Could another crooked politician be heading to jail?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Senate Republicans have blocked a bill to help small businesses, claiming it costs too much money and Democrats wouldn’t allow them to offer amendments.
One of the amendments they wanted to offer would make the Bush tax cuts permanent, adding hundreds of billions of dollars to the deficit.
Puddybud is just another word for arschloch (asshole)spews:
This WASC race is THE race, in terms of direct impact to the State, this cycle.
Johnson and Sanders have done incaculable damage to the environment with recent rulings on shoreline protections — effectively eliminating State enforcement.
The BIAW’s Judge has got to go.
@1 What? No goldy write-up on Charlie Rangel?
are you holding your breath?
LOL… I just popped on here to give props to our law and order loving Democrats. Rangel’s been crooked since day one of his 20 terms in the house and when does he go down? When the Dem’s have both houses and there’s a black Democrat in the White house! Sorta blows all the righties claims right out of the water.
Now, now, guys, Doc Hastings took down many a Republi…, er, um, wait, no he didn’t. Sorry. My bad. Carry on.
The Riddle of Steelspews:
The question is, will the democrats just slap ole charlie’s hand? or will they actually punish the crook?
I am thinking they wont do shit to him, so as not lose his D vote. I will wait for them to prove me wrong….
there were two articles in the boston herald today about mitt romney. now, in our country of tolerance, and of hating bigotry and antisemitism, do ya think it was mentioned that he was a morman in neither article, one, or both? the winner gets a bagel with lox.
Silme Valawaspews:
Not to be too picky, but I’m pretty sure that first image is not the washington state supreme court.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Of course the left is all mum over the $3+ to 5 million being spent on Chelsea Clinton’s wedding. If Mitt Romney spent that money on one of his daughters Goldy would have a thread a day for a whole week. The rest of the libtardo morons whould be coming out of the woodwork!
Yet nuthin on all the largess being spent.
“The rich are not paying their fair share in any nation that is facing the kind of employment issues whether it’s individual, corporate or whatever taxation forms.” Hilary Clinton May 2010. Puddy bets the Clintons implement similar tax evasion strategies like John Effin Kerry and his $7Million yacht and George Soros with his overseas accounts.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Well, if you’re looking for a precedent, when a Democrat got caught with a freezer full of illicit cash, the House Democrats stripped him of his committee posts, which was all they could do. The Republicans, who controlled the House at the time, didn’t do diddly even though the perp was a Democrat. Maybe, knowing how many of their own members were crooks, they didn’t want to set a precedent.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “Of course the left is all mum over the $3+ to 5 million being spent on Chelsea Clinton’s wedding.”
I thought you Republicans took the position that people can spend their own money however they want to. I don’t claim to speak for the “left,” whatever that is, but I haven’t said anything about it because I’m a fucking capitalist.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
The Republicans, who controlled the House at the time, didn’t do diddly even though the perp was a Democrat.
As a lawyer Wabbit, what happened to presumed innocence? If the Republicans called William Frozen Money Jefferson guilty, you libtardos would have howled fowl and you know it.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Uhhh Wabbit, the comparison was between Clintons and Romney. Of course you missed the point like always.
@14 Uhhh Wabbit, the comparison was between Clintons and Romney. Of course you missed the point like always.
wasn’t roger a state lawyer? incompetance protcted by civil service, lol. and then wonder why we want to get rid of unions.
“If the Republicans called William Frozen Money Jefferson guilty, you libtardos would have howled fowl and you know it.”
Republicans frozen in their tracks because Democrats might cry foul. heh- Puddy certainly pulls some strange shit from his ass.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Uhhh Steve Steve Steve,
You seem to forget the press is on your side. The Slobbering Press was a runaway bestseller. Now that all could see what Ezra Klein was up to with the leftist press blog Journolist and that leftist whackjob Dave Weigel, Lee’s hero. Journolist’s activities have been magnified many times over. And the coup de grace… William Jefferson is a black man, and the white Republicans would have been called racist in the press and by blog fools like you Steve Steve Steve. Witness all your recent rants Steve Steve Steve.
Whoever has Darryl’s Puddyspeak-goggles, could you please interpret @17 for me?
@18 Whoever has Darryl’s Puddyspeak-goggles, could you please interpret @17 for me?
You seem to forget the press is on your side.
the media is biased
The Slobbering Press was a runaway bestseller.
people want to read about the corrupt media
Now that all could see what Ezra Klein was up to with the leftist press blog Journolist and that leftist whackjob Dave Weigel, Lee’s hero.
erza klein, another jew blogger(does it ever end?)started journolist by inviation (to liberals)only.
Journolist’s activities have been magnified many times over.
And the coup de grace… William Jefferson is a black man, and the white Republicans would have been called racist in the press and by blog fools like you Steve Steve Steve. Witness all your recent rants Steve Steve Steve.
you cant accuse a black man of anything if you’re white and republican.
What? No goldy write-up on Charlie Rangel?
Could another crooked politician be heading to jail?
Senate Republicans have blocked a bill to help small businesses, claiming it costs too much money and Democrats wouldn’t allow them to offer amendments.
One of the amendments they wanted to offer would make the Bush tax cuts permanent, adding hundreds of billions of dollars to the deficit.
This WASC race is THE race, in terms of direct impact to the State, this cycle.
Johnson and Sanders have done incaculable damage to the environment with recent rulings on shoreline protections — effectively eliminating State enforcement.
The BIAW’s Judge has got to go.
What? No goldy write-up on Charlie Rangel?
are you holding your breath?
LOL… I just popped on here to give props to our law and order loving Democrats. Rangel’s been crooked since day one of his 20 terms in the house and when does he go down? When the Dem’s have both houses and there’s a black Democrat in the White house! Sorta blows all the righties claims right out of the water.
Now, now, guys, Doc Hastings took down many a Republi…, er, um, wait, no he didn’t. Sorry. My bad. Carry on.
The question is, will the democrats just slap ole charlie’s hand? or will they actually punish the crook?
I am thinking they wont do shit to him, so as not lose his D vote. I will wait for them to prove me wrong….
there were two articles in the boston herald today about mitt romney. now, in our country of tolerance, and of hating bigotry and antisemitism, do ya think it was mentioned that he was a morman in neither article, one, or both? the winner gets a bagel with lox.
Not to be too picky, but I’m pretty sure that first image is not the washington state supreme court.
Of course the left is all mum over the $3+ to 5 million being spent on Chelsea Clinton’s wedding. If Mitt Romney spent that money on one of his daughters Goldy would have a thread a day for a whole week. The rest of the libtardo morons whould be coming out of the woodwork!
Yet nuthin on all the largess being spent.
“The rich are not paying their fair share in any nation that is facing the kind of employment issues whether it’s individual, corporate or whatever taxation forms.” Hilary Clinton May 2010. Puddy bets the Clintons implement similar tax evasion strategies like John Effin Kerry and his $7Million yacht and George Soros with his overseas accounts.
@7 Well, if you’re looking for a precedent, when a Democrat got caught with a freezer full of illicit cash, the House Democrats stripped him of his committee posts, which was all they could do. The Republicans, who controlled the House at the time, didn’t do diddly even though the perp was a Democrat. Maybe, knowing how many of their own members were crooks, they didn’t want to set a precedent.
@10 “Of course the left is all mum over the $3+ to 5 million being spent on Chelsea Clinton’s wedding.”
I thought you Republicans took the position that people can spend their own money however they want to. I don’t claim to speak for the “left,” whatever that is, but I haven’t said anything about it because I’m a fucking capitalist.
As a lawyer Wabbit, what happened to presumed innocence? If the Republicans called William Frozen Money Jefferson guilty, you libtardos would have howled fowl and you know it.
Uhhh Wabbit, the comparison was between Clintons and Romney. Of course you missed the point like always.
Uhhh Wabbit, the comparison was between Clintons and Romney. Of course you missed the point like always.
wasn’t roger a state lawyer? incompetance protcted by civil service, lol. and then wonder why we want to get rid of unions.
“If the Republicans called William Frozen Money Jefferson guilty, you libtardos would have howled fowl and you know it.”
Republicans frozen in their tracks because Democrats might cry foul. heh- Puddy certainly pulls some strange shit from his ass.
Uhhh Steve Steve Steve,
You seem to forget the press is on your side. The Slobbering Press was a runaway bestseller. Now that all could see what Ezra Klein was up to with the leftist press blog Journolist and that leftist whackjob Dave Weigel, Lee’s hero. Journolist’s activities have been magnified many times over. And the coup de grace… William Jefferson is a black man, and the white Republicans would have been called racist in the press and by blog fools like you Steve Steve Steve. Witness all your recent rants Steve Steve Steve.
Whoever has Darryl’s Puddyspeak-goggles, could you please interpret @17 for me?
Whoever has Darryl’s Puddyspeak-goggles, could you please interpret @17 for me?
You seem to forget the press is on your side.
the media is biased
The Slobbering Press was a runaway bestseller.
people want to read about the corrupt media
Now that all could see what Ezra Klein was up to with the leftist press blog Journolist and that leftist whackjob Dave Weigel, Lee’s hero.
erza klein, another jew blogger(does it ever end?)started journolist by inviation (to liberals)only.
Journolist’s activities have been magnified many times over.
And the coup de grace… William Jefferson is a black man, and the white Republicans would have been called racist in the press and by blog fools like you Steve Steve Steve. Witness all your recent rants Steve Steve Steve.
you cant accuse a black man of anything if you’re white and republican.
get it now?