The Congressional Research Service confirmed in a memo Wednesday that rapists and sex offenders may get federally subsidized Viagra and other sexual performance enhancing drugs under the recently passed health care reform law.
Puddy can see the commercials now.
1) Democrats, we love sex offenders. We made sure viagra, cialis, and levitra are cheap.
2) Keep tabs on your children around Democrats. You never know when one is packing the blue pill.
3) Democrats, we make sure your children see the “big one” early.
4) We Democrats like Sexual Predators: First we give them their reduce price blue pill rights. Next we’ll give them back their freedom to live anywhere rights. Soon we’ll give them back their voting rights.
HA Libtardos… looks like Odumbacare has ensured your “fun” for years to cum!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I heard one of these Oba-Mao Zombies promoting some vague sex plan for kids. She would not answer the question about promoting abstinence as #1. Trying to generate more entitlement addicts I guess. I really liked Bristo Palin’s ad. Solid & honest.
But fear not Puddy–
Real Americans are rejecting Oba-Maoism in droves. All the “free stuff” BS has worn off. FOlks are beginning to realize the Deficit and Underfunded Medicare, Social Security and Guv’mint Scammer Pension Plans are UNSUSTAINABLE. They weaken America.
Why can’t ALL of us work for the guv’mint??
That’s where we are clearly headed.
Friday, April 09, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 29% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14.
Today’s Approval Index rating shows that perceptions of the President have changed little since passage of the health care legislation and a positive report on job creation. On the morning that the health care legislation passed, the President’s Approval Index rating was at -16. Last Friday, just before the announcement of the largest net job creation figures in three years, the President’s Approval Index rating was at -10. Consumer and investor confidence. bounced in the days following the jobs report but that bounce has disappeared.
When Oba-Mao can only get a mini-bounce to -10 after ramming home his “landmark” Oba-MaoCare nightmare…things are lookin’ mighty bad for Harry, Nancy and the other Dummocrat PLUNDERERS~!
Puddybud is Sad my friend diedspews:
Wait for it… some leftist will call our conversation some teabagging jerkoff. Well leftists jerk off to this… Right in Odumba Country!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The Tea Partiers were, en masse, pounding on phoney anti-abortion sell-out, Bart Stupak. I have a buddy with family back there. It was a relentless beating about his Oba-MaoCare vote at one rally after another.
Today, the Tea Partiers boast yet another victory.
Stupak is retiring!!
These LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS kontinue to bash, mock & ridicule the Tea Party…while the Tea Partiers are sticking to the issues and holding electeds accountable for their votes. When will the KLOWNS understand that when you are in power, you must LEAD…not mock & ridicule those not in power.
Had Oba-Mao and his henchmen truly engaged Tea Partiers about their legitimate concerns about Constitutional Issues and excessive government & related deficit spending…Oba-Mao would be called a LEADER.
Too Late now. You don’t hammer a group of concerned citizens challenging those in power…and then get a whoooooops, and try to engage them
The Battle Lines are drawn.
Oba-Mao and his henchmen have lost the respect of the American people.
Nobody really cares about the lesbian bondage thing. I mean if it was the Democrats you know what they’d call it? Tuesday night.
Thanks, I’ll be here all week, please tip your waiter…
Are you two enjoying your teabagging jerkoff?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Actually Steve–
We were just admiring the fortitude of Tea Party members. They are amazingly committed to Constitutional Conservativism.
Much to your chagrin, they will be hammering any & all elected officials who voted YES on Oba-MaoCare.
Why not get off your ass and try to counter their efforts…rather than just sitting at your keyboard getting drunk and blathering??
Need to turn on the Masters.
Beautiful Day here so will record it on my DVR and watch later.
“rather than just sitting at your keyboard getting drunk and blathering”
What is it with you freaks? Can’t you stop projecting even for one minute? At least come up with new revelations about yourself. It’s not like we didn’t already know that you’re a blathering drunk, KLOWN.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Puddy–
Did you see this letter Goldy got from the attorney who is investigating the Mastro debacle?
Goldy, with zero evidence, tried to tie Rossi into this.
Little has changed over the past month in Missouri’s U.S. Senate race, with Republican Roy Blunt maintaining his modest lead over Democrat Robin Carnahan.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state shows Blunt earning 48% support to Carnahan’s 42%. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and seven percent (7%) are undecided.
The collapse continues.
ObaMaoCare will cause lots of Dems to go down the tank. The Tea Partiers labeling you KLOWNS & your “respresentatives” as Marxists and worse seems to be working well!!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Rog–
Couple weeks ago, you were chastising me for getting back into Randgold as a hedge against rising oil prices. I got back in around 73.
Read and weep dumbass!
Why ‘Obamanomics’ is working
Ignore polls, watch the markets: Economy is perking up
Businessweek: It’s never easy to separate politics from policy, and the past 18 months have only increased the degree of difficulty. The U.S. has been through a historic financial crisis followed by a historic election and a series of historic federal gambles — from bailing out AIG and GM to passing a $787 billion stimulus and a $940 billion health-care reform bill. All that risk has made policy more complicated and politics more fraught (“You lie,” “Baby killer”).
Conservatives went “all in” with their political future betting that being the party of No and obstructionism would work.
7 months to go before the fall elections and the choices could NOT be more clear: Go with the Democrats who fixed the Republican fiscal nightmare or return to the days when Republicans couldn’t be trusted with the America’s checkbook and credit cards.
Since they’ve been out of power, their penchant for lavish spending and sex themed night clubs haven’t changed.
What makes them think when choosing between Obama’s policies that are working or going back to the failed policies of Reaganism the American people will choose to return to failure?
The Congressional Research Service confirmed in a memo Wednesday that rapists and sex offenders may get federally subsidized Viagra and other sexual performance enhancing drugs under the recently passed health care reform law.
Puddy can see the commercials now.
1) Democrats, we love sex offenders. We made sure viagra, cialis, and levitra are cheap.
2) Keep tabs on your children around Democrats. You never know when one is packing the blue pill.
3) Democrats, we make sure your children see the “big one” early.
4) We Democrats like Sexual Predators: First we give them their reduce price blue pill rights. Next we’ll give them back their freedom to live anywhere rights. Soon we’ll give them back their voting rights.
HA Libtardos… looks like Odumbacare has ensured your “fun” for years to cum!
I heard one of these Oba-Mao Zombies promoting some vague sex plan for kids. She would not answer the question about promoting abstinence as #1. Trying to generate more entitlement addicts I guess. I really liked Bristo Palin’s ad. Solid & honest.
But fear not Puddy–
Real Americans are rejecting Oba-Maoism in droves. All the “free stuff” BS has worn off. FOlks are beginning to realize the Deficit and Underfunded Medicare, Social Security and Guv’mint Scammer Pension Plans are UNSUSTAINABLE. They weaken America.
Why can’t ALL of us work for the guv’mint??
That’s where we are clearly headed.
Friday, April 09, 2010
When Oba-Mao can only get a mini-bounce to -10 after ramming home his “landmark” Oba-MaoCare nightmare…things are lookin’ mighty bad for Harry, Nancy and the other Dummocrat PLUNDERERS~!
Wait for it… some leftist will call our conversation some teabagging jerkoff. Well leftists jerk off to this… Right in Odumba Country!
The Tea Partiers were, en masse, pounding on phoney anti-abortion sell-out, Bart Stupak. I have a buddy with family back there. It was a relentless beating about his Oba-MaoCare vote at one rally after another.
Today, the Tea Partiers boast yet another victory.
Stupak is retiring!!
These LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS kontinue to bash, mock & ridicule the Tea Party…while the Tea Partiers are sticking to the issues and holding electeds accountable for their votes. When will the KLOWNS understand that when you are in power, you must LEAD…not mock & ridicule those not in power.
Had Oba-Mao and his henchmen truly engaged Tea Partiers about their legitimate concerns about Constitutional Issues and excessive government & related deficit spending…Oba-Mao would be called a LEADER.
Too Late now. You don’t hammer a group of concerned citizens challenging those in power…and then get a whoooooops, and try to engage them
The Battle Lines are drawn.
Oba-Mao and his henchmen have lost the respect of the American people.
Isn’t Rubin one of your “kind”?
Goldy, aren’t you going to post about these anti-government,, anti-free press, left-wing teabaggers?
Nobody really cares about the lesbian bondage thing. I mean if it was the Democrats you know what they’d call it? Tuesday night.
Thanks, I’ll be here all week, please tip your waiter…
Are you two enjoying your teabagging jerkoff?
Actually Steve–
We were just admiring the fortitude of Tea Party members. They are amazingly committed to Constitutional Conservativism.
Much to your chagrin, they will be hammering any & all elected officials who voted YES on Oba-MaoCare.
Why not get off your ass and try to counter their efforts…rather than just sitting at your keyboard getting drunk and blathering??
Need to turn on the Masters.
Beautiful Day here so will record it on my DVR and watch later.
“rather than just sitting at your keyboard getting drunk and blathering”
What is it with you freaks? Can’t you stop projecting even for one minute? At least come up with new revelations about yourself. It’s not like we didn’t already know that you’re a blathering drunk, KLOWN.
Hey Puddy–
Did you see this letter Goldy got from the attorney who is investigating the Mastro debacle?
Goldy, with zero evidence, tried to tie Rossi into this.
This attorney busted Goldy’s chops good.
Put up or shut up Goldy!!!
Thursday, April 08, 2010
The collapse continues.
ObaMaoCare will cause lots of Dems to go down the tank. The Tea Partiers labeling you KLOWNS & your “respresentatives” as Marxists and worse seems to be working well!!
Hey Rog–
Couple weeks ago, you were chastising me for getting back into Randgold as a hedge against rising oil prices. I got back in around 73.
Read and weep dumbass!
Nice catch and release of that information.
Why ‘Obamanomics’ is working
Ignore polls, watch the markets: Economy is perking up
It’s never easy to separate politics from policy, and the past 18 months have only increased the degree of difficulty. The U.S. has been through a historic financial crisis followed by a historic election and a series of historic federal gambles — from bailing out AIG and GM to passing a $787 billion stimulus and a $940 billion health-care reform bill. All that risk has made policy more complicated and politics more fraught (“You lie,” “Baby killer”).
Conservatives went “all in” with their political future betting that being the party of No and obstructionism would work.
7 months to go before the fall elections and the choices could NOT be more clear: Go with the Democrats who fixed the Republican fiscal nightmare or return to the days when Republicans couldn’t be trusted with the America’s checkbook and credit cards.
Since they’ve been out of power, their penchant for lavish spending and sex themed night clubs haven’t changed.
What makes them think when choosing between Obama’s policies that are working or going back to the failed policies of Reaganism the American people will choose to return to failure?
Dream on, suckers, dream on.