Maybe so, but I feel really lucky that we also don’t have the 95% humidity that usually goes with that kind of heat on the East Coast. You’d sweat, but the humidity was so high it wouldn’t evaporate off and cool you.
(I always though that it was handy, though, since it always felt like you could just cut big, huge chunks of it to store so you could heat your house in the following winter.)
“This really is an important religious issue,” says the silver-haired 58-year-old, his wide smile punctuated by crescent-shaped dimples. “…. …I think scripture is very clear that when we have the opportunity to help people, we must do it.”
Not to mention that bit about seed-bearing plants that God declared good and gave to all humanity.
The rabbi and his wife, Stephanie Kahn , 55, are competing to establish the District’s first city-sanctioned medical-marijuana operation. Call it Kosher Kush. ….”
I thought he grew up in an affluent, segregated suburban town outside of Philadelphia.
@ #3
No, that was Jesus.
#4 FTW!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I’m thankful for Prezdint Jive-Ass.
He MUST be trying to get the R’s in control of the House/Senate or both!
Face it, if the Dems maintain control, ObaMao will lose in 2012.
His only chance, like Clinton’s, was for the R’s to somehow appear culpable for his failed Administration. Today, ObaMao has no one to blame but Democrats.
Either ObaMao is doing it on purpose…or he is too stupid to be Prezdint.
This Mosque Jive-talkin’ of his is outrageous and will follow the Dem Candidates.
Even worse for the Dems that originally applauded him for his “courage” is that he subsequently backed way off and changed his position…leaving them holding their units!
@6: May your High All Powerful LORD take you into his bosom and smother you with HIS almighty love.
May his breath ruffle what’s left of your hair and smooth your brow.
May his hands caress you, and bring, uh bring, bring AH you to ONE….nesssssss.
May the afterglow of Eternal Life teach you humility and kindness.
Dust to dust. Ashes to ashes. What the heck.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
7 & 8
ObaMao constantly talks Jive.
I previously posted what that means.
Good luck defending him.
He’s as erratic & crazy as Biden!
Hey you goddamned cracker shouldn’t you be in church or something like a good bigot CHRIST lover?
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Float like moth, sting like bad blotter acid.
You are the sine quo non heroic running dog lackey of the imperialists. Lick that spittle. Lick. Lick. Lick.
Goldy, we get these hot days so infrequently, you’ve got to learn to enjoy them. Today was perfect!
proud leftistspews:
Cynny spews: “Prezdint Jive-Ass”
You are a racist piece of shit, Cynny. You are one of those people who are too senseless to understand they’re senseless. That is the worst type of stupidity. How the hell do you live with yourself? And, please, stop calling yourself a Christian. If you ever met Christ, you would piss on His sandals.
Jesus you’re an asshole Cynical. A twenty-four carat asshole.
95 degrees is much more pleasant without jet bombers strafing the hood and hydros infesting the lake.
Klynical is too dumb to know that he is a racist jerk. He thinks that since one deranged rightwingnut (Puddy) who happens to be black occasionally backs up his racist rantings – that he is not an actual racist.
Wake up racist Klynical, this is about as low as a person can get and no real christian would say this:
I’m thankful for Prezdint Jive-Ass
Yup – once again you show how mindless, shallow, racist and foolish you and the rightwingnuts are.
proud leftistspews:
cnr @ 16
I know it’s best not to respond at all to the vapidity of Cynny. Nonetheless, I just can’t help myself. If there is a hell, he is surely headed there. You just can’t be an asshole your whole life and hope for heavenly reward. Right, Cynny?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is where the Jive-talker is today in the eyes of American Voters. And this doesn’t even include the impact of all the Mosque crazy talk–
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-five percent (45%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19.
Sixty percent (60%) of voters now favor repeal of the recently passed health care law. Fifty percent (50%) say repeal would be good for the economy. Overall, 43% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president’s performance. Fifty-six percent (56%) disapprove.
I see you Atheist Progressive KLOWNS are so beaten down and so out of ideas & justifications for Prezdint Jive-Ass that you now must resort to the race card. Predictable. And humorous.
Since when is Jive a racist term??
Pretty soon you will be telling me I’m a racist if I order my coffee Black or if I send back toast because it is Black.
You KLOWNS are….toast!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
So I guess any term used by Black folks & White folks in describing our Prezdint is now “racist”??
Here is the definition of Jive folks–
jive (jv)
n. Slang Deceptive, nonsensical, or glib talk: “the sexist, locker-room jive of men boasting and bonding”.
To talk nonsense; kid. Slang
To cajole or mislead.
adj. Slang
Misleading; phony.
That fits ObaMao to a ‘T’!!
He is a misleader.
He is phony.
ObaMao talks nonsense.
“Jive Talkin'” was a Bee-Gee’s song.
Are they Black?
Are they racists??
Hook, line & sinker.
All you KLOWNS have left is the race card…and it ain’t making a difference, other than making things WORSE for you.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
ObaMao’s New Theme Song–
It’s just your jive talkin’. You’re telling me lies, yeah.
Jive talkin’, you wear a disguise.
Jive talkin’, so misunderstood, yeah.
Jive talkin’, you’re really no good.
Oh, my child, you’ll never know
Just what you mean to me.
Oh, my child, you got so much;
You’re gonna take away my energy.
With all your jive talkin’, you’re telling me lies, yeah.
Good lovin’ still gets in my eyes.
Nobody believes what you say.
It’s just your jive talkin’ that gets in the way.
Oh, my love, you’re so good at treating me so cruel.
There you go with your fancy lies,
Leavin’ me lookin’ like a dumbstruck fool.
With all your jive talkin’, you’re telling me lies, yeah.
Jive talkin’, you wear a disguise.
Jive talkin’, so misunderstood, yeah.
Jive talkin’, you just ain’t no good.
You know now, love talkin’ is all very fine, yeah.
Jive talkin’ just isn’t a crime.
And if there’s somebody you’ll love till you die,
Then all that jive talkin’ just gets in your eye.
Jive talkin’, you’re telling me lies, yeah.
Good lovin’ still gets in my eyes.
Nobody believes what you say.
It’s just your jive talkin’ that gets in the way.
You know now, love talkin’ is all very fine, yeah.
Jive talkin’ just isn’t a crime.
And if there’s somebody you’ll love till you die,
Then all that jive talkin’ just gets in your eye.
Or look at the Urban Dictionary for the definition of Jive…sounds universal to everyone but Marxist Pinheads who desperately want to keep Black Americans on the plantation so they don’t have to compete with them in the Free Market.
You KLOWNS are real fools.
You and ObaMao should be singin’ this one together about yourselves!–
Pants on the ground
Pants on the ground
Lookin’ like a fool with your pants on the ground
With the gold in your mouth
Hat turned sideways
Pants hit the ground
Call yourself a cool cat
Lookin’ like a fool
Walkin’ downtown with your pants on the ground
Get it up, hey!
Get your pants off the ground
Lookin’ like a fool
Walkin’ talkin’ with your pants on the ground.
Get it up, hey!
Get your pants off the ground
Lookin’ like a fool with your pants on the ground
There’s absolutely nothing racist about the Psycho-KLOWN.
5. Mr. Cynical spews:
Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off
when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to
the top of his head.
In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start
working for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.
The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an
examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to
Barack, and told him to drink it all.
Barack drank the concoction and replied, ‘That tasted like bullshit!’
The doctor replied, ‘It was, you were a quart low.’
07/08/2009 at 9:11 pm
Oh, wait…, er, my bad. The KLOWN is a racist.
Why complain about the nice weather and the heat Goldy? Just enjoy it and quit whining. I know you are sensitive about exposing your tenderhands, thin girly-arms and man-tits in public, but try to grin and bear it. I guess that’s what comes with avoiding working and labor your whole life and all, but let me suggest a gym….good luck!
I’ll just call him “jesus’asshole, mr. cynical” from here on you. Got a nice ring to it.
Does he live in Idaho? Near the Arayan Nations motherfuckers. I still hear rumors his goat population has dideased sphincters…must be from “jesus’asshole, mr. cynical”‘s toxic spunk. Maybe he’s a dental floss tycoon in Montana…one of Lary Craig’s little pallys.
He’s probably think it’s GREAT to be considered ANY part of the jesus. What a fuckwad.
…no editing, so the typo’s are public record. Oh well…
Zotz sez: Puddybud is just another word for arschlochspews:
@24, Rujax:
Maybe he’s a dental floss tycoon in Montana
According to Frank, that would be a “mental toss flycoon”. Please make a note of it. (;-))
Mr. Cynicalspews:
steve calls Puddy an “Oreo” and “Uncle Tom” and now he is the “racism cop”.
Very humorous.
Typical of the far-left whackjobs.
I was curious to see how far you Atheist Progressives would carry the racism card.
It shows your desperation to deflect from ObaMao Policy issues and ObaMao statements.
Whenever ObaMao is attacked justifiably, scream RACIST at the top of your lungs.
The problem is ObaMao has done zero for the average Black other than making it harder to get a job and to become more dependent on his ObaMao FreeShit petty handouts.
Marco Rubio nailed it.
Minorities want OPPORTUNITIES to make a better life for their families..not handouts from Socialist pricks. They want to work & are willing to work for the American Dream but they see the Private Sector crushed.
Now everyone wants a Guv’mint job.
Simply unsustainable.
Poor? Scratch that. No pity at all for such a prick.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Let’s see–
1) You’ve been unemployed for 5 years.
2) Have ZERO prospects.
3) Spend all-day on
4) Your Atheist Progressive Movement is on life support
5) You have no life.
6) You are overweight
7) You have chronic crotch rot.
Sucks to be you!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
This ought to make you feel better- Monday, August 16, 2010
With midterm elections less than three months away, nearly two-out-of-three U.S. voters (65%) remain at least somewhat angry at the current policies of the federal government, including 40% who are Very Angry.
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters nationwide finds that just 30% are not angry at the government, with 13% who are Not At All Angry
You KLOWNS need to take some Jive lessons from the master…Prezdint Jive-Ass!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Puddy–
Methinks ought to change it’s name to JIVE-TALKIN’.org!
That’s all we get from these fools.
Now they are so tied up in knots, they are pretending to be offended by the word JIVE to describe ObaMao!.
Am I wrong on this Puddy?
Is it racist to call a Jive-talker, a Jive-talker if I am white and he is half-Black/half-White??
It’s really getting hard to keep up with the ObaMao Rules of Political Correctness.
“Now they are so tied up in knots, they are pretending to be offended by the word JIVE to describe ObaMao!.”
I could give a shit what Puddy thinks and I doubt anybody else does either. You go too far. When a piece of shit KLOWN tells racist jokes, shits on Shirley Sherrod and the NAACP, and then starts blathering on and on about “Prezdint Jive-Ass!”, we get the fucking picture.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I did not “shit” on Shirley Sherrod.
I shit on “ObaMao” for firing her without all the facts.
The NAACP does a good enough job of shitting on itself…needs no help from me.
So Steve calls Puddy an Oreo and an Uncle Tom..but that’s ok because you are for handouts rather than a helping hand?
Priceless steve you phony SOB.
Go back to drinking Martini’s at the Kountry Klub & Yacht Klub.
BTW–How is that Tollycraft runnin’ steve-o?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is another Democrat Incumbent floundering.
Wait until the impact of the ObaMao Mosque loving comments influence the polls-
Monday, August 16, 2010
Republican challenger Rick Berg remains slightly ahead of incumbent Democratic Congressman Earl Pomeroy in the race for North Dakota’s only U.S. House seat. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely North Dakota voters shows Berg with 53% support, his best showing in the contest to date, while Pomeroy picks up 44% of the vote. One percent (1%) favor some other candidate in the race, and three percent (3%) are undecided. Berg, a businessman and state legislator, has remained consistently ahead throughout 2010. His support has ranged from a low of 46% to a high of 53%. For Pomeroy, support has stayed between 40% and 46%
Yaaawwwwn… I pay no attention to the blatherings of a partisan pollster…
The Dems may lose the House in November. Some of the Dems are practically Republicans anyway. Why not swap them out with the real thing?
In 2008 people voted for the real Dem party. They didn’t get it.
The Senate will likely stay D and we have the veto pen in the White House to keep things on an even keel.
Let the R’s try to cut Social Security, Medicare and gut the recent care Health legislation. Let them vote to give more to Wall Street. Let them vote to make the rich richer through more tax cuts.
If they try that, then the re-election of Barack Obama is a sure thing.
@35 Let them vote to give more to Wall Street.
uuhhh…it was obama and the democrats in congress that gave the money to wall street…..sheesh..
and Im thinking that Barry and Boys will not be back for a second engagement as president in ’12
36. huh? spews:
@35 Let them vote to give more to Wall Street.
uuhhh…it was obama and the democrats in congress that gave the money to wall street…..sheesh..
Stupid fucking ignorant troll. Bush was president.
The Troubled Asset Relief Program, commonly referred to as TARP or RCP, is a program of the United States government to purchase assets and equity from financial institutions to strengthen its financial sector which was signed into law by U.S. President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008. It is the largest component of the government’s measures in 2008 to address the subprime mortgage crisis.
@33 You’re a ignorant fucking racist. And if you don’t like hearing that from me, then you’re more than welcome to try doing something about it, you dumbfuck KLOWN.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
38. Steve spews:
@33 You’re a ignorant fucking racist. And if you don’t like hearing that from me, then you’re more than welcome to try doing something about it, you dumbfuck KLOWN.
Like most alcoholics who hit rock-bottom, it isn’t pretty.
But good days ahead for you.
From now on, start your sentences with..
Hi, I’m Steve and I’m an alcoholic!
liar liar pants on firespews:
and who gave MORE $$$ post Bush to wall street?
’29. Mr. Cynical spews:
Let’s see–
1) You’ve been unemployed for 5 years.
2) Have ZERO prospects.
3) Spend all-day on
4) Your Atheist Progressive Movement is on life support
5) You have no life.
6) You are overweight
7) You have chronic crotch rot.
Sucks to be you!’
LMFAO! Thanks for a hearty morning laugh Mr. C., love it! :)
I’d add also: 8.) Lives off his wife 9.) Will certainly not ever receive father of the year award.
Maybe so, but I feel really lucky that we also don’t have the 95% humidity that usually goes with that kind of heat on the East Coast. You’d sweat, but the humidity was so high it wouldn’t evaporate off and cool you.
(I always though that it was handy, though, since it always felt like you could just cut big, huge chunks of it to store so you could heat your house in the following winter.)
The Trolls and SeattleJew will like this one:
The Rabbi of Pot
“This really is an important religious issue,” says the silver-haired 58-year-old, his wide smile punctuated by crescent-shaped dimples. “…. …I think scripture is very clear that when we have the opportunity to help people, we must do it.”
Not to mention that bit about seed-bearing plants that God declared good and gave to all humanity.
The rabbi and his wife, Stephanie Kahn , 55, are competing to establish the District’s first city-sanctioned medical-marijuana operation. Call it Kosher Kush. ….”
Maybe I will join a synagogue!
winner, LEGO Award
I thought he grew up in an affluent, segregated suburban town outside of Philadelphia.
@ #3
No, that was Jesus.
#4 FTW!
I’m thankful for Prezdint Jive-Ass.
He MUST be trying to get the R’s in control of the House/Senate or both!
Face it, if the Dems maintain control, ObaMao will lose in 2012.
His only chance, like Clinton’s, was for the R’s to somehow appear culpable for his failed Administration. Today, ObaMao has no one to blame but Democrats.
Either ObaMao is doing it on purpose…or he is too stupid to be Prezdint.
This Mosque Jive-talkin’ of his is outrageous and will follow the Dem Candidates.
Even worse for the Dems that originally applauded him for his “courage” is that he subsequently backed way off and changed his position…leaving them holding their units!
Prezdint Jive-Ass.
Heh. ODS.. What a loon..
@6: May your High All Powerful LORD take you into his bosom and smother you with HIS almighty love.
May his breath ruffle what’s left of your hair and smooth your brow.
May his hands caress you, and bring, uh bring, bring AH you to ONE….nesssssss.
May the afterglow of Eternal Life teach you humility and kindness.
Dust to dust. Ashes to ashes. What the heck.
7 & 8
ObaMao constantly talks Jive.
I previously posted what that means.
Good luck defending him.
He’s as erratic & crazy as Biden!
Hey you goddamned cracker shouldn’t you be in church or something like a good bigot CHRIST lover?
Float like moth, sting like bad blotter acid.
You are the sine quo non heroic running dog lackey of the imperialists. Lick that spittle. Lick. Lick. Lick.
Goldy, we get these hot days so infrequently, you’ve got to learn to enjoy them. Today was perfect!
Cynny spews: “Prezdint Jive-Ass”
You are a racist piece of shit, Cynny. You are one of those people who are too senseless to understand they’re senseless. That is the worst type of stupidity. How the hell do you live with yourself? And, please, stop calling yourself a Christian. If you ever met Christ, you would piss on His sandals.
Jesus you’re an asshole Cynical. A twenty-four carat asshole.
95 degrees is much more pleasant without jet bombers strafing the hood and hydros infesting the lake.
Klynical is too dumb to know that he is a racist jerk. He thinks that since one deranged rightwingnut (Puddy) who happens to be black occasionally backs up his racist rantings – that he is not an actual racist.
Wake up racist Klynical, this is about as low as a person can get and no real christian would say this:
Yup – once again you show how mindless, shallow, racist and foolish you and the rightwingnuts are.
cnr @ 16
I know it’s best not to respond at all to the vapidity of Cynny. Nonetheless, I just can’t help myself. If there is a hell, he is surely headed there. You just can’t be an asshole your whole life and hope for heavenly reward. Right, Cynny?
Here is where the Jive-talker is today in the eyes of American Voters. And this doesn’t even include the impact of all the Mosque crazy talk–
Monday, August 16, 2010
I see you Atheist Progressive KLOWNS are so beaten down and so out of ideas & justifications for Prezdint Jive-Ass that you now must resort to the race card. Predictable. And humorous.
Since when is Jive a racist term??
Pretty soon you will be telling me I’m a racist if I order my coffee Black or if I send back toast because it is Black.
You KLOWNS are….toast!
So I guess any term used by Black folks & White folks in describing our Prezdint is now “racist”??
Here is the definition of Jive folks–
jive (jv)
That fits ObaMao to a ‘T’!!
He is a misleader.
He is phony.
ObaMao talks nonsense.
“Jive Talkin'” was a Bee-Gee’s song.
Are they Black?
Are they racists??
Hook, line & sinker.
All you KLOWNS have left is the race card…and it ain’t making a difference, other than making things WORSE for you.
ObaMao’s New Theme Song–
Your heads are ready to explode because the word “Jive” nails it!!
How about the Jive Record label?
I guess they are racists too, huh?
Or look at the Urban Dictionary for the definition of Jive…sounds universal to everyone but Marxist Pinheads who desperately want to keep Black Americans on the plantation so they don’t have to compete with them in the Free Market.
You KLOWNS are real fools.
You and ObaMao should be singin’ this one together about yourselves!–
There’s absolutely nothing racist about the Psycho-KLOWN.
Oh, wait…, er, my bad. The KLOWN is a racist.
Why complain about the nice weather and the heat Goldy? Just enjoy it and quit whining. I know you are sensitive about exposing your tenderhands, thin girly-arms and man-tits in public, but try to grin and bear it. I guess that’s what comes with avoiding working and labor your whole life and all, but let me suggest a gym….good luck!
I’ll just call him “jesus’asshole, mr. cynical” from here on you. Got a nice ring to it.
Does he live in Idaho? Near the Arayan Nations motherfuckers. I still hear rumors his goat population has dideased sphincters…must be from “jesus’asshole, mr. cynical”‘s toxic spunk. Maybe he’s a dental floss tycoon in Montana…one of Lary Craig’s little pallys.
He’s probably think it’s GREAT to be considered ANY part of the jesus. What a fuckwad.
…no editing, so the typo’s are public record. Oh well…
@24, Rujax:
According to Frank, that would be a “mental toss flycoon”. Please make a note of it. (;-))
steve calls Puddy an “Oreo” and “Uncle Tom” and now he is the “racism cop”.
Very humorous.
Typical of the far-left whackjobs.
I was curious to see how far you Atheist Progressives would carry the racism card.
It shows your desperation to deflect from ObaMao Policy issues and ObaMao statements.
Whenever ObaMao is attacked justifiably, scream RACIST at the top of your lungs.
The problem is ObaMao has done zero for the average Black other than making it harder to get a job and to become more dependent on his ObaMao FreeShit petty handouts.
Marco Rubio nailed it.
Minorities want OPPORTUNITIES to make a better life for their families..not handouts from Socialist pricks. They want to work & are willing to work for the American Dream but they see the Private Sector crushed.
Now everyone wants a Guv’mint job.
Simply unsustainable.
The poor KLOWN is deep in the throes of ODS.
Poor? Scratch that. No pity at all for such a prick.
Let’s see–
1) You’ve been unemployed for 5 years.
2) Have ZERO prospects.
3) Spend all-day on
4) Your Atheist Progressive Movement is on life support
5) You have no life.
6) You are overweight
7) You have chronic crotch rot.
Sucks to be you!
This ought to make you feel better-
Monday, August 16, 2010
You KLOWNS need to take some Jive lessons from the master…Prezdint Jive-Ass!
Hey Puddy–
Methinks ought to change it’s name to JIVE-TALKIN’.org!
That’s all we get from these fools.
Now they are so tied up in knots, they are pretending to be offended by the word JIVE to describe ObaMao!.
Am I wrong on this Puddy?
Is it racist to call a Jive-talker, a Jive-talker if I am white and he is half-Black/half-White??
It’s really getting hard to keep up with the ObaMao Rules of Political Correctness.
“Now they are so tied up in knots, they are pretending to be offended by the word JIVE to describe ObaMao!.”
I could give a shit what Puddy thinks and I doubt anybody else does either. You go too far. When a piece of shit KLOWN tells racist jokes, shits on Shirley Sherrod and the NAACP, and then starts blathering on and on about “Prezdint Jive-Ass!”, we get the fucking picture.
I did not “shit” on Shirley Sherrod.
I shit on “ObaMao” for firing her without all the facts.
The NAACP does a good enough job of shitting on itself…needs no help from me.
So Steve calls Puddy an Oreo and an Uncle Tom..but that’s ok because you are for handouts rather than a helping hand?
Priceless steve you phony SOB.
Go back to drinking Martini’s at the Kountry Klub & Yacht Klub.
BTW–How is that Tollycraft runnin’ steve-o?
Here is another Democrat Incumbent floundering.
Wait until the impact of the ObaMao Mosque loving comments influence the polls-
Monday, August 16, 2010
Yaaawwwwn… I pay no attention to the blatherings of a partisan pollster…
The Dems may lose the House in November. Some of the Dems are practically Republicans anyway. Why not swap them out with the real thing?
In 2008 people voted for the real Dem party. They didn’t get it.
The Senate will likely stay D and we have the veto pen in the White House to keep things on an even keel.
Let the R’s try to cut Social Security, Medicare and gut the recent care Health legislation. Let them vote to give more to Wall Street. Let them vote to make the rich richer through more tax cuts.
If they try that, then the re-election of Barack Obama is a sure thing.
@35 Let them vote to give more to Wall Street.
uuhhh…it was obama and the democrats in congress that gave the money to wall street…..sheesh..
and Im thinking that Barry and Boys will not be back for a second engagement as president in ’12
Stupid fucking ignorant troll. Bush was president.
The Troubled Asset Relief Program, commonly referred to as TARP or RCP, is a program of the United States government to purchase assets and equity from financial institutions to strengthen its financial sector which was signed into law by U.S. President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008. It is the largest component of the government’s measures in 2008 to address the subprime mortgage crisis.
@33 You’re a ignorant fucking racist. And if you don’t like hearing that from me, then you’re more than welcome to try doing something about it, you dumbfuck KLOWN.
38. Steve spews:
Like most alcoholics who hit rock-bottom, it isn’t pretty.
But good days ahead for you.
From now on, start your sentences with..
Hi, I’m Steve and I’m an alcoholic!
and who gave MORE $$$ post Bush to wall street?
’29. Mr. Cynical spews:
Let’s see–
1) You’ve been unemployed for 5 years.
2) Have ZERO prospects.
3) Spend all-day on
4) Your Atheist Progressive Movement is on life support
5) You have no life.
6) You are overweight
7) You have chronic crotch rot.
Sucks to be you!’
LMFAO! Thanks for a hearty morning laugh Mr. C., love it! :)
I’d add also: 8.) Lives off his wife 9.) Will certainly not ever receive father of the year award.