The women on the Seattle City Council have written a nice opinion piece rebutting the garbage people have thrown at them over their stadium/land use vote. It’s sad that the article was necessary in 2016.
If you are a libtard there is bias! Plain and simple!
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Seems Obummer’s military budget cuts are affecting US military airframe readiness against ISIS more than Obummer wants peeps to really know!
Distant Replayspews:
Will Paul Ryan emerge as a Republican hero for negotiating peace with the White Christian Identity Movement?
Or will he be yet another roadkill carcass tossed aside by the Republican fear/hate juggernaut?
One things for sure: he’s covered himself in a stink that cannot be cleansed. Any pretense he may have had at being the intellectual conscience of the Republican Party will be forever soiled and diminished by his wallowing with the racist/nationalist wing of his party.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Keep screaming that BULLSHITTIUM Oregon moron. The Red states were Heilary’s: South Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, Arizona, and Texas!
Now what is big time in those states? DUMMOCRETIN led cities with out-of-wedlock birth rates, high abortion rates, high crime rates, high drug use rates and low inner city graduation rates. The CDC abortion and FBI crime statistics are all there! Puddy has delivered this information many times. Just ask the crazed databaze deala for a replay.
Oh wait… No HA DUMMOCRETIN has the BALLS to ask it for a crazed databaze replay! All talk no action these morons are!
I take that the loon is still spewing unintelligible hate.
It is absolutely awful that a number of people threw misogynistic garbage at these women.
It is also (not equally but still) awful that these women get to entirely shift the focus away from their garbage arguments against the street vacation by pretending that opposition to their crass politicking and Port-influenced vote is entirely gender-focused.
Sally Bagshaw knows full-well that the Key Arena is a non-starter (and traffic would arguably be worse), but continues to push it. She was a given ‘No’ vote, anyway. Debra Juarez decided to come up with a fantasy about the arena being somewhere in North Seattle instead, something that’s never been discussed and no viable land option ever presented, and also had nothing to do with approving a street vacation. Nobody except Lorena Gonzalez, and possibly whomever twisted her arm/promised her things, knows why she changed her mind in the 20min before she voted, but she talked about it as if she decided based on “zoning” concerns… for an alley currently used for parking. I’ve given up trying to figure out whatever nonsense Kshama Sawant is spewing on a given issue. Lisa Herbold decided to cite a Port-sponsored push poll that should have had no bearing on her decision – even if the numbers were true, the public’s opinion as to whether or not an arena should be a priority is separate from the reality of a vote on a street vacation.
The only thing we know for sure is that the Port spent a huge amount of money on lobbying to make sure the Council ignored (some of them clearly didn’t even read) the transportation study that the Council had actually paid to have done. It worked. For as much as everyone says they hate the Port, they all accepted the nonsense given to them directly from the Port lobbyists.
They really should have done is not talked about it all if they knew that a) they didn’t support the MOU but couldn’t/shouldn’t say that, and b) any other excuse would make them look foolish. They were under no obligation to explain their vote. What more than a few of these Councilmembers showed is that they hadn’t studied the issue and then decided to focus on their own pet concerns in voting against it. It had nothing to do with gender, just general incompetence. The standard “Seattle Process” continues as ever.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Arizona’s racist clown sheriff held in contempt of court.
Asshat R senile farted… @4 I think we should increase defense spending and pay for it by restoring taxes on those who have received the largest tax cuts.
Under Obummer R senile?
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Ahhh Puddy sees dr checkmate @18 didn’t find the comment yet. Still waiting for Puddy to help!
Help me dr checkmate farts!
So those wonderful skillz are still failing you dr checkmate?
Texass Republicans would rather deprive their state’s schoolchildren of federal funds than give up their anti-gay bigotry. Why would anyone want to live in Texass and raise their children there?
Why does this babbling jackass troll hate combat veterans and even those combat veterans who supporter higher defense spending to counter Chinese aggression?
Distant Replayspews:
Reality has a liberal bias.
Why shouldn’t Facebook?
Why shouldn’t everything?
Just about every good thing already does. It’s mostly only pretty shitty things that have “conservative” bias. Shitty things like:
Religious intolerance;
Television shopping networks;
FOX News;
Clark County;
Caitlin Jenner;
Alternative Christian Contemporary Music;
White Supremacy;
Chewing tobacco;
Paula Deen;
Conservative stuff sucks.
No wonder smart billionaires (real billionaires) running Facebook prefer a liberal world view.
Lying is a sin Piddles. It’s in your Bible. Of course if your holy book means anything to you and it isn’t 100% act.
Mark Adamsspews:
Bellingham welcomes the opportunity to be the home for any NBA team coming to western Washington. Come on up. We got space and well empty areas. You could put the stadium across from the Lummi’s casino.
We wish to thank the ladies of the council for this opportunity. All those dreadful comments means Seattle just isn’t an NBA city, but Bellingham is so come on up here. We can draw folks in from Vancouver as well.
Mark Adamsspews:
@23 You mean they expect to receive Federal funds after succeeding?
Mark Adamsspews:
@23 They are Texans and it’s all about Friday Night lights!!! (Football, Junior going to be a football star in the Texas league! Yee haw!!)
Mark Adamsspews:
Actually a far shorter version of what the counsel women stated is available. IF they were just HA readers they would have known how to put this.
We were voted onto the council by the voters and we voted no. We do know how to use the delete key on our computer or the circular file. Listen here you SOB’s go fuck yourselves.
Distant Replayspews:
Too late. 24 hours of ceremonial goat fucking has commenced.
How ridiculous is it that the party that opposed equal time in the news media is outraged about lack of equal treatment in Facebook which by the way is not a news network. There is no end to Republican whining
Facebook CEO,
There is no bias.
Yeah right!
Facebook CEO,
There is no bias.
Yeah right!
If you are a libtard there is bias! Plain and simple!
Seems Obummer’s military budget cuts are affecting US military airframe readiness against ISIS more than Obummer wants peeps to really know!
Will Paul Ryan emerge as a Republican hero for negotiating peace with the White Christian Identity Movement?
Or will he be yet another roadkill carcass tossed aside by the Republican fear/hate juggernaut?
One things for sure: he’s covered himself in a stink that cannot be cleansed. Any pretense he may have had at being the intellectual conscience of the Republican Party will be forever soiled and diminished by his wallowing with the racist/nationalist wing of his party.
Keep screaming that BULLSHITTIUM Oregon moron. The Red states were Heilary’s: South Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, Arizona, and Texas!
Now what is big time in those states? DUMMOCRETIN led cities with out-of-wedlock birth rates, high abortion rates, high crime rates, high drug use rates and low inner city graduation rates. The CDC abortion and FBI crime statistics are all there! Puddy has delivered this information many times. Just ask the crazed databaze deala for a replay.
Oh wait… No HA DUMMOCRETIN has the BALLS to ask it for a crazed databaze replay! All talk no action these morons are!
Prime DUMMOCRETIN territory where they control the mASSes of dumb ASSes with talk talk talk!
Heyyyyyy look who’s back! It’s Puffy Fuck! Welcome back asshole.
You still haven’t figured out how to hit the send button. Donald Trump would call you a retard. You fucking retard!
Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahaha, still laughing at comment #4 in the previous thread (Hahahaha Thread).
Apparently Boob only likes robots to kill jobs.
Trump is a real beauty. He makes North Korea’s leader look sane.
Make America Great Again!
Donald Trump Denies Pretending To Be His Own Spokesman
Consumer sentiment at high.
Shit. Just when Republicans were hoping that the bottom would fall out.
With all this talk of $15 wages how the hell could anyone be happy right now?
@4 I think we should increase defense spending and pay for it by restoring taxes on those who have received the largest tax cuts.
@6 You didn’t know your nominee’s dad palled around with Klansmen, or that his butler is an outspoken racist?
Some people are deserving of nothing but contempt.
“Welcome back asshole.”
I take that the loon is still spewing unintelligible hate.
It is absolutely awful that a number of people threw misogynistic garbage at these women.
It is also (not equally but still) awful that these women get to entirely shift the focus away from their garbage arguments against the street vacation by pretending that opposition to their crass politicking and Port-influenced vote is entirely gender-focused.
Sally Bagshaw knows full-well that the Key Arena is a non-starter (and traffic would arguably be worse), but continues to push it. She was a given ‘No’ vote, anyway. Debra Juarez decided to come up with a fantasy about the arena being somewhere in North Seattle instead, something that’s never been discussed and no viable land option ever presented, and also had nothing to do with approving a street vacation. Nobody except Lorena Gonzalez, and possibly whomever twisted her arm/promised her things, knows why she changed her mind in the 20min before she voted, but she talked about it as if she decided based on “zoning” concerns… for an alley currently used for parking. I’ve given up trying to figure out whatever nonsense Kshama Sawant is spewing on a given issue. Lisa Herbold decided to cite a Port-sponsored push poll that should have had no bearing on her decision – even if the numbers were true, the public’s opinion as to whether or not an arena should be a priority is separate from the reality of a vote on a street vacation.
The only thing we know for sure is that the Port spent a huge amount of money on lobbying to make sure the Council ignored (some of them clearly didn’t even read) the transportation study that the Council had actually paid to have done. It worked. For as much as everyone says they hate the Port, they all accepted the nonsense given to them directly from the Port lobbyists.
They really should have done is not talked about it all if they knew that a) they didn’t support the MOU but couldn’t/shouldn’t say that, and b) any other excuse would make them look foolish. They were under no obligation to explain their vote. What more than a few of these Councilmembers showed is that they hadn’t studied the issue and then decided to focus on their own pet concerns in voting against it. It had nothing to do with gender, just general incompetence. The standard “Seattle Process” continues as ever.
Arizona’s racist clown sheriff held in contempt of court.
Archeologists have retrieved a 14,550-year-old flint knife from the bottom of a Florida sinkhole that was a watering hole 14 millennia ago.
@1,2, etc
I see the confirmed liar is back.
Asshat R senile farted… @4 I think we should increase defense spending and pay for it by restoring taxes on those who have received the largest tax cuts.
Under Obummer R senile?
Ahhh Puddy sees dr checkmate @18 didn’t find the comment yet. Still waiting for Puddy to help!
Help me dr checkmate farts!
So those wonderful skillz are still failing you dr checkmate?
QPPS @14 Head exploded again!
Meanwhile in the great northwest…
Texass Republicans would rather deprive their state’s schoolchildren of federal funds than give up their anti-gay bigotry. Why would anyone want to live in Texass and raise their children there?
@19 Why do you hate the middle class?
Also, are you still beating your wife? During rough sex, I mean.
This girl’s is life ruined. Why didn’t she get an abortion? Are her parents Republicans?
Why do you hate the military R senile? They are our first line of defense.
Wow. Are the trolls happy about their new Dear Leader’s “family values”?
If “best it can be” karson kook-a-nut is happy then one babbling jackass of a troll in particular is surely VERY HAPPY!
Why does this babbling jackass troll hate combat veterans and even those combat veterans who supporter higher defense spending to counter Chinese aggression?
Reality has a liberal bias.
Why shouldn’t Facebook?
Why shouldn’t everything?
Just about every good thing already does. It’s mostly only pretty shitty things that have “conservative” bias. Shitty things like:
Religious intolerance;
Television shopping networks;
FOX News;
Clark County;
Caitlin Jenner;
Alternative Christian Contemporary Music;
White Supremacy;
Chewing tobacco;
Paula Deen;
Conservative stuff sucks.
No wonder smart billionaires (real billionaires) running Facebook prefer a liberal world view.
Lying is a sin Piddles. It’s in your Bible. Of course if your holy book means anything to you and it isn’t 100% act.
Bellingham welcomes the opportunity to be the home for any NBA team coming to western Washington. Come on up. We got space and well empty areas. You could put the stadium across from the Lummi’s casino.
We wish to thank the ladies of the council for this opportunity. All those dreadful comments means Seattle just isn’t an NBA city, but Bellingham is so come on up here. We can draw folks in from Vancouver as well.
@23 You mean they expect to receive Federal funds after succeeding?
@23 They are Texans and it’s all about Friday Night lights!!! (Football, Junior going to be a football star in the Texas league! Yee haw!!)
Actually a far shorter version of what the counsel women stated is available. IF they were just HA readers they would have known how to put this.
We were voted onto the council by the voters and we voted no. We do know how to use the delete key on our computer or the circular file. Listen here you SOB’s go fuck yourselves.
Too late. 24 hours of ceremonial goat fucking has commenced.
How ridiculous is it that the party that opposed equal time in the news media is outraged about lack of equal treatment in Facebook which by the way is not a news network. There is no end to Republican whining
Oregon moron @29,
So you still read PuddyCommentary! Hmmm…?
Oregon moron @29,
So you still read PuddyCommentary! Hmmm…?