Tonight we’ll see why the Publicans are unhappy with the 10 looooosers they’ve been able to muster up to run for the White House in 08. All the experts agree it’s the lamest field of candidates from the Publican party in decades. Also, most agree that they will either attack each other or attack Dems without providing any real insight as to what they personally believe or how they would govern if the RNC managed to steal another election for them. Should be fun to watch the Publican party start the final phase of its own self-distruct.
“The third and greatest error repeated by middle east experts of all persuasions, by Arabophiles and Arabophobes alike, by Turcologists and by Iranists, is also the simplest to define. It is the very odd belief that these ancient nations are highly malleable. Hardliners keep suggesting that with a bit of well-aimed violence (“the Arabs only understand force”) compliance will be obtained. But what happens every time is an increase in hostility; defeat is followed not by collaboration, but by sullen non-cooperation and active resistance too. It is not hard to defeat Arab countries, but it is mostly useless.”
The essential problem with the war in Iraq is that we can’t accomplish our goal without the cooperation and support of the Iraqi people and Iraqi politicians. We’re getting only sporadic support from the people, and hardly any cooperation from the politicians. The reasoning (such as it is) behind the surge is to stabilize the situation so that the Iraqi politicans can create a stable democracy. Weather or not the surge is successful I wouldn’t bet on the success of the Iraqi government.
amateur filmmakerspews:
In this ad, it seems weird to use the handheld camerawork and the background (piano?) music soundtrack together. One is DIY, one is hyper-produced.
headless lucyspews:
Dave Reichert’s a haircut.
headless lucyspews:
The 8th district needs more representation than a haircut can provide — even a grey-fox blo-dry with a,”…fiercely independent streak” — as the Seattle Times hilariously referred to him.
I like Darcy and all – but is it really that difficult to hold the camera steady? Really?!?
“Dave Reichert knew for weeks in 1996 that a sergeant under his command was meddling in a felony arson investigation, but kept him on the job despite a policy that would have allowed Reichert to remove him, according to interviews and court documents.”
Richard Popespews:
I thought the video was pretty good myself, in spite of Stupid’s comment @ 8.
Anyone see the Politico GOP debate – Tommy Thompson said that he believes a private employer has the right to fire a homosexual employee because of their belief that homosexuality is immoral. Now I know why I’ll never vote Republican – I wouldn’t care if the Democrats bury this country to hell.
Golly, she sure is painfull to watch. I really do wonder about people who follow her. Is it some “invasion of the body snatchers thing”…or some Jim Jones cult thing. I mean she’s basically a robot.
I still can’t reconcile your ability to brag about being so smart and urbane yet foisting dimbulbs upon us. I know you aren’t bothered by the disparity, but i sure am.
yeah, yeah fire away. But remember, the post is about the pale pudgy bedwetter Darcy.
You know, I still think she should auction off makeout sessions as a fundraiser. I’d go broke.
Puddybud's Who Left the Reservationspews:
@12: It was called political correctness. He could complain illegal firing and the ACLU would be there front and center supporting him.
FricknFrack, Seattlespews:
I have to agree, the YouTube of Darcy sure looked amateurish. Squeeky voice, wavering camera, if this is a challenge I doubt it ‘Haircut’ would take her seriously.
Soon I’ll go from not working for her to not voting for her either.
Please have the courage to support a non-binding resolution that continues funding the war via “emergency” spending bills that don’t allow for congressional oversight of spending (the most important duty of the House), please join me in blaming the Iraqis for a civil war largely caused by the US, please add your name to a mailing list for fund raising purposes because I’m not about to change the corrupt system of bribery known as campaign funding anymore than I’m going to stop the war.
Darcy and the Democrats, the more you look the less you see.
Tonight we’ll see why the Publicans are unhappy with the 10 looooosers they’ve been able to muster up to run for the White House in 08. All the experts agree it’s the lamest field of candidates from the Publican party in decades. Also, most agree that they will either attack each other or attack Dems without providing any real insight as to what they personally believe or how they would govern if the RNC managed to steal another election for them. Should be fun to watch the Publican party start the final phase of its own self-distruct.
A quote from an interesting article by Edward Luttwak in Progress magazine:
“The third and greatest error repeated by middle east experts of all persuasions, by Arabophiles and Arabophobes alike, by Turcologists and by Iranists, is also the simplest to define. It is the very odd belief that these ancient nations are highly malleable. Hardliners keep suggesting that with a bit of well-aimed violence (“the Arabs only understand force”) compliance will be obtained. But what happens every time is an increase in hostility; defeat is followed not by collaboration, but by sullen non-cooperation and active resistance too. It is not hard to defeat Arab countries, but it is mostly useless.”
The essential problem with the war in Iraq is that we can’t accomplish our goal without the cooperation and support of the Iraqi people and Iraqi politicians. We’re getting only sporadic support from the people, and hardly any cooperation from the politicians. The reasoning (such as it is) behind the surge is to stabilize the situation so that the Iraqi politicans can create a stable democracy. Weather or not the surge is successful I wouldn’t bet on the success of the Iraqi government.
In this ad, it seems weird to use the handheld camerawork and the background (piano?) music soundtrack together. One is DIY, one is hyper-produced.
Dave Reichert’s a haircut.
The 8th district needs more representation than a haircut can provide — even a grey-fox blo-dry with a,”…fiercely independent streak” — as the Seattle Times hilariously referred to him.
I like Darcy and all – but is it really that difficult to hold the camera steady? Really?!?
I believe in the cause but honestly, the dramatic music and “I’m about ready to cry” way or speaking, kind of made me want to send her to Iraq.
Without Dave Reichert who will protect us from the finger wielding school bus drivers?
re 6: It’s almost as distracting as Reichert trying to sound serious and informed.
gawd, david, you have it BAD for her, don’t you?
i don’t think any other voters do…but hey, whatever floats your “boat”.
I think Republicans like Reichert’s furrowed brow and mock sincerity.
“Dave Reichert knew for weeks in 1996 that a sergeant under his command was meddling in a felony arson investigation, but kept him on the job despite a policy that would have allowed Reichert to remove him, according to interviews and court documents.”
I thought the video was pretty good myself, in spite of Stupid’s comment @ 8.
Anyone see the Politico GOP debate – Tommy Thompson said that he believes a private employer has the right to fire a homosexual employee because of their belief that homosexuality is immoral. Now I know why I’ll never vote Republican – I wouldn’t care if the Democrats bury this country to hell.
Golly, she sure is painfull to watch. I really do wonder about people who follow her. Is it some “invasion of the body snatchers thing”…or some Jim Jones cult thing. I mean she’s basically a robot.
I still can’t reconcile your ability to brag about being so smart and urbane yet foisting dimbulbs upon us. I know you aren’t bothered by the disparity, but i sure am.
yeah, yeah fire away. But remember, the post is about the pale pudgy bedwetter Darcy.
You know, I still think she should auction off makeout sessions as a fundraiser. I’d go broke.
@12: It was called political correctness. He could complain illegal firing and the ACLU would be there front and center supporting him.
I have to agree, the YouTube of Darcy sure looked amateurish. Squeeky voice, wavering camera, if this is a challenge I doubt it ‘Haircut’ would take her seriously.
Soon I’ll go from not working for her to not voting for her either.
Please have the courage to support a non-binding resolution that continues funding the war via “emergency” spending bills that don’t allow for congressional oversight of spending (the most important duty of the House), please join me in blaming the Iraqis for a civil war largely caused by the US, please add your name to a mailing list for fund raising purposes because I’m not about to change the corrupt system of bribery known as campaign funding anymore than I’m going to stop the war.
Darcy and the Democrats, the more you look the less you see.