Good morning to everyone but Pierce County Executive Bruce Dammeier. Seriously, it’s a couple months. Just let the grocery workers have hazard pay for a while. It’ll be over and you won’t have been the asshole. If you wanted a broader plan, you could have negotiated it. Gah.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now, and get vaccinated if you’re eligible.
The people of Pierce County are tired of being treated like second and third class citizens. Inslee is,just a step and fetch it boy for Seattle and King County.
But look on the bright side – Hillary will never be president, and Liz Warren won’t either.
Look on the bright side – even under the deeply corrupt and virulently racist leadership of William Barr, and at the very moment that an emotionally disturbed violent teen was roaming the streets of Kenosha looking for “thugs” to off, the DOJ Civil Rights Division was able to launch and pursue and criminal investigation into murder-bot police in Minneapolis.
Even with the worst possible people in charge at the White House the forces of progressive modernity still prevailed.
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
Ordinance granting hazard pay to grocery workers drafted, proposed, sponsored, and passed by… (checks notes)… representatives from Pierce County, elected by Pierce County, acting within Pierce County on behalf of Pierce County.
So naturally deeply ignorant, arm-fishing, “conservative” Trailerdyte blames JAY INSLEEEEEE!!!!!! AAAARRGH!!!!
(One presumes Patty Murray was somehow unavailable)
Now who says we need new trolls?
Virus spread still decreasing here in NYC, down to .73.
Yesterday 19835 tested in NYC (Manhattan only) and only 119 positive cases, that’s .60 positive rating. A month ago there was the equivalent of 360-400 for that many tested. Other surrounding Burroughs and counties are higher, Staten Island, where all the FuckHumpster are is double the positive rating, 1.26, study that Bob.
The interesting thing will be what’s been bubbling around since last fall after the news about the various Trump campaign superspreader events began to leak out.
Liability. Example. One of a great many.
A very stupid caterer in Minnesota agreed to stealth violate state and local orders to cater a fundraiser at a wealthy CEO asswipe Trump campaign donor. There were a bunch of these events thrown together fairly last minute in desperation late in the summer after the campaign ran out of money. To keep them going (before they had invented The Big Lie) they needed some reliable cash flow. So they arm twisted dozens of rich assholes in target states and locations to host superspreader events.
Anyway it turns out the event producer lied extensively about “precautions” and more than 20 of the caterer staff became ill. A few were hospitalized. One died. The wife of the CEO host was actively infectious on the night of the fundraiser and was personally overseeing the food and beverage service. And she knew she was test positive at the time. Staff were forbidden to mask.
Family of the deceased has retained counsel. A few of the employees who were sickened are jumping in. The caterer is filing bankruptcy and has lost his insurance. Etc.
With a huge percentage of Trump voting assholes still refusing to vaccinate or even mask, and very often lying about it when they become ill or test positive, it raises some significant liability issues. Companies and employers are going to have to look very closely at local uptake and local infection rates. In areas and locations where Trumpalo Germ Volcanos are highly concentrated the risk to employees may be simply too much.
@1 Look on the even brighter side: Dammeier will never, ever be governor. Because Seattle liberals run this state, and if you don’t like it, you can always move to Idaho.
@3 I wouldn’t say we need new trolls, but I’ve been saying for years we need better trolls. All we get here is trailer trash.
Be sure and get vaccinated before you go.
But no need to tell anyone, right?
@5, 8 Gov. DeSantis just issued an executive order prohibiting businesses in Florida from asking patrons if they’ve been vaccinated.
CDC has mandated that 98% of crew and 95% of passengers must be vaccinated to operate cruise ships in U.S. waters.
Norwegian Cruise Lines just announced it’s suspending all sailings to and from Florida until further notice.
Bamboo ballots.
(Don’t question what follows; just take it as true on faith.)
China has no trees.
Therefore, China makes paper from bamboo.
The GOP’s proprietary bamboo detectors have determined 40,000 Maricopa County ballots are printed on bamboo paper.
Therefore, these ballots were smuggled from China into ballot boxes.
Therefore, Biden won Arizona with 40,000 Chinese votes.
From today’s Seattle Times:
“An Oregon church sued over COVID-19 restrictions, and people gathered there without masks. Now at least 74 have fallen ill.”
Because God is a stern mother who punishes stupidity committed in her name. Details here.
Excellent case study going on in Seychelles.
Nationwide they’ve achieved 60% vaccination. But they’ve completely reopened to tourism and now infection rates are spiking, concentrated almost entirely among those who are either unvaccinated, or who departed from the vaccination protocol either delaying or deleting the second shot. And the majority of vaccinations in the country are of the Chinese made Sinopharm vaccine. So SCIENCE is keenly interested to learn its effectiveness in both preventing infection and reducing disease.
“Can I tell you a secret? I see dead Republicans.”
The bad news is Republicans steal.
The silver lining is their victims often are Republicans, too.
1/6 changed everything. The only good Republican is a dead Republican.
As the Trump-controlled GOP now prepares the final days of stalwart tax cutter, abortion foe, pro-defense-contractor, blame-the-poor conservative Liz Cheney we must all rejoice and collapse in fits of dizzying laughter knowing that her replacement is a Pro-Abort, Anti-Border Wall, Pro-Transgender, Anti-Religious Freedom LIBERAL Republican. But Trumpy! So totes cool!
I tell you my friends, we live in the best of times, each day drinking ourselves into soaring bliss on oceans of “conservative” tears. It is a privilege to be alive in these glorious Biden Years.
For sheer entertainment, it’s hard to beat watching a video of an anti-masker getting arrested.
Bonus points for knowing her “rights.”
@15 Yeah, those little details caught my attention, too.
Never forget 1/6, the day Repuke conservative nut jobs decided to assault and kill police officers because they had Foxitus. The condition caused by the a bunch of Nazi fucks that believe in tread not on me but of yee.