I just drove back from Oregon (FYI, stop and go traffic for much of the way from Chehalis through Tacoma), and if elections were decided by giant signs along the freeway, Clint Didier would have this U.S. Senate race pretty much wrapped up, at least in Southwest Washington.
From 2008…
Top Obama strategist David Axelrod, when reached for comment Sunday, noted*, “these yard sign questions are making my brain bleed. Please stop.”
*Note: Made-up quotes. But not inaccurate, wanna wager?
First, my condolence for having to pass through Chehalis. I spent the first 18 years of my life there. Enough said.
Second, the same holds true north to Bellingham. If Rossi gets through the primary, it’ll be on name recognition only. Certainly not hard work.
No doubt Gov. Craswell would be pleased to hear of this. Oh wait, she’s passed on to her place in Heaven. That drive is always good for wingnut awareness, but it doesn’t mean much as far as prognostication is concerned. OTOH, Rossi shouldn’t be feeling overconfident.
There’s that great big bill board around Chehalis owned by the kookie guy. What did it say?
@4 “produce the birth certificate”
Emily @4,
Something about how the tenants’ homes can now be searched without warrant.
why weren’t you on the (subsidized) train like a good global warming nut
I’d settle for “produce the transcript(s) or produced the checks you used to pay for these great schools”
He’s got I-90 between Spokane and Ellensburg sewn up pretty well, too.
righton @7,
I wish we were on the train, but it doesn’t go close enough to Brownsville, and Amtrak won’t let us take our dog on the train. It also would have been way more expensive for the two of us.
Yeah, because the world certainly would end if you couldn’t take your fucking dog along, huh?
On a more direct note regarding the substance of this thread, it is good to see you libtards getting scared for little Patty, you sure should be. :)
I think there’s good deals to be had on Samsonite luggage if you care to send her an early retirement gift.
Lewis County is a scary place. Meth labs, gun nuts, and fascists run the place.
I’d love to see anyone produce their original birth certificate. I’m sure they are on file somewhere at some governmental agency, but all anyone ever gets is a copy.
Produce your own goddamn birth certificate. I dare ya.
I think of the dog having a bad time during they 4th of July fireworks, and appreciate the fact that Goldy is a responsible pet owner.
That sign has been there for decades.
Signs don’t vote. People do. At least they still do here in WA with vote-by-mail. On real paper and everything!
Dino’s a two time loser, soon to be a three timer. Three strikes and he’s OUT! Heee!
@16 I didnt come here to say this, but it needs to be said. Dino was twice certified the winner in 2004, and would have won again if it was not for the “magic ballots” that appeared out of nowhere, and that only appeared in strong democratic areas.
But I also want to talk about I-1098. I know it says in the law that only people over 200,000 can be taxed, but the state legislature can do whatever they want to an initiative (with a simple majority) after 2 years. Whats to stop them from exapnding this tax to everyone in 2012?
Dino lost. He filed suit in the most conservative county in the state of Washington to try to overturn his loss. He failed in his effort to overturn his loss. Then, 4 years later, Gregoire handed Dino the Dim his ass on a silver platter. You guys never get it, do you?
Chris @17,
What stops the Legislature from expanding the income tax after two years? The same thing that has stopped them from even debating creating an income tax. They lack the will. That won’t change.
(Oh… and you’ve got your head up your ass regarding Rossi in 2004. Had those Philips ballots not been misplaced, Gregoire would have been ahead after the first recount. Apparently, you believe that those voters should have been disenfranchised because elections workers put a tray of ballots on the wrong shelf.)
@6 Technically, there’s some truth to that. The Legislature passed a stronger apartment inspection law last session.
I always enjoyed the Hamilton Farms sign, rarely agreed, but usually amusing.
The Obama no paperwork thing has been twisted nicely by the left wing (into a fiasco of crazy right wingers)….but w/ birth cert, they actually have something they’ve released
I’m more interested in his Oxy, then Columbia grades and how he funded his education. cannot be that secret…i’d share mine grades, etc
Don’t worry.Goldy’s car trip was every bit as subsidized as a train trip would have been.
Despite being some of the most profitable companies on the planet:
Hmmm… This is interesting… why not discuss this Goldy?
Puddy remembers all the bragging over the stock market earlier this year. Now that it’s dropped about a 1000 points…
Hey Cynical what do your tea leaves say?
Racism in Mexico? Where is ylb arschloch discussing this among the dark skinned types?
Now this is interesting…
Now this is interesting…
Obama-Linked PR Firm Runs Anti-Israel Campaign – whodathunkdat?
The legislature lacks the will?!?! They overturned the two-thirds requirement to stop tax increases that was passed by voters to allow them to increase taxes at will. Seems to me like our legislature and fake governor could care less what we think (yes I admit her election in ’08 was legitimate, but without her fake win ’04 she would not have had incumbent adv).
To the person who said that the court did not overturn Dino’s loss, two things. First, since the supreme court ruled in 2000 to end recounts, Im guessing if you follow the same logic, then you see Bush’s 2000 win as legitimate. 2nd the judge in 2004 said that an election cannot be overturned simply because the number of illegal votes exceeds the vote margin. That is the biggest piece of garbage I have ever heard. In that case it is impossible to know the winner. When it is impossible to know the winner, how can you NOT have a re-vote. If re-votes cant be used then, is there ANY time they are usable?
Also, I would like to add,that Im not a right wing nut. I voted for Cantwell in ’06. In ’08 Obama seemed too liberal for me to actually vote for him, so I voted for a third party candidate while thinking Obama would be better than McCain. And In 2004, I thought about voting for Gregoire, but thought that one party rule for 20 years was too long so voted for Rossi
Puddy @ 23–
My tea leaves put me almost totally on the sidelines when the Dow last hit 14,000…with the exception of a few dozen short-term plays.
I sold my Randgold (GOLD) and Barrick Gold (ABX) last week. I think there is always money to be made with very selective short-term plays….but as far as being a long-term investor, NO!
I have $$ in a Group Universal Variable Life account…an old contract that allows me to put in about $100,000 per year, earns interest @ 5% (it was 6% for years) and take out the principal like a Money Market BEFORE having to report any Interest Income. It’s an awesome vehicle…but not available today.
I also have $$ in an old Annuity that is insured and guarantees 6% per year until I start drawing on it.
I also have some decent Muni-bonds I bought cheap and old T-Bills and T-Bonds.
Long-term investing looks mighty cloudy at this time. But things change.
24. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
YLB is so ashamed of his whiteass lazy ways, that he only demonizes white people. Mexicans cannot be racist in his alledged mind. Only white people can be racists.
It is a necessary component of the Progressive Dependency Movement to keep folks of color down on the plantation and a sure Dummocrat vote.
Puddy @ 25–
Hear is what the head of NASA said about ObaMao–
“…he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with predominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering.”
Prezdint “Feelgood”, who cannot contain the oil spill worth a crap, wants to make others “feel good”.
What an idiot our Prezdint is.
This validates all the points you have made recently about ObaMao hating Israel.
This is beyond coincidental–
My favorite thing the kookie sign said was “WHO CONTROLS WEATHER MODIFICATION???”
Who indeed?
Chris @17
Certified by whom? Not the Secretary of State.
Desperate and Brainless..Patty Murray turns to LOBBYISTS to save her pathetic seat–
Read & Weep KLOWNS.
This will be a big part of Rossi’s questioning Murray’s record….where the money comes from.
you mean a scary place as opposed to King County which is run by the communists, crack heads, and queers?
So Goldy didnt take the train because it was inconvenient? lol, another case of do as i say, not as I do liberalism.
Goldy, what was your carbon footprint for the trip?
Yes, by the Secretary of State at that time. Look it up.
Methinks chronically unemployed Dad YLB is being limited on his internet use and time by his wife. You know, his other half that works and provides for the family….
Enjoy the sun all, and I encourage you to get off your sticky keyboards and venture outside for the day if you are able. :)
Direct from Las Vegas…
Barack Obama: The great jobs killer
Even Pravda wonders what happened to the USA!
This link is for Steve… If Puddy “hates” Catholism as you so inaptly tried to fart yesterday, then why would Puddy agree with this link and place it ohn HA?
Maybe cuz you are a historical idiot!
When all 39 counties completed their initial vote count on November 17, 2004, Rossi had a lead of 261 votes, with 1,371,414 to 1,371,153 for Gregoire and 63,346 for Libertarian Ruth Bennett. Because the leading candidates were separated by fewer than 2,000 votes, state law mandated a machine recount. In that count, Rossi gained 1,070 votes but Gregoire gained 1,289 votes, whittling Rossi’s lead to only 42 votes. Although Republican Secretary of State Sam Reed (who had easily defeated Democrat Laura Ruderman in his own re-election bid), certified that result on November 30, state law allows any candidate or party to request an additional recount, for which the requestor must pay, with the payment refunded if the recount changes the outcome.
is a historical idiot. Butt there is a cure. Just ask the ylb arschloch to look up PuddyHistoricalFacts on his personal copy of the HA database! He’s the stay at home moronic guy sporting the left porn gravitar eye.
@41 “If Puddy “hates” Catholism as you so inaptly tried to fart yesterday”
Puddy said on the other thread, “The CATHOLIC church did this with their perverted view of Christianity.”
Puddy don’t hate no Catholicism. As a follower of the lying charlatan Ellen White, that failed 19th century American prophet of a doom that never came, and as a believer in a 6,000 year old earth, Puddy just thinks Catholicism is, um, perverted.
Kinda hard to reduce our dependence on foreign oil supplied by despotic regimes when Americans take road trips.
Just so you know where Puddy is coming from with his having injected his hatred of Catholicism into this thread, as one who believes in the prophesies of Ellen White, Puddy believes that the papacy is the seven-headed beast from the sea described in Revelation 13:1–10. America is the lamb-like beast of the earth from Revelation 13:11–18. In fulfillment of prophesy, Puddy believes the leftist-commie-fascist American government has caused us to all worship the Papacy by forcing Sunday worship on us instead of the proper observance of Saturday as the Sabbath. No, really. In a deft move, our Jihadist-loving federal government created a “national Sunday law” in the form of, heh, state blue laws (very, very clever) which causes us all to worship on Sunday. Although you probably don’t realize it, by doing so we have all been forced to join a “state-church” that is an “image” of the papacy, and thus, “the image of the beast”. Prophesy is fulfilled and the end times have come! Alas, I had to point out to Puddy that Washington State repealed its blue laws decades ago. That brought on yet another Puddy blowout at 5,000′. Sorry, folks, but there’s no technology known to man that can stop the spewing now. We’ll just have to all ride it out and clean up the mess afterwards.
Fun @37,
Um… so you want me to take a train that doesn’t go to my destination? What am I supposed to do… lay the tracks myself?
Chris @27,
You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about. The recount was not stopped in 2004. We had two recounts; first a machine recount, then a meticulous hand recount. Exactly as statute provides.
As for your suggestion that we should have a revote whenever “it’s impossible to know the winner,” I wrote extensively on that subject at the time, and that is neither the law nor good public policy.
When it comes to elections, our laws favor finality over certainty, because otherwise every close election would be subject to endless litigation, and perhaps repeated revotes. Indeed, even when a race is tied, we don’t revote; with the exception of statewide executive offices, which are decided by the legislature, all other tied races are determined by lot.
The margin of victory in 2004 was so far within the expected error rate that there was no way to determine who actually got the most legal votes. But Gov. Gregoire won by the laws in place (laws, by the way, that Rossi had recently voted to amend as state senator). Even AG Rob McKenna affirmed on my radio show that Gregoire won fair and square.
Show some initiative and personal responsibly man!
Not really. Most travel is done for short trips where you don’t need to carry much. More small cars, walkable/bikeable neighborhoods, light rail, express buses and the like will do fine and cut our dependance way down.
Good Summary on the 2010 Senate Races–
Will be a longshot for R’s to take control this time…perhaps in 2012.
Anyway, things have a way of changing but as of today–
Are you referring to the Obama depression started in 2007? Oh wait, Bush was president then.
@34 Actually, Emily, he WAS certified by the secretary of state, and was the official governor elect.
To the moron@51,
Who told the world don’t go to Las Vegas
1) George W Bush
2) George W Bush
3) George W Bush
4) Barack H Obama
There is only one right answer – #4
Another idiot put in his place.
If only Steve Steve Steve said something useful..
Everyone can read the Religion thread and see how Puddy slapped Steve Steve Steve silly silly silly!
Notice how Steve Steve Steve repeats repeats repeats himself to make it look good. Puddy asked Steve Steve Steve to demonstrate on the thread where Puddy claimed Puddy hated Catholicism. We’re still waiting.
E P I C ^ F A I L!
Chris @ 52,
At 17 you stated, “Dino was twice certified the winner in 2004”, which as Emily pointed out is factually incorrect. Mr. Rossi was never certified the winner of the 2004 gubernatorial election.
In 52 you point out that he was certified as Governor-elect by Sam Reed. But this is NOT the same as being certified the winner or being certified as Governor. Reed simply draws up and transmits the Certificate of Election to the Legislature along with the election returns. Only the Legislature can issue the certificate of election, which by the Constitution, certifies the winner.
This is plain from Article III section 4 of the WA Constitution…
Note that the Constitution never uses the term Governor elect. The term is used in a few places of the RCW (like for providing WSP protection, etc.)
no dumbass excuse maker…take the train to portland, then take the light rail(LOL) or a cab to your destination.
Man, the conservative circle jerk in this comment thread is something else.
As for Didier, on my trip to Eastern WA and back, I noticed lots and lots of Didier signs as well, so much that I wonder if he’s actually got a shot at being #2.