did anyone notice that one of the mementos left at the makeshift memorial for the 20 something men killed in the bike accident/suicide in enumclaw was a “small confederate flag?” really?
Friends of the two young men have created a makeshift memorial at the scene, leaving notes, cans of chewing tobacco, sunflowers, a balloon of a cow and a small Confederate flag.
Liberals and Muslims always say that all religions have their extremists, basically implying that Muslims are no more likely to commit acts of violence in the name of religion than any other religion.
If that’s true, then tell me this. If you had a choice between holding a sign in front of the Vatican saying Jesus is a false prophet, or holding a sign saying Mohammed is a false prophet in front of the Masjid al-Haram mosque in Mecca, which would you choose?
And with that, I smugly proclaim that believe I just won this argument.
finance, insurance, and real estate, oh myspews:
Intellectually challenged czech (who doesn’t know his M from his K & who doesn’t know his K from a hole in the ground) mentions that Boehner/Boner gets bucks from the finance-insurance sector. Maybe, but let’s not take czech’s word for it; czech’s no better with his zeros than with his Ms and Ks.
Here again is Lance Selfa’s breakdown of sector contributions, distributions, and payoffs to the Party of the People:
Perhaps nothing better exemplified the spirit of the Clinton-Gore [Clinton-Flynt!] years than the May 24, 2000, Democratic fundraiser held in Washington, D.C.’s MCI Center. Pulling in a record $26.5 million in one evening … the Democrats ate barbecue served on paper plates. In keeping with this fake populism, organizers encouraged all who attended to wear blue jeans.
A summary of fat-cat contributions to the fake populist party in 2008:
Lawyers & Lobbyists gave 74% of their contributions to donkey Democrats; Finance, Insurance and Real Estate donors gave 55% of their donations to Democrats;
Communications & Electronics, 68%;
Business, 55%;
Defense, 52%.
Democrats lagged behind Republicans in winning contributions from “small” donors — people who gave contributions of $50 or $100. By the end of the Clinton administration, the Democrats leaned more heavily on “soft” money, a small number of huge contributions given by rich individuals for “party building” activity.
Selfa’s point about soft money was also made back in the day by Cockburn at The Nation. And apres soft money? Soros with his $26 million contribution in 2004 and his buying of a president in 2008.
Unlike Cockburn, Selfa minces no words:
“(C)ontributions to Democrats actually had a bigger payoff for corporations.”
As proof, Selfa’s exhibit A is the Telecomm Act of 1996 in which Clinton gave away licenses, via deregulation, that were valued then at $70 billion. All for a communications sector that invested $309 million in Democrats. Excellent return on investment.
About the man Churchill called Mossy Duck, who knows if things would have been better in the long run (when we’re all dead) if if MD had kept his job in Iran in 1953. Who knows if the Reds would have left him alone, or if Iran would have become a Soviet protectorate like Poland and all the others.
We do know that our reds made many excuses for Stalin, both before and after his pact with Hitler. After the war, the Eleanor Roosevelt-Henry Wallace wing of our Democrat Party insisted that Uncle Joe’s intentions toward the Persian Gulf were avuncular and benign. Don’t think that anybody who isn’t intellectually challenged believes that now.
But one thing’s for sure: If Iran went bad in 1979, it’s because of what we did there in 1953. Ditto Guatemala, where Arbenz got the boot in 1953 or 1954. And if Afghanistan went bad, it’s because of what we didn’t do there after the Soveit imperialists went whimpering away. Patty Murray and Theodore Lowi told us so: Afghanistan’s all our fault because we didn’t meddle by building daycare centers and abortion clinics.
Got that? If anything goes wrong anywhere, ever, it’s only because of what we did. Or didn’t do.
If we conservatives talk about Blame America First, it’s becuase that’s what you liberals do.
And with that, I smugly proclaim that believe I just won this argument.
Because all of those good citizens of Germany and Italy in the 30s and 40s were so not xTian? Their god must have been different than the amurkin jesus?
Here in Washington, the Republican candidates try to appear “centrist”. Because they know if they can’t win an election sounding like a Tea Party kook. So you have Reichart, Rossi, and current A.G. (and future govenatorial candidate) McKenna all trying to appear reasonable and centrist.
But take a look at the current Congress. Is there any room for a “principled independent”, like Reichart claims to be? Apparantly not, if you look at the party-line votes.
Even minority leader Baenner got quickly jerked back into line after he dared to suggest there was room for compromise on the tax issue. The Republicans won’t leave even one of their wealthiest behind!!!!
So, the question is – how can any of these Republican candidates credibly assert any “indendent” or “centrist” credentials, when the Republican Party simply doesn’t allow any such departure from their increasingly right-wing orthodoxy?
did anyone notice that one of the mementos left at the makeshift memorial for the 20 something men killed in the bike accident/suicide in enumclaw was a “small confederate flag?” really?
Friends of the two young men have created a makeshift memorial at the scene, leaving notes, cans of chewing tobacco, sunflowers, a balloon of a cow and a small Confederate flag.
Liberals and Muslims always say that all religions have their extremists, basically implying that Muslims are no more likely to commit acts of violence in the name of religion than any other religion.
If that’s true, then tell me this. If you had a choice between holding a sign in front of the Vatican saying Jesus is a false prophet, or holding a sign saying Mohammed is a false prophet in front of the Masjid al-Haram mosque in Mecca, which would you choose?
And with that, I smugly proclaim that believe I just won this argument.
Intellectually challenged czech (who doesn’t know his M from his K & who doesn’t know his K from a hole in the ground) mentions that Boehner/Boner gets bucks from the finance-insurance sector. Maybe, but let’s not take czech’s word for it; czech’s no better with his zeros than with his Ms and Ks.
Here again is Lance Selfa’s breakdown of sector contributions, distributions, and payoffs to the Party of the People:
Democrats lagged behind Republicans in winning contributions from “small” donors — people who gave contributions of $50 or $100. By the end of the Clinton administration, the Democrats leaned more heavily on “soft” money, a small number of huge contributions given by rich individuals for “party building” activity.
Selfa’s point about soft money was also made back in the day by Cockburn at The Nation. And apres soft money? Soros with his $26 million contribution in 2004 and his buying of a president in 2008.
Unlike Cockburn, Selfa minces no words:
As proof, Selfa’s exhibit A is the Telecomm Act of 1996 in which Clinton gave away licenses, via deregulation, that were valued then at $70 billion. All for a communications sector that invested $309 million in Democrats. Excellent return on investment.
About the man Churchill called Mossy Duck, who knows if things would have been better in the long run (when we’re all dead) if if MD had kept his job in Iran in 1953. Who knows if the Reds would have left him alone, or if Iran would have become a Soviet protectorate like Poland and all the others.
We do know that our reds made many excuses for Stalin, both before and after his pact with Hitler. After the war, the Eleanor Roosevelt-Henry Wallace wing of our Democrat Party insisted that Uncle Joe’s intentions toward the Persian Gulf were avuncular and benign. Don’t think that anybody who isn’t intellectually challenged believes that now.
But one thing’s for sure: If Iran went bad in 1979, it’s because of what we did there in 1953. Ditto Guatemala, where Arbenz got the boot in 1953 or 1954. And if Afghanistan went bad, it’s because of what we didn’t do there after the Soveit imperialists went whimpering away. Patty Murray and Theodore Lowi told us so: Afghanistan’s all our fault because we didn’t meddle by building daycare centers and abortion clinics.
Got that? If anything goes wrong anywhere, ever, it’s only because of what we did. Or didn’t do.
If we conservatives talk about Blame America First, it’s becuase that’s what you liberals do.
And with that, I smugly proclaim that believe I just won this argument.
Because all of those good citizens of Germany and Italy in the 30s and 40s were so not xTian? Their god must have been different than the amurkin jesus?
Here in Washington, the Republican candidates try to appear “centrist”. Because they know if they can’t win an election sounding like a Tea Party kook. So you have Reichart, Rossi, and current A.G. (and future govenatorial candidate) McKenna all trying to appear reasonable and centrist.
But take a look at the current Congress. Is there any room for a “principled independent”, like Reichart claims to be? Apparantly not, if you look at the party-line votes.
Even minority leader Baenner got quickly jerked back into line after he dared to suggest there was room for compromise on the tax issue. The Republicans won’t leave even one of their wealthiest behind!!!!
So, the question is – how can any of these Republican candidates credibly assert any “indendent” or “centrist” credentials, when the Republican Party simply doesn’t allow any such departure from their increasingly right-wing orthodoxy?