Hey Goldy, probably just as well you haven’t spent a lot of time and effort trying to blog from Netroots. From Jeanne(AKM) at Mudflats today:
“Getting an internet connection today proved next to impossible, as the gentleman at tech support informed me that there was a “big conference” at the hotel which seems to be crashing their servers. Imagine that. Thousands of bloggers that actually want to use their computers all at the same time!”
Sounds like a great convention. Good to pull in money & business to Las Vegas which is hurting, as well as showing support for Harry Reid.
Have fun Goldy!
Didn’t pay much attention to this. I’m not a blogger and I don’t really see the point in sitting on the computer and watching the shit like a hawk. It was a beautiful day in Bellingham; sunny, hot, dry. Got shit done. Got the lawn mowed. Got the casters put on the big cabinet. Got my kitchen cleaned and douched out the fridge.
Smoked a little, played music and cruised the uncles Mercedes to the hardware store. The cashier is a girl I knew when she was a toddler, and I was following pop for his misguided efforts at home repair back in the 70’s.
Too nice out to fuck around on the internet.
Jesus people, go out and fucking play for noodles sake. Summers in the pacific northwest are rare and short enough as it is. Go swimming. Scorch something dead on a grill. Drink beer and wash the car or something.
Go outside you assholes.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Good to pull in money & business to Las Vegas which is hurting
This is why your preznit delivers his teleprompter speeches (you know stand at a spot marked X and read a prewritten speech from plexiglas forms) with disdain all the time thinking the average US DUMMOCRAPT citizen possesses a chronological age of 7. Maybe he’s right. That’s why HA Libtardos kept saying the “adults” are now in charge. This could be why Odumba uses “I” in those teleprompter delivered on spot marked X speeches so much. Small words for small minded DUMMOCRAPTS
Proof… ask the arschloch for a verification!
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Hey Froggy. We did enjoy this beautiful summer day. Drove around looking at God’s creation after church.
Later we dressed our garden.
The snap peas are almost up to our gutters climbing the trellises we made. Lots of pods ripening.
Our plums are ripening.
The onions are blooming.
The strawberries need picking.
The squash is starting to grow.
The tomatoes are sprouting flowers.
The string beans are finally starting grow.
The same is starting to vine. – West Indian beans.
The bode is also starting to vine. – West Indian beans.
The slugs (useless DUMMOCRAPTS) are having a field day.
The corn is still stunted like arschloch’s mind. In the corn’s defense, the sun didn’t appear much in June. The sun never shines over the arschloch’s mind!
All in all a great day to give God the Glory!
Daddy Lovespews:
God Schmod.
Anyway, you all know that no matter how much crazy teabagger shit Dino Rossi signs on for during the primary, he’s going to pretend that he never said any of it in the general. If he makes it to the general.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is how well the ObaMao Regime shrieking anti-Tea Party rhetoric is working out–
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-five percent (45%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -20.
ObaMao is at nearly his all time low.
The more screeching, the more America hates him. ObaMao is an arrogant fool. He gets elected shrieking nasty stuff…then forgets to shift gears once elected!
America hates nasty people in power.
Just saw Inception today. It was pretty good. Reminded me of science fiction stuff that came out in the 70’s, 80’s. Nice to see that the cinema tech has just about caught up with the imaginations of sci-fi/fantasy writers going back to the 40’s and 50’s and even way, way before that.
A lot in the movie about projection – one of the more glaring psycho-pathologies of the wingnut troll. Should be good fodder for jokes in the coming weeks.
Hey Goldy, probably just as well you haven’t spent a lot of time and effort trying to blog from Netroots. From Jeanne(AKM) at Mudflats today:
“Getting an internet connection today proved next to impossible, as the gentleman at tech support informed me that there was a “big conference” at the hotel which seems to be crashing their servers. Imagine that. Thousands of bloggers that actually want to use their computers all at the same time!”
Sounds like a great convention. Good to pull in money & business to Las Vegas which is hurting, as well as showing support for Harry Reid.
Have fun Goldy!
Didn’t pay much attention to this. I’m not a blogger and I don’t really see the point in sitting on the computer and watching the shit like a hawk. It was a beautiful day in Bellingham; sunny, hot, dry. Got shit done. Got the lawn mowed. Got the casters put on the big cabinet. Got my kitchen cleaned and douched out the fridge.
Smoked a little, played music and cruised the uncles Mercedes to the hardware store. The cashier is a girl I knew when she was a toddler, and I was following pop for his misguided efforts at home repair back in the 70’s.
Too nice out to fuck around on the internet.
Jesus people, go out and fucking play for noodles sake. Summers in the pacific northwest are rare and short enough as it is. Go swimming. Scorch something dead on a grill. Drink beer and wash the car or something.
Go outside you assholes.
And who caused their malaise?
“When times are tough, you tighten your belts. You don’t go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage. You don’t blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save for college. You prioritize. You make tough choices.” Odumba Feb 2010 in his teleprompter assisted New Hampshire Town Hall.
Butt wait he’s just repuking what he said long ago.
This is why your preznit delivers his teleprompter speeches (you know stand at a spot marked X and read a prewritten speech from plexiglas forms) with disdain all the time thinking the average US DUMMOCRAPT citizen possesses a chronological age of 7. Maybe he’s right. That’s why HA Libtardos kept saying the “adults” are now in charge. This could be why Odumba uses “I” in those teleprompter delivered on spot marked X speeches so much. Small words for small minded DUMMOCRAPTS
Proof… ask the arschloch for a verification!
Hey Froggy. We did enjoy this beautiful summer day. Drove around looking at God’s creation after church.
Later we dressed our garden.
The snap peas are almost up to our gutters climbing the trellises we made. Lots of pods ripening.
Our plums are ripening.
The onions are blooming.
The strawberries need picking.
The squash is starting to grow.
The tomatoes are sprouting flowers.
The string beans are finally starting grow.
The same is starting to vine. – West Indian beans.
The bode is also starting to vine. – West Indian beans.
The slugs (useless DUMMOCRAPTS) are having a field day.
The corn is still stunted like arschloch’s mind. In the corn’s defense, the sun didn’t appear much in June. The sun never shines over the arschloch’s mind!
All in all a great day to give God the Glory!
God Schmod.
Anyway, you all know that no matter how much crazy teabagger shit Dino Rossi signs on for during the primary, he’s going to pretend that he never said any of it in the general. If he makes it to the general.
Here is how well the ObaMao Regime shrieking anti-Tea Party rhetoric is working out–
Sunday, July 25, 2010
ObaMao is at nearly his all time low.
The more screeching, the more America hates him. ObaMao is an arrogant fool. He gets elected shrieking nasty stuff…then forgets to shift gears once elected!
America hates nasty people in power.
The right wing destruction of America continues apace.
Just saw Inception today. It was pretty good. Reminded me of science fiction stuff that came out in the 70’s, 80’s. Nice to see that the cinema tech has just about caught up with the imaginations of sci-fi/fantasy writers going back to the 40’s and 50’s and even way, way before that.
A lot in the movie about projection – one of the more glaring psycho-pathologies of the wingnut troll. Should be good fodder for jokes in the coming weeks.
I understand our moronic of right wing trolls, #2, is understandably enthusiastic about right wing men of color.
Those intrepid souls blazing a path to a gloried right wing future for our kids.
Heh. Not the least among these right wing men of color is House Majority Leader John Boehner.
Too funny! I think the “color” is freaking ORANGE!
9 – our “most” moronic – excuse me..