This was a pretty funny post from a UW fan on the Times basketball blog:
“Academics played a major role in Washington State forward James Watson deciding to transfer to Cowley County Community College in Arkansas City, Kansas.”
Can’t blame the kid for wanting a better education…
Good ad – the republican positions are indefensible once you lay out what they want….no taxes on the rich and letting insurnce companies have their way.
Hi. I’m not good with computer stuff, but after looking through HA archives, I estimate that Goldy made 37 Hurricane Katrina-related posts in the month after hurricane Katrina, and in many of which, he rants at the Gov’t for its slow or incompetent response. Link to Sept 2005 HA posts here:
It’s now been over a month since the BP Oil spill, and I can’t find even one post Goldy’s made critical of the Obama administration’s response to the Gulf disaster.
Can someone please help me find Goldy’s posts on this disaster? They must be somewhere. Maybe I’m not searching right?
Some wonderful excerpts from the Las Vegas Review-Journal newspaper today- (6/10)…
“Progressives — the current euphemism for those on the far left who cringe at the word “socialist” — gathered in Washington over the weekend to express some dismay at the slow pace at which their hand-picked president, Barack Obama, has been advancing their hyper-liberal agenda.”
“Vast carbon taxes designed to get Americans out of their cars and simultaneously reduce our standard of living? Windmill farms to fight “global warming?” “Card check” to allow a handful of strong-arm men to unionize a workplace despite the opposition of a majority of workers? Amnesty for 12 million illegals — with an engraved invitation for their extended families to move here, too, further swamping public schools and hospital emergency rooms funded by already bankrupt taxpayers?”
“And paying for all this by levying crippling taxes on small businesses already afraid to make new hires?”
“This far-left agenda is not popular. Attempting to ram any more of it down the throats of America between now and November may or may not be the kind of electoral suicide pact most Democratic lawmakers welcome. We’ll see.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 You’re not good with anything, especially thinking.
Can you help me find them? In looking over his posts over the last 30 days, I’m finding a lot of posts where Goldy is ranting at Republicans, who aren’t even in power, but I’m not finding any where he is critical of Obama’s response to the Gulf disaster. In Sept 2005, he wrote a post a day complaining about the Bush administration response to Katrina.
Can you please help me search for Goldy’s posts on the Gulf disaster?
@4 Top-notch “journalism”.
The Orange Boner & Mitch the Turtle McConnell; truly inspiring leaders.
How can the Republicans possibly fail with them at the helm?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
For the first time in history, there are more Government Employee Union members than in the private sector.
Welcome to Marxism!
Thank God for Governor’s like New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) who recently told a town hall in Robbinsville:
“My argument is not with teachers in New Jersey. My argument is with a union who collects $730 a year from every teacher and school employee in the union in mandatory dues. And if you don’t want to join the union here’s your option: you can be out. You pay 85% of $730 … to be out. It’s like the Hotel California. You can check in anytime you like but you can never leave. That raises for the teachers union, get ready, $130 million a year. What do they spend that money on? … $6 million in negative advertising against me since March 16th. Think about that. That’s a little over two months they have spent $6 million on New York TV and Radio, Philadelphia TV and radio to attack me. That’s dues money that is coming from their teachers, mandatory no choice, and from all of you because those salaries come from your property taxes and your state income taxes.”
ObaMaoism is unsustainable. The collapse will be ugly. Prepare my pointy-headed little friends. You are getting what you wish for…with ugly consequences to follow.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
ObaMao continues to flounder in the polls.
I keep posting Rasmussen because it has a history of being the most accurate and it looks at the depth of support/distrust. ObaMao is now at -17…after being +32 post-inauguration. An unprecedented plunge.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 26% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17.
Twenty-eight percent (28%) say the U.S. is generally heading in the right direction.
Most of the 28% are Government Employees and ideological fools like the leftist pinheads at You have gotten preceisely what you asked for. Hope & Change. Fools.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I thought Angle would be easy for Harry “the Skeletor” Reid to beat…according to you KLOWNS.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Sharron Angle, following her come-from-behind Republican Primary win Tuesday, has bounced to an 11-point lead over Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in Nevada’s closely-watched U.S. Senate race. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Nevada, taken Wednesday night, shows Angle earning 50% support while Reid picks up 39% of the vote. Five percent (5%) like some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided. A month ago, Angle led Reid 48% to 40.
Reid will obviously attack Angle’s religious beliefs and avoid any ddiscussion of his miserable voting record and the issues that really matter. It will take a whole lot of money & meanness for Harry to keep that seat.
Some wonderful excerpts from the Las Vegas Review-Journal newspaper today- (6/10)…
Heh. Las Vegas – poster child for the Bushconomy – 2001 recession proof boom
2008 depression level bust…
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas…
YLB @#12 prattles that all this is still Bush’s fault. So where is Dingy Harry? Not helping his constituents, that’s for sure. Probably off in the same surreal economy that Dumb-as-a-Carrot Patty Murray lives in. A land where nobody takes responsibility and the Government printing presses issue “free” money daily.
I suspect the KLOWN is purposely trying to bore us all to death.
Palin’s implants? I say that they’re very impressive. Both of them.
Did Puddy calm down yet? The dude was freaking yesterday. I bet YLB pushed a few buttons again. heh- That Puddy is so Pavlovian. Bark? Hell, somebody had that fool howling at the moon. Was that you, YLB? If so, well done.
13 – Yawwwnn.. Nevada has always struck me as a red-leaning State..
That’s worked out wonderfully there hasn’t it? Especially in Las Vegas.
So those Las Vegas right wingers writing that editorial are ones to talk aren’t they?
From an email going around:
Where the White Man went wrong
Indian Chief ‘Two Eagles’ was asked by a white government official:
You have observed the White man for 90 years.
You’ve seen his wars and his technological advances.
You’ve seen his progress, and the damage he’s done.
The Chief nodded in agreement. The official continued:
Considering all these events, in your opinion,
where did the White man go wrong?
The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied:
When White man find land, Indians running it….
No taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water.
Women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend
all day hunting and fishing, all night having sex.’
Then the chief leaned back, smiled, and said:
Only White man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Poll out today says 57% of Americans believe ObaMao DID NOT do all he could re: containing the Oil Spill vs. 37% who think he did.
54% think ObaMao in over his head on this vs. 36% who think he is capable.
That ought to help the Dems in November!
The majority of Americans are saying ObaMao is incompetent, unfocused and unqualified.
Good luck with that.
And screw the KLOWN and his miserable slurs against Obama – many other Presidents would make similar deals to move their agenda forward.
McSame would have been just as bad if not worse.
Sorry the tea-baggers aren’t going to fix this. The Republicans aren’t the solution.
They’d make things even worse with not an ounce of shame.
Don’t mind the KLOWN. He’s still smarting over his guy being tagged as the worst president ever. heh- He claims that he never supported that loser. But we know better, don’t we?
56. Mr. Cynical spews:
Dudes…lighten up!
And remember this:
04/12/2006 at 7:24 pm
Reid will obviously attack Angle’s religious beliefs and avoid any ddiscussion of his miserable voting record and the issues that really matter.
A religious belief about flouridated water. Reid’s a senior Senator in a position to do a lot for Nevada.
Nevadans would be foolish to forget that.
#25-YLB prattles about “religious belief” failing to realize that Dingy Harry is a practicing Mormon. Attacking Angles for her religious beliefs should prove interesting-LOL!
Is this meant to be ironic?
I mean we all are forced by law to buy full coverage health insurance whether we want it or it makes sense for us or not. We are forced customers for this industry under Obamunism. And you folks have the sheer unutterable gall to say Republicans want the insurance companies in charge?
The teabagger lady is on the record being paranoid about flouridated water.
I couldn’t care less about anyone’s religion as long as they keep it to themselves and NEVER try to impose it on me.
I would trust someone like Reid to abide by that a lot more than the flouridated water teabagger lady.
Liberals are so funny in the complete disconnection with reality. It’s like listening to the stories of a 4 year old, making things up as they go along. For them this is reality, adults know better. Unless they are liberals.
@27, Again you proudly parade your ignorance. How about you make an attempt at reading the bill itself instead of letting Beck and Rush insert ‘information’ into you via their rectal junk shot method.
No one is forced to buy insurance. You’re a liar.
Try reasoned and civil discourse. You might be surprised by the results.
The seatbelt laws were secondary offenses, at first. So was the recent intrusion into my car regarding cell phones.
Once the government gets its sticky hands on something you can bet they’ll expand their grasp.
And so you know, it doesn’t alter the point. Either way Obama gave insurance 40 million more customers. Hardly getting health care out of the hands of insurance, eh?
proud leftistspews:
I thought Republicans were all about accountability. Could someone explain this
they should pay for all costs. however, that does not mean the govt should be sitting on its hands like an inept little child.
the govt, BP, etc….should ALL be teaming up to deal with this. BP can pay for the costs later, but first everyone should be dealing with the problem.
proud leftistspews:
The government is not sitting on its hands. The reality is the government does not have the technological aptitude nor the resources to fix this problem; that is the way you pro-market, small government types would have it. This disaster is not Katrina. You folks on the right, with your antiregulation, pro-drilling, government stay away views, own this puppy. She’s all yours. And, here is how the corporations you deify and claim can do everything better than government really are (hilarious, BTW):
Read the Rolling Stone article I linked to in 21. Obama and Ken Salazar may have to face the music over bending toward the “drill, baby drill” mentality in order to buy leverage with Congress.
Authorizing an all time record in offshore oil leases doesn’t speak well for this administration especially given the MMS inherited from Bush.
Can anyone confirm whether Puddy and Alvin Green are one of the same?
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
It’s official, the clueless goober arschloch goatsee is this stupid everyday! The city could never recover!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Did Puddy calm down yet? The dude was freaking yesterday
Steve Steve Steve, still binging on the Stupid Solution, eh? Puddy was as calm as ever!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
13 – Yawwwnn.. Nevada has always struck me as a red-leaning State..
That’s because the caboose always speaks from his arschloch. Here are the facts. Las Vegas was big time DUMMOCRAPT, and Odumba telling everyone not to go to Vegas only hurt his peeps.
Staying stupid is the clueless goober arschloch goatsee’s personal calling.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
50 – Facts are facts. Nevadans vote big time red for morons like Ensign.
They voted for Republican Presidents 7 out of the last 10 times. Congressional delegation is heavily painted red since 1980.
You lose again.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Facts are facts moron. You broughtup Las Vegas
Heh. Las Vegas
Those your words foolish clueless goober arschloch goatsee, the dumbest bick on HA. They vote blue blue blue all the time.
Oh yes here’s ABC News in 2009 idiot. He blasted people going to Las Vegas when arschloch? What…? Your database failing you AGAIN? It’s tough using it to verify how bad you lie eh?
“Puddy not on meds.”
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Steve Steve Steve is on meds… Obviously… You added something to Steve’s Stupid Solution back in March and it’s affected you in the worst of ways.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Here’s a great book you’ll never find on any libtardo bookshelf…
Mr. Cynicalspews:
“Flounder” ObaMao continues his struggles with Real Americans– Friday, June 11, 2010
The daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -16
Even Black Americans, those who work hard & see the phoniness & destructiveness of the ObaMao Marxist Agenda, are starting to turn on the messiah.
ObaMao is left with the White Marxist Lunatics, like you KLOWNS and the Handout Krowd.
Real hard-working Americans know what ObaMao is all about.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”
– Norman Thomas
“Even Black Americans, those who work hard & see the phoniness & destructiveness of the ObaMao Marxist Agenda, are starting to turn on the messiah.”
The KLOWN truly loves him some black folk!
5. Mr. Cynical spews:
Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off
when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to
the top of his head. In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start
working for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.
The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an
examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to
Barack, and told him to drink it all.
Barack drank the concoction and replied, ‘That tasted like bullshit!’
The doctor replied, ‘It was, you were a quart low.’
07/08/2009 at 9:11 pm
Yeah he blasted overpaid investment bankers and AIG execs who took bailout money wasting taxpayer dollars on junkets to Vegas. Wow what a scandal junk-shot!
This was a pretty funny post from a UW fan on the Times basketball blog:
“Academics played a major role in Washington State forward James Watson deciding to transfer to Cowley County Community College in Arkansas City, Kansas.”
Can’t blame the kid for wanting a better education…
Good ad – the republican positions are indefensible once you lay out what they want….no taxes on the rich and letting insurnce companies have their way.
Hi. I’m not good with computer stuff, but after looking through HA archives, I estimate that Goldy made 37 Hurricane Katrina-related posts in the month after hurricane Katrina, and in many of which, he rants at the Gov’t for its slow or incompetent response. Link to Sept 2005 HA posts here:
It’s now been over a month since the BP Oil spill, and I can’t find even one post Goldy’s made critical of the Obama administration’s response to the Gulf disaster.
Can someone please help me find Goldy’s posts on this disaster? They must be somewhere. Maybe I’m not searching right?
Some wonderful excerpts from the Las Vegas Review-Journal newspaper today- (6/10)…
“Progressives — the current euphemism for those on the far left who cringe at the word “socialist” — gathered in Washington over the weekend to express some dismay at the slow pace at which their hand-picked president, Barack Obama, has been advancing their hyper-liberal agenda.”
“Vast carbon taxes designed to get Americans out of their cars and simultaneously reduce our standard of living? Windmill farms to fight “global warming?” “Card check” to allow a handful of strong-arm men to unionize a workplace despite the opposition of a majority of workers? Amnesty for 12 million illegals — with an engraved invitation for their extended families to move here, too, further swamping public schools and hospital emergency rooms funded by already bankrupt taxpayers?”
“And paying for all this by levying crippling taxes on small businesses already afraid to make new hires?”
“This far-left agenda is not popular. Attempting to ram any more of it down the throats of America between now and November may or may not be the kind of electoral suicide pact most Democratic lawmakers welcome. We’ll see.”
@3 You’re not good with anything, especially thinking.
Can you help me find them? In looking over his posts over the last 30 days, I’m finding a lot of posts where Goldy is ranting at Republicans, who aren’t even in power, but I’m not finding any where he is critical of Obama’s response to the Gulf disaster. In Sept 2005, he wrote a post a day complaining about the Bush administration response to Katrina.
Can you please help me search for Goldy’s posts on the Gulf disaster?
@4 Top-notch “journalism”.
The Orange Boner & Mitch the Turtle McConnell; truly inspiring leaders.
How can the Republicans possibly fail with them at the helm?
For the first time in history, there are more Government Employee Union members than in the private sector.
Welcome to Marxism!
Thank God for Governor’s like New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) who recently told a town hall in Robbinsville:
ObaMaoism is unsustainable. The collapse will be ugly. Prepare my pointy-headed little friends. You are getting what you wish for…with ugly consequences to follow.
ObaMao continues to flounder in the polls.
I keep posting Rasmussen because it has a history of being the most accurate and it looks at the depth of support/distrust. ObaMao is now at -17…after being +32 post-inauguration. An unprecedented plunge.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Most of the 28% are Government Employees and ideological fools like the leftist pinheads at You have gotten preceisely what you asked for. Hope & Change. Fools.
I thought Angle would be easy for Harry “the Skeletor” Reid to beat…according to you KLOWNS.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Reid will obviously attack Angle’s religious beliefs and avoid any ddiscussion of his miserable voting record and the issues that really matter. It will take a whole lot of money & meanness for Harry to keep that seat.
Heh. Las Vegas – poster child for the Bushconomy – 2001 recession proof boom
2008 depression level bust…
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas…
YLB @#12 prattles that all this is still Bush’s fault. So where is Dingy Harry? Not helping his constituents, that’s for sure. Probably off in the same surreal economy that Dumb-as-a-Carrot Patty Murray lives in. A land where nobody takes responsibility and the Government printing presses issue “free” money daily.
I suspect the KLOWN is purposely trying to bore us all to death.
Palin’s implants? I say that they’re very impressive. Both of them.
Did Puddy calm down yet? The dude was freaking yesterday. I bet YLB pushed a few buttons again. heh- That Puddy is so Pavlovian. Bark? Hell, somebody had that fool howling at the moon. Was that you, YLB? If so, well done.
17 – Thanks.
He can’t handle being held accountable for his behavior here.
He thinks he can have all the fun he wants at our expense. Well we can do the same.
13 – Yawwwnn.. Nevada has always struck me as a red-leaning State..
That’s worked out wonderfully there hasn’t it? Especially in Las Vegas.
So those Las Vegas right wingers writing that editorial are ones to talk aren’t they?
From an email going around:
Where the White Man went wrong
Indian Chief ‘Two Eagles’ was asked by a white government official:
You have observed the White man for 90 years.
You’ve seen his wars and his technological advances.
You’ve seen his progress, and the damage he’s done.
The Chief nodded in agreement. The official continued:
Considering all these events, in your opinion,
where did the White man go wrong?
The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied:
When White man find land, Indians running it….
No taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water.
Women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend
all day hunting and fishing, all night having sex.’
Then the chief leaned back, smiled, and said:
Only White man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.
Poll out today says 57% of Americans believe ObaMao DID NOT do all he could re: containing the Oil Spill vs. 37% who think he did.
54% think ObaMao in over his head on this vs. 36% who think he is capable.
That ought to help the Dems in November!
The majority of Americans are saying ObaMao is incompetent, unfocused and unqualified.
Good luck with that.
Is the Gulf Obama’s “Katrina”? Based on this article:
I’d have to lean towards yes. BUT
The “drill, baby, drill” mentality is also a big part.
The Obama administration and Ken Salazar in particular wanted to use “drill, baby, drill” as a bargaining chip for cap and trade legislation.
Now we’re going to get neither.
The solution is ever clearer in my mind:
We need this NOW!
And screw the KLOWN and his miserable slurs against Obama – many other Presidents would make similar deals to move their agenda forward.
McSame would have been just as bad if not worse.
Sorry the tea-baggers aren’t going to fix this. The Republicans aren’t the solution.
They’d make things even worse with not an ounce of shame.
Don’t mind the KLOWN. He’s still smarting over his guy being tagged as the worst president ever. heh- He claims that he never supported that loser. But we know better, don’t we?
If those Southern States whose beaches are being drowned in gunk want to blame Obama then just roll tape:
“Drill, baby drill! Drill, baby, drill!”
Obama’s biggest mistake was to try to negotiate with this mentality.
A religious belief about flouridated water. Reid’s a senior Senator in a position to do a lot for Nevada.
Nevadans would be foolish to forget that.
#25-YLB prattles about “religious belief” failing to realize that Dingy Harry is a practicing Mormon. Attacking Angles for her religious beliefs should prove interesting-LOL!
Is this meant to be ironic?
I mean we all are forced by law to buy full coverage health insurance whether we want it or it makes sense for us or not. We are forced customers for this industry under Obamunism. And you folks have the sheer unutterable gall to say Republicans want the insurance companies in charge?
Truth can be stranger than fiction.
26 – Man, are you a dipshit.
The teabagger lady is on the record being paranoid about flouridated water.
I couldn’t care less about anyone’s religion as long as they keep it to themselves and NEVER try to impose it on me.
I would trust someone like Reid to abide by that a lot more than the flouridated water teabagger lady.
Liberals are so funny in the complete disconnection with reality. It’s like listening to the stories of a 4 year old, making things up as they go along. For them this is reality, adults know better. Unless they are liberals.
@27, Again you proudly parade your ignorance. How about you make an attempt at reading the bill itself instead of letting Beck and Rush insert ‘information’ into you via their rectal junk shot method.
No one is forced to buy insurance. You’re a liar.
Try reasoned and civil discourse. You might be surprised by the results.
The seatbelt laws were secondary offenses, at first. So was the recent intrusion into my car regarding cell phones.
Once the government gets its sticky hands on something you can bet they’ll expand their grasp.
And so you know, it doesn’t alter the point. Either way Obama gave insurance 40 million more customers. Hardly getting health care out of the hands of insurance, eh?
I thought Republicans were all about accountability. Could someone explain this
to me then?
they should pay for all costs. however, that does not mean the govt should be sitting on its hands like an inept little child.
the govt, BP, etc….should ALL be teaming up to deal with this. BP can pay for the costs later, but first everyone should be dealing with the problem.
The government is not sitting on its hands. The reality is the government does not have the technological aptitude nor the resources to fix this problem; that is the way you pro-market, small government types would have it. This disaster is not Katrina. You folks on the right, with your antiregulation, pro-drilling, government stay away views, own this puppy. She’s all yours. And, here is how the corporations you deify and claim can do everything better than government really are (hilarious, BTW):
How about the unemployed dude winning the Democrat Senate nomination in SC!
This guy is someone YLB & the rest of you HA Hobo’s can really get behind.
The Dems are demanding an investigation.
Too Damn Funny.
pl @ 34
Read the Rolling Stone article I linked to in 21. Obama and Ken Salazar may have to face the music over bending toward the “drill, baby drill” mentality in order to buy leverage with Congress.
Authorizing an all time record in offshore oil leases doesn’t speak well for this administration especially given the MMS inherited from Bush.
Can anyone confirm whether Puddy and Alvin Green are one of the same?
BP Libtardo fools?
Oh my goodness, the clueless goober arschloch goatsee has no memory!
Odumba told everyone not to go to Las Vegas moron!
It’s official, the clueless goober arschloch goatsee is this stupid everyday! The city could never recover!
Steve Steve Steve, still binging on the Stupid Solution, eh? Puddy was as calm as ever!
That’s because the caboose always speaks from his arschloch. Here are the facts. Las Vegas was big time DUMMOCRAPT, and Odumba telling everyone not to go to Vegas only hurt his peeps.
Staying stupid is the clueless goober arschloch goatsee’s personal calling.
IS Gman any of these peeps?
Uhhhhh…. WTF? Subprime lending and the housing bust had nothing to do with depression in Vegas?
Is there nothing for which you don’t blame “Odumba”?
You are one mentally FUCKED UP right winger!
Oh really?
Right here:
It says 7 out the last 10 presidential elections, NV went for the Republican.
And here
we see the Nevada Congressional Delegation leaning red since the 1980 census created another Congressional District.
At best you can say Nevada is a swing state. Nothing BIG TIME blue about it.
What an idiot!
Wait a minute.. Wait minute..
I said 2008! The housing bubble popped in 2008 even earlier!
Obama says don’t blow a wad of cash in Vegas in Feb 2010.
Chronological! Chronologically challenged!
What a fucking moron!
you are clueless…thanks for fitting the stereotype.
“Puddy was as calm as ever!”
Oh sure, you’re fine now. But that’s after I chided you about taking your meds. And you didn’t even thank me!
Good try clueless goober arschloch goatsee… You failed! Walked right into that chronological crash. You took the first link in a Google search!
Steve Steve Steve,
Puddy not on meds. How many times do you need to read this?
clueless goober arschloch goatsee… Las Vegas fool, your words…
48 FAIL!
He said it Tuesday Feb 2 2010:
The housing bubble was well into crashing the later part of 2007!
That means a lot of people had a hell of lot less money to blow in Vegas.
You lose chronologically challenged fool.
50 – Facts are facts. Nevadans vote big time red for morons like Ensign.
They voted for Republican Presidents 7 out of the last 10 times. Congressional delegation is heavily painted red since 1980.
You lose again.
Facts are facts moron. You broughtup Las Vegas
Those your words foolish clueless goober arschloch goatsee, the dumbest bick on HA. They vote blue blue blue all the time.
Oh yes here’s ABC News in 2009 idiot. He blasted people going to Las Vegas when arschloch? What…? Your database failing you AGAIN? It’s tough using it to verify how bad you lie eh?
“Puddy not on meds.”
Steve Steve Steve is on meds… Obviously… You added something to Steve’s Stupid Solution back in March and it’s affected you in the worst of ways.
Here’s a great book you’ll never find on any libtardo bookshelf…
“Flounder” ObaMao continues his struggles with Real Americans–
Friday, June 11, 2010
Even Black Americans, those who work hard & see the phoniness & destructiveness of the ObaMao Marxist Agenda, are starting to turn on the messiah.
ObaMao is left with the White Marxist Lunatics, like you KLOWNS and the Handout Krowd.
Real hard-working Americans know what ObaMao is all about.
– Norman Thomas
“Even Black Americans, those who work hard & see the phoniness & destructiveness of the ObaMao Marxist Agenda, are starting to turn on the messiah.”
The KLOWN truly loves him some black folk!
Eat shit, you racist KLOWN.
Yeah he blasted overpaid investment bankers and AIG execs who took bailout money wasting taxpayer dollars on junkets to Vegas. Wow what a scandal junk-shot!
2009 still comes after 2008!
Chronologically challenged MORON!