– Who would have guessed Jonah Goldberg isn’t the most honest person ever?
– One of the NY GOP Senators who voted for marriage equality isn’t going to run for reelection because of a tough primary challenge.
– Sensible Washington is hoping people will show up in Kent to protect access to collective gardens.
– I’m pleasantly surprised that McKenna losing a talking point is gaining traction from Obama’s support of marriage equality.
– Even in the war on women, this is outlandish.
Not at all surprising – Mittens Rmoney incited and led a ‘vicious’ assault on a prep-school classmate who dressed differently and was perceived as gay.
What a creep.
Mattens – defender of the status quo and the Establishment, groomed for it from day one. Willing to viciously attack anyone he deems subversive or different.
This man is dangerous.
These people are fiends – dark of night gay-bashing by Congressional Republicans.
Color me surprised.
Hey trolls – pud first among them – why are you people so hateful – so hate-filled?
severe exaggeration
We really need a statue of limitations on things politicians have to apologize for. Mitt Romney’s in the news apologizing for a prank he pulled in high school, back in the early 60’s. Why anyone would care about a prank teenaged Mitt and his friends pulled in ’63 is beyond me.
Homophobia in high schools in ’63? Shocking! There was homophobia in my high school in the ’80’s and most of those people who called people fags and bullied them grew out of that and grew into normal healthy people. The handful of bigots that didn’t grow out of it need to be called on the carpet for what they are and what they espouse today, not what they did @ 16 years of age.
“severe exaggeration”
What a gullible fucktard.
Oops, mid 60’s, 1965. Call him out for firing a gay guy today, not what he did back in the 60’s. Is the more of the 60’s obsession amongst the boomers that we’re seeing? Let it go, the 60’s are over.
@6 I disagree. Homophobia in the 60’s? Obviously. Acting on one’s homophobia to the point of organizing a hit on a fellow student? No. That crossed a line then as it does now. His values had already been instilled. He had no life-altering experience that would later change his charactor. No, this was a glimpse of the man Romney would become – an privileged asshole who takes glee in firing people just as he took glee in attacking a defenseless student.
Elizabeth Warren likely lying that she’s Indian is NOT news in the Senatorial election.
Romney pulling a prank while a teenager IS news in the presidential election.
Then, shouldn’t we see Barack’s college transcripts? Certainly if what Romney did as a teenager is relevant, shouldn’t what Barack did in his 20s also be relevant?
Jonah Goldberg is such a piece of shit liar. He was busted for the same “Pulitzer Nominee” bullshit on a book cover bio in 2008. Of course, when busted again, he claims ignorance.
“Certainly if what Romney did as a teenager is relevant, shouldn’t what Barack did in his 20s also be relevant?”
Yeah, because there’s such an obvious equivalency between a group assault on a defenseless student organized by Romney and an Obama report card.
I’m a big believer in statues of limitations. I don’t care what anyone over the age of about 25 did as a teen, good or bad.
I would hope that if I ever ran for office I’d be judged by what I’ve done as an adult and not all the stupid crap I did as a teen or the fact that I barely graduated from high school. I don’t think I can say that I’d want people to judge me one way while using a different standard to judge other people.
Romney’s a douche nozzle and there’s no shortage of current data to back that up. Let’s leave the past in the past.
@ 11
Good call. Whatever grey zone might have existed in 2008 is gone the second time around.
Perhaps we can dispense with referring to the bazillion people who had someone stick their name in to the Nobel committee as “Nobel Peace Prize nominees’, Bradley Manning for instance, as long as we’re calling out those that aren’t under serious consideration for an award.
Deleted by me.
@ 12
How about walking away from a drowning woman in a car that just flipped off a bridge ’cause you were driving drunk?
Should that disqualify one from office candidacy? How about re-election?
How about a rape allegation? Should that disqualify one from the presidency? What if there are multiple allegations of deviant sexual behavior?
Jesus, Obama was a drug user heading down the wrong path at the same approximate time in his life that Romney was giving swirlies. Cut them both a little slack. They’ve grown up. So should you.
Peggy Noonan elegant lady gasbag still lunches. Read the gory details about my lunch with Peggy at http://www.wednesdayswars.com.
I’m sure we’ve all done some things back in the ‘day for which we are embarrased or ashamed. But there is a big difference when it comes to taking advantage of “the little guy”, bullying someone who is different, etc. It’s a basic character flaw. I’d expect to see some apology and repentence from that, and an explanation of how the person has changed since then. The usual “non-apology apology” (“I really don’t remember the incident, I don’t think it ever occured, but if it did and if people were too wimpy to take it like a man, then I apologize that people were too wimpy to be bothered by it….”
I know that’s not directed at me, but I think that the difference there is that those things happened, as did Mitt’s support for the Viet Nam War while dodging serving in it and his annoyance at colleges refusing to play football against BYU because of it’s racist practices, while those people were adults. Teens are still kids. Let’s let kids be kids.
So… The Kennedy thing: yep, he should have been run out of the senate. The Clinton rape allegation: if Clinton was held accountable for everything he was alleged to have done, he’d probably be a UN war criminal. Most of what he was alleged to have done was pure BS. Lacking that conviction, nope he should be free to do and be whatever. Obama, did a little coke and smoked a little weed, so what? Obama gets props in my book for being frank and honest about it.
I’m sensitive to Michael’s complaint about this being from long,, long ago. And yes, transgressions when a stupid kid can be forgiven – if it seems that they got their act together.
As we saw with George W Bush, his history of blowing up frogs (my favorite animal) with firecrackers was frighteningly prescient with regard to his callous disregard for his fellow humans. It was an accurate view into his soul.
As far as Teddy Kennedy goes – yeah, he probably should have been hung for that. The essential difference here, and with GWB, however, is how does the transgression help predict future behavior, is it congruent with the way they see the world. So…Teddy Kennedy couldn’t keep his dick in his pants, and likely killed a girl as a consequence – though his public actions as a Senator were essentially unrlated to this, and he was a champion for people unlike him – people without access to power.
With GWB, and now Romeny, do these incidents give insight into how they did/would treat people without power? – and I think they do, especially given their postures as protectors of status quo and power elites.
These are creepy, entitled fly-wing rippers. They are deeply flawed people, flawed in ways that lead me to want to keep them out of power.
So while we are debating the President’s announcement, other news (more embarrasing to the Republicans) is slipping by under the wire….
It seems that a Sonics back-office employees is spilling the beans on Shulz’s management of the Sonics. Shulz and his “investment group” (i.e., investment bankers) prepared the bid to get taxpayers to pay for either a new arena or a remodeled luxory suits and upgraded concessions, solely to help rub elbows with the super-rich. In the meantime, spending on the Sonics organization, and benefits to it’s employees, were reduced to the point where the Christmas gifts to the staff were reduced to a $3.50 Starbucks gift card (the public couldn’t buy one for less than $5.00, but this was too much for Shultz).
Howard Schultz and the Death of the SuperSonics
Now, some troll or another is going to argue that Shultz is really a Democrat, because he has at tmes been seen with Democrats and given donations to Democratic causes. But the truth is, Shultz is a celebraty groupie who loves being in the presence of big politicians and business leaders of all sorts, so he’ll appear with whomever is President and give to whichever party happens to be in power at the time.
So why is this embarrasing to the Romney and the Repubolicans? Because this is Romney’s vision of America under a Romney Presidency and a Republican-dominated Congress – the “joe six-pack” pays the taxes, and Romney and his entitled buddies get to spend it either making themsleves richer personally, or treating each other to luxories unavailable to the ordinary taxpayer. The nation under Romney would be like the proposed new arena under Schultz – somebody else is paying the bills, while the benefits go to the richest 1%.
Heh. Unlike a particular moron who trolls here.
It’s strange that the trolls over years have harped over and over and over on this (on a WA state blog) and the people of MA kept sending Teddy back to DC.
And the people of WV kept sending Robert Byrd back to DC.
Not that they should have or shouldn’t have it’s just – strange… It’s neither here nor there when it comes to the audience of this blog. Just an odd bit of troll mania.
And in Indiana, Richard Mourdock, the mining executive supported by the Tea Party has primaried Luger out of the Senate. In his first big interview since the contest, he discussed the need for bi-partisonship in order to effectively legislate:
The Indiana Senate seat, which for several decades was a “safe” seat for the Republicans, is now effectively up for grabs. “Troops, extend right foot. Aim at foot. Fire!”
@21 Although he does occasionally show signs of social awareness (and Starbuck’s “tips for job creation” campaign, modest though it may be, is kind of cool), Schultz is definitely a bona fide one percenter. A friend of mine once referred to him as belonging to a group of people “so rich they can pay someone else to masturbate for them”.
Presumably, whether or not they’ve thought of it yet, the Kansas legislature would also tell pregnant women with tuberculosis they’ll just have to keep coughing up blood until the baby comes because INH, the drug most commonly used for treatment of TB, is known to kill fetuses.
@23 With the most recent political developments in Virginia (namely its transformation into something like the Republic of the Ghost of Jerry Falwell) it’s likely that Senator Byrd would be voted out of office not because he once belonged to the KKK, but because he’d long since renounced his onetime overt racism.
This is really cool and there’s some awesome pics to go with it.
@16 ” They’ve grown up. So should you.”
What a stupid and pathetic asswipe. You drew equivalency between an organized attack on a defenseless student and our president’s report card. I called bullshit on such equivalency. Rather than rebuttal, you bring in irrelevant names and then you childishly tell me to grow up. You’re too fucking stupiud to get it, but that’s an epic fucking FAIL. Not to worry, a narcissist such as yourself will still find cause to preen and smell the roses that are stuck up your ass.
Way to go Teabagger dude!
Wow! What a “perspective” to present on “fair and balanced” fake news.
@30 Wingnuts. Good Fucking Grief!
Awwwwww he’s sorry.. he apologizes..
Mitt starts his apology tour to the White House..
Now let’s see him go to town to town apologizing for each plant he helped shut down.
Nothing personal. It was only business! Heh. The business of making Mitt filthy rich at the expense of people’s livelihoods.
I love this:
C’mon Mitt! Don’t hide your record at Bain. Release your tax returns during those years. Let the American people see what you’ve done.
You have nothing to hide. Right?
In case Bob or anyone else is still struggling with the relevance of this story, the same guy who thought it was cool to lead a “posse” in an attack on a student who he thought was gay is today a major party presidential candidate who is stridently anti-gay and has absolutely refused to endorse a bill protecting gay kids from the same bullying that he inflicted himself. In high school he had a posse of students. Today he has a posse of 1%ers and right-wing extremists. This story is fucking relevant.
@34 As I posted to another forum regarding this story…a lot of us were pretty ignorant back in the day. Apparently Mr. Romney still is.
If you ask me, the word neo-feudalism comes to mind.
So, if being Republican and being “pro-business” is so great why do all those red states down in the south-east have so much poverty while the liberal north-east has so little?
Well that’s the eternal question, isn’t it?
Why does Seattle have to subsidize eastern Washington?
Why do New York and California and Massachusetts and Washington have to subsidize Alabama and Mississippi and Arkansas?
Why are the Republican utopias crime-ridden, domestic-abuse-ridden, teen pregnancy-ridden, poverty-ridden moochers on the socialist teat paid for by the liberals?
Michelle Bachman today asked the Swiss government to withdraw her application for dual citizenship, affirming her patriotism to the U.S. in a published statement. At the same time, however, she glossed over the issue, implying that her application was “automatic” when she married her husband, who was eligible for Swiss citizenship. In reality, she had to apply for it, along with the rest of her family.
Of course, she doesn’t bother to explain why she had the poor judgement to apply for citizenship in a foreign nation while serving in the U.S. House of Representatives. But that seems to be a character issue she shares with other Tea Party favorites – poor judgement, and inability to recognize it as such.
You have to wonder what the GOP is thinking right now. In early 2009 it was staring down the probable death of the party, as it’s popularity post-2008 crash was at a new low. In desperation, it tired to harness the disatisfaction of the Tea Party activists, give them an organization and financing, and direct their attention away from the failings of the Republican Party and instead vent their anger at Pres. Obama and the Democrats. In this, it was somewhat successful – after an initial year or so of confusion.
But what happened next was similar to letting a mad dog loose. Sure, it was somewhat effective in keeping the neighbor’s kids off the lawn. But it turned out to be just as dangerous to the master as it was to everyone else. It was instrumental in helping the GOP win back the House in 2010, but now it’s “primaried out” the holders of safe GOP House and Senate seats, making them open game for Democratic gains.
Or to use another analogy, the German’s use of the “sealed train” to transfer Lenin and his group from exlie back to Russia via Finland. At the time I’m sure it seemed like a good idea at the time – getting Russia out of WWI seemed like a pre-condition for Germany being able to survive WWI. But even though Lenin came through with his end of the bargain – getting Russia out of the war – Germany not only lost WWI, but set up the conflict during WWII by which Germany was defeated and partitioned for a half-century.
Ha, ha, suck it, righties.
Haven’t seen anyone on the righty sites freaking out yet, but this should be good.
Oh, and by the way, as a bully needing a “posse” to confront a kid who he thought didn’t have the right “look”, Romney proved himself to be a fucking coward. For fuck’s sake, is there any other kind of bully? Maybe Bob can point to the time in young Mitt Romney’s life when he grew a fucking spine. Was it when he ran away to the vinyards of France to escape the Vietnam war? C’mon, just when did that bully grow a fucking spine? And who here believes that they have the right “look” and would have escaped the rath of young Mitt Romney?
If you want a coward for president, vote for Mitt Romney.
bob’s gone mysteriously silent.
Interesting news cycle today – looking at websites, and watching the news this morning until about 9, seems dominated with stories of what a major tool Rmoney was and is.
Obama seems to be creaming him already.
Okay, I’ve tried to avoid criticizing the Catholic church. I’m a protestant myself, and there are parts of the way the Catholics practice their faith which I just don’t understand. Most of my pastors held day jobs so they had one foot solidly grounded in the concers most of us face daily. My pastors were married, so if any of us went to our pastor for marital advice we knew they had personal experience with similar problems. The Catholic church? Not so much.
But far be it for me to cast the first stone at an “annointed one”. Sure, the Catholic church has had problems with abuse of children, bus so also has the protestant churches. And the divorce and alcholism rates among protestants is pretty much the same as for society at large.
But when it comes to the way the old men of the Catholic Church treat women within the church, I have to take notice.
First, there were the bishops in Africa who condemned a rapist but forgave him of his crimes, but insisted that the victim who became pregnant as a product of that rape had committed a unforgivable “mortal” sin when she aborted the child.
Then recently, there was the news that it was the U.S. bishops who convinced the Vatican to open a disciplinary action against an organization of U.S. nun, alleging that they haven’t gone far enough in condemning abortion and other political issues. Note that I didn’t say they had opposed church doctrine – they just hadn’t been vocal enough for the bishop’s tastes.
Finally, there was news this morning of a Catholic high school which forefeited a state softball championship rather than allow it’s teams to play with a woman. Their proclamed excuse? “Teaching our boys to treat ladies with deference, we choose not to place them in an athletic competition where proper boundaries can only be respected with difficulty … Our school aims to instill in our boys a profound respect for women and girls.” So, according to this statement, it’s because they care so much about them that they won’t play on the same field as girls!
You have to wonder how a bunch of priests and bishops who never married could have such a deformed relationship toward women, and how they could continue to serve in that capacity.
It’s called the Madonna/whore complex.
As a refugee ex-Catholic (an alterboy, even!) I have no compuction about casting stones at that organization’s blatant, seemingly relentless hypocrisy, misogyny, homophobia, pedophilia, arrogance.
perhaps, unlike most of the May-Day/Occupy derelicts in here, he has a job.
You should try it, Liberal Lab-Tech.
@ 43
Bob has a job.
WaPo story on Romney based on an interview with a guy who didn’t witness what happened? So sez ABC News.
From the category of way to f**king funny ….
Unwed teen mom Bristol Palin lectures President Obama about, like, marriage and stuff
Go read the take down over at the great orange satan, but really?
Bristol Palin giving Obama advice about the importance of a “a mother/father home”?
Let’s hear Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston’s thoughts about fathers. Oh wait, Bristol keeps the father away.
What a douche!
Oh, my. No, I’m going to leave my anonymity intact, but boy are you wrong.
ya, sure…………
@47 “WaPo story on Romney based on an interview with a guy who didn’t witness what happened? So sez ABC News.”
So sez ABC News? Um, Bob, Stu White, a friend of the Romney’s, was the one interviewed by ABC News. Stu White was the best defense that Romney’s brother could fucking dredge up and even he was disturbed by what he had witnessed.
Remember that name for a moment, Bob. Stu White. From the WaPo story, “The incident was recalled similarly by five students, who gave their accounts independently of one another. Four of them — Friedemann, now a dentist; Phillip Maxwell, a lawyer; Thomas Buford, a retired prosecutor; and David Seed, a retired principal — spoke on the record. Another former student who witnessed the incident asked not to be identified.”
Are all 1%ers as fucking stupid as you?
@43 “bob’s gone mysteriously silent.”
He came back just long enough @47 to show us once again what a fucking stooge he is for the cause.
Someone smoking crack said:
So his waitress sandwich made him a champion of the people?
The WA DC joke was
Why do the major cities run by DUMMOCRAPTS everywhere suck on the US teat as crime-ridden, domestic-abuse-ridden, teen pregnancy-ridden, poverty-ridden moocher utopias no matter what state they are in?
I’m sure there’s something in this world that’s more pathetic than people who fuck children whining about Ted Kennedy’s behavior, but at the moment I really can’t think of just what that might be.
@53 Fuck you, puddles, just fuck you. The Republican party is incapable of producing a Senator who isn’t a sociopath.
You’re an insane Christianist evolution-denier, science-denier, nasty Republican with a shriveled heart and a little dick.
I demolished you in that argument. Tell me again, which liberal metropolis is located in Arkansas? Wyoming? Oklahoma? Because that’s where the miseries of teen-pregnancy and domestic violence and broken marriages reign.
Oh, and again, did Jesus ride a dinosaur? How did those emperor penguins get to Noah’s Ark again? What are you going to do when God ™ arrives from Kolob, with his buddy Moroni, in his Clouds O’ Glory ™ and doesn’t like how you pray?
Funny, I see it the opposite, according to republicans:
I think neither should be big factors. It me it’s an insight to romney character when he was growing up. Hopefully he’s out grown this character flaw.
If you republicans demand that romneys past is off limits, I expect you to apply the same rules to your brethren claiming Obama is a kenyen or yammering about Obama’s grades.
I won’t hold my breath.
54. Puddybud, so you see Seattle, a major city run by Democrats as a crime-ridden, domestic-abuse-ridden, teen pregnancy-ridden, poverty-ridden moocher utopia?
Please, please, please move your conservative utopia of Somalia as soon as possible. Go be happy.
I don’t know about cities, but when you look at rural poverty rates, the red states and counties more than hold their own.
Oops, forgot the link.
one word: Detroit.
Bonus word: Jersey.
One a more pleasurable note….
Rush is coming to the Key in November
In Conservo-land cities like Seattle and Portland, that pay more in taxes than they get back are the great satan sucking money from the suburbs. It’s laughable.
The stupid, it burns.
Hey 5% bob puddy,
where’s the republican jobs bills?
people with skills to offer are employed. Lazy losers with nothing to offer arent.
I’m making more now than ever before, and I’m in one of the industries hit hardest by the downturn.
The company I work for , along with all our major competitors are BEGGING to try and hire qualified people.
lazy fuckers with no skills will always find it hard to get a job.
Heh. Didn’t know that fat slob bloviated to his sheep in Arenas. Always knew an ignorant racist like you would worship the ground that blimp walked…err carried like a Pasha over…
Who’s playing second bill? Dori? Naaah – it would be Medved, Dori will always be a third fiddle.
Wait for it now.. Here it comes..
Im talking about the rock band you stupid motherfucker.
YLB just took the cake as the dumbest motherfucker here with post #67.
sorry asshole, but Menudo isnt opening for them.
Post 67…self ownage, YLB style.
and by the way, the power trio from Canada could kick the shit out of any crap ass musak you can bring up….so just be quiet, man-up, and listen to 2112 – maybe then your dumb, basement dwelling, lack of awareness ass will get a clue.
68 – Bingo! Gotcha!
Thanks for playing!
So who comes to The Key after Rush??
Beck??? *guffaw* He’s more 90’s…
still laughing my ass off at #67…..christ-o-mighty..
YLB attempt to cover up…fail..
Heh. My kids have jammed to it on Guitar Hero..
Thanks for playing.
I love it when a plan comes together.
Check the FBI and CDC. Oh wait I gave you those links and you couldn’t process the facts. Notice CA doesn’t publish their abortion stats to the CDC…
Well it is a blue state and they continue to practice donkoinfanticide!
racist as always..
cover up #2…fail.
just take your lumps like a she-man….
own it, beotch.
Heh. Both you guys would pay big time to see “Rush” at the Key…
Shit I bet PuddyDope paid to see “Beck” at the Safe.
BTW to the moron who talks about pedophiles…
No one in that post did Mel Reynolds acts!
No one in that post did Andrew Douglas Reed acts!
Must be he dreams of it since he always brings it here!
78 – Poor dumbass walked right into it.
Whats the matter? now you dont like Menudo?
guess their fan club just went from 5 to 4.
you really are sensitive little girl arent you.
how many pollocks does it take to change a light bulb?
oh wait, we can have those kind of jokes can we?
damn, I hope you dont go to too many comedy shows – your vag would be crying.
The crazed databazed idiot is “tone deaf”
cover up #3……fail.
Ohhh the burn the burn.
Stupid idiot! I love it when Lib the moron loses it! Never said I denied science… just junk science!
You mean you wouldn’t pay to see a triple bill of Medved and Dori with Rush headlining???
Hey ylb all it took was a Google search!
Yep, and I will pay top fucking dollar to be in the front row, rocking out with geddy, alex, and Neil..
you on the other hand, Im sure would pay to go see limbaugh, because your feeble life revolves around politics.
87 – Hey I was just feeling happy for you guys.
“Rush” is coming to the Key.
Only thing that would be better for you PuddyStupid is “Beck” headlining the next night!
1. no
2. lame try
this is too funny…poor ylbasement trying desperately to not look the fool – TOO LATE!
To hear racism, hatred of women, gays and other right wing bullshit from Rush Limbaugh. Why am I not surprised?
But whatever you’d pay, PuddyDope would top to see his beloved “Beck”..
Neil Peart is god by the way.
you are sounding more and more stupid with each post…
some advice: you arent going to recover from this one – best to just drop it.
Hey you said “Rush” was coming to the key.
Given your daily homophobia and racism and ignorance..
That could only mean one thing..
And now the mention of “Menudo”.. priceless…
Nice try racist!
Beck the singer is lame. Two decent songs a long ass time ago…BFD.
But hey, he came up with YLB’s theme song, “Loser”.
Jeff Beck on the other hand, is still a stud. I would pay money to see him do some fretboard gymnastics
Fail #4…or is it #8
I lost track.
Oh my! What do you think of that Puddybud??
Hasn’t “Beck” cried and sung patriotic songs on his dumbass TV and radio shows???
you little girls have fun…
time to throw in Power Windows and drop the fuel tank on the ‘cuda….
damn I love shop time….
You’re a lying sack of shit – those links went nowhere, it’s your M.O. – and everyone knows that. Your a shameless liar, a small small man trembling in fear of a god that doesn’t exist, driven to denial of the most basic facts by a stupifying mythology and a seething, relentless hate.
I pity you.
Junk science? How would you define that?
Cosmology that dates the universe to 14 billion years, not 6016?
Paleontology that dates life on Earth back to 3, maybe even 3.8, billion years ago, not 6016?
Evolutionary biology, and Darwinian natural selection, on which modern biology rests?
Is there science that describes how the Emperor Penguins got from Antarctica to Noah’s Ark, and back again after all the water receded? (BTW, how was there enough water to cover the earth, and where did it go?)
You are a moron. No, worse, an affirmative, aggressive know-nothing Dominionist myth believer hell bent on destroying all that is good in the world.
I bring up how wingnuts like to fuck children and the self-loathing loon starts babbling like a fucking imbecile. Some might say that’s the big tell, but I already figured the loon for a pervert.
I counted them and came up with 237 wingnut pedos who’ve been busted. It’s damned obvious that wingnuts have some serious fucking issues. Too bad that pervs like our loon ran every half-way decent Republican out of the party, Lugar just being the latest, replacing them with ideologue perverts who want to rule America with an iron fascist fist(probably just so they can fuck all the kids they want).
Of course, a loon might dispute my wingnut pedo bust count of 237, so here, he can count the pervs for himself.
Speaking of the Rush/Rush controversy…
Here the band Rush demands that the blimp Rush stop using their music without paying for it. What is up with Republicans – they can’t stop stealing other peoples’ stuff.
Here libertarian/property rights fetishist Rand Paul is caught stealing stuff – again, music from the band Rush is used without paying for it, and the band doesn’t like it.
What is up with Republiccans? Do they have no morals? Why can’t they stop taking other peoples’ stuff? Is that how you get rich? Is that how you get to be an entitled rich asshole? Just thinking that you can take other peoples’ stuff when you feel like it?
Is ‘Republican’ another term for the set of people with mutations in their morality?
Are you counting all the Catholic priests?
If you do, and they seem to be pretty affirmatively Republican, your number is going to be WAAAAAY over 237.
“I pity you.”
I don’t bother with pity. He’s a traitor and should get what a traitor has coming to him and that sure as hell isn’t anybody’s pity.
All pedos, regardless of political leanings, should be immediately executed…period. No do-overs.
@104 Nope, strictly Republican Party officials.
@106 Damned straight.
And from the other thread, thanks for the update on the Barracuda. Keep them coming.
I found this when I Googled “Andrew Douglas Reed” to try to find out what the fuck puddle swas talking about…
Seems apropos.
puddles’ reference above is obscure and old – and that’s telling.
Roger’s post from the past gets at the heart of this – why are Republicans NOW such amoral, murderous, thieving, lying bastards? It’s relentless, and I do think that a certain portion of the population is born with mutations in the higher processing, moral centers of the brain, and those assholes populate the Republican party.
Heh. If “Rush” came to Key Arena to call women who speak up about health issues “sluts” and “prostitutes” for three days straight I’m sure that’d draw every dumbass right winger from miles around..
Including certain tools who troll here. They’d shell out for it big time.
still failing….
You got it…brush up on your wiring skills, I may need help with the wiring harnesses…lol
Heh. Only if you have a desire to see your car burn. But really, I bet I could get it right this time!
I do…burn rubber that is….
Heh. Failing indeed.
You mean to say that the self-loather finally came up with a Democrat perv from the 21st century? Well, OK, so be it. Now the score is 237 to 1. I’m sure the dumbfuck twit will take that and argue equivalency.
OK, I’ve got Mythbusters on…and Jamie and Adam were at the White House chatting with Barack.
How fucking cool is that?
your drunk ass pops must have beat every bit of humor out of you.
Like I said, dont ever go to a comedy show, you will end up crying and having your rather delicate feelings hurt….
not to worry though, the rest of us have our big-boy pants on, and we will continue to run the world…
I’m sure he had his SS detail near.
118 – Heh.. And if LibSci or PL or any guy like that capped on a right winger here with anti-hispanic slurs like you do? Who’d be crying “racist” then?
You’re fucked up in the head like Puddybud. Major fail dude.
I just got one thing to say to that:
have a TWO taco’s and shut the fuck up.
and I could care less what Liberal Lab-Tech says or thinks…
I bet you thought he was hispanic too. Yep you did! You thought wrong.. To you, all hispanics are alcoholic. Another racist stereotype..
Keep digging that hole. Not that you care.
No, not that fool…these guys. They have, like, the coolest job in the world!
Heh.. You said you adopted an african-american girl. What if someone said this to her:
“Hurry up, african-american girl, the watermelon’s getting warm!”
Guess what?? That’s more or less what Frank Sinatra said to Sammi Davis, Jr. back in the rat pack days.
On stage. To make people laugh.
Pretty fucked up “humor”.
Oh Lib the moronic one the FBI and CDC gave up the libtard story.
I proved it.
Mixing Rush the band and Rush the man is
P R E C I O U S!
Then to bring into the mix Jeff Beck is more
P R E C I O U S!
Stupid moron ylb!
Another of Steve’s pedophile friends: Charles Rust-Tierney
Oh wait… one of Steve’s gay Pedophile friends: Carl Stanley McGee
Oh wait… another of Steve’s pedophile friends: David Scondras
BTW I have many more… just ask ylb to search on Steve the HA Pedophile lover and he’ll zero in on many more DUMMOCRAPTS I’ve posted over the years!
It’s just a little more work to find the DUMMOCRAPTS because the slobbering libtard media doesn’t identify DUMMOCRAPTS in the first sentence. They usually leave it out of embarASSment.
The Jeff Beck reference I’m sure was way over YLB’s head….probably never heard of him..
Doesn’t that God ™ of yours cry or something when you lie?
And you don’t even do it very well.
As usual, the links you provided showed nothing. Empty links.
Seriously, don’t you get the slightest twinge from your sense of self-respect when you can’t even engage an argument honestly, and with actual facts? Have some pride in your work.
Maybe you’re in over your head here. Some say you’re actually a nice guy, but perhaps you’re out of your depth.
Did you get this job trolling here through Affirmative Action?
The loon has only 234 more pedos to go before he achieves equivalency. In other words, another epic FAIL by the self-loathing black loon.
I see that Mitt is having a gathering of super-rich supporters at a private island in Florida. No surprise there, Mitt hanging with the 1%. Those are his peeps. But get this. The host of this event is a French manufacturer of emergency contraceptives.
Ouch! Hey, where’s the outrage, trolls? You’re being played for fools and you’re too fucking stupid to know it.
This is a terrifying story about the (obvious) consequences of the Christianists’ assault on teaching young people about how their bodies function.
Some excerpts:
Looking at victims of abstinance-only ‘education’, they found…
Read the whole thing – the nature of right-wing Christianist governance, creating idiot paradises like Oklahoma and Arkansas, is terrifying and tragic.
But there is hope, in the form of the Affordable Care Act:
Just having some fun with miserable right wing fucks who thinks it’s just fine to call a woman a slut and a prostitute for three days straight into the ears of 11 million people or whatever number that is dumb enough listen to that blimp..
Heh.. It’s still stirring some right wing stupid..
And if the dumbshits didn’t notice.. We talk politics around here and call right wing bullshit out daily.. Just a reminder..
zzzzZZZzzz.. I saw JB perform w/ the Jan Hammer Group on the tour the live record captured. Jimmy Page was in the audience…
The show was advertised as a double bill. Hammer did a set of his stuff (he had a record of his own out at the time) and then magically Beck appeared during… What else??
Darkness/Earth in Search of a Sun..
Yawwwwn… I brought your beloved Beck into the mix..
You can run from that, but you can’t hide..
I won’t let you.
I knew I had succeeded as a parent when my then-14 year old asked in all earnestness, with the flush of discovery of something no one else ever knew, “Dad, have you ever heard of Jimmy Page? He ROCKS!”
Good boy.
@136 Perhaps you can take heart in knowing that Mitt is having a fundraiser hosted on a Florida island by a French manufacturer of emergency contraceptives.
Damn. Isn’t that pretty much like having a wingnut fundraiser hosted by Saul Alinsky?
139 – Guitar Hero has great value in that regard.. You really grin ear to ear when your kid puts the hip-hop, numetal, etc. aside to try and keep up with the stuff you grew up with back in the day..
Forgot to ask the asshat – which 60’s movie did Beck and Page both appear in (30 seconds of screen time)? Both of them on the same stage in a club.
This was pre-Zepplin, pre-Jeff Beck Group. Well regarded movie, on many critics top 10 lists. Certainly a favorite of mine anyway.
@139 I first heard Jimmy Page play when Led Zep opened for Vanilla Fudge at Eagles Auditorium. That was probably 1968 or 69. I recall that the show poster read, “Led Zeppelin (Formerly the Yardbirds)”. Jeff Beck I first heard when he was with the Yardbirds. Of all the “Guitar Gods” of yore, Beck is the one who I think is still making some great and very original music these days.
142 – Remember much about that show? I never saw Zeppelin perform except on video… I have some old BBC bootleg somewhere.. I’m really impressed with John Paul Jones and in interviews he said Zeppelin was one of the rare Brit rock bands that could swing – Jones and Bonham really ate up Stax records back when they were coming up.
So if I was ever to listen to Zeppelin again, I’d just concentrate on the early pre-IV stuff and pay special attention to the rhythmn section.
Still got your ASS whipped fool! Rush coming in November HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Damn that was so funny. Still chuckling!
Empty links from the FBI and CDC. Hardly.
They emptied your brain of the trash it contained!
Nope, that’s your stripe. You continue to bring up pedophilia so it must be something you secretly crave so much over the past few years.
BTW I already posted more such as Bernard Ward for example. There are many more here Steve. But don’t worry I won’t make you look bad like you had to apologize before. Just ask the fool of this thread ylb the crazed databazed idiot. He can make sure you don’t have to apologize for being wrong again!
Simply not true. You made no cogent argument, you provided no data to support your rant. You had links, alright, but they went to generic CDC and FBI webpages. They were meaningless in the context of the argument.
Fuck you, pustulous fool.
Sorry – I’m not into that.. Meet the asshat at the next SRW (Stinking Right Wing).. I’m sure he’ll make a great date for you.
You two can hit it off in the back of that Taurus he’s so hung up on.
Psycho laugh.
Here I’ll copy and paste everything a troll has ever posted extolling the virtues of Mitt Romney.
Well, that’s it. Nothing.
Such stupidity from Lib the moron.
One of my links displayed 9, read it 9 (nine) total abortions in Wyoming for a calendar year. And there weren’t a lot in Oklahoma except in the leftist led cities! Same link ya idiot! Ask ylb the crazed data-debazed idiot for help. Go on, ask him. He’s doing nothing else useful!
And the FBI Crime statistics were PDFs. Of course you’ll scream you can’t load PDF files. Typical, so typical!
Do you remember posting Wyoming and Oklahoma as two of your example “states”? Nope cuz you are a real leftist dope Lib the moron!
Never said you were. Another of your useless deflections from the lunacy you displayed for all in this thread.
Bob delivered a thumping to your sick mind!