Let’s also remember that a tiny slice of blacks are responsible for most – but not all – of the violence against Washington State police in recent months from the Seattle ambush of the officer that had to punch one to the Seattle PD & Lakewood PD killings to the disgusting blogs glorifying cop killing.
That said, I do not think racism has a place in politics. Nor does anti-semitism, Islamophobia and other forms of bigotry.
“We believe Gov. Gregoire’s climate change executive order is an unconstitutional order,” said Michael Reitz, director of the Evergreen Freedom Foundation’s Constitutional Law Center, who represents the taxpayers in this case. “Gov. Gregoire violated the doctrine of separation of powers by snatching a failed bill out of the legislative process and issuing it in the form of an executive order. If the governor wants to pass laws, she’s in the wrong branch of government.”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
ObaMao is -17 on the Strong Approval Poll.
Seems stuck in the range of 2 rungs below mediocrity!
He’ll be a real help in the 2010 elections!!
For the R’s.
I believe ObaMao’s ego does not allow him to grasp the fact that he has totally blown his election bounce…and much, much more.
He’s inexperienced & arrogant….and a Socialist.
proud leftistspews:
Spectacular piece by Rachel disclosing how Republicans race bait for political purposes. Well worth watching, despite its length. I think one clear lesson that can be had from this Shirley Sherrod debacle is that Democrats are adult enough to acknowledge mistakes and apologize. Righties? Not so much. That fecal fucker Andrew Breitbart has come nowhere near making an apology. He just dissembles. His wingnut audience won’t abandon him, either. You can count on that.
Tea Baggery of the Left:
Do not get me wrong, I believe we all owe a lot ot Move-On. BUT … like the folks from Lipton, our guys can get pretty irrational:
This is the current cause celebre for MO. They want all the candy-dates to sign on to AN OATH. So far, few have. Read on and guess why?
Overturn Citizens United:
Amend the Constitution to protect America from unlimited corporate spending on our elections by overturning the Supreme Court’s decision giving corporations the same First Amendment rights as people.
Fair elections now:
Pass the Fair Elections Now Act, providing public financing to candidates who are supported by small donors so they can compete with corporate-backed and self-funded candidates.
Lobbyist Reform Act:
Pass legislation to end the overwhelming influence of corporate lobbyists by: prohibiting individuals from switching from corporate lobbying to government service, or vice-versa, within a 5-year period; stopping corporate lobbyists from giving gifts and providing free travel to government officials; and posting online the attendees and content of all meetings between lobbyists and government officials.
Asking elected officials to sign a pledge like ythis is worthy of a tea bag award. Why would anyone wnat to sign a pledge for an amendment to overturn a Supreme Court decisions with not evena suggestion as to what the amendment would be for?
The fair elections act? Exactly how do you get this done AND protect the first amendment?
Only a tea baggier would believe that stopping lobbysits from offering air plane rides would have any real effect in corporate lobbying.
Great intent but tea bagger level execution. Does anyone think Patty will sign onto this sort of thing? Overturn Citizen’s United??? Really? And do so by a new amendment? How would you word this part of the constitution … MO needs to reclone Madison!
As for lobbyists, tell that to every dem congressman who NEEDS to plan on being a lobbyist is they do NOT get elected.
The Fair Elections law appeals to me too, but there is a little matter of its certainly being unconstitutional!
Liberal masturbation is just another form of tea baggery.
Stating the Obvious, I guessspews:
Wow. Effective, honest reporting detailing the lies and distortions the conservative media will use for political gain. Shame on them.
I cannot see how honest people can argue with the truth of it.
Stating the Obvious, I guessspews:
@2. That clip made it sound like the opposite of what she said.
That’s like me saying you said “Oh, please…Let’s also remember that…I … think racism has a place in politics.”
That’s every word you wrote, in the order you wrote them. And it’s as accurate as the Sherrod clip.
She said she learned it was not about black vs white, it was about the haves vs the have-nots. And I think that’s more scary to Money Conservatives than anything else.
@1 Rachel Maddow is a national treasure.
of course she is zotz. female, jewish, lesbian. what more could you ask for in a country where we say we dont care about a persons race, but thats all we do is talk about it. pretty funny
Stating the Obvious, I guessspews:
@4 Gregoire is being sued by the EFF.
So? That’s like saying George Wallace was upset with Freedom Riders.
Pam Roachclipspews:
re 5: We, as conservatives, have to be careful not to underestimate Obama (FYI It’s Obama, not ObaMao. You don’t want to appear stupid, do you??).
If it becomes general knowledge that Brightbart fixes videos so trhat they reflect our correct view of the world, it may be misinterpreted by folks that we are liars and not to be trusted. People will begin to fact check everything we say. That could hurt us.
Do you suppose that the DemocRATS are just giving us more rope???
Pam Roachclipspews:
re 7: You are so right, SJ. Politics is the art of the possible and standing up for yourself against powerful interests just isn’t possible
There are rumblings on the tax cuts for the rich front. Tools like McConnell and pathetic Dems like Conrad want to keep them.
I used the phrase “charlatans and cranks” in the first edition of my principles textbook to describe some of the economic advisers to Ronald Reagan, who told him that broad-based income tax cuts would have such large supply-side effects that the tax cuts would raise tax revenue. I did not find such a claim credible, based on the available evidence. I never have, and I still don’t.
YLB makes $0 per year and relies on his wife for support…for many years.
Of course he is envious and wants to tax the job-creators more..
YLB wants to bang on his pud all day.
Why would anyone care what a non-Income Tax Paying, chronically unemployed loser has to say about taxing successful, job-creating folks??
Pam Roachclipspews:
re 15:
YLB makes $0 per year and relies on his wife for support…for many years.
I thought Sharkansky was a conservative. Did I miss something or did you?
Daddy Lovespews:
10 mot
You are depressingly, mind-numbingly, yet consistently, wrong.
Rachel Maddow is not Jewish. Her mother is from Canada and is of Irish descent, and her father is of Russian descent. She was raised as a Catholic.
Maddow did get something wrong. The Southern Strategy, the The Blacks Are Coming To Get You Strategy, worked very well for a while. It’s failing as strategies like that will always fail over time. The groups that insist on clinging to The Southern Strategy, like the Tea Baggers, may make a lot of noise and get a lot of press, but in the long run they will look like fools and have no real power or effect on policy.
@10 of course she is zotz. female, jewish, lesbian. what more could you ask for in a country where we say we dont care about a persons race, but thats all we do is talk about it. pretty funny
Who’s the “we” you’re referring to? I’ve never heard anybody discuss or care about what Maddow’s religious background is. You’re the first, and you’ve done it in a comment castigating everyone else for talking about it. That was a masterstroke of projection right there.
And by the way, I had no idea what her religious background was, so I looked it up. She’s a Catholic, you nimrod.
@17 Rachel Maddow is not Jewish. She was raised as a Catholic.
So do you also understand how wrong you were when you assumed that all of us like Maddow for superficial reasons instead of for the substance and quality of her show?
To the level that Clinton taxed the rich.. Although higher wouldn’t hurt either.
That policy destroyed so many jobs.
Miserable KLOWN..
Daddy Lovespews:
Dino Rossi should be asked where he stands on Rep. Paul Ryan’s disastous plan that he calls his budget “roadmap.” He (Ryan) wants to cut the taxes of the very rich in half, raise taxes on almost all other Americans through a value-added tax, eliminate the corporate income tax, eliminate Medicare, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and most of Medicaid. It won’t eliminate the deficit, and in fact reduces overall federal revenue while still raising taxes on 75-90% of us.
So whaddya say, Dino, are you on board with Ryan’s plan or not? Yes or no would do nicely.
@22 So do you also understand how wrong you were when you assumed that all of us like Maddow for superficial reasons instead of for the substance and quality of her show?
well, do i take it like a man, well…..she’s a lesbian, which you guys love….ummm, let me think about that.
Daddy Lovespews:
Speaking of job creators, do you know what “creates” jobs? DEMAND.
That’s why stimulus works! It’s why direct spending works better than tax policy. It’s how John Maynard Keynes and FDR got us out of the Great Depression.
But now, thanks to the abuse of the filibuster by Republicans hoping to create conditions of misery painful enough to gain them some political momentum, we can’t use this powerful tool.
Welcome to the slow, painful, “jobless” recovery. Worse than Bush’s.
Are you saying that our opinion of her would be different if she were a straight woman? Seriously?
“Rachel Maddow is a national treasure.”
Best joke ever.
@28 Naw, Sarah Palin is the best joke ever.
Daddy Lovespews:
Michael Steele’s RNC failed to report more than $7 million in debts owed by the RNC in April and May of the all-important second quarter of funraising. Did they want to make it seem as though the RNC has more cash on hand than it really does? Lots of allocation decisions are made based on the quaterly announcements.
But maybe it was just a simple, honest bookeeping error, like Dino Rossi’s loan from Michael Mastro that he failed to disclose.
Ummm…remembering that this is supposed to be an open thread, Rush Limbaugh bought himself an uber-expensive set of cyber-ears after he destroyed the ones God gave him by abusing Oxycontin.
I wonder what Glenn Beck’s been doing to make himself go bl…
On second thought, I don’t think I want to know.
@30 But maybe it was just a simple, honest bookeeping error
did he also keep the money in aluminum foil in the back of his freezer?
Why is it that Rachel Maddow is the only person in the MSM that is actually doing real journalism?
Getting all the facts, and presenting them to an audience in a way all can understand.
I commend you Rachel. It is sad that you and Amy are the only ones…. Maybe Schultz, and Keith too, but not so much background.
Daddy Lovespews:
32 mot
No, I think he used it to buy a property that is now worth a lot less than the inflated price it was ping-ponged up to by speculating financial insiders colluding with loan insitutions, which was foreclosed on when the owner lost his job and couldn’t cover the loan with a sale due to the falling home prices in the collapse of the financial bubble. So I’m sure at the end of the day Dino will make a tidy profit. But when he does, will he report it? Watch this space…
proud leftistspews:
When you watch a researched, accurate, well-presented piece like this, you have to wonder how the wingies can claim that Rachel Maddow is the same as Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh, except that she’s on the left. There is, of course, no credible comparison. She might state her position passionately, but her position is supported by facts and reason. Beck, Limbaugh, and the other wingnut windbags are a completely different breed. They start with some passionately held position and then just go with it, fuck research. Fuck facts.
@30 “Michael Steele’s RNC failed to report more than $7 million in debts owed by the RNC”
And they want us to trust them to run the government.
“But maybe it was just a simple, honest bookeeping error”
Maybe they just wanted it off the books – like wars and drug plans.
And they want us to trust them to run the government.
no controlling authority
@23 “Miserable KLOWN..”
Our racist Khristian Konstitutionalist Konservative is especially miserable today, isn’t he? He was apparently hoping that, by ruining the life an innocent black woman with lies, his wingnuts would score big against our President, the NAACP, the USDA and black farmers. It didn’t quite pan out that way so I’m sure that for the next few days our teabagging racist will be a bit more foul than usual. In fact, I’d bet he’s out in the barn right this very minute taking it out on that poor, hapless goat of his.
proud leftistspews:
The Humane Society really needs to rescue that poor goat. I just wish we had Cynny’s address. I’m not a huge animal lover, but my heart goes out to that poor goat.
Maddow is the best journalist on television. She is the smartest journalist on television. She is the most prepared, thorough, and fact supported of any journalist on television. She might be the best journalist in journalism, regardless of medium. She is freaky good – the best in the business. Period.
@40 Well, we’re working to rescue Klynical’s goat and end the abuse of that poor critter once and for all.
“Rachel Maddow is not Jewish. She was raised as a Catholic.”
Well, that explains a lot! Catholicism really srews you up if you take it seriously. Even those who escape have scars the carry for life!
@43 Well, that explains a lot! Catholicism really srews you up if you take it seriously. Even those who escape have scars the carry for life!
well, that explains a lot! judism really screws you up if you take it seriously. even those who escape have scars they carry for life.
and i bet you all think one of us is racist, and one is not.
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
Rachel Madcow is……fucking ugly. ewwww, no wonder she licks snatch.
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
zots is attracted to ugly lesbians? hmm, well that explains a lot.
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
Will Charlie Rangel share a prison cell with James Traficant?
The wingnut hate spewed in the comment threads today is much less vapid and vile than it was the past few days. I take it that Puddy finally got his prescription refilled.
The world is a better place when Puddy takes his meds.
The best lies aren’t the obvious ones told by the likes of Limbaugh and Beck, Schultz and Olberman. The best kinds aren’t the direct ones of Breitbart.
No, the best lies are told with 90% truth and the appearance of trustworthiness. The best lies are told by plausible seeming people with an axe to grind and no moral compunctions to stop them. You know, people like Maddow.
She isn’t a journalist. Journalists are interested in the facts as they exist, not as they would like them to exist. Journalists are interested in portraying reality in a compelling way, not compelling reality to their way.
But she has people like Nofactssupporthisposition and Sarge fooled, so she did something right.
Hmm, I wonder who the next black victim of the wingnut hate machine will be? I bet it’s some innocent little kid next time. It’d harken back to the day when right-wing racists would blow up black kids and burn down their church.
Speaking of the good ol’ days, I bet the KLOWN is just itchin’ to do the fire hose and german shepard thing again.
You’re just blowing it out your ass again, Lost, with absolutely nothing to back it up.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Yeah, MadKow is a real hit. She is crushing 2 other idiots…Matthews & Olberdink…
while being absolutely KRUSHED by every single FoxNews Show!
Every single FoxNews Show krushes MadKow!!
Read & weep KLOWNS.
Too Damn Funny!!
Re 52
Just once, for varieties sake, tell me where I’m wrong Steve, rather than that I’m wrong.
@48 and 49: As HA’s Resident Oreo, I’m assuming Pudpuller must be having his gooey white filling replenished.
I’m assuming his goat will get a “shot” as well.
“Every single FoxNews Show krushes MadKow!!”
Well, if having psychotic KLOWNS for viewership counts for something, then I concede that you finally just might have a point.
I reckon one can judge the viewer by the commercials targeted for them. Beck viewers like our KLOWN apparently have hemmorhoids and like to buy gold high and sell it low.
For once, why not back up your shit rather than just spew it.
“the facts as they exist, not as they would like them to exist”
Give us an example as it relates to Maddow.
“Journalists are interested in portraying reality in a compelling way, not compelling reality to their way”
Give us an example as it relates to Maddow.
You won’t. That’s because all you can do is blow opinions out your ass.
Good to see Democrats standing up for Sherry, but you know the Bigot Republicans are all in hiding. Rush Limpdick is dying to use the N word in stead of coloreds and Negroes.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
She might state her position passionately, but her position is supported by facts and reason.
Careful capital hill…gman is on the prowl tonight….
July 22 (Bloomberg) — France faces a shortage of power capacity beginning in 2013 as the new Flamanville reactor will barely compensate for the shutdown of outdated fossil-fuel plants, grid operator Reseau de Transport d’Electricite said.
While French power supply will be “reasonably assured” until 2013, rising demand will create a shortfall of 3 gigawatts by 2015, RTE said in a report released in Paris today. There’s also “greater uncertainty” on the availability of supply from neighboring countries to meet the shortfall, the Electricite de France SA unit said.
“We are not sure how long it’s going to take to have regular power again,” said Dr Mohammed Khan, who works for a pharmacy in Sharjah. “The emirate has become uninhabitable in summer and it’s no use to stay here any more.
The power cuts that plagued Sharjah over this year and last have been blamed on a shortage of natural gas and the high cost of diesel replacements.
Stronger meds, Puddy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Clint Didier, Rugged Individualist …
“It’s the middle of his U.S. Senate campaign, and Republican candidate Clint Didier is standing in an alfalfa field gripping a hammer. He pounds loose a rusted drive shaft on a giant sprinkler tower and replaces the defective part so the irrigation line can resume rolling across the fields, spreading Columbia River water across the arid land. …
“A 51-year-old ex-NFL player, Didier … warns in a booming baritone that the America of ‘rugged individualism, self-reliance and personal responsibility’ is on the verge of vanishing — to be replaced by a ‘Marxist utopia’ where everyone is dependent on the federal government.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, well, if he’s worried about being dependent on the federal government maybe he should quit irrigating his farm with subsidized water from socialist dams in the Marxist utopia of eastern Washington.
Re 57
Go on. Continue to defend postitions not because it makes sense to do so but purely on partisan grounds.
You know and I that MSNBC is no more about journalism than Fox is. You know and I know that it is the accepted mouthpiece of leftist thought. This isn’t a bad thing in itself. If those on the right want to ignore real news for the cherry picked nonsense that Fox presents that’s their right. If those on the left want to pretend superiority for doing precisely the same thing with MSNBC that’s fine too.
But don’t pretend either is journalism. Both are entertainment for the close minded/open mouthed proponents of a particular ideology.
Someone told me Puddy’s all bummed out because that wonderful black lady, Shirley Sherrod’s reputation wasn’t ruined, the NAACP wasn’t brought down, and some southern black farmers might not get screwed. I disagreed. Sure, Puddy’s all bummed out about that stuff not coming down, and sure, he was pulling for the white guy Brietbart and that blonde nazi babe at Fox who was hating on Sherrod. It’s just that I think Puddy’s far, far more bummed out this week about learning that I’m his Daddy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Didier Favors Euthanizing The Unemployed
Well, okay, he didn’t actually use the word “euthanize,” but that’s what he means:
“We’ve got to get rid of this ‘protecting the weak.’ If we keep the weak alive all the time it eats up the strong, and then our economy will never come back,” he said after a tea-party forum earlier this month in Bellingham.
So, if you’re poor or old or sick or handicapped or unemployed you’re a drag on the economy, so you should just kill yourself, but if you don’t Mr. Didier and his minions will do it for you! Solyent Green, or whatever. It’s one hell of a governing philosophy, and it’s what the Tea Party and their U.S. Senate candidate stand for.
“Continue to defend postitions not because it makes sense to do so but purely on partisan grounds.”
I defended nothing. I asked you to defend your baseless accusations against Maddow. From your reply, I take it you that can’t and have to resort to making shit up to try to skate your way out of this.
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
so when you pulling the trigger?
“We’ve got to get rid of this ‘protecting the weak.’
Good fucking grief.
I so strongly disapprove of Obama! Well, at least that’s what I told Rasmussen over the phone when they called. I mean, where’s those fucking FEMA camps?? I thought I was voting to round these fuckers up!*
*Just kidding, wingnuts. Christ, grow a fucking sense of humor, why don’t ya?
racism talk is so funny. there was an episode of seinfeld on tonite where george tells a fellow black colleague he looks like sugar ray leonord. now you know this is supposed to be a lesson on race relations from larry (piss on jesus statue) david, and lo and behold the next scene of a pharmavy is “rappaport pharmacy”. so, the show to teach us race relations had to stop and think about a jewish name for a pharmacy. god help us
@72 I was just kidding you the other day. I usually leave you to do your thing.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Wait a cotton picking minute… Now you are all drinking from the Rachel Maddow firehose?
Van Jones, Rachel Maddow? What a bunch of crap. Van Jones own words and actions damned him you Maddow lovers. Van Jones said he was a black nationalist, a commie, and an anarchist. Seems to Puddy Maddow has her full complement of viewers from this blog! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Hey Rachel.. weren’t one of those who called everyone against Obama a racist? YES you were are!
In one instance, Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent urged his colleagues to deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Wright by changing the subject. Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, “Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”
Now what was Van Jones doing? He was formenting racial tension in Oakland with rioting after the Rodney King verdict.
“I met all these young radical people of color – I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, ‘This is what I need to be a part of… I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary…I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th. By August, I was a communist.”
Was Van Jones vetted before Congress nope… therefore he’s a “CZAR” Rachel. When the president creates these “positions” there is no vetting. Sorry your continual stupidity clouds your “judgment” Rachel. Van Jones did goi to jail. Even if it was wron because of mistaken identity, but he does “brag” about it to raise his street cred as we’d say in da hood!
And here’s another Van Jones group favorited by progressives, Kim Jong Il’s NK Workers Communist World Party.
Then came Wednesday morning and the awful truth; a majority of U.S. voters appeared to have cast their ballots for George W. Bush after all. Across the country people of conscience were stunned; Can you believe it… I’m just numb…I would leave the country, but where can I go that Bush wouldn’t bomb.
Hmmm… Bush would follow Jones to bomb him?
Now, I’m going to say this. I can be an ASShole, and some of us who are not Barack Hussein Obama are going to have to start getting a little bit uppity.
Really? Getting uppity? Steve Steve Steve gets really pizzed off when he thinks Puddy is getting uppity.
Butt there’s more from Van Jones Rachel. Puddy guesses your crack research crew missed this…
“To solve the new century’s mounting social and environmental problems, people of color activist and white activists need to be able to join forces. But all too often, the unconscious racism of white activists stands in the way of any effective, worthwhile collaboration. The Challenging White Supremacy Workshop is the most powerful tool that I have seen for removing the barriers to true partnerships between people of color and white folks. If the CWS trainings were mandatory for all white activists, the progressive movement in the United States would be unstoppable.”
Butt there’s more.
Everyone learned some great stuff of Van Jones. He was a 9/11 Truther, like some others on this blog. Puddy outed you fools before. The arschloch can search on 9/11 Truthers butt alas, the arschloch is what he is… an arschloch. Van jones supported “immediate inquiry into evidence that suggests high-level government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11th attacks to occur.” Oops Rachel Maddow…
ACORN.. OOPs, Voter fraud convictions 2009. 341 felons voted in 2008 in Minnesota probably most voting for Franen[stein], probably costing Norm Coleman his victory Rachel… Oops you missed this since ACORN was heavily involved in Minnesota. ACORN has reformed in Minnesota as Minnesota Neighborhoods Organizing for Change Rachel. They had too much invested in Minneapolis-St Paul. Didn’t your crack peeps figger this out?
New Black Panter Party Rachel? The summary judgment was already awarded Rachel whgen Holder dropped the case. Voter intimidation was judged against them Rachel. Wrong again! Such BULLSHITTIUM eaten up by the leftist fools.
Hey Rachel how many Sarah Palin stories did you run? Google returned 58000+ hits on “Rachel Maddow Sarah Palin” stories. Such a con artist Rachel!
Now finally we come to Shirley Sherrod Rachel… her won words Rachel…
“The first time I was faced with having to help a white farmer save his farm, he took a long time talking, but he was trying to show me he was superior to me. I know what he was doing. But he had come to me for help.
“What he didn’t know while he was taking all that time trying to show me he was superior to me was, I was trying to decide just how much help I was going to give him. I was struggling with the fact that so many black people had lost their farm land, and here I was faced with having to help a white person save their land. So I didn’t give him the full force of what I could do. I did enough, so that when he – I assumed the Department of Agriculture had sent him to me, either that or the Georgia Department of Agriculture, and he needed to go back and report that I did try to help him.
“So I took him to a white lawyer that had attended some of the training that we had provided because Chapter 12 bankruptcy had just been enacted for the family farm. So I figured if I take him to one of them, that his own kind would take care of him.
“That’s when it was revealed to me that it’s about poor versus those who have. It’s not so much about white — It IS about white and black, because I took him to one of his own . . . “
Now why didn’t Sherrod help him?
Butt Rachel, Fox News didn’t run with the story until Odumba and the gang fired her, because they didn’t want to be seen condoning something they accused others of. Fox News didn’t mention the Sherrod story until she had already forced out of her job.
Even FireDogLake has something to say and Puddy not a fan of this blog!
I wonder what Messina thinks about this today? And how is it possible that the WH senior advisors are so completely clueless about what they’ve done to the Administration’s credibility? Alternate universes? Manchurian candidate? D.C. heat wave or water supplies? Panic? Never mind.
Yep, Odumba and the disciples fried their own nuts.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Steve Steve Steve, Puddy posted Shirley Sherrod’s own comments. The GA NAACP owns and controls the tape. Breitbart received the clips he played he didn’t edit them, someone from the NAACP sent them to Breitbart. Too bad you are a moron!
Wait a cotton picking minute… Now you are all drinking from the Rachel Maddow firehose?
Van Jones, Rachel Maddow? What a bunch of crap. Van Jones own words and actions damned him you Maddow lovers. Van Jones said he was a black nationalist, a commie, and an anarchist. Seems to Puddy Maddow has her full complement of viewers from this blog! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Hey Rachel.. weren’t one of those who called everyone against Obama a racist? YES you were are!
In one instance, Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent urged his colleagues to deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Wright by changing the subject. Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, “Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”
Butt Rachel, where is your condemnation on this?
Back to Van Jones.
Now what was Van Jones doing? He was formenting racial tension in Oakland with rioting after the Rodney King verdict.
“I met all these young radical people of color – I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, ‘This is what I need to be a part of… I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary…I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th. By August, I was a communist.”
Was Van Jones vetted before Congress nope… therefore he’s a “CZAR” Rachel. When the president creates these “positions” there is no vetting. Sorry your continual stupidity clouds your “judgment” Rachel. Van Jones did goi to jail. Even if it was wron because of mistaken identity, but he does “brag” about it to raise his street cred as we’d say in da hood!
So what did Van Jones do? He formed…
Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM)
And here’s another Van Jones group favorited by progressives, Kim Jong Il’s NK Workers Communist World Party.
Then came Wednesday morning and the awful truth; a majority of U.S. voters appeared to have cast their ballots for George W. Bush after all. Across the country people of conscience were stunned; Can you believe it… I’m just numb…I would leave the country, but where can I go that Bush wouldn’t bomb.
Hmmm… Bush would follow Jones to bomb him?
Now, I’m going to say this. I can be an ASShole, and some of us who are not Barack Hussein Obama are going to have to start getting a little bit uppity.
Really? Getting uppity? Steve Steve Steve gets really pizzed off when he thinks Puddy is getting uppity.
Butt there’s more from Van Jones Rachel. Puddy guesses your crack research crew missed this…
“To solve the new century’s mounting social and environmental problems, people of color activist and white activists need to be able to join forces. But all too often, the unconscious racism of white activists stands in the way of any effective, worthwhile collaboration. The Challenging White Supremacy Workshop is the most powerful tool that I have seen for removing the barriers to true partnerships between people of color and white folks. If the CWS trainings were mandatory for all white activists, the progressive movement in the United States would be unstoppable.”
Butt there’s more.
Everyone learned some great stuff of Van Jones. He was a 9/11 Truther, like some others on this blog. Puddy outed you fools before. The arschloch can search on 9/11 Truthers butt alas, the arschloch is what he is… an arschloch. Van jones supported “immediate inquiry into evidence that suggests high-level government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11th attacks to occur.” Oops Rachel Maddow…
ACORN.. OOPs, Voter fraud convictions 2009. 341 felons voted in 2008 in Minnesota probably most voting for Franen[stein], probably costing Norm Coleman his victory Rachel… Oops you missed this since ACORN was heavily involved in Minnesota. ACORN has reformed in Minnesota as Minnesota Neighborhoods Organizing for Change Rachel. They had too much invested in Minneapolis-St Paul. Didn’t your crack peeps figger this out?
New Black Panter Party Rachel? The summary judgment was already awarded Rachel whgen Holder dropped the case. Voter intimidation was judged against them Rachel. Wrong again! Such BULLSHITTIUM eaten up by the leftist fools.
Hey Rachel how many Sarah Palin stories did you run? Google returned 58000+ hits on “Rachel Maddow Sarah Palin” stories. Such a con artist Rachel!
Now finally we come to Shirley Sherrod Rachel… her won words Rachel…
“The first time I was faced with having to help a white farmer save his farm, he took a long time talking, but he was trying to show me he was superior to me. I know what he was doing. But he had come to me for help.
“What he didn’t know while he was taking all that time trying to show me he was superior to me was, I was trying to decide just how much help I was going to give him. I was struggling with the fact that so many black people had lost their farm land, and here I was faced with having to help a white person save their land. So I didn’t give him the full force of what I could do. I did enough, so that when he – I assumed the Department of Agriculture had sent him to me, either that or the Georgia Department of Agriculture, and he needed to go back and report that I did try to help him.
“So I took him to a white lawyer that had attended some of the training that we had provided because Chapter 12 bankruptcy had just been enacted for the family farm. So I figured if I take him to one of them, that his own kind would take care of him.
“That’s when it was revealed to me that it’s about poor versus those who have. It’s not so much about white — It IS about white and black, because I took him to one of his own . . . “
Now why didn’t Sherrod help him?
Butt Rachel, Fox News didn’t run with the story until Odumba and the gang fired her, because they didn’t want to be seen condoning something they accused others of. Fox News didn’t mention the Sherrod story until she had already forced out of her job.
Even FireDogLake has something to say and Puddy not a fan of this blog!
I wonder what Messina thinks about this today? And how is it possible that the WH senior advisors are so completely clueless about what they’ve done to the Administration’s credibility? Alternate universes? Manchurian candidate? D.C. heat wave or water supplies? Panic? Never mind.
Yep, Odumba and the disciples fried their own nuts.
yo mama
Steve Steve Steve, Puddy posted Shirley Sherrod’s own comments. The GA NAACP owns and controls the tape. Breitbart received the clips he played he didn’t edit them, someone from the NAACP sent them to Breitbart. Too bad you are a moron!
You do know that I’m your Daddy, don’t you?
@74 Van Jones, Rachel Maddow? What a bunch of crap. Van Jones own words and actions damned him you Maddow lovers.
i actually grew to like van jones after reading the 911truth.org website. it names the mossad as a likely 911 culprit. i totally agree. the mossad is pretty much immune from media criticism for fear of being called antisemitic. so, if you need a job done, the mossad is the place to go. i’m not saying bush was involved, but there were a lot of people that benefited from 911.
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
manoftruth a 9/11 Truther? OMG!
Keep in mind, mot, that Puddy believes the earth is 6,000 years old and that his mama rode a T-Rex. heh- That was no T-Rex. That was me and it was just last night.
puddy i dont know what lmbbao means
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Laughing my big black ass off! LMBBAO
Puddybud identifies arscloch wondermoron as a dumb brickspews:
Keep dreaming Steve…
Dreams are all you have left!
nevermind puddy, i just googled it
proud leftistspews:
I really would like a psychologist to evaluate a thread like this one. Our wingies just ain’t right. Every once in awhile, I think that lost might be a person you could sit down and have a reasonable conversation with. After reading this thread, I’m thinking that would be unlikely. Puddy is clearly off his meds. mot makes even a pacifist like me think capital punishment for haters would be okay.
Puddy and lost, why do you not ever tell mot to stay away? That his racism is wrong? Why do you not condemn Andrew Breitbart?
@85 Puddy and lost, why do you not ever tell mot to stay away? That his racism is wrong?
oh proudlefty, you are so wrong.
number one, if a person were racist, by what authority is that wrong? you either dont believe in god, or, you believe he should not have a say in our laws, so there is no “controlling authority” to say racism is wrong.
number two, did i ever say, i dont like blacks, or even w aord about blacks? no.
i only razz goldberg and the rest of you kikes because you really believe that christians are dangerous and need to have their guns taken away, not to mention taxed to death so the middle class (read, white christian majority) will lose its influence.
lol, you’re the one above that wants “haters” executed. you think a racist is worse than sucking the brains out of unborn babies.
go ahead, ask puddy, has he ever seen a post of my degrading blacks. other than my name calling of jews (remeber, sticks and stones will bbreak your bones), everything i say about them is factual. look at anything in the news today, wall street, hollywood, mysterious deaths, eg
anna nicole smith, brittany murphy
always a jew around
RE 85
With all due respect to your usually interesting posts-
MSNBC is a left leaning organization. Fox a right leaning one. Propanda is part of the political game. I get that, and am not bothered by it.
It only bothers me is when people like Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow pretend to be serious journalists. They aren’t. I would say the same about Fox personalities, but don’t know the names of any. I don’t watch Fox, MSNBC or indeed any television. At any rate working for either network precludes also being actual journalists.
If the portrayal of MSNBC as left leaning offends you I can’t help that. If some other unintended note I struck did it was an inadvertency. I won’t apologize for that, as apologies without understanding of the reason are as meaningless as a Glen Beck rant.
proud leftistspews:
Please don’t call yourself a Christian. You are more Taliban. I am a white, male, heterosexual Christian of the upper class. I employ, enjoy, and forgive people. And, I’m damned proud to be a leftist. You are a wretched piece of shit. And, you are on Eastern time, yet still posting here on HA.
Pam Roachclipspews:
re 87: You don’t watch either, yet you pass judgement on both.
I’d say that is pretty fair and balanced.
proud leftistspews:
If you don’t watch tv, you’re really in no position to say whether msnbc and Foxnews equate. Yet, you do say that: “I don’t watch Fox, MSNBC or indeed any television.”
msnbc and Foxnews are not alike. Watch them sometime before offering an opinion. Rachel Maddow and Glenn Beck are far different creatures. Offering an opinion shortly after saying you don’t pay any attention to what you’re offering an opinion about is quite irresponsible.
Ms lost after tying the game in the 9th when they were down 6 to 1. Such is sporrts.
proud leftistspews:
Pammy @ 89
Whoops, you said it first, while I was struggling with the keyboard. lost is lost, indeed.
The 9th Circuit court of appeals has the highest rate of overturned judicial decisions of any in the country for the past 6 decades. I don’t need to have a case pending in that court to suspect that I wouldn’t want one. Sometimes it’s possible to look at the apples lying on the ground under the tree and guess that just maybe you’re looking at an apple tree.
But you’re right. All I know about Fox is that they are often called out for errors. That they employ mostly people whose speech is inflammatory and irritatingly void of content, And that while I might agree with many of the beliefs they presumably espouse, the means of presentation does more damage to those beliefs than silence would.
All I know about MSNBC is the hate speech in clips on the internet from people like Olbermann and Maddow and Schultz. I know that they misprepresent news and pick only those facts in a story which support their ideology, also from hit and miss clips on the internet. Schultz has a radio program I listened to twice. His hatred for any politicians with whom he disagrees is obvious and off putting.
RE 90
“Ms lost after tying the game in the 9th when they were down 6 to 1. Such is sporrts.”
Take it out another 10 years and we’ll all know what it’s like to be Cubs fans.
I don’t watch TV for a few reasons, but having watched Fox and MSNBC are 2 of the more compelling to me. ‘Reality’ TV, sitcoms whose situations aren’t funny and dramas involving the explicit details of gunshot wounds and rapes are others.
But I have watched Ms. Maddow, and Fox for as long as I could take it. I have watched Olbermann rant about subjects he knows nothing about to all appearances. I have listened to Hartmann and Schultz and Reagan the extremely lesser and that lawyer on Air America or whatever they call it now. I like to know what the other point of view has to say.
Trouble is Limbaugh and Beck and Hartmann and all the rest have the same thing to say. ‘I’m right, they’re wrong and for that I hate them and any who think like them.
Maybe it makes me out of step, but this doesn’t seem a healthy approach to political differences.
and your point is
proud leftistspews:
You do know, I presume, that the 9th Circuit covers far more territory than any other circuit, by far, don’t you? And, being overturned by the USSC hardly means being wrong, you understand that, too, I presume? The Roberts Court is not a good Court. Highly partisan. Not helping us be a nation of laws. Thank you for that, GWB.
And The Crap Tax and Trade Bill is DOA. TG
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
Proud Socialist, sorry bud, but PMSNBC and Fox are EXACTLY the same…just a pair of tv stations spewing partisan crap day after day.
they are both useless.
Re 95
The 9th was used primarily as an example, not to open a new topic.
The Roberts Court is in my opinion acting in some cases far outside of the latitude given it. Roberts brings the exact kind of reliance on personal and political opinions to deciding cases that many fear Elena Keagan will.
But the period of judicial activism in which the 9th has been indulging precedes the Roberts Court and the Rehnquist Court. This is an appellate court with little regard for precedent and legal reasoning. They replace these with a reliance on the ideological views of its bench.
Sorry, this sentence “Roberts brings the exact kind of reliance on personal and political opinions to deciding cases that many fear Elena Keagan will.” Was incomplete.
It should have read “Roberts brings the exact kind of reliance on personal and political opinions to deciding cases that many fear Elena Keagan will but without Roberts extensive judicial background, or indeed much legal experience at all.“
Mr. Cynicalspews:
55. Zotz spews:
@48 and 49: As HA’s Resident Oreo,
Resident Oreo??
Obviously you want intelligent Black Americans to fall in line and get back down to the Plantation. Thank you for showing your racist side once again!!
It’s ok to disagree, but Oreo??
Why don’t you meet with Puddy sometime.
Ask sj…you’d be mighty impressed, if your racist ego could allow you to understand Puddy is waaaaay more intelligent than you are.
Hard to swallow, isn’t it.
Try again Zotz.
That was a bad mistake.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The single funniest, most stupid comment ever posted on HA…be PL
88. proud leftist spews:
Please don’t call yourself a Christian. You are more Taliban. I am a white, male, heterosexual Christian of the upper class. I employ, enjoy, and forgive people. And, I’m damned proud to be a leftist. You are a wretched piece of shit.
Your Lutheran Pastor Daddy must be sooo proud of you!
The KLOWN is obviously impressed that Puddy works like a white man.
5. Mr. Cynical spews:
Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off
when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to
the top of his head.
In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start
working for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.
The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an
examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to
Barack, and told him to drink it all.
Barack drank the concoction and replied, ‘That tasted like bullshit!’
The doctor replied, ‘It was, you were a quart low.’
07/08/2009 at 9:11 pm
proud leftistspews:
Cynny @ 101
I’m pleased to have brought some humor to your morning.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
ObaMao never had a real job in his life!
Kommunity Organizer??
ACORN advocate.
He will get his just rewards this November and in 2012.
Jimmy Carter revisited.
I didn’t write the joke, I got it from a Black Friend who actually thought it was funny considering ObaMao was the butt-end.
Yeah, sure thing, KLOWN.
PL, “You are a wretched piece of shit.”
KLOWN, “Your Lutheran Pastor Daddy must be sooo proud of you!”
I’m sure that PL, like myself, has no problem forgiving you for being such a wretched piece of shit. But then you do something to show us again what a wretched piece of shit you are and then after slapping you around, of course, we have to start the process of forgiving you all over again. It is becoming quite tiresome.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Actually, MOT, I don’t think about you at all. You’re just part of the background.
Rachel Maddow is a national treasure.
Oh, please. What Sherrod said was outta line.
Let’s also remember that a tiny slice of blacks are responsible for most – but not all – of the violence against Washington State police in recent months from the Seattle ambush of the officer that had to punch one to the Seattle PD & Lakewood PD killings to the disgusting blogs glorifying cop killing.
That said, I do not think racism has a place in politics. Nor does anti-semitism, Islamophobia and other forms of bigotry.
Fascist. Fratboy. Jackass.
Gregoire is being sued by the EFF–
ObaMao is -17 on the Strong Approval Poll.
Seems stuck in the range of 2 rungs below mediocrity!
He’ll be a real help in the 2010 elections!!
For the R’s.
I believe ObaMao’s ego does not allow him to grasp the fact that he has totally blown his election bounce…and much, much more.
He’s inexperienced & arrogant….and a Socialist.
Spectacular piece by Rachel disclosing how Republicans race bait for political purposes. Well worth watching, despite its length. I think one clear lesson that can be had from this Shirley Sherrod debacle is that Democrats are adult enough to acknowledge mistakes and apologize. Righties? Not so much. That fecal fucker Andrew Breitbart has come nowhere near making an apology. He just dissembles. His wingnut audience won’t abandon him, either. You can count on that.
Tea Baggery of the Left:
Do not get me wrong, I believe we all owe a lot ot Move-On. BUT … like the folks from Lipton, our guys can get pretty irrational:
This is the current cause celebre for MO. They want all the candy-dates to sign on to AN OATH. So far, few have. Read on and guess why?
Overturn Citizens United:
Amend the Constitution to protect America from unlimited corporate spending on our elections by overturning the Supreme Court’s decision giving corporations the same First Amendment rights as people.
Fair elections now:
Pass the Fair Elections Now Act, providing public financing to candidates who are supported by small donors so they can compete with corporate-backed and self-funded candidates.
Lobbyist Reform Act:
Pass legislation to end the overwhelming influence of corporate lobbyists by: prohibiting individuals from switching from corporate lobbying to government service, or vice-versa, within a 5-year period; stopping corporate lobbyists from giving gifts and providing free travel to government officials; and posting online the attendees and content of all meetings between lobbyists and government officials.
Asking elected officials to sign a pledge like ythis is worthy of a tea bag award. Why would anyone wnat to sign a pledge for an amendment to overturn a Supreme Court decisions with not evena suggestion as to what the amendment would be for?
The fair elections act? Exactly how do you get this done AND protect the first amendment?
Only a tea baggier would believe that stopping lobbysits from offering air plane rides would have any real effect in corporate lobbying.
Great intent but tea bagger level execution. Does anyone think Patty will sign onto this sort of thing? Overturn Citizen’s United??? Really? And do so by a new amendment? How would you word this part of the constitution … MO needs to reclone Madison!
As for lobbyists, tell that to every dem congressman who NEEDS to plan on being a lobbyist is they do NOT get elected.
The Fair Elections law appeals to me too, but there is a little matter of its certainly being unconstitutional!
Liberal masturbation is just another form of tea baggery.
Wow. Effective, honest reporting detailing the lies and distortions the conservative media will use for political gain. Shame on them.
I cannot see how honest people can argue with the truth of it.
@2. That clip made it sound like the opposite of what she said.
That’s like me saying you said
“Oh, please…Let’s also remember that…I … think racism has a place in politics.”
That’s every word you wrote, in the order you wrote them. And it’s as accurate as the Sherrod clip.
She said she learned it was not about black vs white, it was about the haves vs the have-nots. And I think that’s more scary to Money Conservatives than anything else.
Rachel Maddow is a national treasure.
of course she is zotz. female, jewish, lesbian. what more could you ask for in a country where we say we dont care about a persons race, but thats all we do is talk about it. pretty funny
@4 Gregoire is being sued by the EFF.
So? That’s like saying George Wallace was upset with Freedom Riders.
re 5: We, as conservatives, have to be careful not to underestimate Obama (FYI It’s Obama, not ObaMao. You don’t want to appear stupid, do you??).
If it becomes general knowledge that Brightbart fixes videos so trhat they reflect our correct view of the world, it may be misinterpreted by folks that we are liars and not to be trusted. People will begin to fact check everything we say. That could hurt us.
Do you suppose that the DemocRATS are just giving us more rope???
re 7: You are so right, SJ. Politics is the art of the possible and standing up for yourself against powerful interests just isn’t possible
There are rumblings on the tax cuts for the rich front. Tools like McConnell and pathetic Dems like Conrad want to keep them.
From a Shrub advisor.
YLB makes $0 per year and relies on his wife for support…for many years.
Of course he is envious and wants to tax the job-creators more..
YLB wants to bang on his pud all day.
Why would anyone care what a non-Income Tax Paying, chronically unemployed loser has to say about taxing successful, job-creating folks??
re 15:
I thought Sharkansky was a conservative. Did I miss something or did you?
10 mot
You are depressingly, mind-numbingly, yet consistently, wrong.
Rachel Maddow is not Jewish. Her mother is from Canada and is of Irish descent, and her father is of Russian descent. She was raised as a Catholic.
Maddow did get something wrong. The Southern Strategy, the The Blacks Are Coming To Get You Strategy, worked very well for a while. It’s failing as strategies like that will always fail over time. The groups that insist on clinging to The Southern Strategy, like the Tea Baggers, may make a lot of noise and get a lot of press, but in the long run they will look like fools and have no real power or effect on policy.
of course she is zotz. female, jewish, lesbian. what more could you ask for in a country where we say we dont care about a persons race, but thats all we do is talk about it. pretty funny
Who’s the “we” you’re referring to? I’ve never heard anybody discuss or care about what Maddow’s religious background is. You’re the first, and you’ve done it in a comment castigating everyone else for talking about it. That was a masterstroke of projection right there.
And by the way, I had no idea what her religious background was, so I looked it up. She’s a Catholic, you nimrod.
Rachel Maddow is not Jewish. She was raised as a Catholic.
i stand corrected
(FYI It’s Obama, not ObaMao. You don’t want to appear stupid, do you??)
Don’t be so sure about that.
i stand corrected
So do you also understand how wrong you were when you assumed that all of us like Maddow for superficial reasons instead of for the substance and quality of her show?
To the level that Clinton taxed the rich.. Although higher wouldn’t hurt either.
That policy destroyed so many jobs.
Miserable KLOWN..
Dino Rossi should be asked where he stands on Rep. Paul Ryan’s disastous plan that he calls his budget “roadmap.” He (Ryan) wants to cut the taxes of the very rich in half, raise taxes on almost all other Americans through a value-added tax, eliminate the corporate income tax, eliminate Medicare, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and most of Medicaid. It won’t eliminate the deficit, and in fact reduces overall federal revenue while still raising taxes on 75-90% of us.
So whaddya say, Dino, are you on board with Ryan’s plan or not? Yes or no would do nicely.
So do you also understand how wrong you were when you assumed that all of us like Maddow for superficial reasons instead of for the substance and quality of her show?
well, do i take it like a man, well…..she’s a lesbian, which you guys love….ummm, let me think about that.
Speaking of job creators, do you know what “creates” jobs? DEMAND.
That’s why stimulus works! It’s why direct spending works better than tax policy. It’s how John Maynard Keynes and FDR got us out of the Great Depression.
But now, thanks to the abuse of the filibuster by Republicans hoping to create conditions of misery painful enough to gain them some political momentum, we can’t use this powerful tool.
Welcome to the slow, painful, “jobless” recovery. Worse than Bush’s.
Are you saying that our opinion of her would be different if she were a straight woman? Seriously?
“Rachel Maddow is a national treasure.”
Best joke ever.
@28 Naw, Sarah Palin is the best joke ever.
Michael Steele’s RNC failed to report more than $7 million in debts owed by the RNC in April and May of the all-important second quarter of funraising. Did they want to make it seem as though the RNC has more cash on hand than it really does? Lots of allocation decisions are made based on the quaterly announcements.
But maybe it was just a simple, honest bookeeping error, like Dino Rossi’s loan from Michael Mastro that he failed to disclose.
Ummm…remembering that this is supposed to be an open thread, Rush Limbaugh bought himself an uber-expensive set of cyber-ears after he destroyed the ones God gave him by abusing Oxycontin.
I wonder what Glenn Beck’s been doing to make himself go bl…
On second thought, I don’t think I want to know.
But maybe it was just a simple, honest bookeeping error
did he also keep the money in aluminum foil in the back of his freezer?
Breitbart = most imcompetent race-baiter EVER
Why is it that Rachel Maddow is the only person in the MSM that is actually doing real journalism?
Getting all the facts, and presenting them to an audience in a way all can understand.
I commend you Rachel. It is sad that you and Amy are the only ones…. Maybe Schultz, and Keith too, but not so much background.
32 mot
No, I think he used it to buy a property that is now worth a lot less than the inflated price it was ping-ponged up to by speculating financial insiders colluding with loan insitutions, which was foreclosed on when the owner lost his job and couldn’t cover the loan with a sale due to the falling home prices in the collapse of the financial bubble. So I’m sure at the end of the day Dino will make a tidy profit. But when he does, will he report it? Watch this space…
When you watch a researched, accurate, well-presented piece like this, you have to wonder how the wingies can claim that Rachel Maddow is the same as Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh, except that she’s on the left. There is, of course, no credible comparison. She might state her position passionately, but her position is supported by facts and reason. Beck, Limbaugh, and the other wingnut windbags are a completely different breed. They start with some passionately held position and then just go with it, fuck research. Fuck facts.
@30 “Michael Steele’s RNC failed to report more than $7 million in debts owed by the RNC”
And they want us to trust them to run the government.
“But maybe it was just a simple, honest bookeeping error”
Maybe they just wanted it off the books – like wars and drug plans.
And they want us to trust them to run the government.
no controlling authority
@23 “Miserable KLOWN..”
Our racist Khristian Konstitutionalist Konservative is especially miserable today, isn’t he? He was apparently hoping that, by ruining the life an innocent black woman with lies, his wingnuts would score big against our President, the NAACP, the USDA and black farmers. It didn’t quite pan out that way so I’m sure that for the next few days our teabagging racist will be a bit more foul than usual. In fact, I’d bet he’s out in the barn right this very minute taking it out on that poor, hapless goat of his.
The Humane Society really needs to rescue that poor goat. I just wish we had Cynny’s address. I’m not a huge animal lover, but my heart goes out to that poor goat.
Maddow is the best journalist on television. She is the smartest journalist on television. She is the most prepared, thorough, and fact supported of any journalist on television. She might be the best journalist in journalism, regardless of medium. She is freaky good – the best in the business. Period.
@40 Well, we’re working to rescue Klynical’s goat and end the abuse of that poor critter once and for all.
“Rachel Maddow is not Jewish. She was raised as a Catholic.”
Well, that explains a lot! Catholicism really srews you up if you take it seriously. Even those who escape have scars the carry for life!
Well, that explains a lot! Catholicism really srews you up if you take it seriously. Even those who escape have scars the carry for life!
well, that explains a lot! judism really screws you up if you take it seriously. even those who escape have scars they carry for life.
and i bet you all think one of us is racist, and one is not.
Rachel Madcow is……fucking ugly. ewwww, no wonder she licks snatch.
zots is attracted to ugly lesbians? hmm, well that explains a lot.
Will Charlie Rangel share a prison cell with James Traficant?
The wingnut hate spewed in the comment threads today is much less vapid and vile than it was the past few days. I take it that Puddy finally got his prescription refilled.
The world is a better place when Puddy takes his meds.
The best lies aren’t the obvious ones told by the likes of Limbaugh and Beck, Schultz and Olberman. The best kinds aren’t the direct ones of Breitbart.
No, the best lies are told with 90% truth and the appearance of trustworthiness. The best lies are told by plausible seeming people with an axe to grind and no moral compunctions to stop them. You know, people like Maddow.
She isn’t a journalist. Journalists are interested in the facts as they exist, not as they would like them to exist. Journalists are interested in portraying reality in a compelling way, not compelling reality to their way.
But she has people like Nofactssupporthisposition and Sarge fooled, so she did something right.
Hmm, I wonder who the next black victim of the wingnut hate machine will be? I bet it’s some innocent little kid next time. It’d harken back to the day when right-wing racists would blow up black kids and burn down their church.
Speaking of the good ol’ days, I bet the KLOWN is just itchin’ to do the fire hose and german shepard thing again.
You’re just blowing it out your ass again, Lost, with absolutely nothing to back it up.
Yeah, MadKow is a real hit. She is crushing 2 other idiots…Matthews & Olberdink…
while being absolutely KRUSHED by every single FoxNews Show!
Every single FoxNews Show krushes MadKow!!
Read & weep KLOWNS.
Too Damn Funny!!
Re 52
Just once, for varieties sake, tell me where I’m wrong Steve, rather than that I’m wrong.
@48 and 49: As HA’s Resident Oreo, I’m assuming Pudpuller must be having his gooey white filling replenished.
I’m assuming his goat will get a “shot” as well.
“Every single FoxNews Show krushes MadKow!!”
Well, if having psychotic KLOWNS for viewership counts for something, then I concede that you finally just might have a point.
I reckon one can judge the viewer by the commercials targeted for them. Beck viewers like our KLOWN apparently have hemmorhoids and like to buy gold high and sell it low.
For once, why not back up your shit rather than just spew it.
“the facts as they exist, not as they would like them to exist”
Give us an example as it relates to Maddow.
“Journalists are interested in portraying reality in a compelling way, not compelling reality to their way”
Give us an example as it relates to Maddow.
You won’t. That’s because all you can do is blow opinions out your ass.
Good to see Democrats standing up for Sherry, but you know the Bigot Republicans are all in hiding. Rush Limpdick is dying to use the N word in stead of coloreds and Negroes.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA proud leftist told a joke!
Another case of Heterosexual Love
Careful capital hill…gman is on the prowl tonight….
At least France isn’t hot, like it is in the UAE…
Stronger meds, Puddy.
Clint Didier, Rugged Individualist …
“It’s the middle of his U.S. Senate campaign, and Republican candidate Clint Didier is standing in an alfalfa field gripping a hammer. He pounds loose a rusted drive shaft on a giant sprinkler tower and replaces the defective part so the irrigation line can resume rolling across the fields, spreading Columbia River water across the arid land. …
“A 51-year-old ex-NFL player, Didier … warns in a booming baritone that the America of ‘rugged individualism, self-reliance and personal responsibility’ is on the verge of vanishing — to be replaced by a ‘Marxist utopia’ where everyone is dependent on the federal government.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, well, if he’s worried about being dependent on the federal government maybe he should quit irrigating his farm with subsidized water from socialist dams in the Marxist utopia of eastern Washington.
Re 57
Go on. Continue to defend postitions not because it makes sense to do so but purely on partisan grounds.
You know and I that MSNBC is no more about journalism than Fox is. You know and I know that it is the accepted mouthpiece of leftist thought. This isn’t a bad thing in itself. If those on the right want to ignore real news for the cherry picked nonsense that Fox presents that’s their right. If those on the left want to pretend superiority for doing precisely the same thing with MSNBC that’s fine too.
But don’t pretend either is journalism. Both are entertainment for the close minded/open mouthed proponents of a particular ideology.
Someone told me Puddy’s all bummed out because that wonderful black lady, Shirley Sherrod’s reputation wasn’t ruined, the NAACP wasn’t brought down, and some southern black farmers might not get screwed. I disagreed. Sure, Puddy’s all bummed out about that stuff not coming down, and sure, he was pulling for the white guy Brietbart and that blonde nazi babe at Fox who was hating on Sherrod. It’s just that I think Puddy’s far, far more bummed out this week about learning that I’m his Daddy.
Didier Favors Euthanizing The Unemployed
Well, okay, he didn’t actually use the word “euthanize,” but that’s what he means:
“We’ve got to get rid of this ‘protecting the weak.’ If we keep the weak alive all the time it eats up the strong, and then our economy will never come back,” he said after a tea-party forum earlier this month in Bellingham.
So, if you’re poor or old or sick or handicapped or unemployed you’re a drag on the economy, so you should just kill yourself, but if you don’t Mr. Didier and his minions will do it for you! Solyent Green, or whatever. It’s one hell of a governing philosophy, and it’s what the Tea Party and their U.S. Senate candidate stand for.
“Continue to defend postitions not because it makes sense to do so but purely on partisan grounds.”
I defended nothing. I asked you to defend your baseless accusations against Maddow. From your reply, I take it you that can’t and have to resort to making shit up to try to skate your way out of this.
so when you pulling the trigger?
“We’ve got to get rid of this ‘protecting the weak.’
Good fucking grief.
I so strongly disapprove of Obama! Well, at least that’s what I told Rasmussen over the phone when they called. I mean, where’s those fucking FEMA camps?? I thought I was voting to round these fuckers up!*
*Just kidding, wingnuts. Christ, grow a fucking sense of humor, why don’t ya?
racism talk is so funny. there was an episode of seinfeld on tonite where george tells a fellow black colleague he looks like sugar ray leonord. now you know this is supposed to be a lesson on race relations from larry (piss on jesus statue) david, and lo and behold the next scene of a pharmavy is “rappaport pharmacy”. so, the show to teach us race relations had to stop and think about a jewish name for a pharmacy. god help us
@72 I was just kidding you the other day. I usually leave you to do your thing.
Wait a cotton picking minute… Now you are all drinking from the Rachel Maddow firehose?
Van Jones, Rachel Maddow? What a bunch of crap. Van Jones own words and actions damned him you Maddow lovers. Van Jones said he was a black nationalist, a commie, and an anarchist. Seems to Puddy Maddow has her full complement of viewers from this blog! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Hey Rachel.. weren’t one of those who called everyone against Obama a racist? YES you
wereare!Butt Rachel, where is your condemnation on this?
Back to Van Jones.
Now what was Van Jones doing? He was formenting racial tension in Oakland with rioting after the Rodney King verdict.
Was Van Jones vetted before Congress nope… therefore he’s a “CZAR” Rachel. When the president creates these “positions” there is no vetting. Sorry your continual stupidity clouds your “judgment” Rachel. Van Jones did goi to jail. Even if it was wron because of mistaken identity, but he does “brag” about it to raise his street cred as we’d say in da hood!
So what did Van Jones do? He formed…
And here’s another Van Jones group favorited by progressives, Kim Jong Il’s NK Workers Communist World Party.
Hmmm… Bush would follow Jones to bomb him?
Really? Getting uppity? Steve Steve Steve gets really pizzed off when he thinks Puddy is getting uppity.
Butt there’s more from Van Jones Rachel. Puddy guesses your crack research crew missed this…
Butt there’s more.
Everyone learned some great stuff of Van Jones. He was a 9/11 Truther, like some others on this blog. Puddy outed you fools before. The arschloch can search on 9/11 Truthers butt alas, the arschloch is what he is… an arschloch. Van jones supported “immediate inquiry into evidence that suggests high-level government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11th attacks to occur.” Oops Rachel Maddow…
ACORN.. OOPs, Voter fraud convictions 2009. 341 felons voted in 2008 in Minnesota probably most voting for Franen[stein], probably costing Norm Coleman his victory Rachel… Oops you missed this since ACORN was heavily involved in Minnesota. ACORN has reformed in Minnesota as Minnesota Neighborhoods Organizing for Change Rachel. They had too much invested in Minneapolis-St Paul. Didn’t your crack peeps figger this out?
New Black Panter Party Rachel? The summary judgment was already awarded Rachel whgen Holder dropped the case. Voter intimidation was judged against them Rachel. Wrong again! Such BULLSHITTIUM eaten up by the leftist fools.
Hey Rachel how many Sarah Palin stories did you run? Google returned 58000+ hits on “Rachel Maddow Sarah Palin” stories. Such a con artist Rachel!
Now finally we come to Shirley Sherrod Rachel… her won words Rachel…
Now why didn’t Sherrod help him?
Butt Rachel, Fox News didn’t run with the story until Odumba and the gang fired her, because they didn’t want to be seen condoning something they accused others of. Fox News didn’t mention the Sherrod story until she had already forced out of her job.
Even FireDogLake has something to say and Puddy not a fan of this blog!
Yep, Odumba and the disciples fried their own nuts.
Steve Steve Steve, Puddy posted Shirley Sherrod’s own comments. The GA NAACP owns and controls the tape. Breitbart received the clips he played he didn’t edit them, someone from the NAACP sent them to Breitbart. Too bad you are a moron!
yo mama
You do know that I’m your Daddy, don’t you?
Van Jones, Rachel Maddow? What a bunch of crap. Van Jones own words and actions damned him you Maddow lovers.
i actually grew to like van jones after reading the 911truth.org website. it names the mossad as a likely 911 culprit. i totally agree. the mossad is pretty much immune from media criticism for fear of being called antisemitic. so, if you need a job done, the mossad is the place to go. i’m not saying bush was involved, but there were a lot of people that benefited from 911.
manoftruth a 9/11 Truther? OMG!
Keep in mind, mot, that Puddy believes the earth is 6,000 years old and that his mama rode a T-Rex. heh- That was no T-Rex. That was me and it was just last night.
puddy i dont know what lmbbao means
Laughing my big black ass off! LMBBAO
Keep dreaming Steve…
Dreams are all you have left!
nevermind puddy, i just googled it
I really would like a psychologist to evaluate a thread like this one. Our wingies just ain’t right. Every once in awhile, I think that lost might be a person you could sit down and have a reasonable conversation with. After reading this thread, I’m thinking that would be unlikely. Puddy is clearly off his meds. mot makes even a pacifist like me think capital punishment for haters would be okay.
Puddy and lost, why do you not ever tell mot to stay away? That his racism is wrong? Why do you not condemn Andrew Breitbart?
Puddy and lost, why do you not ever tell mot to stay away? That his racism is wrong?
oh proudlefty, you are so wrong.
number one, if a person were racist, by what authority is that wrong? you either dont believe in god, or, you believe he should not have a say in our laws, so there is no “controlling authority” to say racism is wrong.
number two, did i ever say, i dont like blacks, or even w aord about blacks? no.
i only razz goldberg and the rest of you kikes because you really believe that christians are dangerous and need to have their guns taken away, not to mention taxed to death so the middle class (read, white christian majority) will lose its influence.
lol, you’re the one above that wants “haters” executed. you think a racist is worse than sucking the brains out of unborn babies.
go ahead, ask puddy, has he ever seen a post of my degrading blacks. other than my name calling of jews (remeber, sticks and stones will bbreak your bones), everything i say about them is factual. look at anything in the news today, wall street, hollywood, mysterious deaths, eg
anna nicole smith, brittany murphy
always a jew around
RE 85
With all due respect to your usually interesting posts-
MSNBC is a left leaning organization. Fox a right leaning one. Propanda is part of the political game. I get that, and am not bothered by it.
It only bothers me is when people like Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow pretend to be serious journalists. They aren’t. I would say the same about Fox personalities, but don’t know the names of any. I don’t watch Fox, MSNBC or indeed any television. At any rate working for either network precludes also being actual journalists.
If the portrayal of MSNBC as left leaning offends you I can’t help that. If some other unintended note I struck did it was an inadvertency. I won’t apologize for that, as apologies without understanding of the reason are as meaningless as a Glen Beck rant.
Please don’t call yourself a Christian. You are more Taliban. I am a white, male, heterosexual Christian of the upper class. I employ, enjoy, and forgive people. And, I’m damned proud to be a leftist. You are a wretched piece of shit. And, you are on Eastern time, yet still posting here on HA.
re 87: You don’t watch either, yet you pass judgement on both.
I’d say that is pretty fair and balanced.
If you don’t watch tv, you’re really in no position to say whether msnbc and Foxnews equate. Yet, you do say that: “I don’t watch Fox, MSNBC or indeed any television.”
msnbc and Foxnews are not alike. Watch them sometime before offering an opinion. Rachel Maddow and Glenn Beck are far different creatures. Offering an opinion shortly after saying you don’t pay any attention to what you’re offering an opinion about is quite irresponsible.
Ms lost after tying the game in the 9th when they were down 6 to 1. Such is sporrts.
Pammy @ 89
Whoops, you said it first, while I was struggling with the keyboard. lost is lost, indeed.
The 9th Circuit court of appeals has the highest rate of overturned judicial decisions of any in the country for the past 6 decades. I don’t need to have a case pending in that court to suspect that I wouldn’t want one. Sometimes it’s possible to look at the apples lying on the ground under the tree and guess that just maybe you’re looking at an apple tree.
But you’re right. All I know about Fox is that they are often called out for errors. That they employ mostly people whose speech is inflammatory and irritatingly void of content, And that while I might agree with many of the beliefs they presumably espouse, the means of presentation does more damage to those beliefs than silence would.
All I know about MSNBC is the hate speech in clips on the internet from people like Olbermann and Maddow and Schultz. I know that they misprepresent news and pick only those facts in a story which support their ideology, also from hit and miss clips on the internet. Schultz has a radio program I listened to twice. His hatred for any politicians with whom he disagrees is obvious and off putting.
RE 90
“Ms lost after tying the game in the 9th when they were down 6 to 1. Such is sporrts.”
Take it out another 10 years and we’ll all know what it’s like to be Cubs fans.
I don’t watch TV for a few reasons, but having watched Fox and MSNBC are 2 of the more compelling to me. ‘Reality’ TV, sitcoms whose situations aren’t funny and dramas involving the explicit details of gunshot wounds and rapes are others.
But I have watched Ms. Maddow, and Fox for as long as I could take it. I have watched Olbermann rant about subjects he knows nothing about to all appearances. I have listened to Hartmann and Schultz and Reagan the extremely lesser and that lawyer on Air America or whatever they call it now. I like to know what the other point of view has to say.
Trouble is Limbaugh and Beck and Hartmann and all the rest have the same thing to say. ‘I’m right, they’re wrong and for that I hate them and any who think like them.
Maybe it makes me out of step, but this doesn’t seem a healthy approach to political differences.
and your point is
You do know, I presume, that the 9th Circuit covers far more territory than any other circuit, by far, don’t you? And, being overturned by the USSC hardly means being wrong, you understand that, too, I presume? The Roberts Court is not a good Court. Highly partisan. Not helping us be a nation of laws. Thank you for that, GWB.
And The Crap Tax and Trade Bill is DOA. TG
Proud Socialist, sorry bud, but PMSNBC and Fox are EXACTLY the same…just a pair of tv stations spewing partisan crap day after day.
they are both useless.
Re 95
The 9th was used primarily as an example, not to open a new topic.
The Roberts Court is in my opinion acting in some cases far outside of the latitude given it. Roberts brings the exact kind of reliance on personal and political opinions to deciding cases that many fear Elena Keagan will.
But the period of judicial activism in which the 9th has been indulging precedes the Roberts Court and the Rehnquist Court. This is an appellate court with little regard for precedent and legal reasoning. They replace these with a reliance on the ideological views of its bench.
Sorry, this sentence “Roberts brings the exact kind of reliance on personal and political opinions to deciding cases that many fear Elena Keagan will.” Was incomplete.
It should have read “Roberts brings the exact kind of reliance on personal and political opinions to deciding cases that many fear Elena Keagan will but without Roberts extensive judicial background, or indeed much legal experience at all.“
55. Zotz spews:
Resident Oreo??
Obviously you want intelligent Black Americans to fall in line and get back down to the Plantation. Thank you for showing your racist side once again!!
It’s ok to disagree, but Oreo??
Why don’t you meet with Puddy sometime.
Ask sj…you’d be mighty impressed, if your racist ego could allow you to understand Puddy is waaaaay more intelligent than you are.
Hard to swallow, isn’t it.
Try again Zotz.
That was a bad mistake.
The single funniest, most stupid comment ever posted on HA…be PL
88. proud leftist spews:
Your Lutheran Pastor Daddy must be sooo proud of you!
The KLOWN is obviously impressed that Puddy works like a white man.
Cynny @ 101
I’m pleased to have brought some humor to your morning.
ObaMao never had a real job in his life!
Kommunity Organizer??
ACORN advocate.
He will get his just rewards this November and in 2012.
Jimmy Carter revisited.
I didn’t write the joke, I got it from a Black Friend who actually thought it was funny considering ObaMao was the butt-end.
Yeah, sure thing, KLOWN.
PL, “You are a wretched piece of shit.”
KLOWN, “Your Lutheran Pastor Daddy must be sooo proud of you!”
I’m sure that PL, like myself, has no problem forgiving you for being such a wretched piece of shit. But then you do something to show us again what a wretched piece of shit you are and then after slapping you around, of course, we have to start the process of forgiving you all over again. It is becoming quite tiresome.
Actually, MOT, I don’t think about you at all. You’re just part of the background.