.
More proof how crazy Cass Sunstein is…
Yep, it’s progressives who want to change or remove the Constitution.
More proof how crazy Cass Sunstein is…
is he crazy? or crazy like a fox? if he’s a socialist, which he most assuradly is, of course he wants to diminish the influence of a demoratic/capitalist constitution. like any good lawyer, he can argue either side of an issue.
Can one of the wingnuts on here remind me exactly WHAT the Republicans are doing in their “pledge to f**k America” they just introduced that they didn’t JUST do a few years ago? They had the Presidency and Congress from 2000-2006 (and Presidency from 2006-2008). What exactly are they planning to do NOW that they just didn’t bother to get around to before? And how will they accomplish it with a Democrat President who they’ve all but promised to piss on and ignore fight (filibuster) literally every single piece of legislation. Even IF they get one of their ideas passed in the House (like outlawing gays or Jews, or making blacks slaves again or eliminating all taxes for those making over $1 million a year)…how do they expect to get them passed a President (who’s a secret Muslim from the planet xenon according to the Tea Party)? ROTFLMAO
It’s JUST SO F**KING FUNNY! You Republicans HAD control of the White AND Congress until just a few months ago…and for 6+ years…and you didn’t do SHIT. Did you secure the Mexico boarder after 9/11 when General Bush was in charge as Commander in Chief? Did you do it when Reagan was President? Did you do it when HW Bush was President? Did you do it when Ford was President? No? So why should I believe you’re do it now? You spent like druken monkeys under Reagan, HW Bush, W Bush…but NOW you promise you won’t? “I promise baby, this time it’ll be different…ya GOTTA believe me! Who loves ya baby!?”
Tsk, tsk, control the rage. 20 months ago you were in nirvana but have managed to throw it all away with one stumble after another. An amazingly inept performance, especially given all of the advantages you had. Remember, you were going to change the political landscape for decades?
Look in the mirror . . . why would anyone trust YOU again?
Because it was your progressive leftist congresscritters would call anything against illegal aliens racist. Wanna see the quotes from the DUMMOCRAPTS again? A simple Google search would display how stupid your memory is. Wait a minute… Alki Area is one of those progressives who ignore facts and hum their leftist homilies ad nauseum!
It’s “Lewis Black” rage (see the LOLs) Sorry my venting scared ya! :)
Why would anyone trust ME (Democrats) again? Because we’re not Tea Party wingnut crazy. We believe in rational thought, science, reality. Not magic, superstition, and anti-science. Your party is crazy and incompetent. You lied us into a war YOU didn’t then pay for (causing MASSIVE debt). Why would we trust YOU again after you JUST lied and stole from us?
Nirvana? ROTFLMAO. You’re CUTE! (Ruffles crazys head and sends him off with milk and animal crackers). Wow. Nirvana? A collapsing stock market (what did you leave us at, about 6,600), housing bubble, trillions in new debt for 2 wars put ENTIRELY on credit (always on ‘side budgets’ not counted on the ‘regular’ budget), corruption (Haliburton, Blackwater, etc).
You are Tea Party CRAZY funny! And I noticed like all winguts you made up stuff and avoided the facts.
QUESTION: Why didn’t the Republicans “secure our boarder” with Mexico or “spend NO more than we take in” when we were in Nirvana from 2000-2006? Or under Reagan? Or under HW Bush? Or under Ford? Or under Nixon? You’ve had decades to implement you policies and you’ve driven us to bankruptcy and YET not done anything you said you would. ROTFLMAO LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
You’re saying it’s ALWAYS the Democrats that stopped you from “securing our boarders”? How? Republicans Presidents (like W) were Commander in Chief and could have sent 100,000 troops to the boarder ANYTIME if they wanted. Never even tried. I don’t remember that every happening. We didn’t Reagan close our bases in Germany or Philippines (don’t think Japan is going to attack us again) and put them on the boarder with Mexico since that’s the big danger (according to YOU).
Elect Republicans and we’re use our “magic” we believe in to do our “magic” financial policy. We’re start 2 wars and spend a TRILLION EXTRA on top of our CURRENT spending…and give you a tax cut AT THE SAME TIME! What? Never in our nations history since 1776 has ANYONE ever done that? Wars cost money? We used to RAISE taxes or sell war bonds to pay for them? That’s asking the country to sacrifice. SOOO old school. No….not any more!! Now we have “magical Republicans” with “faith based economics”. Just cut taxes and spend more! It’ll just work out magically! ROTFLMAO
Republicans are like little children. They grab for the candy in the checkout line. They don’t understand mommy or daddy has to PAY for it. They don’t WANT to pay for it (make pouty faces). They want stuff for free! We need to elect adults (Democrats) who will be honest (not going to get that from a Republican) who will say “yes public, we can have a trillion dollar war, but I’m going to have to raise you’re taxes by a trillion since we’re always spending to our limit”. Common sense. Logical. Rational. Adult. Or elect Republicans who will tell you that you can have all the candy and wars you want for FREE!!! LOL
I don’t blame you for thinking it. I’d think it too, but I’m working on a little bit of campaign stuff and have a few acquaintances that work for the Democrats and what we’re all seeing a stunning level of… Nothing…
Don’t mistake this with everyone being happy, that’s not what I’m saying at all. People aren’t happy, but they seem to know that despite all the hollering and hype that the Democrats are moving the country in the right direction (just not far enough or fast enough and they’re sellouts) and that they need to and will show up and vote in November.
Other than the giant Tea Party flameout, it will be a status quo election this time around. The Dems will loose a few seats in congress, but the in power party usually does in this kind of an election.
“Because it was your progressive leftist congresscritters would call anything against illegal aliens racist.”
Puddy argues that Republicans would rather allow America to fall into the hands of illegal Mexican desperados than be called names by treasonous, librul, dirty fucking hippies. Thanks for making my case that you freaks have no spine. All that tough talk, and yet you prove time and time again that you’re just a bunch of spineless cowards.
Puddy with head up ass sez, “Yep, it’s progressives who want to change or remove the Constitution.”
We just want to help you understand the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. For example, a Psycho-KLOWN hiding under his bed with a gun does not a well organized militia make.
We just want to help you understand the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. For example, a Psycho-KLOWN hiding under his bed with a gun does not a well organized militia make.
steve, i don’t think its a atretch to say just about every gang member in the country owns a gun (illegaly, of course). good luck if you get stuck in a katrina like disaster calling 911 and clutching your frying pan.
Just remember Steve Stupid Solution
There’s Mourning in America.
@52 Do voters trust Alki’s judgement
“Only 38 percent of respondents said Obama deserves to be reelected”
Apparently not. Unlike Alki, who’s sounding like an angry Tea Partier, most voters have come way down to earth . . . and that includes a big chunk of the Dem base.
Mr. President, this is a big fucking deal:
– via Mark Bowden, The Atlantic
Puddy’s Pastor(s) Kills Wife
Via Hitchens:
Better get the word out to Obama, “News”(We’re All Socialists Now)week, and the rest of you USA Goldycrats: When it comes to the socialism you want and think we need, more is less.
How about that. GWB’s surge was a remarkable success.
Patty “dumb-as-a-tree-stump” Murray and her desperation, exposed. Enjoy!
“clutching your frying pan”
Um, I’m pretty sure any bad guys won’t be mistaking a Detonics .451 magnum for a frying pan.
Puddy excretes, “There’s Mourning in America.”
And there’s a hapless goat in Klynical’s barn.
this was funny. The teabaggers have a lot of fence mending to do before non conservatives will trust them.
Disabled Man to Tea Party: ‘Reforming Social Security Would Cut My Lifeline’