– If inflation, population growth, and economic growth weren’t a thing, that spending increase number might be meaningful.
– You don’t necessarily have your family’s policies if you run for office, but if you can’t get away from George W. Bush, you’re in trouble.
– Reporting from the “My Actual Hell” newsdesk; Cuddle Club.
– I liked the last book by Randall Munroe’s last book, so here’s looking forward to Thing Explainer
Now here is something very interesting… Of course the vomit producer will accuse Puddy of lying… http://www.dailyemerald.com/20.....community/
Butt, butt, butt the the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla claims sexual assaults only happen in the hetero community!
“O Muslims, Islam was never for a day the religion of peace. Islam is the religion of war.”
Seems Obummer hasn’t received the latest communique! Of course the vomit producer will accuse Puddy of lying…
Oh, I get it now — I knew I had missed something. The rightwing bigots believe the train engineer is gay. That, by itself, makes him a murderer. I should’ve known there was more to this than ordinary scapegoating. Of course, it doesn’t even matter whether he’s gay or not, just as it didn’t matter whether Obama was born in Hawaii or had a U.S. birth certificate; once these people want to believe something, no further validation is needed or wanted. Gays are people who deliberately wreck trains, therefore they should all be incarcerated or killed, that’s all there is to it!
Well one more fake libtard left wrong DUMMOCRETIN newsman bites the dust. So much for fair and balanced! George Steponallofus BUSTED! http://freebeacon.com/politics.....oundation/
Of course the vomit producer will accuse Puddy of lying…
In reality it’s $75 Large! And when George attacked Peter Schweitzer of course there was a personal agenda!
The leftwing reaction to the Amtrak derailment reminds me of Pat Robertson’s reaction when a hurricane hits somewhere.
Throw more money at it when Amtrak didn’t enable the system because the FCC didn’t allow them to. Yet the FCC is screaming about net neutrality and other things instead of passenger safety! And what sadministration is running things again libtards?
Of course the vomit producer will accuse Puddy of lying…
So what does Amtrak spend it’s federal money on? http://www.nationalreview.com/.....williamson
Of course the vomit producer will accuse Puddy of lying…
from the KC Fed:
Middle-skill jobs rebounded in the first two years of the recovery and high-skilled jobs started to return in 2012, according to the study, which analyzed quarterly data from the Labor Department’s household survey.
Growth in the upper two sectors has improved in each of the past three years, the study found.
“Low-skill jobs remain the one segment of the labor market that has yet to return to prerecession growth levels,” the study concluded.
Increasing the cost of each low-skill job isn’t going to help bring them back.
Anyone can “run” for governor, especially on the GOP side, including a real estate huckster who eagerly worked for a convicted felon. Getting elected is another thing. Anybody can be a Republican; Ted Bundy was a Republican with political aspirations, but it’s been 35 years since Washington voters have elected a member of his party to the statehouse, and that seems unlikely to change anytime soon.
Kirsten Powers big time DUMMOCRETIN wrote a truthful book… http://www.amazon.com/gp/produ.....1621573702
Powers goes after all these DUMMOCRETINS with explicit, undeniably FACTUAL examples of how left wrong libtard progressive FASCISTS are literally trying to deny REAL Americans access to the First Amendment.
Who are these klowns? Well it seems retired college professors and lawyers are twitter trolling Powers for telling the truth! The standard DUMMOCRETIN grievance industry. And Obummer acolytes too. This is why Obummer attacked Fox News earlier this week. Obummer weak sauce policies are identified as weak sauce even by DUMMOCRETINS!
Of course the vomit producer will accuse Puddy of lying…
@7 We should we want to bring back “jobs” that don’t even pay rent? That makes no more sense than reinstating slavery. Of course, multimillionaires like Bickle can afford the luxury of arguing that **other people** should work for starvation wages.
@2 Yes, let’s just put Christianist peacemakers like George W. Bush, his brother Jeb, and Paul Wolfowitz in charge of our foreign policy, and everyone will be calm and happy.
In Vietnam you could always tell who the Republican was. He was the guy directing the battle from the helicopter flying overhead who awarded himself medals when it was over.
I’m going to go out on a limb here, but with each passing day, Jeb Bush sounds even more stupid than his incredibly stupid brother.
Five minutes ago:
Knock knockknock on the door (and not gently, at all)
I open it.
Dunno which tribe, Nice expensive suits, gold wristwatches, Bibles, handfull of the stupid flyers they’re always passing out on these expeditions, well-greased hair and both of them are obviously extremely well-fed.
“Hello, I’m here to….”
Me: “Fuck off” and I close the door, and not gently.
Put my head against the door to look out the peephole.
The Fatter one: “Well, at least we know where the Jew lives.”
Man, I almost opened the door again just to boot them off the goddamn stoop and down the stairs. Fuckin’ concussive open head injury might do something to educate those fuckers.
Fucking pricks.
So, to whom it may concern:
You have an issue with the website. It is, that for the last several days it has taken several clicks on the bookmark to actually get into the site here. It’ll load for a few seconds, and then switch over to an advert page for “Educational Gardens” AKA “goGardens dot com” that only reloads to itself. I click it off and have to go back to the bookmark to click it again. This often takes several tries before it actually loads HorsesAss.
This also happens when posting a comment. I understand that a business sponsor is probably necessary to keep this place going, but at least fix it so that sponsor isn’t blocking access.
So the leader if Isis speaks for all Mulums. Duly noted.
Fred Phelps spoke for all Christians. Pastor Driscoll too, he of the women are second class, yoga is the devil and steal money from you flock for a big event that never happened.
Well done, Piddles.
Willy in another thread I referenced the wrong post, I was referring to one of the Apes posts but referred to yours. In reference to bring irrelevant. I just want to cite the correction. Sorry about that.
@13. IMHO, It seems that dubyah knew he was an idiot and had the sense to let his handlers and Cheney puppet him. Jeb knows he’s smarter than his brother so he’s unwilling to be a marionette, but as a standalone man, apparently not smart enough to anticipate the easy questions. How did he ever get elected Governor?
Given his current performance, I cannot see him as the republican nominee.
@18. No, Boob thinks this is a good lesson learned and good training for Jeb. Where next time, when he faces Hillary, Jeb will be able to know how to handle the situation and be the victor.
There are always little silver linings in Boob’s clouds.
@ 17 TiB
I saw that, and couldn’t come up with a properly snarkified post on the spot.
So maybe you aren’t a cheesedick, but the point still stands.
@ 16
As does Bradlee Dean, Gordon Klingenschmidt, Pat Robertson, Kenneth Copeland, Bryan Fischer, Wiley Drake and Creflo Dollar.
Boston Marathon Bomber Gets Death Penalty
Breaking News: A federal jury has sentenced Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to death.
Cat Fight!
“A downtown Seattle courtroom was shrouded in a cloud of pepper spray Friday morning after a fight broke out during a pretrial hearing. Seattle defense attorney Teri Rogers Kemp said her client was sitting alone in the gallery about 10 a.m., awaiting her appearance before a King County Superior Court judge, when another woman walked up and punched her. Two other women then jumped on her client and the women ended up on the floor, Rogers Kemp said. … A King County Jail officer assigned to the 12th-floor courtroom ordered the women to break up the fight, said jail spokesman Capt. Troy Bacon. When they didn’t, he pepper-sprayed the group, Bacon said. … Rogers Kemp doesn’t know why her client was attacked. She said her client doesn’t know the other women.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m sure glad I’m not married to that bunch, whoever they are.
@1 no one has ever claimed that sequel assault can’t happen in the lbgt community.
The problem has always been when those sequel assaults happen the police have not taken them as seriously and have been dismissive.
You’re not a very good troll.
@18 He got elected by being a Bush. Silver spoon and all.
While I’ve got Florida on the brain…
Who would have thought that the Miami Beach Poice Department might be systemically racist
I was just in Miami and as is my habit in a different city with a full free day I strapped on my shoes and saw as much of it as I could by public transit and foot. The bike shares that are popping up around the coutry have greatly expanded my range. Going from some parts of Miami to others by light rail is pretty easy. As is the bus system with a downtown transit hub.
One thing you will notice about Miami is the quite large homeless population. Parts of the city entire blocks are essentially camps. Walking around little Havana and little Haiti neighborhoods you’ll see lots of lower-class housing and a few public housing projects. On the plus side, you can get a big-ass plate of Fried cuban pork and a drink for under $7 in tons of Bodegas. Miami proper is largely a working and lower class area.
Then there’s Miami Beach. The light rail will never, ever cross the causeways for the same reason Kemper Freeman doesn’t want it going near Bellevue Square. But you can catch a bus. On my way out the bus was largely filled with people on their way to restaurant work. Chef’s coats a couple knife bags. Carefull with those. Having one could trigger someone to Stand Your Ground between the bus stop and Joe’s Stone Crab when all you were doing is heading to your job. Those who serve can not afford to live in Miami Beach. On the way back there were a lot of retail staff in Target shirts but absolutely no one who lives in Miami Beach heading to the main city.
And the ride is impressive. You can pass by Star and Palm island and marvel at the $12M estates with a $6M mega yacht parked at the private dock. Getting off the bus in Miami Beach you’ll pass some real estate signs for $2M condos and more $10 estates. I saw one that must have been a steal at $22M.
I was struck by an odd thought. If the revolution comes it may very well start in Miami Beach. Some of you are going to die when the people who can’t even afford a $3.50 Cuban Sandwich in Miami get together and decide to kick in the door of your estate to see what’s in the fridge in Miami Beach.
Derek the idiot wrote… @1 no one has ever claimed that sequel assault can’t happen in the lbgt community.
Ever read the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla? No Well Puddy doesn’t blame you.
Every time there is a sexual assault link posted the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla claims heteros are at it again, with never any commentary on lbgt community problems.
Isn’t this the same Derek whom WRONGLY told us about when payroll Social Security deductions stopped? Seems this is another topic Derek isn’t paying attention to on HA DUMMOCRETINS! Clueless DUMMOCRETIN!
Sux when FACTS slap you side yo face! Of course the vomit producer will accuse Puddy of lying…
@26 You do know who runs the army of police, don’t you? Or is it police army? I get confused, what with all the tanks and machine guns.
I was struck by an odd thought. If the revolution comes it may very well start in Miami Beach. Some of you are going to die when the people who can’t even afford a $3.50 Cuban Sandwich in Miami get together and decide to kick in the door of your estate to see what’s in the fridge in Miami Beach.
It is odd you have a thought checkmate. Anyway your claim of kicking in an estate door is typical DUMMOCRETIN. Gotta keep class envy alive. Butt, has checkmate looked at the voting demographics? Doubt it. Just rail on rich people! Who owns those $12M estates with a $6M mega yacht checkmate? Why don’t you look and be surprised whom they are!
Fox News is reporting – The gays must have been shooting dick rockets for the attention of the conductor.
If it gets bad enough it won’t matter for whom you voted and yes I know who represents most of Miami-Dade in the U.S. House.
I guess you’re terrible at your religion though. The book you base it on and the central figure in it has something to say about what the estate holders should be doing about thousands of people sleeping on the streets less than three miles away. It isn’t buying a 185 foot Trinity. But you knew that being the good Christian and all.
Other than the Boston bomber being sentenced to death, and 16 Miami Beach cops getting caught circulating pornography and racist emails, it’s a slow news day. Not much happened on Wall Street, other than the S&P 500 setting another record high (yawn), because all the economic news is bad.
Despite that, I made $765 in the stock market today, which is 6.33 times what a $15/hr. minimum-wage worker makes in an 8-hour shift, even though I did absolutely no work and produced absolutely nothing of value today. What’s more, the whole $765 is tax-free, because there’s no tax on capital gains or dividends until you’re in the 25% tax bracket.
Hey, I didn’t invent this stupid system of pampering lazy and useless capitalists like me, while screwing over workers who produce ALL the wealth. It’s the system we have, and I merely go with the flow. I gotta say, though, that multimillionaires like Doctor Bob who whine about workers getting $15 an hour come off as more than slightly ridiculous.
Personally, I think someone should make me pay more taxes, but that’ll never happen while Republicans control Congress.
The great distraction of marriage equality by the GOP. Meanwhile this is happening.
Mammoth Antarctic Ice Shelf Could Collapse In Just A Few Years http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....91782.html
@31 Religion? The Bible – That’s just a book that was meant for the other people to follow. The ones that actually read it don’t have to follow anything in it, they are to just preach it, and make sure the heathens know they are the heathens.
checkmate farts – I guess you’re terrible at your religion though.
And how does checkmate come to that conclusion? DUMMOCRETINS are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more anti-religious than conservatives!
Conservatives give to charities… DUMMOCRETINS wait for government to do it!
Down right amazing… burn down that anchor store! The only one left. A-OK per the pastor! That’s the religion loved by DUMMOCRETINS!
Sad ABC is perpetuating stereotypes in 2015!
More feckless incompetent foreign policy from “the great two term” Obummer!
Very interesting information… http://www.politico.com/blogs/.....07228.html
There is a 60% chance this very nice young man is a conservative Republican!
Obummer’s sadministration is scum
DUMMOCRETINS at ABC always had a double standard… http://www.mrctv.org/videos/ge.....on-back-85
40% thread pollution by the shrieking harpie puddyfuckwad.
Meanwhile look at the Michelle Obummer lunch views… http://eagnews.org/food-fight-.....ent-posts/
“In a surprising revelation, the National Transportation Safety Board said a projectile appears to have hit the windshield of an Amtrak passenger train before it derailed Tuesday night, killing eight passengers and severely injuring dozens. According to one witness, it happened shortly after a second train reported being hit by a rock or bullet near the same location. Now, the FBI has been brought in. … The NTSB later told CBS News it was looking into reports that a third train, Amtrak Acela 2173, was also struck by an object on Tuesday night.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A couple of HA trolls look like fucking idiots right about now …
Hey revolting one at #43,
Why do you condone vomit producer’s racism? Hey he hates you cuz you are a “nigger”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”. Puddy does not exhibit those qualities. Since you exhibit those qualities on HA, maybe the vomit producer is prescient!
When you ascribe to political correctness you have to deal with the results… http://chicago.cbslocal.com/20.....from-afar/
Remember when Lee blogged the wrong Zimmerman address of an old couple and they were attacked?
B O Z O!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A couple of HA trolls look like fucking idiots right about now …
You mean the ones claiming that Amtrak was underfunded?
I’ll pass it along to Goldy.
What is this thread? buddy-puds toilet?
Meanwhile, in the real world: http://thehill.com/homenews/se.....trade-bill
@15 Yup. It was being caused by Sitemeter. Removed the code.
@50 That’s right, Puddy uses EVERY thread as his personal shitter.
@48 Nope. If you can’t figure it out, trying to explain it to you would be useless, so I won’t try. I’d only get a cloud of squid ink anyway.
Okey-dokey non-sequiter.
Because ponying up big to the Opera and the Art Museum and your college Alma Matter so you can get the good seats is totally helping the poor.
You don’t have any idea what KIND of donations are involved in that bogus study that says conservatives give more do you?
But use my taxes! That’s wealth re-distribution. Why that’s Socialism. And that’s NOT what Jesus would do. Harumph!