Let me try to follow this logic. Because their were Muslims who were killed or injured by the 9/11 Muslim attacks on America, therefore Muslims can’t be blamed for the attack? That they are victims just like everyone else?
Clever PR ad. Just about as clever as labeling any objection to anything a Muslim group does as “Islamaphobia.”
I think America should use this ” it happened to all of us” line to rewrite history. It is pretty clever, actually.
“Hey Japanese, Hiroshima and Nagasaki: It happened to all of us. There were a few American living in those cities when you were nuked. We are victims too.”
the mother of all trollsspews:
Because their (sic) were Muslims who were killed or injured by the 9/11 Muslim attacks on America, therefore Muslims can’t be blamed for the attack?
You pass Logic 101, my son, but it gets even better.
When Michael Scheuer was Anonymous, he wrote that Osama sought and secured a Koranic dispensation for bin Laden’s next big bang in America. Apparently OBL was and is planning to get our attention by detonating a nuke in the heartland of the homeland, an explosion that will certainly snuff the lives of innocent Muslims along with lots and lots of infidel crusaders.
OBL was concerned that he might go to hell for wasting a few good Islamic lives.
So he found a convenient imam in Saudi Arabia who found a surah in the Koran that absolves bin Laden in advance. How convenient.
In Denmark, Muslims make up just 4% of the population, but commit over half of all the rapes.
And “Muslim leaders openly declare their goal of introducing Islamic law once Denmark’s Muslim population grows large enough – a not-that-remote prospect. If present trends persist, one sociologist estimates, every third inhabitant of Denmark in 40 years will be Muslim.”
If there were a continuing, world-wide epidemic of Catholics blowing up planes, restaurants, trains, bars, buses, clubs, in the name of Catholicism then yes, I would say there is must be something wrong with Catholicism that it producing so many terrorists.
Islam is both a political movement a religion. There is a smaller, but violent component to it. And a non-violent, but more insidious component that is spreading and growing through immigration and high birth rates.
Right now America is 75% Christian. Ask yourself this: If America were 75% Muslim, would America be a better place? Would the constitution look the same? Would there still be a separation of church and state?
circle jerkspews:
There is a smaller, but violent component to it.
After the other 9/11, 2001’s, instant pundits soothed our hysteria and paranoia. They said that Muslims who had morphed their mild, spiritual, doe-eyed jihad into violent plane-crashing jihad were a vanishingly small fraction of all Muslims. Only 10 percent.
I did the math. Only 130,000,000 Muslims are psychokillers. What a relief. Putting the terrorist threat into appropriately minimalist perspective did more to cure my hysteria and papanoia than a week at The Betty.
I know a guy who said he read in a chatroom that somewhere in America there is a prominent, mainstream Muslim man who predicted that by the year 2090, the United States will be an Islamic nation governed by Sharia law. He also said he read that this guy said there are plans in the work to convert the White House to “The Grand Mosque.”
And that’s a quote.
uppity jewspews:
What the bloody ell’s wrong with The New Yorker? Two weeks ago, and about 70 years too late, TNY finally got around to telling the inconvenient truth about liberal secular socialist Joe Stalin and his Jesus Camps for useful idiots. (Then YLB accused me of being buried in the dead pointless past because I cited the article.)
Now TNY has this:
Progressive parties are always in love with their own emotional impulses.
No surprise to those of us in the reality-based community, aka the conservative community. But to you blind-faith true-believer progressives? Probably like CPR paddles to your flat-line brains.
Then, a few pages back, TNY has this: In 1997 Sudan’s Bashir
had declared Sharia law and undertaken a program of religious cleansing which killed two million Christians and animists, and made refugees of four million more.
Those of us who read Commentary back in 1997 and 1998 knew that Muslim Sudan was doing anti-Christian genocide. But since the victims of Islamofascism in Sudan were mere Christians, the news didn’t trickle down to The New Yorker or, unless I missed it, The New York Times.
News about genocide waged then by the Religion of Peace against Christians was less fit to print than “news” last week about one nutbucket wanting to burn a book.
TNY’s waaaaay belated mention of 1990s Sudan genocide is in an article about what Jeff Sharlet called The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power, and The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy. Of course Sharlet’s talking about Christian fundamentalism. Not the Sudanese kind. Or the bin Laden kind. Or the KSM kind.
The fundamentalism that threatens us, Christian fundamentalism, is pushed by the C Street Family in D.C. The New Yorker notes some presidents — most notably, Bill Clinton — have been more accommodating than others. “Bill and Hillary got it” … George W. Bush, on the other hand, made it clear … from the start that he’d show up at the Prayer Breakfast but not to expect much more. “George came late and left early. He did every year …”
uppity jewspews:
What’s the Caliphate coming to when we have to turn to uppity Jews at Commentary to tell about the War on Christians?
The point of the ad is that sensible, patriotic people of all faiths are caught in the crossfire whenever extremists pick up cudgels against each other.
If you agree to play this game and make this into a religious war, you’ve already given the terrorists what they want most.
Troll @ 15 spewed:
“I know a guy who said he read in a chatroom that somewhere in America there is a prominent, mainstream Muslim man who predicted that by the year 2090, the United States will be an Islamic nation governed by Sharia law. He also said he read that this guy said there are plans in the work to convert the White House to “The Grand Mosque.”
Yea, and in 1968 I heard a rumor at my school that all the blacks in America had attended a training session held in an auditorium in Chicago, where they were given instructions on how they were to take over the country. The code signal to begin the insurrection would be broadcast over “black” radio stations.
This rumor became so persistent, and the folks who listened to such garbage so easily fooled, that soon there were citizens at city counsel meetings demanding that the government step in and close down all radio stations catering to black audiences as an “emergency measure”. A few went so far as to insist that any music of “African origin”, including soul, rock & role, jazz, etc. be outlawed, because it might contain the code signal (everyone knows you can’t understand the lyrics anyway, so who knows what it says?).
Such rumors, which can never be traced to their original source, are sometimes referred to as “urban legends”, but in this case are more like “mass hysteria”, like that of the Salem witch trials.
Then YLB accused me of being buried in the dead pointless past
I believe I was objecting to your endless blathering about the Dixiecrat-tinged sins of the past from Wilson through Truman or so or even way before that.
Again you steadfastly refuse to acknowledge that the Dixiecrats are now Republicans.
Again, what party did David Duke choose to go straight as it were? And who elected him to serve for a time?
Your beloved northern rock-ribbed Republicans are practically extinct!
Who was the “silent majority” that Nixon was calling out to?
why do they hate us?spews:
You would cry too if it happened to you:
[Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, going to school in North Carolina, and] Arab students who were there at the time said they were the butt of jokes and harassment, in the anti-Muslim era that followed the Iranian takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. in 1979. Local boys called them Abbie Dhabies … They were required, along with all other students, to attend a weekly Christian chapel service. … They left their shoes in the dormitory corridor, an apparently irresistable target for fellow students, who sometimes threw the shoes in the lake. At other times, students propped garbage pails filled with water against their doors …
“After [KSM] came back, he’s a different man. He’s very sad. He doesn’t speak. He just sits there.”
He just sits there and plots in secrecy to blow people up and burn things down. Hell, who wouldn’t? After the unspeakable horror of knowing that your shoes were an irresistable target?
why do they hate us?spews:
liberal secular socialist Joe Stalin and his Jesus Camps for useful idiots
liberal secular socialist Joe Stalin and his Kelly Kamps for useful idiots
Who was the “silent majority” that Nixon was calling out to?
Northern ethnic Catholic hardhats, formerly known as FDR’s liberal Democrat base.
Again you steadfastly refuse to acknowledge that the Dixiecrats are now Republicans.
Dixiecrats went back to being Democrats after 1948. After 1968, when civil libertarian J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI had civilized the unreconstructed South, southern Democrats started voting Republican. To repeat: The housebroken Philadelphia, Mississippi of 1980 was not the Philadelphia, Mississippi of 1964 that put away Goodman, Schwerner, and Chaney.
For an all-expenses-paid vacation with Rabbit and harridan Ann Coulter, who said this:
Progressive parties are always in love with their own emotional impulses.
[A] Impulsive Joe Stalin
[B] Impulsive Joe McCarthy
[C] Impulsive Gene McCarthy who voted for Reagan
[D] Impulsive progressive Jenny McCarthy
[E] Progressive blockhead Charlie McCarthy
why do they hate us?spews:
Dixiecrat-tinged sins of the past from Wilson
Wilson? If you refer to Woodrow, he had no Dixiecrat tinge. Wilson’s tinge was plain old whitebread racism. No tinge about it. And no Dixiecrats until 1948. Get that straight.
“Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization,” Mehlman said at the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. “I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong.”
28 – Progressives should be 1000 percent behind her. If she wins, the Dem wins..
First Koch, now the Philip Anschutz machine is against her.
Pass the popcorn!
@3 If present trends persist, one sociologist estimates, every third inhabitant of Denmark in 40 years…
Wow, ONE sociologist? I see a trend forming.
BTW, even the author of your linked article admits he made up the other BS you spout. Of course he claims it’s true anyway, because it suits his racist rant.
I did some digging. There’s some Koch money behind ISI – the outfit Chris tried to sue.
Not nearly as much as what Scaife has contributed over the years.
In any case those right wing moneybags must not cotton to kindly those who’d fleece them through a lawsuit..
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Oh my… 279 Congressional and Senate DUMMOCRAPTS and they are running away from Odumba’s singature legisation… OdumbaCare. No one want to claim they signed it. Yet, they did and America won’t let them forget.
So why has Daddy Love, correctnotright, Artfart and the whole raft of moronic fools gone quiet. Puddy keeps asking why are DUMMOCRAPTS so defensive now.
Ohhhh yeah… The things Puddy posted about OdumbaCare are coming true. Now the great LIAR has the unmitigated gall to come out and say he knew the costs were going up. Yet peeps who have a memory are replaying his words from a year ago. Funny how many lies this preznit has told since being erected. Man those seas didn’t change their height either.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Yea, and in 1968 I heard a rumor at my school that all the blacks in America had attended a training session held in an auditorium in Chicago
Funny but Mayor Daley put an end to that rumor real quick. And then in the 1968 DUMMOCRAPTIC Olympics uhhh… nomination we saw the beatdown he delivered to the quivering progressives that day. Yep strange truths appear didn’t they?
Tell the whole damn story rhp6033. My papa was a Pinkerton Guard in Chicago back then. He carried a 357 magnum.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
ylb qweefs
I did some digging.
Funniest comment of the day from the person who claims the picture of the little character he headlines himself is an actual representation. Well ylb, you do have all day while others of us work hard for de money,… so hard for it honey!
Wasn’t it DUMMOCRAPT FDR who interred Japanese Americans in “camps”? Just checking…
Mene mene tekel Upharsin (there goes the neighborhood)spews:
re 35: Your Dad was a rent a cop? You must be very proud.
Wow Pudwacker, that’s some amazing random grasps at the old non sequitur tree! (How do you go from Koch & Sciafe to Japanese internment in any linear logical line?)
Been drinking tonight? You seem an unusually angry little man tonight.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Oh my “friend” checksez is around. Not smoking the wacky weed today?
My comment wasn’t tied to ylb drivel. It was tied to what he said about checking… He has all the time in the world. My comment was a factual relationship between DUMMOCRAPTS and how they treated American people who’s ancestors attacked them. Too bad that neanderthal mind is slow to process. Republicans didn’t inter muslims after 9/11. Butt AlGore would have thought of something strange. Just remember the Discovery Kidnapper was driven to his death by AlGore’s inconvenient materials.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Another useless moronic statement from an leftist idiot. A black man in Chicago who wore legally a gun to shoot to kill not under Mayor Daley’s control is a master achievement. That’s lost on your silly mind. FYI Securitas (bought Pinkerton) agents protect some prominent people in Seattle. Puddy knows a captain in Seattle area.
To do ONE teh google search. Wow.. Challenging I know for the typical “busy” right wing nut. Now THAT is funny.
Republicans didn’t inter muslims after 9/11.
Yeah. They built 100 million dollar plus “justice” centers on Gitmo.. They practiced a little bit of “enhanced interrogation” to wring out a non-existent smoking gun on Saddam among other stupid.
Sorry you’re so offended that a lipton teabag has been exposed trying to “shake down” your beloved right wing money bags.
YLB (wo)man of the house?spews:
I think i just figured it out.
YLB is back to posting all the time – all day long recently because his wife is now back in school teaching the kiddies. Now that she is gone, YLB can go back to his usual fucking off all day long.
Miami, Florida (CNN) – The ex-chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, Jim Greer, is now apologizing for stoking fears about President Obama’s address to school children last year.
Greer, now under indictment on fraud and money-laundering charges after being drummed out of the state party, also accused “many within the GOP” of having “racist views.”
Greer, now under indictment on fraud and money-laundering charges after being drummed out of the state party, also accused “many within the GOP” of having “racist views.”
HNMT! HNMT! Where are you????
Blue Johnspews:
@45 I thought these comments to be insightful, especially the paranoid last guy. He won’t let any facts that challenge his world view. Bet he’s also a climate denier. Reminds me of the conservatives here.
When people get in trouble (like the charges he’s facing) and their so-called friends abandon them, then you finally get the truth-but it’s not like most people with common sense don’t already know the GOP has many people who are racists. Tell us something new, something we don’t already know…
Let’s be clear and honest. Most of the leadership is not “racist” they are opportunistic. They are not above using the racism of others to promote their agenda but they are probably not themselves racists. That would require sincere beliefs and they are only sincere about winning.
Jim Greer is going to jail and deserves it. I think he made an agreement with the Obama administration that if he stated these untruths that he would get a presidential pardon down the road. Jim Greer does not represent me or my fellow Republicans with this nonsense. We don’t like Obama because of his radical ideoligical beliefs. I don’t care if Obama is black, white, green, or yellow. He is killing this country and this economy and his skin color has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!
47 – Heh. Yeah that last guy has been watching too much Beck.
See YLB....see YLB run....see YLB jump....see YLB be lazy....fetch YLB fetch! go get it boy! See YLB obey like a good little bitch...spews:
YLB mentions beck, yet YLB spends all day watching and listening to freaks like rachel madcow, stephanie “hey everyone, Im a dyke!” miller, big fat fuck eddie schulz(Beck’s lefty counterpart charlatan), dumbass normy goldman, and the rest.
kinda funny that fat fuck eddie schulz is now begging people to join his march, of course after he saw Beck’s….what a copycat..
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Hey See YLB….see YLB run….see YLB jump….see YLB be lazy….fetch YLB fetch! go get it boy! See YLB obey like a good little bitch…You also forgot all of his continual postings from Daily Kooks. Remember one of his latest. He posted BULLSHIT from the biggest BULLSHIT site from a known BULLSHITTER. ylb is a purveyor of the most vile useless leftist BULLSHIT every day here.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
The ylb has a real personal image problem. He can’t decide if you should see his eye or his avatar.
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Damn it! I love Chrome but why doesn’t WordPress want to work with it?
Yeah Dori hates…
And the trolls hate right along with him.
See YLB….see YLB run….see YLB jump….see YLB be lazy….fetch YLB fetch! go get it boy! See YLB obey like a good little bitchspews:
Perhaps if you actually acted like a real man and at the very least went and looked for a job, people wouldnt think the insulting things they do about you. yet you decide you want to use your wife and use the system so you can stay home, fuck around, and perfect TEH HA DATABAZE..
just a thought…..
Puddybud identifies zotz as another arschloch and as a dumb brickspews:
Let me try to follow this logic. Because their were Muslims who were killed or injured by the 9/11 Muslim attacks on America, therefore Muslims can’t be blamed for the attack? That they are victims just like everyone else?
Clever PR ad. Just about as clever as labeling any objection to anything a Muslim group does as “Islamaphobia.”
I think America should use this ” it happened to all of us” line to rewrite history. It is pretty clever, actually.
“Hey Japanese, Hiroshima and Nagasaki: It happened to all of us. There were a few American living in those cities when you were nuked. We are victims too.”
You pass Logic 101, my son, but it gets even better.
When Michael Scheuer was Anonymous, he wrote that Osama sought and secured a Koranic dispensation for bin Laden’s next big bang in America. Apparently OBL was and is planning to get our attention by detonating a nuke in the heartland of the homeland, an explosion that will certainly snuff the lives of innocent Muslims along with lots and lots of infidel crusaders.
OBL was concerned that he might go to hell for wasting a few good Islamic lives.
So he found a convenient imam in Saudi Arabia who found a surah in the Koran that absolves bin Laden in advance. How convenient.
In Denmark, Muslims make up just 4% of the population, but commit over half of all the rapes.
And “Muslim leaders openly declare their goal of introducing Islamic law once Denmark’s Muslim population grows large enough – a not-that-remote prospect. If present trends persist, one sociologist estimates, every third inhabitant of Denmark in 40 years will be Muslim.”
Troll @1,
So let me understand your logic. Because Timothy McVeigh was Catholic, we should blame Catholics for blowing up the federal building in Oklahoma City?
4 – Bingo! Troll being stroked will now gush!
But here’s something that should warm every troll and HNMT’s heart:
If there were a continuing, world-wide epidemic of Catholics blowing up planes, restaurants, trains, bars, buses, clubs, in the name of Catholicism then yes, I would say there is must be something wrong with Catholicism that it producing so many terrorists.
If anyone is interested in learning more about Islam, one site I like is http://www.thereligionofpeace.com
No, Bill Clinton told us we should blame dopefiend Rush Limbaugh. Works for me.
By Troll’s logic, I do blame all Christians for the genocide perpetrated in the Americas. Fuck you Christians. Terrorist scumbags for god.
Islam is both a political movement a religion. There is a smaller, but violent component to it. And a non-violent, but more insidious component that is spreading and growing through immigration and high birth rates.
Right now America is 75% Christian. Ask yourself this: If America were 75% Muslim, would America be a better place? Would the constitution look the same? Would there still be a separation of church and state?
After the other 9/11, 2001’s, instant pundits soothed our hysteria and paranoia. They said that Muslims who had morphed their mild, spiritual, doe-eyed jihad into violent plane-crashing jihad were a vanishingly small fraction of all Muslims. Only 10 percent.
I did the math. Only 130,000,000 Muslims are psychokillers. What a relief. Putting the terrorist threat into appropriately minimalist perspective did more to cure my hysteria and papanoia than a week at The Betty.
Is this hate speech?
“Muslims are the vilest of animals…”
“Show mercy to one another, but be ruthless to Muslims”
“How perverse are Muslims!”
“Strike off the heads of Muslims, as well as their fingertips”
“Fight those Muslims who are near to you”
“Muslim mischief makers should be murdered or crucified”
9 – America would definitely be a better place if it was 0 percent troll.
But no place is perfect. So you take the good with the bad.
An incredibly long list of world-wide Islam terrorist attacks over the last two months:
I’m having troubling finding a list of world-wide terrorist attacks over the last two months for other religions. I’m not sure why.
I know a guy who said he read in a chatroom that somewhere in America there is a prominent, mainstream Muslim man who predicted that by the year 2090, the United States will be an Islamic nation governed by Sharia law. He also said he read that this guy said there are plans in the work to convert the White House to “The Grand Mosque.”
And that’s a quote.
What the bloody ell’s wrong with The New Yorker? Two weeks ago, and about 70 years too late, TNY finally got around to telling the inconvenient truth about liberal secular socialist Joe Stalin and his Jesus Camps for useful idiots. (Then YLB accused me of being buried in the dead pointless past because I cited the article.)
Now TNY has this:
No surprise to those of us in the reality-based community, aka the conservative community. But to you blind-faith true-believer progressives? Probably like CPR paddles to your flat-line brains.
Then, a few pages back, TNY has this: In 1997 Sudan’s Bashir
Those of us who read Commentary back in 1997 and 1998 knew that Muslim Sudan was doing anti-Christian genocide. But since the victims of Islamofascism in Sudan were mere Christians, the news didn’t trickle down to The New Yorker or, unless I missed it, The New York Times.
News about genocide waged then by the Religion of Peace against Christians was less fit to print than “news” last week about one nutbucket wanting to burn a book.
TNY’s waaaaay belated mention of 1990s Sudan genocide is in an article about what Jeff Sharlet called The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power, and The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy. Of course Sharlet’s talking about Christian fundamentalism. Not the Sudanese kind. Or the bin Laden kind. Or the KSM kind.
The fundamentalism that threatens us, Christian fundamentalism, is pushed by the C Street Family in D.C. The New Yorker notes some presidents — most notably, Bill Clinton — have been more accommodating than others. “Bill and Hillary got it” … George W. Bush, on the other hand, made it clear … from the start that he’d show up at the Prayer Breakfast but not to expect much more. “George came late and left early. He did every year …”
What’s the Caliphate coming to when we have to turn to uppity Jews at Commentary to tell about the War on Christians?
The point of the ad is that sensible, patriotic people of all faiths are caught in the crossfire whenever extremists pick up cudgels against each other.
If you agree to play this game and make this into a religious war, you’ve already given the terrorists what they want most.
Troll @ 15 spewed:
Yea, and in 1968 I heard a rumor at my school that all the blacks in America had attended a training session held in an auditorium in Chicago, where they were given instructions on how they were to take over the country. The code signal to begin the insurrection would be broadcast over “black” radio stations.
This rumor became so persistent, and the folks who listened to such garbage so easily fooled, that soon there were citizens at city counsel meetings demanding that the government step in and close down all radio stations catering to black audiences as an “emergency measure”. A few went so far as to insist that any music of “African origin”, including soul, rock & role, jazz, etc. be outlawed, because it might contain the code signal (everyone knows you can’t understand the lyrics anyway, so who knows what it says?).
Such rumors, which can never be traced to their original source, are sometimes referred to as “urban legends”, but in this case are more like “mass hysteria”, like that of the Salem witch trials.
I believe I was objecting to your endless blathering about the Dixiecrat-tinged sins of the past from Wilson through Truman or so or even way before that.
Again you steadfastly refuse to acknowledge that the Dixiecrats are now Republicans.
Again, what party did David Duke choose to go straight as it were? And who elected him to serve for a time?
Your beloved northern rock-ribbed Republicans are practically extinct!
Who was the “silent majority” that Nixon was calling out to?
You would cry too if it happened to you:
He just sits there and plots in secrecy to blow people up and burn things down. Hell, who wouldn’t? After the unspeakable horror of knowing that your shoes were an irresistable target?
Northern ethnic Catholic hardhats, formerly known as FDR’s liberal Democrat base.
Dixiecrats went back to being Democrats after 1948. After 1968, when civil libertarian J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI had civilized the unreconstructed South, southern Democrats started voting Republican. To repeat: The housebroken Philadelphia, Mississippi of 1980 was not the Philadelphia, Mississippi of 1964 that put away Goodman, Schwerner, and Chaney.
For an all-expenses-paid vacation with Rabbit and harridan Ann Coulter, who said this:
[A] Impulsive Joe Stalin
[B] Impulsive Joe McCarthy
[C] Impulsive Gene McCarthy who voted for Reagan
[D] Impulsive progressive Jenny McCarthy
[E] Progressive blockhead Charlie McCarthy
Wilson? If you refer to Woodrow, he had no Dixiecrat tinge. Wilson’s tinge was plain old whitebread racism. No tinge about it. And no Dixiecrats until 1948. Get that straight.
24 – Woodrow Wilson of Virginia. Yeah right..
Of course..
But who said this?
“Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization,” Mehlman said at the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. “I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong.”
Hey folks. Cross your fingers for Chris O’Donnell – that whacky old constitutionally conservative kid!
Funny the Koch brothers don’t support her. Must have got Mike Castle to cave on climate from behind closed doors. 6 more years!
But if Chris wins? Count on the first Senate win for the Dems of the silly season.
Teabagger candidate Christine O’Donnell has, um, issues.
As far as wingnut women go, she actually looks kind of fuckable. Too bad she’s so damned krazy, er, mentally anguished.
28 – Progressives should be 1000 percent behind her. If she wins, the Dem wins..
First Koch, now the Philip Anschutz machine is against her.
Pass the popcorn!
@3 If present trends persist, one sociologist estimates, every third inhabitant of Denmark in 40 years…
Wow, ONE sociologist? I see a trend forming.
BTW, even the author of your linked article admits he made up the other BS you spout. Of course he claims it’s true anyway, because it suits his racist rant.
I’m liking Chris O’D the more I read. Tried to turn a 65k wingnut welfare job into a 6.5 million dollar payday!
Whew!!! The temptation of fleecing those deep wingnut billionaire pockets was too great!
The Catholic Church has insisted it did not cover-up the Claudy bombing atrocity by moving a suspected terrorist priest out of Northern Ireland.
I did some digging. There’s some Koch money behind ISI – the outfit Chris tried to sue.
Not nearly as much as what Scaife has contributed over the years.
In any case those right wing moneybags must not cotton to kindly those who’d fleece them through a lawsuit..
Oh my… 279 Congressional and Senate DUMMOCRAPTS and they are running away from Odumba’s singature legisation… OdumbaCare. No one want to claim they signed it. Yet, they did and America won’t let them forget.
So why has Daddy Love, correctnotright, Artfart and the whole raft of moronic fools gone quiet. Puddy keeps asking why are DUMMOCRAPTS so defensive now.
Ohhhh yeah… The things Puddy posted about OdumbaCare are coming true. Now the great LIAR has the unmitigated gall to come out and say he knew the costs were going up. Yet peeps who have a memory are replaying his words from a year ago. Funny how many lies this preznit has told since being erected. Man those seas didn’t change their height either.
Funny but Mayor Daley put an end to that rumor real quick. And then in the 1968 DUMMOCRAPTIC Olympics uhhh… nomination we saw the beatdown he delivered to the quivering progressives that day. Yep strange truths appear didn’t they?
Tell the whole damn story rhp6033. My papa was a Pinkerton Guard in Chicago back then. He carried a 357 magnum.
ylb qweefs
Funniest comment of the day from the person who claims the picture of the little character he headlines himself is an actual representation. Well ylb, you do have all day while others of us work hard for de money,… so hard for it honey!
Wasn’t it DUMMOCRAPT FDR who interred Japanese Americans in “camps”? Just checking…
re 35: Your Dad was a rent a cop? You must be very proud.
Wow Pudwacker, that’s some amazing random grasps at the old non sequitur tree! (How do you go from Koch & Sciafe to Japanese internment in any linear logical line?)
Been drinking tonight? You seem an unusually angry little man tonight.
Oh my “friend” checksez is around. Not smoking the wacky weed today?
My comment wasn’t tied to ylb drivel. It was tied to what he said about checking… He has all the time in the world. My comment was a factual relationship between DUMMOCRAPTS and how they treated American people who’s ancestors attacked them. Too bad that neanderthal mind is slow to process. Republicans didn’t inter muslims after 9/11. Butt AlGore would have thought of something strange. Just remember the Discovery Kidnapper was driven to his death by AlGore’s inconvenient materials.
Another useless moronic statement from an leftist idiot. A black man in Chicago who wore legally a gun to shoot to kill not under Mayor Daley’s control is a master achievement. That’s lost on your silly mind. FYI Securitas (bought Pinkerton) agents protect some prominent people in Seattle. Puddy knows a captain in Seattle area.
To do ONE teh google search. Wow.. Challenging I know for the typical “busy” right wing nut. Now THAT is funny.
Yeah. They built 100 million dollar plus “justice” centers on Gitmo.. They practiced a little bit of “enhanced interrogation” to wring out a non-existent smoking gun on Saddam among other stupid.
Sorry you’re so offended that a lipton teabag has been exposed trying to “shake down” your beloved right wing money bags.
I think i just figured it out.
YLB is back to posting all the time – all day long recently because his wife is now back in school teaching the kiddies. Now that she is gone, YLB can go back to his usual fucking off all day long.
43 – heh.. tehchickenshit alert!
Baaaa BAAAA baaaawwkk!!
Are Republicans racist?
Former GOP leader apologizes to Obama, calls Republicans ‘racist’
45 – Nice catch.
HNMT! HNMT! Where are you????
@45 I thought these comments to be insightful, especially the paranoid last guy. He won’t let any facts that challenge his world view. Bet he’s also a climate denier. Reminds me of the conservatives here.
47 – Heh. Yeah that last guy has been watching too much Beck.
YLB mentions beck, yet YLB spends all day watching and listening to freaks like rachel madcow, stephanie “hey everyone, Im a dyke!” miller, big fat fuck eddie schulz(Beck’s lefty counterpart charlatan), dumbass normy goldman, and the rest.
kinda funny that fat fuck eddie schulz is now begging people to join his march, of course after he saw Beck’s….what a copycat..
Hey See YLB….see YLB run….see YLB jump….see YLB be lazy….fetch YLB fetch! go get it boy! See YLB obey like a good little bitch…You also forgot all of his continual postings from Daily Kooks. Remember one of his latest. He posted BULLSHIT from the biggest BULLSHIT site from a known BULLSHITTER. ylb is a purveyor of the most vile useless leftist BULLSHIT every day here.
The ylb has a real personal image problem. He can’t decide if you should see his eye or his avatar.
The fool ylb has posted 30% of this link so far.
At this point I can’t determine if it’s the HNMT or tehchickenshit that’s having a Dori Monson hate frenzy attack.
Yawwwnnnn.. They all blend together after a while.
If it’s HNMT, congrats on leaving the closet.
You’re still #2 – of the whole shootin’ match. BY FAR…
your right…dori hates lazy fucks like you who slurp off the system and dont contribute anything.
dori hates
dori hates
Damn it! I love Chrome but why doesn’t WordPress want to work with it?
Yeah Dori hates…
And the trolls hate right along with him.
Perhaps if you actually acted like a real man and at the very least went and looked for a job, people wouldnt think the insulting things they do about you. yet you decide you want to use your wife and use the system so you can stay home, fuck around, and perfect TEH HA DATABAZE..
just a thought…..
Can you say bingo?
HA! That’s funny.
i.e. if I just “shut up”, right wingers would stop spinning cruel fantasies about people who don’t think much of their views.
Go watch some more Beck..