This week Seattle nice died. Mark your calendars. It wasn’t when we stole the land from the people who already lived here. It wasn’t when we restricted where Native Americans and African Americans could live. It wasn’t when we let Skid Row develop. It wasn’t when we mostly went along with Japanese internment. It wasn’t several decades of just being shit to anyone who had any connection to California. It wasn’t letting the current homelessness crisis develop.
He’s basically a Nutjob Radio host. Just say random shit knowing that your core audience is too lazy to think or just doesn’t care…
it was 4.5 after 8 under Bush.
Jesse Hagopian
I wasI lied when I said I was intentionally targeted when I was inadvertently pepper sprayed by Seattle police and I used the settlement money to start the “Black Education Matters Student Activist Award.” Learn about the past amazing winners at the link below. Nominate a new student today!
Libbies, it’s the Clintons’ party until you stop covering for their misdeeds. Think on your sins.
NBC Reporter: Bill Clinton Told Tom Perez to Not Let the Party Go to Bernie Folks
NBC News national political reporter Jonathan Allen said on C-SPAN Thursday that former President Bill Clinton told Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez to not let Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I., Vt.) supporters become powerful in the party.
“The DNC is unpopular with its own base,” Allen said. “Roughly half the Democratic Party felt like the DNC was unfairly tipping the scales in the last presidential election trying to get Hillary Clinton nominated trying to hurt Bernie Sanders.”
Allen said Perez got “very explicit” instructions from Clinton “not to let the party go to the Bernie Sanders folks.”
A godless fascist admonishing godless commies think on their sins. Dumbfuck much?
Nice to see Doctor Dumbfuck back to making up shit so he can hate on Hagopian. Dumbfuckery at it’s finest.
Team Mueller having a not-so-good day in court today.
Steve Herman✔
A federal judge in a hearing about @PaulManafort bank fraud charges, is saying the special counsel should not have “unfettered power,” raising questions about the scope of the investigation.
Steve Herman✔
Bank fraud charges did not arise from the Mueller probe and unrelated to #Russia or the @realDonaldTrump campaign, says federal judge.
8:05 AM – May 4, 2018
Blue dress territory, here.
In less than 24 hrs you’ve decided you are once again ready to trust the same “media” outlet who couldn’t tell the difference between a pen register and a wiretap. Perhaps we are both a little too eager to believe what we want to.
Allen is a uniquely partisan hack. He’s been trying to build his personal brand on tilting at Clintons for more than a decade. He’s a good writer and an okay reporter when his editors are in charge. But he’s probably been quit/fired by more news organizations than any other DC area reporter. What he’s saying may indeed be true. And Clinton may indeed have said precisely what he reports in the books Allen is pimping. Sounds like Bill Clinton for sure.
But of course lots of people say lots of things to Tom Perez and Keith Ellison every day. Democrats are still lucky enough to have a national party org with a little bit of money to spend. And the Clintons are nothing if not well connected fund raisers who are still loyal to the party (which is a shit ton more than anyone could ever say bout Sanders or McCain, or Cruz, or even the Bushes). Dems would not be in any position to swing the districts and states they have in the last year if all they had to rely on were Sanders and his Bernie Bros.
So Perez and Ellison have a duty to listen. But with only one exception that I’m aware of, there’s been no major evidence of tilting since Perez and Ellison took charge. And they’ve played it very smart in places like Alabama and Pennsylvania, keeping a very low profile while delivering tons of money and leg work. That’s not easy to do, btw. People down the ranks tasked with delivering resources to local races are quite naturally inclined to make their presence obnoxiously obvious. They have ambitions too. And letting key locals know who they have to thank for the assist is the way they serve those ambitions. Perez and Ellison have managed to identify and hire operatives and organizers to deliver local support who are more devoted to party wins than their own careers. I’m told many of them are young women. Some even wear funny pink hats.
We probably have President PornHub to thank for that.
That $1.70/week tax cut is no doubt a godsend for millions of Orange Buffoon supporters.
“Pain at the pump: Gas prices hit three-year high and are expected to keep rising”
Good thing for the Orange Buffoon’s fascist dumbfuck party that their base is comprised of America’s dumbfucks.
@ 8
Bombshell of a post, Steve. Gas is now as high as it was
The national average for a gallon of gas reached $2.82 this week, a level not seen since summer 2015, according to online gas station database
when Obama was president.
It’s like petroleum prices undergo market fluctuations or something. Go figure.
@ 7
What he’s saying may indeed be true. And Clinton may indeed have said precisely what he reports in the books Allen is pimping. Sounds like Bill Clinton for sure.
“If it rings true, it is true.”
@ 8
Dems would not be in any position to swing the districts and states they have in the last year if all they had to rely on were Sanders and his Bernie Bros.
Dems wouldn’t need to be in a position of having to swing 1,000+ seats back if they had relied less on Obama.
And then the judge disqualified himself for appeal in his questioning. Plenty of case law and precedent that an unrelated crime outside an investigation Uncovered in that investigation is prosecutable. He’ll get bitch slapped on appeal if he tosses it.
Especially since he said this
Plenty there to appeal that the judge considered issues not raised by defense arguement.
(This is where the nut job radio host would start working the refs about ‘Activist Jusdges)
@9 Dumbfuckery at its finest.
The Kemper family thanks Japanese-Americans for their almost-free land, now known as downtown Bellevue. Trump, had he been born a generation earlier, would have approved.
@15 I have a lot of Japanese American friends from growing up in Rainier Valley and all their parents and grandparents were sent to camps, allowed to keep only that which they could carry with them. For some strange reason, it’s Doctor Dumbfuck who is angry and bitter. Probably because they were released and blacks aren’t slaves anymore. What a douche. And a dumbfuck.
“Residents are tired of the traffic, of discarded heroin needles, of 911 dispatchers telling them to figure it out, of human feces in parks, of homeless tents lining traffic medians, of real estate bidding wars, of increasing property taxes to pay for these problems (but then nothing getting better), of the din of construction, of the constant dust, of the rats that sneak into basements because of the development next door, of the box house going up and blocking the sunlight.”
I kinda wondered when this would all come to a head. It seemed to take a long time to reach the breaking point, maybe because we’re so darn nice. I mean now they’re even running us liberals out of Seattle.
Even Trump realizes Giuliani is a fucking disaster.
“President Donald Trump publicly undermined his attorney Rudy Giuliani on Friday, saying the former New York City mayor had only a loose grasp on details of the Stormy Daniels matter when he spoke about it earlier this week. ‘He’ll get his facts straight,’ Trump stipulated, before adding: ‘There has been a lot of misinformation. I say, You know what? Learn before you speak. It’s a lot easier.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Kinda looks like Rudy’s tenure may be short even for a Trump lawyer.
I don’t really see anything to get too worked up about.
The court has a paramount duty to protect innocent citizens from criminal prosecution born out of any corrupt purpose. We could have used a few more like Ellis during the Bush years. I’m not arguing that Manafort is innocent. But for sure at this stage he must be presumed innocent by the court. When considering a def motion to dismiss, if a judge tilts he must tilt toward the def.
A vigorous and challenging inquiry into the issues raised by the motion is basic to the process. If one of those issues is the possibility of a political motivation to the charges it must be addressed and considered. But the burden still rests with the moving party. While there’s been plenty of media and public speculation about the intent of these prosecutions, Mueller and Rosenstein have been appropriately silent. There’s probably very little there for the judge to go on. His comments would certainly suggest that he’s speculating based on media reports rather than the briefs. But he’s a fucking federal judge. He can do as he pleases. In the end the courts will rule on what’s in the briefs, not what Sean Hannity screams about.
As to the sufficiency of the OSC’s jurisdiction under the statute, there are at least two authorizing memos from Rosenstein regarding the OSC inquiry into Manafort’s alleged money laundering operations. And while the May memo could be argues to be in some way vague, I think the August memo is clear and directly references back to the statute.
Finally, even if he were to grant the motion, that wouldn’t necessarily preclude a transfer of jurisdiction to a different office to refile. Ellis is somewhat well known for beating up on government prosecutors while ultimately siding with them. These guys are appointed for life. Ellis is 77 years old. He was appointed to that bench thirty years ago. He’s since been passed over for higher appointments many times. He probably abandoned his ambitions for an appellate appointment during the Bush administration. He’s gonna do what he’s gonna do. But that’s usually how it goes with the USDC judges.
Even if he were to grant the motion or some part of it, he’d probably leave it open to be re-filed by the USAO-EDV. That office could always decline. But that would have to depend on the evidence. I’ve got a feeling there’s a little bit more than a “nuthingburger”.
@3 Good thing Doc’s got the Clintons to keep his mind occupied. Without them, who knows who he’d be stalking? Maybe you or me.
@6 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck seems to be saying federal courts shouldn’t interfere with crooks committing bank fraud. What a dumbfuck.
@7 You’re trying to reason with a dumbfuck? Why? It’s futile.
@8 WTI is now just cents away from $70/bbl., and Roger Rabbit owns oil stocks. Meanwhile, some of our favorite richies got their clocks cleaned in the Theranos scam.
@11 You can blame Republicans on Obama all you want, but that doesn’t change the fact they were elected by dumbfucks like you.
@ RR @ 20:
Good thing Doc’s got the Clintons to keep his mind occupied.
What I find high-larious is the notion that, that is all he has to work with. He has nothing else at all to run his mouth about. He’s a fucking moron.
“Butbutbutbutbutwhattaboutwhattabout CLINTON?”
You really are a stupid motherfucker, Doc. Nobody with that name currently holds public office, nor is running for one.
Alcohol-induced dementia? Maybe you should have your serium lead blood levels checked. You’re starting to sound a lot like the SpittlePoodle.
Meanwhile, the Rule of Law prevails in spite of the Reactionaries best efforts to the contrary.
@12 Yeah, the judge (a Reagan appointee) does seem a tad partisan, especially given that Trump’s prosecution or impeachment isn’t the issue before him.
@16 “For some strange reason, it’s Doctor Dumbfuck who is angry and bitter. Probably because they were released and blacks aren’t slaves anymore.”
I think it’s more personal. He’s angry and bitter because he wasn’t around to grab some of that land when it was free for the taking.
‘He’ll get his facts straight’
Hmm, I think he meant lies, not facts.
On the general subject of gas prices, it never fails. As even Doctor Dumbfuck recognizes, oil is cyclical. Every time gas is cheap, the dumbfucks buy pickups, SUVs, and RVs. The Saudis will soon be laughing at them again.
It’s not very often, since he seems to be permanently stuck on the morning of November 9th, 2016 squirming and choke-faping under a pile of newspapers headlines, but once in a while when Dumbfuck offers an opportunity to address current events I’ll take it.
Usually, when that’s the case, Dumbfuck is passing along perhaps with amplification some lazy media trope that is designed to make people like him feel comfortable and safe – like for instance the preposterous contention that Trump was lifted to victory on the shoulders of poor, working class whites. I think it’s important to crush those tropes. First, because the discomfort of Roypublicans makes me happy. But more importantly because how we Democrats understand Trump’s victory is crucial to undoing it.
We’re getting there. And for the most part, we’re on the right track. For all the Roypublican hopeful praying and cult-like staring into the dark trying to see a 1968 unraveling for the Democrats, it’s Roypublicans confronting a civil war in their party. There are and have been a ton of examples. We’ll see more in the coming months.
This kind of vigorous intra-party struggle can make a political movement stronger. But only when it is a struggle over ideas and policies. This struggle within “conservatism” is over identity, not ideas (hell, “conservatives” love John Kasich’s ideas). The longer this fight goes on, and the more the sides vie for control, the more the boundaries of the movement shrink. When you see the Roypublican Speaker firing the House Chaplain for being “too Catholic” you see a good example.
@28 That can’t be what Trump is thinking, because he doesn’t even bother to make a distinction between lies and facts. To him, they’re one and the same.
Well put.
Before heading off this morning for the long weekend of important golf, President PornFuck had a few “nice” things to say about the latest addition to his outside legal team:
Jesus. Has he even been there a week? Even The Mooch made ten days.
“Most Americans have considered Trump dishonest throughout his time in office. They judge his character indecent. But that no longer drives change in their judgments of his presidency. …
“Exposure of specific falsehoods concerning the Daniels case scandalized even Trump-friendly quarters of the political world, drawing condemnations from Fox News and The Wall Street Journal editorial page.
“Yet pollsters in both parties say the rank-and-file voters who will decide this year’s midterm elections are more apt to yawn.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No matter how bad it gets, voters yawn. That’s how Hitler happened. Roypublicans are all the proof you need it could happen here, too.
Oh Devin (“I’ll hold Rosenstein in contempt AND impeach”) Nunez.
“Well if I don’t actually touch that piece of paper you gave me I can honestly say you didn’t give it to me. That folder there may have an XMan comic in it. So you haven’t given me the documents. LALALALALALLALA I can’t HEEAAAAAR you!”
@35 The good news is, “A Democratic candidate challenging House Intelligence Committee chair Devin Nunes took in more than $1 million in the first quarter of 2018, a sign of Democrats’ enthusiasm to oust the California congressman who has allied himself closely with President Donald Trump.”
The bad news is,
“Andrew Janz, the Deputy District Attorney in Fresno County, is still considered a long shot in his bid to unseat Nunes. CNN currently rates the 22nd District as a ‘safe Republican’ seat.”
In other words, Roypublican voters are going to vote for Trump, Nunes, Moore, and Hitler no matter what. That’s what makes them Roypublicans.
@14 maybe the horse had enough and ain’t putting out anymore – where else is he going to turn to.
It isn’t just Fresno. It’s the trailer park part of Fresno.
Nothing more need be said.
Still, given the demographics I don’t think +8 makes it a walk in for Nunes. I certainly won’t be surprised if it is closer than that. Close enough that a few million well spent dollars and a couple of public employee unions could maybe even tip the balance.
When the house flips though it will be fun to have an investigation of Devin Nunez knowingly issuing false committee reports. There’s a paper trail.
@39 It’s come down to either we live in a totalitarian fascist state or whole bunch of fucking traitors are going to prison.
More concretely (and significantly more criminally) it would be entirely reasonable for the House to investigate Nunes for criminal obstruction over that stunt he pulled with Ezra Cohen-Watnick a year ago March.
It is one thing to leak classified intelligence. It’s another thing to form a conspiracy to do so with the intention of disrupting a DOJ criminal investigation (being conducted entirely by members of his own party who were appointed by his Presidents and confirmed with his vote of approval).
They could refer charges to Sesh and he would of course wipe his ass with them after making a flowery speech about “dignity” and “justice”. But depending on what they uncovered, they could then also censure Nunes resulting in the loss of committee seats, staff, office budget, and privileges. He’d almost certainly lose his seat in the next cycle.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death History–Bones Of First Demorats (aka Giant Sloths) Found, Sloth Demands For Welfare Checks Rejected By Americans, Sloths Hunted To Extinction
Giant sloths with wolverine-like claws used to roam America, and humans hunted them.
From the details in the link, It seems Seattle as boiling over from the frustration of income inequality. The software khans can afford to price out the proles and the proles are angry. They are being asked to pay for the sins of the rich and getting nothing for it. Am I reading it wrong?
Didn’t drumpf say it wasn’t going to have any time for golf?
Heh. 290 years.
“GOP ‘rising star’ in Kansas facing 290 years in prison after felony indictments”
Hmm, will this be the night the loon’s white supremacist buddies finally get around to lynching him?
Would it be awful to say that I wish they’d just get it the fuck over with? I mean, the suspense around when the loon will get himself lynched is getting to be just about too much for me. SAD!
Huh! I just realized that this thread is 100% loon-free. Maybe his luck finally ran out.
Just a wonderful time to savor, fellow HA HEROES…
The one time of the week when the HA comment threads are babbling butthole freak FREE!
Leonard Pitts, Jr..:
@45 It’s hard to find a Republican candidate or office holder nowadays who ISN’T a criminal.
@49 You can’t have conversations with these people. I recently encountered a guy picketing a doctor’s office where, he said, abortions are performed. The moment I said abortion is a constitutional right, the conversation ended. He started praying loudly to drown out anything I might say. The only thing I could do was walk away.
A biopic coming out this summer portrays Moe Berg, a major league baseball player and coach with a Columbia law degree who once said he’d rather be a ballplayer than a Supreme Court justice. Berg, a multilingual eccentric, worked for the OSS during the war and the CIA during the Cold War. He was sent to Europe to recruit physicists for America’s bomb project, and was given instructions to assassinate Heisenberg if the Germans were getting close to a bomb. The title of the movie is “The Catcher Was A Spy.”