– The mechanics of getting death penalty drugs to states that use them is both fascinating and disgusting (h/t).
– I would hope Pam Roach’s plan to make it easier to recall elected officials would include abusing staff.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– The mechanics of getting death penalty drugs to states that use them is both fascinating and disgusting (h/t).
– I would hope Pam Roach’s plan to make it easier to recall elected officials would include abusing staff.
A conservative is someone who believes the poor are “too comfortable.” Meh. What does that make the rich?
Link to “save the boobs” isn’t working.
Thanks. Fixed.
Generally speaking, banks deserve the bad loans they wrote, and borrowers don’t deserve the banks.
Further evidence that American civilization is in decline.
A friend of ours belongs to a group not associated with the Komen Foundation that calls itself “Save The Ta-Tas”. They’re all about prevention, and a couple of years ago were working the angle that breast “self” examination can be more fun if a partner is involved. For that they were selling T-shirts with the legend: “Save A Life-Grope Your Wife!”
Although I believe that the Spokane Transit Authority has a hybrid bus or two, and LINK Transit in Wenatchee has an electric shuttle bus, but the best green transit project in the Red part of the state that I did not know about, was with Ben Franklin Transit in the Tri-Cities. They bought a remanufactured bus converted to run on all electric propulsion.
The press release from the manufacturer is from last year, BFT said today on their facebook page, that it had just been delivered.
There was an article a couple of weeks ago in the New York Times Sunday magazine about breast cancer that is well worth reading for both males and females.
Must be the IRS determined they were NOT a 501(c)(4) group.
Made Puddy’s point perfectly!
Mrs Puddy and Puddy knew a guy who died from Breast Cancer! It was very sad and shocking…
John Edwards reactivates law license and he plans to speak at lawyers’ event a year after corruption trial
unemployed salt licking moron ylb will have his hero back in action to secretly cheer!
PuddyCommentary: How much you wanna bet this voyeur is a DUMMOCRAPT? Arne was doing things without their permission, similar to what Obummer’s sadministration was identified this week doing.
PuddyCommentary… Butt butt butt this is only a Republican/Fox News Talking Points Witch Hunt per SCHMUCKO and his Daily Kooks “truth squad”. Mr Woodward Mr Woodward please don’t say that… you won’t be invited to any more Obummer pressers.
Now that the cockroaches are identified… they still haven’t released the first 67 hours of emails immediately after the Benghazi attack. CYA time!
Anybody heard about the new Benghazi scandal? The one where the GOP was passing around doctored emails? I’m sure Darrell Issa will be having a hearing about that any day now.
Direct from PMSNBC… They put on real news when the rabid libtards are at work… so one won’t see this at night during PMSNBC’s slime time or in HA’s Friday Night Comics!
And the playing field gets richer…
PuddyCommentary… You don’t say? DUMMOCRAPT Sentator scumbags asking for the IRS to exert pressure before the 2012 election. Golly what will happen now for the 2014 election?
@9 “Must be the IRS determined they were NOT a 501(c)(4) group.”
Uh, yeah, I do believe that’s the purpose of the reviews.
Putz @ various: Let’s just do the impeachment and get it out of the way, so Obama can get back to work on real issues.
DUMB Wabbit farts
Naaaah, Puddy sez keep a weak Obummer in office!
Hmmm only one mention of !!BENGHAAAAAZIIII!!! this morning? I wonder why?
Ooooooops!! And what does our favorite idiot say?
Amtrak and Siemens USA recently unveiled the ACS-64, an electric locomotive built for the Northeast Corridor, capable of nearly 9000hp. A graphic on the company’s Facebook page, showed the states where subcontractors are. Washington is one of them, but final assembly is outside California’s capital city. Hopefully they got it right this time, as they are replacing two locomotive models, one that worked out great(purchased in the late seventies), and a newer model that never worked out. The new locomotives are based on existing designs in Europe.
Here’s more Benghazi unemployed salt licking moron ylb… Direct from CBS!
PuddyCommentary… You don’t say? So nine days after three great men, State Department whistleblowers, embarrassed the White House, Obummer’s sadministration pineads are beginning to admit that they botched Benghazi before, during, and afterward! Yeah baby!
Sux to be a DUMMOCRAPT!
Puddy busy with other things useless tool!
And there is more unemployed salt licking moron ylb…
I N C O M P E T E N C E! Like your useless posts each day unemployed salt licking moron ylb. Butt you do try and EPICALLY FAYLE!
Oh no… more Pinocchio’s for Eric Holder…
Will this make the Friday Night Comics… doubt it…
San Diego seems to be going forward with the next San Diego Trolley extension. It looks like the most expensive one yet for San Diego, but it is not only inflation that made the original one so cheap. A tropical storm damaging a railroad, and the original trolley line was single tracked, and double tracked later. I have seen some of their long range plans, pretty impressive for what I thought was the biggest conservative area in California.(My guess was due to the military bases around the city) Plus, if just a few of what has been proposed get built, Kings fans will be employed, San Diego has bought all their Light Rail Vehicles from Siemens, and with the adaptable design they offer, could even be used on the Balboa Park streetcar.
Of a brain-damaged idiot I call Puddystupid lauding big media outfits taking “truth” from right wing doctored materials..
LOL! Yeah right! Busy from 7:24am to 12:59pm
Pat Robertson says cheating is “in a man’s DNA.” He oughta know. But research shows 23% of women and 19% of men cheat. CNN commentators’ take on this: “He’s an idiot.” “This is a guy who says gay people are icky?” “It’s so romantic when a man treats you like a prostitute, isn’t it?”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Pat Robertson isn’t a moral example for anybody, so who cares what he says? He’s simply Ted Nugent or Mel Gibson multiplied by 10.
29) Wouldn’t put it past Pat Robertson to make a comment like that.
“Busy” month:
1504 % b cs -t puddymoron -s 201305 -c
| count |
| 129 |
1 row in set
1505 % b cs -t ylb -s 201305 -c
| count |
| 40 |
1 row in set
PuddyCommentary… And Obummer and his sad gang recognized how they could use this fear and power against Tea Party Patriot groups!
the unemployed salt licking moron ylb… so easily manipulated to perform Puddy’s commands! 129 comments in May… A slow month so far. Puddy been busy, butthead, AKA the unemployed salt licking moron ylb. Was off the grid for four days at special location. Much fun and paid very well.
Sux to be the unemployed salt licking moron ylb. A stay at home mom!
Oh my 2012. Blows apart that Obummer 2013 narrative!
So the new narrative thought of this week is we’re idiots. Selecting the “correct information” as needed. Well they are libtards so maybe it’s true.
LOL!! So busy indeed!
Like 70 percent of Saturday nights when he has HA circulating in his empty skull..
Busier than Liberal Scientist?
% b cs -t ls -s 201305 -c
| count |
| 112 |
1 row in set
Does this guy have a name? Was JOKIII “undercover” again?
LOL! Such a gullible moron.
Horse Laugh Of The Day
Banks are refusing to do business with customers in the porn industry for “moral reasons” and because they perceive a “reputational risk.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Listen, guys, these people only make porn. You should pray that some of their reputation rubs off on you. Don’t even think about holding a popularity contest between banks and porn. You don’t want to go there. Whinny! Neigh!
38) So now the banks care about their reputations. By the way, do the banks practice usury?
ROTFLRHMBBAO… Poor unemployed salt licking moron ylb, no one cares about your “study”. As Rush said about Obummer… Puddy lives “rent free” in your Neanderthal Cranial Orifice!
LOL!! That’s not what the hits on the blog post say..
And exactly why you read it. Been kind of scarce on Sat nights lately have you?
Good.. You’re behaving as you should.
Holy questioning Batman… a real set up.
Ummm nope you dope… Puddy hasn’t gone there and you know it. Why? Puddy wrote it. Puddy lives “rent free” in your Neanderthal Cranial Orifice! The kids are out of the house you moron. Mrs Puddy and Puddy use Saturday nights as date night. Yeah it takes money for date nights poor unemployed salt licking moron ylb. Remember you choose to be unemployed! And since I am on the road Sundays and even some Saturday nights… This blog isn’t getting much Puddy face time!
EXCUSE Puddy? You are the Pavlov’s doggie… poor unemployed salt licking moron ylb did Puddy’s bidding a little slow but it appeared in #31.
In Texas, a judge has ruled a Tea Party group a PAC, not the non-profit that it claims to be.
LOL!! O yeah???
4/27 1 comment
4/13 7 comments (really “needed” ha then)
4/6 3 comments
and 3/30?? 12 comments!
What “dates”! Too “dayum” funny indeed..
adjusted the program to look at snapshots..
5/4 3 comments after 10:00pm
Wow. What a date night that must have been.
Krist Novoselic has a good opinion piece on how to fix Congress. While I generally agree on his proposals for Fair Representation, I would prefer that states be able to choose the alternative to winner take all that works best for them. The German Mixed-Member Proportional system would work good for large delegations, and I have seen it used in legislative bodies with as few as 25 seats. What Fairvote has proposed, is a variation of the Single Transferable Vote system used in Ireland. It works in districts ranging from 2-7seats, although in the Australian Senate, if it’s a double dissolution, each state becomes a 12seat district. What San Francisco uses for city elections is the single-seat variant.
@48 The GOP’s idea of “fair representation” is gerrymandering and voter suppresson.
One state is leading California and Texas on renewable energy. It’s Washington! Although that is partly due to our Hydro resources offsetting their gains in Wind and Solar.
@39 Yeah, they do it by bankrolling payday lenders, so they don’t have to dirty their own hands.
49) That’s true. Although it’s still possible to game the system even in a Fair Representation system. An alternative to MMP, Mixed Member Majoritarian, has the votet given two votes, but the party vote only counts for the proportional seats. No surprise that the conservatives in New Zealand preferred it as a compromise alternative to MMP in 2011.
In Australia, because in the Federal Elections, they require the voter to rank all candidates, the parties have taken to issuing How to Vote cards, and in Senate races, the Australian Election Commission has made it easy with the Above the line voting and Group Voting tickets. One state, Tasmania, for elections to the lower house if the state parliament, they found a counter. The voter only has to rank as many candidates as seats, no above the line voting, and they randomly rotate the order on the ballot.
fuck you roger rabiitberg
In Canada, they are accusing the Mayor of Toronto of being their version of Marion Berry. He is already facing removal of office on conflict of interest charges from a vote he made as a city councilman. Now they might be able to throw using crack cocaine, if a new video being shopped around to Canadian Media outlets is to be believed. Since it is the dealers themselves selling the video, it may not be reliable.
@53 I thought Canadians were better behaved than Americans.
It’s so good to know Puddy lives “rent free” in the unemployed salt licking moron ylb’s Neanderthal Cranial Orifice! Sometimes dates are Netflix movies you dumbASS!
Remember you choose to be unemployed! Sux to be you!
54)Every once in awhile they surprise us. The riots following the Cannucks losing the Stanley Cup are one example. The news about Mayor Ford in Toronto, is the latest scandal involving him. He was one of 5mayors in major cities of Canada to be accused of corruption. The other’s were in Halifax, Montreal, Laval, and London.
I’m posted this comment on SP and I’m cross-posting it here in case it gets deleted over there. It’s in response to a post by Adam Faber arguing that Public Lands Commissioner’s Peter Goldmark appeal of a superior court order in favor of Okanogan PUD was a waste of taxpayer money. Adam’s post contains a direct link to the Court of Appeals opinion, so I consider it unnecessary to include that link here.
Adam’s comment suffers from the usual flaws found when non-lawyers attempt to translate court opinions into layman’s language. “Not persuasive” is not the same thing as frivolous, and the use of this language by judges in a decision in no way implies that the lawsuit is without merit. In fact, nowhere in this opinion does the Court of Appeals say DNR’s legal challenge was meritless. The case did raise several issues of statutory interpretation that the court addressed at length. It would not have done so had the judges thought these issues did not merit the full discussion they gave to them. Moreover, the key legal concept involved in this case — what constitutes a “dedication to a public use” — is a rather esoteric one which the court went to some lengths to define and describe. The fact DNR lost on appeal does not mean DNR shouldn’t have exhausted all legal avenues of trying to protect the public interests it sought to protect in this case. It’s easy to say, from hindsight, that the losing party shouldn’t have appealed ipso facto because the party lost. But that’s true of all cases, and if you’re going to go around saying the party who loses a lawsuit shouldn’t have brought the lawsuit, then there should never be any lawsuits filed and we have no need for courts. The whole point of the appeal, Adam, was to have an appellate court resolve this dispute. Resolving disputes is what courts do. It’s why we have them.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I see this all the time. Court decisions are full of legal terms of art that lay readers take as vernacular, and therefore misinterpret. In addition, you have to know something about the structure and protocols of appellate opinions in order to follow the reasoning. Reading appellate opinions isn’t as much fun as it was in the old common law days because everything is governed by statutes now, so cases are merely exercises in statutory interpretation. Consequently, modern appellate opinions are all afflicted by a gray sameness. In this case, two discrete public entities vied to put state-owned lands to different public uses. The court had to decide which agency/use was given precedence by our legislature. The answer resides in half a dozen bits and pieces of statutory language that had to be harmonized with each other. Figuring it out is not a simple matter, as shown by the fact this same question has been presented to our appellate courts more than once over the years. And it’s just plain wrong to criticize Commissioner Goldmark for taking this question to an appellate court, because these cases are entirely fact-dependent, and it wouldn’t have taken all that much of a change in the case facts to produce a different outcome — a point that is always lost upon non-lawyer pontificators like Adam Faber. For what it’s worth, Goldy rarely (if ever) makes these rookie mistakes; for a non-lawyer, Goldy does a damn good job of explaining what a court did and why it did it. I’ve told him more than once that he has what it takes to be a lawyer, had he chosen to go to law school.
@53 Why thank you! Coming from you, that’s a compliment.
Hmmm, there’s a typo in my screen name. I wonder if I’ve been hacked? Anyway, the posts by “Rogue Rabbit” are from Roger Rabbit, if you were wondering.
A federal judge has blocked Alabama’s anti-abortion law, which seeks to ignore SCOTUS binding precedent about when a fetus is “viable.”
61)The legislature wanted this challenge, to see if they can change it.
@63 They must have bought the “Romney will win by a landslide” thesis. Obama’s re-election throws a monkey wrench into their dreams of an anti-Roe v. Wade SCOTUS majority.
In Connecticut, a NY MTA Metro-North commuter train operating on it’s New Haven line derailed, carrying 300 passengers out of Grand Central Terminal derailed. It was then hit by a Grand Central Terminal bound train, carrying 400 passengers.So far, 60injuries, but no reports of fatalities.
From what I saw on tv, looked like one, maybe both, were M-8 Electric Multiple Units. The M-8, custom made for the New Haven line, due to the two voltages, and two methods of current collection, as the New Haven line enters the NEC at New Rochelle, NY.
A political scientist’s take on the recent B.C. Election. Very interesting. The Green Party took 8% of the vote. Some in B.C, think that they split the anti-Liberal vote, but others were saying that it was not a slam dunk that the Green vote would have broken for the NDP. Party dynamics in British Columbia are different than down here. The BC Liberals are a center-right coalition, the NDP leans left, and the Greens are centrist with a pro-environment tilt.
SpuddyPuds heroes show their true colors in their own words.
And again.
Some real nice folks you worship there.
LMAO!!! Really.. How enlightening… Spewing on HA is an essential ingredient of Netflix “date nights”.
Back to the salt mines goes Puddyfool!
It’s so good to know we HA liberals live “rent free” in the 8 years running moronic troll Puddyfool’s blasted ruin he calls a head.
Looks like a GOP Rep is claiming credit for asking for the DoJ investigation that led to the subpoena of the AP phone records.
While Gowdy’s admission that Republicans supported a probe into national security leaks like the one that led to the DOJ probe of AP is welcome, his willingness to largely excuse DOJ’s actions does not bode well for reform. When journalists face surveillance by law enforcement, many sources will be too frightened to talk to reporters, and that will lead to the public being less informed. The AP probe presents a strong argument for requiring law enforcement to obtain a warrant from a judge before they can obtain phone records from journalists — indeed, DOJ itself should support such a requirement, because a judicially issued warrant enables them to resist scandal after their investigations become public — but such a reform will almost certainly require an act of Congress.
By the way, he made the comment on FOX News.