– The first time I read the Silicon Sound I thought it sounded pretty good. But maybe it’s catching up to somewhere else.
– So, related to the Salon piece, I think articles like it serve as important reminders of how Wikipedia’s form, so to speak, can’t always be separated from its content. (h/t)
– Jesus, London
– I am going to opt for not being in the same car as your dog, sorry.
What’s so bad about being able to spit in the eye of a caged dog that can’t chase you? =:)
@ 1
It would seem likely that the caged dog has already been subjected to abuse, and all you’d be doing is adding to his misery and fueling the hate he holds for the human race.
I posted this at the end of a dying thread so I thought I repost it here.
What the party of small, non-intrusive government wants to do for the women of Virginia,
“If a woman in Virginia has a miscarriage without a doctor present, they must report it within 24 hours to the police or risk going to jail for a full year.”
Every miscarriage is a potential homicide and demands investigation. In comments here I joking called these investigators the “Pussy Squad”.
Ladies, if you suffer a miscarriage then don’t take time for grief and sorrow. The Republicans of Virginia will have you save that for a later day. Instead, call the police right away. Failure to do so could result in your conviction of a crime and you could very well spend a year in jail.
@2 “human race”
Oh, let me have fun pretending to be a rabbit, will ya?! Do we have to be serious all the time?
@3 Conservatives’ assertions that they’re against government intrusion into our private lives are just another bullshit myth. It all depends on what kind of intrusion and against whom.
We know they’re not against all government spending. They’re in favor of their spending. We saw that during the Reagan/GOP and Bush/GOP spending sprees.
We know they’re not against government spying on private citizens. We saw that when Bush got caught lying about warrantless wiretapping of U.S. citizens on U.S. soil. Conservatives cheered and said he should do more of it.
We know they’re not against terrorism per so. Just Muslim terrorism. They cheer when an abortion clinic is bombed or an abortion doctor is assassinated.
We know they’re not pro-life. They love the death penalty; it’s due process and first giving people trials that irritates them.
So why should we be surprised that they want to imprison or kill women who suffer miscarriages?
Another Wall Street crook gets caught.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: These people love money so much they’ll steal it every chance they get.
@ 4
Two issues come immediately to mind.
A: You’re seven feet tall.
B: Nobody else can see you.
Gay Parents In The U.S.: Where Same-Sex Couples are Raising Kids
Look at all those family values.
@7 My make-believe rabbit is only 30 inches tall and has to kick their ankles.
@5 I almost forgot, conservatives want the governhment to have access to our library records, too, so the government knows what we’re reading — but only when they run the government.
I could have sworn I saw a link to an article this morning where Texas had passed a law prohibiting gay people from co-habiting, but I can’t find it now.
Can you imagine the questions the police would have to ask to determine if it were a gay couple cohabiting, or just a couple of roommates? I can’t see this passing a U.S. court challange – the right to privacy would be violated.
I also saw links to articles about how the population of cities were increasing. I thought the Conservative mantra was that people were fleeing the cities for the suburbs? And if the population of Seattle continues to increase and that of “red” counties continue to see population decreases, then what does that mean in terms of Republican abilities to mount another state-wide electoral challenge?
From 12,
The Republicans won’t win any state-wide offices in this state for the foreseeable future. This is a very liberal (blue) state, and Republicans have very little chance of winning any state-wide positions. That’s just the way it is here, and there is nothing the Republicans can do about it.
13) There is the Secretary of State, but the only reason they won that, was the endorsement of the predecessor.
The Bush Tax Cut Failure…
Now this guy Bartlett is a conservative, not a klownservative like the krackpots in the klownservative kongress..
and their trained seal, our favorite klownservative jerk of these threads..
@ 15
SpuddlyPud isn’t a trained seal. He’s that nasty little pomeranian that nobody except for his mommy can handle without being bitten. He’s that vicious little dog that attacks anyone that comes into his yard, and then runs behind the sofa. The only thing such animals are good for is kicking around in the street.
Why thanks jackASS OWS Fraggy… Glad to see you “think” so highly of Puddy!
Good one! Fits very well.
Oh shit.
Fuck off Spudds.
Meanwhile in other news, Lois Lerner who lied to Congress is now on administrative leave.
I heard that Glenn Beck has exclusive photos of Lois Lerner and George Soros at a secret lovenest on the outskirts of BENGHAZZZIII!!! just before the attack there.
Meanwhile in other news
PuddyCommentary… The problem of unintended consequnces… Even libtard reporters are taking Obummer and Holder to task on this one! BTW this is standard Obummer sadministration BULLSHITTIUM
More PuddyCommentary… Then why did Holder sign off on it when they knew who the leaker was in the State Department? Cockroaches scatter when the light of day appears!
In other news… Alan Dershowitz, libtard Harvard Professor agrees with Darrell Issa… Lois Lerner lost her 5th Amendment Rights when she read her long statement…
In other news… Why does it seem every Obummer sadministration libtard caught in a scandal gets promoted… Job well done!
Her own emails proved this! BTW Nuland is one of 13 people that Congressman Issa plans to call in a House Oversight hearing on Benghazi next week. Nuland will definitely be one of the “star witnesses”. She gonna have to explain why she never talked to Greg Hicks! Will she take da Fifth?
Alan Dershowitz is a useful idiot – a media attention whore and torture advocate.
Here’s CNN quoting a conservative jurist…
puddybigot is an idiot.
Oh, puddybigot, give it a rest….you’re sounding more pathetic and desperate and delusional than usual.
There you go appropriating one of my lines again!
Mimicry is the highest form of praise.
Here’s a nice rundown (from Kos this morning) of conservative inconsistency on the government snooping on journalists.
Essentially, when the Administration was Bush, and the target was the New York Times, then Fox and the rest of the right-wing echo chamber were calling for summary firing squads.
Now…not so much.
It has become quite clear, that if you want Republicans to clamor for doing the right thing, the ONLY way to get them to do that is to have a Democrat doing something shady.
We Democrats should do a little ju-jitsu and start calling for the elimination of the safety net, and further crumbling of our infrastructure, and draconian laws limiting all sorts of person freedoms….it’d be the ONLY way to get the Republicans on board to do the RIGHT thing.
The Republican approach to governance…it’s called having no principles other than lust for power and the destruction of anyone who opposes you.
Here’s some more from the CNN article on Lois Lerner invoking the 5th…
Does anyone remember Darryl Issa getting all huffy about Ken Lay or Jack Abramoff?
No, me neither.
Wow…the cockroach seems to have disappeared….likely busy driving his rental Ford Taurus around Topeka looking for some Wendy’s to take back to the motel he’s staying in.
Cockroaches? Puddy been discussing cockroaches since 2007 SCHMUCKO. Ask the serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb for a replay!
Butt keep that swelled head! It’s the only thing swelled on your body besides your ASS!
That statement explains the mind of SCHMUCKO!
Weasel words from libtards
And poor poor SCHMUCKO… A previous search of Alan Dershowitz has him in high esteem on this blog. Seems SCHMUCKO only attacks peeps when they are not on his reservation!
Thank you for contradicting your prior quote of Dershowitz.
Also, please provide links to me praising Dershowitz – I’d be startled to read them, because I’ve found Dershowitz, particularly when talking about torture and other abuses of Muslims by Israel, to be a complete tool.
Ultimately, Dershowitz, and your quoting him, are irrelevant – reference after reference is available contradicting him regarding the loss of one’s 5th Amendment right. There’s a reason it’s called a ‘right’.
Where SCHMUCKO? It was from the CNN article. There is a disagreement on Lerner. SO? U R a real jackASS SCHMUCKO! Can’t have a disagreement because SCHMUCKO must always be right! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Where did Puddy claim SCHMUCKO wrote about Dershowitz? Puddy suggests you ask the serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb for a replay! Wait for it…
Only to you SCHMUCKO… as it really sux to be you!
Man, you are as loony as ever, just like SCHMUCKO’s claim Puddy was disagreeing with the Mother Jones article on suburban poverty voters for Obummer! Stoooooooooooopid!
Now we see the real voter suppression was done by Obummer and the IRS in to 2012 erection. Don’t approve Tea Party groups, they don’t rally the base and therefore they don’t vote for Romney in 2012. All this ginned DUMMOCRAPT voter suppression was covering their planned Tea Party voter suppression.
Well done DUMMOCRAPTS… Wait until 2014. People remember!
Imagine if Bush claimed Alberto Gonzalez didn’t know about F&F, IRS Scandal, or the AP Scandal. Bush didn’t know about the rewrites in the Benghazi Scandal or the rejection of additional security, and he learned about these things from the news just as early as the public did… would the libtard press give Bush a pass as they slobberingly do with Obummer? Apparently Obummer threw out The Buck Stops Here sign from the Oval Orifice!
Remember when Atty Gen’l Eric F&F Holder was asked this…?
Yet… Holder approved the James Rosen warrant… And now we see this… SCHMUCKO’s head has to be hurting with all these facts swirling about…
Getting really smelly in Obummer’s IRS… Oh wait the buck doesn’t stop there in the oval orifice…
PuddyCommentary… Oh my… inappropriate questions to the Tea Party? IRS inappropriate question: “Please detail content of your prayers”
Butt Larry O’Clownell has a different take… maybe that’s why fewer and fewer people are watching PMSNBC lately?
Sheesh what a moron. Right up there with OWS Fraggy and serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb for example!
Puddy expects the Purveyor of Friday Night Comics to use this… he’s a 3rd tier libtard loser! A prime candidate for the Friday Night Comics!
Klownservative @ 40
Turtleman hasn’t got the memo..
Holder’s job is to enforce the law, good or bad.. Now will the turtleman support the media shield law?
The media shield bill was revived Wednesday at the request of the Obama administration.
Ooops! I think not! And of neither will the klownservative jerk @ 40.
Please everybody, follow puddybigot’s link to the National Review Online, and then to their link to an example of one of these ‘inappropriate’ letters. Nowhere in that letter will you find the question puddybigot is hyperventilating about. You’ll find a list of questions aimed at determining whether an organization that is asking to be excused from paying taxes legally deserves that privilege.
Puddybigot, answer me this – if an Islamic charity held organized prayers calling for the establishment of Sharia Law in the USA, would you want that fact taken into account when the IRS determined whether they qualified for tax exemp status?
Thought so.
serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb resuing the HuffPo link he posted earlier in the week cuz there is nothing new to use?
Shield law… let’s clear the air on the “shield law”
PuddyCommentary: Even Andrew I Really Love Obummer Mitchell said he’s prosecuted more reporters than his predecessors. And Eugene Robinson is not a happy camper and Robinson eats all of Obummer’s shit each day!
Since Robinson thinks Obummer could do no wrong until the James Rosen of Fox News scandal broke, now you see he’s pizzed! Why? Because if a DUMMOCRAPT Preznit and Atty Gen’l does it and he doesn’t complain, if a Republican does it in the whitey house he has no leg to argue! So this whole narrative about a shield law is much ado about nuthin! You see when libtards run a “false narrative” of the shield law… this “new proposed law” won’t stop what Obummer and Steadman Holder are doing and will continue to do as scumbag DUMMOCRAPT libtards!
So this shield law being offered in a link by HA’s serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb is just a bunch of semaphores! It won’t do anything. And the “yank” by serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb is out of context to what Mitch McConnell was discussing overall.
Sux to be the serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb. All day he’s had time to deliver something worthwhile and it’s his standard EPIC FAYLE crap!
SCHMUCKO, U R a real ASSHOLE! Since you need
.. Yeah thought so. Ignorant with reading comprehension issues. If DUMMOCRAPTS in Congress agree the IRS asked those questions, why does SCHMUCKO run the other way? Facts… SCHMUCKO can’t accept facts that don’t appear on Daily Kooks pages. Review post #30 for assistance in SCHMUCKO’s love od Daily Kooks. And when their time line has issues SCHMUCKO skips over it!
It’s a paraphrase U jackASS.
Since you couldn’t figger out the IRS paraphrase… the rest of your silly and inane rant is I G N O R E D!
Forgot the shield law link…
The IRS scandal moves into tinfoil-hat territory — not in the blogosphere, where you expect it, but in the U.S. Senate, where you expect GOP senators to be childish but not conspiracy nuts.
A Republican Governor is threatening to veto all bills unless the Obamacare Medicaid expansion is in the budget. The Governor? Jan Brewer of Arizona. In fact, she has already vetoed 5 bills!
Well well well… The unions chose not to listen because they had to pass to see whats in it. Most unions are worried about the fees, and all the new regulations.
PuddyCommentary: If Joe is now realizing the lies of ObummerCare… he should resign the union presidency! The rank and file union peeps voted what their MASTERS told them to do, and their MASTERS DESTROYED their healthcare and even some manufacturing jobs now.
Also remember what Obummer did to the NLRB? Obummer stacked the deck with his henchmen but recently, two federal court judges said Obummer’s NLRB appointments were unconstitutional.
A future of despair for klownservative ODS-addled jerks:
Klownservatives, see ya! Sure sucks to be ya!