Under our current system, Americans can live in any state they choose. An American who begins their career in Ohio, moves to Virginia to accept a better job offer, and then retires in Florida pays the same federal taxes regardless of their residence. These taxes fund programs such as Medicare and Social Security.
Now imagine that we lived in Joe Miller’s America, and that each state was responsible for setting up its own retirement system. Under this system, the person described above would pay Ohio taxes while they worked in Ohio, Virginia taxes while they lived in Virginia, and would draw benefits from the state of Florida during their retirement. The state which benefited from their taxes would not be the same state that was required to fund their retirement.
States like Florida, which attract an unusually large number of retirees, would simply collapse under the weight of their retirement programs. Florida would be forced to jack up taxes on its own workers to pay for the influx of retirees, but these higher taxes would drive workers out of the state, forcing Florida to jack up taxes even more. Eventually, this “death spiral” would lead Florida to insolvency, leaving its senior residents without any benefits whatsoever. Nor could Florida prevent this death spiral by simply limiting retirement benefits to seniors who spent their working career in Florida — the Constitution forbids states from denying benefits to their residents based on length of residence.
Maybe we got rid of Social Security all together. People were on their own to retire on their savings and investments.
You think it’s hard to pass taxes now? Everyone would live in fear because they had to save their savings. People would be extremely fiscally conservative. For example: In Southern Oregon, where so many elderly go to retire, they voted to close the public library system. They have not passed a school levy there in 20 years. And that’s WITH social security to fall back on. With out it, these old people would gladly vote to disband public schools and any service they did not personally benefit from, if given the option.
What if the elderly invested in an Enron or some corrupt Wall Street investment or had a cancer that emptied out their bank accounts or were swindled out of it by their dead beat children? If they were bankrupt, they could not fall back the government for support. According to the constitutional conservatives, the federal government has no responsiblity to them. Apparently “they were stupid, sucks to be them.” Social Darwinism at work.
Maybe they could go back to work. I can see Grandma at 85 with her walker working at McDs on the fry line. Maybe the elderly would have to move in with their kids, like the Waltons. Maybe they find a charity or a church to support them, to keep them alive.
Maybe the destitute elderly could just beg on the streets. Apparently that is a better thing for the constitutional conservatives than social security.
Built in America or built by Boeing Sen. Murray?
You said America in you ad which leaves the door open for Airbus to build them in America which they plan on doing if awarded the contract.
FYI…Under you leadership the last 18 years Boeing lost over 30,000 workers in WA State.
Better redo you commercial…
@1 Good ad, but I’d rather see an ad explaining why we need to shrink our military and it’s budget by 50%.
we give 5 billion a year to israel that they use to kill palestinians with, so we could start the cuts there.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
Looks like Whackminojob spouted the progressive 9/12 Van Jones etc. line in the UN today.
‘O shit, I agree with the man of lies on something!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
The Woodward Book really kicks Odumba’s ASS with his own words!
Murray will beat Rossi in November. One beam of sun in a gloomy sky.
@8 ‘O shit, I agree with the man of lies on something!
lol…and i was just joking, cause could you name one politician that would dare propose cutting funds to israel? they dont make em that honest, in either party.
proud leftistspews:
Could someone please translate the Puddyese for me? I don’t get what he’s saying. Actually, ignore my request. I could give a rat’s ass what he might be saying.
Hey, Puddy, don’t take it personally!
There’s an obvious reason why Rossi doesn’t want Boeing to get any contracts, especially any that give work in the Puget Sound region.
Decent wages to workers in the Puget Sound region means people can pay their bills, especially their house payments. This mean less foreclosures, thus less money for Dino.
Don’t take it personally, just take it and leave.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
Poor poor proud leftist, it’s a mental issue. Apparently you haven’t been paying attention to your preznit’s peeps who went ballistic over Whackminojob’s speech at the UN. Then compare it to the 9/11 truthers on HA and Van Jones comments.
Then Bob Woodward’s book of Odumbaisms. Proved to the American peeps Odumba lied to become president. He never wanted to win Afghanistan. Look up what he told Lindsay Graham fool for example!
It’s very telling when they don’t put Woodward’s book on 60 minutes it ain’t good for Odumba since they put every anti-Bush book on 60 minutes over his term.
Man you are too stupid to be a barrister.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
Proud leftist… Here let Puddy assist you with your mental issues again! http://www.amazon.com/Obamas-W.....038;sr=8-1 Get the book. Read the book. Become educated! This would have been a great October surprise.
Now we learn from Chris Matthew’s No Balls Show Andrea and Chris telling the world Odumba’s military personnel don’t trust Odumba military hating political advisers. Too bad no one watches!
Man another one that could have been an October surprise.
Why all the hate for Republicans/Conservatives/Right-Wingers?
None of them voted for Obama 2 years ago and wouldn’t consider voting Democrat.
What Obama has driven away are the Independents, the people that don’t pledge their allegiance to any one political party.
If you’re not a Democrat supporter or Democrat hater… the promises of transparency and healthcare debates on CSPAN that denigrated into “we have to pass it so we can find out what’s in it” was a slap in the face to those without a political agenda.
e 18: “healthcare debates” Riiiiiiiiiight. 100 years just isn’t long enough for someone who ‘stands astride history and says: No further!’
Glennwood @ 5:
“You said America in you ad which leaves the door open for Airbus to build them in America which they plan on doing if awarded the contract.”
Obviously, you know nothing about aircraft manufacturing, or choose to avoid the details by appearing ignorant of those facts.
Every aircraft manufacturer has parts of the airplane built elsewhere, either domestically or overseas. The mix varies from aircraft to aircraft, and manufacturer to manufacturer. For example, the 737 fusealage is built in Wichitah and shipped by rail to Renton, where the wings are manufactured and joined to the airframe (along with the tail section). Final assembly, systems installation, and interiors are installed at Renton. Similarly, the Airbus A320 (a comparable aircraft)has most of it’s fusalage built in Germany, then shipped to France for final assembly. Wide-bodies tend to spread their out-sourcing overseas, in part because nationally-flagged airlines won’t place orders unless at least a portion of the airplanes are built in their country.
As for the Boeing 767 tanker program, Boeing has always planned to continue to buy some smaller assemblies overseas just as it did for it’s commercial jet, complete final assembly in everett, then fly the airplane to Wichita where the tanker systems and avionics will be installed.
But EADS has been a bit disengenious in it’s advertising of it’s plans. While it always said it would “build” the plane in the U.S., it’s remained very quiet about the details. My sources tell me that the EADS plan is twofold: (a) they will build the first batch of airplanes in France, then fly it to the U.S. for assembly of the classified tanker avionics and fuel systems; then (b) citing financial pressures, efficiency concerns, or anything else they can think of at the time, they will announce that they will return the fuel system installation to France, leaving only the classified avionics systems to be installed in the U.S., and cutting the employment in Alabama to a handfull of people in the process. According to what I am told, these are promises made by EADS to French union workers at Toulouse, to keep them from making an issue out of the work being done in the U.S. by non-union workers, by promising them that it will only be temporary and for P.R. purposes in the U.S.
Daddy Lovespews:
Wow, SO much crap.
First: Goldy, I imagine that you mean “ass-kicker” a bit more than “shit-kicker” which is a dreogatory slang term for an unsophisticated farmer, cowboy, or other rural person.
Second: All Woodward’s book has said is exactly what Obama told us from the beginning–that he was bringing into his administration and Cabinet a number of people with widely varying viewpoints, many of whom differ with his own. He cited the Lincoln Cabinet of Doris Kearns Goodwin’s book Team of Rivals as an insiration. So Woodward reports that his Cabinet does not agree on what to do in Afghanistan. You know, that’s the whole fucking point, and any one who has been paying attention (and that by definition does not include Cynical) knows this and that it’s not a big deal. The president is running the show, and he raised troop levels as he promised and then put Petraeus in charge. And when that doesn’t work we’ll withdraw, which we should already be doing but I get why he needs to make it clear that he’s done what he could.
Third: Dino’s a dork and was always going to lose. He started out at his ceiling of support and is losing independents not because of Patty’s ads but because he went full-on teabagger during the primary and can’t take it back.
@1 Sorta depends on how many new wars our leaders plan to get us into.
@6 For once, you’ve posted a statement that’s absolutely right, if even for the wrong reasons.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
that he was bringing into his administration and Cabinet a number of people with widely varying viewpoints, many of whom differ with his own
Once again Daddy Loves to Strike Out. They all have Odumba’s Imprimateur. Not one is a Capitalist. Go down his appointments starting with his CZARs and whip one out dude.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
Here’s Robert Fibbs view on the Woodward book fool…
“I think the book portrays a thoughtful, vigorous policy process that led us to a strategy to get us the best chance of achieving our objectives and goals in Afghanistan.”
Once again ylb displays his dumber than dirt side… butt butt butt wait a minute, this dumber that dirt is a 360 degree view. My bad!
Does your wife proof read your daily drivel?.. Oh wait, she has a JOB!
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
ylb direct from Al Jazeera…
On the July 2011 withdrawal deadline, Obama appeared to base the calculation partly on domestic political support. “I have to say that,” Obama told Lindsey Graham, a US Republican senator, when asked about the date. “I can’t let this be a war without end, and I can’t lose the whole Democratic Party.”
Just a lot of men eh Odumba? Just upset the military after you escalate the number of men, you turn around and yank them out? Now that’s genius military planning. So he telegraphs to the enemy we’re leaving just wait us out. No wonder the generals don’t like him. Even a lefty like McChrystal saw the light of Odumba’s “thought processes”.
@1 Sorta depends on how many new wars our leaders plan to get us into.
I figure a smaller military might shrink our leaders options on that.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -15
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Even in ImamObaMao’s Home State, the Tea Party is well-received! Friday, September 24, 2010
One-in-five Illinois voters (22%) consider themselves to be a part of the Tea Party movement. This is slightly lower than involvement nationally. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state finds that 63% do not associate themselves with the Tea Party, and 15% are not sure whether their views are in line with the movement.
Forty-five percent (45%) of voters in the state think the Tea Party is good for the country, which is right in line with national sentiments. Twenty-nine percent (29%) disagree and say it is bad for the country, while 14% feel it is neither good nor bad. Another 12% are not sure what kind of impact the Tea Party movement has on the country.
QUESTION: On the issue of trade, I wanted to ask Mr. Rossi about WTO rulings that have come out both against the EU and the US – and I realize we’re still sorting out the U.S. and how bad that may be. But if it does come out as it appears, at least from the US side, that Airbus got harder than Boeing did, do you believe that should have a factor – be a factor in the awarding of the tanker contract?
ROSSI: We need to fight for the tanker contract no matter what. The ruling, how it ever comes out – the reality is that the Boeing company since 1977 has lost 30,000 jobs in our state and we have to make sure we fight hard for that. You know, I’ve had a family member working continuously for the Boeing company since World War II and I – talk about a Boeing family, you want to talk about a Boeing family. And unfortunately there – this is, I think, where we – where I divert from Senator Murray on a number of different things. The Boeing company, they don’t want things like – that Senator Murray’s sponsoring such as card check, which is eliminating the secret ballot for unions. They don’t want the $150 million tax increase that they calculate as going to be coming from the health care bill. These are the sorts of things that are going to hurt the Boeing company.
I will be there. I will fight the, obviously fight for jobs. The reality is that we have to make sure that we have the right playing field to do that. And I will be, you know – strong on those issues.
Q: When you say “fight for it,” and “you want a level playing field” – I’m not still understanding if you’re saying that that WTO ruling should have a factor in the tanker bid?
ROSSI: No, not as far as I’m concerned, no.
Puddybud sez, Ask ylb, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA at homespews:
Thanks. Puddy was trying to find the full comment. Of course Patty is a big time liar. She can’t say much about her votes for big taxes. Imagine the commercial that smacks her butt on this LIE!
Good ad, but I’d rather see an ad explaining why we need to shrink our military and it’s budget by 50%.
Excellent ad. Here in Puget Sound, you can’t step on that third rail and live to tell about it.
‘Aint that the truth!
So many of the tea baggers and constitutional conservatives would like to get rid of Social Security. What would that be like?
Maybe Social Security is taken over by the states.
Here is an interesting take on that.
Maybe we got rid of Social Security all together. People were on their own to retire on their savings and investments.
You think it’s hard to pass taxes now? Everyone would live in fear because they had to save their savings. People would be extremely fiscally conservative. For example: In Southern Oregon, where so many elderly go to retire, they voted to close the public library system. They have not passed a school levy there in 20 years. And that’s WITH social security to fall back on. With out it, these old people would gladly vote to disband public schools and any service they did not personally benefit from, if given the option.
What if the elderly invested in an Enron or some corrupt Wall Street investment or had a cancer that emptied out their bank accounts or were swindled out of it by their dead beat children? If they were bankrupt, they could not fall back the government for support. According to the constitutional conservatives, the federal government has no responsiblity to them. Apparently “they were stupid, sucks to be them.” Social Darwinism at work.
Maybe they could go back to work. I can see Grandma at 85 with her walker working at McDs on the fry line. Maybe the elderly would have to move in with their kids, like the Waltons. Maybe they find a charity or a church to support them, to keep them alive.
Maybe the destitute elderly could just beg on the streets. Apparently that is a better thing for the constitutional conservatives than social security.
Built in America or built by Boeing Sen. Murray?
You said America in you ad which leaves the door open for Airbus to build them in America which they plan on doing if awarded the contract.
FYI…Under you leadership the last 18 years Boeing lost over 30,000 workers in WA State.
Better redo you commercial…
Good ad, but I’d rather see an ad explaining why we need to shrink our military and it’s budget by 50%.
we give 5 billion a year to israel that they use to kill palestinians with, so we could start the cuts there.
Looks like Whackminojob spouted the progressive 9/12 Van Jones etc. line in the UN today.
‘O shit, I agree with the man of lies on something!
The Woodward Book really kicks Odumba’s ASS with his own words!
Murray will beat Rossi in November. One beam of sun in a gloomy sky.
‘O shit, I agree with the man of lies on something!
lol…and i was just joking, cause could you name one politician that would dare propose cutting funds to israel? they dont make em that honest, in either party.
Could someone please translate the Puddyese for me? I don’t get what he’s saying. Actually, ignore my request. I could give a rat’s ass what he might be saying.
Hey, Puddy, don’t take it personally!
There’s an obvious reason why Rossi doesn’t want Boeing to get any contracts, especially any that give work in the Puget Sound region.
Decent wages to workers in the Puget Sound region means people can pay their bills, especially their house payments. This mean less foreclosures, thus less money for Dino.
Don’t take it personally, just take it and leave.
Poor poor proud leftist, it’s a mental issue. Apparently you haven’t been paying attention to your preznit’s peeps who went ballistic over Whackminojob’s speech at the UN. Then compare it to the 9/11 truthers on HA and Van Jones comments.
Then Bob Woodward’s book of Odumbaisms. Proved to the American peeps Odumba lied to become president. He never wanted to win Afghanistan. Look up what he told Lindsay Graham fool for example!
It’s very telling when they don’t put Woodward’s book on 60 minutes it ain’t good for Odumba since they put every anti-Bush book on 60 minutes over his term.
Man you are too stupid to be a barrister.
Proud leftist… Here let Puddy assist you with your mental issues again! http://www.amazon.com/Obamas-W.....038;sr=8-1 Get the book. Read the book. Become educated! This would have been a great October surprise.
Now we learn from Chris Matthew’s No Balls Show Andrea and Chris telling the world Odumba’s military personnel don’t trust Odumba military hating political advisers. Too bad no one watches!
Man another one that could have been an October surprise.
Proud leftist… stupid in every way every day!
Pffft.. Woodward, the hagiographer of Bush
The lackey of the right wing beltway consensus.
Why all the hate for Republicans/Conservatives/Right-Wingers?
None of them voted for Obama 2 years ago and wouldn’t consider voting Democrat.
What Obama has driven away are the Independents, the people that don’t pledge their allegiance to any one political party.
If you’re not a Democrat supporter or Democrat hater… the promises of transparency and healthcare debates on CSPAN that denigrated into “we have to pass it so we can find out what’s in it” was a slap in the face to those without a political agenda.
e 18: “healthcare debates” Riiiiiiiiiight. 100 years just isn’t long enough for someone who ‘stands astride history and says: No further!’
Glennwood @ 5:
Obviously, you know nothing about aircraft manufacturing, or choose to avoid the details by appearing ignorant of those facts.
Every aircraft manufacturer has parts of the airplane built elsewhere, either domestically or overseas. The mix varies from aircraft to aircraft, and manufacturer to manufacturer. For example, the 737 fusealage is built in Wichitah and shipped by rail to Renton, where the wings are manufactured and joined to the airframe (along with the tail section). Final assembly, systems installation, and interiors are installed at Renton. Similarly, the Airbus A320 (a comparable aircraft)has most of it’s fusalage built in Germany, then shipped to France for final assembly. Wide-bodies tend to spread their out-sourcing overseas, in part because nationally-flagged airlines won’t place orders unless at least a portion of the airplanes are built in their country.
As for the Boeing 767 tanker program, Boeing has always planned to continue to buy some smaller assemblies overseas just as it did for it’s commercial jet, complete final assembly in everett, then fly the airplane to Wichita where the tanker systems and avionics will be installed.
But EADS has been a bit disengenious in it’s advertising of it’s plans. While it always said it would “build” the plane in the U.S., it’s remained very quiet about the details. My sources tell me that the EADS plan is twofold: (a) they will build the first batch of airplanes in France, then fly it to the U.S. for assembly of the classified tanker avionics and fuel systems; then (b) citing financial pressures, efficiency concerns, or anything else they can think of at the time, they will announce that they will return the fuel system installation to France, leaving only the classified avionics systems to be installed in the U.S., and cutting the employment in Alabama to a handfull of people in the process. According to what I am told, these are promises made by EADS to French union workers at Toulouse, to keep them from making an issue out of the work being done in the U.S. by non-union workers, by promising them that it will only be temporary and for P.R. purposes in the U.S.
Wow, SO much crap.
First: Goldy, I imagine that you mean “ass-kicker” a bit more than “shit-kicker” which is a dreogatory slang term for an unsophisticated farmer, cowboy, or other rural person.
Second: All Woodward’s book has said is exactly what Obama told us from the beginning–that he was bringing into his administration and Cabinet a number of people with widely varying viewpoints, many of whom differ with his own. He cited the Lincoln Cabinet of Doris Kearns Goodwin’s book Team of Rivals as an insiration. So Woodward reports that his Cabinet does not agree on what to do in Afghanistan. You know, that’s the whole fucking point, and any one who has been paying attention (and that by definition does not include Cynical) knows this and that it’s not a big deal. The president is running the show, and he raised troop levels as he promised and then put Petraeus in charge. And when that doesn’t work we’ll withdraw, which we should already be doing but I get why he needs to make it clear that he’s done what he could.
Third: Dino’s a dork and was always going to lose. He started out at his ceiling of support and is losing independents not because of Patty’s ads but because he went full-on teabagger during the primary and can’t take it back.
@1 Sorta depends on how many new wars our leaders plan to get us into.
@6 For once, you’ve posted a statement that’s absolutely right, if even for the wrong reasons.
Once again Daddy Loves to Strike Out. They all have Odumba’s Imprimateur. Not one is a Capitalist. Go down his appointments starting with his CZARs and whip one out dude.
ylb@17, Moronic as ever huh?
Here’s Robert Fibbs view on the Woodward book fool…
Once again ylb displays his dumber than dirt side… butt butt butt wait a minute, this dumber that dirt is a 360 degree view. My bad!
Does your wife proof read your daily drivel?.. Oh wait, she has a JOB!
ylb direct from Al Jazeera…
Just a lot of men eh Odumba? Just upset the military after you escalate the number of men, you turn around and yank them out? Now that’s genius military planning. So he telegraphs to the enemy we’re leaving just wait us out. No wonder the generals don’t like him. Even a lefty like McChrystal saw the light of Odumba’s “thought processes”.
I figure a smaller military might shrink our leaders options on that.
Scroll down to photo #38.
ImamObaMao continues to drag down the Dummocrats–
Even in ImamObaMao’s Home State, the Tea Party is well-received!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Moronic blather.. Boooooriing…
@30 He really has become a bore.
QUESTION: On the issue of trade, I wanted to ask Mr. Rossi about WTO rulings that have come out both against the EU and the US – and I realize we’re still sorting out the U.S. and how bad that may be. But if it does come out as it appears, at least from the US side, that Airbus got harder than Boeing did, do you believe that should have a factor – be a factor in the awarding of the tanker contract?
ROSSI: We need to fight for the tanker contract no matter what. The ruling, how it ever comes out – the reality is that the Boeing company since 1977 has lost 30,000 jobs in our state and we have to make sure we fight hard for that. You know, I’ve had a family member working continuously for the Boeing company since World War II and I – talk about a Boeing family, you want to talk about a Boeing family. And unfortunately there – this is, I think, where we – where I divert from Senator Murray on a number of different things. The Boeing company, they don’t want things like – that Senator Murray’s sponsoring such as card check, which is eliminating the secret ballot for unions. They don’t want the $150 million tax increase that they calculate as going to be coming from the health care bill. These are the sorts of things that are going to hurt the Boeing company.
I will be there. I will fight the, obviously fight for jobs. The reality is that we have to make sure that we have the right playing field to do that. And I will be, you know – strong on those issues.
Q: When you say “fight for it,” and “you want a level playing field” – I’m not still understanding if you’re saying that that WTO ruling should have a factor in the tanker bid?
ROSSI: No, not as far as I’m concerned, no.
Thanks. Puddy was trying to find the full comment. Of course Patty is a big time liar. She can’t say much about her votes for big taxes. Imagine the commercial that smacks her butt on this LIE!
How do you Patty is lying… Watch a commercial.