– Antonin Scalia really takes the cake.
– RIP Billy Frank Jr.
– In case you’re wondering why today you’re getting spam from every local charity that you’ve ever given any money to, oh it’s Give Big.
– I’m of the opinion you can put whatever you want in your garage no judgement.
Judge Jeanine Howard… Another DUMMOCRETIN Judge gone wild.
But yet there is more…
Seems he admitted to the rape of the 14 year old girl at the time. She illegally considered the girl’s prior sexual history which was incorrect and factually wrong. And after his 5 years on probation, his record is expunged. Can the poor woman expunge the rape from her memory?
Hey Roger IDIOT Wabbit… another of your kind… You always claim you love your DUMMOCRETINS!
Floyd Mayweather is ok by Puddy’s book. His fight was just down the street Saturday Night!
Floyd Mayweather more of a man than most HA DUMMOCRETINS who post here!
Looks like more VA Hospitals were implementing these secret lists like the one IDIOT Wabbit broke on HA. American Legion calls for the VA head Eric Shinseki’s ouster. Hmmm…? Another scandal for Obummer’s sadministration!
So more interesting Benghazi emails are now being blocked by Obummer’s sadministration over the fabricated video lie!
@1 Thanks for the link. Can you point out where the article says she’s a Democrat? I couldn’t find it. Also, aren’t judgeships normally nonpartisan offices? You know, nonpartisan, like Suzie Hutch? Also, this judge’s sanctimonious moralizing about “virgins” and such sounds more like how Republicans think and talk than how Democrats think and talk. And finally, isn’t Texas a red state that generally elects Republicans to public offices? But then, I don’t expect anything but lame lies from you, putz.
@3 “Another scandal for Obummer’s sadministration!”
Yeah, a real one this time. But we had to wait a long time for it. Under your organ grinder monkey, the mistreatment of soldiers and veterans began almost immediately. At least Obama’s pals don’t build showers that electrocute our soldiers.
“- I’m of the opinion you can put whatever you want in your garage no judgement.”
Except dynamite. I don’t want no goddam dynamite next door to me! Or fertilizer. I don’t want no goddam libertarian zoning laws in my neighborhood!
“- I’m of the opinion you can put whatever you want in your garage no judgement.”
Well, sure. It’s your garage. But please don’t pretend finding an alternative, publicly provided free and convenient car storage solution is a job for the government.
“- Antonin Scalia really takes the cake.”
Yeah. (Scroll down the article until you find the Scalia anecdote.)
@8 In other words, you’re in favor of privatizing street parking, and installing parking meters in front of your home?
Now this is the kind of campaigning I want to see all Democratic candidates lowering themselves to!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Dirty pool? Sure! Underhanded and sneaky? You bet! Nasty? Absolutely! And it should just be the beginning! Remember, folks, this is the party that gutted the Voting Rights Act we’re trying to defeat. They fight dirty, and so should we.
Postscript: Thom Tillis won anyway, but that doesn’t mean Democrats should stop supporting unelectable Tea Party candidates in GOP primaries.
In other Senate primaries today, Cornyn easily won the GOP nod in Texas, and Oberweis (R) will face Democratic Sen. Durbin in Illinois this November.
From the Washington Post –
It’s a twofer of police incidents. Guy runs from the police because he’s had previous experience with police brutality. Officer tases him for it. Officer spots cyclist violating the helmet law, causes him to crash. Way to go officer!
The legislature released their report on education funding in regards to the McCleary decision.
Nobody is surprised that they accomplished nothing.
I’m not sure what powers the court has over this issue. Personally I’m hoping for charges of contempt of court and confinement to the chambers until an agreement has been reached.
Or public whippings.
@14 We have too much police brutality in this country; but, on the other hand, some dumbasses need to have some sense beaten into them. It can be a fine line.
@15 If the people of our state want school funding, they have to stop voting for politicians opposed to funding our schools. I’m sure you know which party I’m referring to.
Another christian makes the news.
This is definitely getting to be a thing. All he needs to do is pray to god and he’ll be forgiven, like all the others. Earthly, secular law is of no importance. Only god can judge.
@8 In other words, you’re in favor of privatizing street parking, and installing parking meters in front of your home?
No. I’m in favor of the state using its land for the public good, and not focusing public policy on ensuring free car storage immediately adjacent to one’s home is a high priority in determining how to use that land.
If I were in charge, I’d probably recommend metering on-street parking wherever it is very hard to get a spot, following the Shoup approach McGinn introduced downtown–price parking at whatever level retains a 10-15% vacancy rate during peak times (recognizing that for many streets, that rate would 0). But I also recognize this is an unpopular policy and, were I a politician, probably not a hill worth dying on.
What I oppose rather vociferously is neighborhoods restricting development, or forcing new developments to build lots and lots of wasteful parking (thus forcing non-car owners to pay for a spot they don’t need, which is common and expensive). If we can’t be bothered to actually use the space we’ve got to store our cars, we have no business raising the cost of housing to protect our privileged access to a free public resource.
“Because the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun. And if everybody has a gun, chances are at least one of them will be good.”
“Because the only way to stop a bad guy with a virulent biological weapon, is a good guy with a virulent biological weapon. And if everybody has a virulent biological weapon, chances are at least one of them will be good.”
Very Severe Conservative
Republicans are SCUM BAGS. They are derranged individuals, CONservative artists. The common man who calls himself Republican is a lost ignorant individual. BENGHAZI
@2 Liberrace is more of a man than any Republican.
Quote Of The Day
“If we don’ t hold Lois Lerner accountable for her actions,” said Rep. Lee Terry, Republican of Nebraska, “then we’re sending a message to future administrations that this type of Nixonian behavior is acceptable.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: God forbid that anyone else should behave like Republicans!
I remember a time when most Republicans thought Nixon’s behavior was perfectly okay. In fact, some still do.
@17 – I don’t know about that. My young Republican neighbors with two kids in school, tend to always vote for raising school budgets. And I as a Democrat with no kids, like to fuck with them and vote agains increased school budgets. If anyone is going to suffer with budget cuts, we all should suffer, even the Republican who has kids in school.
@18 – looks like Puffy…..we know Puffy loves the guy, he has more love for a rapists than a gay guy, because the Bible says so.
@25 In retrospect Nixon doesn’t look all that bad.
@23 LOL
@28 Yes, he does.
We don’t hear much about deficits or the debt anymore. Maybe because the Treasury ran a surplus last month? Gonna be tough for the GOP to run against that. Of course, they’ll try to blame the slow recovery on Obama instead of their own austerity idiocy and fiscal obstructionism.
Just for the IDIOT Wabbit as long as Goldy doesn’t kill it…
There you go IDIOT Wabbit… a real DUMMOCRETIN judge like you were!
The rest of your post is more BULLSHITTIUM on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Not where this “woman” is from. Austin, Dallas, Houston, El Paso… DUMMOCRETIN bastions of silliness!
And where did you met Puddy again?
Yeah… thought so!
Compared to the preznit in the whitey house now.
especially compared to the stable of conservatard jackasses who would be preznit