Mr. Future AG commish must not have gotten the memo about it being time to STFU about ‘Nam.
proud leftistspews:
Wow. Ugh. The South truly did win the Civil War. 145 years after that war’s conclusion, Dale drapes his shotgun over his shoulder and may well win statewide office in Alabama. Mitch McConnell is head of the Senate’s minority, the Republicans. They tie up everything, though they are an otherwise insignificant minority. Why did Lincoln not just say farewell to the South?
Daddy Lovespews:
Do you think that after these primaries that Republicans will STFU about how they’re “takin’ it all back” in 2010?
They’re not registering new voters. Rand Paul had his daddy’s name and his daddy’s money, and he beat the establishment Republican candidate. PA-12 was their turnover hope and they lost.
I wouldn’t be surprised if a few Dem House and/or seats change hands (traditionally the case in midterm elections), but a Red Wave? No way that’s happening.
DL @ 3: My predition: if the Republicans pick up even one contested seat in the November elections, and even if they lose all the rest, Fox News and the RushPack will declare it a tremendous victory. They will spend the next few days interviewing each other, agreeing among themselves that the Tea Party has got the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress quaking in their boots about the prospects for the
Yes, although I don’t recall the comment that was deleted—most likely it was off-topic. But that shouldn’t stop anyone from posting whatever it was in an open thread (provided it complies with the other requirements of the comment policy)….
I’m going to go easy on Puddy tonight, no name calling, but I wonder what the Wonder boy thinks about Rand Paul and the rest of whom he stands for. Puddy the day will come, because you side with these morons, that you will have less rights and be disrespected a ton more, it is already happening. I see it everyday, not just in the news on TV, but at work, at a social club I belong to and in my own family. Denounce Gays and you will follow.
Puddy must be afraid to acknowledge.
A lot of news out there about how Obama top Dem. recipient of BP donations – all $71,000 from the time that he was in the Senate till now. Doesn’t matter that the Republicans received 2/3 of BP money. And you happen to be the top dawg for presidency, who isn’t going to give you the most money in donations.
I think focusing on the donations to one individual is digression.
Let’s talk about how Corporate America has control over government in general – Capitalism at its best. Corporate Greed and individual greed the root of all evil and discrimination.
Too funny.
Mr. Future AG commish must not have gotten the memo about it being time to STFU about ‘Nam.
Wow. Ugh. The South truly did win the Civil War. 145 years after that war’s conclusion, Dale drapes his shotgun over his shoulder and may well win statewide office in Alabama. Mitch McConnell is head of the Senate’s minority, the Republicans. They tie up everything, though they are an otherwise insignificant minority. Why did Lincoln not just say farewell to the South?
Do you think that after these primaries that Republicans will STFU about how they’re “takin’ it all back” in 2010?
They’re not registering new voters. Rand Paul had his daddy’s name and his daddy’s money, and he beat the establishment Republican candidate. PA-12 was their turnover hope and they lost.
I wouldn’t be surprised if a few Dem House and/or seats change hands (traditionally the case in midterm elections), but a Red Wave? No way that’s happening.
DL @ 3: My predition: if the Republicans pick up even one contested seat in the November elections, and even if they lose all the rest, Fox News and the RushPack will declare it a tremendous victory. They will spend the next few days interviewing each other, agreeing among themselves that the Tea Party has got the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress quaking in their boots about the prospects for the
The original video drew a huge man crush out of the bigot. I’d link to it but Darryl put the kibosh on it.
Busing in illegals! What a hoot! That’s nothing but ka ching, ka ching for Southern Republican good old boys.
” I’d link to it but Darryl put the kibosh on it.”
6 – This was not yours?
Sorry if I assumed a bit too much there.
Yes, although I don’t recall the comment that was deleted—most likely it was off-topic. But that shouldn’t stop anyone from posting whatever it was in an open thread (provided it complies with the other requirements of the comment policy)….
8 – Not condemning you in the least. Totally appropriate in my view.
Ahhhh…I read @5 to mean I wouldn’t let you post “the original video.”
You meant that Squirt’s gushing love note had been deleted.
I remember that comment now. That was embarrassingly saccharine. Squirt should thank me for protecting him from himself by axing that one.
Here’s something cool. The WaPo is reporting that the NRCC blew fully 10% of their 2010 cash-on-hand in the failed PA-12 special election!
Red Wave? It’s going to be just another Red Whine.
10 – Too late. I’m still teasing him about it.
I’m going to go easy on Puddy tonight, no name calling, but I wonder what the Wonder boy thinks about Rand Paul and the rest of whom he stands for. Puddy the day will come, because you side with these morons, that you will have less rights and be disrespected a ton more, it is already happening. I see it everyday, not just in the news on TV, but at work, at a social club I belong to and in my own family. Denounce Gays and you will follow.
Puddy must be afraid to acknowledge.
A lot of news out there about how Obama top Dem. recipient of BP donations – all $71,000 from the time that he was in the Senate till now. Doesn’t matter that the Republicans received 2/3 of BP money. And you happen to be the top dawg for presidency, who isn’t going to give you the most money in donations.
I think focusing on the donations to one individual is digression.
Let’s talk about how Corporate America has control over government in general – Capitalism at its best. Corporate Greed and individual greed the root of all evil and discrimination.