– People are complicated, but Michael Kelly still helped lead us into an unnecessary war.
– Margaret Thatcher has died.
– I’ve always been concerned with people who use Islamist.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– People are complicated, but Michael Kelly still helped lead us into an unnecessary war.
– Margaret Thatcher has died.
– I’ve always been concerned with people who use Islamist.
Margaret Thatcher has died at age 87.
“Rodney Tom is a dick” is redundant.
@1 Okay, I know Carl already said that, but it’s a slow news day. The stock market is down a few points (but I’m making some money anyway), and, uh, Margaret Thatcher is dead, and, um, Margaret Thatcher is dead, and …
Well, I guess I could mention that North Korea hasn’t nuked Seattle … yet … my understanding is that comes on Wednesday.
$58 a day, before taxes. $290 a week. $1,260 a month. That’s how much the federal minimum wage is, that Republicans refuse to raise. They should try living on it sometime.
Thank you, Roger, for preventing another open thread being opened by 4 or 5 posts by cheapshotBob.
Now that it’s been in Sunday’s news (Seattle Times), I can report that Boeing is shipping 787 battery containment kits and batteries to locations where the Boeing AOG Service team will install the new kits. Japan will have priority in the kit shipments, since ANA and JAL together make up almost half of the 787’s already delivered.
Boeing has promised to deliver & install the kits on all 787’s already delivered to customers before installing them on aircraft which are waiting for delivery. But Boeing is getting pressure from both airlines and corporate officers to deliver the next 787’s as soon as possible. Boeing needs to book the revenue from the 787 deliveries in order to fatten their income/cost ratios.
# 4: It looks like N. Korea is preparing to conduct another nuclear test. Perhaps Kim Il Um thought that if he rattles his sabre enough, then we won’t object if he continues his nuclear program?
On the other hand, I don’t think we have much more to take away from him as sanctions if he conducts another test. We are getting to the point where our only options are war or no war.
Down at the office had to fill out the forms
A pink one, a red one, the colours you choose,
Up to the counter to see what they think
They said it doesnt count man, it aint written in ink.
I wonder what Deathfrogg thinks about all these people his fellow Dems want to be on even footing with him as he tries to secure employment.
Fewer ‘undocumented’ people around means more tax dollars available to support Deathfrogg, right?
@ 7
787 battery containment kits
Isn’t that the same as an undrivable Fisker?
@ 8
It looks like PDK really wants a little ass-kissing from The One.
Kim Jong-un Wants Phone Call from Obama – report
Pucker up, Barack.
@ 6
Hey, Lib Sci:
According to MSNBC, your kids aren’t yours:
MSNBC Host Melissa Harris-Perry » All Your Kids Belong To Us
Ann Coulter will be suing for custody.
@ 9
When I graduate there are plenty of firms in Europe, Canada, Japan and Australia as well as right here at home that are going to be actively recruiting me. I’ve already exchanged a couple of emails with the folks at Koenigsegg.
25 years experience as a machinist + 1 year on a drilling rig + 2 years working on Porsches + BS/Manufacturing Engineering + MFA = Jobs, baby.
You capital fascists send all of our manufacturing overseas so I’ll just go where the work is. I’ll probably never look back. I’ll be sitting real pretty in a house in Belles Beach, reading the newspapers about the 30% unemployment and mass starvation going on in the former United States.
It just struck me that ‘undrivable Fisker’ @ 10
Fisker fires 75% of workforce; bankruptcy next?
is redundant.
@ 13
You capital fascists send all of our manufacturing overseas so I’ll just go where the work is.
I’m sure it will be enlightening to learn that some eastern European kid with a partial grade-school education can do it more quickly and with fewer errors than you can. Oh, and he’ll be much more mobile without that huge-ass chip on his shoulder, too.
Always look for
The union label
When you are buying
A coat, dress, or blouse……
Wisconsin public sector unions report drastic membership declines
Labor Department filings also show that Wisconsin’s AFSCME Council 48, which represents city and county workers in Milwaukee County, went from 9,043 members in 2011, to 6,046 in 2012, to just 3,498 now.
What have Margaret Thatcher and Jimmy Saville got in common?
-They both screwed miners.
Elvis Costello wrote about the Iron Lady:
When England was the whore of the world
Margeret [sic] was her madam
And the future looked as bright and as clear as
the black tarmacadam
Well I hope that she sleeps well at night, isn’t
haunted by every tiny detail
‘Cos when she held that lovely face in her hands
all she thought of was betrayal
Today, George Galloway reminded us in a tweet that was, I think, more deep-rooted than disrespectful. Probably the nicest thing I’ll ever be able to say about that asshole.
@ 18
Shouldn’t you be adding HA and all who object to coal passage through this state to that list?
Go Louisville.
In the moments immediately after Louisville guard Kevin Ware’s right leg snapped, it was virtually impossible not to recoil. A shard of bone jutted grotesquely through the skin, so players, coaches, officials and fans understandably — and uniformly — shrank back.
Except Luke Hancock. While everyone else was looking away or turning away, Hancock was going in the other direction. Hancock was the only player who immediately ran toward Ware after he crumpled, and he knelt beside his teammate and began praying with him, patting Ware’s chest over and over. He knew Ware was scared, he would say later, and he did not want his teammate to be alone.
From 4 and 8,
We should just withdraw our troops from the Korean Peninsula and get out of the local area conflict.
@ 17
Maybe this is the basis for Deathfrogg’s disdain for Thatcher:
She privatized. She cut taxes. She busted unions. As economist Scott Sumner has noted, “Britain had lagged other European economies for decades, growing far more slowly than most economies on the continent. Thatcher’s reforms were among the most comprehensive in the world.”
Just compare the real per-person GDP performance of the UK economy versus the French economy. One nation in 1979 started to again embrace markets, the other did not. Brits went from being 10% poorer than Frenchmen to being 10% richer.
To a guy who depends on there always being a government teat from which to suckle, she clearly was a threat.
Annette has died at 70. That’s Annette Funicello, in case you weren’t born in the 1950s. RIP
@6 Desperate situations call for desperate measures.
@15 “I’m sure it will be enlightening to learn that some eastern European kid with a partial grade-school education can do it more quickly and with fewer errors than you can.”
He’s going to do your brain surgery, too.
Really, Bob. Do you really think a kid with a grade-school education can replace a college-trained engineer? That seems kinda shrill, even for a screecher like you.
@19 Why would anyone vote for people who are in favor of coal, against minimum wage, and think Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher knew more about economics than Keynes?
@ 25
Do you really think a kid with a grade-school education can replace a college-trained engineer?
An incompetent, psychotic one, yes.
“To a guy who depends on there always being a government teat from which to suckle, she clearly was a threat.”
Speaking of government teat suckers, you wouldn’t be living and working on idyllic Whidbey Island without the government teat. The life you live, Bob, is entirely dependent upon government teat-sucking. Without it, there’d be about as much need for a radiology lab on Whidbey as there is for one on Blake.
“Do you really think a kid with a grade-school education can replace a college-trained engineer?”
It’s probably just an illogical extension of a quite valid conclusion he previously reached – that there’s absolutely no reason why a kid couldn’t replace a radiologist who posts on the internet all day long.
@ 28
You must mean, Steve, that I get something back for what I pay in, and for what I have been paying in, for 30-plus years.
Right, Steve? That it doesn’t all go into a black hole, but some of it comes back to me?
I would agree with that, Steve.
Did you have a point?
@ 29
a kid couldn’t replace a radiologist
In fact, that’s how they plan to make Obamacare cost-effective, Steve.
It’s not a bug. It’s a feature!
Later this month, Denver RTD will be opening the W-Line, the first light rail line built under the ambitious FasTracks expansion plan. The plan had a few snags, such as skyrocketing material costs(it was approved in 2004), and a couple light rail lines had to be converted to commuter rail because they were paralleling main line railroads.
Now some of the critics of the plan are becoming boosters.
“Did you have a point?”
Yeah, don’t play the stupe. That there’s more than a few souls living on that desolate rock is solely due to the government teat.
Gawd, these fucking Californians who move to our state, especially the islands, and then incessantly whine are a just little too fucking much at times.
Some in San Diego are upset about getting snubbed by the railroad, again. As California is on the verge of construction of the High Speed Rail line from San Francisco to Los Angeles, some noticed San Diego is left out. The Central Valley line connects the state North and South, but San Diego, which will be in Phase II, may be awhile. Right now, San Diego is connected to Los Angeles via the Pacific Surfliner, which is the old Santa Fe’ s San Diegan on steroids. I can see why the blog author below would be concerned. Besides I-5, you have the airlines, but Lindbergh Field is congested and dangerous.
@27 You can support any argument if your ASSumptions are big enough.
@ 33
Steve, if I give you $100, and you give me back $40 in service for it while distributing the other $60 to others or otherwise spending it in ways that provide me no tangible benefit, how am I sucking on your teat?
Aren’t you sucking on mine?
Gawd, gman could stroke to what I just wrote.
@10 Lessee here…”Containment” certainly has a familiar ring. Oh yeah, it’s coming back. The Vietnam war and nuclear plants.
@30 That’s exactly the point I’ve been making about Social Security to those (read: Republicans) who want to cut Social Security.
Medicare, OTOH, is a bit different story. Although I paid FICA taxes for Medicare parts A, B, and C, I never paid a time for Medicare part D, so why should I get that freebie?
Medicare part D is, of course, George W. Bush’s attempt to buy senior citizen votes with a $1 trillion gift of UNFUNDED prescription drug benefits. Part D is pure deficit, pure debt, and probably largely Chinese debt (i.e., borrowed from our Chinese friends, who someday will demand Taiwan as payment); so, if you want to cut Medicare, then cut that. Sure, I’ll lose some benefits; but, like I said above, why should I get this freebie? It’s nothing but a Republican budget boondoggle gone awry, so I’m willing to give it up.
Don’t cut the part of my Medicare that pays for radiology exams, though. I paid for that; it’s mine, and I won’t let you take it away from me without a fight. Hell, I might even need an x-ray from Bob someday, if I ever get injured in a kayak fight on Whidbey Island.
@31 If a kid can replace you, why is Medicare still paying you? You look like overpriced unskilled labor to me.
@36 Those numbers would be terrible if they were true.
The only place I know of where people pay $100 to get back $40 is the stock market. I’m taking another $1,200 from them today. According to Rabbit Math, that’s 1 rabbit vs. 20 humans ($1200 / $60 = 20 fools).
@ 38
Hell, I might even need an x-ray from Bob someday, if I ever get injured in a kayak fight on Whidbey Island.
Vessels large enough to hold your ass, RR, aren’t called kayaks. Most of them also need winches.
@36 – it’s Gman, with a capital G.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations said in a statement:
“We believe this revision is a step in the right direction and will result in fewer negative generalizations in coverage of issues related to Islam and Muslims.”
So will fewer suicide bombings, assholes.
Thatchers excuse for selling off Government assets and reducing taxes was that the taxes were too high, and the industries that were owned by the British government were costing too much money to support. Now, there are towns in the UK that have 30% unemployment, where those folks are living on the dole, and the factories that were sold off are now getting anywhere from 5 to 10 times the amount of money in direct subsidies from the Crown as they were when the Government owned interest in the businesses.
But, the object wasn’t to reduce costs to the Government, it was to reduce the tax burdens on the top income earners in the UK. Who cares if theres no work for people, as long as the biggest corporations can have their CEO’s and CFO’s taking home $40 million in untaxed bonuses every year? I suppose that if people were actually working, even in Government-owned businesses, they wouldn’t have anyone to blame for the deficits.
Every Englishman and Scotsman I know hates that fuckin corrupt national-corporatist hag and is only unhappy about the fact that she lived as long as she did. She sold out her own people so her friends could make more money off the labor of other people without having to put anything back into the system.
She was a Fascist, and damned proud of it.
44) Sounds like something similar that happened at British Rail,although that went through under Major. The subsidies are higher today, despite privatization.
“Every Englishman and Scotsman I know hates that fuckin corrupt national-corporatist hag and is only unhappy about the fact that she lived as long as she did.”
So how did they subsequently wind up with Bush’s bag man followed by the Knight of the Woeful Countenance, then the austeritorian dirtbag they’ve got now? There can’t be that be that many fools in Wales…can there?
@42 My ass isn’t nearly as big as your ASSumptions.
Maggie Thatcher legacy
before 13% unemployed ylbs
after 5% unemployed ylbs
Nuff said!
No more than Harry Reid. And he affects more Americans.
Been busy ‘job creating’ and bitching to those who “can-do” to stop the Kenyan-Mooslem-Soshuuleest President from becoming the first Democratic president to cut Social Security, but I’m going to comment on the passing of Thatcher.
First, let us not forget that Lady yes! she’s a royal! Thatcher’s passing is a sad event for her family.
Also, no matter one’s views of her politics one must admire her abilities as a career politician. She ranks at the top of that class.
That said, Lady Thatcher was a disaster for the United Kingdom, Ireland, Western Europe (EU) and the Americas.
Being convincing while wrong is certainly interesting, but it does not change the fact of wrongness . . .no matter the luck one encounters along the way.
Lady Thatcher, like her US counterpart President Reagan, conveniently forgot the help society gave her when she and her family encountered tough times and spent her political career burning the bridges she used so as to deny opportunities for others. I believe she meant well, but she brought hell.
Don’t believe me. Ask “Harry Potter” author and global mega success, JK Rowling.
An almost nice commentary from @51. So @51, do you agree with the nastiness of your fellow libtards against Lady Thatcher?
@52 Uncle Puddles – welcome back you ignorant troll!
No time to read bro.
@44 “So will fewer suicide bombings, assholes.”
Are bombs more respectable if they’re dropped from F-16s and B-1s on countries that haven’t threatened or attacked us?
A Palestinian ex-pat once told me a “suicide bomb is a poor man’s F-16.”
An Armed Society Is A Polite Society Dep’t
“A pistol in the hands of a 4-year-old boy went off during a weekend cookout, killing the wife of a Tennessee sheriff’s deputy who was showing his guns to a relative, state police said Monday.”
That’s gotta hurt…
How do you know someone is an ASShole? They have a show on MSNBC. Be sure to click the embedded links!
@57 Yeah, I agree, Thatcher’s reputation isn’t exactly enhanced by Gorbachev’s endorsement; it does hurt.
Inasmuch as Gorbachev has somehow acquired an image in the West of being some sort of a cuddly teddy bear commie, let me set the record straight about this guy.
It’s true he wasn’t Stalin, and I suppose that’s something, but that’s about all he’s got going for him, and if that’s your criterion for judging the guy, all I can say is it’s a pretty low bar.
Gorbachev didn’t send Soviet troops into Afghanistan. Brezhnev did that. And Gorbachev pulled them out. But before he did, he gave the Soviet generals one year — and a free hand — to try to win the war. This was in 1986, the year of the heaviest fighting, highest casualties, and most vicious atrocities. Gorbachev was in charge of the Soviet military when the Soviet military committed genocide in Afghanistan. More than half of the country’s 28,000 villages were burned or razed.
A million Afghans were killed and millions more driven into exile. Remember Lidice, the Nazi atrocity? The Soviet 40th Army, under Gorbachev’s rule, committed dozens of Lidices in Afghanistan where entire communities were systematically butchered. Not as one-offs by out-of-control troops, like My Lai, but as a matter of policy. Gorbachev presided over a brutal war policy whose aim was to depopulate an entire country. Notwithstanding the image created for him by the Western media, he is a monster and a war criminal.
So, you can take his endorsement and shove it. That’s like being endorsed by Idi Amin or Pol Pot. Thatcher said she could “do business” with this guy. Neville Chamberlain said the same thing about Adolf Hitler. Fucking Brits, you just can’t trust ’em in a crunch. It’s a good thing we ran them out of North America and set up our own government
Republicans have already lost the 2016 election.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m looking forward to the Obama-haters having to live with President Hillary for eight years. It’s gonna be tons of fun!!!
From 60,
I predict that if the Democrats run Hillary Clinton in 2016, the Republicans will win the White House.
I’m neutral as to whether a Democrat or Republican wins because I don’t particularly care for either party.
@59 Interesting how the righties excoriate “Gorby” until he says something nice about one of their own.
“An armed society is a polite society”
You mean like this?
(Wait until the end…)
@ 63
Much better version that isn’t pixelated to shit.
Normally people speak good of the dead, but I am amazed at how many British are coming out and talking in great length about how they despised Margret Thatcher’s politics and are adamant that she destroyed part of what was good and fair about the UK and how destructive her politics were to the non rich.
You mean the nastiest leftist libtard British. Kinda reminds Puddy of Fraggy’s OWS friends.
65) Wonder if that is why one member of the British Commonwealth has had more women Prime Ministers than the UK. New Zealand has had 2, from the center-right National party, and 1 from the center-left Labor party. The latter, former Prime Minister Helen Clark, was described by some in the NZ media as making Margaret Thatcher seem like Mary Poppins and Hillary Clinton look like Mother Teresa. New Zealand has a different system, with a little over half elected by single member districts, the other half elected by proportional representation. The latter tends to elect more women.
@61 “I predict that if the Democrats run Hillary Clinton in 2016, the Republicans will win the White House.”
Only if Karl Rove figures out a new way to rig the vote.
@65 Yes, it’s striking how angry working-class Britons are at her on the occasion of her passing. The last time we saw crowds celebrate someone’s death was when Osama bin Laden was killed. I’m not suggesting there’s a comparison, I would argue there’s not, but I don’t begin to understand British politics. There’s something unsettling about the “celebrations” of Thatcher’s death in that country.