Zotz sez: Puddybud is just another word for arschlochspews:
Biometrics can turn you gay! Who’d-a-thunk!?
The General is a true prophet.
I am that I am.
liar liar pants on firespews:
Looks like queen christine is caught in another lie on Friday…
why do people in this state constantly vote for liars and crooks like queen christine and jim mcdermott?
proud leftistspews:
This piece is scarcely more delusional than much of what Teabaggers hold as gospel. Cynny would believe this stuff if Glenn Beck said it rather than The General.
Chris Stefanspews:
It’s too bad most of the wingnuts have caught on to the fact that The General is satire.
proud leftistspews:
Someone must have told them he’s satire, as I’m quite sure most of them lack the basic analytical skills to figure that out on their own.
For those DIY’s, for a limited time only Lowe’s is offering a gift card for those who purchased tainted drywall. The class-action settlement would automatically apply to Lowe’s customers throughout the nation, unless they notify the Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia, by Nov. 9 that they want to opt out. Those who do not meet that deadline automatically lose their right to sue Lowe’s. Lowe’s catches flak over Chinese drywall deal http://www.heraldtribune.com/a.....7/BUSINESS
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 The Chinese sold us shitty drywall. They sell us tainted food. Toys with lead paint. Everything coming from China is shit. Why do we buy anything made in China?
liar liar pants on firespews:
for the first time in a long time – I agree with the rabbit.
but rabbit, if we dont buy from them, who is gonna fund our debt load? WE NEED chinese money, because our crooked politicians are addicted to spending every fucking dime we, our children, our grandchildren, and our great grandchildren have….fuckers.
– little boys
– molestation
– deviant homosexual behavior
– cannibalism – fuck YA!
– pedophile
– kidnapping
– sexual assualt
damn, all this guy is missing is a ’75 chevy van…probably the one parked in your garage.
cheers gleeman!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Today’s big news, from my point of view, is that Roger Rabbit can’t piss and has a rubber hose stuck up his dick, and most of what’s coming out is blood. But don’t start celebrating yet, trolls! This is probably treatable by modern veterinary science. All I have to do is wave money at the veterinarian, who is a capitalist. However, I may not posting very much, or at all, on HA in the next few days because of medical appointments and/or I may be in the animal hospital a while for surgery. I’m not going to die, fuckers, no matter how hard you pray for the end of Roger Rabbit! Even if there’s a God, that doesn’t mean God listens to you asswipes. God is far more likely to listen to my animal friends, who are sending their prayers up to the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit, who as you know is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the being you call “God.” It’s obvious the GMRS likes me better than you unpatriotic America-hating traitors because Obama is president and McCain isn’t, and Democrats control Congress and Republicans don’t. Eat shit, rightys!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
God Bless you Rog.
Mrs. C and I will pray for you.
God loves rabbits!
I am that I am.
Zotz sez: Puddybud is just another word for arschlochspews:
Roger, please let Lee or Goldy know it’s OK to contact you so I can come visit and hold your paw. Send them an email. They know how to contact me.
liar liar pants on firespews:
get well mr. rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 “WE NEED chinese money, because our crooked politicians are addicted to spending every fucking dime we, our children, our grandchildren, and our great grandchildren have….fuckers.”
Let’s be specific. It was a Republican president and a Republican Congress who borrowed a trillion dollars from China to give tax breaks to American billionaires.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 “God loves rabbits!”
Of course You do! It’s obvious — you make so many of us.
@13 – Maxipad,
Do you have anything more modern, like the everyday experiences of the Heterosexuals? Going back to 2002 only proves that heterosexual are more murderous, thieving, lying scum bags, the dregs of this world. God hates heterosexuals.
Biometrics can turn you gay! Who’d-a-thunk!?
The General is a true prophet.
I am that I am.
Looks like queen christine is caught in another lie on Friday…
why do people in this state constantly vote for liars and crooks like queen christine and jim mcdermott?
This piece is scarcely more delusional than much of what Teabaggers hold as gospel. Cynny would believe this stuff if Glenn Beck said it rather than The General.
It’s too bad most of the wingnuts have caught on to the fact that The General is satire.
Someone must have told them he’s satire, as I’m quite sure most of them lack the basic analytical skills to figure that out on their own.
Oh yee of little faith
I am that I am.
check out christine and her lie…on camera…
the democrats just make up stories and the lemmings keep voting for them…
at least king 5 had the guts to report it…unlike goldy.
Now we are talking – a heterosexual love fest.
For those DIY’s, for a limited time only Lowe’s is offering a gift card for those who purchased tainted drywall. The class-action settlement would automatically apply to Lowe’s customers throughout the nation, unless they notify the Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia, by Nov. 9 that they want to opt out. Those who do not meet that deadline automatically lose their right to sue Lowe’s. Lowe’s catches flak over Chinese drywall deal http://www.heraldtribune.com/a.....7/BUSINESS
@10 The Chinese sold us shitty drywall. They sell us tainted food. Toys with lead paint. Everything coming from China is shit. Why do we buy anything made in China?
for the first time in a long time – I agree with the rabbit.
but rabbit, if we dont buy from them, who is gonna fund our debt load? WE NEED chinese money, because our crooked politicians are addicted to spending every fucking dime we, our children, our grandchildren, and our great grandchildren have….fuckers.
damn gman, you lisping types sure hit the home run with this guy….http://www.mayhem.net/Crime/bar-jonah.html
– little boys
– molestation
– deviant homosexual behavior
– cannibalism – fuck YA!
– pedophile
– kidnapping
– sexual assualt
damn, all this guy is missing is a ’75 chevy van…probably the one parked in your garage.
cheers gleeman!
Today’s big news, from my point of view, is that Roger Rabbit can’t piss and has a rubber hose stuck up his dick, and most of what’s coming out is blood. But don’t start celebrating yet, trolls! This is probably treatable by modern veterinary science. All I have to do is wave money at the veterinarian, who is a capitalist. However, I may not posting very much, or at all, on HA in the next few days because of medical appointments and/or I may be in the animal hospital a while for surgery. I’m not going to die, fuckers, no matter how hard you pray for the end of Roger Rabbit! Even if there’s a God, that doesn’t mean God listens to you asswipes. God is far more likely to listen to my animal friends, who are sending their prayers up to the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit, who as you know is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the being you call “God.” It’s obvious the GMRS likes me better than you unpatriotic America-hating traitors because Obama is president and McCain isn’t, and Democrats control Congress and Republicans don’t. Eat shit, rightys!
God Bless you Rog.
Mrs. C and I will pray for you.
God loves rabbits!
I am that I am.
Roger, please let Lee or Goldy know it’s OK to contact you so I can come visit and hold your paw. Send them an email. They know how to contact me.
get well mr. rabbit.
@12 “WE NEED chinese money, because our crooked politicians are addicted to spending every fucking dime we, our children, our grandchildren, and our great grandchildren have….fuckers.”
Let’s be specific. It was a Republican president and a Republican Congress who borrowed a trillion dollars from China to give tax breaks to American billionaires.
@16 “God loves rabbits!”
Of course You do! It’s obvious — you make so many of us.
@13 – Maxipad,
Do you have anything more modern, like the everyday experiences of the Heterosexuals? Going back to 2002 only proves that heterosexual are more murderous, thieving, lying scum bags, the dregs of this world. God hates heterosexuals.