A don’t know, kids studying U.S. history and film and their final project is a film get in trouble for making A FILM? They should have explained what was going on before hand and maybe made the film somewhere else. This was trying to accurately portray history, it wasn’t trying to spew racist hate.
A group of five students took on the subject, which included covering the history of the notorious white supremacist group which had large chapters in Stone Mountain, Ga. and Tuscaloosa, Ala. One student filmed and did not wear sheets, she said.
“The kids brought the sheets in, they had SpongeBob party hats underneath to make it shaped like a cone,” Ariemma said. “They cut out the eyes so they could see.”
Luigi Giovannispews:
Letting emotion overwhelm my rationality, I wagered $50 at a price of 17-10 against on les Canadiens. Now I’m kicking myself in the ass.
When les Canadiens opened the scoring in the first period, I started to feel a little confident. But when Halak, later in the first period, came way out of his net, racing toward the puck against a Flyers’ forward, and lost the race and was scored against, I got this sinking feeling that this was going to be a long night. Sure as hell, the momentum shifted, and it was a long night.
Also the defensemen of les Canadiens were no match for the dominant and sometimes dirty play of the Flyers’ forwards.
Tonight I say congrats to the Flyers and David, their fan.
Tomorrow I cheer for the Blackhawks to stomp the Flyers in the Stanley Cup final series.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Oh great, if the arschloch recommends it, it must be useless!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Now Luigi,
I stand with Goldy on the Flyers! Yes I used I!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Now back to reality. Look at what the Wa Post is saying. This was said last year by Glenn Beck.
But we’re both hockey fans, and that in itself makes us more alike than not.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Wow King County trying to raise property taxes? Hey arschloch how you gonna pay them extra property taxes?
We do spend too much money on petty drug offenses vs real crime. Get the drug possessors off the streets, not some marijuana smoker. That’s Puddy’s take.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Too late arschloch… Everyone knows your are an arschloch hence you speak in circular logic after being caught.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Uhhh Michael, ask the arschloch for the previous PuddyPosts. Of course you won’t. Just another fool screaming in the wind.
Every time someone places truths from Glenn Beck it’s ridiculed. Just two weeks ago Brian Williams echoed Glenn Beck. Nary a peep from from libtardos like you eh Michael?
I might ask some if you used their name and I had the slightest clue what what you were talking about.
I highly recommend it so peeps can see what useless swill you type.
The horror/recoil effect of your miserable crapola is also good for driving people AWAY from right wing bullshit.
Worked in June 2005, Nov 2005, Nov 2006, Nov 2008, Nov 2009 and it’ll work pretty good in Nov 2010.
You’re the best thing that ever happened to our side Stupes.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Freakish arschloch…
Puddy owns your sorry ASS you chronologically challenged monomaniacal idiot. You are so obsessed with each smack down “I” give your sorry dumb brick ASS you actually created a blog to ATTACK PUDDY. Keep it up fool!
WHAT DOES THAT SAY about your sorry existence.
Pavlov sez… Bark fool!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Puddy may have to attend DL tomorrow just to talk to the leadership about the arschloch again and how crazy you are fool.
You’ll be the butt end of jokes for another week!
Remember your love for John Deadwards serial wife cheater. Good choice fool! Wanna see those comedic posts again. Puddy found those using Google moron!
Pssst.. genius…Remember you’re #2. sorry to disappoint you but it AIN’T all about you..
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
LMBBAO, Oh Yes it is moron… Who called you the monomaniacal one September 2008? A leftist just like you. Spotted your filth from far away. Who demonstrated they are chronologically challenged? You did with your first attack from your database. You are the chronologically challenged egotistical monomaniacal idiot. Narcissistic? It ain’t Puddy’s eye on the blog moron. You love looking at yourself. That’s narcissistic! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Look at your last month’s posts fool! You are obsessed. Puddy owns you moron. That’s why you are going through your database. Puddy owns you, plain and simple, arschloch guy with the left porn eye!
Bark fool
Jump moron
Keep searching
Puddy noticed you haven’t asked about last week’s DL where you and your “HA database” came up.
Paychecks from private business shrank to their smallest share of personal income in U.S. history during the first quarter of this year, a USA TODAY analysis of government data finds.
This is what Reagan-ism is doing to the country. Thanks Republicans and spineless Democrats!
And to counter the trolls who will now bleat that the public sector is getting too much….
This attitude goes beyond schadenfreude and goes straight to the crabs in a bucket mentality. Strangely enough this attitude of “if I can’t have it, neither should you” only extends to working class people who live next door. For some reason none of the jealousy and malice is reserved for the people who actually broke the budgets of the states and cities, i.e. the people who deserve it.
If you really want to know why the cities and states are so broke, then you must first ask yourself where all the money went. Was the firefighter down the street from you buying vacation yachts for his tropical island? Probably not.
# 25: Yep, the guys at the top of the ladder are pretty secure, to keep that way the deflect attention from themselves by starting fights among those trying to hang onto the bottom rung of the same ladder.
I hope YLB comes to DL tonight to discuss that database as some have asked him to. A number of readers have expressed concerns about the identity information he’s spent months gathering on HA visitors. I’ll be there if this is confirmed for either tonight or at another DL.
LMAO!! What a fool! Go make an ass of yourself at DL tonight. Emily’s a big fan of yours. Maybe she’ll bring karen, maggie, hannah and sue along. Then maybe you can boast to them like you did to MWS..
Too damn funny!
Puddy says:
Every time someone places truths from Glenn Beck it’s ridiculed.
Gee, Puddy for someone who claims to be intelligent you sure say the dumbest things.
There is a reason people ridicule Glen Beck. He is an idiot and he can’t even make a rational argument.
Sure, he may have said something sometime that was correct, but that does not mean that Beck is not a total fool and that you are not a complete idiot for citing, believing and loving Glenn Beck.
So much for your vaunted “intelli=gence”. You can’t tell a charlatan like Beck from the real thing. You think Limbaugh is a genius when the guy dropped out of college due to stupidity.
You can’t answer a simple question like are you for or against the Arizona immigration bill.
You run and hide from real discussion and youy are just on here to sow dissent and take cheap potshots – not to really discuss issues.
You fail to understand the complexity of issues and think that civil rights stopped in 1964.
You claim to be a Christian – but act like a child and call people names. No real Christian would write the stuff you do. Turn the other cheek? You never heard of it. The MLK – you would call him a libtard. You are an embarassment.
I may go to DL tonight – and if I do I would tell that to your face. I know who you are and I feel sorry for you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I see the sewer is overflowing again this morning from too much puddygoo.
Puddy noticed you haven’t asked about last week’s DL where you and your “HA database” came up.
Pffffft… I already said more or less I didn’t care. Go ahead. Go to DL tonight and make a stink about it. zzzzZZZZzz again…
It’s you who are obsessed. Your silly female sock puppets like Emily and “progressive” “john” – I see right through them.
And Stupes??? If anyone there nods their head at your “NOLA FEMA laptop” act?
It’s probably to let you vent and get that crazy monkey off your back.. After your silliness here, how can anyone in their right mind take you for anything other than an a whacked out, unhinged nutcase?
My brother lives down there. Illegals are taking over the country, blah, blah, blah. Then he hires some day laborers for a few weeks for some home improvement.
So I ask him about the immigration issue (in a non-judgmental way, I swear). He says “It’s complicated.”
Huh. A “conservative” recognizing that a hot button issue isn’t just black and white. That’s progress, I suppose.
Now he’s back to hating the “illegals”.
The hypocrisy makes my head hurt.
Your silly female sock puppets like Emily and “progressive” “john” – I see right through them.
Every time somebody brings this up you try to demonize them and trivialize the issue.
I wouldn’t know Puddy from a hole in the wall.
Show up tonight and call me sock puppet to my face. I’ll probably be the only woman there, so not hard to spot.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning about a new virulent strain of this old disease. The disease is called Gonorrhea Lectim.
It’s pronounced “Gonna re-elect ’em,” and it is a terrible affliction.
The disease is contracted through dangerous and high risk behavior involving putting your cranium up your rectum. Many victims contracted it in 2008…but now most people, after having been infected for the past 1-2 years, are starting to realize how destructive this sickness is.
It’s sad because Gonorrhea Lectim is easily cured with a new drug just coming on the market called Votemout. You take the first dose in 2010 and the second dose in 2012 and simply don’t engage in such behavior again; otherwise, it could become permanent and eventually wipe out all life as we know it.
Several states are already on top of this, like Virginia and New Jersey , and apparently now Massachusetts , with many more seeing the writing on the wall.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Oba-Mao is fast approaching his worst levels ever!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 24% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -20.
Overall, 42% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president’s performance. That is the lowest level of approval yet measured for this president. Fifty-six percent (56%) now disapprove of his performance.
From +32 post Inauguration to -20 now……SAME POLL and SAME POLLING TECHNIQUES.
I love hearing the endless denial flowing from the mouths of the Atheist Progressive movement.
Even the under 30 krowd who elected this Marxist fool are starting to get it. The Tea Party is active in many universities.
Keep pretending trouble ain’t brewin’!
Patty Murray has it made!
Think that.
You once said that govt should only pay for defense and law enforcement.
So who pays for the administration of our elections and courts?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Incumbent Republican Johnny Isakson is now posting nearly a two-to-one lead over Democratic challenger Michael Thurmond in Georgia’s race for the U.S. Senate.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Georgia shows Isakson with 57% of the vote while Thurmond earns 30% support. A month ago, after Thurmond first entered the race, Isakson held a 51% to 35% lead.
Another example of Republican leads rapidly expanding!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Another ugly dose of reality– Monday, May 24, 2010
Republican candidates now hold an eight-point lead over Democrats in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot, continuing the GOP’s near year-long edge over the competing party but the largest gap between the two in over a month.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 44% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate, while 36% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent.
I recommend a visit to a psychiatrist Emily. Maybe he or she can prescribe something for your paranoia..
Databases are a fact of modern life Emily. Information about you, who you REALLY are, is scattered across countless databases. Ever think of that?
Goldy has your comments and your ip address. Has he done anything with that? No. Because he has his priorities straight and focuses on his writing and if he did he’d complicate his life more than it is already.
I don’t have your ip address Emily which is the midpoint for internet stalking. I’m not affiliated with Goldy or anyone close to him. I don’t care who the hell you are.
That’s the truth – take it or leave it. And NO I don’t care to EVER meet you. Deal with it.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND to Emily, “john”, sue, maggie, karen, xota, bJav, daves, jon, jonathan and countless other hit squad sock puppets to READ Stupes’ swill in these comment threads.
See comment 5 for clarification.
I recommend a visit to a psychiatrist Emily. Maybe he or she can prescribe something for your paranoia.
You spend all your time building a database that tracks people visiting HA, and other people have a problem. Just like I said, you’ve demonized everyone who’s raised concerns about this.
And NO I don’t care to EVER meet you
I bet – all that huffing and puffing and naming calling of yours is from a safe distance. I guess my even being a woman couldn’t even things up enough. Figures.
Mixed economic news, but nothing that surprised me much:
“WASHINGTON — Increased consumer spending has fueled hopes that the economic recovery will keep getting stronger, but behind the encouraging numbers is a little-noticed reality: Much of the new spending has come not from America’s broad middle class but from a small slice of affluent people at the top….”
It seems the rich are buying more luxory goods than ever, taking advantage of the lower prices because the remaining 95% of Americans are earning less than ever before.
you’ve demonized everyone who’s raised concerns about this.
Heh.. What’s the title of my blog Emily? It’s about trolls isn’t it?
Should anyone who’s not a troll be concerned? No. Should trolls be concerned? Only if they can’t take what they dish out..
And it doesn’t speak all that much of them as adults if they can’t handle that and lie about someone who wants to experiment at the margins taking them to task for their behavior.
ALL MY TIME? When was the first post on my blog? 2007? NOT!
I guess my even being a woman couldn’t even things up enough
Sounds a tad sexist Emily.. Shame on you.
Emily said:
I guess my even being a woman couldn’t even things up enough.
I think you’re a sockpuppet too.
But what the hell, dried up old rightwing cunt will do!
43 – Should be a wake up call for Obama and the Dems. If all their machinations only enabled the rich to live higher on the hog…
Progressives should keep getting their people into the Congress, State Legislatures, Governorships, etc. Seems to me to be the only way we can truly win. Then someone like Obama has only two choices – carry out the will of the people or reject it.
The report began as a routine investigation, the acting inspector general, Mary Kendall, said in a cover letter to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, whose department includes the agency.
“Unfortunately, given the events of April 20 of this year, this report had become anything but routine, and I feel compelled to release it now,” she wrote.
Her biggest concern is the ease with which minerals agency employees move between industry and government, Kendall said. While no specifics were included in the report, “we discovered that the individuals involved in the fraternizing and gift exchange — both government and industry — have often known one another since childhood,” Kendall said.
Their relationships took precedence over their jobs, Kendall said.
53 – I don’t think I’ll ever say it better than I did in 26. I’ll repeat:
I don’t attend DL. I don’t like right wing internet stalkers.
Especially ones who can’t stop lying about me.
Why would anyone in their right mind want to waste their time meeting someone like that?
Would love to be there and someday I will! Long, long drive for me, though. I’ll let you know way ahead when I can so you can be sure to be there.
And Emily (Emeele, Ernie, Ed, whoever the fuck you think you are today), just ‘cuz you reek like rotting fish doesn’t make you a girl you know.
Ha, ha! Close – his odometer isn’t up to the one mile drive!
Yea, I bet you would and I’m sure it is, Zotz. When you’re finally able to make that long drive to DL I’ll show you my ID – my name really is Emily – and then I’ll show you what some “girls” can do these days. What a wuss.
@4, 6 + Goldy
As a Penguins fan, could you ask for a more disgusting final?
The hated Phylers vs a Chicago team containing Marian Hossa (don’t worry about it for you non-hockey fans. He is a former Penguin that is definitely personna non gratta in Pittsburgh)!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
watching the arschloch implode and explode all in the same thread. Yep, you are the biggest ASSHole here arschloch (for those who don’t know German for ASSHole) just like how Puddy named you.
We are headed down the wrong road. Are we going to wake up?
Puddy this has got to be one of your friendly Republicans. How’s that kindy gentle thing working out for you?
Great. Open thread. Must read article.
A don’t know, kids studying U.S. history and film and their final project is a film get in trouble for making A FILM? They should have explained what was going on before hand and maybe made the film somewhere else. This was trying to accurately portray history, it wasn’t trying to spew racist hate.
Letting emotion overwhelm my rationality, I wagered $50 at a price of 17-10 against on les Canadiens. Now I’m kicking myself in the ass.
When les Canadiens opened the scoring in the first period, I started to feel a little confident. But when Halak, later in the first period, came way out of his net, racing toward the puck against a Flyers’ forward, and lost the race and was scored against, I got this sinking feeling that this was going to be a long night. Sure as hell, the momentum shifted, and it was a long night.
Also the defensemen of les Canadiens were no match for the dominant and sometimes dirty play of the Flyers’ forwards.
Tonight I say congrats to the Flyers and David, their fan.
Tomorrow I cheer for the Blackhawks to stomp the Flyers in the Stanley Cup final series.
Oh great, if the arschloch recommends it, it must be useless!
Now Luigi,
I stand with Goldy on the Flyers! Yes I used I!
Now back to reality. Look at what the Wa Post is saying. This was said last year by Glenn Beck.
4 – Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.
5 – Then I highly recommend your bilge here in these comment threads!
He probably picked up off of JH Kuntsler’s blog or any of the dozens of others that were saying the same thing.
Hell, so was James Dakin.
Luigi @4,
But we’re both hockey fans, and that in itself makes us more alike than not.
Wow King County trying to raise property taxes? Hey arschloch how you gonna pay them extra property taxes?
We do spend too much money on petty drug offenses vs real crime. Get the drug possessors off the streets, not some marijuana smoker. That’s Puddy’s take.
Too late arschloch… Everyone knows your are an arschloch hence you speak in circular logic after being caught.
Uhhh Michael, ask the arschloch for the previous PuddyPosts. Of course you won’t. Just another fool screaming in the wind.
Every time someone places truths from Glenn Beck it’s ridiculed. Just two weeks ago Brian Williams echoed Glenn Beck. Nary a peep from from libtardos like you eh Michael?
I might ask some if you used their name and I had the slightest clue what what you were talking about.
13 – Heh… I got you good on that one Stupes..
Indeed your bilge is useless!
I highly recommend it so peeps can see what useless swill you type.
The horror/recoil effect of your miserable crapola is also good for driving people AWAY from right wing bullshit.
Worked in June 2005, Nov 2005, Nov 2006, Nov 2008, Nov 2009 and it’ll work pretty good in Nov 2010.
You’re the best thing that ever happened to our side Stupes.
Freakish arschloch…
Puddy owns your sorry ASS you chronologically challenged monomaniacal idiot. You are so obsessed with each smack down “I” give your sorry dumb brick ASS you actually created a blog to ATTACK PUDDY. Keep it up fool!
WHAT DOES THAT SAY about your sorry existence.
Pavlov sez… Bark fool!
Puddy may have to attend DL tomorrow just to talk to the leadership about the arschloch again and how crazy you are fool.
You’ll be the butt end of jokes for another week!
Remember your love for John Deadwards serial wife cheater. Good choice fool! Wanna see those comedic posts again. Puddy found those using Google moron!
LMAO @ you fool..
Talk all you want.. Make as big a fool of yourself as you’d like..
Do your part for the progressive cause fiend!
Remember your “love” for Obama or was it the Messiah or is “Obumba”?
What a miserable fool…
No chance! Blackhawks in 5 games!
What an egomaniacal, narcissistic idiot!
Pssst.. genius…Remember you’re #2. sorry to disappoint you but it AIN’T all about you..
LMBBAO, Oh Yes it is moron… Who called you the monomaniacal one September 2008? A leftist just like you. Spotted your filth from far away. Who demonstrated they are chronologically challenged? You did with your first attack from your database. You are the chronologically challenged egotistical monomaniacal idiot. Narcissistic? It ain’t Puddy’s eye on the blog moron. You love looking at yourself. That’s narcissistic! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Look at your last month’s posts fool! You are obsessed. Puddy owns you moron. That’s why you are going through your database. Puddy owns you, plain and simple, arschloch guy with the left porn eye!
Bark fool
Jump moron
Keep searching
Puddy noticed you haven’t asked about last week’s DL where you and your “HA database” came up.
Private pay shrinks to historic lows
Paychecks from private business shrank to their smallest share of personal income in U.S. history during the first quarter of this year, a USA TODAY analysis of government data finds.
This is what Reagan-ism is doing to the country. Thanks Republicans and spineless Democrats!
And to counter the trolls who will now bleat that the public sector is getting too much….
# 25: Yep, the guys at the top of the ladder are pretty secure, to keep that way the deflect attention from themselves by starting fights among those trying to hang onto the bottom rung of the same ladder.
I hope YLB comes to DL tonight to discuss that database as some have asked him to. A number of readers have expressed concerns about the identity information he’s spent months gathering on HA visitors. I’ll be there if this is confirmed for either tonight or at another DL.
I don’t attend DL. I don’t like right wing internet stalkers.
Especially ones who can’t stop lying about me.
LMAO!! What a fool! Go make an ass of yourself at DL tonight. Emily’s a big fan of yours. Maybe she’ll bring karen, maggie, hannah and sue along. Then maybe you can boast to them like you did to MWS..
Too damn funny!
Puddy says:
Gee, Puddy for someone who claims to be intelligent you sure say the dumbest things.
There is a reason people ridicule Glen Beck. He is an idiot and he can’t even make a rational argument.
Sure, he may have said something sometime that was correct, but that does not mean that Beck is not a total fool and that you are not a complete idiot for citing, believing and loving Glenn Beck.
So much for your vaunted “intelli=gence”. You can’t tell a charlatan like Beck from the real thing. You think Limbaugh is a genius when the guy dropped out of college due to stupidity.
You can’t answer a simple question like are you for or against the Arizona immigration bill.
You run and hide from real discussion and youy are just on here to sow dissent and take cheap potshots – not to really discuss issues.
You fail to understand the complexity of issues and think that civil rights stopped in 1964.
You claim to be a Christian – but act like a child and call people names. No real Christian would write the stuff you do. Turn the other cheek? You never heard of it. The MLK – you would call him a libtard. You are an embarassment.
I may go to DL tonight – and if I do I would tell that to your face. I know who you are and I feel sorry for you.
I see the sewer is overflowing again this morning from too much puddygoo.
Hi Puddy.
Why are you avoiding such a simple question?
Do you support Arizona’s SB 1070?
You brought it up. Take a position. A simple “Yes” or “No” will do.
Pffffft… I already said more or less I didn’t care. Go ahead. Go to DL tonight and make a stink about it. zzzzZZZZzz again…
It’s you who are obsessed. Your silly female sock puppets like Emily and “progressive” “john” – I see right through them.
And Stupes??? If anyone there nods their head at your “NOLA FEMA laptop” act?
It’s probably to let you vent and get that crazy monkey off your back.. After your silliness here, how can anyone in their right mind take you for anything other than an a whacked out, unhinged nutcase?
The work on the db continues fool..
Why don’t Arizonans boycott/expose the businesses that hire undocumented labor?
Aren’t those businesses breaking the law?
Instead they command their police to profile brown skinned people for documentation checks.
What an ugly law.
YLB @ 32
My brother lives down there. Illegals are taking over the country, blah, blah, blah. Then he hires some day laborers for a few weeks for some home improvement.
So I ask him about the immigration issue (in a non-judgmental way, I swear). He says “It’s complicated.”
Huh. A “conservative” recognizing that a hot button issue isn’t just black and white. That’s progress, I suppose.
Now he’s back to hating the “illegals”.
The hypocrisy makes my head hurt.
Your silly female sock puppets like Emily and “progressive” “john” – I see right through them.
Every time somebody brings this up you try to demonize them and trivialize the issue.
I wouldn’t know Puddy from a hole in the wall.
Show up tonight and call me sock puppet to my face. I’ll probably be the only woman there, so not hard to spot.
The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning about a new virulent strain of this old disease. The disease is called Gonorrhea Lectim.
It’s pronounced “Gonna re-elect ’em,” and it is a terrible affliction.
The disease is contracted through dangerous and high risk behavior involving putting your cranium up your rectum. Many victims contracted it in 2008…but now most people, after having been infected for the past 1-2 years, are starting to realize how destructive this sickness is.
It’s sad because Gonorrhea Lectim is easily cured with a new drug just coming on the market called Votemout. You take the first dose in 2010 and the second dose in 2012 and simply don’t engage in such behavior again; otherwise, it could become permanent and eventually wipe out all life as we know it.
Several states are already on top of this, like Virginia and New Jersey , and apparently now Massachusetts , with many more seeing the writing on the wall.
Oba-Mao is fast approaching his worst levels ever!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
From +32 post Inauguration to -20 now……SAME POLL and SAME POLLING TECHNIQUES.
I love hearing the endless denial flowing from the mouths of the Atheist Progressive movement.
Even the under 30 krowd who elected this Marxist fool are starting to get it. The Tea Party is active in many universities.
Keep pretending trouble ain’t brewin’!
Patty Murray has it made!
Think that.
Cynical @ 35
It’s so good to see you again.
You once said that govt should only pay for defense and law enforcement.
So who pays for the administration of our elections and courts?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Another example of Republican leads rapidly expanding!
Another ugly dose of reality–
Monday, May 24, 2010
sock puppet @ 34..
Sorry this is as close as it gets..
I recommend a visit to a psychiatrist Emily. Maybe he or she can prescribe something for your paranoia..
Databases are a fact of modern life Emily. Information about you, who you REALLY are, is scattered across countless databases. Ever think of that?
Goldy has your comments and your ip address. Has he done anything with that? No. Because he has his priorities straight and focuses on his writing and if he did he’d complicate his life more than it is already.
I don’t have your ip address Emily which is the midpoint for internet stalking. I’m not affiliated with Goldy or anyone close to him. I don’t care who the hell you are.
That’s the truth – take it or leave it. And NO I don’t care to EVER meet you. Deal with it.
Almost forgot…
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND to Emily, “john”, sue, maggie, karen, xota, bJav, daves, jon, jonathan and countless other hit squad sock puppets to READ Stupes’ swill in these comment threads.
See comment 5 for clarification.
I recommend a visit to a psychiatrist Emily. Maybe he or she can prescribe something for your paranoia.
You spend all your time building a database that tracks people visiting HA, and other people have a problem. Just like I said, you’ve demonized everyone who’s raised concerns about this.
And NO I don’t care to EVER meet you
I bet – all that huffing and puffing and naming calling of yours is from a safe distance. I guess my even being a woman couldn’t even things up enough. Figures.
Mixed economic news, but nothing that surprised me much:
“WASHINGTON — Increased consumer spending has fueled hopes that the economic recovery will keep getting stronger, but behind the encouraging numbers is a little-noticed reality: Much of the new spending has come not from America’s broad middle class but from a small slice of affluent people at the top….”
It seems the rich are buying more luxory goods than ever, taking advantage of the lower prices because the remaining 95% of Americans are earning less than ever before.
HeraldNet: Spending up, but only by the rich
Heh.. What’s the title of my blog Emily? It’s about trolls isn’t it?
Should anyone who’s not a troll be concerned? No. Should trolls be concerned? Only if they can’t take what they dish out..
And it doesn’t speak all that much of them as adults if they can’t handle that and lie about someone who wants to experiment at the margins taking them to task for their behavior.
ALL MY TIME? When was the first post on my blog? 2007? NOT!
Sounds a tad sexist Emily.. Shame on you.
Emily said:
I think you’re a sockpuppet too.
But what the hell, dried up old rightwing cunt will do!
43 – Should be a wake up call for Obama and the Dems. If all their machinations only enabled the rich to live higher on the hog…
Progressives should keep getting their people into the Congress, State Legislatures, Governorships, etc. Seems to me to be the only way we can truly win. Then someone like Obama has only two choices – carry out the will of the people or reject it.
45 – Zotz, please. Let the right wing use “cunt”. They threw that and worse at Christine Gregoire because she refused to defer to Dino Rossi.
Let that be on them.
Meth and Porn at the Dickster’s (BP and Halliburton’s) Mineral Management Service, Louisiana Branch:
Also remember that Roger Stone of the execrable Citizens United SCOTUS case organized the following outfit to target Hilary Clinton:
Citizens United Not Timid
i.e. C.U.N.T..
It’s a fact:
Let that be on them.
65% of Americans(you know, the LEGAL ones) support Arizona’s law.
More states are preparing to follow suit.
Hey DC, can you hear us now?
@33…your brother sounds like a real piece of shit…maybe he needs to spend some time in jail.
@47: It’s so very apt and appropriate though! And she walked right into it!
But just for you, my brother:
BTW Emily, I still think you’re a sockpuppet too. There isn’t enough soap to wash away the smell from whatever’s got its hand up your ass.
Think so? Your buddy couldn’t come up with enough excuses why he couldn’t make DL tonight. What about you?
Zitz wont show up…suffers from terminal case of limp-wristitis……
53 – I don’t think I’ll ever say it better than I did in 26. I’ll repeat:
Why would anyone in their right mind want to waste their time meeting someone like that?
Would love to be there and someday I will! Long, long drive for me, though. I’ll let you know way ahead when I can so you can be sure to be there.
And Emily (Emeele, Ernie, Ed, whoever the fuck you think you are today), just ‘cuz you reek like rotting fish doesn’t make you a girl you know.
Ha, ha! Close – his odometer isn’t up to the one mile drive!
Yea, I bet you would and I’m sure it is, Zotz. When you’re finally able to make that long drive to DL I’ll show you my ID – my name really is Emily – and then I’ll show you what some “girls” can do these days. What a wuss.
@4, 6 + Goldy
As a Penguins fan, could you ask for a more disgusting final?
The hated Phylers vs a Chicago team containing Marian Hossa (don’t worry about it for you non-hockey fans. He is a former Penguin that is definitely personna non gratta in Pittsburgh)!
watching the arschloch implode and explode all in the same thread. Yep, you are the biggest ASSHole here arschloch (for those who don’t know German for ASSHole) just like how Puddy named you.
Bwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Bwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
You just don’t get it. Can’t get past the fact there are others who think you are an arschloch and calls them all Puddy’s sock puppet.
You and Zitz, two brains together doesn’t add up to a micrometer!
Ummm Jason, Puddy asked if you read the law. You skipped that response ON PURPOSE. You love to comment on things you don’t read.
If you have read the law, how many times does the bill refer to previously passed Federal Law? It’s a simple INTEGER!
Once you can honestly answer that Puddy will answer your simpleton question!
Once again as a whitey is telling Puddy about the black civil rights struggle.
Lata moron. You have no clue!
Heh.. Stupes you were pretty confident in this thread and barely two hours later?
A little down in the dumps…
Cheer up Stupes.. November’s comin’!