– Congrats to the UK for keeping horrible people in office. At least they won’t have to form a coalition with even more horrible people.
– Sound Transit will miss Joni Earl when she retires.
– Murray Releases Revised $930 Million Transportation Levy Proposal
– I liked reading about the end of the gray wolf in Thurston County, but what I’m most amazed by is an old newspaper using “xpedition.” Did nobody catch that, or was it proper?
Yeah, that BNSF oil train that derailed is owned by the wascally
RepublicanDUMMOCRETIN loving Warren Buffett!http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2564186
There is a war on free speech no matter how bad it is and DUMMOCRETINS agree with the jihadists!
Congratulations to the newest future member of some MSNBC roundtable panel.
Every now and then Piddles has a point. Free speech is absolute right?
Unless you want to go to the opera
Or an Art Gallery
Or see a play
In all cases, yeah, people have the right to act, display, sing whatever they want and others are free to attend while still others are free to protest.
Larry Wilmore had a good point“Even if Pamela Geller’s argument about free speach is valid, she can still be a dick.
I see wingnuts are big into freedom of speech this week, unless they don’t like what they hear, then it’s time to threaten to rape and kill.
“Put on your raping shoes and find this bitch'”
“Fucking cunt. How dare you disgrace his name like that. He gave his life so you can have yours. Fucking bitch. Don’t worry I know where you live thanks to your ip address. And don’t worry I’m a Marine, so u won’t see me coming. I’m going to cause you pain beyond your imagination.”
I foresee a Gofundme campaign in somebody’s future.
“The owner of a Colorado barbecue restaurant is beginning to feel the heat over plans for a “White Appreciation Day,” where only white customers will receive a 10 percent discount on their orders.”
Rubbin’ Butts. S’pose the Chirstian “We love whites and hates the gays” wing of the free speech warriors are OK with this thinly veiled reference to promiscutiy and will pile their money into helping them out?
@ 6
Discounts should be for everybody. Ladies’ Night is unconstitutional.
Unrelated, but I note that Amazon Local
has 50% off offers at Willie’s Taste of Soul and at Jones Barbeque right now.
Of course he did. He’s a Republican. It’s what they do. The only surprise here is that this story doesn’t involve a farm animal, at least not yet. That’s probably what the “other charges” are about.
“A conservative lawmaker in Vermont was arrested for sexual assault, human trafficking, and other charges”
…thinly veiled reference to promiscutiy (sic)…
WTF, dude.
@ 9
Actually, the story may, in fact involve a farm animal. Or perhaps more than one.
McAllister made his money in dairy farming.
McAllister also was named Vermont Farm Bureau young farmer of the year in 1981 and Franklin County JC’s young farmer of the year in 1982.
If you want to make the oil bomb trains go away, require them to carry a billion dollars of insurance. Right now they basically don’t have any.
And Hooters is TOTALLY just about owls.
@ 12
Yeah, ’cause Warren Buffett can’t afford that. And it’s not like Berkshire Hathaway owns any insurance companies.
@1 Yep, the same guy who owns Clayton Homes, the predatory mobile-home seller/lender. When you get right down to it, a billionaire behaves like a billionaire, no matter who he votes for. And they all buy the politicians of both parties so they can do this kind of shit to the masses without gummint interference.
@2 No problem, just hire Blackwater bodyguards and ACLU lawyers, and they can rant against the Prophet to their heart’s content.
When you get right down to it, a billionaire behaves like a billionaire, no matter who he
votes forhires.Fixed that for you.
So, it turns out that the Conservative’s latest supercop hero was a psychotic power-tripping thug who should never have been on the force at all. He’d already had his weapons taken from him a couple years previous to the Gray murder for his wife beating and psycho attitude towards her new beau.
Color me surprised.
@ 18
Problems on both sides of the case:
Another issue could arise from the team Mosby relied on to lead her case: one of her top investigators, Avon Mackel, is a former high-ranking Baltimore police officer who was stripped of his command post in 2009 for failing to follow through on a robbery investigation that two of his officers mishandled and did not report. A Baltimore Sun report said police in the district were accused of classifying serious crimes as lesser in order to log lower crime rates.
In October 2009, four months after his demotion, Baltimore County police sent a SWAT team to Mackel’s home, responding a drunken incident in which he was seen holding a gun, according to a police report of the incident obtained by CNN.
Officers said an intoxicated Mackel refused to cooperate and was visibly upset, according to the report provided in response to a public records request. An officer then “observed the barrel of Mackel’s handgun hanging over the edge of the molding at the top of the steps and saw Mackel pull the gun out of sight,” the report said.
Police used a Taser on Mackel while he was on the phone with his father “crying and yelling,” before he barricaded himself in his bedroom. The report doesn’t say how the incident ended, but police said there was no arrest. A spokesman for the Baltimore County Police Department said “the [SWAT] tactical unit did assist with this incident, which ended peacefully.”
When you get right down to it, a billionaire behaves like a billionaire – Only said when the billionaire votes DUMMOCRETIN.
If the person is conservative, then special words come from the early onset senile one!
Puffy. I’d seriously like to know how you feel about this.
BBQ Joint Offers White People A Discount, To Fight Racism
The UK’s horrible people are so far from being as bad as the US’s horrible people, you can’t put them in the same class. Cameron and crew actually believe that government and benefits are good.
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla,
You are asking the wrong person. The person is hispanic, so ask someone whom is hispanic here! you, teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla, know whom to contact. Grow some marbuls!
This is why HA DUMMOCRETINS hate people like Dr. Ben Carson… He tells the truth and the whuny class hates it. What he said on The View which exploded Whoopi’s head…
“When you rob someone of their incentive to go out there and improve themselves, you are not doing them any favors. When you take someone and pat someone on their head and say there there, you poor little thing… I am going to give you food stamps… let me give you housing subsidy… let me give you free health care… and because you cannot do that and those people over there that are causing half of your problems.” “So what would be much more empowering, would be to use our intellect and our resources to give those people a way up and out.”
Booker T. Washington called Whoopi out long ago… “There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”
BTW Ben Carson’s mother took food stamps to feed the three of them but DID NOT take welfare payments; no matter what libtard left wrong DUMMOCRETINS claim like the:
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars
and wonkette.
Then he said this last week when Ben announced… “”They say ‘Carson wants to get rid of all the safety nets and welfare programs,’ … This is a blatant lie. I have no desire to get rid of safety nets for people who need them. I have a strong desire to get rid of programs that create dependency for able-bodied people.
I’m not an anti-government person by any stretch of the imagination… but now we’ve gone far beyond what our Constitution describes… based on what the political class wants. I think it’s time for the people to rise up and take the government back.”
What say you about that teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
@23 you have all the marbles in your head, I can’t grow any.
@24 go have a fucking banana. That’s what I think.
Here’s what happens when little low-life Scotty Walker gives free stuff to corporations to “create jobs”.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is what low-life DUMMOCRETINS forget when Scott Walker tried to help out the left wrong peeps! Way back in 2014… Oh yeah Three Time Winning Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker in a DUMMOCRETIN union state!
“This is the height of hypocrisy coming from Mary Burke,” said Alleigh Marre, a spokesperson for the Walker campaign. “Trek Bicycle, the company that Mary Burke shamelessly makes millions of dollars off of, received $875,000 in taxpayer money from the State of Wisconsin and has outsourced hundreds of jobs overseas.”
Thanks for the information yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch! Mary Burke still is DUMMOCRETIN scum!
Always validate yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch posts!
Obummer’s sadministration lied noooooooooooooooooooo… http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfro.....id/643507/
– misleading him about more than 100,000 amnesty applications
– reported 55 applications as being approved after the judge’s injunction, actually 72 had been approved.
– 2,000 applications for three-year work programs were issued after Hanen ordered the injunction.
To a DUMMOCRETIN, the ends always justifies the means even if you disobey a federal court order…
Ahhhhhhhhh the lies of Eric Holder are coming to fruition! Sunlight always exposes the cockroaches and the cockroach hotel Holder’s just us department was!
Puddy glad Harry Reid didn’t approve Loretta Lynch back last November when he still controlled the senate. HA DUMMOCRETINS blamed Republicans while Puddy knew the truth! FACTS! Imagine that! We are now seeing just how much Eric Holder lied and lied and lied and HA DUMMOCRETINS approved those lies A-OK!
The richest (and most feckless and failed) of klownservatics in the U.S. House of Klownservatics says the poor in the U.S. are the “envy of the world.”…
Little wonder the jerk accomplished NOTHING in its teahad against TWO TERM President Obama’s administration.
Oh btw, my gravatar is a picture of the feckless, failed fool “shutting up his political enemy”..
I see Puddy is still crazy and full of hate for anything good or decent.
“So what would be much more empowering, would be to use our intellect and our resources to give those people a way up and out.”
So says the black man whose family somehow found “a way up and out” through public assistance which included both welfare and food stamps. Ben once even credited the glasses he got from the government with getting him get through school.
“By the time I reached ninth grade, mother had made such strides that she received nothing but food stamps. She couldn’t have provided for us and kept up the house without that subsidy.”
We see it here every day with Puddy, so we should be used to it by now, but it’s still very sad to see a black man sell out and advocate destroying the very public assistance programs which helped him make it in life, to “find a way up and out”.
I see Stupid Solution Steve is still crazy, moronic, idiotic and full of hate of Congress for not understanding the separation of powers as stated in the US Constitution.
Didn’t Puddy call it on wonkette use? And who posts wonkette? Stupid Solution Steve. Pavlov knows his subjects before they know themselves!
“We see it here every day with Puddy, so we should be used to it by now, but it’s still very sad to see a black man sell out and advocate destroying the very public assistance programs which helped him make it in life, to “find a way up and out”.”
Stupid Solution Steve, where does Dr Ben claim his mother took welfare checks? You can’t find it! Sooooooooooooo, left wrong leftards make lying specious claims about the Carson family because they can’t fathom how someone could do it otherwise.
Where does Dr Ben call for the total removal or “destruction” of these programs? Please deliver Dr Ben’s words not wonkette’s assumptions! Go own Puddy has marbuls! Big marbuls!
No where Stupid Solution Steve! Do you know why does it sux to be Stupid Solution Steve? Because Puddy knows you know better, butt you must play the left wrong libtard game to keep your bona fides here. The others whom suck as the vomit producer are just innately stoooooopid from jump street.
Whom does Puddy trust? Not you or wonkette.
Ain’t it great to see that great libtard hero Elizabeth Fauxcohantas Warrren in the 1%ers she loves to rail about? http://money.cnn.com/2015/01/0.....tml?iid=EL
DUMMOCRETINS always rail against themselves to make themselves out what they are not! DUMMOCRETINS are not for the little people! They know they are LIVs and step on the little people!