– What anarchist/immigrant activist will be crowned May Queen and get to be a distressed plane? I may not quite know what’s up with the holiday, but the SPD blog has some info.
– I predict that the tunnel will be finished sometime between now and infinity years in the future.
– US Workers Were Once Massacred Fighting for the Protections Being Rolled Back Today
– Should I be worried whenever I go to Magnolia?
– Politico remains the worst.
– Do people still read Maureen Dowd?
– I need to get other humans to carry me like that.
But wait! We can’t afford safer coal mines! They’ll cost jobs! Thousands of jobs!
Awwrrkk!! squawked the parrot! We must give corporations whatever they want! Or they won’t give us jobs! Awwrrkk!!
Instead of using National Guardsmen and private militias against striking coal miners, we should use National Guardsmen against private militias helping ranchers refuse to pay grazing fees. Now
that would be real progress!
Sadly it seems that cheap labor conservatives see those mine workers as disposable.
First of all, I wished I could share your optimism regarding completion of the tunnel. Considering that the machine got stuck after the first few hundred feet and has to be dug out from above, what’s going to happen in ten years or so when it gets stuck for the fifteenth time right under the foundation of Benaroya Hall?
And as to Magnolia…talk about a bridge that’s not likely to survive the next earthquake! That mess of emergency braces, clamps, baling wire and chewing gum by Pier 91 should have been replaced in the 1960’s.
A Wealth Inequality post
When I was a kid in Oregon, the lumberjacks and mill workers hung on this guys every word.
A total of 15,771 people have been executed in the U.S. since 1700. I assume this doesn’t count lynchings.
It was inevitable that some people would interpret “stand your ground” laws as a license to commit murder.
Wonder how many of them were innocent?
True. We need sensible gun regulations to keep the guns out of the hands of the crazy people.
@ 7
Ever give consideration to what that station was before Limbaugh started broadcasting on it?
It was a progressive talk show station with ratings in the tank:
The network announced today that Rush Limbaugh will shift from KFI, the station at AM 640 where his brand of right-winginess has been king for a couple of decades, and anchor a new conservative talk lineup at KTLK AM 1150. The latter station has been the local outlet for the progressive talk format, featuring liberal chatter and content from even further to the left. That will go away — along with hosts Randi Rhodes and Stephanie Miller — and the station will be rebranded as The Patriot 1150.
The move in Los Angeles “is a blow to liberal talk radio, which has long struggled to build an audience,” notes Real Clear Politics. “KTLK, once thought of as a potential competitor with KFI, now garners a fraction of the audience that KFI does.
So Limbaugh doesn’t resurrect ratings on a station like that right away, and it’s Limbaugh’s fault?
Why not the fault of the liberals who drove it in to the ground before Limbaugh came on?
@ 7
I just thought of an analogy.
That LA radio station = the US economy.
The previous format = George W. Bush.
Limbaugh = Barack Obama.
Using this analogy, if the station ratings suck today, do you still think it’s Limbaugh’s fault?
Didn’t think so.
Financial collapses happened twice on Shrub’s watch; dot-com and housing bubble. Obama cleaned up the mess and the economy is slowly growing. What would have sped up the recovery is lower interest rates, but they were already still at historically low rates thanks to Bush’s first screw-up. And did I mention invading the wrong country after 9-11, and not going after the Saudi citizens who financed the attack.
@ 14
Dot-com was GWB43’s fault? It topped in March 2000. Using today’s NBER definition of recession the ‘Bush’ recession actually began under Clinton. Nasdaq hit 5,000 under Clinton before sliding big-time. It’s only 4,100 now. So it became a hugely overbought bubble under Clinton and the return to reality was Bush’s fault?
It’s Bush’s fault that he couldn’t create sustained value in companies that had no profits and no realistic expectation of creating profits in the foreseeable future?
Wow, tough crowd.
That Long Term Capital Management meltdown in 1998. Was that Bush’s fault, too?
@15 Financial panics and collapses have happened repeatedly (and regularly) throughout American history. Whether government regulation and government interventions can prevent them can be legitimately; but it is clear that non-regulation and non-intervention is a failure as a prevention policy.
It is now generally thought that Alan Greenspan’s policies as Fed chair contributed (perhaps largely) to both the dot-com bubble and the housing bubble, and subsequent busts. Greenspan was appointed to that position by Saint Ronnie, and reappointed by GHWB41, Clinton, and GWB43. Three Republicans, one Democrat who got elected by positioning himself as Republican-lite on economic issues.
Not exactly a ringing endorsement of conservative economic theology or recent Republican economic policies. Our country is damned lucky that Obama, not McCain, won the 2008 election. While Obama’s response to the Great Recession was hobbled by an obstructionist GOP, what Keynesianism there was after January 1, 2009, is what kept us out of the abyss. The Republicans would have pushed the economy right off the cliff.
Long Term Capital Management was an example of Unregulated Capitalism (TM; pat. pend.) at its finest as run by The Smartest Guys in The Room (TM; pat. pend.). If you ask me, there’s something fundamentally unsound about a business that purports to make money with financial engineering (i.e. asset flipping) instead of making things or providing services; but who am I to question what Capitalists do, because I’m just a commie-liberal.
Our brain-dead trolls might argue I’m a hypocrite because I flip assets, too, specializing in assets called “stocks”; and it’s true I do that, which contributes nothing to GDP, but it’s not hypocrisy because I don’t defend or make excuses for the system that encourages it.
I’m a Capitalist, alright, because that’s the only rational thing to be when you live under a Capitalist System that bounteously rewards unproductive asset-flipping and screws productive workers.
If you were presented with a choice between being scissors or paper, which would you choose to be? When you have only two choices, one rational and the other self-destructive, opting for the rational choice isn’t hypocritical; it’s a matter of not being stupid.
This is funnier than shit!
“Chase Bank is closing the accounts of hundreds of people who work in the adult industry, according to multiple reports. … Chase faced a lawsuit last year from the founder of [a] soft porn studio … that alleged the bank violated fair lending laws for refusing to underwrite a loan on the grounds of ‘moral reasons.'”
Chase Bank, which has paid billions of dollars in fines for criminal behavior, is going all moralistic on us!
Who are they going to blacklist next? Bankers?
correction @16: Whether government regulation and government interventions can prevent them can be legitimately debated; but it is clear that non-regulation and non-intervention is a failure as a prevention policy.
The Dot Com Bubble was the fault of Obamacare. Gingivitis is the fault of Obamacare. Begazie was the fault of Obamacare. Rush’s low rating is the fault of Obamacare. The War of the Roses was the fault of Obamacare. Uppity women are the fault of Obamacare. Questioning white wealth privilege is the fault of Obamacare. The TV show Friends was the fault of Obamacare.
Every conservative knows that everything bad in the world is caused by Obamacare.
KTLK, that became the Rush Station is owned by Clear Channel Communications, Inc., the nation’s largest owner of radio stations. Clear Channel is now owned by Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital LLC.
KTLK was a weak station that also carried Los Angeles Kings hockey games, UCLA football games, and other sports which often pre-empt scheduled progressive programming, and as a result ratings suffered. In the last years, the owners systematically stripped the station of local progressive talk.
Notice how the Cheap Labor Conservative fails to mention that Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital dumped the station’s progressive content, then said they had to change the format because the ratings sucked.
The gift that just keeps giving. Yeah, we get it, he’s partly of African descent. He can’t possibly be qualified to be President.
The comments are priceless.
The culture of police immunity has become so entrenched that apparently some cops think they can get drunk and randomly shoot citizens with no consequences.
@23 The birthers just don’t know when to give up do they?
And the cops aren’t much better when they’re sober.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Things are out of whack when law-abiding citizens are in more danger from the police than from criminals. It’s time for fundamental changes in America’s police departments.
When you’re dead last in a 3-way GOP primary, you need to drum up some attention …
“The food stamp program is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They proudly report that they distribute free meals and food stamps to over 46 million people on an annual basis.
“Meanwhile, the National Park Service, run by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us ‘please do not feed the animals.’ Their stated reason for this policy being that … The animals will grow dependent on the handouts, and then they will never learn to take care of themselves.
“This concludes today’s lesson. Any questions?”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Oh yeah, one more thing, her employees say she’s a deadbeat, and she’s been accused of billing Medicaid for non-covered services.
If Dr. Bosworth somehow got elected to the U.S. Senate — although it doesn’t appear that even South Dakota Republicans are that stupid — would she vote against raising the minimum wage and then accuse the working poor of being “wild animals” because of their “dependency” on food stamps?
The two Wisconsin TALGO trains are set to leave Milwaukee, destination unknown. Rumors circulating within the industry, and online railfan boards, is Michigan. Makes sense, Michigan has been funding intercity passenger rail for years, regardless of party in control in Lansing. Equipment similar to what Amtrak California uses is on order, but delivery is years away, and older, Amtrak owned equipment is wearing out.
Amen to that.
Fox News Cuts Away From The President’s Press Conference Because Nobody’s Asking About Benghazi
The Fox Agenda. Good God, how they disrespect the Black Democrat President.