For those brave souls who like to wade through the muck of HA’s comment threads, Effin Unsound is launching a contest to find the stupidest comment left every month either here or at any other northwest blog.
righton… try again… it was “…third and perhaps foremost…” around 1:24.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey Darryl,
Will you accept stupid and moronic libtardo commentary?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Gotta love it when the local DUMMOCRAPTS disagree with the BIG DUMMOCRAPT in da house.
I think Darryl’s response comment to the quote chosen by Effin Unsound should be nominated as the stupidest. For the demonstrable falsity of the statement, and the irony that the “stupdiest” comment was accurate in the first place.
proud leftistspews:
Oh, man, this could be exhilarating competition, better than the World Cup. Let’s just hope our trolls get into the spirit and really ramp it up (not that ramping up is necessary for them to get into the “you’re kidding, aren’t you?” category.
That’s a lot of Rabbit’s dropings to sift through. Good luck, but I know you’ll find some candidates. :-)
Since Lee is promoting his blog this way, I will promote HA and DL.
I offer a free pitcher of any beer on tap at the Montlake to the person who identifies Lee’s most self important or self serving post at HA.
To be very fair about this, people can email their candidates to me at the email address over at SJ.
I will take the three posts receiving the most votes and repost them here at HA for voting. The winner will receive her pitcher and a certificate of great merit signed by Lee’s favorite intellectual, moi.
Go for it!
Let’s start with all the “Golden Goat” winners…shall we?
I think puddyduddynuttybuddy ought to get a lifetime achievement award.
Mr. Sinical (...proud 'neath heated brow.)spews:
We need categories as well (e.g., global warming, BP is a victim, religious and racial intolerance, liberals are really nazis etc.).
Out of the winners in categories, the grand winner can be selected and explanation as to how they trumped everyone elses stupid comments.
Don’t count yourself out yet, SJ. In my estimation, you are often a strong contender.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Oh dumb cinderblock rujax! There are many crack cinderblock statements on this blog we can nominate.
Sorry Darryl. So Lee, will you accept libtardoisms? If so Puddy will be sure to validate this with an upcoming arschloch comment.
Can we nominate one retroactively? How about the arschloch’s dancing on Mike Webbs grave? That was an all time winner!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
We need categories as well (e.g., Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Neil Boortz, Newsmax, NewsBusters, Wall Street Journal Opinion Page, CSM, religious and racial intolerance, conservatives are really nazis and fascists, etc.).
Out of the winners in categories, the grand winner can be selected and explanation as to how they trumped everyone elses stupid comments. – Puddy agrees! Since so many more libtardos comment this should be a hotly contested race!
Sonds like steve steve steve, rujax, and ylb arschloch have a real chance here.
You can nominate whoever you want. And I can always make fun of your attempts to nominate things that aren’t stupid.
I nominate Puddy’s declaration that our state’s repealed blue laws led to the creation of today’s, heh, national state-church, thus fulfilling the prophesy of the 19th century religious charlatan, Ellen White.
Totally whack.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Is this stupid?
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17.
Most voters believe that the Iraqi people are better off because of the War in Iraq and the removal of Saddam Hussein from power.
As the KLOWNS waste their time pickin’ flyshit outta pepper on nonsense like Lee’s ego award…the Tea Party continues it’s march to remove ObaMao and the Progressives from power.
Keep up the foolishness Lee…you Bonehead.
“I think puddyduddynuttybuddy ought to get a lifetime achievement award.”
My recollection is that Puddy has already been presented with the Golden Goat Lifetime Achievement Award.
@15 “Is this stupid?”
It's the Climate, Stupid.spews:
Hey climate change deniers, last winter when it was cold, you claimed that climate change was a lie. Now that it’s record hot almost everywhere in the country, will you now switch to climate change is true?
The list of Microsoft’s consumer product slip-ups grows each year. Its line of intelligent watches — come and gone — often ends up as the butt of jokes, as do its tablet PC software products, the poor-selling Windows Vista operating system and the ignored Zune music player. The company also canceled its Courier tablet PC project shortly after the Apple iPad tablet went into stores.
Microsoft employees were dismayed when they anonymously visited Verizon stores and discovered that employees for the carrier were reluctant to sell the Kin, said a Microsoft executive close to the Kin project.
“Microsoft is totally off the radar of the cool, hip, cutting-edge software developers,” said Tim O’Reilly, who publishes a popular line of software development guides.
“And they are largely out of the consciousness of your average developer.”
“For developers, mobile is what’s hip now, and there are two platforms that matter — Apple and Android,” Mr. O’Reilly said.
“How about the arschloch’s dancing on Mike Webbs grave? That was an all time winner!”
You must be refering to the times when YLB has reminded everybody here of how you were caught talking about your dick with your sockpuppet, MikeWebbSucks. Thanks for the reminder, Puddy. That was truly a classic HA moment, “an all time winner”.
I nominate post #18 as dumbest post of the month.
one word: sucker!
@25: You don’t get a vote, but you’re likely in the running for an award.
In the spirit of amity, I second Mr. Cynical’s suggest that the award be titled:
“Lee’s Ego”
@ 13. Lee spews:
You can nominate whoever you want. And I can always make fun of your attempts to nominate things that aren’t stupid.
Lee’s generosity in this act reminds me of Puddy’s kind willingness to let the rest of us know that we are condemned to Hell for not following Puddy’s God.
Such generosity deserves recognition.
@30: Klynical is a troll. Klynical does not get a vote. Klynical is more than likely an ongoing prime candidate for an award.
Which is EXACTLY what you did when you polluted that old thread. What you still do fiend.
That began that “chronological” fantasy that made sense to no one but the gas choir in your silly skull.
Puddy came up with this contender @84 on the Bible Study thread the other day,
“A Jew progressive to Puddy is one who hates Jews, you idiot!”
Then @116 he hit another one out of the park,
“Jews seem to tend to vote for socialism!”
The hatred he expressed towards Catholicism in that thread was off the charts. In short, Catholics are not Christians at all and the church itself is the manisfestation of a two-headed sea-beast out of Revelations in fulfillment of some whack 19th century American charlatan’s so-called prophesies. Sliding further down a hole, he asserted that America is the lamb-beast of Revelation and that the proof is in the establishment of a national religion. Now, any sane person might want to ask at this point, “WTF?”, but the existence of a state religion was confirmed for Puddy when our own state repealed its old Blue Laws back in the 1960’s. I must say, this is some really krazy shit.
@30 “Puddy’s kind willingness to let the rest of us know that we are condemned to Hell for not following Puddy’s God.”
If only we were so lucky. Actually, Puddy believes the souls of the wicked (progressives) will be annihilated rather than be sent to an eternal hell.
33 – There’s no comprehending this insanity Steve. There’s no compromise, no negotiation with it.
We can laugh at it or ignore it at the risk of our peril – which is unlikely but always a possibility – we had 8 years of Bush!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
30. SJ spews:
Mr. Cynical
In the spirit of amity, I second Mr. Cynical’s suggest that the award be titled:
“Lee’s Ego”
Perhaps we can shorten it to the LEGO award.
If given a few weeks, I’m sure Lee can muster the fortitude to build something simplistic out of snap together blocks for the award.
Mr C! Lee …
Lets go for it.
The HA interfaith community has decided to name the Lee Ego award “LEGO”
This seems like to good an idea to pass up …
the EMMY
the TONY
and now the LEGO
I think this deserves a formal ceremony. I suggest Lee take up my offer and award a pitcher of beer to the winner at DL!
KLOWN sez, “I’m sure Lee can muster the fortitude to build something simplistic out of snap together blocks for the award”
Legos? I don’t think so. Considering what you did to the Golden Goat, I suggest that whatever award Effin Unsound comes up with first passes a 1,000 PSI hose-stream test.
@37. SJ spews: “Mr C!”
How very clever of you.
A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.
That appears to be you, Cynical, and Puddy, right? I have a feeling you three are going to be quite popular in this contest.
“you, Cynical, and Puddy”
SJ certainly lost me with this one.
Mr. Sinical (...proud 'neath heated brow.)spews:
re 12: Your opinions don’t count because you have already made up your mind as to winners prior to the contest.
…and much deserved. I “sit corrected” (wiping cheeto dust off my pajamas…LOLOL)
Proud To Be An Assspews:
I humbly submit the one where Puddy claimed his ‘swinging dick’ was like a Snap-On tool.
@41: Roger that.
Of course there is the possibility that “SJ” has “morphed” to one of Pudpuller’s sockpuppets…Sometimes it can be hard to tell around here.
There was the time when Troll was going on about blacks and using the “N” word. Puddy jumps in and smacks him down with, “There are white ones too!”
Klynical gets a nod for his racist Obama joke about how he looked in a mirror and saw that he was turning white, and was afraid he might have to “start working like a white man”.
A recent contender is right up there @4 above.
I think Darryl’s response comment to the quote chosen by Effin Unsound should be nominated as the stupidest. For the demonstrable falsity of the statement, and the irony that the “stupdiest” comment was accurate in the first place.
This one succeeds on a number of levels. Darryl hadn’t posted – not here and not at Effin Unsound.
“the irony that the “stupdiest” comment was accurate in the first place”
Stupid comments come in all shapes and sizes, but I think this contest will be dominated by people who try to pontificate about things that are well outside their grasp (see: SJ, Puddy, and Cynical) – not necessarily from people calling each other names or otherwise trying to be snarky about other commenters.
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
Two things I thought I would never see have come to fruition in this country from so many people:
1. Hatred of the free market.
2. Hatred of the rural, American farmer – who has ALWAYS been the backbone of this nation.
Amazing how far we have come down as a country.
51. Lee spews:
Lee you ought not to demean yourself …
…people who try to pontificate about things that are well outside their grasp (see: SJ, Puddy, and Cynical) – not necessarily from people calling each other names or otherwise trying to be snarky about other commenters.
I really can not think of anyone at HA who comes up to your inEFFINable standard as a pontificator.
How many are the areas of your expertise, let me count the ways:
1. etiology of cancer
2. content of the Quran
3. designation of others as “true” liberals, progressives or conservative.
4. the mendacity of the Roma Catholic Church
5. causes of almost anything bad since all ills are caused by drug policies
6. ability of medical marijuana to cure cancer, autoimmune diseases, and premature ejaculation.
Add to that a wondrous use of schoolyard obscenities … who better to be a top candidate for the LEGO award?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Lee is an arrogant dipshit….and arrogant for no apparent reason. All he can do is spew his pro-Stoner rhetoric and pretend that SJ is stalking him.
LEGO Award–
Zotz, you were a DOD executive? What exactly did you do, what programs?
Mr C.
In defense of Lee ..
I am certain he actually beleives in his BS.
And you?
And Puddy?
Most rural farmers are flat broke and aren’t farming their own land these days. Or they’re farming on contracts held by Big AG that are so restrictive that they’re little more than share croppers. I’m not sure WTF you’re talking about, but quite a few of us on the left are working to get farmers back owning their own farms and having control over their own lives. The Obama admin has done great work on this front so far. Check out
for more info.
The local Republican Party central committee’s quibble with the “fiesta” theme of the Bonner County Fair this year is raising eyebrows in Sandpoint, where the party’s planning to decorate its fair booth with Arizona license plates and use “celebrate” as its theme instead.
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
Thats great Michael…I hope you arent one of those people(like MANY on this site for example) who do nothing but denigrate farmers as stupid, simple, evil(for being republican), or whatever.
I would support the average farmer and listen to what he has to say long before some of the garbage that comes out of king county and the urban types.
BTW urban types, how are those $500,000 for 750sf condos working out for you? Did your units keep their value?
A good chunk of those folks are really yelling at Big Ag. (who really are a bunch of fuckers), not small farmers. A smaller, unfortunate chunk, really are hating on farmers.
I spent a lot of time growing up on farms owned by relatives of mine. I F’ing loved it. Still do when I get a chance to visit. But, the surviving farms and farmers are back in the mid-west and I don’t get a chance to go back very often.
“Hatred of the rural, American farmer”
“BTW urban types, how are those $500,000 for 750sf condos working out for you?”
@52 and 59 What you’ve brought to HA is a baseless charge that progressives hate farmers and your own, um, let’s call it hatred of urbanites.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve Steve Steve farts again a LIE
I nominate Puddy’s declaration that our state’s repealed blue laws
No where can Steve Steve Steve prove this.
It’s a Psych 101 thing!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
You must be refering to the times when YLB has reminded everybody here of how you were caught talking about your dick with your sockpuppet, MikeWebbSucks
Once again another EPIC FAIL by Steve Steve Steve. The Stupid Solution is working well. You are as stupid as ever!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
The arschloch farts
Heh. This will be fun
Do you remember “Take the test, Take the test, Take the test, oh it’s fake never mind”.
Yeah, there are many more!!!!!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Dumbest quote so far
The hatred he expressed towards Catholicism in that thread was off the charts. In short, Catholics are not Christians at all and the church itself is the manisfestation of a two-headed sea-beast out of Revelations in fulfillment of some whack 19th century American charlatan’s so-called prophesies. Sliding further down a hole, he asserted that America is the lamb-beast of Revelation and that the proof is in the establishment of a national religion. Now, any sane person might want to ask at this point, “WTF?”, but the existence of a state religion was confirmed for Puddy when our own state repealed its old Blue Laws back in the 1960’s. I must say, this is some really krazy shit.
1) Steve Steve Steve hasn’t produced the word “hate” anywhere yet?
2) The poor man is so confused through the drinking of his namesake Steve’s Stupid Solution.
3) When he gets deranged, he continue with falsehoods and fantasies!
You bring nothing but the krazy, Puddy. After raving on and on and on about two-headed sea-serpents, lamb-beasts, Revelations and state blue laws yesterday you come back today and deny everything you wrote? You’ve totally lost it, haven’t you?
And now you deny the MikeWebbSucks sockpuppet episode ever happened as well? Denial. Like projection, it’s a Psych 101 thing, Puddy.
LEGO award .. Steve and Puddy now have four points. That is almost as high as the ten points Lee gets for crowning himself as Alfred Ignobel.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
There goes Steve Steve Steve again. Man he’s gone fully batshit crazy. Provide the proof for a PuddyComment on hatred of Catholic Church. Puddy knows the arschloch will help you if you ask the arschloch!
Keep trying to change the subject… Puddy will bring it right back to your lunacy!
Stiil waiting Steve Steve Steve.
Puddy sez @35 in the HA Bible Study thread, “The CATHOLIC church did this with their perverted view of Christianity.”
Nah, Puddy don’t hate no Catholicism. He just says Catholicism is perverted and that they’re the two-headed sea-beast of Revelations. No hate intended there. None at all.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey SJ,
Puddy is bringing facts. Puddy always takes points for bringing facts.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
There goes Steve Steve Steve again. He’s screaming now! Still waiting for Steve Steve Steve to prove Puddy mentioned WA State blue laws!
Such an ASS!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy just got a call from People for Patty. Puddy just ignored it!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
After raving on and on and on about two-headed sea-serpents, lamb-beasts, Revelations and state blue laws yesterday you come back today and deny everything you wrote?
If you have evidence Puddy wrote anything you mentioned in that paragraph remember it has to be WA State blue laws fool…
BRING IT!!! Ask the arschloch!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
This whole thread started over this comment “…third and perhaps foremost…”
Puddy shared this doozy @84 on the Bible Study thread,
“A Jew progressive to Puddy is one who hates Jews, you idiot!”
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
The Odumba Oil Spill is now in Lake Pontchartrain. 630 SQ Miles!
Good job Odumba’s Disciples! Sitting on their hands doing nuthin. Peeps will remember!
Day 71!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve Steve Steve is still trying…
All of Steve Steve Steve’s comments in this thread should be nominated!
“Still waiting for Steve Steve Steve to prove Puddy mentioned WA State blue laws!”
Let’s backtrack, Puddy. You presented the existence of state blue laws as proof positive that America is the lamb-beast of Revelations. Wanting to throw a cold bucket of water on the insanity, I pointed out that Washington state repealed its blue laws decades ago. It was at that point you went completely fucking berzerk. I must have pushed a button because you’re still stark raving mad over that one small point of detail. You’re obviously acting out your anger over having been pwned. Really, Puddy, you should learn to live with it as it happens all the time.
“Every year, the Annual Report of the Social Security Board of Trustees comes out between mid-April and mid-May. Now it’s July, and there’s no sign of this year’s report. What is the Obama administration hiding?”
PuddyCommentary… It probably disagrees with the marching orders Odumba gave the slobbering press. Well when you stretch the truth it’ll catch up to you!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve Steve Steve no backtracking needed… Your comments are front and center!
You made multiple assertions without any proof. Puddy continues to point out your fallacious assertions, and this has you all nutzo!
Those are BIG DETAIL POINTS. It was you who went berzerko over being shown the mental charlatan you’ve been lately! Need to see the blog thread again? You’ve been hilarious these past few days.
Tell us more how blue laws are proof that America has a national religion and how this in turn proves that America is the lamb-beast of Revelations. Or would you care to deny your failed prophet for a third time before the cock crows?
Tell us again of your belief that the federal government has established a “national Sunday law” in the form of state blue laws and how the fed has caused us all to worship on Sunday instead of Saturday. Tell us again how these blue laws have forced us to join a new state-church that is an “image” of the papacy, and thus, “the image of the beast” in fulfillment of a 19th century American charlatan’s so-called prophesy. Tell us again about all this krazy shit you believe, Puddy.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy will repeat…
Steve Steve Steve no backtracking needed… Your comments are front and center!
You made multiple assertions without any proof. Puddy continues to point out your fallacious assertions, and this has you all nutzo!
How can Puddy repeat something Puddy never said Steve Steve Steve?
@102 in the Bible Study thread, Steve says,
There is a second beast too, the lamb-like beast of the earth from Revelation 13:11–18. Puddy believes that this second beast is the good ol’ USA. So here we have both the papacy and the USA in Revelations. What’s up with this? Well, the USA government causes us all to worship the Papacy by forcing Sunday worship on us rather than Saturday worship. No, really. And to do this, the government will establish a “national Sunday law” and that will cause us all to worship on Sunday.
@107, Puddy in rebuttal offers state blue laws as his proof that America has a “national Sunday law”.
New York, Minnesota, and Nebraska openly call Sunday “the Sabbath” in their state laws.
And the resident dummy doesn’t know the Live Free or Die state law (New Hampshire) calls Sunday their “Day of Rest”.
And the resident dummy doesn’t know the state with the Edward Kennedy Senate Seat (Massachusetts) has their law calling Sunday the “Lord’s Day”.
Of course our resident dummy didn’t know 46 states restrict the sale of alcoholic beverages on Sunday Blue Law States. The resident dummy loves to attack Puddy while Puddy produces historical facts. Why can’t Steve Steve Steve process historical facts?
The resident dummy didn’t know more than 20 states restrict business activity on Sunday. The resident dummy didn’t know 14 states restrict Sunday horse racing.
The resident dummy didn’t know legal procedures (warrant issuances, process servicing, etc.) are prohibited and can’t be executed on Sunday in 22 states. In 17 states you can’t buy or sell any cars, trucks, motorhomes, etc. on Sunday.
Yup, that’s the proof Puddy offered for America being the lamb-beast of Revelations and of his notion that America worships the “perverted” papacy.
Like Puddy’s 19th century charlatan, the failed prophet Ellen White, I’m into prophesy too! Hmm, let’s see…, yes, I foresee an infantile outburst by Puddy coming at any moment now.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow Steve, you are really trying… and striking out. Each of those points are facts Steve Steve Steve. And your factual point is?
Another turd from Steve Steve Steve. No infantile outburst like yours earlier this week.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Wow this happened on Odumba’s watch. Puddy always find da news!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
“I hate white people. All of them. Every last iota of a cracker, I hate ’em. You want freedom? You going to have to kill some crackers. You going to have to kill some of their babies” – An Odumba supporter!
Can you see this as a future fall political commercial against DUMMOCRAPTS?
“Each of those points are facts”
And for Puddy these, um, facts add up to proof positive that America has a national Sunday law that forces Sunday worship on all of us, that America is the lamb-beast of Revelations, and that Americans are forced to worship the papacy.
Why is it then, Puddy, that your SDA church is still allowed to worship on Saturday?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve Steve Steve,
You dug your grave, you jumped in, you buried yourself and now you’re creating your tombstone!
Puddy hasn’t said anything you assert above!
Keep talking and making yourself look more stupid each day.
“What say you HA Libtardos?”
I say you’re fucking krazy. Other than that, the commie-fascist SPLC has already denounced that group as an anti-white hate group.
So when will you freaks get around to denouncing all the right-wing hate groups? That’s never gonna happen, will it?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Remember this name… King Shamir Shabazz
Puddy shows up with infantile namecalling. I see that one of my prophesies has come to pass.
“Puddy hasn’t said anything you assert above!”
Now you deny the quotes??
And with that, Puddy has denied his prophet Ellen White three times before the cock crowed. Another prophesy of mine come true. heh- How far will Puddy go? Let’s find out! Tell you what, Puddy, I’ll give you thirty pieces of silver if you’ll admit to us that Ellen White was a phony prophet.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Steve Steve Steve, were you the last one picked in elementary school games?
King Shamir Shabazz was where voting day 2008?
You make a dunce cap look intelligent!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Last time Steve Steve Steve, those are your quotes. You have placed these quotes and words here, not Puddy! You are placing stuff on this blog because you were identified as batshit crazy earlier this week and you are still batshit crazy!
You can’t trick Puddy into anything because those are your assertions of things never written by Puddy!
Good luck in the future being batshit crazy!
My goodness, you really are in denial over writing that shit. That’s really fucking pathetic.
“King Shamir Shabazz was where voting day 2008?”
He was visiting yo mama. As I recall, he was the one standing in line behind the Labrador Retriever.
Anybody can visit the Bible Study thread and see for themselves what you wrote.
You now abandon your faith simply because I give you grief? That couldn’t have been much of a faith you had there, Puddy, if all it takes to get you to turn your back on Ellen White and her prophesies is a few harsh words coming from a commie-fascist progressive.
It sure doesn’t take much to get Puddy to bail on his church.
Show some spine for once in your pathetic life, Puddy, and defend your religion. You fervently believe the stuff I wrote of – two headed sea-beasts, blue laws and the lamb-beast, America being forced to worship the papacy, all of it. Admit it and we’ll move on.
Funny how that comment has no links or examples.
What’s stopping you from doing it? Go ahead and launch your LEGO award and then present it to me or something. Beyond the Three Stooges of the HA comment threads, I’m not sure who’s gonna care.
I should clarify that you can certainly nominate two comments from the same thread that demonstrate a hypocrisy. Both Puddy and SJ are particularly prone to that. In fact, here’s a great example.
I do not hink Mr. C is presumtuous enough to want to develop his own award. That is really a Lee idea.
The idea of offering to judge an award slamming others based on your own impartiality is glorious, perhaps even vainglorious.
So, it seem as if your award ought to have a name .. just as the Nobel prize is named for Alfred Nobel and the Oscar for Uncle Oscar.
One concern I would raise is whether Lego Aktiebolaget might object to this use of their trademark?
The company name LEGO comes from the Danish words for “leg godt”, meaning “play well.” That seems to fit you. Although sometimes it does seem you do not play well at all. Actually, designating yourself as the judge for the LEGO award might be seen as not playing well at all.
Did they allow that sort of behavior where you went to kindergarten?
Maybe we should take a different tack in justifying your choice of this name for an award? Wasn’t there a commercial “Leggo my eggo?” I assume the Danish toy ocmnpany did not sue Kellogs, so maybe you are in the clear? “Lego my Ego” sounds cool.
Actually, in Latin, LEGO, means “I read.” I assume you can and do read so that might not be a bad thing.
@104 Actually, designating yourself as the judge for the LEGO award might be seen as not playing well at all.
I never designated myself as the judge for this award. In fact, I explicitly suggested that the judging be done by an internet poll.
Actually, in Latin, LEGO, means “I read.” I assume you can and do read so that might not be a bad thing.
Oh, the spectacular irony.
Dance, monkey, dance!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
67. SJ spews:
LEGO award .. That is almost as high as the ten points Lee gets for crowning himself as Alfred Ignobel.
Too Damn Funny!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Your fragile ego seems to have been bruised.
You can’t take the slightest teasing.
Must have something to do with getting picked on as a little kid. I’m sure that’s Goldy’s problem.
Anyway…there are professionals who can help you work thru this Lee.
For those who think I am a radical, turn to Fox News for just one day. That is the only station that criticizes the president and brings to light the true agenda. I am not a violent man, but I am hoping there is rioting in our country. I don’t think voting in November will solve the problems in my mind. I think we need to use the liberal tactics. If there is enough blood shed, the people with their heads in the sand will finally say…If it will stop the violence, than lets make the change.
Considers Faux News gospel and lusts for violence. Delusional lunatic. They fantasize that there are “many like me”. And its true. One is too many in my view and there are certainly more than that but if sane people become apathetic these nutcases get their way.
Ah, yes. I’m the one who needs professional help. LOL!
Dance, monkey, dance!!
I haven’t seen the KLOWN so orgasmic since he layed this one on us,
56. Mr. Cynical spews:
Dudes…lighten up!
And remember this:
04/12/2006 at 7:24 pm
@113 And BTW, you are still a fool…and proof long-term pot-smoking can screw you up real bad.
Can’t argue with that. I’m a highly-paid and successful IT manager at a financial services company with a lovely wife, an awesome 15-month-old boy, and a 4 bedroom house in a quiet suburban cul-de-sac. Pot really fucked up my life, didn’t it!
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
cmon now, give lee some credit – he isnt that stupid…after all, he was wise enough to get the hell out of seattle to raise his kids.
Yeah, because Seattle is such a terrible place to raise kids, right SJ?
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
actually…for the most part, it is.
Squawk all you want Lee, but you know damn good and well that when you and the mrs. had your talk, you(or most likely she) said “fuck it, we are outta here”, and came to the burbs.
welcome to adulthood, lee. The city might be fun to hang in when you are 25, but is sure as hell isnt a place to raise kids when you are 35.
Plenty of households are raising kids in Seattle, enjoying the parks and supporting the public schools (yes, taking the good with the bad) and doing just fine thank you.
Screw you and your phony oh so superior choices.
How much drug abuse happens among kids in places like North Bend because kids have nothing much to do? I hear PLENTY!
and Columbine? Wasn’t that the burbs of Denver?
What a dumbass!
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
oh look, a parenting comment from the guy who has no involvement with his kid…
“Yeah, because Seattle is such a terrible place to raise kids, right SJ?”
Not sure why you addressed this to me but .. FWIW
Seattle does have a lot of problems for families raising kids and a lot of those problems are the result of condescending liberals who are all to willing to tell others how to live but then choose to live someplace else.
The biggest problem for parents in Seattle is racism in the Public Schools .. not doctrinaire “I hate blacks and yids” racism but the patronizing racism of folks who insist that they are doing their best for everybody else’s kids.
Here is a simple fact, most major cities have an elite high school. I went to one of those, Boston Latin, and owe a huge amount to BLS. Seattle does not have a BLS because the schools insist that opportunity must be equal for all kids.
As a result kids who are better off, either because of parental money or because they have the motivation to get scholarships, end up leaving the SPS for private schools. The fact that the private schools are segregated apparently does not bother the parents .. many of whom remain activists in re other folks’ kids in the SPS.
The extreme end of this form of classism and racism is seen in the approximately 100,000 new dwellings growing in Belltown and SLU. An entire city is being built there with NO public schools!
A great example of this is the effort by the current Superintendent to disassemble Garfield. For those unaware of the phenomenon, under Principal Amon McWashington, Garfield became an extraordinary success story.
Amon managed to attract and serve some of Seattle’s best students while also building a local high school with outstanding records in athletics and Jazz. The “natural” environment for interethnic education at GHS was outstanding.
During Amon’s era I did a study of students taking advanced placement classes at GHS as compared with Lakeside. The GHS kids walloped Lakeside!
The Disrict response? No public support for Principal McWashington and now they want to disperse the programs from GHS to give “all kids” the same opportunities.
Hopefully politically active parents will prevent this stupidity … but, in defense of Lee, that sort of committment by any parent is very difficult. It is simply easier to go live with Lee in the Burbs.
ya, your wife still owes me $100 for servicing her.
I pity the poor soul who puts up with your miserable ass. And the kids? What a tragedy that is.
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
poor ylb just doesnt know when to cry uncle.
my kids are well rounded, top of their class, and pretty damn good athletes…and drop dead gorgeous if I dont say so myself(give all credit to the mrs for that).
yours…well, at least they will inherit your life’s work: the HA database.
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
@128 I pity the poor soul who puts up with your miserable ass
Well your old lady is still coming by big daddy’s love shack…do you pity her too? I know I do.
Yawwwwnnnn… The hate is strong in this one.. Too boring..
What a legacy that is..
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
…and thus, it appears YLB hath run out of gas.
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
SJ, that was a good post.
The only fault in your logic is that the development in Belltown is for childless 20, 30, and 40 somethings and the pink triangle crowd…that is the target market.
The developers know that there are no sane people who would be willing to raise a family in that area, so children are a rarity in that part of town…so IE schools are of no concern.
Well your old lady is still coming by big daddy’s love shack…
my kids are well rounded, top of their class, and pretty damn good athletes…and drop dead gorgeous
Tell her to pay up or I am cutting off her play time with big daddy.
why, are you limp wristed?
It’s no use trying to put such a chickenshit liar in his place. He’s at home in his fantasy world. He just keeps making more shit up!
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
LMFAO….ya, like somebody like you is gonna “put me in my place”. puleeez.
you are right, your lady does not stop by – and I wouldnt have her anyway…nobody holds a candle to my mrs…smart, good looking, sweet, awesome chef…I really lucked out.
sorry, no lie about the kids…I could not be more proud…in fact I have been hanging with them all day until recently..maybe you should try that.
and I am starting to think you really are limp wristed…maybe not in a gay way, but you certainly give off the vibe of a very feminine man. would be funny to put you in middle of the forest and watch your ass panic…lol
face it YLB, you are a lazy computer nerd who doesnt spend any time with your kids and relies on your wife to take care duties around the house that you are supposed to do. Dont get mad at me for pointing it out. There is always time to change your life and step up to be a real man.
peace out biznatches…time to go back into the sun…..
What would you do with some schools?
According the WASL scores,
Hawthorne Elementary School 18% Reading, 24% Math is the worst. Would you move to be in that school district?
How about Ridge Elementary School 100% Reading 97% math.
How do you bring up the worst schools without punishing the best schools? Or are the worst schools just full of stupid kids so it’s OK let them fail? What do you do?
What I would not do is try to force kids to solve the schools problems.
My rule #1 is that the kids belong to their parents first, to themselves second and to anyone else, including the schools third.
If you do not provide opportunity for the most able kids ..regardless of the sources of their ability .. to succeed then those kids will leave the District.
If you do not recognize academic success, as we do athletic success, then no school will excel.
The idea that improving ” the worst schools ” requires “punishing the best schools?” is inane.
Who gave the District the right to punish any child to benefit other children? Why would anyone think that punishing Garfield’s success will improve the quality at Rainier Beach?
No rational person thinks the SOPS is not in a great deal of trouble. I suggest the first thing you d when you are in trouble is protect the parts of your machine that still work.
The way I would do this is by:
a. encouraging charter schools.
b. open enrollment at city wide magnets. Let parents vote with their children’s brains and bodies rather than leaving that decision up to the accidents of mom and daddy’s money or ethnic choices.
@ 133. Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woe spews:
The only fault in your logic is that the development in Belltown is for childless 20, 30, and 40 somethings and the pink triangle crowd…that is the target market.
Aha! Belltown is a gay ghetto? Maybe it needs a wall around it?
Of course one way to keep breeders out is NOT to offer schools! Brilliant idea!
So as the Belltowners age, do ya tyhink they will stay there? I guess we could have a continuum from the bar scene to the walker scene?
Seem like wierd social planning to me. I thought we wnated Seattle to be an integrated city?
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
no, I did not say it was a gay ghetto…I said the target market was for people without kids. Would you raise your kids in the 10th story of a building in a 1000sf(at best) condo? Hell no you wouldnt.
No, as the Belltowners age, they will not stay there. The ones that marry and have kids(probably the majority) will move away to a more family friendly environment. The ones that dont will continue to think they are “hip”, even when they arent(and never were).
The diarhhea continues. Let’s hold up a mirror to this new festering pile:
LMFAO….ya, like somebody like you is gonna “put me in my place”.
Yep, you’re doing fine just on your own. Your “place” is that of name-calling, bigoted lout who can’t think his way out of paper bag. You’ve put yourself there.
nobody holds a candle to my mrs…smart, good looking, sweet, awesome chef
LMAO! I see. According to you a gourmet in the kitchen and eye candy, like oh furniture or a mantlepiece? Please spare us. Don’t get me wrong. I have NOTHING against your wife. Just pity for making such a freaking poor choice in a mate.
sorry, no lie about the kids…I could not be more proud…
And if I were them I could not be more ashamed of having such a bigoted lout for a dad.
and I am starting to think you really are limp wristed
LMAO!!! Make up your mind bigot. You’ve been painting us Seattle HA readers with that broad brush since the start.
…maybe not in a gay way, but you certainly give off the vibe of a very feminine man.
Oh my.. This bigot is telepathic. How do the fantasies fly off the fingers. What a moron.
would be funny to put you in middle of the forest and watch your ass panic…
Panic? You FROZE at being called on a so called bet YOU MADE to show at a DL. You’re a freaking chickenshit.
who doesnt spend any time with your kids
Yawwwn.. Fantasy.. A liar would have to know the truth. And calling this tripe bullshit demeans that word.
and relies on your wife to take care duties around the house that you are supposed to do.
Like you rely on yours for gourmet chow and eye candy. Groan… When is this going to end???
Dont get mad at me for pointing it out.
Yawwnnn. I’m bored.. And I come here to be amused.
There is always time to change your life and step up and be a real man.
If only you could take your own advice. A miserable bigoted lout like you is not a “real man”. I’m pretty much convinced you’re a lost cause in that department. The more you get called on it, the tighter you cling to it.
peace out biznatches…time to go back into the sun…..
You mean “C’ya later”? Thanks for the warning.
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
poor little ylb still flailing away…lol
yep..she can cook, is easy on the eyes, and makes plenty of cash to boot.
life is great.
you have already lost the game of life. better luck next time around.
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
What I cant figure out is thisZ:
is tenderhands YLB a fat, pasty nerd? or is he the skinny, greasy haired kind of nerd?
Why do I come to so often to repeat the same tired old right wing cliches and crapola and vent my hate towards people who don’t care much for my crap?
Why am I so full of hatred and bigotry – full of shit basically?
Why was I scared to go to DL and meet GBS? Was it just the money? Or was I truly afraid that it would be proved before all the “limp-wristed” Seattle people I hate that I really, really am full of crap!
Chickenshit, that’s a heavy burden of self-doubt you got there.
Have a great life.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
You now abandon your faith simply because I give you grief?
Where did Puddy abandon his faith Steve Steve Steve? Your feckless idiotic commentary was torn to shreds so now you attack Puddy and Puddy’s religious beliefs and that gives you a hard-on? Everyone here has read your drivel over this past week. Such toilet splashings from the frog who thought he was a prince.
Good grief fool. You are pathetic.
Must have been love, and respect for the opposite sex, Heterosexual Love.
and gleeman! nice to see you back? got sumptin on your chin though…..
@147 – Max the Pervert strikes again….why? You also fantasizing of licking it off?
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
Ewwwww…oh god no.
Just thought you might want to know…trying to be all polite and all….
Did you ever find that big dick you were advertising for on HA?
Thought of the Day: Being confused is not something to “celebrate”.
enjoy the sun.
@ 149 – Are you sure? For some one who claims to be heterosexual, you seem to have other things on your mind, such as Perez Hilton’s asshole, guys sucking big dick, and stuff on peoples chin. You also seem to hang around this website like Larry Craig hung out at airport bathrooms.
Goldy, my apologies for lessening this blog by talking about assholes and penis, but Max the pervert insists.
Max, are you sure your not the one confused?
Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woespews:
LOL…..yep, I’m pretty sure, no confusion here.
Chris Stefanspews:
@124, & @137:
I’m no fan of the current Superintendent. I think her war on gifted, enrichment, and alternative programs is ill-advised.
As you say the programs that work well should be left alone. Even better to try to duplicate them, but don’t hurt what you are trying to copy in the process of copying it.
Of course the School Board shares some of the blame. For hiring her in the first place, for approving her policies, for not providing proper oversight, and for not dismissing her when she proved she was a poor choice for running the Seattle schools.
She’s managed to piss off the teachers too, not by promoting charter schools or merit pay but simply on the basis of her caustic management style.
righton… try again… it was “…third and perhaps foremost…” around 1:24.
Hey Darryl,
Will you accept stupid and moronic libtardo commentary?
Gotta love it when the local DUMMOCRAPTS disagree with the BIG DUMMOCRAPT in da house.
I think Darryl’s response comment to the quote chosen by Effin Unsound should be nominated as the stupidest. For the demonstrable falsity of the statement, and the irony that the “stupdiest” comment was accurate in the first place.
Oh, man, this could be exhilarating competition, better than the World Cup. Let’s just hope our trolls get into the spirit and really ramp it up (not that ramping up is necessary for them to get into the “you’re kidding, aren’t you?” category.
That’s a lot of Rabbit’s dropings to sift through. Good luck, but I know you’ll find some candidates. :-)
And Lee …
who judges the nominees?
That is hilarious itself.
I nominate the contest itself.
Hmmm …
Since Lee is promoting his blog this way, I will promote HA and DL.
I offer a free pitcher of any beer on tap at the Montlake to the person who identifies Lee’s most self important or self serving post at HA.
To be very fair about this, people can email their candidates to me at the email address over at SJ.
I will take the three posts receiving the most votes and repost them here at HA for voting. The winner will receive her pitcher and a certificate of great merit signed by Lee’s favorite intellectual, moi.
Go for it!
Let’s start with all the “Golden Goat” winners…shall we?
I think puddyduddynuttybuddy ought to get a lifetime achievement award.
We need categories as well (e.g., global warming, BP is a victim, religious and racial intolerance, liberals are really nazis etc.).
Out of the winners in categories, the grand winner can be selected and explanation as to how they trumped everyone elses stupid comments.
Don’t count yourself out yet, SJ. In my estimation, you are often a strong contender.
Oh dumb cinderblock rujax! There are many crack cinderblock statements on this blog we can nominate.
Sorry Darryl. So Lee, will you accept libtardoisms? If so Puddy will be sure to validate this with an upcoming arschloch comment.
Can we nominate one retroactively? How about the arschloch’s dancing on Mike Webbs grave? That was an all time winner!
We need categories as well (e.g., Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Neil Boortz, Newsmax, NewsBusters, Wall Street Journal Opinion Page, CSM, religious and racial intolerance, conservatives are really nazis and fascists, etc.).
Out of the winners in categories, the grand winner can be selected and explanation as to how they trumped everyone elses stupid comments. – Puddy agrees! Since so many more libtardos comment this should be a hotly contested race!
Sonds like steve steve steve, rujax, and ylb arschloch have a real chance here.
You can nominate whoever you want. And I can always make fun of your attempts to nominate things that aren’t stupid.
I nominate Puddy’s declaration that our state’s repealed blue laws led to the creation of today’s, heh, national state-church, thus fulfilling the prophesy of the 19th century religious charlatan, Ellen White.
Totally whack.
Is this stupid?
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
As the KLOWNS waste their time pickin’ flyshit outta pepper on nonsense like Lee’s ego award…the Tea Party continues it’s march to remove ObaMao and the Progressives from power.
Keep up the foolishness Lee…you Bonehead.
“I think puddyduddynuttybuddy ought to get a lifetime achievement award.”
My recollection is that Puddy has already been presented with the Golden Goat Lifetime Achievement Award.
@15 “Is this stupid?”
Hey climate change deniers, last winter when it was cold, you claimed that climate change was a lie. Now that it’s record hot almost everywhere in the country, will you now switch to climate change is true?
Obama Job Approval Rating Down to 38% Among Independents
@15, I mildly disapprove of the President because I think he’s not progressive enough. He’s being too corporate republican.
Duh. See #20.
Is this stupid?
Yes. That’s why we make fun of you.
The list of Microsoft’s consumer product slip-ups grows each year. Its line of intelligent watches — come and gone — often ends up as the butt of jokes, as do its tablet PC software products, the poor-selling Windows Vista operating system and the ignored Zune music player. The company also canceled its Courier tablet PC project shortly after the Apple iPad tablet went into stores.
Microsoft employees were dismayed when they anonymously visited Verizon stores and discovered that employees for the carrier were reluctant to sell the Kin, said a Microsoft executive close to the Kin project.
“Microsoft is totally off the radar of the cool, hip, cutting-edge software developers,” said Tim O’Reilly, who publishes a popular line of software development guides.
“And they are largely out of the consciousness of your average developer.”
“For developers, mobile is what’s hip now, and there are two platforms that matter — Apple and Android,” Mr. O’Reilly said.
“How about the arschloch’s dancing on Mike Webbs grave? That was an all time winner!”
You must be refering to the times when YLB has reminded everybody here of how you were caught talking about your dick with your sockpuppet, MikeWebbSucks. Thanks for the reminder, Puddy. That was truly a classic HA moment, “an all time winner”.
I nominate post #18 as dumbest post of the month.
one word: sucker!
@25: You don’t get a vote, but you’re likely in the running for an award.
Heh. This will be fun.
Junk shot and the KLOWN’s batshit insanity provide more than ample material for belly laughs and awards.
The KLOWN’s eruption about the document forgery abilities of undocumented workers was a recent classic.
Poor Weissbach never had a chance against against those sneaky forgers!
It’s been pretty funny to see the chickenshit’s handle changes over the months.
Foot goes in mouth – handle changes!
Indeed, the circle jerks between junk shot and MWS had to be the pinnacle of right wingnuttery on this comment board.
Mr. Cynical
In the spirit of amity, I second Mr. Cynical’s suggest that the award be titled:
“Lee’s Ego”
Lee’s generosity in this act reminds me of Puddy’s kind willingness to let the rest of us know that we are condemned to Hell for not following Puddy’s God.
Such generosity deserves recognition.
@30: Klynical is a troll. Klynical does not get a vote. Klynical is more than likely an ongoing prime candidate for an award.
Please make a note of it.
Which is EXACTLY what you did when you polluted that old thread. What you still do fiend.
That began that “chronological” fantasy that made sense to no one but the gas choir in your silly skull.
Puddy came up with this contender @84 on the Bible Study thread the other day,
“A Jew progressive to Puddy is one who hates Jews, you idiot!”
Then @116 he hit another one out of the park,
“Jews seem to tend to vote for socialism!”
The hatred he expressed towards Catholicism in that thread was off the charts. In short, Catholics are not Christians at all and the church itself is the manisfestation of a two-headed sea-beast out of Revelations in fulfillment of some whack 19th century American charlatan’s so-called prophesies. Sliding further down a hole, he asserted that America is the lamb-beast of Revelation and that the proof is in the establishment of a national religion. Now, any sane person might want to ask at this point, “WTF?”, but the existence of a state religion was confirmed for Puddy when our own state repealed its old Blue Laws back in the 1960’s. I must say, this is some really krazy shit.
@30 “Puddy’s kind willingness to let the rest of us know that we are condemned to Hell for not following Puddy’s God.”
If only we were so lucky. Actually, Puddy believes the souls of the wicked (progressives) will be annihilated rather than be sent to an eternal hell.
33 – There’s no comprehending this insanity Steve. There’s no compromise, no negotiation with it.
We can laugh at it or ignore it at the risk of our peril – which is unlikely but always a possibility – we had 8 years of Bush!
30. SJ spews:
Perhaps we can shorten it to the LEGO award.
If given a few weeks, I’m sure Lee can muster the fortitude to build something simplistic out of snap together blocks for the award.
Mr C! Lee …
Lets go for it.
The HA interfaith community has decided to name the Lee Ego award “LEGO”
This seems like to good an idea to pass up …
the EMMY
the TONY
and now the LEGO
I think this deserves a formal ceremony. I suggest Lee take up my offer and award a pitcher of beer to the winner at DL!
KLOWN sez, “I’m sure Lee can muster the fortitude to build something simplistic out of snap together blocks for the award”
Legos? I don’t think so. Considering what you did to the Golden Goat, I suggest that whatever award Effin Unsound comes up with first passes a 1,000 PSI hose-stream test.
@37. SJ spews: “Mr C!”
How very clever of you.
The HA interfaith community
That appears to be you, Cynical, and Puddy, right? I have a feeling you three are going to be quite popular in this contest.
“you, Cynical, and Puddy”
SJ certainly lost me with this one.
re 12: Your opinions don’t count because you have already made up your mind as to winners prior to the contest.
…and much deserved. I “sit corrected” (wiping cheeto dust off my pajamas…LOLOL)
I humbly submit the one where Puddy claimed his ‘swinging dick’ was like a Snap-On tool.
@41: Roger that.
Of course there is the possibility that “SJ” has “morphed” to one of Pudpuller’s sockpuppets…Sometimes it can be hard to tell around here.
There was the time when Troll was going on about blacks and using the “N” word. Puddy jumps in and smacks him down with, “There are white ones too!”
Klynical gets a nod for his racist Obama joke about how he looked in a mirror and saw that he was turning white, and was afraid he might have to “start working like a white man”.
A recent contender is right up there @4 above.
This one succeeds on a number of levels. Darryl hadn’t posted – not here and not at Effin Unsound.
“the irony that the “stupdiest” comment was accurate in the first place”
With this one we have ironies within ironies.
I don’t want to go back too far in the archives, but certainly email me that if it was recent.
Post of the decade is when YLB announces that he is actually looking for a job(not getting a job mind you, just looking).
FunFacts: Neither funny nor factual.
Golden Goat for banal and pointless!?
Stupid comments come in all shapes and sizes, but I think this contest will be dominated by people who try to pontificate about things that are well outside their grasp (see: SJ, Puddy, and Cynical) – not necessarily from people calling each other names or otherwise trying to be snarky about other commenters.
Two things I thought I would never see have come to fruition in this country from so many people:
1. Hatred of the free market.
2. Hatred of the rural, American farmer – who has ALWAYS been the backbone of this nation.
Amazing how far we have come down as a country.
51. Lee spews:
Lee you ought not to demean yourself …
I really can not think of anyone at HA who comes up to your inEFFINable standard as a pontificator.
How many are the areas of your expertise, let me count the ways:
1. etiology of cancer
2. content of the Quran
3. designation of others as “true” liberals, progressives or conservative.
4. the mendacity of the Roma Catholic Church
5. causes of almost anything bad since all ills are caused by drug policies
6. ability of medical marijuana to cure cancer, autoimmune diseases, and premature ejaculation.
Add to that a wondrous use of schoolyard obscenities … who better to be a top candidate for the LEGO award?
Lee is an arrogant dipshit….and arrogant for no apparent reason. All he can do is spew his pro-Stoner rhetoric and pretend that SJ is stalking him.
LEGO Award–
Zotz, you were a DOD executive? What exactly did you do, what programs?
Mr C.
In defense of Lee ..
I am certain he actually beleives in his BS.
And you?
And Puddy?
Most rural farmers are flat broke and aren’t farming their own land these days. Or they’re farming on contracts held by Big AG that are so restrictive that they’re little more than share croppers. I’m not sure WTF you’re talking about, but quite a few of us on the left are working to get farmers back owning their own farms and having control over their own lives. The Obama admin has done great work on this front so far. Check out
for more info.
Another one for the WTF file.
Thats great Michael…I hope you arent one of those people(like MANY on this site for example) who do nothing but denigrate farmers as stupid, simple, evil(for being republican), or whatever.
I would support the average farmer and listen to what he has to say long before some of the garbage that comes out of king county and the urban types.
BTW urban types, how are those $500,000 for 750sf condos working out for you? Did your units keep their value?
A good chunk of those folks are really yelling at Big Ag. (who really are a bunch of fuckers), not small farmers. A smaller, unfortunate chunk, really are hating on farmers.
I spent a lot of time growing up on farms owned by relatives of mine. I F’ing loved it. Still do when I get a chance to visit. But, the surviving farms and farmers are back in the mid-west and I don’t get a chance to go back very often.
“Hatred of the rural, American farmer”
“BTW urban types, how are those $500,000 for 750sf condos working out for you?”
@52 and 59 What you’ve brought to HA is a baseless charge that progressives hate farmers and your own, um, let’s call it hatred of urbanites.
Steve Steve Steve farts again a LIE
No where can Steve Steve Steve prove this.
It’s a Psych 101 thing!
Once again another EPIC FAIL by Steve Steve Steve. The Stupid Solution is working well. You are as stupid as ever!
The arschloch farts
Do you remember “Take the test, Take the test, Take the test, oh it’s fake never mind”.
Yeah, there are many more!!!!!
Dumbest quote so far
1) Steve Steve Steve hasn’t produced the word “hate” anywhere yet?
2) The poor man is so confused through the drinking of his namesake Steve’s Stupid Solution.
3) When he gets deranged, he continue with falsehoods and fantasies!
You bring nothing but the krazy, Puddy. After raving on and on and on about two-headed sea-serpents, lamb-beasts, Revelations and state blue laws yesterday you come back today and deny everything you wrote? You’ve totally lost it, haven’t you?
And now you deny the MikeWebbSucks sockpuppet episode ever happened as well? Denial. Like projection, it’s a Psych 101 thing, Puddy.
LEGO award .. Steve and Puddy now have four points. That is almost as high as the ten points Lee gets for crowning himself as Alfred Ignobel.
There goes Steve Steve Steve again. Man he’s gone fully batshit crazy. Provide the proof for a PuddyComment on hatred of Catholic Church. Puddy knows the arschloch will help you if you ask the arschloch!
Keep trying to change the subject… Puddy will bring it right back to your lunacy!
Stiil waiting Steve Steve Steve.
Puddy sez @35 in the HA Bible Study thread, “The CATHOLIC church did this with their perverted view of Christianity.”
Nah, Puddy don’t hate no Catholicism. He just says Catholicism is perverted and that they’re the two-headed sea-beast of Revelations. No hate intended there. None at all.
Hey SJ,
Puddy is bringing facts. Puddy always takes points for bringing facts.
There goes Steve Steve Steve again. He’s screaming now! Still waiting for Steve Steve Steve to prove Puddy mentioned WA State blue laws!
Such an ASS!
Puddy just got a call from People for Patty. Puddy just ignored it!
If you have evidence Puddy wrote anything you mentioned in that paragraph remember it has to be WA State blue laws fool…
BRING IT!!! Ask the arschloch!
This whole thread started over this comment “…third and perhaps foremost…”
Puddy shared this doozy @84 on the Bible Study thread,
“A Jew progressive to Puddy is one who hates Jews, you idiot!”
The Odumba Oil Spill is now in Lake Pontchartrain. 630 SQ Miles!
Good job Odumba’s Disciples! Sitting on their hands doing nuthin. Peeps will remember!
Day 71!
Steve Steve Steve is still trying…
All of Steve Steve Steve’s comments in this thread should be nominated!
Oh my, Chicago DUMMOCRAPTS realized it too late.
“Still waiting for Steve Steve Steve to prove Puddy mentioned WA State blue laws!”
Let’s backtrack, Puddy. You presented the existence of state blue laws as proof positive that America is the lamb-beast of Revelations. Wanting to throw a cold bucket of water on the insanity, I pointed out that Washington state repealed its blue laws decades ago. It was at that point you went completely fucking berzerk. I must have pushed a button because you’re still stark raving mad over that one small point of detail. You’re obviously acting out your anger over having been pwned. Really, Puddy, you should learn to live with it as it happens all the time.
More news that’s fit to blog…
“Every year, the Annual Report of the Social Security Board of Trustees comes out between mid-April and mid-May. Now it’s July, and there’s no sign of this year’s report. What is the Obama administration hiding?”
PuddyCommentary… It probably disagrees with the marching orders Odumba gave the slobbering press. Well when you stretch the truth it’ll catch up to you!
Steve Steve Steve no backtracking needed… Your comments are front and center!
You made multiple assertions without any proof. Puddy continues to point out your fallacious assertions, and this has you all nutzo!
Those are BIG DETAIL POINTS. It was you who went berzerko over being shown the mental charlatan you’ve been lately! Need to see the blog thread again? You’ve been hilarious these past few days.
Tell us more how blue laws are proof that America has a national religion and how this in turn proves that America is the lamb-beast of Revelations. Or would you care to deny your failed prophet for a third time before the cock crows?
Here is Eric Holder’s “buddy“
Tell us again of your belief that the federal government has established a “national Sunday law” in the form of state blue laws and how the fed has caused us all to worship on Sunday instead of Saturday. Tell us again how these blue laws have forced us to join a new state-church that is an “image” of the papacy, and thus, “the image of the beast” in fulfillment of a 19th century American charlatan’s so-called prophesy. Tell us again about all this krazy shit you believe, Puddy.
Puddy will repeat…
Steve Steve Steve no backtracking needed… Your comments are front and center!
You made multiple assertions without any proof. Puddy continues to point out your fallacious assertions, and this has you all nutzo!
How can Puddy repeat something Puddy never said Steve Steve Steve?
@102 in the Bible Study thread, Steve says,
@107, Puddy in rebuttal offers state blue laws as his proof that America has a “national Sunday law”.
Yup, that’s the proof Puddy offered for America being the lamb-beast of Revelations and of his notion that America worships the “perverted” papacy.
Like Puddy’s 19th century charlatan, the failed prophet Ellen White, I’m into prophesy too! Hmm, let’s see…, yes, I foresee an infantile outburst by Puddy coming at any moment now.
Wow Steve, you are really trying… and striking out. Each of those points are facts Steve Steve Steve. And your factual point is?
Another turd from Steve Steve Steve. No infantile outburst like yours earlier this week.
Wow this happened on Odumba’s watch. Puddy always find da news!
“I hate white people. All of them. Every last iota of a cracker, I hate ’em. You want freedom? You going to have to kill some crackers. You going to have to kill some of their babies” – An Odumba supporter!
What say you HA Libtardos?
Can you see this as a future fall political commercial against DUMMOCRAPTS?
“Each of those points are facts”
And for Puddy these, um, facts add up to proof positive that America has a national Sunday law that forces Sunday worship on all of us, that America is the lamb-beast of Revelations, and that Americans are forced to worship the papacy.
Why is it then, Puddy, that your SDA church is still allowed to worship on Saturday?
Steve Steve Steve,
You dug your grave, you jumped in, you buried yourself and now you’re creating your tombstone!
Puddy hasn’t said anything you assert above!
Keep talking and making yourself look more stupid each day.
“What say you HA Libtardos?”
I say you’re fucking krazy. Other than that, the commie-fascist SPLC has already denounced that group as an anti-white hate group.
So when will you freaks get around to denouncing all the right-wing hate groups? That’s never gonna happen, will it?
Remember this name… King Shamir Shabazz
Puddy shows up with infantile namecalling. I see that one of my prophesies has come to pass.
“Puddy hasn’t said anything you assert above!”
Now you deny the quotes??
And with that, Puddy has denied his prophet Ellen White three times before the cock crowed. Another prophesy of mine come true. heh- How far will Puddy go? Let’s find out! Tell you what, Puddy, I’ll give you thirty pieces of silver if you’ll admit to us that Ellen White was a phony prophet.
Steve Steve Steve, were you the last one picked in elementary school games?
King Shamir Shabazz was where voting day 2008?
You make a dunce cap look intelligent!
Last time Steve Steve Steve, those are your quotes. You have placed these quotes and words here, not Puddy! You are placing stuff on this blog because you were identified as batshit crazy earlier this week and you are still batshit crazy!
You can’t trick Puddy into anything because those are your assertions of things never written by Puddy!
Good luck in the future being batshit crazy!
My goodness, you really are in denial over writing that shit. That’s really fucking pathetic.
“King Shamir Shabazz was where voting day 2008?”
He was visiting yo mama. As I recall, he was the one standing in line behind the Labrador Retriever.
Anybody can visit the Bible Study thread and see for themselves what you wrote.
You now abandon your faith simply because I give you grief? That couldn’t have been much of a faith you had there, Puddy, if all it takes to get you to turn your back on Ellen White and her prophesies is a few harsh words coming from a commie-fascist progressive.
It sure doesn’t take much to get Puddy to bail on his church.
Show some spine for once in your pathetic life, Puddy, and defend your religion. You fervently believe the stuff I wrote of – two headed sea-beasts, blue laws and the lamb-beast, America being forced to worship the papacy, all of it. Admit it and we’ll move on.
I nominate a post for the ages:
When the chickenshit said (lied):
“I don’t hate anybody.”
I’m still laughing at that one.
Funny how that comment has no links or examples.
What’s stopping you from doing it? Go ahead and launch your LEGO award and then present it to me or something. Beyond the Three Stooges of the HA comment threads, I’m not sure who’s gonna care.
I should clarify that you can certainly nominate two comments from the same thread that demonstrate a hypocrisy. Both Puddy and SJ are particularly prone to that. In fact, here’s a great example.
Perhaps you do not understand …
I do not hink Mr. C is presumtuous enough to want to develop his own award. That is really a Lee idea.
The idea of offering to judge an award slamming others based on your own impartiality is glorious, perhaps even vainglorious.
So, it seem as if your award ought to have a name .. just as the Nobel prize is named for Alfred Nobel and the Oscar for Uncle Oscar.
One concern I would raise is whether Lego Aktiebolaget might object to this use of their trademark?
The company name LEGO comes from the Danish words for “leg godt”, meaning “play well.” That seems to fit you. Although sometimes it does seem you do not play well at all. Actually, designating yourself as the judge for the LEGO award might be seen as not playing well at all.
Did they allow that sort of behavior where you went to kindergarten?
Maybe we should take a different tack in justifying your choice of this name for an award? Wasn’t there a commercial “Leggo my eggo?” I assume the Danish toy ocmnpany did not sue Kellogs, so maybe you are in the clear? “Lego my Ego” sounds cool.
Actually, in Latin, LEGO, means “I read.” I assume you can and do read so that might not be a bad thing.
Actually, designating yourself as the judge for the LEGO award might be seen as not playing well at all.
I never designated myself as the judge for this award. In fact, I explicitly suggested that the judging be done by an internet poll.
Actually, in Latin, LEGO, means “I read.” I assume you can and do read so that might not be a bad thing.
Oh, the spectacular irony.
Dance, monkey, dance!
67. SJ spews:
Too Damn Funny!
Your fragile ego seems to have been bruised.
You can’t take the slightest teasing.
Must have something to do with getting picked on as a little kid. I’m sure that’s Goldy’s problem.
Anyway…there are professionals who can help you work thru this Lee.
Typical right winger.
Stops by a rich lady’s house to receive his envelope of cash! It’s too damn funny how right wingers play to stereotype.
Words of the Republican Examiner:
Considers Faux News gospel and lusts for violence. Delusional lunatic. They fantasize that there are “many like me”. And its true. One is too many in my view and there are certainly more than that but if sane people become apathetic these nutcases get their way.
Anyway…there are professionals who can help you work thru this Lee.
Ah, yes. I’m the one who needs professional help. LOL!
Dance, monkey, dance!!
I haven’t seen the KLOWN so orgasmic since he layed this one on us,
His copy/pasting skills are impressive.
Thanks Lee–
And BTW, you are still a fool…and proof long-term pot-smoking can screw you up real bad.
And BTW, you are still a fool…and proof long-term pot-smoking can screw you up real bad.
Can’t argue with that. I’m a highly-paid and successful IT manager at a financial services company with a lovely wife, an awesome 15-month-old boy, and a 4 bedroom house in a quiet suburban cul-de-sac. Pot really fucked up my life, didn’t it!
cmon now, give lee some credit – he isnt that stupid…after all, he was wise enough to get the hell out of seattle to raise his kids.
Yeah, because Seattle is such a terrible place to raise kids, right SJ?
actually…for the most part, it is.
Squawk all you want Lee, but you know damn good and well that when you and the mrs. had your talk, you(or most likely she) said “fuck it, we are outta here”, and came to the burbs.
welcome to adulthood, lee. The city might be fun to hang in when you are 25, but is sure as hell isnt a place to raise kids when you are 35.
Is this the chickenshit again at 117?
Plenty of households are raising kids in Seattle, enjoying the parks and supporting the public schools (yes, taking the good with the bad) and doing just fine thank you.
Screw you and your phony oh so superior choices.
How much drug abuse happens among kids in places like North Bend because kids have nothing much to do? I hear PLENTY!
and Columbine? Wasn’t that the burbs of Denver?
What a dumbass!
oh look, a parenting comment from the guy who has no involvement with his kid…
LOL..what else do you “hear”? hahahah
grain of salt.
Sayeth the chickenshit:
“I don’t hate anybody. Except ‘limp-wristed’ people in Seattle..”
why, are you limp wristed? wait, dont answer that, because that is like asking if its hot today….and we all know the answer.
119,121 – Yawwwwwn… You don’t know crap. A miserable hateful right wing know it all..
Keep changing your handle, you’ll never change your stupid opinions and they’ll give you away every time.
I love changing my handle…it keeps things entertaining.
you on the other hand, are incapable of changing your life as a loser.
oh well, at least you have your “database”…LMFAO.
@116 Lee
Not sure why you addressed this to me but .. FWIW
Seattle does have a lot of problems for families raising kids and a lot of those problems are the result of condescending liberals who are all to willing to tell others how to live but then choose to live someplace else.
The biggest problem for parents in Seattle is racism in the Public Schools .. not doctrinaire “I hate blacks and yids” racism but the patronizing racism of folks who insist that they are doing their best for everybody else’s kids.
Here is a simple fact, most major cities have an elite high school. I went to one of those, Boston Latin, and owe a huge amount to BLS. Seattle does not have a BLS because the schools insist that opportunity must be equal for all kids.
As a result kids who are better off, either because of parental money or because they have the motivation to get scholarships, end up leaving the SPS for private schools. The fact that the private schools are segregated apparently does not bother the parents .. many of whom remain activists in re other folks’ kids in the SPS.
The extreme end of this form of classism and racism is seen in the approximately 100,000 new dwellings growing in Belltown and SLU. An entire city is being built there with NO public schools!
A great example of this is the effort by the current Superintendent to disassemble Garfield. For those unaware of the phenomenon, under Principal Amon McWashington, Garfield became an extraordinary success story.
Amon managed to attract and serve some of Seattle’s best students while also building a local high school with outstanding records in athletics and Jazz. The “natural” environment for interethnic education at GHS was outstanding.
During Amon’s era I did a study of students taking advanced placement classes at GHS as compared with Lakeside. The GHS kids walloped Lakeside!
The Disrict response? No public support for Principal McWashington and now they want to disperse the programs from GHS to give “all kids” the same opportunities.
Hopefully politically active parents will prevent this stupidity … but, in defense of Lee, that sort of committment by any parent is very difficult. It is simply easier to go live with Lee in the Burbs.
cross posted at SJ
123 – Does anyone here owe you any money chickenshit?
Or could it have been the other way around?
maybe lee fell off the wagon and thought I was you.
ya, your wife still owes me $100 for servicing her.
Tell her to pay up or I am cutting off her play time with big daddy.
I pity the poor soul who puts up with your miserable ass. And the kids? What a tragedy that is.
poor ylb just doesnt know when to cry uncle.
my kids are well rounded, top of their class, and pretty damn good athletes…and drop dead gorgeous if I dont say so myself(give all credit to the mrs for that).
yours…well, at least they will inherit your life’s work: the HA database.
I pity the poor soul who puts up with your miserable ass
Well your old lady is still coming by big daddy’s love shack…do you pity her too? I know I do.
Yawwwwnnnn… The hate is strong in this one.. Too boring..
What a legacy that is..
…and thus, it appears YLB hath run out of gas.
SJ, that was a good post.
The only fault in your logic is that the development in Belltown is for childless 20, 30, and 40 somethings and the pink triangle crowd…that is the target market.
The developers know that there are no sane people who would be willing to raise a family in that area, so children are a rarity in that part of town…so IE schools are of no concern.
What else?? Let’s review:
It’s no use trying to put such a chickenshit liar in his place. He’s at home in his fantasy world. He just keeps making more shit up!
LMFAO….ya, like somebody like you is gonna “put me in my place”. puleeez.
you are right, your lady does not stop by – and I wouldnt have her anyway…nobody holds a candle to my mrs…smart, good looking, sweet, awesome chef…I really lucked out.
sorry, no lie about the kids…I could not be more proud…in fact I have been hanging with them all day until recently..maybe you should try that.
and I am starting to think you really are limp wristed…maybe not in a gay way, but you certainly give off the vibe of a very feminine man. would be funny to put you in middle of the forest and watch your ass panic…lol
face it YLB, you are a lazy computer nerd who doesnt spend any time with your kids and relies on your wife to take care duties around the house that you are supposed to do. Dont get mad at me for pointing it out. There is always time to change your life and step up to be a real man.
peace out biznatches…time to go back into the sun…..
What would you do with some schools?
According the WASL scores,
Hawthorne Elementary School 18% Reading, 24% Math is the worst. Would you move to be in that school district?
How about Ridge Elementary School 100% Reading 97% math.
How do you bring up the worst schools without punishing the best schools? Or are the worst schools just full of stupid kids so it’s OK let them fail? What do you do?
@136 “What would you do with some schools?”
What I would not do is try to force kids to solve the schools problems.
My rule #1 is that the kids belong to their parents first, to themselves second and to anyone else, including the schools third.
If you do not provide opportunity for the most able kids ..regardless of the sources of their ability .. to succeed then those kids will leave the District.
If you do not recognize academic success, as we do athletic success, then no school will excel.
The idea that improving ” the worst schools ” requires “punishing the best schools?” is inane.
Who gave the District the right to punish any child to benefit other children? Why would anyone think that punishing Garfield’s success will improve the quality at Rainier Beach?
No rational person thinks the SOPS is not in a great deal of trouble. I suggest the first thing you d when you are in trouble is protect the parts of your machine that still work.
The way I would do this is by:
a. encouraging charter schools.
b. open enrollment at city wide magnets. Let parents vote with their children’s brains and bodies rather than leaving that decision up to the accidents of mom and daddy’s money or ethnic choices.
@ 133. Contemplate this, on the Tree of Woe spews:
Aha! Belltown is a gay ghetto? Maybe it needs a wall around it?
Of course one way to keep breeders out is NOT to offer schools! Brilliant idea!
So as the Belltowners age, do ya tyhink they will stay there? I guess we could have a continuum from the bar scene to the walker scene?
Seem like wierd social planning to me. I thought we wnated Seattle to be an integrated city?
no, I did not say it was a gay ghetto…I said the target market was for people without kids. Would you raise your kids in the 10th story of a building in a 1000sf(at best) condo? Hell no you wouldnt.
No, as the Belltowners age, they will not stay there. The ones that marry and have kids(probably the majority) will move away to a more family friendly environment. The ones that dont will continue to think they are “hip”, even when they arent(and never were).
The diarhhea continues. Let’s hold up a mirror to this new festering pile:
Yep, you’re doing fine just on your own. Your “place” is that of name-calling, bigoted lout who can’t think his way out of paper bag. You’ve put yourself there.
LMAO! I see. According to you a gourmet in the kitchen and eye candy, like oh furniture or a mantlepiece? Please spare us. Don’t get me wrong. I have NOTHING against your wife. Just pity for making such a freaking poor choice in a mate.
And if I were them I could not be more ashamed of having such a bigoted lout for a dad.
LMAO!!! Make up your mind bigot. You’ve been painting us Seattle HA readers with that broad brush since the start.
Oh my.. This bigot is telepathic. How do the fantasies fly off the fingers. What a moron.
Panic? You FROZE at being called on a so called bet YOU MADE to show at a DL. You’re a freaking chickenshit.
Yawwwn.. Fantasy.. A liar would have to know the truth. And calling this tripe bullshit demeans that word.
Like you rely on yours for gourmet chow and eye candy. Groan… When is this going to end???
Yawwnnn. I’m bored.. And I come here to be amused.
If only you could take your own advice. A miserable bigoted lout like you is not a “real man”. I’m pretty much convinced you’re a lost cause in that department. The more you get called on it, the tighter you cling to it.
You mean “C’ya later”? Thanks for the warning.
poor little ylb still flailing away…lol
yep..she can cook, is easy on the eyes, and makes plenty of cash to boot.
life is great.
you have already lost the game of life. better luck next time around.
What I cant figure out is thisZ:
is tenderhands YLB a fat, pasty nerd? or is he the skinny, greasy haired kind of nerd?
Late night thoughts from the chickenshit:
Chickenshit, that’s a heavy burden of self-doubt you got there.
Have a great life.
Where did Puddy abandon his faith Steve Steve Steve? Your feckless idiotic commentary was torn to shreds so now you attack Puddy and Puddy’s religious beliefs and that gives you a hard-on? Everyone here has read your drivel over this past week. Such toilet splashings from the frog who thought he was a prince.
Good grief fool. You are pathetic.
Must have been love, and respect for the opposite sex, Heterosexual Love.
maybe some of you idiots can learn something.
is YLB still flailing away?
and gleeman! nice to see you back? got sumptin on your chin though…..
@147 – Max the Pervert strikes again….why? You also fantasizing of licking it off?
Ewwwww…oh god no.
Just thought you might want to know…trying to be all polite and all….
Did you ever find that big dick you were advertising for on HA?
Thought of the Day: Being confused is not something to “celebrate”.
enjoy the sun.
@ 149 – Are you sure? For some one who claims to be heterosexual, you seem to have other things on your mind, such as Perez Hilton’s asshole, guys sucking big dick, and stuff on peoples chin. You also seem to hang around this website like Larry Craig hung out at airport bathrooms.
Goldy, my apologies for lessening this blog by talking about assholes and penis, but Max the pervert insists.
Max, are you sure your not the one confused?
LOL…..yep, I’m pretty sure, no confusion here.
@124, & @137:
I’m no fan of the current Superintendent. I think her war on gifted, enrichment, and alternative programs is ill-advised.
As you say the programs that work well should be left alone. Even better to try to duplicate them, but don’t hurt what you are trying to copy in the process of copying it.
Of course the School Board shares some of the blame. For hiring her in the first place, for approving her policies, for not providing proper oversight, and for not dismissing her when she proved she was a poor choice for running the Seattle schools.
She’s managed to piss off the teachers too, not by promoting charter schools or merit pay but simply on the basis of her caustic management style.