Thank you Chris O’D and the spelling-challenged Earl Grey Party.
Aren’t Christians supposed to love their neighbors like themselves?
a little late with hate, no?
Roger Rabbitspews:
What’s wrong with masturbation? It’s the best thing there is except for (a) a real woman, (b) a lifelike sex doll, (c) raw liver, (d) a horse or goat (if you’re Republican).
Raw liver?
Never mind, I don’t want to know.
I’d put my money on her being capable of getting her freak on in some very strange ways.
And not that it matters a whit that the Senate stays in Dem hands..
There will still be a working defacto right wing majority in Congress no matter WHAT happens in November.
Thanks to the founding fathers who designed a system where it takes an utter catastrophe like a Depression, a Civil War, a WWII, a shock like a JFK assassination, a Watergate or a 9/11 for there to be any meaningful change in government policies in any direction.
Maybe it’s time for a break from following politics.
This may be old news, albeit rather humerous.
But what’s hitting now is the details of her financial affairs and employment lawsuits over the past decade, some of it fairly recent.
Among other things, it seems she filed an employment discrimination lawsuit alleging that she was deprived of hundreds of thousands of dollars in future income she would have received as a graduate of a Princeton MBA program, which was apparantly disrupted by her termination of employment.
The problem was, she wasn’t in the MBA program at Princeton. She hadn’t even been accepted there. She hadn’t even applied. In fact, she didn’t yet have her bachelor’s degree, being unable to finish her classes when the school sued her in the early 2000’s for unpaid tuition. She dropped the suit against her employer in 2008.
She also stopped a foreclosure against her home a few years ago by arranging a sale just days before the foreclosure sale date. But it turns out the “sale” was to her campaign manager. Looks like an attempt to buy some time, I’m not sure what ultimately happened to the property.
Look, everyone’s entitled to have had some financial problems at some point in their life, or even to lose a job. Certainly on-the-job discrimination shouldn’t be tolerated. But it looks like O’Donnell’s looking for the Senate job to solve her financial and career problems. That’s incredibly naive – it takes a lot of money to live and work as a Senator in D.C., which is why lots of Senators are rather well-to-do before they run for office, and those that aren’t tend to get into trouble trying to find ways to make money on the side which run afoul of ethics rules.
Here’s another choice quote from O’Donnell (comparing evolution to creationism):
“Well, creationism, in essence, is believing that the world began as the Bible in Genesis says, that God created the Earth in six days, six 24-hour periods. And there is just as much, if not more, evidence supporting that.”
10 – Heh. If I recall correctly, Barack Obama lived in a run down little apartment in a sketchy neighborhood while serving in the U.S. Senate.
Michelle Obama said she wouldn’t spend a night there.
Bull Moose Mikeyspews:
I can’t wait for O’Donnell to attempt the inevitable “move to the center” to reach out to independents and disaffected Delaware Dems. Am presuming it will involve a “national conversation on masturbation”, with an eye towards a Constitutional amendment banning the practice. “Minutemen” (fitting term!) in tricornered hats, dumping cases of Vaseline & K-Y into Delaware Bay……I eagerly await the photo-op.
The only thing the Tea Party has managed to accomplish is to make monarchy look better. You see “GOVERNMENT OUT OF MY MEDICARE” signs, and suddenly the idea of restricting the franchise a bit doesn’t seem like such a bad idea…….
Delaware Republican Party chairman Tom Ross on O’Donnell last night:
I could buy a parrot and train it to say, ‘tax cuts,’ but at the end of the day, it’s still a parrot, not a conservative.
“Comedian Eddie Izzard pressed her on just how far she would take her anti-lying beliefs. Izzard asked O’Donnell whether or not she would lie to Nazis who showed up at her door during WWII and demanded to know if she were hiding any Jewish people in her house. O’Donnell refused to even entertain the notion of concealing the truth from Nazis in that scenario because “you never have to practice deception”:
I need some education. I’m thinking rhp6033 could respond since his writing style fits my learning style. I don’t understand this “Shut down the Government” thing that John Boehner is threatening if the Republicans gain control of the House. I read somewhere that doing so would prevent Social Security checks and Veterans Benefits from being sent, but that’s all I’ve seen so far. I think I get the part about passing a ridiculous budget that Obama has to Veto, but doesn’t the Senate have anything to do with the process? Please explain this process to me. And maybe speculate how likely it is to happen. Thanks.
# 16: I hadn’t heard the comment, so it’s hard to speculate on what he means. Shutting down the government might sound like a great sound bite for the Tea Party people, but it’s hardly a good political strategy. Surely they aren’t going to risk antagonizing the social security and medicare recipients, the troops who expect their paychecks, the defense industry, or even their own salaries?
But it has occured to me that one way for the Republicans to get around a potential presidential veto is to de-fund specific programs. That leaves Obama with a choice of vetoing the entire budget because of what it DOESN’T contain, which might be a bit riskier than vetoing a budget with specific objectional provisions. Obama can only prevent Congress from passing legislation with the veto, he can’t MAKE them do anything they don’t want to do. And this strategy works if the Republicans only get control of the House, since spending bills have to originate in the House. The Senate can’t originate a spending bill under the Constitution.
But the last time a Republican Congress went toe-to-toe with a Democratic President, the government WAS shut down for a short time, and the Republicans were the ones who caught the backlash. If it weren’t for the pizza party in the President’s study during that shut-down, it would have been a clear win for the Clinton administration.
Back briefly. Here’s Lomborg in today’s Journal. Mostly by accident last week I anticipated his arguments about an alleged lurch into alarmist orthodoxy.
# 17: The Murray/Rossi poll is certainly interesting, it seems to follow pretty closely the early predictions, as well as the performance of Republican candidates generally against Murray over the last several elections.
One thing I noticed in the cross-tabs is that when broken down by age group, those under 35 were listed as “N/A”, (presumably meaning the data is “not available”). Why only for that age group? Probably because not enough could be contacted to create a valid survey. They all use cell phones instead of land lines, so the survey can’t call them.
The 18-35 age group is sometimes difficult to motivate to turn out in an election, but in the past two elections they’ve voted for Democrats by a large margin. If we see Murray taking a significantly larger win in November than the late polls predict, we may have a hint at how to measure that effect.
It’s so funny to seen Karl Rove on TV basically giving the Dems their oppo research. Or more likely educating the Delaware electorate about Chris O’Donnell’s nuttiness.
It tells me 2 things:
Chris and those like her highly offend the right wing moneybags.
They expect the U.S. Senate to be just fine after the election.
They’ll get what they want from it whether Republicans are in charge or not.
One thing I noticed in the cross-tabs is that when broken down by age group, those under 35 were listed as “N/A”, (presumably meaning the data is “not available”). Why only for that age group? Probably because not enough could be contacted to create a valid survey. They all use cell phones instead of land lines, so the survey can’t call them.
Exactly right. Even when they were land-line users, the youngest age group was hard to poll.
rhp6033 Thank you! Yes, I do believe that they intend to completely de-fund health care reform since they know they can’t repeal it.
Well, nearly as Bull Moose Mikey predicted above, CD has made the move to begin to head to the center, much like Herr Zeiger, by dismantling her websites, and disappearing her commentary. It is an all to common recurring theme with the insane, hide everything they wrote and stood behind, don’t talk to the press, and control all of the outgoing media.
@29 And people tell me I shouldn’t use the word nigger.
well, the american heritage dictionary defines it as a racial slur. the dictionary also defines gringo as a racial slur. but, you can watch mainstream tvike the travel channel, and the narrator uses the slur gringo. ya think he would say kike or nigger? i’m guessing not.
but, us white, christian , hetero males should just shutnup and take it, cause apparently people on this planet who we are the offspring of were oppressors. yeah, thats gonna work until about 2012, when the crash comes.
ps to puddy. i’m not condoning the n word, i’m pointing out the double standard.
good morningspews:
That part of Kent is a real shithole.
Its like the Central and Rainer Districts moved to that part of Kent about 15 years ago.
The word gross comes to mind when driving through that zone….what a shame, it used to be a decent area…now its just riddled with KCHA apartment projects full of shitbags that have driven decent home owners away…
If you want proof, just look at what a disaster Kent Meridian and Kentridge highs schools are now. They used be clean, safe decent suburbia schools – now they are craptastic holes that could be mistaken for central district gang centers.
Hey Seattle, please keep your human trash out of the suburbs. Thanks.
Someone just said she’s still single.
Gee. I wonder why???
Heh. Maybe all the “40 grit” hands out there had to admit to her that they were worn to the nub..
What say you tehpopgun?
Well Nate Silver’s calculus has the Senate still in Dem caucus “hands”.
Thank you Chris O’D and the spelling-challenged Earl Grey Party.
Aren’t Christians supposed to love their neighbors like themselves?
a little late with hate, no?
What’s wrong with masturbation? It’s the best thing there is except for (a) a real woman, (b) a lifelike sex doll, (c) raw liver, (d) a horse or goat (if you’re Republican).
Raw liver?
Never mind, I don’t want to know.
I’d put my money on her being capable of getting her freak on in some very strange ways.
And not that it matters a whit that the Senate stays in Dem hands..
There will still be a working defacto right wing majority in Congress no matter WHAT happens in November.
Thanks to the founding fathers who designed a system where it takes an utter catastrophe like a Depression, a Civil War, a WWII, a shock like a JFK assassination, a Watergate or a 9/11 for there to be any meaningful change in government policies in any direction.
Maybe it’s time for a break from following politics.
This may be old news, albeit rather humerous.
But what’s hitting now is the details of her financial affairs and employment lawsuits over the past decade, some of it fairly recent.
Among other things, it seems she filed an employment discrimination lawsuit alleging that she was deprived of hundreds of thousands of dollars in future income she would have received as a graduate of a Princeton MBA program, which was apparantly disrupted by her termination of employment.
The problem was, she wasn’t in the MBA program at Princeton. She hadn’t even been accepted there. She hadn’t even applied. In fact, she didn’t yet have her bachelor’s degree, being unable to finish her classes when the school sued her in the early 2000’s for unpaid tuition. She dropped the suit against her employer in 2008.
She also stopped a foreclosure against her home a few years ago by arranging a sale just days before the foreclosure sale date. But it turns out the “sale” was to her campaign manager. Looks like an attempt to buy some time, I’m not sure what ultimately happened to the property.
Look, everyone’s entitled to have had some financial problems at some point in their life, or even to lose a job. Certainly on-the-job discrimination shouldn’t be tolerated. But it looks like O’Donnell’s looking for the Senate job to solve her financial and career problems. That’s incredibly naive – it takes a lot of money to live and work as a Senator in D.C., which is why lots of Senators are rather well-to-do before they run for office, and those that aren’t tend to get into trouble trying to find ways to make money on the side which run afoul of ethics rules.
Here’s another choice quote from O’Donnell (comparing evolution to creationism):
“Well, creationism, in essence, is believing that the world began as the Bible in Genesis says, that God created the Earth in six days, six 24-hour periods. And there is just as much, if not more, evidence supporting that.”
10 – Heh. If I recall correctly, Barack Obama lived in a run down little apartment in a sketchy neighborhood while serving in the U.S. Senate.
Michelle Obama said she wouldn’t spend a night there.
I can’t wait for O’Donnell to attempt the inevitable “move to the center” to reach out to independents and disaffected Delaware Dems. Am presuming it will involve a “national conversation on masturbation”, with an eye towards a Constitutional amendment banning the practice. “Minutemen” (fitting term!) in tricornered hats, dumping cases of Vaseline & K-Y into Delaware Bay……I eagerly await the photo-op.
The only thing the Tea Party has managed to accomplish is to make monarchy look better. You see “GOVERNMENT OUT OF MY MEDICARE” signs, and suddenly the idea of restricting the franchise a bit doesn’t seem like such a bad idea…….
Delaware Republican Party chairman Tom Ross on O’Donnell last night:
how ’bout this from Bill Maher in the 90s.
“Comedian Eddie Izzard pressed her on just how far she would take her anti-lying beliefs. Izzard asked O’Donnell whether or not she would lie to Nazis who showed up at her door during WWII and demanded to know if she were hiding any Jewish people in her house. O’Donnell refused to even entertain the notion of concealing the truth from Nazis in that scenario because “you never have to practice deception”:
I need some education. I’m thinking rhp6033 could respond since his writing style fits my learning style. I don’t understand this “Shut down the Government” thing that John Boehner is threatening if the Republicans gain control of the House. I read somewhere that doing so would prevent Social Security checks and Veterans Benefits from being sent, but that’s all I’ve seen so far. I think I get the part about passing a ridiculous budget that Obama has to Veto, but doesn’t the Senate have anything to do with the process? Please explain this process to me. And maybe speculate how likely it is to happen. Thanks.
New CNN/Time poll confirms Elway results. Patty Murray leads 53%-44% among likely voters.
Good find.
# 16: I hadn’t heard the comment, so it’s hard to speculate on what he means. Shutting down the government might sound like a great sound bite for the Tea Party people, but it’s hardly a good political strategy. Surely they aren’t going to risk antagonizing the social security and medicare recipients, the troops who expect their paychecks, the defense industry, or even their own salaries?
But it has occured to me that one way for the Republicans to get around a potential presidential veto is to de-fund specific programs. That leaves Obama with a choice of vetoing the entire budget because of what it DOESN’T contain, which might be a bit riskier than vetoing a budget with specific objectional provisions. Obama can only prevent Congress from passing legislation with the veto, he can’t MAKE them do anything they don’t want to do. And this strategy works if the Republicans only get control of the House, since spending bills have to originate in the House. The Senate can’t originate a spending bill under the Constitution.
But the last time a Republican Congress went toe-to-toe with a Democratic President, the government WAS shut down for a short time, and the Republicans were the ones who caught the backlash. If it weren’t for the pizza party in the President’s study during that shut-down, it would have been a clear win for the Clinton administration.
@6-7: It’s a Philip Roth reference:
YLB, my brother –
Back briefly. Here’s Lomborg in today’s Journal. Mostly by accident last week I anticipated his arguments about an alleged lurch into alarmist orthodoxy.
# 17: The Murray/Rossi poll is certainly interesting, it seems to follow pretty closely the early predictions, as well as the performance of Republican candidates generally against Murray over the last several elections.
One thing I noticed in the cross-tabs is that when broken down by age group, those under 35 were listed as “N/A”, (presumably meaning the data is “not available”). Why only for that age group? Probably because not enough could be contacted to create a valid survey. They all use cell phones instead of land lines, so the survey can’t call them.
The 18-35 age group is sometimes difficult to motivate to turn out in an election, but in the past two elections they’ve voted for Democrats by a large margin. If we see Murray taking a significantly larger win in November than the late polls predict, we may have a hint at how to measure that effect.
It’s so funny to seen Karl Rove on TV basically giving the Dems their oppo research. Or more likely educating the Delaware electorate about Chris O’Donnell’s nuttiness.
It tells me 2 things:
Chris and those like her highly offend the right wing moneybags.
They expect the U.S. Senate to be just fine after the election.
They’ll get what they want from it whether Republicans are in charge or not.
20 billion dollars a year savings.
It’s a start I guess.
21 – My brother! I’m shocked..
rhp6033 @22:
Exactly right. Even when they were land-line users, the youngest age group was hard to poll.
rhp6033 Thank you! Yes, I do believe that they intend to completely de-fund health care reform since they know they can’t repeal it.
Well, nearly as Bull Moose Mikey predicted above, CD has made the move to begin to head to the center, much like Herr Zeiger, by dismantling her websites, and disappearing her commentary. It is an all to common recurring theme with the insane, hide everything they wrote and stood behind, don’t talk to the press, and control all of the outgoing media.
And people tell me I shouldn’t use the word nigger.
And people tell me I shouldn’t use the word nigger.
well, the american heritage dictionary defines it as a racial slur. the dictionary also defines gringo as a racial slur. but, you can watch mainstream tvike the travel channel, and the narrator uses the slur gringo. ya think he would say kike or nigger? i’m guessing not.
but, us white, christian , hetero males should just shutnup and take it, cause apparently people on this planet who we are the offspring of were oppressors. yeah, thats gonna work until about 2012, when the crash comes.
ps to puddy. i’m not condoning the n word, i’m pointing out the double standard.
That part of Kent is a real shithole.
Its like the Central and Rainer Districts moved to that part of Kent about 15 years ago.
The word gross comes to mind when driving through that zone….what a shame, it used to be a decent area…now its just riddled with KCHA apartment projects full of shitbags that have driven decent home owners away…
If you want proof, just look at what a disaster Kent Meridian and Kentridge highs schools are now. They used be clean, safe decent suburbia schools – now they are craptastic holes that could be mistaken for central district gang centers.
Hey Seattle, please keep your human trash out of the suburbs. Thanks.