Remember “my other opponent, the incumbent”? BAD TOO
“I was robbed”..
“Vote for me..”
How’s that Drill, Baby, Drill thingy workin’ out fer ya teabaggers on the Redneck Riviera?
Now they’re all bitchin’ cause Obama ain’t be doin’ enough to stop the leak!!
Too Damn Funny!
Remember what your false God said: “Government isn’t the solution; Government is the problem.”
Now you want the gummint to step in and take care of everything after the Reagan Republicans deregulated everything and let Big Oil be in charge of Big Oil on what little regulations were left.
Betcha wanna know what they talked about in Cheney’s secret energy task force meeting now!!
You FUCKING morons!!
And yet, you still want to keep electing the criminals who royally fucked up America.
No wonder I think of you as the enemy within; the American teabagger Taliban. bin Laden’s useful idiots.
America — founded by Liberals for everyone. Even though the other half always wants to kill the Golden Goose.
Enjoy your oil soaked beaches along the Redneck Riviera. Say goodbye to decades of tourism, sandy white beaches, sport fishing, crabbing, shrimping and a way of life for Drill, Baby, Drill!!!! While Republicans gave away billions and billions of tax payer dollars in subsidies to Big Oil and capped their damages at $75 million.
LMFAO at the stupid people called Reagan Republican conservatives.
Y’all keeping up on the “America Speaking Out” fiasco? Seems the Republicans got a lot of suggestions they didn’t like, so they’ve wiped the entire site clean and started over. Guess they don’t really want to know what Americans think, after all.
Betcha wanna know what they talked about in Cheney’s secret energy task force meeting now!!
You FUCKING morons!!
As always, GBS says it best with the right amount of “emphasis”..
Heh.. Kewl…
@6: thanks for the link
That is a riot. Republicans trolls sound like the idiots we have on HA. Ignorant, rampaging, mad as hell but too stupid to understand what they are mad about.
Check out this quote from the second article:
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who created the program, said that to get software for the site, “I personally traveled to Washington state and discovered a Microsoft program that helped NASA map the moon.”
Using lunar software is appropriate, because the early responses to the Republicans’ request for ideas are pretty far out:
“End Child Labor Laws,” suggests one helpful participant. “We coddle children too much. They need to spend their youth in the factories.”
“How about if Congress actually do thier job and VET or Usurper in Chief, Obama is NOT a Natural Born Citizen in any way,” recommends another. “That fake so called birth certificate is useless.”
“A ‘teacher’ told my child in class that dolphins were mammals and not fish!” a third complains. “And the same thing about whales! We need TRADITIONAL VALUES in all areas of education. If it swims in the water, it is a FISH. Period! End of Story.”
Birthers, fools and science deniers who don’t even believe in dolphins.
Yup, that is the modern republican party. the party of the severely brain damaged, the racists, the deniers, the fools or the defenders of the corporate elites.
What a collection of malcontents, know-nothings and hypocrites. No wonder they sycophantically follow Glen Beck and Sarah Palin.
Josef (aka Vote Dino, Get Marummy Too)spews:
Can you imagine what it’d be like in 2011…
US Senator Dino Rossi and, and
US Senator Maria Cantwell versus Mary Lane Strow?
Man, I’d vote for Rossi just to get pay-per-view-of-punch of that fight!
12 – Josef back in the other thread I said some sympathetic things about you but now we’re going to be living together in these threads till November..
So while you continue in your blind Rossi partisanship fueled by your infatuation for a married woman, I’ll do my to best to just pretend you’re not here..
I don’t like the feeling of motion sickness it you take my meaning..
Dr. Drespews:
hey everyone..keep voting D so Racist Tenderhands YLBleeder can sit at home and collect unemployment while working on his HA “database”….lol
Josef (aka Vote Dino, Get Marummy Too)spews:
@15 Enjoy the motion sickness circus.
Thank you Dino Rossi.
Did you catch me on KTTH?
Hey, did anybody catch the view count over at YouTube for Helmet-Hair-Hamlet’s big announcement?
Helmet-Hair-Hamlet is in deep trouble.
For an operation that supposedly brings the greatest experience in state wide elections for the Republicans, this long awaited launch has to be one of the most ridiculous amateur hour duds ever.
Not only couldn’t they round up 1,000 supporters and stuff them in a venue sized for 500 for the Campaign Launch 101 Photo Op, they can’t launch the video on time, nor round up a few people to push the view count.
In any event, if you are amped up and need to sleep, spend 5 minutes and 17 seconds listening to our Helmet-Hair-Hamlet and help push his view count. Surely after watching it Diddler will sleep just a little bit better.
Whatever criticism you have of Rossi, nothing is worse than Obama’s 13 trillion deficit. Come on folks be selfish; do you want to spend yourself into poverty?
Gov’t overspend will hurt all of us; worse homes, older cars, less money to keep.
Think Argentina, Weimar Republic.
All Bad!
headless lucyspews:
re 20: There you go again.
proud leftistspews:
My dear fellow HAers, months have passed since we last identified a winner of the Troll of the Week Award (aka The Golden Goat). The unfortunate result is that some remarkably laudable acts of troll lunacy have received no laurels, no appreciation, no recognition at all. On behalf of all the members of the Academy, I’d like to apologize for our absence. Between hiding from creditors or ex-lovers, nasty custody battles, 24/7 bouts with drunkenness, and too many other unfortunate encounters with existential reality, we simply have not been able to rouse a quorum of the Academy’s members to make an award. More than anything, I’d like to apologize to our trolls. Despite no reward for their splendid and inspired efforts, for months they’ve been out there leaving blood on the ideological battlefield, scrumming and scuffing with each other to try to be the most daunting foe of reality in the service of insane partisanship. I would ask you trolls for understanding and forgiveness for ignoring you, but, naturally, neither understanding nor forgiveness are in your playbook.
Because of the time that has elapsed since the Goat was last given, it might be helpful to again set out the criteria which a number of HAers have identified in the past as instructive to picking a winner. Examples of such criteria include: abhorrence of logic; failure to think beyond the simplistic (classic troll example: we’ve had a cool spring, so global warming is a hoax); interchangeably using both “socialist” and “fascist” to describe anything that Obama might do; blaming Obama for Bush’s fuck-ups, like saying he now owns our country’s recession; failure to ever recognize either humor or sarcasm; a propensity to weep along with Glenn Beck; treating rules of grammar and punctuation like hostile forces; rambling incoherence that precludes meaningful dialogue; a refusal to condemn anyone on the same side no matter how ridiculous or offensive the position espoused; recognition of Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann as intellectual leaders; and, simply, never adding anything of value to the discourse. Again, however, remember that while such criteria are helpful and lend some objectivity to the selection process, ultimately the determining factor is more intuitive—to paraphrase Justice Potter Stewart’s definition of pornography, we know true trollness when we see it.
Over the past few months, I have many times choked up and spilled tears when I have read posts from our trolls’ posts that show how remote reality has become for them. I want to pat them on their backs, say “now, now, it’ll be alright, let’s sit down with some hot cocoa and try to reason together.” I know, however, that my empathy for the lost souls, my compulsion to lead them to the light, would likely just result in distrustful sneers. Leftists, after all, can never be trusted, even when they are actually throwing a lifeline to a drowning wingnut. Sadly, it is so hard to identify how to best extend a helping hand to the trolls for whom we want only the best.
As always, Puddy and Cynical routinely still pop in with their repetitive, unreflective whackery. Mark1, Troll, and John425 regularly appear with their buffoonish bullshit. For good or evil, manoftruth and Josef look like they’ve returned to our blessed threads. All of these folks, and all of those trolls who I just don’t care to name, are deserving always of being honored for their wild wingnuttery. This week, however, we must honor someone who has not yet been honored, unless he is currently sock puppeting, with this most esteemed award.
This week’s winner appears confident that we want to hear him on every topic, every thread; he is sure we all thirst for his opinion. His posts incorporate the usual misspellings, blended with tortured grammar and punctuation, all the while wanting, surely, to make English our official language. Or, at least, he wants to beat up on immigrants. His posts are never long, never contemplative. Of course, contemplation is not something the unreflective can do. This fella, trust me, is not reflective. He is a drive-by shooter, who thinks that policy arguments are won by insults, innuendo, and inanity. I must stop. An award must be given.
And, the Goat goes to—
Dr. Dre. Hey, man, you did it. Do a little jig, then, go flog your log, or whatever it is wingnuts like you do to celebrate good fortune. Picture this, Dude: Dr. Dre’s plaque hung up on the Wingnut Hall of Fame with those of Puddy, Cynical, manoftruth, Little Ricky Dumbass, and the other esteemed past winners of the Golden Goat. Dr. Dre, you did it. Confuckinggratulations.
Dr. Drespews:
More everyday fun and frolicking from the religion of peace…..Islam, aint it quaint?
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
How’s that Drill, Baby, Drill thingy workin’ out fer ya teabaggers on the Redneck Riviera?
Been asleep Rip Van Winkle GBS? Maybe you should ask Odumba who took many campaign large from BP, his Minerals and Mining peeps approved the system in 2009 that blew up in April and then Odumba approved another waiver for BP May 7, 2010.
Ask the goatsee for the original PuddyLinks in his “vaulted” HA Database!
Can you say collusion with BP?
Dr. Drespews:
@22…me thinks you take HA a tad too seriously.
Honestly geek, go out and get some pussy – you will really feel better.
but hey, thanks for the kind thoughts – its nice to know you are thinking about me when I am not around….and in reality, the fact that you obsess over me means one thing: I WIN…and you lose.
Rand Paulspews:
Where do you get 13 trillion? Gwb created 6.2 trillion of it you fucking moron.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Vicariously living on GBS’ Rip Van Winkle sleeping comments proves how stupid you are. GBS has libtardo disease. He forgot Odumba likes BP and that’s why the tepid response. Puddy already gave your database goatsee links you can replay for GBS so he wakes up and sees Odumba’s “visible hand” in this sorry of an act play.
Well everyone knows the goatsee is a dumb brick moron!
19: Sooner or later, someone from Rossi’s camp is going to realize his You Tube’s views are low, and they are going to assign a few lowly staff persons to click on it a few thousand times and hour. Then when the count goes up, they are going to issue a press release accusing others who used the previous low count of lying.
Rand Paulspews:
@22 – a classic. Way to go.
@22 As always, Puddy and Cynical routinely still pop in with their repetitive, unreflective whackery
And it took a 1000 words of mind-numbing blather to get to this part . . .
@22, The Leftist who is Proud said:
Dr. Dre. Hey, man, you did it. Do a little jig, then, go flog your log, or whatever it is wingnuts like you do to celebrate good fortune.
They fuck goats, dude. Disturbingly banal troll behavior, but there it is.
BTW: righteous G-Goat post. I heartily concur!
Dr. Drespews:
@31….looks zitz, just because that burned-out ex-hippie skank you call a wife looks like a goat, doesnt mean that other people like goats…
Bigot Lobotomy @25 would ruin the reputation of even the Goat award.
Really, only a few trolls in the history of this message board have exceeded this craphead.
Dr. Drespews:
@33…turning tricks yet YLB? or you still making the wife do all the work?
ya, thats what I thought…
Roger Rabbitspews:
Cop Killers Were Anti-Government Extremists
News source say a man and his 16-year-old son who murdered two Arkansas cops, and later were killed in a WalMart parking lot, were anti-government extremists.
Rightwing anti-government hate talk does, in fact, cost innocent lives.
Fiends like you and he.. well.. I’ll just leave you to your own dark compulsions.. It’ll catch up with you eventually. Just like it did with these guys:
Any one of which would have made a splash on the Monson show back in the day when those things were kept under wraps..
I take it from the screams and thrashing hereabouts that Dreg’s goat is apparently fucking him.
Some, ahem, goattoral bleating confirmed Dre’s dire straits:
Who’s your da-a-a-a-a-ddy, Dre!? That’s right! I’m your da-a-a-a-a-ddy, bitch!!
Poor Dre!
Rightwing anti-government hate talk does, in fact, cost innocent lives.
The difference, old man, is that you left-wingers prefer to have the government do your killing for you – in large fucking wholesale lots!
Christine was never a very good campaigner and I dont think Dino has a clue what a national-based campaign is really like.
@ 38
Heh, and who was it that falsified evidence to go to war in Iraq again?
I don’t know the answer to that any more than you do. One can speculate, but that’s all it is.
proud leftistspews:
Dr. Dre,
I would think that you could be a little more gracious about receiving the honor that has been bestowed upon you. You’re at the top of the wingnut world today. A simple “thank you” would suffice. Oh, okay, and a little speech about all the friends and relatives who helped you achieve such a high honor. C’mon, man, step up!
Pumping the number may sound deceitful, but it is expected. Failing to either understand that or execute it is indicative of a fundamental lack of understanding of what is required.
Goldy’s earlier post of the funding mountain Helmet-Hair-Hamlet must climb provides one view. Goldy applied some straight line analysis of what is required, but these things never move in a straight line. Each day the enthusiasm wanes, the steeper the curve to be climbed the following day.
Helmet-Hair-Hamlet’s dithering has exacerbated his funding dilemma exponentially. Even a two-time loser only gets one chance to make a first impression.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Odumba has a Boxer fundraiser at the Getty Mansion…
Getty = BIG OIL. Got that zero sum game headless lucy? $17,000 a head. WHen DUMMOCRAPTS need money they go to filthy rich DUMMCRAPTS and BIG OIL!
Don’t tell Puddy about nuthin regarding rich fucking DUMMOCRAPTS and their dealing with BIL OIL!
Read the comments FOOLS!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Odumba Disciple John Brennan doesn’t call Jerusalem Jerusalem… he calls it Al Quds first – the Muslim name. Now why would he do that unless it was a blessed remark from on high?
An you Jewish fools march lock high steppin with this Israel hating administration.
“And, in all my travels the city I have come to love most is al-Quds, Jerusalem where three great faiths come together.”
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, AKA the Al Quds Force
This administration is becoming more interesting each day and Proud Goatist is worried about his goat looking for someone else!
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 46
Don’t be a sore loser, man. As a two-time winner of the Golden Goat, you should be man enough to extend your congratulations to Dr. Dre. You can do it, Pud, I know you can do it.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
All you leftist fools scream about Tea Party people doing violent acts when the real evidence is leftist pinhead unions planning the riotous acts.
Remember union thugs attacked a black man last year in the mid west. They also attacked a union meeting in Michigan. Ask the goatsee for the original PuddyLinks from the goatsee HA copied home goatsee database.
Of course fools like Zitz and the goatsee have issues with facts.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Dr Dre…
Puddy owns goatsee@36. The goatsee really loses it when someone reminds him of turning tricks.
@48 Zitz and the goatsee have issues with facts
As I recall Zotz also had issues with Emily the other day when she threatened to kick his and YLB’s butt at DL if they showed. Not surprisingly, Zotz’s car wouldn’t start that day and YLB had a prior engagement, namely to get his 10 year database project to work correctly.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Proud Goatist,
Sore loser? You are a moronic self-centered fool. A real purveyor of bestiality. What does God say about that Proud Goatist, since you claim to be spawned from a preacher man? And of course Zitz is right there expressing his jealousy as he dreams of goat sex!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
Thanks for the laugh!
@44, FTW!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
More thoughts of the day.
Libtardos say no to wind farms in marshlands in Texas.
Libtardos say no to Atlantic ocean wind farms off the coast Martha’s Vineyard.
Libtardos say no to nuclear energy.
Libtardos say no to off-shore shallow water drilling.
Libtardos say no to on shore drilling.
Libtardos say no to hydroelectric dams on rivers.
Libtardos say they can drive their big tour buses for band shows and political activities as long as the little peeps ride their bikes to cover their usage.
Libtardos say they have a right to fly in their private jets when they arrive to scream and shout regarding global warming.
And you wonder why peeps are getting fed up with libtardos?
Dr. Drespews:
Dr Dre says “thanks the for the award PL”, as he bounces his sack of PL’s wife’s chin..
I wanted my brothers’ wives and my new bride to sing this song at our wedding reception, but they wouldn’t do it. Puddy, do you ever have a sense of humor?
namely to get his 10 year database project to work correctly.
Hmmm. The project is on HA trolls. HA’s only been around since May 2004?
And the first post on my blog is when? July 2007? Hit squad troll flunks arithmetic! I’ve always thought hit squad trolls were dumb but that’s really dumb..
Course all this flies right over Stupes’ head. Yuk, yuk, yuk…
Yawwwnnn… Kind of getting bored with all this dumbassery…
Yep, the engagement is avoiding mean-spirited, dumbass trolls.
I.E. – having a life!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Puddy writes purposely. That’s why your name has changed from clueless gooberfool, to yelling loser boy, to arschloch to goatsee. Each name has been thoughtfully and carefully considered. You on the other hand have to change the topic, deflect the conversation, and circlejerk the debate cuz you are a dumb brick. Turning tricks was one of many jabs at you and your losing family.
Now knowing your son has different political aspirations and your brother actually has a brain, it proves to all here how much of a monomaniacal chronologically challenged dumb brick goatsee moron you are. Puddy owns you.
Pavlov sez bark.
Pavlov sez run to the database.
Pavlov sez useless doggie.
You had nothing. You have nothing and in the future you’ll still be nothing.
Regarding having a life…
Who spends all day fiddling with 5+ year old commentary on someone else’s blog? – YOU
Who comments on HA 24 hrs a day? – YOU
Who brags about his findings in his personal HA database archive? – YOU
Who rushes back into his personal HA database archive and tries to attack others with monomaniacal chronologically challenged commentary? – YOU
The prosecution rests your honor! The goatsee once again damages his argument with his own actions!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Proud Goatist,
Puddy has a great sense of humor. Puddy don’t aspire to bestiality. Why do you? There’s no hope for Zitz!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Another Democrat is big trouble requiring lots of money to hold his Senate Seat–
Rare is the day when I read the comments of our resident trolls and I am not reminded of Don Pedro’s comment about Dogberry: “This learned constable is too cunning to be understood.”
Imagine being in Rossi’s shoes. Waiting for the next slimy deal, and corrupt “financier” to be uncovered. No wonder he waited so long. The more time we have to look at his “deals” the smaller his chance of being elected. Not that his chances of half wit, insane tea baggers putting him over the top were all that great.
Isn’t it kinda funny how they want less government regulations, but when we have a huge disaster they are screaming for the government to come clean up some “corporation’s” mess. What do these folks smoke anyway?
After all, has Patty Murray picked you in the draft? You know, the political version of the NFL draft?
@71 I’ll have to fix my CPU audio. But I’ve been meaning to do that anyway. I’ve been pronouncing it in my head as “Mah-roomy”. Reading something on your link, I take it that it’s actually “Mah-rummy”. Sorry. My bad.
Now knowing your son has different political aspirations and your brother actually has a brain,
Yawwwwnnn.. I said my son has a “temperament”.. He’s only a freaking middle schooler.. Politics is not a priority at this time him. What a shithead you are Stupes..
And brother? Where’d you get that foolishness?
Turning tricks was one of many jabs at you and your losing family.
Jab? At my family? Heh. You wish. I’m sure Bigot Lobotomy would be overjoyed now to introduce the likes of you to his family. One of these days I’ll highly recommend the salient posts of yours.
The only purpose I can see is to assuage the pain of a wounded psyche.. With right wing fantasies and name-calling.
Your church can’t do that for you can it? Oh well, I forget sometimes that many churches preach all the time about the life eternal after your brief time is finished while passing the hat by you in this life.
I haven’t met Rossi, so I wouldn’t know, but I can’t imagine he thinks he has a shot. So why would he subject himself to the pain and humiliation? Power? Money? Ego?
I assume he’s pulling a Giuliani (figured out a scam to fleece his supporters).
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wingnut Solution To Youth Unemployment: Cut Wages!
A congressional report released yesterday says the unemployment rate among 16 to 24 year old workers has reached an all-time high since data collection began in 1947.
Predictably, a spokesman for the rightwing Heritage Foundation think tank argued for rolling back the youth minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $5.15 an hour.
What a bunch of assholes. Why would anyone vote for these people?
This one’s for correctnotright, a Democrat so dumb he must have been kicked in the head by a Democrat donkey. My thoughts about Salatin’s good book are an attempt, probably futile, to reintroduce cnr to the real world where regulation is as inefficient as market failure. In cnr’s weirdoworld, benevolent liberal regs rush in like magic to save the day. In the real world of Obama/cnr regulation …
(What is it with Obama’s cnr regulators and porn? First it was the SEC, during a little of Bush and a lot of Obama, downloading the buzz while the economic world was, um, downmelting. Now its Obama’s regulators who, during breaks in the Hot XXX Action, were granting categorical exclustions to BP. Sirota, in case you haven’t heard, is one of the Nazis at Blethen’s Seattle Nazi Times. Sirota used to work for Nazi Socialist Bernie Sanders.)
So, as a corrective to cnr’s brain-damaged infatuation with Big Govt regulation, his blind faith in the Democrat bureaucrat Goldycrat statist state, heeeeere’s Joel Salatin:
Michael Pollan mentions Salatin’s book, Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal, in the current issue of NY Review. Had low hopes for the book because of the author’s cameo appearances in Pollan’s Omnivore’s Dilemma and a Pollan-centric movie, Food, Inc. Salatin’s the geek in the big ugly hat who’s hangin’ with the hogs.
I assumed he was a slightly transgressive (radical Christian libertarian environmentalist?) variant of Pollan and Lappe and Lappe and Richardson and Waters and Schlosser. Just another hayseed elitist, in other words, who learned his farming at Chez Panisse.
Salatin and his family, including his parents and homeschooled kids, learned farming on the farm. He and his family know that family farming is the riskiest of risky businesses. The game is rigged, he writes, by the Big Government-Big Business Complex to make things so complex for small business that it can’t compete with big business and it can’t comply with the quagmire of regulatory lunacy that seems to have come from conspiracy and collusion. The regulatory game is rigged against small business in general and small family farms in particular. The regulatory quagmire seems designed to defy the alleged goals (food safety, for example) of compliance. Regulatory quagmires are where small farms go to die.
The regulatory state is the crown of liberal creation. Salatin’s book, from cover to cover, is a ground-level examination of the dents in the crown. His writing has ground-level immediacy. It was written by someone who sees life below the ground, down where the grass roots are, and who has tried to make a living from dirt and grass. Salatin’s book has the immediacy of being written by someone who sees life and work from the life-and-death end of the food chain.
There’s no Pollan/Lappe artifice in Salatin’s writing, no sense that we’re being manipulated by more-or-less careful constructions of words, of books built for causes and effect. Salatin writes as if he weren’t writing. From first page to last he seems to be sitting next to us. Sometimes he’s on the edge of his chair with passionate intensity, sometimes he’s bitter and bewildered, usually he’s carried along in his story by hard-won humor. But always his sharp-edged intelligence and honesty quietly command our attention.
You’ll be changed by this book, by the author’s sharp intelligence. Depending on where you sit — Chez Panisse? USDA? Cargill? Friends of NPR? — you’ll be persuaded (his call for getting rid of child-labor regs won’t sell) or you won’t. But you won’t be the same.
Don’t know if Salatin drinks tea at Tea Parties, but he seems to have caught the wave before it began. He’s an insurgent. His is the clearest voice calling in a government-choked wilderness that too much of government and business is a game. That the game is rigged. And that the game is unsustainable.
Maynard G. Krebsspews:
cnr is thick as an Issaquah brick, the brick they used to beat in the head of a “rapist,” but at least cnr isn’t Rabbit. (And tell the liberal scientist moron that I DON’T BRAKE FOR RODENT looks way better on my bumper sticker than I DON’T BRAKE FOR LAGOMORPH.)
Rodent Rabbit tells us that Obama and Keynes saved us. We thought that Keynes was finally put six feet under when Jimmy Carter gave us the trifecta, double-digit unemployment, double-digit interest rates, double-digit inflation.
That kind of harmonic convergence was not supposed to happen in Keynes World. But according to our wicked old liberal rodent lawyer, Keynes pulled us back from the recent brink of meltdown.
Maybe. Maybe GWB and Paulson, using Keynesian TARP, spent us away from the edge of ruin. Maybe, as GWB implied at the time, he had to use socialism to save capitalism, which is also how FDR justified his manic New Deal.
Perhaps, as we baggers believe, GWB should have dealt with economic catastrophe by going way back to 1921, not FDR’s 1933. In 1921, depression was apparently averted by doing nothing beyond letting markets sort themselves out. Hard to say how the 1921 analogy would have held up in September 2008.
But this much we know: we know that FDR, allegedly Keynesian, was baffled and bewildered by Keynes. FDR believed in balanced budgets and cutting government spending. He said so in 1932 and 1937.
We also know that even if Keynesianism worked in the short run by priming a rusted pump with a greased flood of dollars, it wasn’t supposed to be perpetual. The flood spigot was supposed to be turned off.
What we’ve had since 1933 is all Keynes almost all the time … almost 80 years of “free” lunch with the bill coming due because too many of us are getting too old. In the long run we’ll all be dead and it won’t matter. But in the real world, here and now, Keynes World (we are not worthy!) is coming apart because we’re in 24/7 crisis mode and the flood never ends.
proud leftistspews:
I think ego is the biggest element in Rossi’s deciding to run. For 6 months, he gets to bask in the adulation that Rs bestow lavishly on him. He feeds on that shit. So, even if he loses, during the campaign he gets to be King Shit on Turd Island. Plus, after losing, he gets to use all his campaign connections to pile up dough. Not a bad gig, I guess.
You rail on me for being Rip Van Winkle, then tell YLB to get a life for posting too much while you yourself post probably 4-5 days per week.
How do you merge the hypocrisy in your mind?
I’m not going to dive into policy details of why BP got the environmental waivers, that policy came as a result of the Bush/Reagan Republican era. Do your own homework.
Hey, ask your wife if she’ll give you a $1,000 to bet on Rossi.
Fuck, I started laughing my ass off before I finished typing that question. Because you know and I know, and so, too, does everyone else, you’re going to come up with a shit load of excuses why your wife won’t let you have $1,000 of your own money.
C’mon, prove you da man of the house, plunk down a cool “G” on Rossi.
Nothing like wagering big money to find out who’s right, who’s wrong and who’s the man of their domain.
BTW, I noticed not one other conservative took me up on my wager to bet a grand on Rossi.
Looks like each and every single one of them are pussy-whipped, dominated femmies who have to ask their wifey or mommy if they can have some money.
NONE of you have the BALLS to even contemplate asking the “woMAN” of the house for 10 bucks let alone a grand.
Go ahead, any of you so called “rich” republicans who rail on YLB all the time about not having a job – MAN UP – make the bet.
Oh, and that’s not a “carry all” slung on your shoulder; it’s your wife’s FUCKING PURSE!!
I bet your women make you sit to take a piss in your own house AND in public when you’re “shopping” together.
Sorry, I know you guys aren’t allowed to call it a “piss” that’s man talk.
What do your women make you call taking a piss? T.T.? Wee Wee? Sprinkles? Hmmmmm . . . what is it? What’s your “special” word for taking a piss?
No cash, no bet, no balls. No WONDER you guys are angry.
Then there’s GBS, an even thicker brick than cnr. Have given up trying to set GBS straight (he’s the most twisted thick brick we’ve got) about church/state and Reagan, so we’ll just have to refight the Big One, WWII. But not today.
For everybody else, remember that Reagan — alleged enemy of government — salvaged government. We were coming apart from five more-or-less failed and flailing presidents. JFK and Ford were lesser failures; LBJ and Nixon were big-time failures.
But Carter’s failure was a stain and stench so toxic that, it seemed, even the Ty-D Bowl Man couldn’t scrub him out. But Reagan did. Reagan vindicated our experiment with government. When Carter seemed to show that the experiment had failed and that the modern presidency was more than anybody could handle, Reagan made government work again. Savor the irony.
Huh? You mean “drill baby drill”? That’s Obama “reaching out” to right wingers in most the Reaganesque of ways – getting government “out of the way”. You’d think even Horowitz would approve if he’d just take off the Ayers/Dorn goggles.
Poor Obama. Can never win with these guys. Not that he should even try.
when Jimmy Carter gave us the trifecta, double-digit unemployment, double-digit interest rates, double-digit inflation.
Grooan.. The vitriol on Carter.. No rational basis whatsoever.. As the roots of the economic trouble were sown much earlier..
It’s all over Israel isn’t it Mr “Irgun”?
Don Joespews:
@ 84
Good question!
I presume you’re being facetious. Republicans think it’s perfectly OK to line the pockets of their already wealthy friends under the pretext that they can actually make our borders “secure”.
It’s a common right-wing scam: convince people to be afraid of something, and extort money from them by claiming an ability to keep people safe from this latest bogey man, all the while doing jack shit to actually keep people safe.
To be fair, the are two kinds of Republicans: the truly evil shits who think up these scams, and the gullible dweebs who play along, because they’re too stupid to figure out that it’s all just a scam. The only real question is, into which category does Dr. Dead-brain fall?
Ubu Roispews:
King Shit on Turd Island
Always count on pukebucket leftist, son of a preacher man, to let his little light shine. Praise God. (No, sj, not you.)
Rossi’s greatest hit was his final debate with “Governor” Gargoyle in 2008. While he mildly defended his balancing of the budget in 2003, GG defended her leadership of 2008 by snarling, There Is NO Deficit, Dino.
All depends on what the meaning of Is is. And what NO is. And what Deficit is.
Word-twisting lawyers. Lawyers like Christine, proud leftist, and Rabbit Rodent. Can’t live with ’em. Can’t feed ’em to the pigs.
I find it really funny that right wingers are blaming Obama for cutting government red tape for the oil industry.
Even Bobby Jindal holds BP at fault.
Don Joespews:
@ 92
Kindly note the date on that article.
What, you expect the guy who personifies Ian Anderson’s character to understand something as complicated as a time-line? “Chronology” has more than three syllables in it.
twisted sistaspews:
can never win with these guys
Excellent summation of what you prove here day after day, minute after minute. YLB can’t win.
He can’t win against Brother Puddy with facts. He can’t win against Brother Puddy with reason.
YLB can’t win. Sort of like Jimmy Carter that way, but hey! Look on the bright side. Like Jimmy Carter, I have lust in my heart for sista YLB … we’re a very close family, when we’re not fighting here.
He can’t win against Brother Puddy with facts. He can’t win against Brother Puddy with reason.
Who can rationally conclude that what Stupes does here is about facts and reason?
dj: chronologically challenged after all these yearsspews:
Not to Don Joe, who sounds way more like Jethro Bodine than Jethro Tull: has six (!) syllables, more or less. Is that more that you can handle?
So let’s get our chronology up to date:
The first (second) oil spill head rolls: Obama “fires” MMS head; Update: Obama assails dumb Americans for failing to appreciate his rescue efforts, whiffs on MMS questions
By Michelle Malkin • May 27, 2010 10:49 AM
dj: chronologically challenged after all these yearsspews:
@99: Moi. Especially compared to you. Did you roll out of the rack at the crack of noon to collect your pukebucket leftist award?
YLB: Still loco after all these yearsspews:
Way up the thread we’ve got GBS opening the betting pool on Dino. Here’s something better: Did Joe Sixpack lie to the voters of PA? Or did an Obamunist commit a felony?
This Joe Sestak/Obama White House job mess does have legs. The public and the media are not buying the White House’s self-cleansing, self-serving explanation that everything was appropriate, just move along.
The issue of what Democrat Sestak was offered by an Obama aide to drop out of his ultimately successful Pennsylvania Senate primary challenge …
Either. Or. Which horn of the dilemma makes you horny today, DJ? Sister? GBS? Anybody?
(Not to Don Joe = Note to Don Joe. Either way, screw it.)
101 – Yawwwwwnnn. Quite a bit earlier than that actually.
HNMT, PL has never awarded the Goat to you..
Are you miffed or something? Is this what’s got you so mmmmmm… pissed?
Puddy LIES again!
Are you just STUPID Puddy, or do you not pay attention, or do you believe all the lies you hear?
Which is it? Your statement has been totally refuted as ONE BIG LIE after another. People who keep repeating big lies (like the Nazi propagandist Goebels) are either deliberately deceptive BIG LIARS or they are are incredibly stoopid and gullible morons.
Which is it?
Maybe you should ask Odumba who took many campaign large from BP, his Minerals and Mining peeps approved the system in 2009 that blew up in April and then Odumba approved another waiver for BP May 7, 2010.
According to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, Republicans receive far more campaign money from the oil and gas industry than do Democrats.
So far in 2010, the oil and gas industries have contributed $12.8 million to all candidates, with 71% of that money going to Republicans. During the 2008 election cycle, 77% of the industry’s $35.6 million in contributions went to Republicans, and in the 2008 presidential contest, Republican candidate Sen. John McCain received more than twice as much money from the oil and gas industries as Obama: McCain collected $2.4 million; Obama, $898,000.
This is a decades-long trend, the center says: Since 1990, oil and gas companies have donated $238.7 million to candidates and parties, with 75% of the money going to Republicans.
The former director of MMS, Randall Luthi, 54, is now president of National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA)…
As MMS director in September 2008, he defended the agency against charges by the DOI inspector general of a “culture of substance abuse, promiscuity, and ethical failure” existing inside MMS… All the abuses found by investigators occurred before Randall Luthi took office, but he spent the last four months of his tenure fighting off calls for his resignation.
Randall Luthi once worked for Dick Cheney and, according to his MMS bio, served on Cheney’s Energy Council, an organization composed of legislative representatives from energy-producing states and private energy-related industries that set the energy policies of the Bush administration.
BP, Halliburton (the company responsible for cementing the deepwater drill hole at the site), and Cameron International (the company that built the safety valves for the rig) have seats on board of NOIA, the trade organization led by Randall Luthi.
Jeffery Luthi handles the docket of the JPML, which has the authority to determine whether civil actions pending in two or more federal judicial districts should be transferred to a single federal district court for pretrial proceeding.
Yup, Bush/Cheney stacked the MMS with people that encouraged promiscuity, wrote the rules for oil companies by using company lobbyists and left a bunch of career appointees behind – and Puddy disengenuously blames it on Obama.
Oh, and here is another resignee: the guy in charge appointed by….Bush/Cheney:
The top federal official in charge of overseeing offshore drilling retired abruptly on Monday as BP’s chief operating officer pledged that his company would never pump oil from the runaway Deepwater Horizon well that exploded, killed 11 workers and began spewing millions of gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico.
Some in Congress welcomed Chris Oynes’ resignation as the head of the Minerals Management Service’s offshore drilling program as a sign that the administration would follow through on President Barack Obama’s pledge to end the MMS’s cozy relationship with the oil industry.
Oynes had been the MMS’s associate director in charge of offshore drilling since 2007 and was appointed to the post after 13 years overseeing the permitting process in the Gulf of Mexico.
“I hope Chris Oynes’ decision to retire signals an understanding that a changing of the guard is necessary to cure MMS of the many ills it endured during the previous Administration,” said Rep. Nick J. Rahall, D-W.Va., the chairman of the House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee, in a statement. “Today’s announcement is one of several steps that will be necessary to fundamentally reform MMS, and it represents an opportunity to begin anew with a clean slate.”
@98: hahaha I have taken poor wittle moron Puddy down so many times he is on his wittle knees.
Puddy runs from facts. Puddy LIES. Puddy is a worthless fool.
Watch – he will try to insult me and call me stoopid – just proves he can’t argue and doesn’t know squat.
Some intelligence- Puddy is surface deep and just plain DUMB.
proud leftistspews:
YLB @ 103
Given the volume and mass of HNMT’s vitriol today, it would appear he is not taking his failure to win yesterday’s Goat very well. Indeed, I sense some bitterness on his part. I would say he’s sure got himself in the running for the next award, wouldn’t you agree?
Who’s going to be the first conservative on this blog to MAN UP and ask their mommy or wife if they can have a $1,000 dollars?
Mr. Cynical
Dr. Dre
Ronald Ray-Gun
twited sista
Hmmmm so far, there are no conservative men here. Only the kind that carry purses, wear skirts, sit to pee, and get angry at the governmetn and blame it for being such looooooosers.
Speaking of bigotry meltdowns, what’s with goldy and Kamper Van Dyk? Or is it way beyond bigotry … something out of Freud?
Perhaps goldy pere, who is or was some sort of shrink, can make sense of it. Or perhaps goldy’s real issue is with goldy pere: T van D has been carjacked by goldy into some deep and deeply troubling Oedipal psychodrama. Either way, goldy in his TvanD fix is deeply troubled.
Ted, way back in the day, worked for The Hump … mentioned earlier with regard to the Democrats’ muzzling of Fannie Lou Hamer and her Mississippi Freedom Democrats. Maybe that’s why Dr. Thompson called Humphrey a treacherous gutless old ward-heeler who should have been stuffed in a dirty bottle and sent out with the Japanese Current … which brings us back to Democrats’ anti-Asian bigotry.
@87: Ice-T sockpuppet
Who appointed those people? Wow, you are Stoopid!
Nice LIE -you fool. Look at the REAL documentation – not the surface innuendo you spew.
hahaha – look at all the moronic rightwingnuts – they call names but cite no real facts to dispute what I put out…what a bunch of third-grade level fools.
Gee, who was cozy with the oil comnpanies and the mining companies. Who is for deregulation?
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize you are full of shit and don’t know a damn thing.
GBS VDspews:
Puddy? On his knees? To cnr?????!!!!!
Didn’t your mother tell you? Never bullshit a bullshitter (GBS) because he’s in over his head already: piling on squat-pee-ers when everybody here knows GBS is one.
105 – Not a slam dunk of course but the evidence vaguely points in that direction.
102. YLB: Still loco after all these years spews:
Way up the thread we’ve got GBS opening the betting pool on Dino. Here’s something better: Did Joe Sixpack lie to the voters of PA? Or did an Obamunist commit a felony?
All right BIG MOUTH!
Wanna bet neither of them get convicted of a felony?
Hmmmm . . . . ready to MAN UP with a $1,000 wager????
Ready?? Huh? Ready to MAN UP you punk ass fool???
Because your wife won’t give you $100 let alone a grand and she makes you sit when you take a piss.
BTW, you never answered the question about taking a piss.
What does your wife make you call taking a piss? Do you have to call it “taking a squat?”
MAN UP or shut up.
What’s it going to be: felony conviction for $1,000 or continue dying a 1,000 deaths you coward.
GBS VDspews:
PL has never goated you. Are you miffed or something?
I have lust in my heart for sista YLB … we’re a very close family
I’m sorry HNMT, I don’t recall having any shock troops of the Irgun in my extended family..
On to more rational matters:
This Joe Sestak/Obama White House job mess does have legs. The public and the media are not buying the White House’s self-cleansing, self-serving explanation that everything was appropriate, just move along.
Please cite your source. L.A Times is it not? So who is this blogger? I’ll have dig into his stuff.. Given that… mmmmm..
Sean Hannity and Dick Morris believe Obama should be impeached over this..
What a coincidence..
I wish this thread wasn’t such a fun read as I’m really trying to get some work done today.
I want my goat and I want it NOW!spews:
YLB: Have plowed the ground here of Carter’s economic at least twice. He had help from JFK, LBJ, RMN, and LLK to become the emblem of economic failure. His foreign-affairs failures in Iran and with the USSR were his alone.
Mentioned above that Obama’s SEC carried over, for a prolonged period, pathology from GWB’s. Ditto Obama’s Interior Dept regulators. That’s because the regulatory bureaucracy is eternal. Presidents come and go, but the screwedupedness of the regulatory state lingers on.
And no, cnr, that’s not an appeal for the deregulation of everything. It’s a way of saying that mountains beyond mountains of regulators and regulations did not stop financial meltdown. They did not stop, and apparently permitted under Obama (and maybe earlier), the granting of waivers in the gulf.
Regulators at SEC and Interior also put Lusty Lady out of business, but you knew that already.
YLB: Jindal is a realist. He knows Big Business fialed in the Gulf, and he knows Obama — through ineptitude or inattention — is starting to wear the Spill like Bush wore Katrina.
Rad lib Jonathan Alter says the spill is Obama’s tarbaby, born On His Watch … a phrase I recently re-laid on cnr since he seemed to have forgotten it when Obama was elected.
Special Ed says the spill is Obama’s, on his watch.
Rad lib David Sirota says the spill belongs to Obama’s Salazar, but that the shoutin’ loud left is strangely silent, for a change.
I want my goat and I want it NOW!spews:
Yo! Steve! Have lust my heart for you, too, but let’s not tell anybody.
Steve @ 115:
No shit. I figure if I can get one of these wankers to MAN UP and plunk down a grand on Rossi, that would be the easiest $1,000 I’ve ever made.
I mean, what could be easier money than betting on a greasy, real estate swindler and 2 time state wide loser to lose against Sen. Murray and her record of success and war chest???
You’d think, though, there would be at least one MAN left in the conservative world. But, you’d be wrong.
Hey, Pussies, why don’t ya’ll take yer wives to Nordstrom’s Goodwill on Sunday’s this fall cuz you aint gonna be watchin’ no damn football, that is FOR SURE!!
The NFL is for men and the women who love to be with REAL MEN.
None of you feminized pussies will pony up a grand!!
I mean, so what if you lose? At least you can say you have your balls and bet on your guy!!
Oops, sorry, forgot. You guys DON’T have your balls, they’re in your wives purses that you carry around for her.
I bet you get really embarrassed when she asks you for her purse and shows your testicles to her friends at the spa. Huh? Yeah, you hate that don’t you?
I’ve got one word for you:
Irgun Christian Soldiersspews:
L.A. Times it is, you sly little slut. Didn’t want to give you the link because it has Rove in it. Knew that would put you off your feed and onto a pointless tirade. As usual.
Irgun Christian Soldiersspews:
Man up and bet against GBS? You bet! Of course! Not!
116. I want my goat and I want it NOW! spews:
It’s a way of saying that mountains beyond mountains of regulators and regulations did not stop financial meltdown.
Glass-Stegal. Look it up some time before you type something so fucking stupid.
Hey, got a grand to put on Rossi? I’m taking bets.
BTW, it’s not limited to one of you conservative “men” out there. I can easily cover up to 10 of you “men” if you can get an advance on your allowances.
Barack Katrina Obamaspews:
YLB says Jindal blames BP. Don’t we all. But wait! There’s more that YLB didn’t tell you!
In Louisiana, officials say the response has been bogged down in bureaucracy, hobbled by rules and procedures that hamper decision-making. Responders also have lacked equipment, they say, even as oil has invaded marshes and beaches.
Just getting enough oil-stopping boom has been a problem, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal says.
State officials three weeks ago requested 5 million feet of boom from the Coast Guard, he says. As of Monday, only 815,000 feet of it had been delivered and 680,000 feet set up in the water, he says. Requests for more boom or other oil-fighting equipment are often routed to a BP subcontractor for approval, then sent through two command centers, which Jindal says delays Coast Guard approval for up to two days.
“We don’t have 24 to 48 hours,” the governor says. “This oil is moving too quickly.”
Another Jindal complaint: a slow government response to his state’s proposal to build a 94-mile-long string of sand berms across Louisiana’s coast to keep the oil at bay.
And add Ragin’ Cajun James Carville to the list of disaffected leftists who blame Obama. Heard a clip of Corp. Cueball this morning in which Carville sounded like he was back in the good old days, pounding the pudgy Anglo piss out of Newt Gingrich.
Don Joespews:
@ 100
Is that more that you can handle?
You might want to figure out the semantic difference between “that” and “than” before you venture into the rough-and-tumble world of adverbial phrases.
So let’s get our chronology up to date
Right. Obama fires a Bush appointee, yet that, somehow, shows us that you understand the meaning of the word “chronology”?
Look, you can stop trying to audition for the part of Dogberry. Despite the fact that playing the part really wouldn’t require much acting on your part, you’re still not ever going to do the part as well as Michael Keaton did.
St. Ronny of Raygun plays politics, offers SI Hayakawa a job to exit CA Senate race:
Glass-Steagall. Idiot. Maybe if you spelled it correctly you’d come up with something useful when you look it up.
Been on that track, spelled correctly, for ~2 years. Rabbit was probably the first one here to lay his Blame Gramm Game on us, a game that cnr, always late to the party and to the potty, started playing a couple weeks ago.
So it’s 2008, more or less. Soon after Bear Stearns bites the wire. That’s when Rabbit rolls out his Gramm Gotcha. Our excellent HTML HNMT, whatever he/she/it is, was back in seconds with a hot link to Democrat Underground incinerating Clinton for signing the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999. Democrat Underground telling the truth about Democrat Clinton. Miracles happen. There is a God.
Move forward to early 2010. HNMT whacked Rabbit with commentary from Atlantic Monthly showing that our recent meltdown was unattributable to the repeal of G-S. Neither Gramm nor Clinton “caused” the current crisis.
HNMT, depite his terminal BS in economics, doesn’t pretend to have the final answer to the catastrophe of 2008. But at least he knows how to spell Steagall. Look it up, you idiot. Then apologize.
Zotz Gotz the Trotzspews:
Zitz strikes again. Get the Clearasil.
Here’s one even bigger than yours: About 14 years ago, just when we were starting to get the down-low lowdown about Chung and Riady and the rest of Clinton’s foreign big-bucks donors, Michael Reagan on KVI prattled about the inconvenient truth that his adoptive dad — or Dad’s GOP — had taken big hunks of campaign cash for Marcos and other Filipinos back in the Reagan ’80s.
Zotz Gotz the Trotzspews:
Typical blind man’s typo, DJ. What’s your excuse? Adverbial, adversarial, or otherwise?
Constable Dogberryspews:
I’ll stop auditioning for Dogberry if you stop auditioning for the part of Dogberry’s Dingleberry.
And you better pull another literary allusion out of your ass. You’ve used Dogberry at least twice. Today. Suggests a lack of imagination or intelligence.
(Way up there,
plowed the ground of Carter’s economic = plowed the ground of Carter’s economic catastrophe. Idiocy. Ineptitude. Whatever.)
YLB's Sugar Mommaspews:
@107 Who’s going to be the first conservative on this blog to MAN UP and ask their mommy or wife if they can have a $1,000 dollars?
Include database crackpots and I’ll volunteer someone who does it regularly.
116 – Well I’ll have to plow the database for more of your unhinged rants on Carter.. “emblem” seems a bit weak of a word for the HNMT I’ve become familiar with. LLK?
Let’s see what else..
That’s because the regulatory bureaucracy is eternal. Presidents come and go, but the screwedupedness of the regulatory state lingers on.
Yeah.. K Street kinda likes that.
Jindal is a realist.
What a breath of fresh air! If only I could believe it isn’t really air freshener and I won’t be gagging in minute.
He knows Big Business fialed[sic] in the Gulf
Heh. Failed? Uh yeah! To say the least. Those regulatory socialist goons of Norway and their surely labrynthine regulations in the North Sea are kind of looking good right now.
Over those greedy shortcutters at BP headquarters – awwww, trying to shore up the balance sheet for spending so much not to foul up socialist shores. HNMT! Take heart! You can still blame socialism!
and.. Obama’s starting to “wear the oil spill”. X says this, Y says that. He said, she said..
Now we come to the domestic politics. Yep such things happen in politics. The smears are starting to play on Faux News. Old Karl’s building a nasty war chest to deploy over the next 4+ years courtesy of the SCOTUS. The HMNT and millions like him are chortling in glee.
Uhhh.. Poor man was put off that a young junior Senator seized the day. Young man in a hurry couldn’t “wait his turn”.
Right wing was ESPECIALLY put off. I remember the days they PRAYED for Hillary.
Sorry Sockpuppet @122:
There aren’t enough booms in the world to get this spill.
And that’s the fucking point, asshole!
NO ONE was prepared for recovering from a blowout a mile down, most of all BP who certified that they were.
The only thing that has a chance of working to mitigate the spilled oil is a bunch of super-tankers and their powerful pumps sucking up the oil.
That would mean we’d be able to pretty accurately tell how much oil was spilled and that would be VERY BAD for BP’s bidness since their liability is directly tied to the amount of oil spilled. That’s why they’ve been lying about what was coming out of the pipe since day one!
We already know this is worse than Exxon-Valdez; a mid-range estimate is an Exxon-Valdez every four days!
But lots of things are going to change because of it that would never have happened under C+Augustus and the Oil Patch Presidency.
@ 125:
I apologize I misspelled a word. It happens to me more frequently than I’d like to have happen.
132 – Bravo! That blows anything I’ve written today out of the water.
@132 a mid-range estimate is an Exxon-Valdez every four days!
Zotz, can you show us your math?
Glenn Blechhhhspews:
HNMT’s work here is done for this day. When my man Glenn takes over from Obama on 20 January 2013, we can all start getting our minds right again and stop wasting time here while time is wasting us.
(That riff about time is via Shakespeare, DJ, just in case you didn’t recognize it.)
@132 We already know this is worse than Exxon-Valdez; a mid-range estimate is an Exxon-Valdez every four days!
Can you provide your math for this, Zotz? thx
Glenn Blechhhhspews:
PS 2 YLB: LLK = Leslie Lynch King.
PPS 2 Zotz: Oh yeah? What about the Texas Rangers?
PeePeeS 2 YLB: Prayed for Hillary???!!! You’ve either taken too many drugs or you need some drugs. Either way, seek professional help from Dr. Goldstein.
Glenn Blechhhhspews:
campaign cash for Marcos = campaign cash from Marcos
Bis spater, alligators.
Dr. Drespews:
@118…you have never made a $1000 in your life…your another YLB doing nothing.
125. GBS + Goat = Golden Goat Jr. spews:
Democrat Underground incinerating Clinton for signing the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999. Democrat Underground telling the truth about Democrat Clinton. Miracles happen. There is a God.
What a fucking idiot you are. You know your political ideology is wrong when you blame Clinton for signing YOUR legislation into law.
What Bill should have done was bent you little minded ass holes over his knee, whooped your asses for being so stoooooopid, then sat you in the corner with your dunce cap on.
139 – LMAO! If there ever was a reason to put Stupes together with Bigot Lobotomy, this is it.
Stupes’ll set you straight on GBS ya moron!
They’ve met a number of times..
Shell out the grand fiend. Put your $$$$ where your silly mouth is..
Don’t you believe Rossi can win? Even I believe there’s a (remote) chance for that! Go for it! Try to take a lefty’s money.
Bigot Lobotomy.. What a Doctor! Fiend’ll lobotomize his own peanut-sized brain..
Emily's Listspews:
Say what? Ms Emily hasn’t pounded you people thru the floor yet? She’s eerily like Ms. Maggie, the saucy lass who was going to pound Rabbit thru the floor. Tell GBS to put me down for 1 large ($1000 on Emily and Maggie) and $ZERO on you libtard zeros.
Apology accepted for GBS’s BS misspell. Without Steve, HNMT would never have fixed the spelling of Scandinavian, an error the brilliantly blonde Mrs HNMT would find less excusable than eating crackers in bed.
Cut short the vacation to deal with the most vulgar and vicious of YLB’s lies, the lie that we wingers prayed for Hillary. Prayed for Hillary to get indicted, maybe, but that was a long time ago.
Rush, with Operation Chaos, and Coulter were briefly on Goldwater Girl Rabbit’s bandwagon for Goldwater Girl Hillary, but only as a ploy, not as a prayer.
What I like about Obama is that he put Clinton away. Then he put the other Clinton away. Praise God.
Will say it again: Obama’s the most gifted American politician since TR. Don’t like what either have done as president, but they by-God dominate the office and the debate.
My money’s on Obama to be elected again in 2012. We can’t beat somebody with nobody and, as somebody here recently said, the GOP has nobody.
Emily's Listspews:
When Bill signed Gramm’s legislation, ya dope, he made it Bill’s law. Your boy’s signature on the cover sheet; not ours.
Emily's Listspews:
Heard last week that Starr’s focus on Kneepads Monica turned him aside from sending up the long-awaited indictment of Hillary.
But a month or two after Bill did not do Ms. Lewinsky (after his no-sex proclamation, actually) the American Spectator had an article about the status of Starr’s important investigations.
Travelgate, Rose, Cattlegate, Troopergate, Suicidegate, McDougallgate … not enough there there to indict. Starr went with Monica because, at the end of his day, that’s what he had.
Emily's Listspews:
GOP has nobody, although Chris Christie is starting to fill out nicely.
@solarp, 135: I’m sorry I didn’t respond. Was away working.
Here’s the math, it’s actually 3.5 days. This is based on an independent range of 50k to 100k BPD and picking 70k as midrange. That’s the consensus if you read around on oil drum and energy bulletin, etc. Here’s a more conservative (but still awful) estimate:
Goldy is now deleting polls that show Democrats floundering??
Here is another dramatic turnaround where the Democrat is sucking–
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Democratic Lieutenant Governor Diane Denish now runs virtually even with county District Attorney Susana Martinez in a striking turnaround of the race for governor of New Mexico. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in New Mexico shows Denish picking up 43% support while Martinez earns 42%. Only three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and 12% are undecided.
In late March, Denish led Martinez by 19 points, 51% to 32%. In that survey, Denish led her five potential Republican opponents by anywhere from 10 to 22 points and crossed the critical 50% mark in three of the match-ups. Now her support falls short of 50% in every instance.
@solarp, 135: I meant to pull this quote in the last post:
Two teams of scientists calculated the well has been spewing between 504,000 and more than a million gallons a day. Even using the most conservative estimate, that means about 18 million gallons have spilled so far. In the worst-case scenario, 39 million gallons have leaked.
That larger figure would be nearly four times the size of the Exxon Valdez disaster, in which a tanker ran aground in Alaska in 1989, spilling nearly 11 million gallons.
Again, I think the 70k BPD estimate is more credible. Doesn’t really matter — how much more dead can you be if you’re already dead?
It’s just a fucking mess. Here’s some more bad news (at the link):
In another troubling discovery, marine scientists said they have spotted a huge new plume of what they believe to be oil deep beneath the Gulf, stretching 22 miles from the leaking wellhead northeast toward Mobile Bay, Ala. They fear it could have resulted from using chemicals a mile below the surface to break up the oil.
But all this disaster aside, this was fucking corporate manslaughter — 11 people died for the sake of profit! I wish we were more focused on that; everything else in terms of accountability would work itself out if this was being handled as a murder investigation.
@153 Again, I think the 70k BPD estimate is more credible
Why would you think this – two teams of scientists were convened to provide the latest estimates based on the most recent data and more thorough studies? What’s your source for the original estimate you provided?
Silver lining to a fucking oily cloud. Gallup (an actual credible polling outfit as opposed to the bullshit wingnut meme noise from Klynical and Rasmussen):
The new results are based on a May 24-25 USA Today/Gallup poll. In March, by 50% to 43%, Americans said it was more important to develop U.S. energy supplies than to protect the environment, continuing a trend in the direction of energy production seen since 2007. Now, the majority favor environmental protection, by 55% to 39% — the second-largest percentage (behind the 58% in 2007) favoring the environment in the 10-year history of the question.
Americans’ shift toward a more pro-environment point of view is also evident in a separate trade-off question, which pits environmental protection against economic growth. After the oil spill, the balance of opinion tips toward the environment by seven points, 50% to 43%. Just over two months ago, Americans favored economic growth by a 15-point margin, 53% to 38%.
…A computer program simply tracks particles and calculates how fast they are moving. Wereley put the BP video of the gusher into his computer. He made a few simple calculations and came up with an astonishing value for the rate of the oil spill: 70,000 barrels a day — much higher than the official estimate of 5,000 barrels a day.
The method is accurate to a degree of plus or minus 20 percent.
Given that uncertainty, the amount of material spewing from the pipe could range from 56,000 barrels to 84,000.
New video footage “indicates that around 95,000 barrels, or 4 million gallons, a day of crude oil may be spewing from the leaking wellhead,” according to Purdue University’s Professor Steve Wereley’s May 19 testimony to the House Commerce and Energy Committee. He based his calculation on BP video, saying the spill could be from 76,000 – 104,000 barrels daily, but wants more footage over a longer period for a more precise calculation, what BP hasn’t released up to now and won’t, absent Interior Department pressure to do it.
PuddyNutz @54 –
Nice try douche bag. Soon your buddies will have you sitting in the back of the bus again.
But that was done two weeks ago. Why is an estimate done two weeks by a single scientist more credible than two studies just conducted by two teams of scientists convened specifically for this reason?
@149 –
Just a sign that Republicans are falling apart at the seams, exposing the stuffing of straw that keeps them whole.
@159: See 157 for an update.
1. Note Congressional testimony.
2. The process used by Werely has not been disputed (see update) despite thorough (heated) discussion in the energy industry stuff I read. The process used to determine the higher flow is inherently more accurate (+/- 20%) — as well as independent of BP and the Government.
As I said, doesn’t really matter at this point. 39k BPD is plenty awful.
But the testimony and “update” are both based on his original estimate. As far as I know nobody’s disputed the latest estimates, including Wereley.
Why is Wereley’s technique more accurate than what the most recent two studies employed, and if this is the case wouldn’t people be pointing this out? Who’s pointing this out?
And are you suggesting that the Obama administration is engaging in a cover-up by using methods that are less accurate and far to the low side?
But the testimony and “update” are both based on his original estimate. As far as I know nobody’s disputed the latest estimates, including Wereley.
Re-read at the link, note “new video”.
Why is Wereley’s technique more accurate than what the most recent two studies employed, and if this is the case wouldn’t people be pointing this out? Who’s pointing this out?
Conservative estimate is observational, lots of the oil cannot be observed (see my post @153). Werely’s calculation is based on the source. I don’t know why / haven’t seen any discussion of the disparity yet. Like I said there is really not a practical difference — the Gulf is fucked.
And are you suggesting that the Obama administration is engaging in a cover-up by using methods that are less accurate and far to the low side?
Not O et al per se, but as has been more than amply covered, the Government “experts” are captured by the industry — they literally are the industry and in bed with the industry. Just one of the many steaming piles in the shit tsunami O inherited.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Not evading the question. Did you read the law? If not then how can you ASK THE QUESTION?
Conservative estimate is observational, lots of the oil cannot be observed (see my post @153). Werely’s calculation is based on the source.
What does that mean? He looked at a video for his estimate. What approach did the more recent studies use? And won’t other scientists be questioning these results the same way you are?
the Government “experts” are captured by the industry
So these were government scientists that conducted the most recent studies?
Answering a question with a question is neither a “yes” or a “no”.
You brought it up. You then used it as a bludgeon. I think it’s fair to ask you:
Do you support Arizona’s SB 1070 “Support Our Law Enforcement And Neighborhoods Act”?
Yes or no?
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Notice how goatsee ignored all the salient points and went on and changed the point. This thread is about the goatsee with the left eye of porn, plain and simpleton!
@165: These questions were answered in the links I provided above (several posts including to solarp).
But you didn’t say what specific approach the most recent studies used. You also didn’t clarify whether the most recent studies were done by government scientists. And if these most recent studies grossly underestimate results because they use a flawed approach you don’t say why nobody else has made this claim or, for that matter, why Obama wouldn’t be aware of this when you are.
Certainly HuffingtonPost or ProPublica or somebody would have latched onto this other than you, don’t you think?
@169: Sure I did, but you’re obviously not reading what I wrote / provided and I don’t feel like pointing it out or repeating myself.
Have a nice evening.
@170 Your only reference to the most recent study’s approach is @163 where you write:
Conservative estimate is observational, lots of the oil cannot be observed (see my post @153).
Tell us what approach they actually used to obtain their estimate.
And nowhere above do you answer the question of whether these most recent studies were conducted by government scientists. That’s a yes or a no.
Notice that Stupes won’t even go halfsies with Bigot Lobotomy to meet GBS’ challenge.
I highly recommend a wager with Stupes. (As long as its not for too much.) He only takes about year to meet his obligation.
Which is pretty good for a right winger. Better than the record of Mark the Redneck – total right wing bet welsher!
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Jason, Yes Puddy brought it up, because Puddy read most of the law. That’s how cum Puddy can ask how many times does it refer to the Federal law. Butt, Puddy won’t answer until you admit to reading or taking someone else word on the issue.
So did you read the law or are you like Odumba and his disciples and taking others word?
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Notice what goatsee? Puddy is supposed to what goatsee? Puddy don’t answer to the goatsee.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Prove Puddy wrong in #54? Go on GFool, they said no in your own state!
Back of the bus? How progressive you are GFool. A Jew Hater and a Racist all in one package!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
OK. Time for a little humor you humorless KLOWNS!
Our teacher asked us what our favorite animal was, and I said, “Fried
chicken.” She said I wasn’t funny, but she couldn’t have been right because
everyone else in the class laughed.
My parents told me to always be truthful and honest, and I am. Fried
chicken is my favorite animal. I told my dad what happened, and
he said my teacher was probably a member of PETA. He said they love
animals very much. I do, too. Especially chicken, pork and beef.
Anyway, my teacher sent me to the principal’s office. I told him what
happened, and he laughed too. Then he told me not to do it again.
The next day in class my teacher asked me what my favorite live animal
was. I told her it was chicken. She asked me why, just like she’d
asked the other children. So I told her it was because you could make
them into fried chicken. She sent me back to the principal’s office
again. He laughed, and told me not to do it any more.
I don’t understand. My parents taught me to be honest, but my teacher
doesn’t like it when I am. Today, my teacher asked us to tell her what
famous person we admire most.
Notice that Stupes won’t acknowledge that GBS has challenged him in this thread to a wager of $1000 on the outcome of Dino Rossi’s run for the Senate. It doesn’t even register the helpful suggestion of going halfs with Bigot Lobotomy.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Stupes if anyone is in need of anyone with extraordinary reading comprehension.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Oh wow goatsee, living vicariously off of GBS now?
Whataretard. Still changing the debate cuz he has nothing! BTW Goatsee Puddy owns you. Puddy is so deep into that femtometer cell brain you can’t wake up without thinking of Puddy. You can’t sleep unless you are thinking of Puddy. Puddy owns this fool! Golly when you use a crane to get it up do you think of Puddy then? How is that database sweep fool?
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Hey GBS,
Since you have a sycophant in the goatsee, you need to school the goatsee in proper etiquette.
BTW did you read about all the “waivers” Odumba gave BP Rip Van Winkle GBS? So who’s BP problem is it again GBS?
This is why Puddy waits until the real facts are in. You side claimed it was Cheney. Then it was Halliburton. Oops… it was Odumba. Puddy ain’t jumping on the Congressman Joe Sestak potential bribe until Robert Fibbs makes up the “official story”. Then Puddy will react. Butt, since Sestak admitted to something, it don’t look good!
“US National Guard troops being sent to the Mexican border will be used to stem the flow of guns and drugs across the frontier and not to enforce US immigration laws, the State Department said Wednesday.
The clarification came after the Mexican government urged Washington not to use the additional troops to go after illegal immigrants. ”
PuddyCommentary… As all can see Odumba isn’t a leader. He takes his orders from other leaders.
YLB's Sugar Mommaspews:
@181 Been a long day
@145: Emily you dope
Umm, it was attached by a parlimentary procedure to an apporpriations bill in the middle of the night by republicans and Gramm….do you know anything about the Senate?
They tricked their way into this bill – written by Phil Gramm(republican from deregulation) and lobbyists from the banking industry.
Typical republican machinations, that Emily (in her ignornace) tries to blame on democrats.
Good try Emily – you lose.
@125: What are you talking about IDIOT?
Most experts (and you sure as hell are not an expert) say the credit-default swaps in the bill that PHIL GRAMM wrote were primarily responsible for the meltdown.
I wrote about that soon after the banking crisis – not RR.
Git yer facts straight.
Drop the BP waiver, BS. You act like President Obama made up the law or personally handles permitting processes.
The ability to get the environmental waiver is a byproduct of Reagan Republican ideology of deregulating industry. That goverenment isn’t the solution; government IS the problem.
About the wager; The last time we bet on lunch it took somewhere around a year for you to pay up and you had to bring back up, I mean PacMan.
If, and this is a huge IF, you want to wager with me you gotta lay down the cash first and I’ll match it.
Cuz, if it took you a year to pry $40 from your wife’s credit card, it would take you 25 years to come up with $1,000. And, that’s without interest.
Got the cash, got the conviction, got the balls let’s bet.
Otherwise, you do what you do, yackity-yack.
Have a great weekend. I’ll be out a Tahoma National Cemetery on Monday. A dear friend of mine just had her father laid the rest there last February and we’re attending the Memorial Day ceremony and paying our respects to his grave. He was one of the first pilots to fly AC – 47 and the C-130 both in Special Ops missions for the AF. Flew jets and a variety of helicopters, too.
Pretty cool guy. Died of cancer and compications related to Agent Orange. Another casualty of the Vietnam War that won’t be counted.
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
Odumba signed the approval for BP to start the deep well drilling
Puddybud sez, Ask the goatsee the caboose of every threadspews:
GBS, about the wager on the “scandal”…
Odumba will have one of his lackeys take the fall and since Sestak didn’t accept, it’s a non-wager dude!
PuddyNutz @175 – and you a bigot. Your the one that stands to loose more. I’m not a racist, but your friends in the Republican Party are. And news to you buddy, racism is on the rise, thanks to you.
@191 Your the one that stands to loose more. I’m not a racist, but your friends in the Republican Party are. And news to you buddy, racism is on the rise, thanks to you.
All Murray’s campaign has to do is put up negative ad after negative ad. The election will be all about Dino Rossi, and both sides know it.
It’ll be fun when Dino tries to frame the debate around Murray. It just isn’t as interesting, and the media will ignore his rants about her history.
Dino doesn’t even have the cool “tea party” angle. He’s just a businessman. An easy to discredit businessman.
He must have been offered something pretty big by the GOP for him to embarrass himself again by losing.
Dino Rossi’s lost to Gregoire in 2008. Is anyone even close to admitting Murray is more at risk than Gregoire was?
Dino, can you say sacrificial lamb?
Did anyone want to take me up on my $1,000 wager that Dino Rossi will not defeat Patty Murray for her senate seat in 2010?
Any takers??
Hmmmm . . . any big mouths want to back up their talk with cold hard cash?
Dr. Dre?
Mr. Cynical?
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Didn’t think so!!!!
Here’s his campaign:
“my opponent, the incumbent” BAD..
Remember “my other opponent, the incumbent”? BAD TOO
“I was robbed”..
“Vote for me..”
How’s that Drill, Baby, Drill thingy workin’ out fer ya teabaggers on the Redneck Riviera?
Now they’re all bitchin’ cause Obama ain’t be doin’ enough to stop the leak!!
Too Damn Funny!
Remember what your false God said: “Government isn’t the solution; Government is the problem.”
Now you want the gummint to step in and take care of everything after the Reagan Republicans deregulated everything and let Big Oil be in charge of Big Oil on what little regulations were left.
Betcha wanna know what they talked about in Cheney’s secret energy task force meeting now!!
You FUCKING morons!!
And yet, you still want to keep electing the criminals who royally fucked up America.
No wonder I think of you as the enemy within; the American
teabaggerTaliban. bin Laden’s useful idiots.America — founded by Liberals for everyone. Even though the other half always wants to kill the Golden Goose.
Enjoy your oil soaked beaches along the Redneck Riviera. Say goodbye to decades of tourism, sandy white beaches, sport fishing, crabbing, shrimping and a way of life for Drill, Baby, Drill!!!! While Republicans gave away billions and billions of tax payer dollars in subsidies to Big Oil and capped their damages at $75 million.
LMFAO at the stupid people called Reagan Republican conservatives.
Y’all keeping up on the “America Speaking Out” fiasco? Seems the Republicans got a lot of suggestions they didn’t like, so they’ve wiped the entire site clean and started over. Guess they don’t really want to know what Americans think, after all.
@5: GBS: Exactly – the hypocrite wingnuts were all over the drill baby drill and now they are complaining that the govmint is not stopping the leak…
What a bunch of losers and hypocrites.
That means YOU Klynical.
@6 Great links.
I just donated to Senator Murray.
I want to keep Rossi away from the Senate.
As always, GBS says it best with the right amount of “emphasis”..
Heh.. Kewl…
@6: thanks for the link
That is a riot. Republicans trolls sound like the idiots we have on HA. Ignorant, rampaging, mad as hell but too stupid to understand what they are mad about.
Check out this quote from the second article:
Birthers, fools and science deniers who don’t even believe in dolphins.
Yup, that is the modern republican party. the party of the severely brain damaged, the racists, the deniers, the fools or the defenders of the corporate elites.
What a collection of malcontents, know-nothings and hypocrites. No wonder they sycophantically follow Glen Beck and Sarah Palin.
Can you imagine what it’d be like in 2011…
US Senator Dino Rossi and, and
US Senator Maria Cantwell versus Mary Lane Strow?
Man, I’d vote for Rossi just to get pay-per-view-of-punch of that fight!
(Giggles at snark)
Vote for Dino, because dolphins are fish!
Great video Goldy!
12 – Josef back in the other thread I said some sympathetic things about you but now we’re going to be living together in these threads till November..
So while you continue in your blind Rossi partisanship fueled by your infatuation for a married woman, I’ll do my to best to just pretend you’re not here..
I don’t like the feeling of motion sickness it you take my meaning..
hey everyone..keep voting D so Racist Tenderhands YLBleeder can sit at home and collect unemployment while working on his HA “database”….lol
@15 Enjoy the motion sickness circus.
Thank you Dino Rossi.
Did you catch me on KTTH?
Hey, did anybody catch the view count over at YouTube for Helmet-Hair-Hamlet’s big announcement?
830? I have to be misreading that, right?
Helmet-Hair-Hamlet is in deep trouble.
For an operation that supposedly brings the greatest experience in state wide elections for the Republicans, this long awaited launch has to be one of the most ridiculous amateur hour duds ever.
Not only couldn’t they round up 1,000 supporters and stuff them in a venue sized for 500 for the Campaign Launch 101 Photo Op, they can’t launch the video on time, nor round up a few people to push the view count.
In any event, if you are amped up and need to sleep, spend 5 minutes and 17 seconds listening to our Helmet-Hair-Hamlet and help push his view count. Surely after watching it Diddler will sleep just a little bit better.
Whatever criticism you have of Rossi, nothing is worse than Obama’s 13 trillion deficit. Come on folks be selfish; do you want to spend yourself into poverty?
Gov’t overspend will hurt all of us; worse homes, older cars, less money to keep.
Think Argentina, Weimar Republic.
All Bad!
re 20: There you go again.
My dear fellow HAers, months have passed since we last identified a winner of the Troll of the Week Award (aka The Golden Goat). The unfortunate result is that some remarkably laudable acts of troll lunacy have received no laurels, no appreciation, no recognition at all. On behalf of all the members of the Academy, I’d like to apologize for our absence. Between hiding from creditors or ex-lovers, nasty custody battles, 24/7 bouts with drunkenness, and too many other unfortunate encounters with existential reality, we simply have not been able to rouse a quorum of the Academy’s members to make an award. More than anything, I’d like to apologize to our trolls. Despite no reward for their splendid and inspired efforts, for months they’ve been out there leaving blood on the ideological battlefield, scrumming and scuffing with each other to try to be the most daunting foe of reality in the service of insane partisanship. I would ask you trolls for understanding and forgiveness for ignoring you, but, naturally, neither understanding nor forgiveness are in your playbook.
Because of the time that has elapsed since the Goat was last given, it might be helpful to again set out the criteria which a number of HAers have identified in the past as instructive to picking a winner. Examples of such criteria include: abhorrence of logic; failure to think beyond the simplistic (classic troll example: we’ve had a cool spring, so global warming is a hoax); interchangeably using both “socialist” and “fascist” to describe anything that Obama might do; blaming Obama for Bush’s fuck-ups, like saying he now owns our country’s recession; failure to ever recognize either humor or sarcasm; a propensity to weep along with Glenn Beck; treating rules of grammar and punctuation like hostile forces; rambling incoherence that precludes meaningful dialogue; a refusal to condemn anyone on the same side no matter how ridiculous or offensive the position espoused; recognition of Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann as intellectual leaders; and, simply, never adding anything of value to the discourse. Again, however, remember that while such criteria are helpful and lend some objectivity to the selection process, ultimately the determining factor is more intuitive—to paraphrase Justice Potter Stewart’s definition of pornography, we know true trollness when we see it.
Over the past few months, I have many times choked up and spilled tears when I have read posts from our trolls’ posts that show how remote reality has become for them. I want to pat them on their backs, say “now, now, it’ll be alright, let’s sit down with some hot cocoa and try to reason together.” I know, however, that my empathy for the lost souls, my compulsion to lead them to the light, would likely just result in distrustful sneers. Leftists, after all, can never be trusted, even when they are actually throwing a lifeline to a drowning wingnut. Sadly, it is so hard to identify how to best extend a helping hand to the trolls for whom we want only the best.
As always, Puddy and Cynical routinely still pop in with their repetitive, unreflective whackery. Mark1, Troll, and John425 regularly appear with their buffoonish bullshit. For good or evil, manoftruth and Josef look like they’ve returned to our blessed threads. All of these folks, and all of those trolls who I just don’t care to name, are deserving always of being honored for their wild wingnuttery. This week, however, we must honor someone who has not yet been honored, unless he is currently sock puppeting, with this most esteemed award.
This week’s winner appears confident that we want to hear him on every topic, every thread; he is sure we all thirst for his opinion. His posts incorporate the usual misspellings, blended with tortured grammar and punctuation, all the while wanting, surely, to make English our official language. Or, at least, he wants to beat up on immigrants. His posts are never long, never contemplative. Of course, contemplation is not something the unreflective can do. This fella, trust me, is not reflective. He is a drive-by shooter, who thinks that policy arguments are won by insults, innuendo, and inanity. I must stop. An award must be given.
And, the Goat goes to—
Dr. Dre. Hey, man, you did it. Do a little jig, then, go flog your log, or whatever it is wingnuts like you do to celebrate good fortune. Picture this, Dude: Dr. Dre’s plaque hung up on the Wingnut Hall of Fame with those of Puddy, Cynical, manoftruth, Little Ricky Dumbass, and the other esteemed past winners of the Golden Goat. Dr. Dre, you did it. Confuckinggratulations.
More everyday fun and frolicking from the religion of peace…..Islam, aint it quaint?
Been asleep Rip Van Winkle GBS? Maybe you should ask Odumba who took many campaign large from BP, his Minerals and Mining peeps approved the system in 2009 that blew up in April and then Odumba approved another waiver for BP May 7, 2010.
Ask the goatsee for the original PuddyLinks in his “vaulted” HA Database!
Can you say collusion with BP?
@22…me thinks you take HA a tad too seriously.
Honestly geek, go out and get some pussy – you will really feel better.
but hey, thanks for the kind thoughts – its nice to know you are thinking about me when I am not around….and in reality, the fact that you obsess over me means one thing: I WIN…and you lose.
Where do you get 13 trillion? Gwb created 6.2 trillion of it you fucking moron.
To the goatsee@10,
Vicariously living on GBS’ Rip Van Winkle sleeping comments proves how stupid you are. GBS has libtardo disease. He forgot Odumba likes BP and that’s why the tepid response. Puddy already gave your database goatsee links you can replay for GBS so he wakes up and sees Odumba’s “visible hand” in this sorry of an act play.
Well everyone knows the goatsee is a dumb brick moron!
19: Sooner or later, someone from Rossi’s camp is going to realize his You Tube’s views are low, and they are going to assign a few lowly staff persons to click on it a few thousand times and hour. Then when the count goes up, they are going to issue a press release accusing others who used the previous low count of lying.
@22 – a classic. Way to go.
@22 As always, Puddy and Cynical routinely still pop in with their repetitive, unreflective whackery
And it took a 1000 words of mind-numbing blather to get to this part . . .
@22, The Leftist who is Proud said:
They fuck goats, dude. Disturbingly banal troll behavior, but there it is.
BTW: righteous G-Goat post. I heartily concur!
@31….looks zitz, just because that burned-out ex-hippie skank you call a wife looks like a goat, doesnt mean that other people like goats…
just saying.
Bigot Lobotomy @25 would ruin the reputation of even the Goat award.
Really, only a few trolls in the history of this message board have exceeded this craphead.
@33…turning tricks yet YLB? or you still making the wife do all the work?
ya, thats what I thought…
Cop Killers Were Anti-Government Extremists
News source say a man and his 16-year-old son who murdered two Arkansas cops, and later were killed in a WalMart parking lot, were anti-government extremists.
Rightwing anti-government hate talk does, in fact, cost innocent lives.
Bigot Lobotomy @ 34
Talk to Stupes about that. That’s his bailiwick.
Fiends like you and he.. well.. I’ll just leave you to your own dark compulsions.. It’ll catch up with you eventually. Just like it did with these guys:
Any one of which would have made a splash on the Monson show back in the day when those things were kept under wraps..
I take it from the screams and thrashing hereabouts that Dreg’s goat is apparently fucking him.
Some, ahem, goattoral bleating confirmed Dre’s dire straits:
Poor Dre!
Rightwing anti-government hate talk does, in fact, cost innocent lives.
The difference, old man, is that you left-wingers prefer to have the government do your killing for you – in large fucking wholesale lots!
Christine was never a very good campaigner and I dont think Dino has a clue what a national-based campaign is really like.
@ 38
Heh, and who was it that falsified evidence to go to war in Iraq again?
I don’t know the answer to that any more than you do. One can speculate, but that’s all it is.
Dr. Dre,
I would think that you could be a little more gracious about receiving the honor that has been bestowed upon you. You’re at the top of the wingnut world today. A simple “thank you” would suffice. Oh, okay, and a little speech about all the friends and relatives who helped you achieve such a high honor. C’mon, man, step up!
@28 rhp6033 05/26/2010 at 7:11 pm,
Pumping the number may sound deceitful, but it is expected. Failing to either understand that or execute it is indicative of a fundamental lack of understanding of what is required.
Goldy’s earlier post of the funding mountain Helmet-Hair-Hamlet must climb provides one view. Goldy applied some straight line analysis of what is required, but these things never move in a straight line. Each day the enthusiasm wanes, the steeper the curve to be climbed the following day.
Helmet-Hair-Hamlet’s dithering has exacerbated his funding dilemma exponentially. Even a two-time loser only gets one chance to make a first impression.
Fred Thompson finally got into the race.
Odumba has a Boxer fundraiser at the Getty Mansion…
Getty = BIG OIL. Got that zero sum game headless lucy? $17,000 a head. WHen DUMMOCRAPTS need money they go to filthy rich DUMMCRAPTS and BIG OIL!
Don’t tell Puddy about nuthin regarding rich fucking DUMMOCRAPTS and their dealing with BIL OIL!
Read the comments FOOLS!
Odumba Disciple John Brennan doesn’t call Jerusalem Jerusalem… he calls it Al Quds first – the Muslim name. Now why would he do that unless it was a blessed remark from on high?
An you Jewish fools march lock high steppin with this Israel hating administration.
“And, in all my travels the city I have come to love most is al-Quds, Jerusalem where three great faiths come together.”
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, AKA the Al Quds Force
This administration is becoming more interesting each day and Proud Goatist is worried about his goat looking for someone else!
Puddy @ 46
Don’t be a sore loser, man. As a two-time winner of the Golden Goat, you should be man enough to extend your congratulations to Dr. Dre. You can do it, Pud, I know you can do it.
All you leftist fools scream about Tea Party people doing violent acts when the real evidence is leftist pinhead unions planning the riotous acts.
Remember union thugs attacked a black man last year in the mid west. They also attacked a union meeting in Michigan. Ask the goatsee for the original PuddyLinks from the goatsee HA copied home goatsee database.
Of course fools like Zitz and the goatsee have issues with facts.
Dr Dre…
Puddy owns goatsee@36. The goatsee really loses it when someone reminds him of turning tricks.
@48 Zitz and the goatsee have issues with facts
As I recall Zotz also had issues with Emily the other day when she threatened to kick his and YLB’s butt at DL if they showed. Not surprisingly, Zotz’s car wouldn’t start that day and YLB had a prior engagement, namely to get his 10 year database project to work correctly.
Proud Goatist,
Sore loser? You are a moronic self-centered fool. A real purveyor of bestiality. What does God say about that Proud Goatist, since you claim to be spawned from a preacher man? And of course Zitz is right there expressing his jealousy as he dreams of goat sex!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
Thanks for the laugh!
@44, FTW!
More thoughts of the day.
Libtardos say no to wind farms in marshlands in Texas.
Libtardos say no to Atlantic ocean wind farms off the coast Martha’s Vineyard.
Libtardos say no to nuclear energy.
Libtardos say no to off-shore shallow water drilling.
Libtardos say no to on shore drilling.
Libtardos say no to hydroelectric dams on rivers.
Libtardos say they can drive their big tour buses for band shows and political activities as long as the little peeps ride their bikes to cover their usage.
Libtardos say they have a right to fly in their private jets when they arrive to scream and shout regarding global warming.
And you wonder why peeps are getting fed up with libtardos?
Dr Dre says “thanks the for the award PL”, as he bounces his sack of PL’s wife’s chin..
Great video Goldy. Maybe Rossi should just quit now. Avoid the humiliation. He could just go back and flip foreclosures his buddies created.
Puddy @ 51
Whoa, I ain’t feeling the love. Ouch. I am, indeed, the son of a preacher man. Here, you go, Dusty’s classic:
I wanted my brothers’ wives and my new bride to sing this song at our wedding reception, but they wouldn’t do it. Puddy, do you ever have a sense of humor?
Awwww Stupes.. Stop trying to deflect from your lurid, leering comments about other’s wives and daughters.. It’s no use fool..
You’re on the record.
Bigot Lobotomy would enjoy joining forces with you on that score..
One of these days I’ll show him your nympho slut explosion. That’ll really flip his on switch!
Then here in the threads it’ll be just a couple of fiends, trolling for their pound of flesh. How right wing..
There you go. De nada. You’re welcome.
Hmmm. The project is on HA trolls. HA’s only been around since May 2004?
And the first post on my blog is when? July 2007? Hit squad troll flunks arithmetic! I’ve always thought hit squad trolls were dumb but that’s really dumb..
Course all this flies right over Stupes’ head. Yuk, yuk, yuk…
Yawwwnnn… Kind of getting bored with all this dumbassery…
Yep, the engagement is avoiding mean-spirited, dumbass trolls.
I.E. – having a life!
Puddy writes purposely. That’s why your name has changed from clueless gooberfool, to yelling loser boy, to arschloch to goatsee. Each name has been thoughtfully and carefully considered. You on the other hand have to change the topic, deflect the conversation, and circlejerk the debate cuz you are a dumb brick. Turning tricks was one of many jabs at you and your losing family.
Now knowing your son has different political aspirations and your brother actually has a brain, it proves to all here how much of a monomaniacal chronologically challenged dumb brick goatsee moron you are. Puddy owns you.
Pavlov sez bark.
Pavlov sez run to the database.
Pavlov sez useless doggie.
You had nothing. You have nothing and in the future you’ll still be nothing.
Regarding having a life…
Who spends all day fiddling with 5+ year old commentary on someone else’s blog? – YOU
Who comments on HA 24 hrs a day? – YOU
Who brags about his findings in his personal HA database archive? – YOU
Who rushes back into his personal HA database archive and tries to attack others with monomaniacal chronologically challenged commentary? – YOU
The prosecution rests your honor! The goatsee once again damages his argument with his own actions!
Proud Goatist,
Puddy has a great sense of humor. Puddy don’t aspire to bestiality. Why do you? There’s no hope for Zitz!
Another Democrat is big trouble requiring lots of money to hold his Senate Seat–
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Rare is the day when I read the comments of our resident trolls and I am not reminded of Don Pedro’s comment about Dogberry: “This learned constable is too cunning to be understood.”
@66. He shoots, he scores!
Wow Stupes, thanks for enlightening everyone on what YOU do here every day..
I highly recommend your drivel to anyone by the way.. Like you said here:
recommends it, it must be useless!
I guess my work is done.. But it’s not really “work”. It’s fun!
The fun continues.. On to November..
I’ll start YLB’s most recommended comment of the day. After all like Stupes says if I recommend it, it MUST be USELESS..
And the winner is…
Comment 54.
Yeah it’s yesterday, but who’s keeping track.
Imagine being in Rossi’s shoes. Waiting for the next slimy deal, and corrupt “financier” to be uncovered. No wonder he waited so long. The more time we have to look at his “deals” the smaller his chance of being elected. Not that his chances of half wit, insane tea baggers putting him over the top were all that great.
Isn’t it kinda funny how they want less government regulations, but when we have a huge disaster they are screaming for the government to come clean up some “corporation’s” mess. What do these folks smoke anyway?
Keep yer damn guvvmint hands off my medicare!!
Hey, watch this:
I came in hot and lit up KTTH “The Truth” yesterday.
71 – And these hit squad morons think I’m obsessive…
@73, you have my pity. We should play nice, eh?
After all, has Patty Murray picked you in the draft? You know, the political version of the NFL draft?
@71 I’ll have to fix my CPU audio. But I’ve been meaning to do that anyway. I’ve been pronouncing it in my head as “Mah-roomy”. Reading something on your link, I take it that it’s actually “Mah-rummy”. Sorry. My bad.
@75 Thanks. Got that right – Mah-rummy it is dude, enjoy the fun!
Yawwwwnnn.. I said my son has a “temperament”.. He’s only a freaking middle schooler.. Politics is not a priority at this time him. What a shithead you are Stupes..
And brother? Where’d you get that foolishness?
Jab? At my family? Heh. You wish. I’m sure Bigot Lobotomy would be overjoyed now to introduce the likes of you to his family. One of these days I’ll highly recommend the salient posts of yours.
The only purpose I can see is to assuage the pain of a wounded psyche.. With right wing fantasies and name-calling.
Your church can’t do that for you can it? Oh well, I forget sometimes that many churches preach all the time about the life eternal after your brief time is finished while passing the hat by you in this life.
No wonder you spend so much time here, #2.
BIAW committing voting fraud?
Hi Puddy.
Stop evading the question.
Do you support Arizona’s SB 1070 “Support Our Law Enforcement And Neighborhoods Act”?
Yes or no?
rhp @ 28
It’s surprisingly difficult to pump your hits (page views) on the cheap. Having your volunteers (supporters) do it might get you few thousand hits.
I now think campaign videos are a waste of money. (Previously, not knowing either way, I just followed the received wisdom.)
why do progressives hate secure borders?
dre @ 83
Good question!
We progressives favor effective policies.
Recognizing cause and effect, we identify the root cause and solve that problem.
As opposed to wasting time, money, and effort continuing failed policies (aka “conservatism”).
all facts @ 70
I haven’t met Rossi, so I wouldn’t know, but I can’t imagine he thinks he has a shot. So why would he subject himself to the pain and humiliation? Power? Money? Ego?
I assume he’s pulling a Giuliani (figured out a scam to fleece his supporters).
Wingnut Solution To Youth Unemployment: Cut Wages!
A congressional report released yesterday says the unemployment rate among 16 to 24 year old workers has reached an all-time high since data collection began in 1947.
Predictably, a spokesman for the rightwing Heritage Foundation think tank argued for rolling back the youth minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $5.15 an hour.
What a bunch of assholes. Why would anyone vote for these people?
This one’s for correctnotright, a Democrat so dumb he must have been kicked in the head by a Democrat donkey. My thoughts about Salatin’s good book are an attempt, probably futile, to reintroduce cnr to the real world where regulation is as inefficient as market failure. In cnr’s weirdoworld, benevolent liberal regs rush in like magic to save the day. In the real world of Obama/cnr regulation …
(What is it with Obama’s cnr regulators and porn? First it was the SEC, during a little of Bush and a lot of Obama, downloading the buzz while the economic world was, um, downmelting. Now its Obama’s regulators who, during breaks in the Hot XXX Action, were granting categorical exclustions to BP. Sirota, in case you haven’t heard, is one of the Nazis at Blethen’s Seattle Nazi Times. Sirota used to work for Nazi Socialist Bernie Sanders.)
So, as a corrective to cnr’s brain-damaged infatuation with Big Govt regulation, his blind faith in the Democrat bureaucrat Goldycrat statist state, heeeeere’s Joel Salatin:
Michael Pollan mentions Salatin’s book, Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal, in the current issue of NY Review. Had low hopes for the book because of the author’s cameo appearances in Pollan’s Omnivore’s Dilemma and a Pollan-centric movie, Food, Inc. Salatin’s the geek in the big ugly hat who’s hangin’ with the hogs.
I assumed he was a slightly transgressive (radical Christian libertarian environmentalist?) variant of Pollan and Lappe and Lappe and Richardson and Waters and Schlosser. Just another hayseed elitist, in other words, who learned his farming at Chez Panisse.
Salatin and his family, including his parents and homeschooled kids, learned farming on the farm. He and his family know that family farming is the riskiest of risky businesses. The game is rigged, he writes, by the Big Government-Big Business Complex to make things so complex for small business that it can’t compete with big business and it can’t comply with the quagmire of regulatory lunacy that seems to have come from conspiracy and collusion. The regulatory game is rigged against small business in general and small family farms in particular. The regulatory quagmire seems designed to defy the alleged goals (food safety, for example) of compliance. Regulatory quagmires are where small farms go to die.
The regulatory state is the crown of liberal creation. Salatin’s book, from cover to cover, is a ground-level examination of the dents in the crown. His writing has ground-level immediacy. It was written by someone who sees life below the ground, down where the grass roots are, and who has tried to make a living from dirt and grass. Salatin’s book has the immediacy of being written by someone who sees life and work from the life-and-death end of the food chain.
There’s no Pollan/Lappe artifice in Salatin’s writing, no sense that we’re being manipulated by more-or-less careful constructions of words, of books built for causes and effect. Salatin writes as if he weren’t writing. From first page to last he seems to be sitting next to us. Sometimes he’s on the edge of his chair with passionate intensity, sometimes he’s bitter and bewildered, usually he’s carried along in his story by hard-won humor. But always his sharp-edged intelligence and honesty quietly command our attention.
You’ll be changed by this book, by the author’s sharp intelligence. Depending on where you sit — Chez Panisse? USDA? Cargill? Friends of NPR? — you’ll be persuaded (his call for getting rid of child-labor regs won’t sell) or you won’t. But you won’t be the same.
Don’t know if Salatin drinks tea at Tea Parties, but he seems to have caught the wave before it began. He’s an insurgent. His is the clearest voice calling in a government-choked wilderness that too much of government and business is a game. That the game is rigged. And that the game is unsustainable.
cnr is thick as an Issaquah brick, the brick they used to beat in the head of a “rapist,” but at least cnr isn’t Rabbit. (And tell the liberal scientist moron that I DON’T BRAKE FOR RODENT looks way better on my bumper sticker than I DON’T BRAKE FOR LAGOMORPH.)
Rodent Rabbit tells us that Obama and Keynes saved us. We thought that Keynes was finally put six feet under when Jimmy Carter gave us the trifecta, double-digit unemployment, double-digit interest rates, double-digit inflation.
That kind of harmonic convergence was not supposed to happen in Keynes World. But according to our wicked old liberal rodent lawyer, Keynes pulled us back from the recent brink of meltdown.
Maybe. Maybe GWB and Paulson, using Keynesian TARP, spent us away from the edge of ruin. Maybe, as GWB implied at the time, he had to use socialism to save capitalism, which is also how FDR justified his manic New Deal.
Perhaps, as we baggers believe, GWB should have dealt with economic catastrophe by going way back to 1921, not FDR’s 1933. In 1921, depression was apparently averted by doing nothing beyond letting markets sort themselves out. Hard to say how the 1921 analogy would have held up in September 2008.
But this much we know: we know that FDR, allegedly Keynesian, was baffled and bewildered by Keynes. FDR believed in balanced budgets and cutting government spending. He said so in 1932 and 1937.
We also know that even if Keynesianism worked in the short run by priming a rusted pump with a greased flood of dollars, it wasn’t supposed to be perpetual. The flood spigot was supposed to be turned off.
What we’ve had since 1933 is all Keynes almost all the time … almost 80 years of “free” lunch with the bill coming due because too many of us are getting too old. In the long run we’ll all be dead and it won’t matter. But in the real world, here and now, Keynes World (we are not worthy!) is coming apart because we’re in 24/7 crisis mode and the flood never ends.
I think ego is the biggest element in Rossi’s deciding to run. For 6 months, he gets to bask in the adulation that Rs bestow lavishly on him. He feeds on that shit. So, even if he loses, during the campaign he gets to be King Shit on Turd Island. Plus, after losing, he gets to use all his campaign connections to pile up dough. Not a bad gig, I guess.
You rail on me for being Rip Van Winkle, then tell YLB to get a life for posting too much while you yourself post probably 4-5 days per week.
How do you merge the hypocrisy in your mind?
I’m not going to dive into policy details of why BP got the environmental waivers, that policy came as a result of the Bush/Reagan Republican era. Do your own homework.
Hey, ask your wife if she’ll give you a $1,000 to bet on Rossi.
Fuck, I started laughing my ass off before I finished typing that question. Because you know and I know, and so, too, does everyone else, you’re going to come up with a shit load of excuses why your wife won’t let you have $1,000 of your own money.
C’mon, prove you da man of the house, plunk down a cool “G” on Rossi.
Nothing like wagering big money to find out who’s right, who’s wrong and who’s the man of their domain.
BTW, I noticed not one other conservative took me up on my wager to bet a grand on Rossi.
Looks like each and every single one of them are pussy-whipped, dominated femmies who have to ask their wifey or mommy if they can have some money.
NONE of you have the BALLS to even contemplate asking the “woMAN” of the house for 10 bucks let alone a grand.
Go ahead, any of you so called “rich” republicans who rail on YLB all the time about not having a job – MAN UP – make the bet.
Oh, and that’s not a “carry all” slung on your shoulder; it’s your wife’s FUCKING PURSE!!
I bet your women make you sit to take a piss in your own house AND in public when you’re “shopping” together.
Sorry, I know you guys aren’t allowed to call it a “piss” that’s man talk.
What do your women make you call taking a piss? T.T.? Wee Wee? Sprinkles? Hmmmmm . . . what is it? What’s your “special” word for taking a piss?
No cash, no bet, no balls. No WONDER you guys are angry.
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Then there’s GBS, an even thicker brick than cnr. Have given up trying to set GBS straight (he’s the most twisted thick brick we’ve got) about church/state and Reagan, so we’ll just have to refight the Big One, WWII. But not today.
For everybody else, remember that Reagan — alleged enemy of government — salvaged government. We were coming apart from five more-or-less failed and flailing presidents. JFK and Ford were lesser failures; LBJ and Nixon were big-time failures.
But Carter’s failure was a stain and stench so toxic that, it seemed, even the Ty-D Bowl Man couldn’t scrub him out. But Reagan did. Reagan vindicated our experiment with government. When Carter seemed to show that the experiment had failed and that the modern presidency was more than anybody could handle, Reagan made government work again. Savor the irony.
They’re holdovers and leave-behinds from the HNMT’s favorite mis-administration, the one he voted for twice.
Kindly note the date on that article.
Huh? You mean “drill baby drill”? That’s Obama “reaching out” to right wingers in most the Reaganesque of ways – getting government “out of the way”. You’d think even Horowitz would approve if he’d just take off the Ayers/Dorn goggles.
Poor Obama. Can never win with these guys. Not that he should even try.
Grooan.. The vitriol on Carter.. No rational basis whatsoever.. As the roots of the economic trouble were sown much earlier..
It’s all over Israel isn’t it Mr “Irgun”?
@ 84
Good question!
I presume you’re being facetious. Republicans think it’s perfectly OK to line the pockets of their already wealthy friends under the pretext that they can actually make our borders “secure”.
It’s a common right-wing scam: convince people to be afraid of something, and extort money from them by claiming an ability to keep people safe from this latest bogey man, all the while doing jack shit to actually keep people safe.
To be fair, the are two kinds of Republicans: the truly evil shits who think up these scams, and the gullible dweebs who play along, because they’re too stupid to figure out that it’s all just a scam. The only real question is, into which category does Dr. Dead-brain fall?
Always count on pukebucket leftist, son of a preacher man, to let his little light shine. Praise God. (No, sj, not you.)
Rossi’s greatest hit was his final debate with “Governor” Gargoyle in 2008. While he mildly defended his balancing of the budget in 2003, GG defended her leadership of 2008 by snarling, There Is NO Deficit, Dino.
All depends on what the meaning of Is is. And what NO is. And what Deficit is.
Word-twisting lawyers. Lawyers like Christine, proud leftist, and Rabbit Rodent. Can’t live with ’em. Can’t feed ’em to the pigs.
I find it really funny that right wingers are blaming Obama for cutting government red tape for the oil industry.
Even Bobby Jindal holds BP at fault.
@ 92
Kindly note the date on that article.
What, you expect the guy who personifies Ian Anderson’s character to understand something as complicated as a time-line? “Chronology” has more than three syllables in it.
Excellent summation of what you prove here day after day, minute after minute. YLB can’t win.
He can’t win against Brother Puddy with facts. He can’t win against Brother Puddy with reason.
YLB can’t win. Sort of like Jimmy Carter that way, but hey! Look on the bright side. Like Jimmy Carter, I have lust in my heart for sista YLB … we’re a very close family, when we’re not fighting here.
Who can rationally conclude that what Stupes does here is about facts and reason?
Not to Don Joe, who sounds way more like Jethro Bodine than Jethro Tull: has six (!) syllables, more or less. Is that more that you can handle?
So let’s get our chronology up to date:
And before you blow into your Malkin Bigotry Meltdown, let us know why you and ****** bigot Barney Frank hate Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Asian Americans.
@99: Moi. Especially compared to you. Did you roll out of the rack at the crack of noon to collect your pukebucket leftist award?
Way up the thread we’ve got GBS opening the betting pool on Dino. Here’s something better: Did Joe Sixpack lie to the voters of PA? Or did an Obamunist commit a felony?
Either. Or. Which horn of the dilemma makes you horny today, DJ? Sister? GBS? Anybody?
(Not to Don Joe = Note to Don Joe. Either way, screw it.)
101 – Yawwwwwnnn. Quite a bit earlier than that actually.
HNMT, PL has never awarded the Goat to you..
Are you miffed or something? Is this what’s got you so mmmmmm… pissed?
Puddy LIES again!
Are you just STUPID Puddy, or do you not pay attention, or do you believe all the lies you hear?
Which is it? Your statement has been totally refuted as ONE BIG LIE after another. People who keep repeating big lies (like the Nazi propagandist Goebels) are either deliberately deceptive BIG LIARS or they are are incredibly stoopid and gullible morons.
Which is it?
According to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, Republicans receive far more campaign money from the oil and gas industry than do Democrats.
Yup, Bush/Cheney stacked the MMS with people that encouraged promiscuity, wrote the rules for oil companies by using company lobbyists and left a bunch of career appointees behind – and Puddy disengenuously blames it on Obama.
Oh, and here is another resignee: the guy in charge appointed by….Bush/Cheney:
Read more:
You are a flat out LIAR or flat out FOOL, Puddy.
Which is it?
@98: hahaha I have taken poor wittle moron Puddy down so many times he is on his wittle knees.
Puddy runs from facts. Puddy LIES. Puddy is a worthless fool.
Watch – he will try to insult me and call me stoopid – just proves he can’t argue and doesn’t know squat.
Some intelligence- Puddy is surface deep and just plain DUMB.
YLB @ 103
Given the volume and mass of HNMT’s vitriol today, it would appear he is not taking his failure to win yesterday’s Goat very well. Indeed, I sense some bitterness on his part. I would say he’s sure got himself in the running for the next award, wouldn’t you agree?
Who’s going to be the first conservative on this blog to MAN UP and ask their mommy or wife if they can have a $1,000 dollars?
Mr. Cynical
Dr. Dre
Ronald Ray-Gun
twited sista
Hmmmm so far, there are no conservative men here. Only the kind that carry purses, wear skirts, sit to pee, and get angry at the governmetn and blame it for being such looooooosers.
Speaking of bigotry meltdowns, what’s with goldy and Kamper Van Dyk? Or is it way beyond bigotry … something out of Freud?
Perhaps goldy pere, who is or was some sort of shrink, can make sense of it. Or perhaps goldy’s real issue is with goldy pere: T van D has been carjacked by goldy into some deep and deeply troubling Oedipal psychodrama. Either way, goldy in his TvanD fix is deeply troubled.
Ted, way back in the day, worked for The Hump … mentioned earlier with regard to the Democrats’ muzzling of Fannie Lou Hamer and her Mississippi Freedom Democrats. Maybe that’s why Dr. Thompson called Humphrey a treacherous gutless old ward-heeler who should have been stuffed in a dirty bottle and sent out with the Japanese Current … which brings us back to Democrats’ anti-Asian bigotry.
@87: Ice-T sockpuppet
Who appointed those people? Wow, you are Stoopid!
Nice LIE -you fool. Look at the REAL documentation – not the surface innuendo you spew.
hahaha – look at all the moronic rightwingnuts – they call names but cite no real facts to dispute what I put out…what a bunch of third-grade level fools.
Gee, who was cozy with the oil comnpanies and the mining companies. Who is for deregulation?
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize you are full of shit and don’t know a damn thing.
Puddy? On his knees? To cnr?????!!!!!
Didn’t your mother tell you? Never bullshit a bullshitter (GBS) because he’s in over his head already: piling on squat-pee-ers when everybody here knows GBS is one.
105 – Not a slam dunk of course but the evidence vaguely points in that direction.
All right BIG MOUTH!
Wanna bet neither of them get convicted of a felony?
Hmmmm . . . . ready to MAN UP with a $1,000 wager????
Ready?? Huh? Ready to MAN UP you punk ass fool???
Because your wife won’t give you $100 let alone a grand and she makes you sit when you take a piss.
BTW, you never answered the question about taking a piss.
What does your wife make you call taking a piss? Do you have to call it “taking a squat?”
MAN UP or shut up.
What’s it going to be: felony conviction for $1,000 or continue dying a 1,000 deaths you coward.
Yes, dammit. You outed me again, you little minx.
I’m sorry HNMT, I don’t recall having any shock troops of the Irgun in my extended family..
On to more rational matters:
Please cite your source. L.A Times is it not? So who is this blogger? I’ll have dig into his stuff.. Given that… mmmmm..
Sean Hannity and Dick Morris believe Obama should be impeached over this..
What a coincidence..
I wish this thread wasn’t such a fun read as I’m really trying to get some work done today.
YLB: Have plowed the ground here of Carter’s economic at least twice. He had help from JFK, LBJ, RMN, and LLK to become the emblem of economic failure. His foreign-affairs failures in Iran and with the USSR were his alone.
Mentioned above that Obama’s SEC carried over, for a prolonged period, pathology from GWB’s. Ditto Obama’s Interior Dept regulators. That’s because the regulatory bureaucracy is eternal. Presidents come and go, but the screwedupedness of the regulatory state lingers on.
And no, cnr, that’s not an appeal for the deregulation of everything. It’s a way of saying that mountains beyond mountains of regulators and regulations did not stop financial meltdown. They did not stop, and apparently permitted under Obama (and maybe earlier), the granting of waivers in the gulf.
Regulators at SEC and Interior also put Lusty Lady out of business, but you knew that already.
YLB: Jindal is a realist. He knows Big Business fialed in the Gulf, and he knows Obama — through ineptitude or inattention — is starting to wear the Spill like Bush wore Katrina.
Rad lib Jonathan Alter says the spill is Obama’s tarbaby, born On His Watch … a phrase I recently re-laid on cnr since he seemed to have forgotten it when Obama was elected.
Special Ed says the spill is Obama’s, on his watch.
Rad lib David Sirota says the spill belongs to Obama’s Salazar, but that the shoutin’ loud left is strangely silent, for a change.
Yo! Steve! Have lust my heart for you, too, but let’s not tell anybody.
Steve @ 115:
No shit. I figure if I can get one of these wankers to MAN UP and plunk down a grand on Rossi, that would be the easiest $1,000 I’ve ever made.
I mean, what could be easier money than betting on a greasy, real estate swindler and 2 time state wide loser to lose against Sen. Murray and her record of success and war chest???
You’d think, though, there would be at least one MAN left in the conservative world. But, you’d be wrong.
Hey, Pussies, why don’t ya’ll take yer wives to
Nordstrom’sGoodwill on Sunday’s this fall cuz you aint gonna be watchin’ no damn football, that is FOR SURE!!The NFL is for men and the women who love to be with REAL MEN.
None of you feminized pussies will pony up a grand!!
I mean, so what if you lose? At least you can say you have your balls and bet on your guy!!
Oops, sorry, forgot. You guys DON’T have your balls, they’re in your wives purses that you carry around for her.
I bet you get really embarrassed when she asks you for her purse and shows your testicles to her friends at the spa. Huh? Yeah, you hate that don’t you?
I’ve got one word for you:
L.A. Times it is, you sly little slut. Didn’t want to give you the link because it has Rove in it. Knew that would put you off your feed and onto a pointless tirade. As usual.
Man up and bet against GBS? You bet! Of course! Not!
Glass-Stegal. Look it up some time before you type something so fucking stupid.
Hey, got a grand to put on Rossi? I’m taking bets.
BTW, it’s not limited to one of you conservative “men” out there. I can easily cover up to 10 of you “men” if you can get an advance on your allowances.
YLB says Jindal blames BP. Don’t we all. But wait! There’s more that YLB didn’t tell you!
– Here’s the link for sly YLB …
Lots more where that came from.
And add Ragin’ Cajun James Carville to the list of disaffected leftists who blame Obama. Heard a clip of Corp. Cueball this morning in which Carville sounded like he was back in the good old days, pounding the pudgy Anglo piss out of Newt Gingrich.
@ 100
Is that more that you can handle?
You might want to figure out the semantic difference between “that” and “than” before you venture into the rough-and-tumble world of adverbial phrases.
So let’s get our chronology up to date
Right. Obama fires a Bush appointee, yet that, somehow, shows us that you understand the meaning of the word “chronology”?
Look, you can stop trying to audition for the part of Dogberry. Despite the fact that playing the part really wouldn’t require much acting on your part, you’re still not ever going to do the part as well as Michael Keaton did.
St. Ronny of Raygun plays politics, offers SI Hayakawa a job to exit CA Senate race:
Epic Wingnut Fail!
Glass-Steagall. Idiot. Maybe if you spelled it correctly you’d come up with something useful when you look it up.
Been on that track, spelled correctly, for ~2 years. Rabbit was probably the first one here to lay his Blame Gramm Game on us, a game that cnr, always late to the party and to the potty, started playing a couple weeks ago.
So it’s 2008, more or less. Soon after Bear Stearns bites the wire. That’s when Rabbit rolls out his Gramm Gotcha. Our excellent HTML HNMT, whatever he/she/it is, was back in seconds with a hot link to Democrat Underground incinerating Clinton for signing the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999. Democrat Underground telling the truth about Democrat Clinton. Miracles happen. There is a God.
Move forward to early 2010. HNMT whacked Rabbit with commentary from Atlantic Monthly showing that our recent meltdown was unattributable to the repeal of G-S. Neither Gramm nor Clinton “caused” the current crisis.
HNMT, depite his terminal BS in economics, doesn’t pretend to have the final answer to the catastrophe of 2008. But at least he knows how to spell Steagall. Look it up, you idiot. Then apologize.
Zitz strikes again. Get the Clearasil.
Here’s one even bigger than yours: About 14 years ago, just when we were starting to get the down-low lowdown about Chung and Riady and the rest of Clinton’s foreign big-bucks donors, Michael Reagan on KVI prattled about the inconvenient truth that his adoptive dad — or Dad’s GOP — had taken big hunks of campaign cash for Marcos and other Filipinos back in the Reagan ’80s.
Typical blind man’s typo, DJ. What’s your excuse? Adverbial, adversarial, or otherwise?
I’ll stop auditioning for Dogberry if you stop auditioning for the part of Dogberry’s Dingleberry.
And you better pull another literary allusion out of your ass. You’ve used Dogberry at least twice. Today. Suggests a lack of imagination or intelligence.
(Way up there,
plowed the ground of Carter’s economic = plowed the ground of Carter’s economic catastrophe. Idiocy. Ineptitude. Whatever.)
@107 Who’s going to be the first conservative on this blog to MAN UP and ask their mommy or wife if they can have a $1,000 dollars?
Include database crackpots and I’ll volunteer someone who does it regularly.
116 – Well I’ll have to plow the database for more of your unhinged rants on Carter.. “emblem” seems a bit weak of a word for the HNMT I’ve become familiar with. LLK?
Let’s see what else..
Yeah.. K Street kinda likes that.
What a breath of fresh air! If only I could believe it isn’t really air freshener and I won’t be gagging in minute.
Heh. Failed? Uh yeah! To say the least. Those regulatory socialist goons of Norway and their surely labrynthine regulations in the North Sea are kind of looking good right now.
Over those greedy shortcutters at BP headquarters – awwww, trying to shore up the balance sheet for spending so much not to foul up socialist shores. HNMT! Take heart! You can still blame socialism!
and.. Obama’s starting to “wear the oil spill”. X says this, Y says that. He said, she said..
Now we come to the domestic politics. Yep such things happen in politics. The smears are starting to play on Faux News. Old Karl’s building a nasty war chest to deploy over the next 4+ years courtesy of the SCOTUS. The HMNT and millions like him are chortling in glee.
Never boring.
Uhhh.. Poor man was put off that a young junior Senator seized the day. Young man in a hurry couldn’t “wait his turn”.
Right wing was ESPECIALLY put off. I remember the days they PRAYED for Hillary.
Sorry Sockpuppet @122:
There aren’t enough booms in the world to get this spill.
And that’s the fucking point, asshole!
NO ONE was prepared for recovering from a blowout a mile down, most of all BP who certified that they were.
The only thing that has a chance of working to mitigate the spilled oil is a bunch of super-tankers and their powerful pumps sucking up the oil.
That would mean we’d be able to pretty accurately tell how much oil was spilled and that would be VERY BAD for BP’s bidness since their liability is directly tied to the amount of oil spilled. That’s why they’ve been lying about what was coming out of the pipe since day one!
We already know this is worse than Exxon-Valdez; a mid-range estimate is an Exxon-Valdez every four days!
But lots of things are going to change because of it that would never have happened under C+Augustus and the Oil Patch Presidency.
@ 125:
I apologize I misspelled a word. It happens to me more frequently than I’d like to have happen.
132 – Bravo! That blows anything I’ve written today out of the water.
@132 a mid-range estimate is an Exxon-Valdez every four days!
Zotz, can you show us your math?
HNMT’s work here is done for this day. When my man Glenn takes over from Obama on 20 January 2013, we can all start getting our minds right again and stop wasting time here while time is wasting us.
(That riff about time is via Shakespeare, DJ, just in case you didn’t recognize it.)
@132 We already know this is worse than Exxon-Valdez; a mid-range estimate is an Exxon-Valdez every four days!
Can you provide your math for this, Zotz? thx
PS 2 YLB: LLK = Leslie Lynch King.
PPS 2 Zotz: Oh yeah? What about the Texas Rangers?
PeePeeS 2 YLB: Prayed for Hillary???!!! You’ve either taken too many drugs or you need some drugs. Either way, seek professional help from Dr. Goldstein.
campaign cash for Marcos = campaign cash from Marcos
Bis spater, alligators.
@118…you have never made a $1000 in your life…your another YLB doing nothing.
What a fucking idiot you are. You know your political ideology is wrong when you blame Clinton for signing YOUR legislation into law.
What Bill should have done was bent you little minded ass holes over his knee, whooped your asses for being so stoooooopid, then sat you in the corner with your dunce cap on.
Is that what Bill should’ve done???
Tell that to this guy:
Ooops. We already know he’s the “drugster”..
139 – LMAO! If there ever was a reason to put Stupes together with Bigot Lobotomy, this is it.
Stupes’ll set you straight on GBS ya moron!
They’ve met a number of times..
Shell out the grand fiend. Put your $$$$ where your silly mouth is..
Don’t you believe Rossi can win? Even I believe there’s a (remote) chance for that! Go for it! Try to take a lefty’s money.
Bigot Lobotomy.. What a Doctor! Fiend’ll lobotomize his own peanut-sized brain..
Say what? Ms Emily hasn’t pounded you people thru the floor yet? She’s eerily like Ms. Maggie, the saucy lass who was going to pound Rabbit thru the floor. Tell GBS to put me down for 1 large ($1000 on Emily and Maggie) and $ZERO on you libtard zeros.
Apology accepted for GBS’s BS misspell. Without Steve, HNMT would never have fixed the spelling of Scandinavian, an error the brilliantly blonde Mrs HNMT would find less excusable than eating crackers in bed.
Cut short the vacation to deal with the most vulgar and vicious of YLB’s lies, the lie that we wingers prayed for Hillary. Prayed for Hillary to get indicted, maybe, but that was a long time ago.
Rush, with Operation Chaos, and Coulter were briefly on Goldwater Girl Rabbit’s bandwagon for Goldwater Girl Hillary, but only as a ploy, not as a prayer.
What I like about Obama is that he put Clinton away. Then he put the other Clinton away. Praise God.
Will say it again: Obama’s the most gifted American politician since TR. Don’t like what either have done as president, but they by-God dominate the office and the debate.
My money’s on Obama to be elected again in 2012. We can’t beat somebody with nobody and, as somebody here recently said, the GOP has nobody.
When Bill signed Gramm’s legislation, ya dope, he made it Bill’s law. Your boy’s signature on the cover sheet; not ours.
Heard last week that Starr’s focus on Kneepads Monica turned him aside from sending up the long-awaited indictment of Hillary.
But a month or two after Bill did not do Ms. Lewinsky (after his no-sex proclamation, actually) the American Spectator had an article about the status of Starr’s important investigations.
Travelgate, Rose, Cattlegate, Troopergate, Suicidegate, McDougallgate … not enough there there to indict. Starr went with Monica because, at the end of his day, that’s what he had.
GOP has nobody, although Chris Christie is starting to fill out nicely.
does YLB have a job?
answer: doesnt look like it.
Ok if not the “drugster” then how about this gal:
I believe she’s no stranger to drugs either.
Want more?
Heh. What a discovery. There’s someone HNMT hates more than Carter. Who could have predicted it? What a hive mentality.
148 – Does Bigot Lobotomy have a life?
@solarp, 135: I’m sorry I didn’t respond. Was away working.
Here’s the math, it’s actually 3.5 days. This is based on an independent range of 50k to 100k BPD and picking 70k as midrange. That’s the consensus if you read around on oil drum and energy bulletin, etc. Here’s a more conservative (but still awful) estimate:
Goldy is now deleting polls that show Democrats floundering??
Here is another dramatic turnaround where the Democrat is sucking–
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Democratic Lieutenant Governor Diane Denish now runs virtually even with county District Attorney Susana Martinez in a striking turnaround of the race for governor of New Mexico. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in New Mexico shows Denish picking up 43% support while Martinez earns 42%. Only three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and 12% are undecided.
In late March, Denish led Martinez by 19 points, 51% to 32%. In that survey, Denish led her five potential Republican opponents by anywhere from 10 to 22 points and crossed the critical 50% mark in three of the match-ups. Now her support falls short of 50% in every instance.
@solarp, 135: I meant to pull this quote in the last post:
Again, I think the 70k BPD estimate is more credible. Doesn’t really matter — how much more dead can you be if you’re already dead?
It’s just a fucking mess. Here’s some more bad news (at the link):
But all this disaster aside, this was fucking corporate manslaughter — 11 people died for the sake of profit! I wish we were more focused on that; everything else in terms of accountability would work itself out if this was being handled as a murder investigation.
@153 Again, I think the 70k BPD estimate is more credible
Why would you think this – two teams of scientists were convened to provide the latest estimates based on the most recent data and more thorough studies? What’s your source for the original estimate you provided?
Silver lining to a fucking oily cloud. Gallup (an actual credible polling outfit as opposed to the bullshit wingnut meme noise from Klynical and Rasmussen):
Americans’ shift toward a more pro-environment point of view is also evident in a separate trade-off question, which pits environmental protection against economic growth. After the oil spill, the balance of opinion tips toward the environment by seven points, 50% to 43%. Just over two months ago, Americans favored economic growth by a 15-point margin, 53% to 38%.
Worse as of 19 May:
PuddyNutz @54 –
Nice try douche bag. Soon your buddies will have you sitting in the back of the bus again.
But that was done two weeks ago. Why is an estimate done two weeks by a single scientist more credible than two studies just conducted by two teams of scientists convened specifically for this reason?
@149 –
Just a sign that Republicans are falling apart at the seams, exposing the stuffing of straw that keeps them whole.
@159: See 157 for an update.
1. Note Congressional testimony.
2. The process used by Werely has not been disputed (see update) despite thorough (heated) discussion in the energy industry stuff I read. The process used to determine the higher flow is inherently more accurate (+/- 20%) — as well as independent of BP and the Government.
As I said, doesn’t really matter at this point. 39k BPD is plenty awful.
But the testimony and “update” are both based on his original estimate. As far as I know nobody’s disputed the latest estimates, including Wereley.
Why is Wereley’s technique more accurate than what the most recent two studies employed, and if this is the case wouldn’t people be pointing this out? Who’s pointing this out?
And are you suggesting that the Obama administration is engaging in a cover-up by using methods that are less accurate and far to the low side?
But the testimony and “update” are both based on his original estimate. As far as I know nobody’s disputed the latest estimates, including Wereley.
Re-read at the link, note “new video”.
Why is Wereley’s technique more accurate than what the most recent two studies employed, and if this is the case wouldn’t people be pointing this out? Who’s pointing this out?
Conservative estimate is observational, lots of the oil cannot be observed (see my post @153). Werely’s calculation is based on the source. I don’t know why / haven’t seen any discussion of the disparity yet. Like I said there is really not a practical difference — the Gulf is fucked.
And are you suggesting that the Obama administration is engaging in a cover-up by using methods that are less accurate and far to the low side?
Not O et al per se, but as has been more than amply covered, the Government “experts” are captured by the industry — they literally are the industry and in bed with the industry. Just one of the many steaming piles in the shit tsunami O inherited.
Not evading the question. Did you read the law? If not then how can you ASK THE QUESTION?
Conservative estimate is observational, lots of the oil cannot be observed (see my post @153). Werely’s calculation is based on the source.
What does that mean? He looked at a video for his estimate. What approach did the more recent studies use? And won’t other scientists be questioning these results the same way you are?
the Government “experts” are captured by the industry
So these were government scientists that conducted the most recent studies?
Hi Puddy @ 164
Answering a question with a question is neither a “yes” or a “no”.
You brought it up. You then used it as a bludgeon. I think it’s fair to ask you:
Do you support Arizona’s SB 1070 “Support Our Law Enforcement And Neighborhoods Act”?
Yes or no?
Notice how goatsee ignored all the salient points and went on and changed the point. This thread is about the goatsee with the left eye of porn, plain and simpleton!
@165: These questions were answered in the links I provided above (several posts including to solarp).
But you didn’t say what specific approach the most recent studies used. You also didn’t clarify whether the most recent studies were done by government scientists. And if these most recent studies grossly underestimate results because they use a flawed approach you don’t say why nobody else has made this claim or, for that matter, why Obama wouldn’t be aware of this when you are.
Certainly HuffingtonPost or ProPublica or somebody would have latched onto this other than you, don’t you think?
@169: Sure I did, but you’re obviously not reading what I wrote / provided and I don’t feel like pointing it out or repeating myself.
Have a nice evening.
@170 Your only reference to the most recent study’s approach is @163 where you write:
Conservative estimate is observational, lots of the oil cannot be observed (see my post @153).
Tell us what approach they actually used to obtain their estimate.
And nowhere above do you answer the question of whether these most recent studies were conducted by government scientists. That’s a yes or a no.
Notice that Stupes won’t even go halfsies with Bigot Lobotomy to meet GBS’ challenge.
I highly recommend a wager with Stupes. (As long as its not for too much.) He only takes about year to meet his obligation.
Which is pretty good for a right winger. Better than the record of Mark the Redneck – total right wing bet welsher!
Jason, Yes Puddy brought it up, because Puddy read most of the law. That’s how cum Puddy can ask how many times does it refer to the Federal law. Butt, Puddy won’t answer until you admit to reading or taking someone else word on the issue.
So did you read the law or are you like Odumba and his disciples and taking others word?
Notice what goatsee? Puddy is supposed to what goatsee? Puddy don’t answer to the goatsee.
Hey GFool@158,
Prove Puddy wrong in #54? Go on GFool, they said no in your own state!
Back of the bus? How progressive you are GFool. A Jew Hater and a Racist all in one package!
OK. Time for a little humor you humorless KLOWNS!
Notice that Stupes won’t acknowledge that GBS has challenged him in this thread to a wager of $1000 on the outcome of Dino Rossi’s run for the Senate. It doesn’t even register the helpful suggestion of going halfs with Bigot Lobotomy.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Stupes if anyone is in need of anyone with extraordinary reading comprehension.
Oh wow goatsee, living vicariously off of GBS now?
Whataretard. Still changing the debate cuz he has nothing! BTW Goatsee Puddy owns you. Puddy is so deep into that femtometer cell brain you can’t wake up without thinking of Puddy. You can’t sleep unless you are thinking of Puddy. Puddy owns this fool! Golly when you use a crane to get it up do you think of Puddy then? How is that database sweep fool?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
BTW moron goatsee… GBS knows how to get hold of Puddy through other means.
Stay an ASS goatsee, you have one skill you are good at fool!
BTW the Lakers won!
Now we will see Phila win de Stanley cup again! Puddy may have to visit my cuz if they do!
This gets more funny each day!
Hey GBS,
Since you have a sycophant in the goatsee, you need to school the goatsee in proper etiquette.
BTW did you read about all the “waivers” Odumba gave BP Rip Van Winkle GBS? So who’s BP problem is it again GBS?
This is why Puddy waits until the real facts are in. You side claimed it was Cheney. Then it was Halliburton. Oops… it was Odumba. Puddy ain’t jumping on the Congressman Joe Sestak potential bribe until Robert Fibbs makes up the “official story”. Then Puddy will react. Butt, since Sestak admitted to something, it don’t look good!
Notice how the “official” story will be coming from the whitey house “shortly”? Why the wait Odumba? Who you throwing under de buz dis time?
Yawwwwn… Been a long day..
As always I recommend Stupes’ debating skillz..
I recommend his command of facts and reasoning ability.. Don’t let the name calling put you off!
and don’t forget to click on my handle link!
Now why won’t Odumba go to Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day?
Cuz he deep down hates the military!
Poor goatsee,
Still got nuthin.
Pavlov sez bark fool.
“US National Guard troops being sent to the Mexican border will be used to stem the flow of guns and drugs across the frontier and not to enforce US immigration laws, the State Department said Wednesday.
The clarification came after the Mexican government urged Washington not to use the additional troops to go after illegal immigrants. ”
PuddyCommentary… As all can see Odumba isn’t a leader. He takes his orders from other leaders.
@181 Been a long day
@145: Emily you dope
Umm, it was attached by a parlimentary procedure to an apporpriations bill in the middle of the night by republicans and Gramm….do you know anything about the Senate?
They tricked their way into this bill – written by Phil Gramm(republican from deregulation) and lobbyists from the banking industry.
Typical republican machinations, that Emily (in her ignornace) tries to blame on democrats.
Good try Emily – you lose.
@125: What are you talking about IDIOT?
Most experts (and you sure as hell are not an expert) say the credit-default swaps in the bill that PHIL GRAMM wrote were primarily responsible for the meltdown.
I wrote about that soon after the banking crisis – not RR.
Git yer facts straight.
Drop the BP waiver, BS. You act like President Obama made up the law or personally handles permitting processes.
The ability to get the environmental waiver is a byproduct of Reagan Republican ideology of deregulating industry. That goverenment isn’t the solution; government IS the problem.
About the wager; The last time we bet on lunch it took somewhere around a year for you to pay up and you had to bring back up, I mean PacMan.
If, and this is a huge IF, you want to wager with me you gotta lay down the cash first and I’ll match it.
Cuz, if it took you a year to pry $40 from your wife’s credit card, it would take you 25 years to come up with $1,000. And, that’s without interest.
Got the cash, got the conviction, got the balls let’s bet.
Otherwise, you do what you do, yackity-yack.
Have a great weekend. I’ll be out a Tahoma National Cemetery on Monday. A dear friend of mine just had her father laid the rest there last February and we’re attending the Memorial Day ceremony and paying our respects to his grave. He was one of the first pilots to fly AC – 47 and the C-130 both in Special Ops missions for the AF. Flew jets and a variety of helicopters, too.
Pretty cool guy. Died of cancer and compications related to Agent Orange. Another casualty of the Vietnam War that won’t be counted.
Odumba signed the approval for BP to start the deep well drilling
GBS, about the wager on the “scandal”…
Odumba will have one of his lackeys take the fall and since Sestak didn’t accept, it’s a non-wager dude!
PuddyNutz @175 – and you a bigot. Your the one that stands to loose more. I’m not a racist, but your friends in the Republican Party are. And news to you buddy, racism is on the rise, thanks to you.
@191 Your the one that stands to loose more. I’m not a racist, but your friends in the Republican Party are. And news to you buddy, racism is on the rise, thanks to you.
So is illiteracy, thanks to you.
Dr. – you are quite funny