Personally I got to like M Theresa better when I learned she had come to doubt whether God was good. Having the human motivation to do good, even without cover from the image of a crucified deity, THAT is impressive.
As for Lew Black, wouldn’t he be funnier if he did a Corbert? … I would love to see “The Lew Black Show” with Lew in Levis and a leather patched Professor Jacket, using a blackboard to explain the relationship between Henry Ford, La Rouche, the Saudis, and global warming.
Of ocurse, Lew would need to have his own version of Beck’s ripped off founding fathers to inspire us all … I suggest Anfrew Jackson, Jeff Davis, and GW Bush .. all in tines of Red White and Blue.
I can not wait to see Lew crying as he tells us what their words mean to him!
OMG!!! We must stop those dirty liberals down in Tucson!!!
So much for local control.
Arizona Law Curbs Ethnic Studies Classes
Just weeks after adopting a controversial immigration law denounced as racist by its opponents, Arizona has adopted a new measure restricting what can be taught in ethnic studies classes in the state’s public schools.
The new law, which suggests that students are “taught to resent or hate other races” in such courses, was promoted by opponents of a Tucson school district program devoted to the study of Mexican-American history and culture.
Lewis Black is awesome.
Some of the wierder talking points being circulated among the wingnuts recently regarding the Gulf Oil Spill:
(1) It was sabatoge by environmental activists, but the Obama administration is covering it up because they want to use this incident to nationalize the oil companies… (Note: this is such obvious nonsense it doesn’t deserve a response).
(2) The oil companies really didn’t want to drill in such deep waters, but were forced to do so by envinronmental regulations prohibiting them from drilling in shallow waters closer to shore…. (Note: the oil companies don’t need to drill exporatory wells in the shallow waters, they already know where the researves are there. They are restricted, in a few areas, from drilling additional production wells in shallow waters where, coincidently, there are production wells already extracting those researves).em>
(3) It took two days (or three, depending upon who’s talking) before Obama ordered the Coast Guard to respond to the spill…. (Note: Coast Guard aircraft was on the scene very quickly, it took only a bit longer for the ships to arrive).
(4) The spill is really insignificant, only 1/1,000 of one percent of the oil produced in the world has ever been spilled in the ocean…. (Note: This one from the Governor or Louisianna, who hasn’t bothered to explain why that’s any different from the less than 1/1,000 of 1% of the world’s water supply happened to cause a few problems in New Orleans back in 2005).
#3 The Coast Guard doesn’t (and didn’t) need the Obama Admin’s OK to respond to the spill. The boats responding to the spill can only travel at a speed of around the square root of their waterline length.
pms ptsdspews:
How ’bout you? Are you clean and articulate? How come you never stop by my office? And when are we going to meet up for a beer at the CI?
Thank you, Dr. Holman, but I’m terrified of smart people and alpha males.
Let’s review: I’ve been vivisected twice at HA. Being filleted by you was particularly painful; our discussion of torture was … torture. You quickly made it clear that my argument was empty, that I had neither facts nor law on my side. Finally had to roll from my side to my back, whimper, expose my little soft belly, and let you flay some more.
Drill, Baby, Drill!
Hey maybe instead of scavenging for soda and bottle cans to return for $.05, the homeless can go to Louisiana and gather up oil in bottles to sell on the free market.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Wrong again Gman,
Puddy wouldn’t get within miles of you fudgepacker. Maybe the arschloch is “up your alley”!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch the backend of every threadspews:
Hey foolish libtardos did you hear Brian Williams mimic Glenn Beck last week? And you fools always discount what Glenn says. Now a libtardo from NBC says things Glenn said would happen a year ago. And the evidence shows the MFA Gang with George Soros had is fingers in it. The arschloch has all the links!
#3 The Coast Guard doesn’t (and didn’t) need the Obama Admin’s OK to respond to the spill. The boats responding to the spill can only travel at a speed of around the square root of their waterline length.
05/14/2010 at 1:12 pm
That would be true of the CG had not replaced any boats since the time of sails.
Modern powerboats go far above ther water length speed (“hull speed”) because, among other things, they plane. Our 34ft boat makes 20 knots.
Next time you are in Seattle for SeaFoar, try clocking a three point hydroplane .. wetted surface a few inches, speeds ????
Hell, even sail boats now go fast .. ever see a Hobie Cat?
Dr. Drespews:
@13….Hamilton Class coast guard cutters will do better than 30 knots….and are 378′ long.
Dr. Drespews:
Saturday is “Walk Naked In America” Day!
As you may already know, it is a sin for a Muslim male to see any woman other than his wife
naked and if he does, he must commit suicide. So this Saturday at 1 PM Eastern Time, all
American women are asked to walk out of their house completely naked to help weed out any
neighborhood terrorists.
Circling your block for one hour is recommended for this anti-terrorist effort.
All patriotic men are to position themselves in lawn chairs in front of their houses to
demonstrate their support for the women and to prove that they are not Muslim terrorist
sympathizers. Since Islam also does not approve of alcohol, a cold 6-pack at your side is
further proof of your patriotism.
The American government appreciates your efforts to root out terrorists and applauds your
participation in this anti-terrorist activity.
God bless America !
t-time at 2:30…im outta here…
@13, 14
Check out the video’s of most of the boats that responded to the blow out: displacement hulls and not built for speed.
And besides I was responding to the wingnut idea that the CG responders didn’t get there in a hurry had to wait for Obama’s go ahead to respond. I was shooting it down, not supporting it.
Dr. Drespews:
@16….I wasnt really commenting on what you had posted…I was replying to SJ’s formula for speed.
just plain sick….every member of this group should be removed from society with extreme prejudice…I think that includes you.
@23 and 24 – I don’t know about you but I don’t prefer hanging around a nambla website. Unfortunately I have to refuse to even open up the links, I wouldn’t want to give nambla the satisfaction of getting a hit. So you are obsessed with nambla, I could obsess with similar heterosexual organizations that are just as offensive. And I couldn’t agree with you more, remove nambla from society. But when it comes to just taking a normal mainstream look at things, heterosexual have much more cases of rape, murder, and thieves. Show me the mainstream 10% that should be from the homos.
I have to say BP’s commercials are colorful and friendly. They seem like such nice people.
Dr. Drespews:
nice little bit of denial there gman….
Just think though, without all that hetero money being sunk into AIDS research, you may have gone extinct 15 years ago – Elton John cant fund it all by himself you know…
go ahead though, keep on with that hatin’ of the normal folk….
help is out there..go seek it.
Dr. Drespews:
@26…so does that mean you will not be using BP gas in your car anymore? ok then….
“But when it comes to just taking a normal mainstream look at things, heterosexual have much more cases of rape, murder, and thieves. Show me the mainstream 10% that should be from the homos.”
You do the gay community a disservice by making such ignorant claims. It isn’t the absolute number of such crimes…you need to look at per capita rates to make a proper claim.
For example, using your faulty methods of comparison, it is factually true that members of the KKK commit drastically fewer murders, rapes, and thefts than do homosexuals….
“Let’s review: I’ve been vivisected twice at HA. Being filleted by you was particularly painful; our discussion of torture was … torture. You quickly made it clear that my argument was empty, that I had neither facts nor law on my side. Finally had to roll from my side to my back, whimper, expose my little soft belly, and let you flay some more.”
My, my…what a delicate and vulnerable ego you possess. I guest that explains why you hide behind so many screen names….
@28 – No I will not and do not buy BP gas, that I know of. And not that it probably matters, because all of the oil ends up on the free market anyways, but I buy from Shell. And to do my part, I do not drive on the weekends.
And yes, I have to buy gas, but it doesn’t mean I think we should be investing in alternative means of energy. Instead of following the oil tycoons that ran this country into the ground for the last 8 years.
@27 – Not that I need to share any details with you, but I’ve never engaged in gay sex, never had to worry about AIDS myself. Not to say that I couldn’t have gotten AIDS from the whore (female)that I use to have sex with.
@27 – not a hater of normal people, my point is that the normal heterosexual folk aren’t so normal or any more normal than homosexuals. And plenty of gay people paying taxes, not all the money is coming from heterosexuals. And if there are any private donations going towards AIDS research it is not coming from homophobes, and the money being spent is also being targeted to help heterosexual Africans that can’t keep their dicks in their pants or can’t keep their vaginas shut.
Darryl, the only time you pipe up is in defense of heterosexual bigots. You have a problem with homos too? Be honest.
Dr. Drespews:
@33…well you got me on that one. I would venture to say that AIDS isnt killing Africans, African culture is killing Africans(when it comes to the spread of aids).
Dr. Drespews:
@34…LMFAO..this complaint coming from the same person who states that “all heterosexuals are rapists and murderers” and “they will destroy the world”.
see, I can be just as outlandish as you can….get the point yet?
“not a hater of normal people, my point is that the normal heterosexual folk aren’t so normal or any more normal than homosexuals.”
I suspect you are a shill. For a long time you’ve come to these comment threads saying outrageous shit that, if said earnestly by a gay person, would demonstrate the worst kind of bigotry we see from the homophobes.
Either you are a shill or you are the most obtuse of idiots.
pms ptsdspews:
My, my…what a delicate and vulnerable ego you possess.
Delicate and vulnerable, yes, but also clean and articulate, thrifty, loyal, reverent, and brave.
While I won’t disagree with your other self-characterizations without empirical evidence to the contrary…brave???
Ummm…not so much.
Listen my goal is to bring out the bigot in a heterosexuals. I’m gay or bisexual and tired of the assault, physical and emotional or pyschological, on gay people. It is the biggest discriminatory posturing going on today. So, even if reverse pyschology tactics seem bigoted, I will roll this way, being as outlandish as possible, like the doc said about himself. It is the only way to get it through a bigots head.
pms ptsdspews:
Totally brave. Until an alpha male comes along. At which point sheer gutless shameless cowardice becomes the better part of valor.
pms ptsdspews:
Have often wished, Gman, that you and mangledtruth could have teamed up in a buddy movie. Roll over, Crosby & Hope.
“Listen my goal is to bring out the bigot in a heterosexuals.”
Right…by being a bigot yourself. That’s like the Hatfields saying “We’re just trying to show the McCoy’s are murders,” by murdering their family members and inviting retaliation.
“I’m gay or bisexual and tired of the assault, physical and emotional or pyschological, on gay people.”
Then why would you have a goal of “bring[ing] out the bigot in heterosexuals”? That seem counterproductive.
“It is the biggest discriminatory posturing going on today.”
I won’t disagree. It is your counterproductive methods that I disagree with.
“So, even if reverse pyschology tactics seem bigoted, I will roll this way, being as outlandish as possible, like the doc said about himself.”
“Reverse psychology”?!? The problem with reverse psychology is that if it isn’t skillfully applied, it simply serves to escalate the behavior one wishes to reduce. I don’t disagree with the tactic, only your inept attempts to implement it.
“It is the only way to get it through a bigots head.”
Nope. It isn’t the only way. But as you attempt it, it may well worsen the problem.
“Have often wished, Gman, that you and mangledtruth could have teamed up in a buddy movie.”
I’m not sure they haven’t. They are practically neighbors and live far away from the upper-left corner. Given that they are the ying and yang of biggotry ’round here, it might well be a tag team effort.
On another note, big brother, I’m not so scary in person–just ask Puddybud. I genuinely admire your sense of history, and would enjoy splitting a pitcher with you….
Think about it.
Dr. Drespews:
LMFAO @ pms ptsd… vote for name of the month.
Dr. Drespews:
@41…hint to gman…..if your gonna be outlandish or over the top, you gotta throw in some humor.
now…how ’bout them fucking polocks?
Republican Party Reptilespews:
De Doctor is IN!!!
Got in the pms ptsd groove while reading an article about DSMIII. Talk about bad religion.
Will carry my DSM rant over to Goldy’s Bible-bashing thread. Vaguely recall that Goldstein pere was a big-bucks psychoanalyst, or something.
50 – I said more or less sorry to pop the silly bigot bubble you live in.
Heard something funny on the podcast. McJoan asked how you can record something “dead” (as opposed to “live”).
Goldy quipped back:
You can record dead people. An example of that is the Dori Monson Show!
twisted sistaspews:
Enough, YLB, with the hateful boring tiresome anti-Monson bigotry. Goldy’s bigotry is mitigated by reasonable jealousy: Monson has a job and a microphone and an audience of tens of thousands while poor Goldy has to submit to SEIU buggery in return for a niggardly 2.5.
But you have no excuse. As usual.
52 – Oh enough with that “little sister” pretense HNMT.
Call me what you really want to call me.
Come out HNMT, come out!
Dr. Drespews:
@51…did you say something?
Dr. Drespews:
@53….does little bitch work? that sounds like a good name to me.
@57 …Did you pose a question that anyone thought was worth their time answering??
Funny coming from someone who believes he knows it all..
@56 – There we go! I’m reminded of the end of 1984. Winston Smith’s transformation is nigh complete. The HNMT is closer to finding his inner Horowitz (through Goldstein no less).
Just find something for the “Y” HNMT – you’re almost there!
Over 840,000 voted for Will Baker, the international man of conspiracy for State Auditor in 2004 who ran on the Republican ticket. The crowning monument to Chris Vance’s leadership.
Were you one of them?
The more frenzied talk in those days were of “dead voters”. I wonder how many of them listen to Dori Monson these days.
Dr. Drespews:
@49…she’s hot. I’d fuck her…twice even.
Darryl @44 – do you want me to share with you my username and pasword to my Mason Wyler Account?
Then why would you have a goal of “bring[ing] out the bigot in heterosexuals”? That seem counterproductive.
Until you expose what is swept under the rug, you will not get to the root of the evil. Admit it Darryl you are bigoted. When have you been outspoken to anyone on this site about being a bigot?
I merely point out that Heterosexuals are not normal like you all feel that you are, you all have a lot of abnormalities. You people are the root of the problem.
When have you gone out of your way to support any gay causes, you as a proud heterosexual should have no issues to hide, you should be out in front protesting against the bigotry towards homosexuality because you can without any backlash, ridicule or having to put yourself out there. Until then you sweep it under the rug.
@62 – she is nothing more than a whore. It is good to see that we have lowered our standards of morality for a pole dancing whore. All woman should were Berkas, especially her kind.
Dr. Drespews:
@64….ya, and?
Dr. Drespews:
gman….cmon now man….should we go out of our way to support schizophrenic causes too?
“do you want me to share with you my username and pasword to my Mason Wyler Account?”
I don’t know what a “Mason Wyler Account” is, so, no.
“Until you expose what is swept under the rug, you will not get to the root of the evil.”
Not if you go after the rug with a flamethrower….
“Admit it Darryl you are bigoted.”
I admit it. I have a deep seated bigotry against ignorance.
“When have you been outspoken to anyone on this site about being a bigot?”
Are you fucking kidding me?!?
“I merely point out that Heterosexuals are not normal like you all feel that you are, you all have a lot of abnormalities. You people are the root of the problem.”
Your comment displays both bigotry and ignorance.
“When have you gone out of your way to support any gay causes, you as a proud heterosexual should have no issues to hide, you should be out in front protesting against the bigotry towards homosexuality because you can without any backlash, ridicule or having to put yourself out there.”
Dude…attacking you for your over-the-top bigotry is definitely working in support of gay causes!
proud leftistspews:
You are not helping your cause. I’m for gay marriage, for every other gay cause there might be. I’m also heterosexual. I will not apologize for being quite fond of women. That’s how I was made, get it? Why do you continually attack the vast majority of humans who are hetersexual? Do you honestly think that your approach will win votes, acceptance, or whatever? C’mon, man, you aren’t making friends with your approach.
Dr. Drespews:
@68…I dont often agree with PL, but there is nothing in his post that I disagree with.
@67 Darryl, you surprise me by not researching on the net whom Mason Wyler may be, hint try Google; or maybe you did and just want to plead ignorance.
You ever hear of the expression fight fire with fire. Well fight bigotry with bigotry.
Anyone watching CNN’s Special on Racism with Kids, surprising right. Maybe not, bigotry is so deep rooted that even those that think they are not bigots, really are subconsciously.
Like I said, if you want to not be a bigot, just don’t stand by and watch it happen. Attacking or criticizing me is the wrong person to be attacking or criticizing. Someone like Puddy should be your target or yourself.
“Darryl, you surprise me by not researching on the net whom Mason Wyler may be”
Pfffft…I don’t really give a fuck.
“hint try Google”
“or maybe you did and just want to plead ignorance.”
Nope…just wasn’t the least bit interested.
“You ever hear of the expression fight fire with fire. Well fight bigotry with bigotry.”
Thank you for acknowledging your bigotry. And please don’t be surprised when you are attacked by people who dislike bigotry, dumbass!
“Anyone watching CNN’s Special on Racism with Kids, surprising right.”
Don’t know…don’t have cable, don’t watch TV.
“Like I said, if you want to not be a bigot, just don’t stand by and watch it happen.”
Wrong. If you want to not be a bigot, don’t hate.
“Attacking or criticizing me is the wrong person to be attacking or criticizing.”
Wait…you just told me not to “stand by and watch it happen.” Make up your fucking mind!
“Someone like Puddy should be your target or yourself.”
Puddy is frequently my target. From my perspective, you differ little from Puddy.
@68 – I’m not running for office, not trying to win votes. You don’t have to apologize for being fond of a woman, but you should apologize for being a bigot. I’m not attacking heterosexuals, merely pointing out their abnormalities – don’t take it so personally.
I think it was Tommy Thompson who said during one of the debates for one of the Republican Primaries (in New Hampshire) that Private employers should have the right to fire an individual just for being gay. Well no one, I repeat no one, including Darryl made any mention to how wrong that would be. I suppose the heterosexual superiority made you feel like just being quite about it. Life goes on. Actually I think it was Fred Thompson – one of those bigoted Idiots.
Just because I use bigotry to fight bigotry doesn’t necessarily make me a bigot. Does it?
So you are wrong.
I suppose if I used fire to fight a fire, that would make me fire….no I am a human, not fire.
“I think it was Tommy Thompson who said … Private employers should have the right to fire an individual just for being gay. Well no one, I repeat no one, including Darryl made any mention to how wrong that would be.”
“I suppose the heterosexual superiority made you feel like just being quite about it. Life goes on.”
There’s that hatin’ thing again. Fucking bigot.
@71 – Not sure how your arguments hold water if your not even willing to know part of the facts that you are arguing against. And since you don’t watch any TV, maybe you can find CNN’s Special on Racism on the Internet somewhere, if you are interested, don’t let a little thing like bigotry get in the way of knowledge.
“Not sure how your arguments hold water if your not even willing to know part of the facts that you are arguing against.”
I am not using the TV program as part of my argument, dumbass.
“And since you don’t watch any TV, maybe you can find CNN’s Special on Racism on the Internet somewhere, if you are interested,”
I’m not.
Darryl why does it irk you so much to know you are wrong? Why would I try to impersonate a gay person – you are crazy.
You call me a shill – I took that the same as calling me a fraud or a fake….maybe i took it the wrong way…but I offer to give you my username and password to my Mason Wyler Account….you are too lazy to research what is after admitting that you don’t know what it is…… is a gay porn site…..a fraud?
All the straight people I know like to hang out at a gay porn site. Give it a rest.
Maybe if you understood some of the finding that are being reported by CNN, maybe, just maybe it would help you understand bigotry better, whether it be racism or plain old bigotry. Again, until you stand up for homosexuals you are being a bigot. Just accepting them and believing that you are not is not enough. You going to let 10% of the population fight for themselves? How far do you think they will get? You need to step up to the plate, otherwise you are not in the ballgame.
“Darryl why does it irk you so much to know you are wrong?”
What a stupid question!
“Why would I try to impersonate a gay person – you are crazy.”
You misunderstand… I don’t know if you are actually gay and a bigoted asshole, or whether you are a shill trying to make gay folks look bad. Those are the two alternative hypotheses, and I’ve not proclaimed either as “the truth”.
“You call me a shill – I took that the same as calling me a fraud or a fake…”
Huh…you’re not as dumb as you seem! (Except I pointed out that you being a shill is a hypothesis)
“.maybe i took it the wrong way…but I offer to give you my username and password to my Mason Wyler Account….”
And I declined your offer.
“you are too lazy to research what is after admitting that you don’t know what it is…… is a gay porn site…”
“All the straight people I know like to hang out at a gay porn site.”
You giving me a login and password to a gay porn site wouldn’t really offer strong evidence for either hypothesis.
“Give it a rest.”
what do you need a fucking blow job? Give it a rest.
You seem like an intelligent person, but your hypothesis are way wrong. Believe me.
“Maybe if you understood some of the finding that are being reported by CNN, maybe, just maybe it would help you understand bigotry better, whether it be racism or plain old bigotry.”
I am pretty comfortable with my understanding of racism and bigotry. But thanks for the suggestion.
“Again, until you stand up for homosexuals you are being a bigot.”
As I have said, by attacking your over-the-top rhetoric, I believe I am standing up for homosexuals.
“Just accepting them and believing that you are not is not enough.”
While I won’t disagree with this sentence, I should point out that you have no idea what I do or don’t do to stand up for the LGBT community.
“You going to let 10% of the population fight for themselves?”
See my previous two sentences.
“You need to step up to the plate, otherwise you are not in the ballgame.”
Exactly. So stop your hateful rhetoric, already.
@85 – no, by attacking me you are not standing up to homosexuals, you are trying to stand up for heterosexuals. It is that simple.
“You seem like an intelligent person, but your hypothesis are way wrong.”
The two leading hypotheses I mentioned are the ones best supported by the data. Actually, I mentioned three–the third being that you are drunk. That could explain the observations.
“Believe me.”
No…I am an empiricist. Your track record doesn’t support “belief” in claims that are contradicted by your behavior on this blog. Sorry.
Well …
each to his own.
Personally I got to like M Theresa better when I learned she had come to doubt whether God was good. Having the human motivation to do good, even without cover from the image of a crucified deity, THAT is impressive.
As for Lew Black, wouldn’t he be funnier if he did a Corbert? … I would love to see “The Lew Black Show” with Lew in Levis and a leather patched Professor Jacket, using a blackboard to explain the relationship between Henry Ford, La Rouche, the Saudis, and global warming.
Of ocurse, Lew would need to have his own version of Beck’s ripped off founding fathers to inspire us all … I suggest Anfrew Jackson, Jeff Davis, and GW Bush .. all in tines of Red White and Blue.
I can not wait to see Lew crying as he tells us what their words mean to him!
OMG!!! We must stop those dirty liberals down in Tucson!!!
So much for local control.
Lewis Black is awesome.
Some of the wierder talking points being circulated among the wingnuts recently regarding the Gulf Oil Spill:
(1) It was sabatoge by environmental activists, but the Obama administration is covering it up because they want to use this incident to nationalize the oil companies… (Note: this is such obvious nonsense it doesn’t deserve a response).
(2) The oil companies really didn’t want to drill in such deep waters, but were forced to do so by envinronmental regulations prohibiting them from drilling in shallow waters closer to shore…. (Note: the oil companies don’t need to drill exporatory wells in the shallow waters, they already know where the researves are there. They are restricted, in a few areas, from drilling additional production wells in shallow waters where, coincidently, there are production wells already extracting those researves).em>
(3) It took two days (or three, depending upon who’s talking) before Obama ordered the Coast Guard to respond to the spill…. (Note: Coast Guard aircraft was on the scene very quickly, it took only a bit longer for the ships to arrive).
(4) The spill is really insignificant, only 1/1,000 of one percent of the oil produced in the world has ever been spilled in the ocean…. (Note: This one from the Governor or Louisianna, who hasn’t bothered to explain why that’s any different from the less than 1/1,000 of 1% of the world’s water supply happened to cause a few problems in New Orleans back in 2005).
#3 The Coast Guard doesn’t (and didn’t) need the Obama Admin’s OK to respond to the spill. The boats responding to the spill can only travel at a speed of around the square root of their waterline length.
Thank you, Dr. Holman, but I’m terrified of smart people and alpha males.
Let’s review: I’ve been vivisected twice at HA. Being filleted by you was particularly painful; our discussion of torture was … torture. You quickly made it clear that my argument was empty, that I had neither facts nor law on my side. Finally had to roll from my side to my back, whimper, expose my little soft belly, and let you flay some more.
Drill, Baby, Drill!
Hey maybe instead of scavenging for soda and bottle cans to return for $.05, the homeless can go to Louisiana and gather up oil in bottles to sell on the free market.
More Heterosexual Love –
bear hunting season on capital hill tonight gman?
No, getting my shoes shined by Puddy.
Wrong again Gman,
Puddy wouldn’t get within miles of you fudgepacker. Maybe the arschloch is “up your alley”!
Hey foolish libtardos did you hear Brian Williams mimic Glenn Beck last week? And you fools always discount what Glenn says. Now a libtardo from NBC says things Glenn said would happen a year ago. And the evidence shows the MFA Gang with George Soros had is fingers in it. The arschloch has all the links!
@5 5. Michael spews:
#3 The Coast Guard doesn’t (and didn’t) need the Obama Admin’s OK to respond to the spill. The boats responding to the spill can only travel at a speed of around the square root of their waterline length.
05/14/2010 at 1:12 pm
That would be true of the CG had not replaced any boats since the time of sails.
Modern powerboats go far above ther water length speed (“hull speed”) because, among other things, they plane. Our 34ft boat makes 20 knots.
Next time you are in Seattle for SeaFoar, try clocking a three point hydroplane .. wetted surface a few inches, speeds ????
Hell, even sail boats now go fast .. ever see a Hobie Cat?
@13….Hamilton Class coast guard cutters will do better than 30 knots….and are 378′ long.
Saturday is “Walk Naked In America” Day!
As you may already know, it is a sin for a Muslim male to see any woman other than his wife
naked and if he does, he must commit suicide. So this Saturday at 1 PM Eastern Time, all
American women are asked to walk out of their house completely naked to help weed out any
neighborhood terrorists.
Circling your block for one hour is recommended for this anti-terrorist effort.
All patriotic men are to position themselves in lawn chairs in front of their houses to
demonstrate their support for the women and to prove that they are not Muslim terrorist
sympathizers. Since Islam also does not approve of alcohol, a cold 6-pack at your side is
further proof of your patriotism.
The American government appreciates your efforts to root out terrorists and applauds your
participation in this anti-terrorist activity.
God bless America !
t-time at 2:30…im outta here…
@13, 14
Check out the video’s of most of the boats that responded to the blow out: displacement hulls and not built for speed.
And besides I was responding to the wingnut idea that the CG responders didn’t get there in a hurry had to wait for Obama’s go ahead to respond. I was shooting it down, not supporting it.
@16….I wasnt really commenting on what you had posted…I was replying to SJ’s formula for speed.
15 – Heh. So I guess, according to the ugly bigot, all muslims are terrorists.
Including those serving and in a lot of cases, giving up their lives in the U.S. military for the bigot’s sorry, stupid ass.
@18 when your wife chopped your nutsack off, did she also take your sense of humor too?
lighten up, mary.
yeah YLB, learn from the humorous Dr Dre, the one with the sense of humor of a Nazi lieutenant.
Dr. Dre – Hetero or Homo?
gman…..what? no naked hot yoga this afternoon? is your rent-a-boy still unconscious from last nights spiked drink?
Gman – Hetero or Homo?
Gman – Hetero or Homo?
just plain sick….every member of this group should be removed from society with extreme prejudice…I think that includes you.
@23 and 24 – I don’t know about you but I don’t prefer hanging around a nambla website. Unfortunately I have to refuse to even open up the links, I wouldn’t want to give nambla the satisfaction of getting a hit. So you are obsessed with nambla, I could obsess with similar heterosexual organizations that are just as offensive. And I couldn’t agree with you more, remove nambla from society. But when it comes to just taking a normal mainstream look at things, heterosexual have much more cases of rape, murder, and thieves. Show me the mainstream 10% that should be from the homos.
I have to say BP’s commercials are colorful and friendly. They seem like such nice people.
nice little bit of denial there gman….
Just think though, without all that hetero money being sunk into AIDS research, you may have gone extinct 15 years ago – Elton John cant fund it all by himself you know…
go ahead though, keep on with that hatin’ of the normal folk….
help is out there..go seek it.
@26…so does that mean you will not be using BP gas in your car anymore? ok then….
Gman @ 25,
“But when it comes to just taking a normal mainstream look at things, heterosexual have much more cases of rape, murder, and thieves. Show me the mainstream 10% that should be from the homos.”
You do the gay community a disservice by making such ignorant claims. It isn’t the absolute number of such crimes…you need to look at per capita rates to make a proper claim.
For example, using your faulty methods of comparison, it is factually true that members of the KKK commit drastically fewer murders, rapes, and thefts than do homosexuals….
pms @ 6,
“Let’s review: I’ve been vivisected twice at HA. Being filleted by you was particularly painful; our discussion of torture was … torture. You quickly made it clear that my argument was empty, that I had neither facts nor law on my side. Finally had to roll from my side to my back, whimper, expose my little soft belly, and let you flay some more.”
My, my…what a delicate and vulnerable ego you possess. I guest that explains why you hide behind so many screen names….
@28 – No I will not and do not buy BP gas, that I know of. And not that it probably matters, because all of the oil ends up on the free market anyways, but I buy from Shell. And to do my part, I do not drive on the weekends.
And yes, I have to buy gas, but it doesn’t mean I think we should be investing in alternative means of energy. Instead of following the oil tycoons that ran this country into the ground for the last 8 years.
@27 – Not that I need to share any details with you, but I’ve never engaged in gay sex, never had to worry about AIDS myself. Not to say that I couldn’t have gotten AIDS from the whore (female)that I use to have sex with.
@27 – not a hater of normal people, my point is that the normal heterosexual folk aren’t so normal or any more normal than homosexuals. And plenty of gay people paying taxes, not all the money is coming from heterosexuals. And if there are any private donations going towards AIDS research it is not coming from homophobes, and the money being spent is also being targeted to help heterosexual Africans that can’t keep their dicks in their pants or can’t keep their vaginas shut.
Darryl, the only time you pipe up is in defense of heterosexual bigots. You have a problem with homos too? Be honest.
@33…well you got me on that one. I would venture to say that AIDS isnt killing Africans, African culture is killing Africans(when it comes to the spread of aids).
@34…LMFAO..this complaint coming from the same person who states that “all heterosexuals are rapists and murderers” and “they will destroy the world”.
see, I can be just as outlandish as you can….get the point yet?
Gman @ 34,
“Darryl, the only time you pipe up is in defense of heterosexual bigots.”
What the fuck are you babbling about? My comment wasn’t a defense of anyone, per se. It was an attack on your saying stupid shit.
“You have a problem with homos too?”
No. I do have a problem with people who say stupid shit, though (regardless of their sexual orientation).
“Be honest.”
Gman @ 33,
“not a hater of normal people, my point is that the normal heterosexual folk aren’t so normal or any more normal than homosexuals.”
I suspect you are a shill. For a long time you’ve come to these comment threads saying outrageous shit that, if said earnestly by a gay person, would demonstrate the worst kind of bigotry we see from the homophobes.
Either you are a shill or you are the most obtuse of idiots.
Delicate and vulnerable, yes, but also clean and articulate, thrifty, loyal, reverent, and brave.
I am a credit to my race.
pms @ 39,
While I won’t disagree with your other self-characterizations without empirical evidence to the contrary…brave???
Ummm…not so much.
Listen my goal is to bring out the bigot in a heterosexuals. I’m gay or bisexual and tired of the assault, physical and emotional or pyschological, on gay people. It is the biggest discriminatory posturing going on today. So, even if reverse pyschology tactics seem bigoted, I will roll this way, being as outlandish as possible, like the doc said about himself. It is the only way to get it through a bigots head.
Totally brave. Until an alpha male comes along. At which point sheer gutless shameless cowardice becomes the better part of valor.
Have often wished, Gman, that you and mangledtruth could have teamed up in a buddy movie. Roll over, Crosby & Hope.
“Listen my goal is to bring out the bigot in a heterosexuals.”
Right…by being a bigot yourself. That’s like the Hatfields saying “We’re just trying to show the McCoy’s are murders,” by murdering their family members and inviting retaliation.
“I’m gay or bisexual and tired of the assault, physical and emotional or pyschological, on gay people.”
Then why would you have a goal of “bring[ing] out the bigot in heterosexuals”? That seem counterproductive.
“It is the biggest discriminatory posturing going on today.”
I won’t disagree. It is your counterproductive methods that I disagree with.
“So, even if reverse pyschology tactics seem bigoted, I will roll this way, being as outlandish as possible, like the doc said about himself.”
“Reverse psychology”?!? The problem with reverse psychology is that if it isn’t skillfully applied, it simply serves to escalate the behavior one wishes to reduce. I don’t disagree with the tactic, only your inept attempts to implement it.
“It is the only way to get it through a bigots head.”
Nope. It isn’t the only way. But as you attempt it, it may well worsen the problem.
Either that or you are a shill….
pms @ 43.
“Have often wished, Gman, that you and mangledtruth could have teamed up in a buddy movie.”
I’m not sure they haven’t. They are practically neighbors and live far away from the upper-left corner. Given that they are the ying and yang of biggotry ’round here, it might well be a tag team effort.
On another note, big brother, I’m not so scary in person–just ask Puddybud. I genuinely admire your sense of history, and would enjoy splitting a pitcher with you….
Think about it.
LMFAO @ pms ptsd… vote for name of the month.
@41…hint to gman…..if your gonna be outlandish or over the top, you gotta throw in some humor.
now…how ’bout them fucking polocks?
De Doctor is IN!!!
Got in the pms ptsd groove while reading an article about DSMIII. Talk about bad religion.
Will carry my DSM rant over to Goldy’s Bible-bashing thread. Vaguely recall that Goldstein pere was a big-bucks psychoanalyst, or something.
So this might be fun.
Wow. A muslim woman is crowned Miss USA..
I guess that’s why the ignorant bigot of these comment threads was encouraging nakedness in front of muslims.
Sorry ignorant bigot. At least a million muslims in this country. Not all of them look like Miss U.S.A!!!
Not that an ugly bigoted slob like you would get anywhere that way. LMAO!
@49..did you say something?
50 – I said more or less sorry to pop the silly bigot bubble you live in.
Heard something funny on the podcast. McJoan asked how you can record something “dead” (as opposed to “live”).
Goldy quipped back:
You can record dead people. An example of that is the Dori Monson Show!
Enough, YLB, with the hateful boring tiresome anti-Monson bigotry. Goldy’s bigotry is mitigated by reasonable jealousy: Monson has a job and a microphone and an audience of tens of thousands while poor Goldy has to submit to SEIU buggery in return for a niggardly 2.5.
But you have no excuse. As usual.
52 – Oh enough with that “little sister” pretense HNMT.
Call me what you really want to call me.
Come out HNMT, come out!
@51…did you say something?
@53….does little bitch work? that sounds like a good name to me.
btw, did you say something?
I might have proved that you’re either deaf or blind as well as
That last one is indisputable..
@56….did you say something?
@57 …Did you pose a question that anyone thought was worth their time answering??
Funny coming from someone who believes he knows it all..
@56 – There we go! I’m reminded of the end of 1984. Winston Smith’s transformation is nigh complete. The HNMT is closer to finding his inner Horowitz (through Goldstein no less).
Just find something for the “Y” HNMT – you’re almost there!
Come out! Come out!
@58……did you say something?
59 – Huh?
Over 840,000 voted for Will Baker, the international man of conspiracy for State Auditor in 2004 who ran on the Republican ticket. The crowning monument to Chris Vance’s leadership.
Were you one of them?
The more frenzied talk in those days were of “dead voters”. I wonder how many of them listen to Dori Monson these days.
@49…she’s hot. I’d fuck her…twice even.
Darryl @44 – do you want me to share with you my username and pasword to my Mason Wyler Account?
Then why would you have a goal of “bring[ing] out the bigot in heterosexuals”? That seem counterproductive.
Until you expose what is swept under the rug, you will not get to the root of the evil. Admit it Darryl you are bigoted. When have you been outspoken to anyone on this site about being a bigot?
I merely point out that Heterosexuals are not normal like you all feel that you are, you all have a lot of abnormalities. You people are the root of the problem.
When have you gone out of your way to support any gay causes, you as a proud heterosexual should have no issues to hide, you should be out in front protesting against the bigotry towards homosexuality because you can without any backlash, ridicule or having to put yourself out there. Until then you sweep it under the rug.
@62 – she is nothing more than a whore. It is good to see that we have lowered our standards of morality for a pole dancing whore. All woman should were Berkas, especially her kind.
@64….ya, and?
gman….cmon now man….should we go out of our way to support schizophrenic causes too?
Gman @ 63,
“do you want me to share with you my username and pasword to my Mason Wyler Account?”
I don’t know what a “Mason Wyler Account” is, so, no.
“Until you expose what is swept under the rug, you will not get to the root of the evil.”
Not if you go after the rug with a flamethrower….
“Admit it Darryl you are bigoted.”
I admit it. I have a deep seated bigotry against ignorance.
“When have you been outspoken to anyone on this site about being a bigot?”
Are you fucking kidding me?!?
“I merely point out that Heterosexuals are not normal like you all feel that you are, you all have a lot of abnormalities. You people are the root of the problem.”
Your comment displays both bigotry and ignorance.
“When have you gone out of your way to support any gay causes, you as a proud heterosexual should have no issues to hide, you should be out in front protesting against the bigotry towards homosexuality because you can without any backlash, ridicule or having to put yourself out there.”
Dude…attacking you for your over-the-top bigotry is definitely working in support of gay causes!
You are not helping your cause. I’m for gay marriage, for every other gay cause there might be. I’m also heterosexual. I will not apologize for being quite fond of women. That’s how I was made, get it? Why do you continually attack the vast majority of humans who are hetersexual? Do you honestly think that your approach will win votes, acceptance, or whatever? C’mon, man, you aren’t making friends with your approach.
@68…I dont often agree with PL, but there is nothing in his post that I disagree with.
@67 Darryl, you surprise me by not researching on the net whom Mason Wyler may be, hint try Google; or maybe you did and just want to plead ignorance.
You ever hear of the expression fight fire with fire. Well fight bigotry with bigotry.
Anyone watching CNN’s Special on Racism with Kids, surprising right. Maybe not, bigotry is so deep rooted that even those that think they are not bigots, really are subconsciously.
Like I said, if you want to not be a bigot, just don’t stand by and watch it happen. Attacking or criticizing me is the wrong person to be attacking or criticizing. Someone like Puddy should be your target or yourself.
Gman @ 70
“Darryl, you surprise me by not researching on the net whom Mason Wyler may be”
Pfffft…I don’t really give a fuck.
“hint try Google”
“or maybe you did and just want to plead ignorance.”
Nope…just wasn’t the least bit interested.
“You ever hear of the expression fight fire with fire. Well fight bigotry with bigotry.”
Thank you for acknowledging your bigotry. And please don’t be surprised when you are attacked by people who dislike bigotry, dumbass!
“Anyone watching CNN’s Special on Racism with Kids, surprising right.”
Don’t know…don’t have cable, don’t watch TV.
“Like I said, if you want to not be a bigot, just don’t stand by and watch it happen.”
Wrong. If you want to not be a bigot, don’t hate.
“Attacking or criticizing me is the wrong person to be attacking or criticizing.”
Wait…you just told me not to “stand by and watch it happen.” Make up your fucking mind!
“Someone like Puddy should be your target or yourself.”
Puddy is frequently my target. From my perspective, you differ little from Puddy.
@68 – I’m not running for office, not trying to win votes. You don’t have to apologize for being fond of a woman, but you should apologize for being a bigot. I’m not attacking heterosexuals, merely pointing out their abnormalities – don’t take it so personally.
I think it was Tommy Thompson who said during one of the debates for one of the Republican Primaries (in New Hampshire) that Private employers should have the right to fire an individual just for being gay. Well no one, I repeat no one, including Darryl made any mention to how wrong that would be. I suppose the heterosexual superiority made you feel like just being quite about it. Life goes on. Actually I think it was Fred Thompson – one of those bigoted Idiots.
Just because I use bigotry to fight bigotry doesn’t necessarily make me a bigot. Does it?
So you are wrong.
I suppose if I used fire to fight a fire, that would make me fire….no I am a human, not fire.
welcome to the bizarre world of gman….
“I think it was Tommy Thompson who said … Private employers should have the right to fire an individual just for being gay. Well no one, I repeat no one, including Darryl made any mention to how wrong that would be.”
Well, if I had seen that, I may well have said something…I love going after ol’ dumb-as-a-doorknob Tommy.
“I suppose the heterosexual superiority made you feel like just being quite about it. Life goes on.”
There’s that hatin’ thing again. Fucking bigot.
@71 – Not sure how your arguments hold water if your not even willing to know part of the facts that you are arguing against. And since you don’t watch any TV, maybe you can find CNN’s Special on Racism on the Internet somewhere, if you are interested, don’t let a little thing like bigotry get in the way of knowledge.
“I suppose if I used fire to fight a fire, that would make me fire….no I am a human, not fire.”
I’m guessing it means you are drunk off your ass, or, my original theory, you are a fucking fraud.
“Not sure how your arguments hold water if your not even willing to know part of the facts that you are arguing against.”
I am not using the TV program as part of my argument, dumbass.
“And since you don’t watch any TV, maybe you can find CNN’s Special on Racism on the Internet somewhere, if you are interested,”
I’m not.
Darryl why does it irk you so much to know you are wrong? Why would I try to impersonate a gay person – you are crazy.
You call me a shill – I took that the same as calling me a fraud or a fake….maybe i took it the wrong way…but I offer to give you my username and password to my Mason Wyler Account….you are too lazy to research what is after admitting that you don’t know what it is…… is a gay porn site…..a fraud?
All the straight people I know like to hang out at a gay porn site. Give it a rest.
Maybe if you understood some of the finding that are being reported by CNN, maybe, just maybe it would help you understand bigotry better, whether it be racism or plain old bigotry. Again, until you stand up for homosexuals you are being a bigot. Just accepting them and believing that you are not is not enough. You going to let 10% of the population fight for themselves? How far do you think they will get? You need to step up to the plate, otherwise you are not in the ballgame.
“Darryl why does it irk you so much to know you are wrong?”
What a stupid question!
“Why would I try to impersonate a gay person – you are crazy.”
You misunderstand… I don’t know if you are actually gay and a bigoted asshole, or whether you are a shill trying to make gay folks look bad. Those are the two alternative hypotheses, and I’ve not proclaimed either as “the truth”.
“You call me a shill – I took that the same as calling me a fraud or a fake…”
Huh…you’re not as dumb as you seem! (Except I pointed out that you being a shill is a hypothesis)
“.maybe i took it the wrong way…but I offer to give you my username and password to my Mason Wyler Account….”
And I declined your offer.
“you are too lazy to research what is after admitting that you don’t know what it is…… is a gay porn site…”
“All the straight people I know like to hang out at a gay porn site.”
You giving me a login and password to a gay porn site wouldn’t really offer strong evidence for either hypothesis.
“Give it a rest.”
what do you need a fucking blow job? Give it a rest.
You seem like an intelligent person, but your hypothesis are way wrong. Believe me.
too funny
“Maybe if you understood some of the finding that are being reported by CNN, maybe, just maybe it would help you understand bigotry better, whether it be racism or plain old bigotry.”
I am pretty comfortable with my understanding of racism and bigotry. But thanks for the suggestion.
“Again, until you stand up for homosexuals you are being a bigot.”
As I have said, by attacking your over-the-top rhetoric, I believe I am standing up for homosexuals.
“Just accepting them and believing that you are not is not enough.”
While I won’t disagree with this sentence, I should point out that you have no idea what I do or don’t do to stand up for the LGBT community.
“You going to let 10% of the population fight for themselves?”
See my previous two sentences.
“You need to step up to the plate, otherwise you are not in the ballgame.”
Exactly. So stop your hateful rhetoric, already.
@85 – no, by attacking me you are not standing up to homosexuals, you are trying to stand up for heterosexuals. It is that simple.
Fighting fire with fire.
“You seem like an intelligent person, but your hypothesis are way wrong.”
The two leading hypotheses I mentioned are the ones best supported by the data. Actually, I mentioned three–the third being that you are drunk. That could explain the observations.
“Believe me.”
No…I am an empiricist. Your track record doesn’t support “belief” in claims that are contradicted by your behavior on this blog. Sorry.
“no, by attacking me you are not standing up to homosexuals, you are trying to stand up for heterosexuals.”
In attacking you, I’m standing up for both!
“Fighting fire with fire.”
You’re a fucking moron.
And you are wrong, you must be smoking some of Goldy’s weed.
And you can call me a fucking moron, but I will not stoop that low by retaliating. I think you have even stooped lower than Dr. Douche Bag.
seek help gman…its out there…
This one is for you Darryl, be proud of your heterosexual bigots, including yourself.
Sweep it under the rug, and use your flame thrower on it, as you suggest in one of your earlier comments. Lot of good that would do.
Maybe you could help support them by showing them where the back of the bus is.
Sounds like Heterosexuals have their problems.
Darryl, are your morals in decline? Thinking of joining your local neo-nazi group?
Gman @ 92,
“Darryl, are your morals in decline?”
They’ve held pretty steady for many years now, but thanks for asking.
“Thinking of joining your local neo-nazi group?”
What…now you are trying to recruit for neo-nazi groups? Sounds like you are some kind of right-wing extremist asshole!