When a person is convicted of a felony, its within the judges power to restrict his driving privilege via the Dept of Motor Vehicles. Wouldn’t it make sense for the court to notify the appropriate entities (Sec of State or local precinct) to remove the felons name from the voting rolls at the time of conviction rather than doing a mass roundup after the crap has hit the fan in a close election? They could’nt have acquired a ballot or walked into a voting booth without being on the rolls somewhere. After all, its the courts that restricted the privilege. The court should be required to notify the proper entities that the privilege has been restricted (or reinstated).
I live in Cowlitz County and read in a local paper that we had 2 felons and 2 dead people vote in the last election. It turns out, the felons voted before they were convicted and the dead people died between the time they voted and the vote was counted.
“”I live in Cowlitz County and read in a local paper that we had 2 felons and 2 dead people vote in the last election. It turns out, the felons voted before they were convicted and the dead people died between the time they voted and the vote was counted.
Comment by tescht””
All repubs. will get out of your statement is:
“”2 felons and 2 dead people vote in the last election.””
Up to this point, they would have ignored the rest.
wsrp should be held responsible for all costs associated with this election challenge.
BUSH for President in 2008?
I predict a BUSH/BUSH ticket in 2008. Laura for president.
I’m actually thinking I would like to see Tom Ridge run for the Repubs in 2008….
I also think that if Dems want to win the next Presidential election, they should run someone like Bill Richards. Every time I heard him speak or be interviewed during the last election, I just thanked God that it was John Kerry running and not him. Richards could have won. I might have even voted for him, the guy is so darn likeable. He is sensible, well spoken and a popular Governor. On the other hand, if they decide to run Hillary in ’08, the Repubs may have a better chance of holding on to the White House.
Another TJspews:
Toot My Own Horn Moment of the Week:
I had a student tell me yesterday that I was the only prof he’s had whose political party leanings he couldn’t guess. Consider my cockles warmed.
Another TJspews:
bf, I think you’re thinking of Bill Richardson, and I agree with you about him.
A recent survey in NY found that 60% of voters think Hillary should run for Senate but want her to pledge to remain Seantor for the full 6 year term as she did in 2000. She has a dilema since most of her party wants her to go for the prez nomination. What will she do?
If you get a chance go read the article about Democrats by Victor David Hanson at National Review online. He has the demise of the Dem party nailed. I love him for throwing the election map into the story. Map available at usa today online. The map represents just how out of touch the dems are with Americans.
Black and white, sorry no greyspews:
Another TJ @ 6
Indoctrination of young and impressionable minds is a distasteful agenda. My brother is going through that currently and is even getting bad grades in his english class for making reference to any religion on essays just because the teacher is an ex-Catholic and hates God with a passion. The sames teacher also verbally attacks him in front of the class for saying that the founding fathers were Christains and formed the Nation under Christan values. The man has extreme Socialist beliefs that he has failed kids for defying him on, justifying it by saying they were mentally absent and therefore they were truant.
Another TJ don’t be that fool.
details??? What college or school? What teacher in what class?? Why is there a discussion in english class about religious references in essay responses–unless the essay questions themselves called for them? How are you apprised that the teacher is a socialist?? How do you prove the teacher has failed students for their beliefs? And where do you find evidence that this nation was formed “under christian values?” That simply is not a sufficiently articulated statement given the clearness of the texts of the Federalist Papers, the behaviors of a vast number of the so-called founding fathers, the use of anglo-saxon legal structures in juxtaposition with roman law and so far forth.
Come on people, do we really need to play this sort of Horowitz game on this site????
Here is a topic for you, and please stick to the topic, do not deflect. Address this topic straight on.
TOPIC: In the 2004 national election, Democrats stooped to trading crack cocaine for voter registrations, which in this case turned out to be fraudulent. As a liberal and a proud one at that, do you condone the barter of crack cocaine for fraudulently registering voters by your party?
“Defiance County elections officials were confident the first three hadn’t moved to their small community. But the fourth one lived there, and – in exchange for crack cocaine – tried to falsely submit the first three names and more than 100 others onto the county’s voter registration rolls, police said.
Now Mr. Staton, 22, of Defiance, faces a felony charge of false registration in a case that has quickly gained national attention as part of a hotly contested presidential battle that’s attracted a flurry of new voter registrations across the country – and a flurry of complaints of voter registration fraud.
Defiance County Sheriff David Westrick said that Mr. Staton was working on behalf of a Toledo woman, Georgianne Pitts, to register new voters. She, in turn, was working on behalf of the NAACP National Voter Fund, which was formed by the NAACP in 2000 to register new voters.
Sheriff Westrick said that Pitts, 41, of Toledo, admitted she gave Mr. Staton crack cocaine in lieu of cash for supplying her with completed voter registration forms. The sheriff declined to say how much crack cocaine Pitts supplied Mr. Staton, or to say whether Pitts knew that the forms Mr. Staton gave her were falsified.”
Chardonnay @ 9, and the Democrats are out of touch with which Americans? The 60+% against changing the Senate Rules? or the 50+% that disaprove of GWB’s politics at present? or the 60+% that do not want personal accounts or major reductions in Social Security? or just with your close knit group of expremists? You must really try and detail your facts a little more, and not just accept Rush, O’reilly, Rove and Cheney as the newly found 3rd Testament,/B>
and on a previous topic of the current administration back scratching pharma’s and the pharma’s gouging our citizens with their price structure. I guess I am very fortunate. Living with what must be Mr. Cynical’s relatives as neighbors, I must take my high pressure medication. I have several options: 1. buy it from Group Health, 2. buy it at a local pharmacy, 3. get it from Ecuador, India or Thailand. It is a very difficult choice for me. In the US it costs me a minimum of $67.99 for 60 days. If I ‘import’ it that same $67.99 will give me medication for 525 days. Please help me Chardonnay, where should I buy it?
Seattle SlugFestspews:
This is just a test. If this post shows up before my last answer to Al, or if it doesn’t show up at all, then I will know Goldy is censoring posts.
Seattle SlugFestspews:
Just as I suspected! Either he censors or he filters. So much for fairness, Goldilocks! Whatsa matter–‘fraid the big bad wolf will get to your readers?
Seattle SlugFestspews:
Maybe it was cause I used the word communist?
Seattle SlugFestspews:
No, that wasn’t it. Hmmm—what could it be?
Seattle SlugFestspews:
BTW, Black and White at 10 MIS-read TJ’s remark and is sorry. I just talked to him and he apologizes for being too hasty in scanning the post. He would apologize personally if he were at home. Sorry, TJ.
Seattle SlugFestspews:
Come on, Goldy–be a man and stop censoring the rightwingers!
Steven O'Dellspews:
Spyder @ 11
“details??? What college or school?” Columbia Basin Community College in Moses Lake.
“What teacher in what class??” R*e*d Shuttleworth in his own English class. (His first name is appropriate and accurate).
“Why is there a discussion in english class about religious references in essay responses–unless the essay questions themselves called for them?” It DID! And then he proceeded to demean the student (my son) for doing what he was instructed to do. Who is the more mature here? As if this public attempt at humiliation (which failed on my son) was not enough, he then told another instructor about it so that HE could also attempt to humiliate him (again, failure–they don’t know my sons). The first one tells him (on tape, no less–you gotta admire my boy) that in 15 years of teaching he has NEVER seen such an answer to that question and that it is invalid as an answer. The second instructor (who thought he was defending and agreeing with the first) says the answer was not original and was a rehash of the same old right-wing crap that he had heard forever. Now, I ask you–who is the more mature, my son or these idiots who can’t even agree when they are on the same side of the fence?
“How are you apprised that the teacher is a socialist??” Only by his DAILY comments in his “English” class (he seems to like atheism, s—–ism and existentialism.) The only day he stayed on topic was when my son had a running tape recorder on his desk (hehe) and then after class the dolt tells him he can’t have one. Tape still running, my son asks why he can’t take notes this way. No good answer, just that he has no permission to do so. Interesting that he actually discussed English that day, though. Oh, BTW, the second guy is caught n tape, too. They just wanted to harrass my son and weren’t bright enough to ask him to turn off the tape first. DUH! When it was discovered he had the tape actually GOING, they decided it might be prudent to move him to another class where he wouldn’t be exposed to daily persecution (not my words, but that of other students who were shocked that EVERY time the kid opened his mouth the guy tromped him for no reason.)
“How do you prove the teacher has failed students for their beliefs?” By talking to the students he humiliated and removed from his class, that’s how! He commonly would (and still does) ask for a viewpoint and then proceed to humiliate a student for it. He then asks again and wants a different answer. If he could not bully them into changing their opinion, he would mark them “mentally absent” and these would accumulate until they were expelled from class or failed, just as if they were tardy or absent physically. Again, I ask who is the more mature one? Who is the teacher and who the student? Another instructor tells of several young ladies who have come into his class crying after the treatment this petty tyrant dished out. The same instructor overheard students in the hall speaking of the tromping that my son got, expressing shock that each time he opened his mouth he got an undeseved humiliation and verbal beating. The third instructor says he has personally complained to a disciplinary board about the man. He has “tenure” and thinks he is impervious. This man is a common bully and thug.
“And where do you find evidence that this nation was formed “under christian values?” I assume you know what books are? Or do you just eat the covers? And I assume you are familiar with internet search engines? So far as I know, they haven’t yet designed one that will edit right-wing views, though it seems Goldy is working on it. I think you could ask a friend tio input Christian and Founding Fathers into a search engine of your choice (or let the friend choose for you) and see what happens. Could surprise you a lot, though I suspect you would not be any more pleased by it.
“That simply is not a sufficiently articulated statement given the clearness of the texts of the Federalist Papers, the behaviors of a vast number of the so-called founding fathers, the use of anglo-saxon legal structures in juxtaposition with roman law and so far forth.” My reading of these texts leads me to no such conclusion as you appear to have formed. You seem totally unfamiliar with the texts you refer to and the ‘behavior’ of these men. They wanted religion protected FROM government, not the other way around. Think of what country they had just come from and under what circumstances. You can thank openly-avowed Christian men for the very structure you mention (and for what freedoms you have left today, until the _____ expletive deleted____ get done with them). I am not sure what your “so forth” is, but I would suggest you read more than just the commonly parroted playbook phrases you have been taught and actually refer to personal letters, inaugural speeches and essays and discourses by these men you so quickly dismiss as d*e*i*s*t*s or a*t*h*e*i*s*t*s or whatever it is you are calling them these days to avoid use of the word C*h*r*i*s*t*i*a*n (curious…are you c*h*r*i*s*t*o*phobic or just a bigot?)
“Come on people, do we really need to play this sort of Horowitz game on this site????” I assume you refer to David Horowitz. Did you know he was raised as a dreaded (“S-word deleted” for Goldy)? He later saw the error of his ways and changed his beliefs and his way of life. He deserves credit for at least one thing, Al. He was man enough to accept a different viewpoint, admit he was wrong and get on with REAL life. The question now is are you man enough to at least SEE a different viewpoint or do you stop reading when the view changes?
P.S. Maybe TJ’s leanings can’t be told easily in a class, and I congratulate him for it, but yours certainly CAN and I hope you never get to teach any of the kids I know until you have matured a bit more.
Steven O'Dellspews:
Why the fear, Goldy? Stop censoring and be a man!
Steven O'Dellspews:
Let me post what I have to say< goldy--or is it that I didn't use any swear words that causes you grief?
Steven O'Dellspews:
Is it that I didn’t swear that causes you grief?
Steven ODellspews:
Would it help if I break it up into little tiny sentences for you, Goldy?
Steven ODellspews:
jpgee @13/14
what is high pressure medicine, you really must try and detail your facts? out of curiosity jpgee what do your neighbors do that upset you so?
I think it’s the word soci*list that scares the liberals. it exposes the democrats ideology.
Steven ODellspews:
You used to be entertaining and humorous, but now you are just pathetic. Open thread, my derriere.
It seems the reality is sinking in.
(u)SP is dead, and the trolls are spamming.
Steven ODellspews:
Char @ 8— a recent survey among my friends says she should go back to Russia.
Steven ODellspews:
AllHateandNoSense, I am not trolling. In the pasr month I have given 90% to you guys and 10% to Stefan. This should alleviate your concern about just hearing rightwing indoctrination, I think. Now, as to the issue of “REALITY SINKING IN”, why does Goldy keep me out and why should I HAVE to spam to get his attention and ask him to play fair? He thinks he is superior to Stefan, so let him show it!
Steven ODellspews:
What does he fear that I may have said to Al? I will send it to anyone who wants a copy if you ask for it and give me an email link (I promise to use it one time only and just for the stated purpose). Then YOU can decide whether Goldy is being fair (or just being a “horsesass”).
Steven ODellspews:
Spyder @ 11
“details??? What college or school?” Columbia Basin Community College in Moses Lake.
“What teacher in what class??” R*e*d Shuttleworth in his own English class. (His first name is appropriate and accurate).
“Why is there a discussion in english class about religious references in essay responses–unless the essay questions themselves called for them?” It DID! And then he proceeded to demean the student (my son) for doing what he was instructed to do. Who is the more mature here? As if this public attempt at humiliation (which failed on my son) was not enough, he then told another instructor about it so that HE could also attempt to humiliate him (again, failure–they don’t know my sons). The first one tells him (on tape, no less–you gotta admire my boy) that in 15 years of teaching he has NEVER seen such an answer to that question and that it is invalid as an answer. The second instructor (who thought he was defending and agreeing with the first) says the answer was not original and was a rehash of the same old right-wing crap that he had heard forever. Now, I ask you–who is the more mature, my son or these idiots who can’t even agree when they are on the same side of the fence?
I’ve never had a post not posted here.
Held up for a little while, but it always showed up.
Unlike snark, where he will ban you ip for disagreeing.
Steven ODellspews:
okay, I will wait. Don’t be surprised if all these have shown up (my “spamming”) long before MULTIPLE sends of my real comment.
I managed to get one paragraph in and then the next was stopped. Why?
Steven ODellspews:
“How are you apprised that the teacher is a socialist??” Only by his DAILY comments in his “English” class (he seems to like atheism, s—–ism and existentialism.) The only day he stayed on topic was when my son had a running tape recorder on his desk (hehe) and then after class the dolt tells him he can’t have one. Tape still running, my son asks why he can’t take notes this way. No good answer, just that he has no permission to do so. Interesting that he actually discussed English that day, though. Oh, BTW, the second guy is caught n tape, too. They just wanted to harrass my son and weren’t bright enough to ask him to turn off the tape first. DUH! When it was discovered he had the tape actually GOING, they decided it might be prudent to move him to another class where he wouldn’t be exposed to daily persecution (not my words, but that of other students who were shocked that EVERY time the kid opened his mouth the guy tromped him for no reason.)
Steven ODellspews:
Paragraph 3–“How do you prove the teacher has failed students for their beliefs?” By talking to the students he humiliated and removed from his class, that’s how! He commonly would (and still does) ask for a viewpoint and then proceed to humiliate a student for it. He then asks again and wants a different answer. If he could not bully them into changing their opinion, he would mark them “mentally absent” and these would accumulate until they were expelled from class or failed, just as if they were tardy or absent physically. Again, I ask who is the more mature one? Who is the teacher and who the student? Another instructor tells of several young ladies who have come into his class crying after the treatment this petty tyrant dished out. The same instructor overheard students in the hall speaking of the tromping that my son got, expressing shock that each time he opened his mouth he got an undeseved humiliation and verbal beating. The third instructor says he has personally complained to a disciplinary board about the man. He has “tenure” and thinks he is impervious. This man is a common bully and thug.
Steven ODellspews:
Paragraph 4–“And where do you find evidence that this nation was formed “under christian values?” I assume you know what books are? Or do you just eat the covers? And I assume you are familiar with internet search engines? So far as I know, they haven’t yet designed one that will edit right-wing views, though it seems Goldy is working on it. I think you could ask a friend tio input Christian and Founding Fathers into a search engine of your choice (or let the friend choose for you) and see what happens. Could surprise you a lot, though I suspect you would not be any more pleased by it.
Steven ODellspews:
Paragraph 5–“That simply is not a sufficiently articulated statement given the clearness of the texts of the Federalist Papers, the behaviors of a vast number of the so-called founding fathers, the use of anglo-saxon legal structures in juxtaposition with roman law and so far forth.” My reading of these texts leads me to no such conclusion as you appear to have formed. You seem totally unfamiliar with the texts you refer to and the ‘behavior’ of these men. They wanted religion protected FROM government, not the other way around. Think of what country they had just come from and under what circumstances. You can thank openly-avowed Christian men for the very structure you mention (and for what freedoms you have left today, until the _____ expletive deleted____ get done with them). I am not sure what your “so forth” is, but I would suggest you read more than just the commonly parroted playbook phrases you have been taught and actually refer to personal letters, inaugural speeches and essays and discourses by these men you so quickly dismiss as d*e*i*s*t*s or a*t*h*e*i*s*t*s or whatever it is you are calling them these days to avoid use of the word C*h*r*i*s*t*i*a*n (curious…are you c*h*r*i*s*t*o*phobic or just a bigot?)
Steven ODellspews:
Paragraph 6–“Come on people, do we really need to play this sort of Horowitz game on this site????” I assume you refer to David Horowitz. Did you know he was raised as a dreaded (“S-word deleted” for Goldy)? He later saw the error of his ways and changed his beliefs and his way of life. Is that what makes you mad or is it just that he doesn’t agree with YOU anymore? He deserves credit for at least one thing, Al. He was man enough to accept a different viewpoint, admit he was wrong and get on with REAL life. The question now is are you man enough to at least SEE a different viewpoint or do you just stop reading when the view changes?
Steven ODellspews:
P.S. Maybe TJ’s leanings can’t be told easily in a class, and I congratulate him for it, but yours certainly CAN and I hope you never get to teach any of the kids I know until you have matured a bit more.
Steven ODellspews:
Goldy, what is it in paragraph 2 that you object to?
Steven ODellspews:
Maybe the references to various -isms?
Steven ODellspews:
Paragraph 2–“How are you apprised that the teacher is a socialist??” Only by his DAILY comments in his “English” class (he seems to like a*t*h*e *i*s*m, s -*-*-*-*-* ism and existential ** ism.) The only day he stayed on topic was when my son had a running tape recorder on his desk (hehe) and then after class the dolt tells him he can’t have one. Tape still running, my son asks why he can’t take notes this way. No good answer, just that he has no permission to do so. Interesting that he actually discussed English that day, though. Oh, BTW, the second guy is caught n tape, too. They just wanted to harrass my son and weren’t bright enough to ask him to turn off the tape first. DUH! When it was discovered he had the tape actually GOING, they decided it might be prudent to move him to another class where he wouldn’t be exposed to daily persecution (not my words, but that of other students who were shocked that EVERY time the kid opened his mouth the guy tromped him for no reason.)
Steven ODellspews:
Come on Goldy–what is the code that gets it by you and lets you save face with your readers? Give a clue or be a loser.
Steven ODellspews:
Paragraph 2–“How are you apprised that the teacher is a s*o*c*i*a* list??” Only by his DAILY comments in his “English” class (he seems to like a*t*h*e *i*s*m, s -*-*-*-*-* ism and existential ** ism.) The only day he stayed on topic was when my son had a running tape recorder on his desk (hehe) and then after class the dolt tells him he can’t have one. Tape still running, my son asks why he can’t take notes this way. No good answer, just that he has no permission to do so. Interesting that he actually discussed English that day, though. Oh, BTW, the second guy is caught n tape, too. They just wanted to harrass my son and weren’t bright enough to ask him to turn off the tape first. DUH! When it was discovered he had the tape actually GOING, they decided it might be prudent to move him to another class where he wouldn’t be exposed to daily persecution (not my words, but that of other students who were shocked that EVERY time the kid opened his mouth the guy tromped him for no reason.)
Steven ODellspews:
AHAH! Success! What more proof do we need when you see that the change needed was to the S word that Goldy’s man used in his original comment! He allows them to use it and not the rightwingers. Very interesting, Goldmeister. PLay nice with the other children or go home and take a nap–there’s a nice boy.
What have you to say, ALL HAT?
Steven ODellspews:
Steven ODellspews:
“I think it’s the word soci*list that scares the liberals. it exposes the democrats ideology.
Comment by chardonnay”
Steven ODellspews:
Case closed. Any leftists starting to see the light here?
Steven ODellspews:
“Enjoy the free for all.” –Goldy
and just for good measure–HA!
A recent survey in NY found that 60% of voters think Hillary should run for Senate but want her to pledge to remain Seantor for the full 6 year term as she did in 2000. She has a dilema since most of her party wants her to go for the prez nomination. What will she do?
I hope she runs for president. I think she will do much better than the Republicans expect her to. I didn’t believe this until lately, but after talking to a lot of women about it I think she’d run very, very well.
well, you’re still spamming, and you have no idea what the founding fathers believed, does that about cover it?
You could conserve a little, condense your tiny thoughts into something less novelesque?
Folks I think you are being unfair to socialists comparing the democratic leaders of this state to them. I doubt any socialist could come up with the lies this former attorney general campaigned on!
OK, I’ll try this second time, withour using the S word. My point was it was unfair to the S’s to compare them to the so called demacratic leaders of this state. I doubt any of the S’s could have lied as well as former attorney general Madam Taxusallbillions gregoire in her campaign promises, especially with relation to less government intrusion, and NO NEW TAXES (10 billion new taxes thus far in just a few months).
C @ 53
It’s unusual to meet a person who so whole heartedly supports Hillary. Does she stand for anything? And if so, what?
Just to let you know my bias, I don’t believe the fact that “she’d run very, very well” matters at all. Tell the world what’s so good about Hillary.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
My sentiments exactly about Hilliary.
What exactly has she ever done besides not satisy her man??
Another TJspews:
I just have one question. Are Steven O’Dell and Black and White the same poster?
Steven ODell,
Give it up. Like the MSM, Goldy cannot debate you so he must censor you. Truth hurts liberals so they won’t allow it.
C @ 53
Hillary was a big fan of Saul Alinkski, you know who that is?
Soshialist, soci-alist(s) social-ism
The sochialism filter is an automatic thing apparently.
Now wait a minute. Lets give Ms Rodham some credit here. She managed to turn $1000 investment into $100,000. Maybe she can do that with the deficit.
hmmm lets see, Oh she swindled people with her white water land deal.
She was a landlord. Rented the Lincoln bedroom. Strange they were landlords before they were homeowners. LOL Her and Bill bought their first house in 2001.
Don’t forget those lovely communist ideas, It takes a village to raise a child and national health care.
she is a predator.
what is it then, are you on the radical left advocating communism or soci*lism or not? Do you seriously not see the similarities within many of your party ideologies?
you either are ignorant to it or you embrace it. which is it?
All tools here and yet there are still screws loosespews:
Another TJ @ 59
Thank you for dosing off halfway through Steve’s post. You would have noticed that he said That B&W was one of his sons if you had of read the whole thing.
O’Dell writes:
My reading of these texts leads me to no such conclusion as you appear to have formed. You seem totally unfamiliar with the texts you refer to and the ‘behavior’ of these men. They wanted religion protected FROM government, not the other way around. Think of what country they had just come from and under what circumstances. You can thank openly-avowed Christian men for the very structure you mention (and for what freedoms you have left today, until the _____ expletive deleted____ get done with them)
No i don’t have to thank them at all. Your interpretive readings are selective and highly prejudiced, if you arrive at the points you make. I have much more than a passing familiarity with the writings and other textual commentaries of those you refer to as the founding fathers. Your assumptions regarding the intentionality of their efforts represents your own personal preference for a point of view that is highly skewed towards a singular position of christian influence. One needs to avail themselves of the whole host of enlightenment and classical philosophies, given that these were texts that were read, many in their original languages by the likes of Jefferson, Madison, and Hamilton. One also needs to fully and with due diligence make the effort to know the history of the church in all its guises. The present day fundamentalist and evangelical sects in the US are modern reflections and interpretations of their protestent predecessors whose own theological intrepretations were inextricably mixed with the divisions within the roman catholic church following the renaissance and reformations. To suggest, as many seem to do, that the christianity of those in the US today, is what influenced those that created the constitution is simply not justified by christianity’s own history. Roman and english common law were more directly influential, as were the writings of Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Kant, Hume, Locke, Spinoza et al.
I asked the questions i asked because i needed to comprehend the facts that you laid out more as a litany than as a journalistic reporting. It is deeply disturbing to me, as a recently retired academic, to read about any teacher in any school who abuses the privilege of facilitating the learning of others. I will research the facts you present in response, and i would support actions against the teacher if they are substantively true. I can’t imagine his own faculty committees are ignorant of the incidents you report.
I also have no respect for DaHo, and have no need to discover any. His behavior has been reprehensible, disregarding
Another TJspews:
Thank you for dosing off halfway through Steve’s post. You would have noticed that he said That B&W was one of his sons if you had of read the whole thing.
In which of his posts does he say that? I did indeed miss it.
Steven O’Dell @21,22,23,24,25,26,29,31,32,33,34,36,37,38,39,40,41, 42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51, 52,
Take your finger out of the wall socket, and shut up. Marilyn
Yes… apparently my blog spam filter is filtering the word “socialism” (or some derivation there of.) I have no idea why, as it is not in the list of spam words. I can’t imagine why it would be hard coded, but at some point I’ll have to delve into the code and look for it.
Sorry about the inconvenience to all you righties who like to call me a socialist. It’s actually doubly inconvenient for me, because I have to manually approve the posts.
Help me if you can
It’s just that this is not the way I’m wired
so could you please,
Help me understand why you’ve given in to all these
reckless dumb desires?
You’re crying to yourself again
Drama Queen
Picture perfect numb beligerance
Drama Queen
Craving fame and all it’s decadence
Lying through your teeth again
They were right about you.
They were right about you.
…The new hit song background music national anthem for the HA Revue…
Marylin @69 – :-) – Nice post.
It seems several in congress are scrambling to payback and clean up their travel/campaign records. Since the the whole ethics issue with Tom Delay even Norm Dicks has paid back a group $571 for food and lodging for a FL trip afraid he might be fined.
One group looking into official trips reports in the last 5 years there were 5400 official trips at a cost of $16 million. Top ten frequent travelers are ALL DEMOCRATS with an average of 39-61 trips. The Hammer (Tom Delay) ranked 119 with a mere 14 trip.
Botox Pelosi looks like a big hypocrite.
Steven O'Dellspews:
AllHorsesAss @ 54–“you have no idea what the founding fathers believed, does that about cover it?
You could conserve a little, condense your tiny thoughts into something less novelesque?” Ew! Ouch! Oh, that cuts me to the quick—-NOT. Sorry, was that sentence too long for you? I will try to use tiny little words to fit your intellect. I notice you had nothing more to contribute, or was I supposed to read between your lines?
TJ @ 59—No, they are not, but he is another son of mine and he thinks for himself. I have found it needed to post under different names here because I get blocked if I address an issue that the Goldster disagrees with, that’s all. But I have never used that one.
….but after talking to a lot of women about it I think she’d run very, very well.” What DOES she stand for? When the polls say go west, she does. If they say go east, she does. And I hate to sound like a sexist, because I don’t like to lump groups together too easily, but a lot of people (women, usually) vote for a full head of hair or another woman just BECAUSE she is a woman. Those are not qualifying credentials.
PBJ–Hey, I think your test worked. I like the way you think. Can I start posting under your name (hehe)? Maybe we should ALL post as “Vigilant Patriot and Freedom Fighter” in the future. Let them wonder if we are all the same poster or not. Our new motto—To Confuse and Befuddle! As Michael Savage says, “language, borders, culture”–that leaves most Dems out.
Char @ 65–Don’t confuse them with the facts ( C*mmunist Manifesto), their minds are made up.
Spyder @ 67–“the church in all its guises”. I would normally think that phrase VERY telling, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you may mean all the various sects of Christianity. I agree that there are too many, but the reason is that they believe the heavens to be closed and that all revelation has ceased, so they would therefore have little or no defenses against gradual encroachment of false doctrines. They are too much like the old Hebrews who said they would have listened to the prophets and not stoned them (but would in fact do just what they said they would not to Jesus if he were here today.) His doctrines would be different from theirs and too radical for them–too clear and rational, too meaningful and logical. The founders expected the day of a restoration would come and they spoke of it fondly (specifically Jefferson). They did not believe the fullness of the gospel was on the earth and the true church in its purity at their time. But they did want to be good stewards and prepare tghe country for that day when it would return via messengers from heaven. (Yes, I can hear you now–“where does it say that” and all that stuff, wanting me to spend all my waking hours going back through all my own research just so you can argue with me. Ain’t gonna happen, man. You will do your own homework if you are a sincere and honest man.)
“It is deeply disturbing to me, as a recently retired academic, to read about any teacher in any school who abuses the privilege of facilitating the learning of others.” I think we can agree here and would even do so more amicably in person. I despise petty tyrants and bullies who prey on those they perceive to be required to be weak and defenseless in order to save their grades from monsters like this. BTW, I have a correction to make. It was late and I was fried from a long day and the anger was just flowing in a rush–it was not Columbia Basin College (Pasco), but Big Bend Community College in Moses Lake that I meant to say–that is where I live and each day I hear more of the filth this man spouts.
Goldy @ 70 I never said YOU were a s*cialist. Read the posts and see.
And finally—the lovely and talented Marilyn—sigh!….. “Take your finger out of the wall socket, and shut up. Marilyn” So to-the-point, so succinct, so eloquent and thoughtful….Do you help Goldy hand-count the posted ballaots here, is that why you are so cranky? And Goldy, look over your list again, man. Maybe it isn’t the word that is missing, but a few brain cells.
Steven O'Dellspews:
Marilyn and AllHate–A good novel might be where you need to start. Good practice for longer sentences and posts that might be found here. And cut out the cartoons. They will rot your brain.
I tried to read your posts, but lets face it, they’re very long, and you’re just not that interesting.
Agree with you 75, also we all must be careful, 74 is talking about cartoons obviously from exerience. His brain is not rotted, more like fried, either way, he makes much better fodder for the theocracy that is trying to take over. Let the holy crusades begin……oops, in the USA they already have.
All tools here and yet there are still screws loosespews:
zapporo @ 71
Great song, too bad the singer leans so far to the left.
Tara Nelsonspews:
I just got back from a Society of Professional Journalists state meetup yesterday at the Bell Harbor Convention Center in Seattle. Lucy Dalglish, with the Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press, gave the keynote speech. Many of the things she said I’ve heard before (information is harder to obtain these days, yada yada). But the thing that makes me afraid the most is the public’s lack of concern or understanding of why it is so important to have an open government. I guess most do not have the luxury of cultivating an intellectual self-defense to sheild themselves from Karl Rove’s often subtle and perverse propaganda.
what is perverse is the lefts “language” and choice words intended to manipulate the public. The so called health care crisis. As if everyone is going to die unless they have insurance? Real motive: socialized medicine. A womans “right to choose” to kill a baby. Real motive: tissue research. Tolerance and sexual orientation Real motive: special protection and classified a special group (sex,race,creed). Perfect example is Pelosi/Reid publically lying about Tom Delay all the while cooking their own books.
The MSM plays right into it by being the biggest group of preachers for the radical left. Liberals cry that FOX News and talk radio have a monopoly. As if CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, PBS and CBS do not exist!
public beware the evil karl rove, republican mastermind is going to sell you all to China. Paranoid, spoiled brat, hypocritical liberals.
I have to say I just cannot believe the mothers day I just had, and the amount of unsolicited input that came my way from my democratic friends and family members that are openly disgusted with the person they voted for as Governor.
My Brother in law said “Once she ran over I601, He was finished supporting her”
A long time friend told me ” She is trying to turn this place into another California, and is she thinking of what she is doing to the democratic party image in this state.
The rats are jumping off her ship, she and her policy’s are even a joke to her own supporters in the party
Suffice it to say it was a great day when I see the very people that I have been disagreeing with suddenly in agreement on this disaster in the making!
wow GS, that is awesome. I heard people in her own office are disappointed in her. Remember that tyrant boss you had once? Ya like that. http://www.nonewgastax.com is reporting 6000 people signed up to help get signatures. They collected $180,000. All in 3 days.
Ya think there is a movement afoot? oh ya!!
I’d say the Democrats had to peak at some point. Now the decline. I’m just so glad to witness it. Get a copy of that election map of the USA by COUNTY from 2000 and 2004 because WA State will be RED next time. on moorewatch.com they have bumperstickers etc. of that election map.
Another TJspews:
GS, is your brother-in-law Rickey Henderson? Does he always speak in the third person?
OOOPS! not 180,000
it is $82,500 in 3 days. Still they exceeded the goal of $25,000. but 6000 signature gatherers?
and if it is ‘politics’ as normal on the wingnut side of the scale, that $180000 oops $82500 will end up just a big OOPS and the money in the pockets of the few in charge
I have had to change my mind about Republicans. I’ve found that some of them are more thoughtful and insightful than I realized. I live in a very conservative Republican area – and guess what? One of the most prominent members of our community, after Governor Gregoire’s speech to the local Chamber said that he voted for Dino Rossi, but that he thought that Gregoire was not a bad choice for Governor, that he admired her intelligence and courage, and that she was doing a fine job as Governor.
Get used to it. Marilyn
Has your prominent neighbor been on vacation since November? Tell your prominent neighbor to go work for her. He’ll find out just how wonderful she is. tyrant, pitbull, spoiled only child, it’s her way or the highway. What does he think about her lying about not raising taxes?
I haven’t asked him, but I know he didn’t think he needed George Bush’s last tax cut that he received and he didn’t approve of those tax cust for the most wealthy even though he is in that group. I do admire him, he gives a lot to the community, he’s a generous man. I think he’s a little above (both financially and morally) worrying about tax increases. He identifies as a Republican, however he’s disappointed in some of the aspects of the Republican party. He’s an intelligent, generous respected leader of our community – not just another sniveling Republican harpy (yeah…harpy – go ahead, get out your dictionary and look it up) Marilyn.
oh marilyn, you are no different than all the other radicals here. You can’t even spit out a paragraph without the personal insults. Is this how you treat everyone you come in contact with?
chardonnay said “Has your prominent neighbor been on vacation since November? Tell your prominent neighbor to go work for her. He’ll find out just how wonderful she is. tyrant, pitbull, spoiled only child, it’s her way or the highway. What does he think about her lying about not raising taxes?” You can say the same thing for your deary beloved, GWB. You really have a problem with everyone don’t you? Hate men, hate women because they can get a man, hate taxes, hate public schooling maybe you should move to China…seems like a great place for you to ply your worn out wares
Marilyn, you have to get used to Chardonnay, she is very hateful, especially after her pimp left her, her last botox treatment went bad and her implants started to leak. She is a very ‘sour’ person, inside and out
ah, there’s that left wingnut magnanimity at 5:20 pm.
I notice that Chardonnay does not stoop to the level depths of putrid wretchedness to which you have so calously descended.
Hmmm. Let me guess. drivel is a 37 year old overweight virgin star trek fan with horn-rimmed glasses in need of a gastric bypass secretly longing for any sort of female attention. Even the older librarians shooshing gets him going.
Heading to the library again so soon drivel?
And what the hell is that big “L” tatoo’d on your forehead? Oh yeah, you ARE pretty fly for a white guy.
Well the Wheels on Gregoires Tax bus are soon to come off. Initiatives flying, Court cases pending. Emergency My Ass! Prove that one in court. Just trying to undermine the laws again. It’s Time for these people to meet the citizens they are suppose to be representing, instead of walking all over them. They will have to learn the hard way! Hats off to the WSU students of the Accounting dept. They did Gregoire one today that was a real kick… She will never have a meeting that she is not reminded of her undoings!
No zapporo, I am actually your wife (at least the verbal description fits your needs to a tee). And to blindly say that Chardonnay does not stoop to depths….damn man?woman, read her comments…nothing starts until that wacko opens her decrepit mouth and start whining and cutting down anyone here who is slightly liberal or has the audacity to post against her extremest views.
You are not my wife.
You are however quite pathetic.
Wake up and smell the civility that is within your reach.
Look at post 69. That’s how it’s done, with class.
Your third grade, poorly done at that, sexual innuendo, is HA copy cat du jour. Even the librarians agree.
zapporo you are so cool. I think it’s funny how the radicals here read insults hurled by don/alan/cybil and then repeat as if it’s their truth. It totally proves they believe anything. they don’t bother me one bit. I understand they are hurting inside. I would be too if my party was imploding before my eyes.
GS, that was such a cool performance by the accounting class as WSU. If anyone knows any of them I have a job opening in my office.
I imagine that the response is the same for both types of men for you Chard, no rise.
Steven ODellspews:
Drivel @ 77—I think you were attempting to agree with 76 and not 75 (me). I know it is hard to pay attention that long, but keep trying.
Steven ODellspews:
Marilyn @ 88—“he thought that Gregoire was not a bad choice for Governor, that he admired her intelligence and courage, and that she was doing a fine job as Governor.”
Give the poor man a break. He hadn’t taken his anti-psychotics for the day yet.
Steven ODellspews:
Char @ 99–“”It is one more piece of evidence … that is showing that sexual orientation is not all learned,” said Sandra Witelson, an expert on brain anatomy and sexual orientation at the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada.”
Oh, puh-leeeeez! If you expose a man (settle down) to enough of ANY smell along with enough visual stimulant, you get a Pavlovian response. I could get Goldy sexually excited by the smell of roasted marshmallows with enough time and the right circumstances. This “expert” proves nothing.
Steven ODellspews:
Drivel @ 100–“I imagine”….Really? “…that the response is the same for both types of men for you Chard, no rise.”
No way to argue with you–We will just have to take your word for your personal experiences in life, dude (or is that dudette?)
Steven ODellspews:
AllAss–Are these shorter sentences more your speed?
They are easier to get through, though no more interesting than the tomes of days gone by.
She may have one over one CEO, but she is trampling on the Constitutional rights of citizens in this state. She has the 4th lowest approval rating, and the 3rd highest disaproval rating of any gov in the country. A real leader – BS
Wow. How about some words from a right leaning independent????
I will support a gas tax increase when:
1)WA state stops trying to give money to illegal aliens that are breaking our laws by being here. Come over legally and I’ll support you fervently.
2)The state supports binding audits that have consequences. As they stand (yes in the new legislation) you can audit just about anything, recommend changes, but departments are not required to do anything, really. Idea: build penalty and reward clauses into road contracts and actually bid them without prejudice.
3)The state picks a single large project and completes it with the new tax money. This crap about starting multiple projects and completing none of them is ridiculous.
4)Boot the union labor requirement from all governmental contracts. It is flat out discriminatory. If a non union shop can do the job just as well for less money then they should be allowed to.
There is a good reason why many (if not most) people oppose the new tax increase. We have watched the state fritter away money on SoundTransit, RTA, etc. We have watched our officials (on record) say things like -para- we can take as long as we want and spend as much as we want on light rail even though you voted on a specific plan.
The state govt. can change any bill in any way after 2 years regardless of what we, as citizens, vote.
One last thing. 8.5cent increase and not one dime to Eastern WA event though they will be paying the tax right along with us west siders? That is called “taxation without representation.”
People in our state have a right to stand up and be upset about the way our transportation tax dollars are being spent. Just as much as you all that read this blog and horsesass have the right to be sheep and have the mentality that the more we spend the better off we are.
This is a test.
Over four score and seven decades ago philosophers brought forth into this world a new mathematics, conceived in correct computational formulae and dedicated to the proposition that two plus two equals four.
Now we are engaged in a great educational war, testing whether algebra I or any form of mathematics so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great virtual battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field to those who are giving up the quality of their education so that California’s Math Framework might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
Good Morning Goldy
When a person is convicted of a felony, its within the judges power to restrict his driving privilege via the Dept of Motor Vehicles. Wouldn’t it make sense for the court to notify the appropriate entities (Sec of State or local precinct) to remove the felons name from the voting rolls at the time of conviction rather than doing a mass roundup after the crap has hit the fan in a close election? They could’nt have acquired a ballot or walked into a voting booth without being on the rolls somewhere. After all, its the courts that restricted the privilege. The court should be required to notify the proper entities that the privilege has been restricted (or reinstated).
I live in Cowlitz County and read in a local paper that we had 2 felons and 2 dead people vote in the last election. It turns out, the felons voted before they were convicted and the dead people died between the time they voted and the vote was counted.
“”I live in Cowlitz County and read in a local paper that we had 2 felons and 2 dead people vote in the last election. It turns out, the felons voted before they were convicted and the dead people died between the time they voted and the vote was counted.
Comment by tescht””
All repubs. will get out of your statement is:
“”2 felons and 2 dead people vote in the last election.””
Up to this point, they would have ignored the rest.
wsrp should be held responsible for all costs associated with this election challenge.
Looks more like a free for some.
BUSH for President in 2008?
I predict a BUSH/BUSH ticket in 2008. Laura for president.
I’m actually thinking I would like to see Tom Ridge run for the Repubs in 2008….
I also think that if Dems want to win the next Presidential election, they should run someone like Bill Richards. Every time I heard him speak or be interviewed during the last election, I just thanked God that it was John Kerry running and not him. Richards could have won. I might have even voted for him, the guy is so darn likeable. He is sensible, well spoken and a popular Governor. On the other hand, if they decide to run Hillary in ’08, the Repubs may have a better chance of holding on to the White House.
Toot My Own Horn Moment of the Week:
I had a student tell me yesterday that I was the only prof he’s had whose political party leanings he couldn’t guess. Consider my cockles warmed.
bf, I think you’re thinking of Bill Richardson, and I agree with you about him.
A recent survey in NY found that 60% of voters think Hillary should run for Senate but want her to pledge to remain Seantor for the full 6 year term as she did in 2000. She has a dilema since most of her party wants her to go for the prez nomination. What will she do?
If you get a chance go read the article about Democrats by Victor David Hanson at National Review online. He has the demise of the Dem party nailed. I love him for throwing the election map into the story. Map available at usa today online. The map represents just how out of touch the dems are with Americans.
Another TJ @ 6
Indoctrination of young and impressionable minds is a distasteful agenda. My brother is going through that currently and is even getting bad grades in his english class for making reference to any religion on essays just because the teacher is an ex-Catholic and hates God with a passion. The sames teacher also verbally attacks him in front of the class for saying that the founding fathers were Christains and formed the Nation under Christan values. The man has extreme Socialist beliefs that he has failed kids for defying him on, justifying it by saying they were mentally absent and therefore they were truant.
Another TJ don’t be that fool.
details??? What college or school? What teacher in what class?? Why is there a discussion in english class about religious references in essay responses–unless the essay questions themselves called for them? How are you apprised that the teacher is a socialist?? How do you prove the teacher has failed students for their beliefs? And where do you find evidence that this nation was formed “under christian values?” That simply is not a sufficiently articulated statement given the clearness of the texts of the Federalist Papers, the behaviors of a vast number of the so-called founding fathers, the use of anglo-saxon legal structures in juxtaposition with roman law and so far forth.
Come on people, do we really need to play this sort of Horowitz game on this site????
Here is a topic for you, and please stick to the topic, do not deflect. Address this topic straight on.
TOPIC: In the 2004 national election, Democrats stooped to trading crack cocaine for voter registrations, which in this case turned out to be fraudulent. As a liberal and a proud one at that, do you condone the barter of crack cocaine for fraudulently registering voters by your party?
The source:
Excerpt from the Toledo Blade:
“Defiance County elections officials were confident the first three hadn’t moved to their small community. But the fourth one lived there, and – in exchange for crack cocaine – tried to falsely submit the first three names and more than 100 others onto the county’s voter registration rolls, police said.
Now Mr. Staton, 22, of Defiance, faces a felony charge of false registration in a case that has quickly gained national attention as part of a hotly contested presidential battle that’s attracted a flurry of new voter registrations across the country – and a flurry of complaints of voter registration fraud.
Defiance County Sheriff David Westrick said that Mr. Staton was working on behalf of a Toledo woman, Georgianne Pitts, to register new voters. She, in turn, was working on behalf of the NAACP National Voter Fund, which was formed by the NAACP in 2000 to register new voters.
Sheriff Westrick said that Pitts, 41, of Toledo, admitted she gave Mr. Staton crack cocaine in lieu of cash for supplying her with completed voter registration forms. The sheriff declined to say how much crack cocaine Pitts supplied Mr. Staton, or to say whether Pitts knew that the forms Mr. Staton gave her were falsified.”
Chardonnay @ 9, and the Democrats are out of touch with which Americans? The 60+% against changing the Senate Rules? or the 50+% that disaprove of GWB’s politics at present? or the 60+% that do not want personal accounts or major reductions in Social Security? or just with your close knit group of expremists? You must really try and detail your facts a little more, and not just accept Rush, O’reilly, Rove and Cheney as the newly found 3rd Testament,/B>
and on a previous topic of the current administration back scratching pharma’s and the pharma’s gouging our citizens with their price structure. I guess I am very fortunate. Living with what must be Mr. Cynical’s relatives as neighbors, I must take my high pressure medication. I have several options: 1. buy it from Group Health, 2. buy it at a local pharmacy, 3. get it from Ecuador, India or Thailand. It is a very difficult choice for me. In the US it costs me a minimum of $67.99 for 60 days. If I ‘import’ it that same $67.99 will give me medication for 525 days. Please help me Chardonnay, where should I buy it?
This is just a test. If this post shows up before my last answer to Al, or if it doesn’t show up at all, then I will know Goldy is censoring posts.
Just as I suspected! Either he censors or he filters. So much for fairness, Goldilocks! Whatsa matter–‘fraid the big bad wolf will get to your readers?
Maybe it was cause I used the word communist?
No, that wasn’t it. Hmmm—what could it be?
BTW, Black and White at 10 MIS-read TJ’s remark and is sorry. I just talked to him and he apologizes for being too hasty in scanning the post. He would apologize personally if he were at home. Sorry, TJ.
Come on, Goldy–be a man and stop censoring the rightwingers!
Spyder @ 11
“details??? What college or school?” Columbia Basin Community College in Moses Lake.
“What teacher in what class??” R*e*d Shuttleworth in his own English class. (His first name is appropriate and accurate).
“Why is there a discussion in english class about religious references in essay responses–unless the essay questions themselves called for them?” It DID! And then he proceeded to demean the student (my son) for doing what he was instructed to do. Who is the more mature here? As if this public attempt at humiliation (which failed on my son) was not enough, he then told another instructor about it so that HE could also attempt to humiliate him (again, failure–they don’t know my sons). The first one tells him (on tape, no less–you gotta admire my boy) that in 15 years of teaching he has NEVER seen such an answer to that question and that it is invalid as an answer. The second instructor (who thought he was defending and agreeing with the first) says the answer was not original and was a rehash of the same old right-wing crap that he had heard forever. Now, I ask you–who is the more mature, my son or these idiots who can’t even agree when they are on the same side of the fence?
“How are you apprised that the teacher is a socialist??” Only by his DAILY comments in his “English” class (he seems to like atheism, s—–ism and existentialism.) The only day he stayed on topic was when my son had a running tape recorder on his desk (hehe) and then after class the dolt tells him he can’t have one. Tape still running, my son asks why he can’t take notes this way. No good answer, just that he has no permission to do so. Interesting that he actually discussed English that day, though. Oh, BTW, the second guy is caught n tape, too. They just wanted to harrass my son and weren’t bright enough to ask him to turn off the tape first. DUH! When it was discovered he had the tape actually GOING, they decided it might be prudent to move him to another class where he wouldn’t be exposed to daily persecution (not my words, but that of other students who were shocked that EVERY time the kid opened his mouth the guy tromped him for no reason.)
“How do you prove the teacher has failed students for their beliefs?” By talking to the students he humiliated and removed from his class, that’s how! He commonly would (and still does) ask for a viewpoint and then proceed to humiliate a student for it. He then asks again and wants a different answer. If he could not bully them into changing their opinion, he would mark them “mentally absent” and these would accumulate until they were expelled from class or failed, just as if they were tardy or absent physically. Again, I ask who is the more mature one? Who is the teacher and who the student? Another instructor tells of several young ladies who have come into his class crying after the treatment this petty tyrant dished out. The same instructor overheard students in the hall speaking of the tromping that my son got, expressing shock that each time he opened his mouth he got an undeseved humiliation and verbal beating. The third instructor says he has personally complained to a disciplinary board about the man. He has “tenure” and thinks he is impervious. This man is a common bully and thug.
“And where do you find evidence that this nation was formed “under christian values?” I assume you know what books are? Or do you just eat the covers? And I assume you are familiar with internet search engines? So far as I know, they haven’t yet designed one that will edit right-wing views, though it seems Goldy is working on it. I think you could ask a friend tio input Christian and Founding Fathers into a search engine of your choice (or let the friend choose for you) and see what happens. Could surprise you a lot, though I suspect you would not be any more pleased by it.
“That simply is not a sufficiently articulated statement given the clearness of the texts of the Federalist Papers, the behaviors of a vast number of the so-called founding fathers, the use of anglo-saxon legal structures in juxtaposition with roman law and so far forth.” My reading of these texts leads me to no such conclusion as you appear to have formed. You seem totally unfamiliar with the texts you refer to and the ‘behavior’ of these men. They wanted religion protected FROM government, not the other way around. Think of what country they had just come from and under what circumstances. You can thank openly-avowed Christian men for the very structure you mention (and for what freedoms you have left today, until the _____ expletive deleted____ get done with them). I am not sure what your “so forth” is, but I would suggest you read more than just the commonly parroted playbook phrases you have been taught and actually refer to personal letters, inaugural speeches and essays and discourses by these men you so quickly dismiss as d*e*i*s*t*s or a*t*h*e*i*s*t*s or whatever it is you are calling them these days to avoid use of the word C*h*r*i*s*t*i*a*n (curious…are you c*h*r*i*s*t*o*phobic or just a bigot?)
“Come on people, do we really need to play this sort of Horowitz game on this site????” I assume you refer to David Horowitz. Did you know he was raised as a dreaded (“S-word deleted” for Goldy)? He later saw the error of his ways and changed his beliefs and his way of life. He deserves credit for at least one thing, Al. He was man enough to accept a different viewpoint, admit he was wrong and get on with REAL life. The question now is are you man enough to at least SEE a different viewpoint or do you stop reading when the view changes?
P.S. Maybe TJ’s leanings can’t be told easily in a class, and I congratulate him for it, but yours certainly CAN and I hope you never get to teach any of the kids I know until you have matured a bit more.
Why the fear, Goldy? Stop censoring and be a man!
Let me post what I have to say< goldy--or is it that I didn't use any swear words that causes you grief?
Is it that I didn’t swear that causes you grief?
Would it help if I break it up into little tiny sentences for you, Goldy?
jpgee @13/14
what is high pressure medicine, you really must try and detail your facts? out of curiosity jpgee what do your neighbors do that upset you so?
I think it’s the word soci*list that scares the liberals. it exposes the democrats ideology.
You used to be entertaining and humorous, but now you are just pathetic. Open thread, my derriere.
It seems the reality is sinking in.
(u)SP is dead, and the trolls are spamming.
Char @ 8— a recent survey among my friends says she should go back to Russia.
AllHateandNoSense, I am not trolling. In the pasr month I have given 90% to you guys and 10% to Stefan. This should alleviate your concern about just hearing rightwing indoctrination, I think. Now, as to the issue of “REALITY SINKING IN”, why does Goldy keep me out and why should I HAVE to spam to get his attention and ask him to play fair? He thinks he is superior to Stefan, so let him show it!
What does he fear that I may have said to Al? I will send it to anyone who wants a copy if you ask for it and give me an email link (I promise to use it one time only and just for the stated purpose). Then YOU can decide whether Goldy is being fair (or just being a “horsesass”).
Spyder @ 11
“details??? What college or school?” Columbia Basin Community College in Moses Lake.
“What teacher in what class??” R*e*d Shuttleworth in his own English class. (His first name is appropriate and accurate).
“Why is there a discussion in english class about religious references in essay responses–unless the essay questions themselves called for them?” It DID! And then he proceeded to demean the student (my son) for doing what he was instructed to do. Who is the more mature here? As if this public attempt at humiliation (which failed on my son) was not enough, he then told another instructor about it so that HE could also attempt to humiliate him (again, failure–they don’t know my sons). The first one tells him (on tape, no less–you gotta admire my boy) that in 15 years of teaching he has NEVER seen such an answer to that question and that it is invalid as an answer. The second instructor (who thought he was defending and agreeing with the first) says the answer was not original and was a rehash of the same old right-wing crap that he had heard forever. Now, I ask you–who is the more mature, my son or these idiots who can’t even agree when they are on the same side of the fence?
I’ve never had a post not posted here.
Held up for a little while, but it always showed up.
Unlike snark, where he will ban you ip for disagreeing.
okay, I will wait. Don’t be surprised if all these have shown up (my “spamming”) long before MULTIPLE sends of my real comment.
I managed to get one paragraph in and then the next was stopped. Why?
“How are you apprised that the teacher is a socialist??” Only by his DAILY comments in his “English” class (he seems to like atheism, s—–ism and existentialism.) The only day he stayed on topic was when my son had a running tape recorder on his desk (hehe) and then after class the dolt tells him he can’t have one. Tape still running, my son asks why he can’t take notes this way. No good answer, just that he has no permission to do so. Interesting that he actually discussed English that day, though. Oh, BTW, the second guy is caught n tape, too. They just wanted to harrass my son and weren’t bright enough to ask him to turn off the tape first. DUH! When it was discovered he had the tape actually GOING, they decided it might be prudent to move him to another class where he wouldn’t be exposed to daily persecution (not my words, but that of other students who were shocked that EVERY time the kid opened his mouth the guy tromped him for no reason.)
Paragraph 3–“How do you prove the teacher has failed students for their beliefs?” By talking to the students he humiliated and removed from his class, that’s how! He commonly would (and still does) ask for a viewpoint and then proceed to humiliate a student for it. He then asks again and wants a different answer. If he could not bully them into changing their opinion, he would mark them “mentally absent” and these would accumulate until they were expelled from class or failed, just as if they were tardy or absent physically. Again, I ask who is the more mature one? Who is the teacher and who the student? Another instructor tells of several young ladies who have come into his class crying after the treatment this petty tyrant dished out. The same instructor overheard students in the hall speaking of the tromping that my son got, expressing shock that each time he opened his mouth he got an undeseved humiliation and verbal beating. The third instructor says he has personally complained to a disciplinary board about the man. He has “tenure” and thinks he is impervious. This man is a common bully and thug.
Paragraph 4–“And where do you find evidence that this nation was formed “under christian values?” I assume you know what books are? Or do you just eat the covers? And I assume you are familiar with internet search engines? So far as I know, they haven’t yet designed one that will edit right-wing views, though it seems Goldy is working on it. I think you could ask a friend tio input Christian and Founding Fathers into a search engine of your choice (or let the friend choose for you) and see what happens. Could surprise you a lot, though I suspect you would not be any more pleased by it.
Paragraph 5–“That simply is not a sufficiently articulated statement given the clearness of the texts of the Federalist Papers, the behaviors of a vast number of the so-called founding fathers, the use of anglo-saxon legal structures in juxtaposition with roman law and so far forth.” My reading of these texts leads me to no such conclusion as you appear to have formed. You seem totally unfamiliar with the texts you refer to and the ‘behavior’ of these men. They wanted religion protected FROM government, not the other way around. Think of what country they had just come from and under what circumstances. You can thank openly-avowed Christian men for the very structure you mention (and for what freedoms you have left today, until the _____ expletive deleted____ get done with them). I am not sure what your “so forth” is, but I would suggest you read more than just the commonly parroted playbook phrases you have been taught and actually refer to personal letters, inaugural speeches and essays and discourses by these men you so quickly dismiss as d*e*i*s*t*s or a*t*h*e*i*s*t*s or whatever it is you are calling them these days to avoid use of the word C*h*r*i*s*t*i*a*n (curious…are you c*h*r*i*s*t*o*phobic or just a bigot?)
Paragraph 6–“Come on people, do we really need to play this sort of Horowitz game on this site????” I assume you refer to David Horowitz. Did you know he was raised as a dreaded (“S-word deleted” for Goldy)? He later saw the error of his ways and changed his beliefs and his way of life. Is that what makes you mad or is it just that he doesn’t agree with YOU anymore? He deserves credit for at least one thing, Al. He was man enough to accept a different viewpoint, admit he was wrong and get on with REAL life. The question now is are you man enough to at least SEE a different viewpoint or do you just stop reading when the view changes?
P.S. Maybe TJ’s leanings can’t be told easily in a class, and I congratulate him for it, but yours certainly CAN and I hope you never get to teach any of the kids I know until you have matured a bit more.
Goldy, what is it in paragraph 2 that you object to?
Maybe the references to various -isms?
Paragraph 2–“How are you apprised that the teacher is a socialist??” Only by his DAILY comments in his “English” class (he seems to like a*t*h*e *i*s*m, s -*-*-*-*-* ism and existential ** ism.) The only day he stayed on topic was when my son had a running tape recorder on his desk (hehe) and then after class the dolt tells him he can’t have one. Tape still running, my son asks why he can’t take notes this way. No good answer, just that he has no permission to do so. Interesting that he actually discussed English that day, though. Oh, BTW, the second guy is caught n tape, too. They just wanted to harrass my son and weren’t bright enough to ask him to turn off the tape first. DUH! When it was discovered he had the tape actually GOING, they decided it might be prudent to move him to another class where he wouldn’t be exposed to daily persecution (not my words, but that of other students who were shocked that EVERY time the kid opened his mouth the guy tromped him for no reason.)
Come on Goldy–what is the code that gets it by you and lets you save face with your readers? Give a clue or be a loser.
Paragraph 2–“How are you apprised that the teacher is a s*o*c*i*a* list??” Only by his DAILY comments in his “English” class (he seems to like a*t*h*e *i*s*m, s -*-*-*-*-* ism and existential ** ism.) The only day he stayed on topic was when my son had a running tape recorder on his desk (hehe) and then after class the dolt tells him he can’t have one. Tape still running, my son asks why he can’t take notes this way. No good answer, just that he has no permission to do so. Interesting that he actually discussed English that day, though. Oh, BTW, the second guy is caught n tape, too. They just wanted to harrass my son and weren’t bright enough to ask him to turn off the tape first. DUH! When it was discovered he had the tape actually GOING, they decided it might be prudent to move him to another class where he wouldn’t be exposed to daily persecution (not my words, but that of other students who were shocked that EVERY time the kid opened his mouth the guy tromped him for no reason.)
AHAH! Success! What more proof do we need when you see that the change needed was to the S word that Goldy’s man used in his original comment! He allows them to use it and not the rightwingers. Very interesting, Goldmeister. PLay nice with the other children or go home and take a nap–there’s a nice boy.
What have you to say, ALL HAT?
“I think it’s the word soci*list that scares the liberals. it exposes the democrats ideology.
Comment by chardonnay”
Case closed. Any leftists starting to see the light here?
“Enjoy the free for all.” –Goldy
and just for good measure–HA!
A recent survey in NY found that 60% of voters think Hillary should run for Senate but want her to pledge to remain Seantor for the full 6 year term as she did in 2000. She has a dilema since most of her party wants her to go for the prez nomination. What will she do?
I hope she runs for president. I think she will do much better than the Republicans expect her to. I didn’t believe this until lately, but after talking to a lot of women about it I think she’d run very, very well.
well, you’re still spamming, and you have no idea what the founding fathers believed, does that about cover it?
You could conserve a little, condense your tiny thoughts into something less novelesque?
Folks I think you are being unfair to socialists comparing the democratic leaders of this state to them. I doubt any socialist could come up with the lies this former attorney general campaigned on!
OK, I’ll try this second time, withour using the S word. My point was it was unfair to the S’s to compare them to the so called demacratic leaders of this state. I doubt any of the S’s could have lied as well as former attorney general Madam Taxusallbillions gregoire in her campaign promises, especially with relation to less government intrusion, and NO NEW TAXES (10 billion new taxes thus far in just a few months).
C @ 53
It’s unusual to meet a person who so whole heartedly supports Hillary. Does she stand for anything? And if so, what?
Just to let you know my bias, I don’t believe the fact that “she’d run very, very well” matters at all. Tell the world what’s so good about Hillary.
My sentiments exactly about Hilliary.
What exactly has she ever done besides not satisy her man??
I just have one question. Are Steven O’Dell and Black and White the same poster?
Steven ODell,
Give it up. Like the MSM, Goldy cannot debate you so he must censor you. Truth hurts liberals so they won’t allow it.
C @ 53
Hillary was a big fan of Saul Alinkski, you know who that is?
Soshialist, soci-alist(s) social-ism
The sochialism filter is an automatic thing apparently.
Now wait a minute. Lets give Ms Rodham some credit here. She managed to turn $1000 investment into $100,000. Maybe she can do that with the deficit.
hmmm lets see, Oh she swindled people with her white water land deal.
She was a landlord. Rented the Lincoln bedroom. Strange they were landlords before they were homeowners. LOL Her and Bill bought their first house in 2001.
Don’t forget those lovely communist ideas, It takes a village to raise a child and national health care.
she is a predator.
what is it then, are you on the radical left advocating communism or soci*lism or not? Do you seriously not see the similarities within many of your party ideologies?
you either are ignorant to it or you embrace it. which is it?
Another TJ @ 59
Thank you for dosing off halfway through Steve’s post. You would have noticed that he said That B&W was one of his sons if you had of read the whole thing.
O’Dell writes:
My reading of these texts leads me to no such conclusion as you appear to have formed. You seem totally unfamiliar with the texts you refer to and the ‘behavior’ of these men. They wanted religion protected FROM government, not the other way around. Think of what country they had just come from and under what circumstances. You can thank openly-avowed Christian men for the very structure you mention (and for what freedoms you have left today, until the _____ expletive deleted____ get done with them)
No i don’t have to thank them at all. Your interpretive readings are selective and highly prejudiced, if you arrive at the points you make. I have much more than a passing familiarity with the writings and other textual commentaries of those you refer to as the founding fathers. Your assumptions regarding the intentionality of their efforts represents your own personal preference for a point of view that is highly skewed towards a singular position of christian influence. One needs to avail themselves of the whole host of enlightenment and classical philosophies, given that these were texts that were read, many in their original languages by the likes of Jefferson, Madison, and Hamilton. One also needs to fully and with due diligence make the effort to know the history of the church in all its guises. The present day fundamentalist and evangelical sects in the US are modern reflections and interpretations of their protestent predecessors whose own theological intrepretations were inextricably mixed with the divisions within the roman catholic church following the renaissance and reformations. To suggest, as many seem to do, that the christianity of those in the US today, is what influenced those that created the constitution is simply not justified by christianity’s own history. Roman and english common law were more directly influential, as were the writings of Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Kant, Hume, Locke, Spinoza et al.
I asked the questions i asked because i needed to comprehend the facts that you laid out more as a litany than as a journalistic reporting. It is deeply disturbing to me, as a recently retired academic, to read about any teacher in any school who abuses the privilege of facilitating the learning of others. I will research the facts you present in response, and i would support actions against the teacher if they are substantively true. I can’t imagine his own faculty committees are ignorant of the incidents you report.
I also have no respect for DaHo, and have no need to discover any. His behavior has been reprehensible, disregarding
Thank you for dosing off halfway through Steve’s post. You would have noticed that he said That B&W was one of his sons if you had of read the whole thing.
In which of his posts does he say that? I did indeed miss it.
Steven O’Dell @21,22,23,24,25,26,29,31,32,33,34,36,37,38,39,40,41, 42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51, 52,
Take your finger out of the wall socket, and shut up. Marilyn
PBJ @63,
Yes… apparently my blog spam filter is filtering the word “socialism” (or some derivation there of.) I have no idea why, as it is not in the list of spam words. I can’t imagine why it would be hard coded, but at some point I’ll have to delve into the code and look for it.
Sorry about the inconvenience to all you righties who like to call me a socialist. It’s actually doubly inconvenient for me, because I have to manually approve the posts.
Help me if you can
It’s just that this is not the way I’m wired
so could you please,
Help me understand why you’ve given in to all these
reckless dumb desires?
You’re crying to yourself again
Drama Queen
Picture perfect numb beligerance
Drama Queen
Craving fame and all it’s decadence
Lying through your teeth again
They were right about you.
They were right about you.
…The new hit song background music national anthem for the HA Revue…
Marylin @69 – :-) – Nice post.
It seems several in congress are scrambling to payback and clean up their travel/campaign records. Since the the whole ethics issue with Tom Delay even Norm Dicks has paid back a group $571 for food and lodging for a FL trip afraid he might be fined.
One group looking into official trips reports in the last 5 years there were 5400 official trips at a cost of $16 million. Top ten frequent travelers are ALL DEMOCRATS with an average of 39-61 trips. The Hammer (Tom Delay) ranked 119 with a mere 14 trip.
Botox Pelosi looks like a big hypocrite.
AllHorsesAss @ 54–“you have no idea what the founding fathers believed, does that about cover it?
You could conserve a little, condense your tiny thoughts into something less novelesque?” Ew! Ouch! Oh, that cuts me to the quick—-NOT. Sorry, was that sentence too long for you? I will try to use tiny little words to fit your intellect. I notice you had nothing more to contribute, or was I supposed to read between your lines?
TJ @ 59—No, they are not, but he is another son of mine and he thinks for himself. I have found it needed to post under different names here because I get blocked if I address an issue that the Goldster disagrees with, that’s all. But I have never used that one.
….but after talking to a lot of women about it I think she’d run very, very well.” What DOES she stand for? When the polls say go west, she does. If they say go east, she does. And I hate to sound like a sexist, because I don’t like to lump groups together too easily, but a lot of people (women, usually) vote for a full head of hair or another woman just BECAUSE she is a woman. Those are not qualifying credentials.
PBJ–Hey, I think your test worked. I like the way you think. Can I start posting under your name (hehe)? Maybe we should ALL post as “Vigilant Patriot and Freedom Fighter” in the future. Let them wonder if we are all the same poster or not. Our new motto—To Confuse and Befuddle! As Michael Savage says, “language, borders, culture”–that leaves most Dems out.
Char @ 65–Don’t confuse them with the facts ( C*mmunist Manifesto), their minds are made up.
Spyder @ 67–“the church in all its guises”. I would normally think that phrase VERY telling, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you may mean all the various sects of Christianity. I agree that there are too many, but the reason is that they believe the heavens to be closed and that all revelation has ceased, so they would therefore have little or no defenses against gradual encroachment of false doctrines. They are too much like the old Hebrews who said they would have listened to the prophets and not stoned them (but would in fact do just what they said they would not to Jesus if he were here today.) His doctrines would be different from theirs and too radical for them–too clear and rational, too meaningful and logical. The founders expected the day of a restoration would come and they spoke of it fondly (specifically Jefferson). They did not believe the fullness of the gospel was on the earth and the true church in its purity at their time. But they did want to be good stewards and prepare tghe country for that day when it would return via messengers from heaven. (Yes, I can hear you now–“where does it say that” and all that stuff, wanting me to spend all my waking hours going back through all my own research just so you can argue with me. Ain’t gonna happen, man. You will do your own homework if you are a sincere and honest man.)
“It is deeply disturbing to me, as a recently retired academic, to read about any teacher in any school who abuses the privilege of facilitating the learning of others.” I think we can agree here and would even do so more amicably in person. I despise petty tyrants and bullies who prey on those they perceive to be required to be weak and defenseless in order to save their grades from monsters like this. BTW, I have a correction to make. It was late and I was fried from a long day and the anger was just flowing in a rush–it was not Columbia Basin College (Pasco), but Big Bend Community College in Moses Lake that I meant to say–that is where I live and each day I hear more of the filth this man spouts.
Goldy @ 70 I never said YOU were a s*cialist. Read the posts and see.
And finally—the lovely and talented Marilyn—sigh!….. “Take your finger out of the wall socket, and shut up. Marilyn” So to-the-point, so succinct, so eloquent and thoughtful….Do you help Goldy hand-count the posted ballaots here, is that why you are so cranky? And Goldy, look over your list again, man. Maybe it isn’t the word that is missing, but a few brain cells.
Marilyn and AllHate–A good novel might be where you need to start. Good practice for longer sentences and posts that might be found here. And cut out the cartoons. They will rot your brain.
I tried to read your posts, but lets face it, they’re very long, and you’re just not that interesting.
Agree with you 75, also we all must be careful, 74 is talking about cartoons obviously from exerience. His brain is not rotted, more like fried, either way, he makes much better fodder for the theocracy that is trying to take over. Let the holy crusades begin……oops, in the USA they already have.
zapporo @ 71
Great song, too bad the singer leans so far to the left.
I just got back from a Society of Professional Journalists state meetup yesterday at the Bell Harbor Convention Center in Seattle. Lucy Dalglish, with the Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press, gave the keynote speech. Many of the things she said I’ve heard before (information is harder to obtain these days, yada yada). But the thing that makes me afraid the most is the public’s lack of concern or understanding of why it is so important to have an open government. I guess most do not have the luxury of cultivating an intellectual self-defense to sheild themselves from Karl Rove’s often subtle and perverse propaganda.
what is perverse is the lefts “language” and choice words intended to manipulate the public. The so called health care crisis. As if everyone is going to die unless they have insurance? Real motive: socialized medicine. A womans “right to choose” to kill a baby. Real motive: tissue research. Tolerance and sexual orientation Real motive: special protection and classified a special group (sex,race,creed). Perfect example is Pelosi/Reid publically lying about Tom Delay all the while cooking their own books.
The MSM plays right into it by being the biggest group of preachers for the radical left. Liberals cry that FOX News and talk radio have a monopoly. As if CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, PBS and CBS do not exist!
public beware the evil karl rove, republican mastermind is going to sell you all to China. Paranoid, spoiled brat, hypocritical liberals.
I have to say I just cannot believe the mothers day I just had, and the amount of unsolicited input that came my way from my democratic friends and family members that are openly disgusted with the person they voted for as Governor.
My Brother in law said “Once she ran over I601, He was finished supporting her”
A long time friend told me ” She is trying to turn this place into another California, and is she thinking of what she is doing to the democratic party image in this state.
The rats are jumping off her ship, she and her policy’s are even a joke to her own supporters in the party
Suffice it to say it was a great day when I see the very people that I have been disagreeing with suddenly in agreement on this disaster in the making!
wow GS, that is awesome. I heard people in her own office are disappointed in her. Remember that tyrant boss you had once? Ya like that.
http://www.nonewgastax.com is reporting 6000 people signed up to help get signatures. They collected $180,000. All in 3 days.
Ya think there is a movement afoot? oh ya!!
I’d say the Democrats had to peak at some point. Now the decline. I’m just so glad to witness it. Get a copy of that election map of the USA by COUNTY from 2000 and 2004 because WA State will be RED next time. on moorewatch.com they have bumperstickers etc. of that election map.
GS, is your brother-in-law Rickey Henderson? Does he always speak in the third person?
OOOPS! not 180,000
it is $82,500 in 3 days. Still they exceeded the goal of $25,000. but 6000 signature gatherers?
and if it is ‘politics’ as normal on the wingnut side of the scale, that $180000 oops $82500 will end up just a big OOPS and the money in the pockets of the few in charge
I have had to change my mind about Republicans. I’ve found that some of them are more thoughtful and insightful than I realized. I live in a very conservative Republican area – and guess what? One of the most prominent members of our community, after Governor Gregoire’s speech to the local Chamber said that he voted for Dino Rossi, but that he thought that Gregoire was not a bad choice for Governor, that he admired her intelligence and courage, and that she was doing a fine job as Governor.
Get used to it. Marilyn
Has your prominent neighbor been on vacation since November? Tell your prominent neighbor to go work for her. He’ll find out just how wonderful she is. tyrant, pitbull, spoiled only child, it’s her way or the highway. What does he think about her lying about not raising taxes?
I haven’t asked him, but I know he didn’t think he needed George Bush’s last tax cut that he received and he didn’t approve of those tax cust for the most wealthy even though he is in that group. I do admire him, he gives a lot to the community, he’s a generous man. I think he’s a little above (both financially and morally) worrying about tax increases. He identifies as a Republican, however he’s disappointed in some of the aspects of the Republican party. He’s an intelligent, generous respected leader of our community – not just another sniveling Republican harpy (yeah…harpy – go ahead, get out your dictionary and look it up) Marilyn.
oh marilyn, you are no different than all the other radicals here. You can’t even spit out a paragraph without the personal insults. Is this how you treat everyone you come in contact with?
chardonnay said “Has your prominent neighbor been on vacation since November? Tell your prominent neighbor to go work for her. He’ll find out just how wonderful she is. tyrant, pitbull, spoiled only child, it’s her way or the highway. What does he think about her lying about not raising taxes?” You can say the same thing for your deary beloved, GWB. You really have a problem with everyone don’t you? Hate men, hate women because they can get a man, hate taxes, hate public schooling maybe you should move to China…seems like a great place for you to ply your worn out wares
Marilyn, you have to get used to Chardonnay, she is very hateful, especially after her pimp left her, her last botox treatment went bad and her implants started to leak. She is a very ‘sour’ person, inside and out
ah, there’s that left wingnut magnanimity at 5:20 pm.
I notice that Chardonnay does not stoop to the level depths of putrid wretchedness to which you have so calously descended.
Hmmm. Let me guess. drivel is a 37 year old overweight virgin star trek fan with horn-rimmed glasses in need of a gastric bypass secretly longing for any sort of female attention. Even the older librarians shooshing gets him going.
Heading to the library again so soon drivel?
And what the hell is that big “L” tatoo’d on your forehead? Oh yeah, you ARE pretty fly for a white guy.
Well the Wheels on Gregoires Tax bus are soon to come off. Initiatives flying, Court cases pending. Emergency My Ass! Prove that one in court. Just trying to undermine the laws again. It’s Time for these people to meet the citizens they are suppose to be representing, instead of walking all over them. They will have to learn the hard way! Hats off to the WSU students of the Accounting dept. They did Gregoire one today that was a real kick… She will never have a meeting that she is not reminded of her undoings!
No zapporo, I am actually your wife (at least the verbal description fits your needs to a tee). And to blindly say that Chardonnay does not stoop to depths….damn man?woman, read her comments…nothing starts until that wacko opens her decrepit mouth and start whining and cutting down anyone here who is slightly liberal or has the audacity to post against her extremest views.
You are not my wife.
You are however quite pathetic.
Wake up and smell the civility that is within your reach.
Look at post 69. That’s how it’s done, with class.
Your third grade, poorly done at that, sexual innuendo, is HA copy cat du jour. Even the librarians agree.
zapporo you are so cool. I think it’s funny how the radicals here read insults hurled by don/alan/cybil and then repeat as if it’s their truth. It totally proves they believe anything. they don’t bother me one bit. I understand they are hurting inside. I would be too if my party was imploding before my eyes.
GS, that was such a cool performance by the accounting class as WSU. If anyone knows any of them I have a job opening in my office.
More evidence that Gays are mentality challenged. (Deranged)
Brain response differs in gay, straight men
I imagine that the response is the same for both types of men for you Chard, no rise.
Drivel @ 77—I think you were attempting to agree with 76 and not 75 (me). I know it is hard to pay attention that long, but keep trying.
Marilyn @ 88—“he thought that Gregoire was not a bad choice for Governor, that he admired her intelligence and courage, and that she was doing a fine job as Governor.”
Give the poor man a break. He hadn’t taken his anti-psychotics for the day yet.
Char @ 99–“”It is one more piece of evidence … that is showing that sexual orientation is not all learned,” said Sandra Witelson, an expert on brain anatomy and sexual orientation at the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada.”
Oh, puh-leeeeez! If you expose a man (settle down) to enough of ANY smell along with enough visual stimulant, you get a Pavlovian response. I could get Goldy sexually excited by the smell of roasted marshmallows with enough time and the right circumstances. This “expert” proves nothing.
Drivel @ 100–“I imagine”….Really? “…that the response is the same for both types of men for you Chard, no rise.”
No way to argue with you–We will just have to take your word for your personal experiences in life, dude (or is that dudette?)
AllAss–Are these shorter sentences more your speed?
They are easier to get through, though no more interesting than the tomes of days gone by.
She may have one over one CEO, but she is trampling on the Constitutional rights of citizens in this state. She has the 4th lowest approval rating, and the 3rd highest disaproval rating of any gov in the country. A real leader – BS
Something I posted on blatherwatch:
Wow. How about some words from a right leaning independent????
I will support a gas tax increase when:
1)WA state stops trying to give money to illegal aliens that are breaking our laws by being here. Come over legally and I’ll support you fervently.
2)The state supports binding audits that have consequences. As they stand (yes in the new legislation) you can audit just about anything, recommend changes, but departments are not required to do anything, really. Idea: build penalty and reward clauses into road contracts and actually bid them without prejudice.
3)The state picks a single large project and completes it with the new tax money. This crap about starting multiple projects and completing none of them is ridiculous.
4)Boot the union labor requirement from all governmental contracts. It is flat out discriminatory. If a non union shop can do the job just as well for less money then they should be allowed to.
There is a good reason why many (if not most) people oppose the new tax increase. We have watched the state fritter away money on SoundTransit, RTA, etc. We have watched our officials (on record) say things like -para- we can take as long as we want and spend as much as we want on light rail even though you voted on a specific plan.
The state govt. can change any bill in any way after 2 years regardless of what we, as citizens, vote.
One last thing. 8.5cent increase and not one dime to Eastern WA event though they will be paying the tax right along with us west siders? That is called “taxation without representation.”
People in our state have a right to stand up and be upset about the way our transportation tax dollars are being spent. Just as much as you all that read this blog and horsesass have the right to be sheep and have the mentality that the more we spend the better off we are.
This is a test.
and back.