Huh. He never seemed like a goat-fucking child molester to me
Mr. Cynicalspews:
ObaMao continues to flounder, dragged down by his economic numbskullery.
Monday, July 12, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Thirty-nine percent (39%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -13.
Ten percent (10%) rate the economy as good or excellent while 54% say it’s in poor shape. Half (50%) rate the president’s handling of the economy as poor.
The economy is the biggest 2010 Election issue…I think bigger than ObamaoCare and the increasing National Debt..(it’s now $13.2 TRILLION and ObaMao has made it much worse the past 18 months.
@4 The economy is the biggest 2010 Election issue…I think bigger than ObamaoCare and the increasing National Debt
I’m genuinely curious – in the several years that you’ve been posting here, has there even been any kind of an indication that anyone here gives a fuck what you think? Can you point to a comment or a discussion where your presence here yielded a response where someone was genuinely interested in what goes on inside your head?
You’re like the guy at the bar who hits on a girl for a while. The girl first takes out her cell phone and calls someone while you’re talking to her. Then she starts telling the person she called about this dumb jerk that’s hitting on her – purposely loud enough for you to hear it. Then, after you keep trying to talk to her for a while longer, she just goes into the ladies room and stays there for a while.
And you still leave the bar thinking that she’s really into you.
“The economy is the biggest 2010 Election issue…”
Which is why the Repubican Party voted unanimously in the U.S. Senate to cut off unemployment benefits and other aid to cities and states which would have helped the economy?
Seems like we know where the Republican Party’s loyalties lie right now. It’s certainly not with the American people.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Did you remember that joke from personal experience during your stoner days?
Actually, I’ve had too numerous to count discussions with folks from the left who show some intelligence…of which you are obviously not one of them!
@7 Did you remember that joke from personal experience during your stoner days?
No, I don’t. When you smoke pot rather than drink alcohol, you figure out that it’s pointless to talk up disinterested bitches at bars.
Actually, I’ve had too numerous to count discussions with folks from the left who show some intelligence…of which you are obviously not one of them!
If you want to have intelligent discussions in these comment threads, you can. You just have to put in the effort. Here’s a quick tip – the first word in your comment shouldn’t be “ObaMao”. If it is, you’re not coming here to have an intelligent discussion. You’re coming here to hang your ignorance on the wall and have us laugh at it.
You can get mad at me all you want. It’s not like it’s a mystery which one of us values having an adult conversation and which one of us has no interest in one.
Stating the Obvious, I guessspews:
@8, Lee, nice response. It defines his agenda well.
proud leftistspews:
I would have to posit that Cynny’s posts are the most predictable of all our trolls. If you’ve read one of them, you’ve read them all. They are always filled with childish names and the rightwing spew of the day. I have never once seen him express an opinion that differs from wingnut scripture. I wonder how his wife endures his endless tedium.
FYI… It wouldn’t be very hard to note the very same things from any number of leftwing posters here as well.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Which is why the Repubican Party voted unanimously in the U.S. Senate to cut off unemployment benefits and other aid to cities and states which would have helped the economy?
What a bunch of BULLSHIT! THe DUMMOCRAPTS want to add the unemployment benefits direct to deficit and the Republicans said use half of the unspent PORKULUS funds. So the DUMMOCRAPTS said can’t have that so THEY are the ones who are stifling the unemployment checks.
What a crock of shit from today’s shitpile king rhp6033.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Did ya hear the interview of the New Black Panther Chairman Malik Shabazz? His bud New Black Panther Philadelphia leader King Samir Shabazz, said kill all dem crack babies. Now wasn’t Odumba a crack baby? Just checkin…
Now Malik can’t even bring himself to denounce the killing of white babies.
Tommy Christopher: Well obviously you don’t believe in killing white babies.
Malik Shabazz: Um, no in that context, no sir. No, no.
Christopher: In what context?
Shabazz: Well, for the sake of this interview, no context. There are too many other white forces out there that are much more powerful that I as a man would focus on, I wouldn’t focus on the babies. I would focus on the police
Gotta luv DUMMOCRAPTS wanting to kill DUMMOCRAPTS.
with Text_IO;
procedure Hello_World is
Text_IO.Put_Line(“Hello It’s the arschloch!”);
end Hello_World;
Don Joespews:
Puddy as Hello World:
#include <stdio.h>
char s[] = “Hello World!”;
int main()
sprintf(s, “%s\n”, &s);
And, as expected, it produces a bus error.
Don Joespews:
‘Course the kool kids write their Hello World this way:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSLog(@”Hello World!”);
[pool drain];
return 0;
Don Joespews:
Oh, by the way, that whole New Black Panther thing? Turns out it’s yet another attempt to blame Obama and his administration for a Bush administration fuckup:
[T]he case was downgraded to a civil case 11 days before Obama was inaugurated, 26 days before Eric Holder became attorney general, and about nine months before Thomas Perez was confirmed as head of the Civil Rights Division.
Heh.. I can talk about the weather and it gets a miserable rise from the feckless fiend of these comment threads..
Thanks for playing fool. “Pavlov” thanks you.
What a moron!
I’ve been tagging some of your miserable swill. Here’s a search:
$ b cols ‘-f=comments -c=tag:streq~junkshot -C’
| count |
| 18004 |
1 row in set
Now here it comes again…
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is my predictable post of the day…showing yer guy in the toilet.
Yer guy named ObaMao!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 24% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17.
Republicans continue to hold a six-point advantage on the Generic Congressional Ballot. Fifty-three percent (53%) continue to favor repeal of the recently passed health care law.
ObaMao is obviously a boatanchor around the neck of Democrat candidates this November.
He is mighty arrogant.
Perhaps he wants a Republican majority in the House so he can try to blame them in 2012??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Democrats have lost the Independents–
Monday, July 12, 2010
Republican candidates hold a six-point lead over Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending Sunday, July 11.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 44% of Likely Voters would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate, while 38% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent. Support for both candidates held steady from two weeks ago.
While solid majorities of Democrats and Republicans support the candidates of their respective party, voters not affiliated with either party prefer the Republican candidate by a 44% to 25% margin.
Chris Stefanspews:
Uh oh Roger better watch out! They’re coming for you!
@17 – Maxie wishes to be gay, he can’t stop thinking about it. He is infatuated with being gay. If I were his wife I’d be suspicious.
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
gman just plain wishes he was normal.
end transmission.
Oh noes the Tea Baggers are going to get more people like Scott Brown elected!
Financial regulation bill nears finish line with support from Snowe, Brown
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Two key Republicans said Monday that they plan to support a far-reaching bill to overhaul financial regulations, all but ensuring that the landmark legislation will sail through the Senate in coming days.
GOP Sens. Olympia J. Snowe of Maine and Scott Brown of Massachusetts, whose unexpected election in January threatened to derail the White House’s top legislative priorities, on Monday committed the votes that could give President Obama a high-profile victory in his quest to overhaul the nation’s financial regulations. The landmark legislation now seems likely to land on the president’s desk within days, giving Democrats an opportunity to proclaim during the coming election season that they acted to rein in the recklessness of Wall Street.
“While it isn’t perfect, I expect to support the bill when it comes up for a vote,” Brown said in a statement. “It includes safeguards to help prevent another financial meltdown, ensures that consumers are protected, and it is paid for without new taxes
Mrs. Cynicalspews:
“I would have to posit that Cynny’s posts are the most predictable of all our trolls. If you’ve read one of them, you’ve read them all. They are always filled with childish names and the rightwing spew of the day. I have never once seen him express an opinion that differs from wingnut scripture. I wonder how his wife endures his endless tedium.”
I tell him when he’s full of it — which is often. I do give him credit for one thing, though. I’m well provided for. Capitalist pigs really know how to bring home the bacon.
I couldn’t catch who is the referenced “goat-fucking child molester.”
David Souter
Huh. He never seemed like a goat-fucking child molester to me
ObaMao continues to flounder, dragged down by his economic numbskullery.
Monday, July 12, 2010
The economy is the biggest 2010 Election issue…I think bigger than ObamaoCare and the increasing National Debt..(it’s now $13.2 TRILLION and ObaMao has made it much worse the past 18 months.
The economy is the biggest 2010 Election issue…I think bigger than ObamaoCare and the increasing National Debt
I’m genuinely curious – in the several years that you’ve been posting here, has there even been any kind of an indication that anyone here gives a fuck what you think? Can you point to a comment or a discussion where your presence here yielded a response where someone was genuinely interested in what goes on inside your head?
You’re like the guy at the bar who hits on a girl for a while. The girl first takes out her cell phone and calls someone while you’re talking to her. Then she starts telling the person she called about this dumb jerk that’s hitting on her – purposely loud enough for you to hear it. Then, after you keep trying to talk to her for a while longer, she just goes into the ladies room and stays there for a while.
And you still leave the bar thinking that she’s really into you.
“The economy is the biggest 2010 Election issue…”
Which is why the Repubican Party voted unanimously in the U.S. Senate to cut off unemployment benefits and other aid to cities and states which would have helped the economy?
Seems like we know where the Republican Party’s loyalties lie right now. It’s certainly not with the American people.
Did you remember that joke from personal experience during your stoner days?
Actually, I’ve had too numerous to count discussions with folks from the left who show some intelligence…of which you are obviously not one of them!
Did you remember that joke from personal experience during your stoner days?
No, I don’t. When you smoke pot rather than drink alcohol, you figure out that it’s pointless to talk up disinterested bitches at bars.
Actually, I’ve had too numerous to count discussions with folks from the left who show some intelligence…of which you are obviously not one of them!
If you want to have intelligent discussions in these comment threads, you can. You just have to put in the effort. Here’s a quick tip – the first word in your comment shouldn’t be “ObaMao”. If it is, you’re not coming here to have an intelligent discussion. You’re coming here to hang your ignorance on the wall and have us laugh at it.
You can get mad at me all you want. It’s not like it’s a mystery which one of us values having an adult conversation and which one of us has no interest in one.
@8, Lee, nice response. It defines his agenda well.
I would have to posit that Cynny’s posts are the most predictable of all our trolls. If you’ve read one of them, you’ve read them all. They are always filled with childish names and the rightwing spew of the day. I have never once seen him express an opinion that differs from wingnut scripture. I wonder how his wife endures his endless tedium.
FYI… It wouldn’t be very hard to note the very same things from any number of leftwing posters here as well.
What a bunch of BULLSHIT! THe DUMMOCRAPTS want to add the unemployment benefits direct to deficit and the Republicans said use half of the unspent PORKULUS funds. So the DUMMOCRAPTS said can’t have that so THEY are the ones who are stifling the unemployment checks.
What a crock of shit from today’s shitpile king rhp6033.
Did ya hear the interview of the New Black Panther Chairman Malik Shabazz? His bud New Black Panther Philadelphia leader King Samir Shabazz, said kill all dem crack babies. Now wasn’t Odumba a crack baby? Just checkin…
Now Malik can’t even bring himself to denounce the killing of white babies.
Tommy Christopher: Well obviously you don’t believe in killing white babies.
Malik Shabazz: Um, no in that context, no sir. No, no.
Christopher: In what context?
Shabazz: Well, for the sake of this interview, no context. There are too many other white forces out there that are much more powerful that I as a man would focus on, I wouldn’t focus on the babies. I would focus on the police
Gotta luv DUMMOCRAPTS wanting to kill DUMMOCRAPTS.
Nice to get some relief from the heat..
Good coding weather.
Chalk up another one as a Heterosexual love fest.
so whats it gonna be tonight gleeman?
Tails you take it in the rear and heads you get balls across the nose?
or is it Dirty Sanchez Monday?
Maxie @ 16
Why are you so fixated on Gman’s sex life? Would you like to explain, you worthless little worm?
gman seems so fixated on the lives of heterosexuals, I thought he would appreciate a little reciprocity.
My heartfelt condolences to the family of Mark Niver who was killed this weekend.
A finer man and better machinist you will never meet.
The extent of arschloch’s coding “talent”.
int main()
printf(“Hello, It’s the arschloch!”);
return 0;
Where was the arschloch when Goldy needed SQL programming skillz? Did the arschloch offer… MIA!
Well he may know dis…
int main()
std::cout << "Hello, It’s the arschloch!n";
Hell, the arschloch may know dis…
public class HelloArschloch
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine(“Hello, It’s the arschloch!”);
Maybe dis too
int main()
std::cout << "Hello It's the arschloch!" << std::endl;
return 0;
#include iostream.h got lost with the carets.
Maybe it’s
program HelloWorld;
writeln(‘Hello, It’s the arschloch’);
Maybe it’s dis…
Imports System
Public Module modmain
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine (“Hello It’s the arschloch!”)
End Sub
End Module
Well he is a “sub”!
He does lisp at times…
with Text_IO;
procedure Hello_World is
Text_IO.Put_Line(“Hello It’s the arschloch!”);
end Hello_World;
Puddy as Hello World:
#include <stdio.h>
char s[] = “Hello World!”;
int main()
sprintf(s, “%s\n”, &s);
And, as expected, it produces a bus error.
‘Course the kool kids write their Hello World this way:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSLog(@”Hello World!”);
[pool drain];
return 0;
Oh, by the way, that whole New Black Panther thing? Turns out it’s yet another attempt to blame Obama and his administration for a Bush administration fuckup:
Way to go Bushies!
Heh.. I can talk about the weather and it gets a miserable rise from the feckless fiend of these comment threads..
Thanks for playing fool. “Pavlov” thanks you.
What a moron!
I’ve been tagging some of your miserable swill. Here’s a search:
$ b cols ‘-f=comments -c=tag:streq~junkshot -C’
| count |
| 18004 |
1 row in set
Now here it comes again…
Here is my predictable post of the day…showing yer guy in the toilet.
Yer guy named ObaMao!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
ObaMao is obviously a boatanchor around the neck of Democrat candidates this November.
He is mighty arrogant.
Perhaps he wants a Republican majority in the House so he can try to blame them in 2012??
Democrats have lost the Independents–
Monday, July 12, 2010
Uh oh Roger better watch out! They’re coming for you!
@17 – Maxie wishes to be gay, he can’t stop thinking about it. He is infatuated with being gay. If I were his wife I’d be suspicious.
gman just plain wishes he was normal.
end transmission.
Oh noes the Tea Baggers are going to get more people like Scott Brown elected!
“I would have to posit that Cynny’s posts are the most predictable of all our trolls. If you’ve read one of them, you’ve read them all. They are always filled with childish names and the rightwing spew of the day. I have never once seen him express an opinion that differs from wingnut scripture. I wonder how his wife endures his endless tedium.”
I tell him when he’s full of it — which is often. I do give him credit for one thing, though. I’m well provided for. Capitalist pigs really know how to bring home the bacon.