– Specter goes down
– The Korean War – still going on
– Ryan Grim points out that the truly despicable Mark Souder is now seeking forgiveness for moral transgressions after never believing in such a thing as a Congressman.
– Daniel Jack Chasan in Crosscut claims that Attorney General Rob McKenna’s lawsuit against the health care bill isn’t as ridiculous as most legal experts think it is. But what I found interesting was that on page 2, McKenna tries to address the hypocrisy of being outraged by the new health care bill, despite not being previously outraged by the ruling that set the most recent precedent for interpreting the Commerce Clause, Gonzales v. Raich. In fact, McKenna happily used that ruling to go after medical marijuana patients in this state. Here’s what Chasan reported:
McKenna concedes that five years ago in Raich, Justice Antonin Scalia concurred with the majority ruling that the commerce clause enabled Congress to seize marijuana plants being grown legally — allegedly for medical purposes — under California law. (Talk about strange bedfellows: Scalia concurred in the majority opinion written by John Paul Stevens, while Clarence Thomas joined Sandra Day O’Connor’s dissent.) But pot-growing is activity, not inactivity, McKenna notes, and besides, marijuana is clearly traded in interstate commerce.
Here’s part of the ruling from Gonzales v. Raich:
Cases decided during that “new era,” which now spans more than a century, have identified three general categories of regulation in which Congress is authorized to engage under its commerce power. First, Congress can regulate the channels of interstate commerce. Perez v. United States, 402 U.S. 146, 150 (1971). Second, Congress has authority to regulate and protect the instrumentalities of interstate commerce, and persons or things in interstate commerce. Ibid. Third, Congress has the power to regulate activities that substantially affect interstate commerce. Ibid.; NLRB v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., 301 U.S. 1, 37 (1937). Only the third category is implicated in the case at hand.
Our case law firmly establishes Congress’ power to regulate purely local activities that are part of an economic “class of activities” that have a substantial effect on interstate commerce. See, e.g., Perez, 402 U.S., at 151; Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U.S. 111, 128—129 (1942). As we stated in Wickard, “even if appellee’s activity be local and though it may not be regarded as commerce, it may still, whatever its nature, be reached by Congress if it exerts a substantial economic effect on interstate commerce.” Id., at 125. We have never required Congress to legislate with scientific exactitude. When Congress decides that the “ ‘total incidence’ ” of a practice poses a threat to a national market, it may regulate the entire class. See Perez, 402 U.S., at 154—155 (quoting Westfall v. United States, 274 U.S. 256, 259 (1927) (“[W]hen it is necessary in order to prevent an evil to make the law embrace more than the precise thing to be prevented it may do so”)). In this vein, we have reiterated that when “ ‘a general regulatory statute bears a substantial relation to commerce, the de minimis character of individual instances arising under that statute is of no consequence.’ ” E.g., Lopez, 514 U.S., at 558 (emphasis deleted) (quoting Maryland v. Wirtz, 392 U.S. 183, 196, n. 27 (1968)).
The lines that McKenna is trying to draw here between the two cases simply don’t matter within the context of the Gonzales v. Raich decision. There’s no distinction made between activity and inactivity or any reason to believe that failing to be insured wouldn’t be considered an “activity”. Congress can establish requirements for possessing health insurance because the lack of health insurance by large numbers of citizens would have a substantial effect on interstate commerce. Second, in the Gonzales v. Raich decision, they specifically addressed the case where the marijuana is not sold and never part of any market. What was decided was that even in that case, price fluctuations could theoretically cause the marijuana to enter the market, therefore it was within the scope of the Commerce Clause to regulate it.
That’s the aspect of the decision that never sat well with me, but there isn’t even an equivalent argument to be made for what McKenna is arguing. In a regulated health care system (which not even McKenna is saying Congress can’t implement), if you establish a rule that health care providers can’t reject people with pre-existing conditions, then you have to implement something to keep people from just waiting until they get sick before they buy insurance. Otherwise, the system goes bankrupt. And that’s done through either mandates or taxes. I don’t see any way that the Supreme Court would rule that one method is fine (implementing taxes), but the other is unconstitutional. And neither do most legal experts from what I can tell.
A leftie outraged by hypocrisy? oh no, you should be used to that; what w/ al gore and his jets, or bill wagging his finger, or obama promising open government..
i sure hope mckenna or other ags can prevail in this.
We on the left acknowledge human frailty. We acknowledge that we all make mistakes. We acknowledge that we can’t live up to the glory of God. You freaks don’t. That’s why when you fall, your drop is so much more precipitous.
re 2: Yup. They are self righteous asswipes.
I have to admit I have mixed feelings about Specter. On the other hand, considering what he’s been through, I really doubt he gives much of a flying fuck what we think of him….and I sometimes find myself wishing there were more Democrats with his kind of guts.
It was good to see some of the liberal few at Drinking Liberally last night. Hope y’all go home safely!
One other thing – I think Space Cadet Toomey should probably stop running the “Specter vs. Toomey” ad at the top of HA.
goldy, i don’t follow your logic; i guess you are just saying, despite a constitution that mostly prohibits federal gov’t from doing things, a clause of 2 sprinkled around is all that matters (gen’l welfare). So gov’t can make us buy insurance, exercise equipment, hybrid cars, cane sugar, etc., right?
Goldy, this is what you and your friends promote, what we end up with. http://www.newsrealblog.com/20.....holocaust/
Um, I just read that link and it’s completely meaningless. One person saying something in a conversation where two crazy people are talking past each other has no relevance to what Goldy or I believe.
And by the way, Goldy and I are both Jewish. Why on Earth would we be promoting a second Holocaust? Are you really that stupid?
Looks like the false Messiah is running out of political capital. Shocking, I know. Perhaps he can pawn that Nobel Medal he oh-so rightfully deserved. LOL. Good day dumb sheep.
It was good seeing you last night.
And thank you for proving me wrong and making a generous donation to Goldy!
@10: Interesting how some idiots like Mark are still pushing the Messiah meme.
I never believed Obama was the Messiah and most of the people I know do not believe that either.
What we did believe (and still do, since it is supported by the facts) is that Bush was possibly the worst President in history. That Bush lied about the war in Iraq that was unnecessary (since Iraq was never a threat). That Bush fell asleep on the job on 9/11 and failed to emphasize the threat from al qaida. That Bush took us from a budget suplus to the largest deficit in history – while managing to also put us in the biggest recession since the 1930’s great depression.
Meanwhile the mantra of less regulation has proven to be the cause of many of our problems: Banking crisis, Mining disasters, oil spills – and Bush made the governemnt less competent (Katrina) by installing cronies (like Brown) and the head of Minerals and Mining.
Obama has tried to get us out of Iraq and to fix the mess Bush left in Afghanistan. He has tried to restore credibility in appointing people who are qualified and not just friends of business. He has tried to prop up the economy because it was in free-fall.
He is not perfect. I am not all that pleased with some of his stances. I think he should have stood firm for a public option to hold down costs on health care. I am not a huge fan of the Kagan nomination.
But messiah – the only people saying that are rightwing nuts. Republicans may have a tougher time in the real elections (general) coming up. The economy is starting to recover and far right teabaggers will alienate the middle.
We will see what the election looks like – not the primaries. Democrats are starting to gain an advantage again (up 5 points) in the generic polls and Obama is gaining popularity overall. some right wing republicans may be energized – but they are also a small percentage and they may not matter as much in the general elections.
This is horrible news. President Obama is crushing the Progressive Movement with his foolishness and arrogance.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19. Today’s rating is the lowest earned by the president since the passage of his health care proposal two months ago.
I am very concerned the TeaBaggers & WingNuts will soon take over Government at all levels.
We need to be doing more than complaining on Blogs. Where is the energy that got Obama elected? It has disappeared. Ugh.
9. Lee spews:
Revenge & anger are a couple reasons. You guys are way too emotional and vulgar. Your type is actually killing the Progressive Movement.
@14 Jonathan,
Careful, vengance is God’s and the Deity may not look kindly on your dissing two of us.
@14 and @15
As SJ said, be careful. I can be very vengeful.
I am that I am.
Heh.. Looks like I SHAMED the miserable Stupes into supporting Goldy..
If it was me… you all know the rest…
Thank you Stupes for supporting the alternative “librul” media.
TOUCHE to the California Boycott whackjobs from their enemies in Arizona–
Revenge & anger are a couple reasons.
Revenge against ourselves? I’m not sure how that works. Can you explain? How does one get revenge on himself? Can you comment as someone who clearly has voices in his head, how do you exact revenge when one of those voices wrongs you? Do you bang your head against a wall?
I understand the weather may have dampened senior turnout for Specter.
I’m a little sad for PA that a guy with Specter’s seniority won’t be around to help them.
I’m VERY HAPPY for Sestak because he introduced a bill funding the navy for thorium reactor research.
I hope he’s better able to accomplish that in the Senate but there’s that old seniority thing…
Right, sure, and you work for a living.
HA is Puddy’s punching bag and live entertainment for rest of us. Don’t want to lose that. Since Goldy can’t depend on his business to keep him in business nor his largely unemployed base that spends all day on the computer while their partners bring home the bacon – you, know, people like you – Puddy had little choice but to keep Goldy going for another month with a five dollar donation. Spend it wisely, Goldy, because at some point you’re going to have to have a viable business!
@18….HAHAHAHAHA…twits in LA/California OWNED.
@21 Ha! jonathan, jon, xota, james, karen, maggie etc..
The hit squad is back..
Hit me fool!
12 – Indeed that messiah stuff is so old that not even Stupes uses it anymore.
But that’s to be expected from Mark1 – so far down at the bottom of the barrel of right wing nuts, you’d scrape slime first before getting to him.
An expose of Rassmussen’s narrative-setting antics:
The graphs tell the story.
Bottom line: Obama is WAY more popular than Reagan or Shrub at this time in their presidency, despite the country being in the worst economic rut since the Great Depression.
@25: Klynical’s favorite “pollster” pwnd. It’s beyond doubt now. Isn’t it wonderful to be in a community that values facts and evidence.
BTW: I haven’t seen the goat fucker in days and days. Good riddance, less shit on my shoe to scrape off.
On the other hand, haven’t seen Mr. Rabbit here in a while. Hope Roger’s OK / Mrs Rabbit hasn’t whupped him or something. I miss him.
26 – Indeed. And Stupes’ activity is less and less these days as well.. It’s kind of nice.
Hilarious. The family values hypocrite who could not abstain is shown poking out of Saddam’s spider hole.
Looks like a turtle.
Cynny’s doing a short stint in a Montana county jail. Bestiality charges. His goat is finally getting a bit of a breather.
@29: A short stint? Good for the goat!
It get lonely out there in big sky country. Did you know: Montana has a law that says your boots can only be so high. In the olden days, folks who indulge put the front legs in them… I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.
Next time you see Klynical, ask him high his boots are!
wow, not a single post on the illegal alien who raped the girl in edmonds.
gee, I sure am glad we live in a sanctuary city and county…..
Hey Mr. Mexican President.
1. Go fuck yourself
2. Go clean up your shithole of a (barely) nation.
3. Get the fuck out of here, and take all your illegals with you – and dont EVER come back.
Did H.A.’s favorite O.C.D. retired courthouse janitor Roger Rodent finally keel over? Or perhaps did his family finally get him that special white jacket with no arms?
Just askin’.
H.A. just wouldn’t be the same without that angry & demented old geezer to kick around….
Dr. Dumbfuck @ 32
Mexico is, and always will be, our neighbor. Mexico is also either our second or third biggest trading partner. Your expression is simply juvenile. What kind of goo did your parents mix together to spawn you?
You miserable moronic twiit arschloch. My new gig takes up much time. You on the other hand couldn’t shame shit to stop smelling. That’s yourself you miserable moron. Actually had a great conversation with Goldy.
Why don’t you contribute you cheap bastard? You are an idiot!
Puddy will be around to post truth idiot arschloch
Here it is:
Yet another of the Bush Family’s “points of light”.
35 – Heh. You surprise me Stupes. You didn’t vote for Obama because of something I said and I can only conclude you shook off whatever Darryl said that got your panties in a twist for the same reason.
Thank you again Stupes for supporting the alternative “librul” media. LMAO!
Oh I didn’t contribute? Ask Goldy next you see him. Ask him how many times so far since he began his fund drive.
Watch out though – I understand members of CODE PINK may be lurking at the Montlake on Tuesdays nights.
Bush Family Points of light vs arschloch’s house of darkness along with his left porn eye on a feckless caboose of a guy!
HA!. And I am Puddybud not and my word is my bond and I eat the WSJ Editorial page for breakfast…
yadda yadda…
Oh and Stupes –
according to your sockpuppet jon, it was only 5 bucks.
Wow Stupes. What a generous guy you are!
@34…and how is that relevant to what I posted?
Mexico is a disaster. They have millions of illegal aliens here…care to dispute that?
nah, didnt think so.
@41….that $5 is more than you have earned in the last 2 years….not counting the under the table trick money…
Huh. What? Bigot did you say something?
Uh.. I get it. Most worthless noise next to flatulence. I’ll put my earbuds back in.
Did you say something, Tenderhands YLBleeder?
Can you explain how he is supposed to accomplish this?
Good idea! OK by you if he flushes the crap North?
This IS confusing. What “fuck” do you want removed here and how does one remove a fuck?
I could understand this if you were in the midstt of intercourse, as the recipient vessel, and wish the witdrawal of an intruding penis.
Is that your meaning?
I guess htis follows form the proposed withdrawal of the penis? If so, are there legal and illegal forms of penis insertion? Are you opposed to sodomy?
@42 Dre
“(Mexico has )millions of illegal aliens here…care to dispute that?”
Actually, I do dispute that. Under Mexican law a Mexican citizen living in the US is entirely legal. So, President Calderone has NO illegal Mexicans living in the US.
Or did you mess up on your grammar?
45 – Nope. Typed something and hit the submit button though..
C’ya Dorkus..
@47….you know exactly what I meant. Dont play stupid.
@48…Tenderhands YLBleeder, did you say something?
Chicken Checkup Alert!
Bawk! Bawk! Bawk!
Heh. I didn’t. But why not? That’s your level. Stupid is all you understand.
Playing stupid is the only way for any of us to have a conversation at your level.
Fuckin’ love it! Ignorant Libtardos getting hit with the hypocritical boomerang. Fuck you L.A. (and your pansy ass Mayor and Council)!
Hey Stupes,
Here’s something you teabag cultists feel in your freaking BONES!
Hey arschloch…
Jon? Jon who fool. What Puddy gave Goldy is between Goldy and Puddy and the witnesses who were at the table.
Butt being the arschloch/caboose of every thread, that’s lost on your silly pea brain mind!
BTW since you are in the top 5 pony up some cash arschloch!
Interesting to see the arschloch getting his “juice” from the kooks@kos!
Remember arschloch…
Bush Family Points of light vs the arschloch’s house of darkness along with his left porn eye on a feckless caboose of a guy!
@53 Playing stupid is the only way for any of us
Well, you just be sure to give a yell when you’re finished playing, eh, Lee?
@38 Ask him how many times so far since he began his fund drive.
YLB’s kids – little YLBs – are wondering why their piggy banks never seem to grow.
56 – Yawwnn.. Read the thread over.
I won’t repeat myself.
Oh here’s a place where the loon can swim amongst the fishies (the ones that aren’t dead anyway).
Arschloch, you are as stupid as ever. You can’t change either. It must be inbred!
Ask Goldy how much Puddy gave and match it. Puddy DARES you idiot! Puddy gave because as Puddy told Goldy Darryl SeattleJew The Raven and others, Puddy enjoys swatting fools like the arschloch like flies on the wall. This is a great vehicle to perform the swatting.
Keep being a dumb brick moron!
@52…I was not talking to you, you f-ing retard.
62 – Not doing anything you tell me fool. Save that for some gullible right wing chump.
You asked who jon was and you saw my comments but didn’t see his. I wonder why.. Pfffft.
“He” said you gave 5 bucks – one of “your own” said that.
See what they think of you? They think you’re dumb because you went to public school (pudge, proudass, doofus). (I think you’re stupid too but for other causes.) And now they think you wouldn’t rub more than 5 measly dollars together for Goldy – although that’s a lot more than they would give – zero.
Nice bunch you run with Stupes. Hey, there’s a hit squad guy @ 60.
You know him?
Oh and Stupes…
Thank you again for supporting the alternative “librul” media.
It may cost you a little cred with your peeps but what the hey. They don’t think much of you as it is.
You’re developing a severe bunker mentality the result of sitting on your butt all day pounding the HA keys, while other people go on with their lives. That includes your significant other going on with being the (only) bread winner.
Do something constructive with your time like volunteering if working and supporting your family doesn’t suit you. By all means, seek help. I think we all want the best for you, short of a mental “health care” institution.
rightwinger/hit squad guy @ 66
Uh yeah right exactly why you and your other sockpuppets attack Roger, DL, Don Joe, me and others. What “lives” you lead! Quiet desperation isn’t in the same universe.
Are you ordering me around right winger? Wow what a proponent of “freedom and liberty”.. A keyboard dictator.. Uhh.. Your orders are
Bet THAT hacks you off to no end.
Who could have seen that coming? I’d wish the same for you but after what your kind has done to this country and yearns to do even more – hmmm, the best wishes have all run out..
C’ya.. Keep hittin! It’s great entertainment.
Is it just me, or does Tenderhands YLBleeder sound like he about 16 years old?
fuck, get a job ya loser.
Boo hoo, croc tears from a right winger or a compassionate conservative or whatever..
Cheer up with some Limbaugh.
Give us another BIZNATCH then or whatever that was?
What is that? Seventh grade tops?
and yes, I am laughing AT you.
68 – Almost 10 am and the bigot is “working hard” commenting on HA while not indulging his man crush on that steed riding, shotgun toting, Aggie Republican Marine!
Spewing a line about ILLEGALS! Republican growers down there never would have an illegal hoe their rows. No Sir!
At least in the South they call themselves Republicans. Dino couldn’t put that dirty word on the front page of his website – along with 99 percent of other right wing politicians.
And during each spew, one of the bigot’s “rough hands” must be where?
Poor guy. Must be worn to the nub.
oh poor tenderhands YLBleeder, please leave your projections to yourself.
maybe someday, when you find a job, you can actually be one of the grown-ups…
73 – you can actually be one of the grown-ups…
Like you? LMAO!
So why don’t you match it fool?
We all know why… You are an arschloch… the caboose of every thread.
Why are you thanking Puddy fool? You part of the HA crew fool?
Puddy sees your arschloch being spanked all over this thread… AS USUAL!
75 – Not according to jon @ 22 – check with him fool.
If he’s not you that is.
Uses the same stupid words as you – like dope, dumb bunny, meathead, etc..
Maybe he’s got a man crush on you. Or maybe you’re copying him like you’ve done with MTR and other fiends. Maybe it’s you that has the man crush. Whatever..
You lose again Stupes. You give ANYTHING to Goldy you’re supporting “librul” media. None of your peeps would dare do that. But hell, you already use socialist health care in Seattle and send your kids to a socialist institution of higher learning in (gasp) Seattle.
Shit you got a secret hard-on for socialism Stupes – it’s your dark secret.. I hope your peeps don’t dump you for it.
Tenderhands YLBleeder sounds like he has been hittin’ the bottle tonight…
Arschloch, you are such an ass. Jon was being sarcastic you stupid moron! Puddy don’t know who Jon is except he kicks you ASS all over this blog. Puddy gave Goldy bucks because Puddy enjoys wiping the floor with your sorry ASS.
How does Puddy lose fool. You were the butt end of the conversation at Tuesday’s DL fool! There now you know, the caboose of every thread!
There you go again… the leftist arschloch guy with the left porn eye!
There you go again ASSuassing… Making an ASS out of yourself arschloch!
79 – Shit, ask the bigot if he’s ever given a penny to Goldy.
YOU HAVE – according to you, WAAAAAAAYY more than that. Therefore you support “librul” media.
You lose.
You see a socialist doctor who gets a pay check from a socialist cooperative health plan headquartered in Seattle. Why not let the market decide? Why don’t you raise chickens to barter for health services as suggested by the lady who wants Harry Reid’s job? You don’t.
You lose
You send your kids to a librul institution of higher learning in (gasp) Seattle. The bigot thinks everyone here is “limp-wristed”. Other brain dead right wing peeps of yours, when they get together, spit on the ground when Seattle is mentioned. You even say that UW is one of the best if not THE best schools in WA State. What kind of a right winger would say something like that? What kind of right winger would not even just TRY to send his kids to a wingnut approved school?
You lose.
You just can’t stop losing Stupes!
Tenderhands got himself a bottle of cheap vodka tonight..
Dr Dre…
The arschloch doesn’t get it. In fact the arschloch will never get it. Puddy gives to many activities. On the other hand, the arschloch is a leech on society as well as a leech on HA.
Leech on sucka. You are the backbend of every thread!
Puddy guesses the arschloch likes being slapped around…
Regarding my children arschloch… let us know when the little arschlochs “qualify” for college learning… let us know how you gonna pay for them… cuz if your children are as stupid as you are they’ll be going to cheep to Shoreline CC or an equivalent location vs a worthy university!
Yeah sure. Just like you didn’t know who MWS was. MWS said “I am Puddybud, NOT”.
It was a lie.
You’re a proven liar Stupes. Why should anyone in their right mind believe anything you spew and boast about here?
You even lied to Darryl about your wingnut sources of information. You’re a sick man fool.
Whoa! Stupes. How your peeps going to forgive you for calling a leftist institution in Seattle “a worthy university”? One that an HA blogger teaches at?
Ask the bigot if he’d send his kids here after what he’s said about Seattle?
@85….probably not, then again that is up to them.
GASP! The bigot is being “librul” with his own kids!
I thought you wear the pants in the family bigot.
Order them around! How can any right winger allow his kids to be taught by the likes of Professor Darryl the HA blogger?
Stupes for years you called me “schizophrenic” over my attitude towards my kids. Wanting to keep them safe and stuff like that while at the same time espousing liberal-leaning political ideas.
The bigot is schizo too but “the other way”.
LMAO! Endless entertainment from right wingers and the silly things they say.
Endless horseshit from the arschloch, the caboose of every HA thread.
Outstanding showing arschloch! Still a schizo too!
Again arschloch… tell us when your children reach college age. All you do is repeat yourself over and over and over. It’s a reflex reaction from the arschloch guy with the left porn eye!
Puddy has a graduation to attend next month. What will you be doing moron?
You remind Puddy of a snakehead fish. Absolutely useless in the US aquatic ecosystem and very worthless!
Brought to HA from Stupes since April 2005 and earlier if he didn’t lie about that too.
Graduation? I got one to attend as well moron not that it’s any business of yours.
Worthless? Nothing is as worthless as right wing bullshit and the deluded imbeciles who bring it here.