– Senator Robert Byrd has passed away at age 92.
– Dave Weigel’s ouster last week was incredibly disheartening. He’d become one of my regular reads in recent months and I hope he finds a new home.
– Greenwald writes about how the McChrystal affair showcases our broken media culture. He also uses the Weigel affair to make some very similar points.
– Arizona’s Governor is even too crazy for McCain.
I used to think that too. Until I ran across Weigel’s piece at Breibart’s place, that is:
He might as well have posted on World Net Daily or Free Republic.
We are running out of reasons to remain in Afghanistan
Even the ST is saying it’s time to leave. Democrats are increasingly turning against Obama on this issue, as are the polls. For months a few – just a few – on HA have been speaking out on this topic, but not many. Roger Rabbit, YLB, GBS and other HA regulars have been big war boosters. GBS was even giddy after Obama’s war speech and predicted he would get a big boost in the polls – that sure hasn’t happened – while Rabbit accused those who wanted to leave of “cutting and running.”
When will Goldy do the right thing and come out strongly against the war on HA?
When will Goldy do the right thing and come out strongly against the war on HA?
I’ve written several times about the need to get out of Afghanistan and how it’s become a major black eye for the Obama Administration.
I supported Obama’s get out of Iraq and double down in The ‘Stan plan, but we’re still in Iraq and Afganistan isn’t working, the locals don’t want us there and we can’t afford to be there. It’s time to bring the boys home.