IDG News Service – The U.S. Federal Communications Commission will move to partially reclassify broadband as a common-carrier service in an attempt to move forward with net neutrality rules and its national broadband plan, an official there said Wednesday.
Fed prosecutors bring cases they can win. Their loss rate is around 5 percent if memory serve (sic sic sic).
Was explaining to you why Fed prosecutor Fitz brought a case against Rove that Fitz lost. Fitz lost the case because he had no case. Something learned by taxpayers over the course of years and millions of wasted dollars.
Fitzgerald didn’t even have a ham sandwich of a case.
Here’s more of what almost got lost down the memory hole: Jimmy Cater did a Darcy about Jimmy Carter. Zotz was trying petulently to explain that Carter, like Zotz, was your basic Navy nuc, not a nuclear engineer. So isn’t it droll that we have Carter in 1976 and after apparently referring to himself as a nuclear engineer or permitting others (e.g. Time Mag) to identify him as something he wasn’t.
Then we have the trifling matter of Carter’s treason or “treason.” Guess we’ve agreed, since nobody here has presented any contrary evidence, that Carter is the real deal. Without air quotes.
But but but, whimpered rhp and proud leftist, Jimmy Carter made the world a better place. Uh huh. See the current Seattle Weakly, available today:
In the mid-’70s at the federal pen in Terre Haute, Ind,, Nick bunked with convicted Georgia pornographer Michael Thevis … Thevis confided to Kasemehas that he was planning on an early release from the pen if Jimmy Carter was elected president. According to federal investigators, Thevis claimed to have funneled $400,000 in illegal donations to the Georgia governor’s 1976 campaign, steering the money through ambassador-to-be Andrew Young, and Carter advisor Bert Lance. … a recent prison message from Thevis, according to a 1977 report in Newsweek, (reported) “Things are not so terribly bad … I’m expecting some help from the Administration after this month.”
Jimmy Carter. Making the world a better place for pornographers and Arafat’s PLO.
Did you notice the BP article was from the Odumba URL and network, MSNBC?
Puddybud has fun skewering Libtardosspews:
Looks like there is some information the Almost NYC Bomber was being followed by the Bush Administration. Did the Odumba Disciples drop de ball?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 “Was explaining to you why Fed prosecutor Fitz brought a case against Rove that Fitz lost. Fitz lost the case because he had no case. Something learned by taxpayers over the course of years and millions of wasted dollars. Fitzgerald didn’t even have a ham sandwich of a case.”
Aren’t you confusing Fitz with the $70 million of taxpayer money that GOPers spent on Ken Starr’s investigation in a futile attempt to reverse the ’92 and ’96 elections?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 According to Rasmussen, the GOP controls every public office in the U.S. and Democrats don’t even exist. How’re those polls working for you guys? LOL
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 MMS — aren’t they the guys who spent Bush’s whole 8 years watching porn on their office computers?
But according to Putz, these guys were interviewed, hired, trained, and reviewed and issued that lease on Obama’s watch. All in about two months. Next thing you know, Putz will try to blame Katrina and “Heckuvajob” Brownie on Obama, too!
It’s a Tea Party Revolution I tell ya…
Tea party comes up short in early primaries
By DAVID ESPO (AP) – 4 hours ago
WASHINGTON — Mark the first round down, shakily, for Republican incumbents and party establishment favorites.
With one race in Ohio yet to be settled, tea party-backed challengers and other outsiders were shut out in competitive House and Senate primaries across three states on Tuesday, the busiest night so far in an election season of optimism for Republicans.
is Napolitano still out looking for angry white guys or did someone tip her off yet that Muslims are the ones out to get us
proud leftistspews:
People like you, who claim to be patriotic, but who have no understanding of how our constitutional foundation works nor how democratic values sometimes produce unwanted results, are a bigger threat to our nation than the occasional failed Islamic bomb threat. Glenn Beck is doing more to destroy this nation than did this insignificant Pakistani, who got caught, by the way.
Last I checked Gordon Kahl was an angry white guy. Napolitano seems to be focused on anyone who might be out to get us even if that pisses a few folks on the far right off.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch about his home HA databasespews:
All in about two months.
What a fool THE DUMB BUNNY is. You forget the transition team. You forget the DUMMOCRAPTIC Congress.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch about his home HA databasespews:
@8 MMS — aren’t they the guys who spent Bush’s whole 8 years watching porn on their office computers?
No that’s the SEC over the last 1.5 years
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch about his home HA databasespews:
Gotta luv Black Republicans running for office.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch about his home HA databasespews:
Glenn Beck is doing more to destroy this nation
Wow Proud Goaty… that’s interesting. Glenn is identifying the news stories the lamestream MSM has ignored or continues to ignore.
Napolitano is supposed to chase bad guy, protect us. Her job is not freedom of speech, press, whatever.
How many attacks on us, before you admit she’s worthless. All the more worthless by her last year rant on how returning vets were a big threat. Meanwhile Pakistani dude evades the law while the Blue haired grannies are getting cavity searched.
As offshore oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere boomed, a 2003 report warned that the industry wasn’t taking time to find and fix the problems that commonly plagued blowout preventers — the supposedly failsafe mechanisms designed to stop oil spills such as the one now threatening the gulf coast.
The report, delivered at an industry conference seven years ago and uncovered by the office of Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-WA, was co-authored by the then-director of technology development for Transocean, the company that owned the Deepwater Horizon rig that caught fire on April 20 and sank two days later.
“There is clear evidence that the oil industry has been well aware for years of the risk that blowout preventers on offshore rigs could fail,” said Cantwell
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Napolitano was a disaster with Security in Arizona as Governor. Did lots of speeches & talking…but no action.
Sheriff Joe took care of a lot of the problems as best he could with no help from Janet.
Looks like there is some information the Almost NYC Bomber was being followed by the Bush Administration. Did the Odumba Disciples drop de ball?
Yeah, the Dubya malAdministration followed him so well that they gave him an H-1B visa and a green card. Only the last three months (5%) of his five-year waiting period for citizenship came during the Obama Administration.
KLOWNS, do not listen to a tired old State Attorney who’s only action into free enterprise was an AMWAY Distributorship that tanked cuz he’s such a mean old fart.
The market has been dropping like a rock due to Greece. Government Pensions were previously hacked in Ireland. The were reasonable about it…but Greece is going nuts!
Government pensions—unsustainable promises.
They need to be hacked everywhere.
Remember the Good ol’ days under President Clinton when he instituted a tax hike on the wealthy, balanced the budget, instituted Pay-Go, stopped borrowing money on our grandchildren’s credit card, cleaned up Reagan’s and Bush 41’s federal deficit and turned them into surpluses, created the greatest economic boom in the history of the planet and actually started paying down the Reagan/Bush national debt?
Yeah, then the Reagan Republicans controlled every lever of government ran up an $11 TRILLION dollar national debt and now we’re in a debt threat crisis like Greece.
For some reason folks like Mr. Cynical Ass Clown Racist Joke Teller want to elect more Republicans who can only lead America into fiscal destruction.
They profess to want what only Democrats have delivered, yet they put radical Reagan Republican ideology and party first and Country Second.
Why do conservatives ignore the stone-cold facts?
Why do they hate America?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The DOW was down nearly 1,000 points at one point. Greece is in huge trouble and likely to drag Spain & Portugal down with it.
WHY? Excessive Government Spending you moron.
When ObaMao took office, the National Debt was $10.6 TRILLION. Now, under ObaMao’s nonleadership it is $13 TRILLION, projected to be $16 TRILLION by the 2012 elections.
Has ObaMao stopped spending?
Obviously NOT.
Blaming Bush is wearing off….more & more each day folks don’t buy it.
ObaMao instead puts together a smoke-and-mirrors Health Care monstrosity that will surely escalate the debt.
I invested heavily in Gold…and was ridiculed by you & Rabbit. So who is the fool?
GBS is looking like a fool wit his drawers on the floor!
The deck of cards is crumbling.
The ONLY answer is to STOP Government Spending and reduce Government Pensions. It happened already in Ireland and is happening in Greece. Spain & Portugal next….followed by the deck of cards.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
GBS spews-
Why do they hate America
Ummmm, be realistic about the future is not hating America dumbass.
YOU, with your head in some deep dark place, is the problem. Denial solves nothing fool.
The stupid fucking KLOWN’s plan seems to be to bore us to fucking death with his stupid fucking comments.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I sense significant ENVY on your part.
It is not healthy steve.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 I wouldn’t know. I don’t read his crap.
“I sense significant ENVY on your part.”
Yeah, right, like I envy the utter stupidity spewn from the dumbfuck KLOWN.
ObaMao instead puts together a smoke-and-mirrors Health Care monstrosity that will surely escalate the debt.
Unlike the Republican Medicaid Part D, President Obama and the Democrats were responsible and PAID for the HCR. AND, it will reduce the national debt by $1.3 TRILLION dollars.
Furthermore, when Pres. Obama got to the White House he also inherited Bush’s last budget which included an additional $1.4 TRILLION dollars in debt.
The problems aren’t so much “spending” as they are a revenue generation problem to the treasury. Which, by the way, was caused by Bush and the Reagan Republicans ram rodding the Bush Tax Cuts via reconciliation just a few months into his presidency.
Unfunded tax cuts deferments, unfunded wars and out of control Reagan Republican spending on our grandchildren’s credit card at the Bank of China is what put us in such a massive debt crisis.
In the next few years we get to borrow money to pay for Reagan’s massive $4 TRILLION dollar borrowing on 30 year T-Bills.
What’s wearing thin are the lies Republicans like to spin about fiscal conservatism when in reality only the Democrats have a PROVEN track record of Fiscal RESPONSIBILITY.
Why do you hate America?
The DOW was down nearly 1,000 points at one point. Greece is in huge trouble and likely to drag Spain & Portugal down with it. WHY? Excessive Government Spending you moron.
“U.S. stocks suffered their worst one-day loss since February 2009 as worries about economic problems in Greece and Europe — apparently combined with an incorrectly entered trade — set off a major panic.
The Dow Jones industrials ($INDU) were down about 170 points at 2 p.m. ET when the bottom literally fell out of the market. The loss quickly widened to nearly 1,000 points, reaching 9,869.62 at about 2:40 p.m. And just as quickly as the panic began, the market rebounded. ”
This is why nobody listens to you Mr. Cynical Ass Klown Racist Joke Teller.
You NEVER have your facts straight, like most conservatives.
More of the story why Mr. Ass Klown doesn’t know shit or have the facts on his side before he goes talking out of both sides of his mouth!!
“the problem was in the Nasdaq market system and may have been caused when a trader at a major firm typed in “b” instead of “m” on a financial derivatives trade.
Several traders in New York said there was no way to slow the pace of electronic trading on Nasdaq and elsewhere during the panic . . .a computer set to fill an order to buy or sell kept looking for a lower and lower price on a security. In some case, the computers could not find one.”
“Accenture (ACN), which designs information systems. The share price plunged from around $42 to one cent, according to the market systems.”
See, Mr. Cynical “I don’t know my ass from a hole in the ground” Ass Klown Racist Joke Teller, the panic sell off was triggered by human and computer error in the DERIVATIVES market, and NOT because of “excessive government spending” as you falsely and erroneously claimed.
Too bad the Reagan Republicans rolled back financial market regulations!! This probably wouldn’t have happened with prudent regulations in place to prevent such errors.
What an idiot.
How someone can be so wrong all the time and still think they are so right is beyond comprehension.
Have you no shame, sir?
Utah senator pleads with GOP to keep his job
Three-term conservative may lose at the hands of fellow Republicans
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Lt. Gov. Bill Halter, a Democratic primary challenger trying to oust Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln, raised nearly twice as much money as she did in April, campaign finance reports released Thursday showed.
Act like a conservative, get your ass booted out of office. Wake up you yum-yums the political pendulum has swung way to the left and not to return for 40 years or more like last time.
proud leftistspews:
That is stunning–Bob Bennett is not sufficiently conservative for the Rs? You have to be kidding. As Jerry Jeff Walker said, “Piss on the fire, call in the dogs, and head it on back to Bowlegs.” The party is over for the Rs.
@38, GBS:
Have you no shame, sir?
No, no he doesn’t. And it ain’t just him (or it, or our other trolls). It’s just about all of them.
It’s as if they don’t even try to engage with reality anymore. They just make shit up or pass on other’s made up shit.
It’s actually kind of sobering to realize that the opposition is more or less insane and led by the truly evil.
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch about his home HA databasespews:
N, Still Crazy in Seattle Farts
Yeah, the Dubya malAdministration followed him so well that they gave him an H-1B visa and a green card. Only the last three months (5%) of his five-year waiting period for citizenship came during the Obama Administration.
He went to work in a legitimate job. Maybe the company sponsored him? Did you think of that fool? And yeah, the ACLU and DUMMOCRAPTS said Bush was profiling Muslims. So when he became naturalized he gained new status.
And your worthless point is?
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch about his home HA databasespews:
The arschloch… IGNORED
Can’t even think of anything original!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch about his home HA databasespews:
It’s amazing how libtardos react with epileptic seizures when they see their patriotic heroes made to look like buffoons!
Wait… they are buffoons!
Puddybud sez, Ask the arschloch about his home HA databasespews:
Wasn’t it Napolitano who told the lamestream press their talking point on the NYC Almost Bomber was A Lone Wolf. Then you saw Eric Mirandize Them All Holder come out and say ‘Hold On We’re Still Working All The Evidence’.
Puddy thinks they try and make Napolitano look stupid on purpose. It makes the rest of them look smarter.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
So why is the market down 160 points more today?
Another human error?
Dipshit fool.
Gold is at $1209. When it was around $1100, you & Rabbit called me a fool for investing in Gold & Gold stocks.
GBS gets angry when he loses a hunk of his teeny stash…and is overflowing with jealousy & anger when someone else does well.
You need to get a grip on that envy-thing GBS.
I was gone for weeks on an incredible trip. Didn’t miss you Leftist Fools a bit.
You keep allowing the anger & hostility & envy to boil GBS…it will destroy you.
Be Happy!
Net neutrality hope
Was explaining to you why Fed prosecutor Fitz brought a case against Rove that Fitz lost. Fitz lost the case because he had no case. Something learned by taxpayers over the course of years and millions of wasted dollars.
Fitzgerald didn’t even have a ham sandwich of a case.
Here’s more of what almost got lost down the memory hole: Jimmy Cater did a Darcy about Jimmy Carter. Zotz was trying petulently to explain that Carter, like Zotz, was your basic Navy nuc, not a nuclear engineer. So isn’t it droll that we have Carter in 1976 and after apparently referring to himself as a nuclear engineer or permitting others (e.g. Time Mag) to identify him as something he wasn’t.
Then we have the trifling matter of Carter’s treason or “treason.” Guess we’ve agreed, since nobody here has presented any contrary evidence, that Carter is the real deal. Without air quotes.
But but but, whimpered rhp and proud leftist, Jimmy Carter made the world a better place. Uh huh. See the current Seattle Weakly, available today:
Jimmy Carter. Making the world a better place for pornographers and Arafat’s PLO.
Since Goldy likes polls so much:
Enjoy Libtards; and O.C.D. Rodent: have another smoke & a toke off your oxygen tank old-timer. :) Good evening all.
heard all the lefty apologists today frettting over why the Islam terrorist wanted to blow us up; questions on his home foreclosure etc…
where are you on this one Goldy? or are you just going to post something from Leviticus?
the leftnuts sure are silent on the whole terrorist attack…
probably because it was the very policies enacted by bush that caught the guy… know, those very same policies that the left-nuts protested.
Looks like Puddy isn’t the only one! Of course the HA fools will call them “misguided”.
Looks like the new DNC talking points are fully implemented.
Didn’t some HA Leftist DICKHEAD blame this on Dick Cheney?
“The decision by the department’s Minerals Management Service (MMS) to give BP’s lease at Deepwater Horizon a “categorical exclusion” from the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) on April 6, 2009 — and BP’s lobbying efforts just 11 days before the explosion to expand those exemptions — show that neither federal regulators nor the company anticipated an accident of the scale of the one unfolding in the gulf.”
Now this is interesting too…
Damn amazing…
Did you notice the BP article was from the Odumba URL and network, MSNBC?
Looks like there is some information the Almost NYC Bomber was being followed by the Bush Administration. Did the Odumba Disciples drop de ball?
@2 “Was explaining to you why Fed prosecutor Fitz brought a case against Rove that Fitz lost. Fitz lost the case because he had no case. Something learned by taxpayers over the course of years and millions of wasted dollars. Fitzgerald didn’t even have a ham sandwich of a case.”
Aren’t you confusing Fitz with the $70 million of taxpayer money that GOPers spent on Ken Starr’s investigation in a futile attempt to reverse the ’92 and ’96 elections?
@3 According to Rasmussen, the GOP controls every public office in the U.S. and Democrats don’t even exist. How’re those polls working for you guys? LOL
@8 MMS — aren’t they the guys who spent Bush’s whole 8 years watching porn on their office computers?
But according to Putz, these guys were interviewed, hired, trained, and reviewed and issued that lease on Obama’s watch. All in about two months. Next thing you know, Putz will try to blame Katrina and “Heckuvajob” Brownie on Obama, too!
It’s a Tea Party Revolution I tell ya…
Some pretty amazing photos of the oil spill.
is Napolitano still out looking for angry white guys or did someone tip her off yet that Muslims are the ones out to get us
People like you, who claim to be patriotic, but who have no understanding of how our constitutional foundation works nor how democratic values sometimes produce unwanted results, are a bigger threat to our nation than the occasional failed Islamic bomb threat. Glenn Beck is doing more to destroy this nation than did this insignificant Pakistani, who got caught, by the way.
Last I checked Gordon Kahl was an angry white guy. Napolitano seems to be focused on anyone who might be out to get us even if that pisses a few folks on the far right off.
What a fool THE DUMB BUNNY is. You forget the transition team. You forget the DUMMOCRAPTIC Congress.
No that’s the SEC over the last 1.5 years
Gotta luv Black Republicans running for office.
Wow Proud Goaty… that’s interesting. Glenn is identifying the news stories the lamestream MSM has ignored or continues to ignore.
Napolitano is supposed to chase bad guy, protect us. Her job is not freedom of speech, press, whatever.
How many attacks on us, before you admit she’s worthless. All the more worthless by her last year rant on how returning vets were a big threat. Meanwhile Pakistani dude evades the law while the Blue haired grannies are getting cavity searched.
what a joke
Dateline Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Napolitano was a disaster with Security in Arizona as Governor. Did lots of speeches & talking…but no action.
Sheriff Joe took care of a lot of the problems as best he could with no help from Janet.
Puddyschmuck, last night:
Yeah, the Dubya malAdministration followed him so well that they gave him an H-1B visa and a green card. Only the last three months (5%) of his five-year waiting period for citizenship came during the Obama Administration.
If that’s “lame”, I’ll take it.
Hey Rog–
Seems to me you were ridiculing my moves into Gold around the last week of March.
Gold is currently closing in on $1200 like I said moron.
My 2 favorite stocks–
Barrick (ABX)
Randgold (GOLD)
Doin’ mighty fine.
KLOWNS, do not listen to a tired old State Attorney who’s only action into free enterprise was an AMWAY Distributorship that tanked cuz he’s such a mean old fart.
The market has been dropping like a rock due to Greece. Government Pensions were previously hacked in Ireland. The were reasonable about it…but Greece is going nuts!
Government pensions—unsustainable promises.
They need to be hacked everywhere.
Remember the Good ol’ days under President Clinton when he instituted a tax hike on the wealthy, balanced the budget, instituted Pay-Go, stopped borrowing money on our grandchildren’s credit card, cleaned up Reagan’s and Bush 41’s federal deficit and turned them into surpluses, created the greatest economic boom in the history of the planet and actually started paying down the Reagan/Bush national debt?
Yeah, then the Reagan Republicans controlled every lever of government ran up an $11 TRILLION dollar national debt and now we’re in a debt threat crisis like Greece.
For some reason folks like Mr. Cynical Ass Clown Racist Joke Teller want to elect more Republicans who can only lead America into fiscal destruction.
They profess to want what only Democrats have delivered, yet they put radical Reagan Republican ideology and party first and Country Second.
Why do conservatives ignore the stone-cold facts?
Why do they hate America?
The DOW was down nearly 1,000 points at one point. Greece is in huge trouble and likely to drag Spain & Portugal down with it.
WHY? Excessive Government Spending you moron.
When ObaMao took office, the National Debt was $10.6 TRILLION. Now, under ObaMao’s nonleadership it is $13 TRILLION, projected to be $16 TRILLION by the 2012 elections.
Has ObaMao stopped spending?
Obviously NOT.
Blaming Bush is wearing off….more & more each day folks don’t buy it.
ObaMao instead puts together a smoke-and-mirrors Health Care monstrosity that will surely escalate the debt.
I invested heavily in Gold…and was ridiculed by you & Rabbit. So who is the fool?
GBS is looking like a fool wit his drawers on the floor!
The deck of cards is crumbling.
The ONLY answer is to STOP Government Spending and reduce Government Pensions. It happened already in Ireland and is happening in Greece. Spain & Portugal next….followed by the deck of cards.
GBS spews-
Ummmm, be realistic about the future is not hating America dumbass.
YOU, with your head in some deep dark place, is the problem. Denial solves nothing fool.
The stupid fucking KLOWN’s plan seems to be to bore us to fucking death with his stupid fucking comments.
I sense significant ENVY on your part.
It is not healthy steve.
@32 I wouldn’t know. I don’t read his crap.
“I sense significant ENVY on your part.”
Yeah, right, like I envy the utter stupidity spewn from the dumbfuck KLOWN.
Unlike the Republican Medicaid Part D, President Obama and the Democrats were responsible and PAID for the HCR. AND, it will reduce the national debt by $1.3 TRILLION dollars.
Furthermore, when Pres. Obama got to the White House he also inherited Bush’s last budget which included an additional $1.4 TRILLION dollars in debt.
The problems aren’t so much “spending” as they are a revenue generation problem to the treasury. Which, by the way, was caused by Bush and the Reagan Republicans ram rodding the Bush Tax Cuts via reconciliation just a few months into his presidency.
Unfunded tax
cutsdeferments, unfunded wars and out of control Reagan Republican spending on our grandchildren’s credit card at the Bank of China is what put us in such a massive debt crisis.In the next few years we get to borrow money to pay for Reagan’s massive $4 TRILLION dollar borrowing on 30 year T-Bills.
What’s wearing thin are the lies Republicans like to spin about fiscal conservatism when in reality only the Democrats have a PROVEN track record of Fiscal RESPONSIBILITY.
Why do you hate America?
“U.S. stocks suffered their worst one-day loss since February 2009 as worries about economic problems in Greece and Europe — apparently combined with an incorrectly entered trade — set off a major panic.
The Dow Jones industrials ($INDU) were down about 170 points at 2 p.m. ET when the bottom literally fell out of the market. The loss quickly widened to nearly 1,000 points, reaching 9,869.62 at about 2:40 p.m. And just as quickly as the panic began, the market rebounded. ”
Read why MR CAKRJT is wrong
This is why nobody listens to you Mr. Cynical Ass Klown Racist Joke Teller.
You NEVER have your facts straight, like most conservatives.
More of the story why Mr. Ass Klown doesn’t know shit or have the facts on his side before he goes talking out of both sides of his mouth!!
“the problem was in the Nasdaq market system and may have been caused when a trader at a major firm typed in “b” instead of “m” on a financial derivatives trade.
Several traders in New York said there was no way to slow the pace of electronic trading on Nasdaq and elsewhere during the panic . . .a computer set to fill an order to buy or sell kept looking for a lower and lower price on a security. In some case, the computers could not find one.”
“Accenture (ACN), which designs information systems. The share price plunged from around $42 to one cent, according to the market systems.”
See, Mr. Cynical “I don’t know my ass from a hole in the ground” Ass Klown Racist Joke Teller, the panic sell off was triggered by human and computer error in the DERIVATIVES market, and NOT because of “excessive government spending” as you falsely and erroneously claimed.
Too bad the Reagan Republicans rolled back financial market regulations!! This probably wouldn’t have happened with prudent regulations in place to prevent such errors.
What an idiot.
How someone can be so wrong all the time and still think they are so right is beyond comprehension.
Have you no shame, sir?
Utah senator pleads with GOP to keep his job
Three-term conservative may lose at the hands of fellow Republicans
Bennett just too Liberal for the GOP
The Radical Reagan Republican purist ideology is running someone like Bob Bennett from the GOP!!!
I just love watching the implosion of the GOP.
Do they think that pushing someone like Bob Bennett out of the party will appeal to “mainstream” Americans?
Specter, Crist and now Bennett because they’re just too damn Liberal.
That’s the problem with living in an echo chamber, you begin to believe your own propaganda which isn’t believed by 50% +1 of the electorate.
Enjoy your minority status, losers.
Palin endorses Fiorina in California Senate race
Dem challenger surges past Lincoln in fundraising
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Lt. Gov. Bill Halter, a Democratic primary challenger trying to oust Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln, raised nearly twice as much money as she did in April, campaign finance reports released Thursday showed.
Bye-bye, Blanche
Act like a conservative, get your ass booted out of office. Wake up you yum-yums the political pendulum has swung way to the left and not to return for 40 years or more like last time.
That is stunning–Bob Bennett is not sufficiently conservative for the Rs? You have to be kidding. As Jerry Jeff Walker said, “Piss on the fire, call in the dogs, and head it on back to Bowlegs.” The party is over for the Rs.
@38, GBS:
No, no he doesn’t. And it ain’t just him (or it, or our other trolls). It’s just about all of them.
It’s as if they don’t even try to engage with reality anymore. They just make shit up or pass on other’s made up shit.
It’s actually kind of sobering to realize that the opposition is more or less insane and led by the truly evil.
N, Still Crazy in Seattle Farts
He went to work in a legitimate job. Maybe the company sponsored him? Did you think of that fool? And yeah, the ACLU and DUMMOCRAPTS said Bush was profiling Muslims. So when he became naturalized he gained new status.
And your worthless point is?
The arschloch… IGNORED
Can’t even think of anything original!
It’s amazing how libtardos react with epileptic seizures when they see their patriotic heroes made to look like buffoons!
Wait… they are buffoons!
Wasn’t it Napolitano who told the lamestream press their talking point on the NYC Almost Bomber was A Lone Wolf. Then you saw Eric Mirandize Them All Holder come out and say ‘Hold On We’re Still Working All The Evidence’.
Puddy thinks they try and make Napolitano look stupid on purpose. It makes the rest of them look smarter.
So why is the market down 160 points more today?
Another human error?
Dipshit fool.
Gold is at $1209. When it was around $1100, you & Rabbit called me a fool for investing in Gold & Gold stocks.
GBS gets angry when he loses a hunk of his teeny stash…and is overflowing with jealousy & anger when someone else does well.
You need to get a grip on that envy-thing GBS.
I was gone for weeks on an incredible trip. Didn’t miss you Leftist Fools a bit.
You keep allowing the anger & hostility & envy to boil GBS…it will destroy you.
Be Happy!