– 20-Week Abortion Bans: Still Unconstitutional After All These Years
– Washington State is still the most bike friendly state.
– First lady Michelle Obama existed this week, so naturally the internet is very, very upset.
– The anti-background checks people aren’t just assholes in Washington. They’re assholes in Oregon, too.
– I didn’t really have any desire to see Mad Max, but now, maybe.
Personally, I think the Mad Max franchise is just about worn out.
It was great when I was entering my teenage years. But I also thought Airwolf was AWESOME!!!
It’s actually pretty crappy.
Want to see a trail balloon to bowing out of the Presidential race because you know your political career is fully over?
Have your wife say she’s not enthusiastic.
@ 3
You misread the piece. His wife was commenting on a decreased enthusiasm level by others. There’s nothing, other than an unhelpfully written headline, in the piece that states that her own enthusiasm level is decreasing.
Oh. It’s trial balloon, not trail balloon. You’re welcome.
Another checkmate… Way to go Travis! Libtardism is a mental disease! checkmate misreads a lot of things. It’s his HA M.O.!
He leaves trail balloons which Puddy calls smelly wabbit pellets in his wake!
Wow… A DUMMOCRETIN apologizes… only becuz she was worried about her job! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....weets.html
More foul speech!
So I assume you don’t get snark.
Typo aside, Christie’s political fortunes aren’t like the Titanic, they’re SOARING like the Hindenburg. (h/t to Colbert)
If you “read” the article… once you get past the first paragraph it’s apparent what Mrs. Christie is thinking!
Maybe that’s snark to you butt then again you can’t remember what you wrote earlier!
Jim Witkins @jimwitkins 2m2 minutes ago
RT @TUSK81: I wonder how many mugshots you need before the right-wing officially labels you a “thug.” #Uniteblue
Embedded image permalink
Mr. Zimmerman and Mr. Apperson were involved in a road rage incident in September, when Mr. Apperson said Zimmerman threatened to shoot him, according to The Orlando Sentinel. Days later, Mr. Apperson complained that Mr. Zimmerman was stalking him, according to the report. No charges were filed in those incidents………………
Spit Shine me Mother Fucker!
And the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla first accused Zimmerman as being the shooter. Wanna see your teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla handiwork again?
Please say yes! Puddy loves demonstrating how sick the libtard mind is!
Meanwhile the NY Slimes breaks it down… http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05......html?_r=1 This is one paragraph per a libtard…
Donna Edwards is another token… Someone to “prove” how DUMMOCRETINS love the “black woman” community organizer! Butt she’s from the “most affluent majority-black counties in the United States”. That doesn’t matter… cuz she’s black. Money is excused! She had no bill cosponsors which means she’s weally a whackjob left wrong lover!
Spoken like a true Nazi. And what he really means by “True Conservatives” are the religious ones. In summary, what he is also saying, He and his ilk, like radical Islam and ISIS, must be in charge.
Hail Hitler!
Ahhh yes, more people Stupid Solution Steve and rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears cheer… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....riots.html
Knee Pads?
George Zimmerman involved?
Yes that was the original take by all left wrong sites when you FIRST posted it. Some later apologized. You didn’t retract!
@15 prove it….link to the aritcle I linked to. Link to my Comment?
Defend your Thug! Shine that mother fucking apple!
If I had the time, I’d look for my comment to. But you seem to have the great abiltiy to pull things up, I’m not going to waste my time, but you can, and prove me wrong. Dipshit.
@15 actually I did have time to prove you wrong, this was my post.
Guys, carefull, that pathological liar forget his nutritious bananas today.
And as far as the airnb article, I just forgot that I ever posted it, and I was wrong. Regardless it had nothing to do with the airnb article you posted.
If a lady makes 1800 in salary, and two men make 1802 and 1790, the average salary of the women is more than the average salary of the man, therefore the math says that women make more money. S&P500 even says so – so it must be right. Even though I don’t understand the concept of comparing apples to apples, because S&P500 says so.
Prove what teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla? Proved you forgot already before!
Where is the time of your post? Monday, 5/11/15 at 11:40 am
From Daily Kooks a site you love to peruse… MON MAY 11, 2015 AT 11:03 AM PDT George Zimmerman Involved in Yet Another Shooting
Here is the original post from Florida teevee… George Zimmerman involved in shooting, police say http://on.wesh.com/1Ix9klv #breaking 12:11 PM – 11 May 2015
The Associated Press ✔@AP
BREAKING: Police say officers have responded to shooting involving George Zimmerman in Florida. 11:23 AM – 11 May 2015
You’ve already lost… Head explodes… Good try bagged man! Put a cover on it!
Yeah, I know…….
@19 no you are the fucking nut. I mereley stated what I stated as show by you an myself here in this tread. I didn’t say that he was the shooter like you said I said.
“He was involved in a shooting” was he or was he not involved in another shooting.
You lose. You can’t even graciously admit to be a loser.
Your post @10 – And the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla first accused Zimmerman as being the shooter. Wanna see your teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla handiwork again?
Please say yes! Puddy loves demonstrating how sick the libtard mind is!
I never said that he was the Shooter. You lose you fucking moron.
Go ask george if he thinks Jesus is coming back from the dead, you fucking hypocrite.
Awwweeee, poor lady, she didn’t even say the N word and she got fired. That be some powerful mafia.
Puddy stands by the post above. Every left wrong news group made the ASSumption it was Zimmerman doing it. Puddy just proved it! The AP is the source for left wrong sites!
Sux to be so wrong so looooong!
@23 sux to be so wrong so long…..that’s good first step, admitting your faults, no longer in denial about yourself, like an AA member.
Very proud of you for stepping up.
Yeah they all got it wrong when they said “involved in another shooting”. But my first assumption was that he was doing shots of whiskey with Carrie Underwood and that they were going to break the headlights of that supped up 45, or whatever it was.
I’m sure Georgie boy believes Jesus is coming.
You guys remember that shooting Gabby Giffords was involved in a few years ago?
@23 don’t you think that that is one big ass ASSumption to assume all liberals make assumptions? Ass hump.
I see we’ve heard from the Amtrak engineer’s lawyer.
Maybe I missed something, but has HA heard from Evergreenrailfan since the derailment occurred?
Not admitting anything except your stoooooooooooooopidity!
Goldy @GoldyHA
Banks endorsers Pettigrew & Santos also want to split Seattle School Dist in 2, & Pettigrew wants to hand control to mayor. So there’s that.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Council challenger Pamela Banks boasts endorsement of payday lender apologists Pettigrew and Santos. Good to know.
One would think that a candidate with 61% approval wouldn’t be so concerned about the competition.
@25. I’ll bite. How could we ever forget about it, wasn’t it some radical right wing guy that did the shooting?
28 hahahaha
Otherwise I would have just done an emoji smiley face.
It’s ok, there are probably a couple of bananas left on the counter
Philly mayor doing his best Roger Rabbit imitation:
Mayor Michael Nutter said there was “no way in the world” the engineer should have been going that fast into the curve.
“Clearly he was reckless and irresponsible in his actions,” Nutter told CNN. “I don’t know what was going on with him, I don’t know what was going on in the cab, but there’s really no excuse that could be offered.”
One very large difference between the two of them: The Philly mayor is probably correct, albeit premature.
Your belief in Christie is duly noted.
Trial balloon.
Mrs. Christie, “We would totally run and WIN if the national party were as enthusiastic as they were in 2012.”
Reads polls. A few weeks later….
Mr. Christie, “After considerable consideration, my duty is to the citizens of New Jersey who really really really like me, all of about 1/3 of the state at least, and moving New Jersey forward by giving $8.5 billion dollars to Exxon and so I have decided not to run for President. I want to spend more time with my family after my amazing job for New Jersey is complete.”
Christie’s political life is over. His wife knows it but she’ll, ahem, stand by her man, and blame the national party not his arrogance and incompetence.
Run Chris Run. Huckabee isn’t polling better than you, it’s skewed. YOU CAN DO IT!
Saying You’re Sorry Makes It Okay
A Missouri Republican is remorseful about hitting on a female intern. And no, he won’t resign. So it’s up to the voters of his district to term-limit him.
@33 Maybe Christie intends to run in 2020 if he can get permission from his parole officer.
@ 4, 33
You were wrong. You were called on it.
Own up.
Remember how pissed off Obamaphiles were
about the questions Little George asked Obama in the 2008 Dem primary debate with Hillary?
Maybe they had a point:
At least 72 sweatshop workers were killed yesterday in a sneaker factory fire in the Philippines.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’d much rather be a capitalist than a worker. You never hear of capitalists being locked inside a sweatshop and then burning to death because they can’t get out. Capitalists come and go as they please. It sucks to be a worker. Nobody should work.
@27. Not paying attention or not doing your job or speeding and crashing a train or deflating a football. I guess either way you have to lawyer up and keep your mouth shut. Isn’t there some amendment regarding that.
@27 you suspect he was getting a blow job and not paying attention?
Think Christie is in for 2016? Want to bet? Wait….
They’re making excuses and he hasn’t announced.
@32 “The Philly mayor is probably correct, albeit premature.”
In case you missed it, here’s what the Philly mayor said:
“Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter said there is no reason the engineer should have been traveling that fast. ‘Clearly he was reckless and irresponsible in his actions. I don’t know what was going on with him, I don’t know what was going on in the cab, but there’s really no excuse that could be offered,’ Nutter said.
And here’s NTSB’s lead investigator, Robert Sumwalt, in response:
“Sumwalt said he’s ‘not going to agree with that at all.’ ‘I think that’s a subjective, judgmental statement,’ he said. ‘We’re here right now just to find out what happened, and that’s what we want to do. We want to find out what happened and why, and we’re not casting any judgment because at this point right now we want to talk to this person and find out what his perspective was.'”
Yeah, like maybe there was a mechanical failure, a stuck throttle, or something. No way to know until they conduct an investigation, amirite Bob?
The dummy doctor always has all the answers, even when no one else does. Oh, and did I mention that Bob is multimillionaire? His gift for prescience allowed him to get rich in the stock market. Wish I had his crystal ball. Also, reading xrays is good work if you can get it, though I read a couple days ago that radiologists are going to be replaced by robots, because robots do it better and cheaper.
Yeah, like maybe there was a mechanical failure, a stuck throttle, or something. No way to know until they conduct an investigation, amirite Bob?
You would think something like that would be mentioned by the guy’s attorney. It wasn’t.
What we do know that within 24 hours the engineer has an attorney. He can’t remember anything but he knows to lawyer up.
We also know the black box is available.
No one is talking about mayday communications from the engineer about stuck throttles and increasing speeds. I’m sure that’s just an oversight.
This should be fun.
@ 38
You never hear of capitalists being locked inside a sweatshop and then burning to death because they can’t get out.
No, you just hear about them trapped above the floor the plane hit, and jumping out the window to avoid the heat.
Feingold. In.
@25 your stupidity can be countered with your own stupid logic, everyday you are becoming more like Puffy.
@45 Who’s fault was that, dumbass? Of course, first and foremost, the terrorists are to blame; but the incompetence and negligence of Republican leadership shouldn’t be overlooked, either:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs: in his first nine months he reversed Clinton’s policy toward China, proclaiming it no longer a ‘strategic partner’ but a ‘strategic competitor’; in the Middle East, by withdrawing U.S. involvement in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians; toward Korea, by abandoning the negotiated accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program and by humiliating President Kim of South Korea, who was promoting North-South reconciliation, during his March 2001 visit to the White House, contributing to a wave of anti-Americanism in a country that was among the staunchest American allies; by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
@44 I guess somebody hiring a lawyer is all it takes to “prove” them guilty in your mind, eh Bob?
I sure hope you’re a better doctor than you are a lawyer, for your patients’ sake.
As for whether the “fleeing felon rule” is still the law in the U.S., it’s true that SCOTUS said in Tennessee v. Garner (1985) that, “A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead,” but how many cops have been prosecuted recently for doing exactly that? Then tell me we don’t still have a de facto fleeing felon rule in effect in this country, at least for black suspects …
“No, you just hear about them trapped above the floor the plane hit, and jumping out the window to avoid the heat.”
Leave it to Bob to fail to acknowledge that planes hitting buildings don’t discriminate in who dies, secretaries, building maintenance staff, or CEOs. Leaves the impression that on 9/11 Bob only wept for trapped hedge fund managers. After his trail of racist and bigoted comments, it’s damned easy imaging him not giving a shit about any blacks or Muslims trapped in those towers.
Whether it is cops shooting unarmed blacks or blacks trapped in blazing, falling towers, as long as a black man ends up dead, Bob is good with whatever the fuck happened.
Former Democrats Murray and Cantwell openly declared war on all american citizens today, siding with fascism to advance the TPP.
@53 Something tells me Bob’s the kind of guy who would keep a parachute stashed under his desk.
@54 It isn’t the first time Democrats screwed over the workingman, and it won’t be the last time, either. About all you can say in their favor is that Republicans are even worse.
Jeb’s out there lookin’ presidenshul!
“I would have invaded Iraq.”
“Sir, knowing now that the invasion destabilized the region and there were no WMD and it cost”
(interrupts) “Well knowing the unknown knowns that are known now, of course I wouldn’t have invaded Iraq.”
“So you think your brother made a mistake as president going into Iraq.”
“Of course not, he’s my Middle East expert and the one I’ll turn to when I need advice.”
“So then you think invading Iraq was the right decision?”
“No I didn’t say that. I would have invaded Iraq then but knowing now that it was a disaster I would have not invaded.”
“What would you do faced with a similar situation in a middle eastern country like, say, Yemen.”
“I’d be a decider too.”
Yaketty Sax plays as he leaves the stage…
@57 Not so long ago, I thought Jeb was a leadpipe cinch for the GOP nomination, but now I’m not so sure. His own tribe is going to tear him apart in the primaries. I don’t doubt that Hillary will be the Democratic nominee, and I doubt that Rubio will make it farther than the #2 spot on this go-round, so this might turn out to be a Hillary-Walker contest. It’s still very early, which makes it awfully hard to tell, but I don’t see any of the other GOP wannabes as plausible at this point. Are the GOPers crazy enough to run against Hillary with Walker? Yeah, I think they are. They like him a lot better than Romney; he’s right up their alley, and as they’re on a suicide mission anyway, I don’t think they care whether he’s electable.
Republicans always end up in strange pickles. Take this one. How do they avoid shutting out their only black and woman candidates from debating with the 20 white guys?
“The prospect of Ms Fiorina, the only major announced woman candidate in the field, and Mr. Carson, the only black candidate, being shut out is worrisome to Republicans.”
“It doesn’t play well into the Republican narrative if those people are not on the stage,” said Patrick Griffin, a GOP strategist with Purple Strategies. “The party needs to be reaching out to all kinds of constituencies.”
Yeah, that wouldn’t play well, that’s for damn sure, but that’s who they are and I think they ought to man up and roll with it.
Boob sounding more like Puffy lately. Side effects of urine?
Soooooooooooooo All the libtards are lying about the Amtrak train crash. http://www.usnews.com/news/art.....essmen-say
How do you know a DUMMOCRETIN is lying… Well they are in Congress using the bully pulpit claiming that more money will fix every ill in America.
Sure is amazing how Stupid Solution Steve attacks Travis Bickle while allowing the vomit producer’s racism to go unscathed!
Now why is that Stupid Solution Steve?
So Bob, hiring a lawyer makes a person guilty? Cuz our system is always fair so innocent people don’t need lawyers, amirite Bob? No possibility of mechanical failure or innocent mistake here! If a train crashes, the engineer is at fault! End of story! Passengers were killed, so call out the Puddy Lynch Mob!
The Puddy Truth Brigade correctly identified Bowe Bergdahl for whom he is! This upsets the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Puddy and Bickle are still snuggling. How cute…or maybe Bickle is realizing the pud-dumpster is the boyfriend from hell…
Well well well, we all can see even rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, the black Obummer cheerleader of HA DUMMOCRETINS also approves of vomit producer’s racism.
Yes, this moron hangs with anything DUMMOCRETIN, racist or not!
@ 66
Repeatedly pointing out the fact that absolutely everything you say in here is a lie, isn’t racism. You have absolutely zero credibility in here as every statement you make is false. Everyone knows that they are false, and everyone knows that you know that you come in here to deliberately lie to make whatever schizotardical bullshit point those voices in your head are whispering at you at that particular moment in time.
You stupid, ignorant lying fuck.
If you hate Liberals so much, why don’t you go back to Pennsylvania? I can’t understand why you would live in a rather liberal State run mostly by educated people, instead of that Conservative’s ghetto paradise you claim to be from. Hell, houses are cheap in Kensington right now. My buddy’s dad just bought two houses to bulldoze out so he can add space to his garden for $15,000, just two blocks from Kensington and Lehigh Avenues. He’s already got four lots, including the two his house sits on.
Hell, they won’t convict or even fire Police Officers who were caught totally red-handed selling weapons and drugs to gangsters right out of their own goddamn evidence lockers, but they’ll give them medals and promotions for shooting a 12 year old in the back, for running from them when they chase him on his bicycle with their cars for the heinous crime of riding that bike on the sidewalk.
Wouldn’t you rather live with your “own kind”? I mean, assholes really should. They certainly have no use to anyone here.
Mr. Kaufmann added, “I would still rather have this headache then be where the Democrats are: planning Hillary’s throne for the coronation.”
So vomit producer never called black people:
“niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”
You have absolutely zero credibility in here as every statement you make is false. – So says the “racist ignorant person” who calls blacks “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”
Everyone knows that they are false, and everyone knows that you know that you come in here to deliberately lie to make whatever schizotardical bullshit point those voices in your head are whispering at you at that particular moment in time. – So says the “racist ignorant person” who calls blacks “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”
You stupid, ignorant lying fuck. – So says the “racist ignorant person” who calls blacks “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”
Wouldn’t you rather live with your “own kind”? – So says the “racist ignorant person” who calls blacks “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated” – Who are my kind vomit producer?
Still no comments from Stupid Solution Steve or rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!!!!!
Wow ever link Puddy uses from left wrong sites “are false” – Do tell the “racist ignorant person” who calls blacks “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”
Wow ever link Puddy uses from left wrong sites “are false” – Do tell the “racist ignorant person” who calls blacks “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”
@ 69
Lying asshole sacks of Conservative, NeoNazi phony Christian shit.
Skin color isn’t a factor in that. You just aren’t intelligent enough to recognize this simple fact.
You openly parrot White Supremacists, and regularly post links to their websites as though it proves a point. I’ve worked with such individuals my whole adult career. They say exactly the same shit you say, and I strongly suspect for the same reasons.
Guess what jackass, if those guys had their way, every single non-European in North America would be dangling from a tree. They say that shit outright: “All fucking Gooks, Niggers, Chinks, Kikes and SandNiggers oughta be exterminated”.
Lotta those guys are Vets. A lot of them served in the Army or the Marine Corps with such people, and they still hate them.
Thats why I’m in school, to get away from that mindset. It’s so common in machine shops and such that you’d feel right at home in one of those places.
@ Schizo
It isn’t “my” kind that does this shit.
That’s your kind.
It isn’t Liberals out there writing those tickets and shooting people in the back. That’s a Conservative thing.
Wait a minute…
So the vomit producer did not claim Puddy was lying about “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”.
So you are equating yourself to White Supremacists! Thanks for playing vomit producer! You use the same words they do about blacks… “niggers”, “uneducated disrespectful and unmotivated”.
Channeling that inner white supremacist eh vomit producer? Yet, you scream about them all the time… Butt, seems you think about blacks just like they do.
Yeah and Puddy loves watermelon and fried chicken too!
Truth… the sanitizer of left wrong DUMMOCRETIN thought!
It isn’t Liberals out there writing those tickets and shooting people in the back. Really? There is a 55% these are DUMMOCRETINS vomit producer!
No they just put choke holds on large black people in NYC!
Hey guys… ever heard of /?refresh=false
Thanks vomit producer for allowing everyone to view what libtard left police departments do!
And Stupid Solution Steve and rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears are still snuggling with the vomit producer.
How cute…or maybe Stupid Solution Steve and rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears are realizing the vomit producer-dumpster is their boyfriend from hell… Thinks just like the white supremacists he claims to despise. Didn’t Freud have a name for that!
B.B. King dead at 89. Damn, he had a long run and a damn good one too. Rest in Peace, old blues dude.
Ahhh yes, the smear campaign of the right. For a party who’s tactic is only to smear people, as they praise JeHeSus, the lord, they have little fucking class. And the open the door to validate the same accusations of the straight, the blacks, the Chinese, etc, etc. they open Pandora’s box like evil mother fuckers.
Conservative Host: Train Engineer’s Sexuality Is ‘A Factor’ In Crash http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....86360.html
If you think gay people are of a kind, then so can blacks be of a kind. Puffy wise up.
@74 don’t forget bananas.
JeHeSus, Lord, have mercy, he’s one of us for god’s sake. Alleluhja, Alleluhja, Alleluja.
Pray for our Sinners. JeHeSus, JeHeSus, Satan has shown his ugly head.
Oh America is so beautiful and righteous. Conservative will ultimately lose the battle and look like fucking morons doing so – blinded by bigotry. What a shame. Remember for every action there is a reaction.
If you think gay people are of a kind, then so can blacks be of a kind.
That’s exactly how DUMMOCRETINS portray black people. VICTIMS so yes we per DUMMOCRETINS are a kind!
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, JeHeSus, Praise the Lord, Allelujia, Allelujia, Allelujia, have mercy, have mercy, praise the lord have mercy.
@85 no running and hiding Puffy – I said you. If you think that gays are of a kind, then yes wise up, blacks are of a kind. Don’t run and hide for cover.
If you think that gays are of a kind… teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla… they self identified…
“I can’t believe you would take those n*****s’ side over mine”
Thank the Great Pasta I don’t live in Florida. My closest (in age) cousin lived there for a couple of years back in the late 80’s. Tallahassee I think. He left the State when the store he was working at was robbed at gunpoint by two Cuban immigrants. Several people, including a young black couple stayed behind after the robbers left to help provide witness statements. When the Police showed up, they immediately ordered the black couple onto the floor at gunpoint, handcuffed them, called for backup and screamed at them for an hour about trying to find out which one of their friends did it, and threatening to charge them with the robbery if they didn’t tell them who it was.
Cousin left the next weekend. Just packed up everything he could fit in his car and drove all the way back to San Diego.
@75 You gotta love how Puddyliar tries to slap a “liberal” label on fascist cops who shoot blacks in the back for the sheer lunacy of it …
@64 Has Bergdahl been convicted of something? Nope. Maybe he will be someday, but Puddy doesn’t have patience for trials and due process and giving people a chance to defend themselves and all that pap, so he runs with the assumptions of the rightwing blogosphere instead of evidence. Same with the train engineer; we don’t need no investigation when we have a perfectly good scapegoat at hand, so let’s just hang that guy regardless of innocence or guilt. That’s Puddy for ya.
@75 You gotta love how Puddyliar tries to slap a “liberal” label on fascist cops who shoot blacks in the back for the sheer lunacy of it
Early onset senility senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, Puddy looks at voting records of the city or the county. FACT! If it’s blue, identify it! Sux to be the early onset senility senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Puddy doesn’t need to run to that stale Sidney Blumenthal link, which has been debunked over and over. Puddy uses daily fresh links!
Regarding Bergdahl, one more time IDIOT Wabbit…
When interviewed on NATIONAL TEEVEE, his platoon all claimed he deserted! FACT! Fraternizing with the enemy is A-OK with the early onset senility senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Regarding Bergdahl, one more time IDIOT Wabbit…
When interviewed on NATIONAL TEEVEE, his platoon all claimed he deserted! FACT! Fraternizing with the enemy is A-OK with the early onset senility senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@89 Having been to Vietnam, I have no desire to visit a third world country like Florida.
@94 If you interview me on national teevee, I’ll claim you’re a lunatic who escaped from an asylum, and my say-so will make it true.
@92 “Puddy looks at voting records of the city or the county. FACT! If it’s blue, identify it!”
No doubt you realize this methodology also defines you as a DUMMOCRETIN …
@89 thank you for your post, but completely irrelevant to the discussion we were having. Way to go to make yourself irrelevant, typical of your actions. Lie or be irrelevant, two of many of your traits.
@ 98
It’s an open thread, cheesedick.
@99 hahahaha, no problem. I meant @88 not @89.
I was teplying to the ape.
Sorry about that vomit.
I realized I miss spelled replying but I liked how teplying matches teabagging, so I kept it unchanged!
Only 27% thread pollution by the ‘can’t get fired unless he’s found with tied-up white kids in the trunk of his car’ HR nightmare puddyfuckwad.
That is unacceptable, maaaaaan. Get your fucking shit together.