– Christians aren’t being persecuted, as you can see from this map.
– The fare system for Rapid Ride E doesn’t seem very rapid.
– Who do you really serve? The country, or the liars in your BlackBerries?
– Goldy decides not to challenge Richard Conlin.
– Hannah Hart came to Seattle
Now I haven’t seen it personally, but staffers tell me that Rand Paul has a written memo ordering that male prostitutes be provided to the senator on a twice monthly basis.
Bearing false witness? Yes, I’m quite sure that’s in a book I read once.
I love Hannah Hart.
@1 Being an old-timer, I can remember when news organizations had editors who acted as gatekeepers about what was reported and spared their readers and viewers from being pummeled daily with the spewings of tinfoil-hat crazies.
Let’s suppose Republicans gin up enough fake scandal to succeed at winning the 2014/2016 elections. They still haven’t learned a damned thing about how to govern. So where will that leave us? Another crisis for Democrats to clean up. The river of bullshit gushing from the sewer known as the GOP never ends.
Kunstler’s blog post is pretty good today.
What could have predicted it?
Wells Dry, Fertile Plains Turn to Dust
HASKELL COUNTY, Kan. — Forty-nine years ago, Ashley Yost’s grandfather sank a well deep into a half-mile square of rich Kansas farmland. He struck an artery of water so prodigious that he could pump 1,600 gallons to the surface every minute.
Last year, Mr. Yost was coaxing just 300 gallons from the earth, and pumping up sand in order to do it. By harvest time, the grit had robbed him of $20,000 worth of pumps and any hope of returning to the bumper harvests of years past.
“That’s prime land,” he said not long ago, gesturing from his pickup at the stubby remains of last year’s crop. “I’ve raised 294 bushels of corn an acre there before, with water and the Lord’s help.” Now, he said, “it’s over.”
Could it be the Lord does not want to help Kansas any more?
Back in the ’60s when all the Midwest farmers were getting hardons over all that well water, I was wondering what those idiot farmers would do when the wells ran dry.
My best be is they are going to ask for guvment handouts so they can continue their traditional way of life. You know, voting for Rethugs and bitching about high taxes.
San Francisco MUNI, for the past few years, has been contracting with Brookville Equipment of Pennsylvania to restore to service, a number of vintage streetcars for use on the F-Market and Wharves, and the planned E-Embarcadero line. The last one they are waiting on will be wearing a what might have been livery of the private competition MUNI had up until 1944, the Market Street Railway.
@6, @7 Ken Burns’ recent docu-movie about the Dust Bowl (quite timely as the remaining people who actually lived through that nightmare are rapidly dying off) points out that one of the main factors that’s prevented such a thing from happening again is the discovery and tapping of the giant Ogallala Aquifer. At the time the film was released, best estimates were that at current usage the whole thing will dry up around 2040.
Too bad Cereal has slunk off to whatever pouting chair he found. He was fond of talking about Government Motors being in the tank and sucking tax dollars.
Socialism sure is TERRIBLE for the economy.
Looks like Ireland’s Constitutional Convention is considering changing the voting system. Although those in the US opposed to the current Preferential Proportional system Ireland uses, shouldn’t be using it on their talking points just yet. First, the leading alternative is not our system, but a variant of the German Mixed-Member Proportional system. Second, if the convention approved it, and the parliament, it would go to the voters. On two occasions, the voters were asked,and they said no. Even though the current system was forced on them on by the British on their way out.(Last ditch attempt to win them over and maintain control)
10) Also, 100,000 plug-in vehicles, of all models have now been sold.
I did not wish any more ill-will towards OKC last week, just wanted the Thunder to lose, now a tornado touched down outside OKC.
At the very least over the investigation of reporters, AG Holder may need to resign. Leaks of classified info may be a threat to National Security, but the investigation should have limits. In an earlier leak, they investigated a Fox News reporter, as a conspirator.
The precedent it sets is bad.
The Lord Must Hate Oklahoma
Tornado levels homes, a school, in Oklahoma City suburb
Shawnee, Oklahoma (CNN) — [Breaking news update at 4:58 p.m. Monday]
Areas of metropolitan Oklahoma City appeared to be in shreds Monday afternoon after a massive tornado moved through the region. “The houses are destroyed. … Completely leveled,” a helicopter pilot for CNN affiliate KFOR said. A school was apparently among the structures leveled by the twister.
Congress should rush help to the Oklahoma City victims.
They can use as their model how they rushed help to the Hurricane Sandy victims.
@6 “Could it be the Lord does not want to help Kansas any more?”
More likely the farmers pumped water from the aquifer faster than the recharge rate. You humans haven’t progressed from slash-and-burn as much as you think.
@9 That long?
@15 All that free land they gave to homesteaders from the Indian allotments came with strings.
A Federal judge did say the DoJ had probable cause in the case I just mentioned. Still, it’s bad because it will only fuel the fire of those accusing the administration of going after its critics.
According to the Post, a federal judge found probable cause that Fox News Chief Washington Correspondent James Rosen solicited a top-secret CIA report on North Korea from government adviser Stephen Jin-Woo Kim in 2009. The report concluded that additional United Nations sanctions would only push North Korea to conduct more nuclear tests. Rosen published details about the report the same day it was made available to Kim and a small number of others in the intelligence community.
Court records did not identify Rosen by name, but government officials confirmed to the Post that he was a target in the case. Both Rosen and Fox News declined to respond to the paper about the allegations.
In the court documents, FBI agent Reginald Reyes described a cloak-and-dagger system of communication and meetings between Kim and Rosen, including one or more “face-to-face” meetings at the State Department. The FBI tracked key cards to determine that both men entered and exited the State
19)Well said.
Turns out Ted Nugent has an older brother, and thinks his brother is wrong on some of the gun issues. Jeffrey Nugent, is an NRA member and former army officer, by the way.
Wow – those pictures coming back from Oklahoma are staggering. In the morning it was just trailer parks in small towns, but by mid-afternoon a tornado in Wichita had the local news studio running from their sets for shelter (the tornado just missed them). Now Oklahoma City has been hit with what is estimated might actually be an “F5” (on a scale of 1 to 5), with a funel on the ground more than two miles wide, and winds in excess of 200 MPH. It took out entire neighborhoods and some schools, while children were attending.
I remember when I was a kid, we had three different types of drills.
When the bell rung three times, it was a fire drill – monitors closed the windows and everyone exited the building to a pre-assigned location where teachers took count to make sure nobody was left inside.
When the bell rang four times, it was a tornado drill. The monitors made sure the windows were open all the way (to equalize pressure and reduce shattering glass), and everyone went out into the hall and sat with our backs against the concrete walls and our arms covering our face.
When the bell rang five times, it was a nuclear attack drill – monitors closed the windows, everyone got under their desk, tucked their heads into their laps, shielded their head with their arms, and kissed their ass goodby.
@18 It would seem we’re running considerably ahead of schedule.
@12 From the kinked article:
“Tesla’s Model S is outselling the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, the BMW 7 series and the Audi A8”
Outselling each of the three individually, or all three combined??? Probably the former. I can report seeing an increasing number of those things gliding silently through the area around my office–mind you, I work in a section of the Eastside where it’s not uncommon to encounter Maserati Quattroportes tooling around–that’s about two and a half times the price of a Model S (and somewhat slower, if you’re into driving like an idiot).
News reports filtering in suggest Oklahoma has experienced a historic storm, with at least 10 dead so far, but that’s likely to go up — possibly a lot. Attention is focusing on Moore, Oklahoma, where an elementary school with children inside took a direct hit and was leveled. That may be a very bad story. My rabbit heart goes out to the people of OKC and surrounding communities; this is a horrific disaster.
@24 I was caught driving in a Great Plains tornado many years ago. Fortunately it veered away from my position at the last moment so the funnel only brushed me. It was like being inside a waterfall and the winds almost flipped the vehicle I was in. It was rocking hard and for a couple minutes I thought it might go airborne. Nearby trees were uprooted and semi trucks were thrown on their sides. The only good thing about a tornado is that it’s over fairly quickly. I was inside the storm for only about 10 minutes although heavy rainfall continued for another 15 or 20 minutes.
Well, it’s certain this storm will snatch the headlines away from the D.C. scandalmongers. It seems as if God doesn’t love Republicans.
Yet another contrasting view to that of our favorite pet right wing jerk…
Ooops.. Must be all those jobs those klownservatives are creating with these bullshit scandals.
29)They will probably just bring them back up once it clears up. My heart also goes out to the families of those who perished. It will probably get higher.
Sarah Palin says it’s snowing in Alaska which proves there is no climate change. It appears she doesn’t know the difference between climate and weather.
Oklahoma storm update — CNN says 51 known dead including 7 children in an elementary school that took a direct hit with 75 teachers and students inside.
There are survivors at the school.
34)I hope they find more survivors.
Maybe it’s just God seeing the ridiculous crap going on in Washington, got a little fed up and slammed his fist down on the table.
Let’s see how many tea baggers try to offset disaster relief with tax cuts like they tried to do with Hurricane Sandy.
Speaking b.s. to power
Apple CEO Tim Cook goes before Congress tomorrow to plead for corporate tax relief.
CNBC reported tonight that Apple, exploiting a loophole in U.S. and Irish tax residency laws, uses “an unusual global tax structure” that enables the company “to pay little or no taxes to any government.”
Sen. Carl Levin has introduced a bill to close several loopholes exploited by multinational corporations to avoid taxes, but Republicans are not supporting it.
Holy Truth Telling batman… PMSNBC drops a bread crumb on the IRS targeting…
PuddyCommentary… Must be the kitchen of falsehoods is getting hotter by the minute so let some steam out and watch for the reaction!
DUMB Wabbit @37, yes Carl Levin is full of BS per this left leaning guy. And the author’s council leans leftist…
Apple leans leftist BIG TIME. HA libtards love Apple products so many of y’all bite the hand that delivers technology. So when the DUMB Wabbit screams of his Concept Guerilla Cheap Conservatives… Look at Google, GE, and Apple for Cheap libtard led companies who screw America in taxes and jobs. So Republicans see this for what it is… no meaningful tax reform just DUMMOCRAPT posturing!
Oh my Hillary’s chief of SoS staff decided to blame Benghazi on someone who had no part in the protection denial! SCHMUCKO will love this…
PuddyCommentary… typical of libtard DUMMOCRAPTS to blame a catastrophic event on everyone except themselves. Can’t blame themselves.. they are above the fray! Puddy hopes he sues them big time and causes the real culprits to account for their lack of action regarding Chris Stevens and the three others deaths.
Yep, right on cue, Senator Tom Coburn gives his Oklahoma constituents the big finger.
Where did Coburn block money for disaster relief for Oklahomans? Typical reaction from libtard don who thinks free money falls from the sky.
Good god, it’s a wonder you make it through breakfast without killing yourself with a spoon, you’re so stupid.
‘Off-sets’ is small-government, anti-government code for holding the victims of an emergency hostage while we find new ways to cut the budget – and you know it’s not going to be money going to the DOD or some contractor like Halliburton – it’s going to be Head Start or some other already underfunded program to care for the most vulnerable in our society.
So, yeah, he’s giving them the finger by telegraphing that he has every intention to gum up the works and hold them hostage to his wet-dream of turning this country into a Christianist Somalia.
Fuck you, puddybigot.
This is excellent…Virginia Republicans are nominating a dude that sounds just like puddybigot for Lt. GOvernor.
From Right Wing Watch, a collection of ‘Greatest Hits’…
And wait, there’s more…
45) First, I don’t trust polls for election prediction, a good example, last week’s election result north of the Peace Arch. If the polls had been right, the BC Liberals would be packing their offices up in Victoria right now, instead re-elected to a fourth term.
Second, as for the Virginia race, they were probably picking him to shore up Cuccinelli’s base(like it needed it.) Control of the Governor’s office in Richmond is the Republicans race to lose, as usually the opposite party as the President wons that race.
“… free money…”
What? Now Puddy is calling the victims in OK part of the 47%ers who want free stuff from the government.
NOPE, just proves you are a dope!
Supporting the abortion of little black babies… Not helping inner city schools… Taking a more proactive against drug crimes in the DUMMOCRAPT burbs vs the DUMMOCRAPT inner city.
Puddy placed many examples on this blog over the years. The unemployed salt licking moron ylb has them!