I cast my second meaningless vote in the primary (my caucus would have been 2 delegates for Clinton, 4 for Sanders no matter how I voted; this one awards no delegates). Still, if the system is going to be this, I’m happy to participate at the cost of a couple weekend afternoons and a stamp.
Democrats expecting a blowout in November had better rethink the situation. All the new polls show it’s going to be close.
Roger you’ve bee around long enough. This is a national poll. It is meaningless. Look at May 2012 and the polls taken Nationally were about 50-50 Romney winning vs Obama winning.
But while at it, there was some pundit talk about the Quinnpiac poll showing Trump close in Florida. Q has some interesting history, for example in 2012 in March they had Obama by 8, then strangely in May after he wrapped up the nomination they came out with Romney by +1 then Romney +6 raising eyebrows. Then by June it was Obama +4, July Obama +6, and Romney never led a Q poll thereafter.
A cynic would look at Quinnipiac’s cross tabs and think they might oversample white males in May to justify their continued existence. BTW, their final Florida poll in 2012 was Obama +1 pretty much nailing it.
Whether you like or dislike someone’s politics sometimes you just have to realize how right they are.
But Republicans, keep being fucking morons. One day too you’ll die from global warming, but dying is inevitable so what’s the big deal.
@2 All I’m saying is we can’t be complacent. Nearly half this country is still Republican, despite how crazy the GOP has become. People who deny climate science and evolution, pass laws against feeding the homeless, and embrace voter suppression as a legitimate election strategy are perfectly capable of voting for a Donald Trump. And millions of them will in the belief that the people who sent their jobs to China will bring them back. A guy struggling to make the payments on his F-250 doesn’t give a damn about the finer points of public policy and isn’t deterred by bigotry or racism.
@3 If you don’t believe the science, it’s not a problem. Because, God. Prayer will save you. And all that. So keep on truckin’ and rolling coal.
New poll: Trump loses to root canal. http://tinyurl.com/hrt4j9q
Because they love America and you don’t.
“Texas GOP to debate secession on convention floor”
Instead of banning the loon for posting hate-speech and copy & paste head explosion spam, perhaps it’d be more appropriate if Darryl and Carl declared him mentally incompetent.
“Planned Parenthood gunman declared mentally incompetent for trial”
@7 bunch of losers that can’t accomplish anything, they can’t even secede correctly. Shows their eneptnesd than anything more. Bunch of failures even at that.
They are a bunch of monkies fucking a football.
I never thought that Boob would follow the Ape. I thought it would be the other way around – that Boob would leave HA first and the Puffy follow him into the sunset. But apparently the doctor is taking his cue from an Ape.
“that Boob would leave HA first and the Puffy follow him into the sunset”
For our racist doctor, being stuck with a crazy black loon as his only friend has to really suck. Who knows? Maybe it’s taking a toll on him.
I’m not a tweeter but if I were
#MonkeyFuckFootball would be appropriate for describinging a Republican. Please feel free to steal it!
@6 …and Nickelback!!!! But remember, he’s still more popular than cockroaches and hemorrhoids.
@ 11
Naw, people like that feed off each other like zombie vampires. If they didn’t have the constant reassurances that their opinions have any validity or basis of credibility amongst the reality based demographic from other lying fucktards like themselves, they wouldn’t have anyone but themselves to talk to.
I suspect that this has always been the case.
@ Roger (@1) … et al,
Certainly the Trump candidacy should not be taken lightly because he’s a Horse’s Ass.
So, what do we need to do?
Register everyone you know to vote.
Are you registered to vote? Let me show you how to find out. Let me show you how to register.
This is a target rich environment. No excuses.
2) Troll the FK out of every Republican & Republican website & social media account.
Trump is tremendously dead weight to the Republican ballot. Not even our trolls can support his bullshit. WE need to drive this point endlessly.
We can win the whole kit and caboodle if we all do our little bit.
There’s not been a better opportunity for the things we believe in in 52 years. Make the most of this opportunity.
“According to the Pew Research Center, immigrants and their children and grandchildren will account for 88 percent of U.S. population growth over the next 50 years.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And that means the GOP’s immigration policies would lead to big trouble for the U.S. economy, programs like Social Security, and our ability to defend ourselves. “Immigration, perhaps more than any other single factor, sustains American prosperity.” Losing that prosperity and our competitive edge against countries like China and Japan would be the real legacy of a Trump presidency.
George Zimmerman is auctioning the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin to the highest bidder.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: None; it speaks for itself.
So it appears clearer each day that a key strategy of the Republicans to overcome electoral demographic weakness in the general election this year is to drive turnout among white racists. Trump’s nomination is proof enough. But looking beyond that to the long and growing list of outspoken white supremacist luminaries involved in the campaign and the convention makes it undeniable.
Republicans are depending on this dismal and cynical strategy to pull them out of their nose dive. They hope to leverage the activism of the white supremacist community to drive new registrations and improve turnout in key districts. And they hope to pull this off right under our noses by discouraging the media from reporting on it, and by shaming the establishment into ignoring it.
I may be giving them too much credit, by I’m guessing that even quasi-latent racists like our last remaining troll are reluctant to dive into a lake of shit that deep. Democrats have a moral responsibility to call this evil shit out loudly and often between now and November. All the hand-wringing over Trump’s bullying tactics and ignorance of policy is nothing compared to the threat this represents. Even in a landslide loss, if Republicans get away with such nakedly racist tactics, if the media and the people don’t aggressively oppose this at every turn, the harm to our system will be irreversible.
Max Scherzer, pitching against the Detroit Tigers, tied an all-time MLB record last night by striking out 20 batters. He threw 119 pitches of which 96 were strikes.
“Beyond the low wages and high injury rates, the nation’s roughly 250,000 poultry workers are routinely denied bathroom breaks, leading some to wear diapers and others to not drink liquids … according to a report released by Oxfam America, which details conditions that violate U.S. workplace safety laws.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Third world working conditions. In the USA, in the 21st century. Workers wearing diapers because they’re not allowed bathroom breaks. This is what you get in an unregulated free market.
The idea of “free markets” sounds great to some people, and maybe it is on paper, but in the real world it makes about as much sense as unregulated traffic.
Imagine the gridlock and chaos if there were no traffic laws, no stoplights or yield signs, no pedestrian crossings, no traffic cops. Why does anyone think an economy, which is vastly more complex, can function that way if streets and sidewalks can’t?
Allowing employers to treat workers this way is the equivalent of letting yahoos on skateboards knock over pedestrians on sidewalks. That’s no way to run a society. It doesn’t work.
So take your “free market” ideology and stuff it. Ideologues are either too lazy to think or dummies incapable of thinking. Pragmatists should run the world.
@ 20
I don’t think anyone here can personally attest to the physical and psychological effects of being too full of shit more than our own Roger Rabbit.
@21 Sounds like you just volunteered, Bob.
Shorter Paul Ryan:
“For the sake of Republican Party unity I’m trying to make room in the big tent for the White Christian Identity Movement. This makes me a party hero.”
“Imagine the gridlock and chaos if there were no traffic laws, no stoplights or yield signs, no pedestrian crossings, no traffic cops.”
Now c’mon Rog! That’s just unfair!
We should all realize by now that the essence of modern movement conservative Libertardianism is FREEDOM! And this means that in place of your compulsory government mandated traffic controls, the magical invisible hand of the free market would arrange a nearly infinite number of “mutually agreed upon” limited “contracts” between powerless individual motorists and the huge private corporate owners of roads. I can’t wait to see what those EULAs would have buried in them.
HumancentiPad anyone?
Chad PergramVerified account
Judge rules in favor of Congressional GOPers on Obamacare lawsuit. Judge says Admin can’t spend Obamacare $ not appropriated by Congress
Last week I started to read about the new premium rates being announced in early November. Up until last week I was reading about them being announced in October, as in years past. So I assumed it was just the Obama administration burying them until after the election.
This decision might make it pretty difficult to pay off the money-losing insurance companies. We might hear more about this in the Fall than Hillary wants us to hear.
As Joe might say, sort of A Big Fucking Deal.
Hey Boob,
before you switch on the party light and tap the keg you might wanna check the composition of the Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit. The appropriation continues pending appeal.
@25 And who do you think people will blame come November when they lose their insurance? It won’t be the Democrats in case you were confused.
RE: @25,
“This decision might make it pretty difficult to pay off the
money-losinginsurance companies not making enough money to pay for blow and hookers.”Fixed!
@25 Let’s skip over the fact this judge is a conservative GOP loyalist appointed by Dubya and focus on the fact the Constitution gives Congress, not the president, power to appropriate money and approve spending. Without having read the opinion, and at the risk of sounding superficial, it sounds like there’s at least a chance this is an orthodox ruling supported by general constitutional principles and perhaps even some previous judicial precedents. Yawn. Coffee refill, anyone?
It occurs to me that even if the Democrats lose their appeal there are worse fates than insurance companies not getting paid. Not to mention making Republican congressmen run for reelection this fall on a platform of taking away people’s health insurance.
@7 It will be interesting to see what these people will do to pay for the next big hurricane they have. I’m sure they won’t ask the hated federal government to help. All those rich people’s homes…tsk,tsk,tsk.
“Donald Trump Flips Again: Muslim Ban Was ‘Only A Suggestion'”
Seems like only yesterday that Republicans detested flip-floppers.
I’m not really sure it would even have that effect.
The appropriations they are challenging are not the tax credits that are baked into the ACA. These appropriations are going to reimburse some of the insurance companies selling some policies in some of the marketplaces to qualifying low income insureds to cover copays and deductibles. Of course the insurance companies insist that they cant live without the money. And maybe that’s even so. But there may be other places to get the money. And there may be other ways to cover these low income working poor. The effect of the ruling will fall very, veeery disproportionately on working poor people.
So… it figures that it gives Boob a chubby.
Feisty Meghan McCain is all choked up with feels and emotions because Speaker Ryan is being so selfless and heroic about showing his willingness to consider maybe possibly finding a way to move forward in unity with the White Christian Identity Movement.
Oh gooody!
@32 The times they are a’changin’.
Here’s the Republican Party’s White Christian Identity Movement delegate William Johnson as he appeared on CNN yesterday:
This is how the Republican Party plans to Make America Great Again.
Looks like Drumpf’s retired butler has earned himself a Secret Service visit.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Meanwhile, Drumpf’s spokesperson is saying, “Who’s he? We don’t know this guy.”
The ruling and suit, tldr
But since Congress passed the law that included the payments, wouldn’t a republican Congress need to pass a new law cutting off appropriations, can you say veto, to make that “power of the purse” argument work?
musta been another one o’ doze “technical” errors.
Trump’s butler.
“”Either way, I don’t care. Hanging, shooting — I’d prefer he’d be hung from the portico of the White House, or as I call it, the white mosque,” Senecal said in a phone interview Thursday.”
That’s nasty.
@41 Apparently not nasty enough to get him in trouble with his employer.
Oh it’s all TWO TERM President Obama’s fault that little low-life Scotty Walker is going to hit WI taxpayers with a 2.3 million dollar interest bill..
Tax cuts for the rich, boot-licking schmuck.
@7 Well the Bandit and Snowman will be there with a delivery of Coors so those Texan’s can enjoy a last taste as they go on the first step to become part of Mexico again. How does this affect building the wall? We will have to keep them Texan’s out. Maybe we should keep the pan handle though as Shamrock is cool.
@20 Don’t forget about the repetitive movement injuries. Each worker does about 60,000 to 100,000 moves a day. Of course there is something the workers can do and that is form a Union.
@25 There is a straight forward solution that would resolve a lot of the bs. As the Obama care plan is the Republican Health Plan Proposal. A single payer system does away with this non sense and actually can address the real issue of high health system costs.
R senile@4,
You forgot throwing Grandma over the cliff in her wheelchair!
Meanwhile a real DUMMOCRETIN HA DUMMOCRETINS would be glady voting for:
PuddyCommentariat: Not too extreme for this Northwest Division of Goldy’s Lunatic Moonbats!
Libtard Time Magazine: QPPS’ head explodes!
Flubscout @15,
Taking Troll notes from Heilary? Hmmmm…? http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....ebook.html Gotta protect those stooooooooooooopid delegates from The Bern and his young attackers!
PuddyCommentariat: Imagine if a Republican came out of the gate doing that? Hmmm…?
Seems Heilary will not only push the envelope and engage the Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP) into creating new ways to undermine federal campaign regulations for her benefit! Test drive this on Bernie Sanders supporters first!
Libtard The Daily Beast: QPPS’ head explodes!
I guess we shouldn’t expect superhuman or divine restraint from cops. After all, they’re people just like us. No, wait, they’re not:
“The woman, now either 18 or 19 years old, is believed to have had sex with potentially dozens of police officers beginning when she was 16. Such acts would be a crime under the state’s statutory rape laws.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: When the police department roster and sex offender registry are identical you’ve got a problem.
@47 So you guys are going to run on a platform of taking away people’s health care again?
@48 Well, if you want to start comparing candidates according to their Goofy Meter scores, that’s a game I’m willing to play. Let’s start with this one:
And, of course, the Goofy Meter ratings don’t even scratch the surface of Republican criminality, which is a whole different ballgame.
If a guy who claims to be worth $10 billion and says he earns hundreds of millions a year wants your vote for the highest office in our land, and before giving it to him you want to know if he pays any taxes, here’s your answer:
Seems Facebook has been accused of the standard DUMMOCRETIN censorship! http://gizmodo.com/former-face.....1775461006
PuddyCommentariat: Did you expect anything else from the libtards at Facebook?
Facebook and Gizmodo: QPPS’ head explodes!
R senile,
Grandma over the cliff was a big fat DUMMOCRETIN lie, par for the course from your side!
Who said Puddy was comparing “goofy meter scores”?
Puddy used Time Mag to identify someone whom thinks like most HA DUMMOCRETINS!
R senile @50,
Oakland? Land of libtards! Remember Ron Dellums? No?
You’re ‘happy’? Srsly? The gap between an actual democratic process and our current presidential process exceeds the event horizon. Welcome to the transition.