Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska):
“The president says, ‘I don’t care.’ He’s not accountable anymore. He’s not accountable anymore, which isn’t totally true. You can impeach him, and before this is over, you might see calls for his impeachment. I don’t know. It depends how this goes.”
The longer the Republicons protect the powermad criminals in the White House, the smaller their chances are of keeping the Dems from their 60 seat majority. The Cons have 20 plus seats to defend in ’08, and it gets worse for them, and their allies every day.
Go ahead and protect and defend Bush Cons. While yer at it, see if you have any ideas on how we got into this mess in Iraq….. Oh, I remember. You all voted to give Chimpus Minimus authorization to do as he pleases, with no oversight for years.
You can sink with him.
Good Riddance!!!!!
I’m becomeing a believer, Hallaylooya. The Republican Rapture is near. I can see the majority of them renouncing their evil ways, and rising up into the Democratic party. The truley hippocritical, and non-penitant ones will continue to sink into their self created HELL……
For all those overly eager bushwackers, just remember Mr. Hagel is more conservative and a lot brighter than the Bushlite.
It is dangerous to confuse the bush with the entire Publican party.
Voice of Chalk Scratching leaves out the previous paragraph to throw red meat to the rabid of the ASSWipes who, of course, jumped on it.
“Hagel, a Republican critic of the administration’s Iraq war policies, does not suggest or advocate such a course, but says the president remains accountable as do members of Congress.”
You can find the whole excerpt on the web, IF you look hard enough past the Voice of Chalk Scratching link!
SeattleJew@4: You mean you disagree with Mr Stupid and Factless?
You see I read Ariana Huffington too. I remember this:
And… BTW he’s running for president. So it’s political posturing. Now research what people are saying about him in Nebraska. Oh, I don’t expect Voice of Chalk Scratching to do that. He’s too simple minded. But some of you more intelligent libtards (oxymoron) should see what some Nebraskans are writing about their “beloved” senator!
You see even for all of GWB’s faults We haven’t been attacked. Now yesterday Clueless God bless his soul (at least the Great One still loves you) wrote 9/11 happened on GWB’s watch. But Clueless forgot to write, the planning happened for two years on the previous watch.
Since I fly a lot, being secure important to me. You may not think about it in your libtard enclaves, but everytime I drive to Sea-Tac or fly back it enters my mind!
WWDD – Nothing! I posted what Portland people think of the military. Nuff SAID!
Ha! I really nailed ’em! I love to do the whole doublespeak routine of calling someone simple-minded when I’m doing that myself. Not that I’m dumb — no sir! — but the whole Rovean strategy is to create really, really oversimplified dichotomies: You completely, utterly bad; I good of the Highest Purity. No matter what they say in response, you bad, I good.
That’s what good propaganda is all about. Endlessly calling your opponents exactly what you’ve been stooping to. It’s just genius! I gotta say, this is the road to the White House in 2008!
the planning happened for two years on the previous watch.
I gotta know… did Rabbit survive the night?
Sorry, so frar Mr. Hagel has said he is not running. Blumberg, BTW is also sniffing around.
This right … left divide seems innane to me. Why is a belief in life at fertilization “conservative” and support for next-of-kin laws “liberal?” Why is support for a mishandled war conservative and isolationism “liberal?”
Seems to many oflks have learned too well to take multiple choice exams!
I believe the war in Iraq WAS justified and even wise. Presenting it as about WMD was idiocy. Failing to gather a real coalition testifies to sheer incompetence. Lying about the WMD and then the progress of the war was impeachable.
At the same time, the threat here is huge. A perciptous withdrawal without a strategic endpoint is a recipe for chaos. Bush broke it, but now we need an answer.
Is there one? Yes, but not one that fits neatly anyone’s labels. Even now, a contrite Bush COULD go to the UN, apologize and request formation of a UN based force to assure the independence and peace of Iraq. The Publicans would shake and foul their pants over the image of US troops under blue helmets. The Dems would scream that we were not ending the nightmare. But we might get peace.
Impeach Bush, and put Cheney in charge?
Oh man, that’s not sounding so good.
Put Cheney in charge, and make Pelosi next in line if Cheney has a heart attack?
Look, uhh… there’s only two years left, let’s just tough it out, OK?
I gotta know… did Rabbit survive the night?
I believe the war in Iraq WAS justified and even wise.
This must really confused the inbred righties. After all, with an average IQ of 50, these turds need things to be simple. And when a member of the Publican party starts talking about impeaching the drunk-driving, draft-dodging, AWOL, pretend president, the pain in their small brains must be damning. I bet they’re all speed-dialing Limpdick Limbaugh in the hopes of finding some meaning in all this madness.
Hell, the next thing you know, Hell will freeze over and all Publicans will be forced to tell the truth at least once a day.
Hagel talks a big game but absolutely cannot be counted upon. He was one of the two votes (in a 94-2 count) in the Senate last week to *preserve* Bush’s right to bypass the Senate when making judicial appointments.
See video about a woman who desparately needed bladder surgery in Canada and was told she was number 32 on the waiting list for that procedure and they could only do 10 of those procdures a year under the rationed health care in Canada. They offered to pay for it but were refused. Now, because Canada refused to do the surgery any sooner, she totally lost her bladder and has a bag instead. Look under “No, dear, you’ve learned nothing” at
This is unacceptable. This model should NEVER happen here in the U.S. You all would look very unkindly on such if you were the one who wanted to even pay for your surgery and were told NO.
That’s what good propaganda is all about. Endlessly calling your opponents exactly what you’ve been stooping to.
Why is it you ALWAYS avoid the fact that after the USS Cole was bombed, President Clinton put the White House and the Pentagon on a war footing for an all out assault on al Qeada in Afghanistan. The only thing President Clinton was waiting on was confirmation from the CIA and the FBI as to al Qeada’s culpability.
Six days after being sworn in as President of the United States of America and Commander-in-Chief, George W. Bush got the confirmation that bin Laden and al Qeada were, in fact, responsible.
Now for the question you ALWAYS avoid answering; why did the decider, George W. Bush, decide to appease the terrorists and let them live in peace?
Video tape evidence captured in Afghanistan shows bin Laden clearly saying that if the US didn’t respond to the Cole bombing with a massive military response they would execute the 9/11 attacks.
9/11 happened of George W. Bush’s watch because he didn’t understand the nature and/or complexity of the threat to the national security America as well as President Clinton did. George W. Bush had other well documented priorities besides fighting terrorism.
Now, a federal court as surmised that the USS Cole bombing couldn’t have taken place without the support of Sudan.
Why hasn’t Bush taken military action against an obvious terrorist state nation that has attacked our military and killed our sailors?
Why does George W. Bush continue to appease the terrorists in this “post 9/11” world?
In business there’s a GL accounting function known as “accruing for bad debt.” That means you set aside some of your profits to pay for the few people who can’t pay their debts.
It’s a polite way of categorizing people as: Credit maggots, skips, welshers and those with an inability to pay their debt obligations.
MTR, obviously falls into to “inability to pay” category.
Because even if there was a misunderstanding, which clearly there was not, he’d not let his reputation be soiled over a lousy hundred bucks. Especially, for someone who supposedly had the financial wherewithal to pay over $500,000 in vagia-mony to his crack addicted ex-wife! If you can believe that story.
This would’ve been a no brainer decision not to give the Liberals this much ammunition. Hell, even Puddybud eventually paid his gambling debt. So while he may be a conservative, he’s no welsher.
Clearly, MTR has not paid his debt because of his inability to come up with $100 of disposable income.
Dear 8th @ 19.
How nice that everything you know about Canada’s Medicare program, and single-payer, &c. &c. can be learned at
Boy that saves a lot of thinking!
1) There are a lot of ways of doing publicly funded healthcare. Canada’s is not the only way, and I wouldn’t even say it’s a terribly good way. But keep making strawmen. It prevents you leaving that tiny cone that makes up your worldview.
2) The No Private Healthcare In Canada thing is only half-true. It’s on a province by province basis (they’re like states, only generally larger. Like states, they get the ability to make their own laws to fit what the residents of that province want of their legislators). Alberta has privatized and public healthcare. BC doesn’t, and so on.
3) The reason this health care system exists is because the voters here WANT it that way. Every few years, the Legislative Assembly trial-balloons a mixed system. The voters look at the system that exists in the US, say they don’t want it, and the idea dies on the vine. I personally think that a fully public insurance system is a little silly, but not being a voter here, that is Not My Problem.
If you live in the Elephant Echo Chamber, you’d think that Canada was this horrible socialist dictatorship where people quiver in terror of the government. Unfortunately, it’s not true. Also unfortunately, most Canadians travel to, have relatives in, and even (* gasp *) live in the US for stretches of time, so folks here have a pretty good idea as to what goes on down there. I wish I could say the converse was true, but you are living, breathing proof that it isn’t.
4) If you feel Medicare doesn’t meet your healthcare needs, you or your employer can dig into your pocket to pay for insurance that covers medical treatment in the US. Unsurprisingly, it costs real money. This is a program that is done by Canadian insurance companies, meeting a market need to serve Canadian residents. Since almost everybody lives close to the US, it saves the effort and political agony of reworking the health care system here.
If you want to do policy by anecdote, I can match you with horror stories of people who need medical care in the US and are unable to pay. Can you demonstrate the ability to use your brain and not borrow Michelle’s?
RightEqualsStupid says: This must really confused the inbred righties. After all, with an average IQ of 50, these turds need things to be simple. And when a member of the Publican party starts talking about impeaching the drunk-driving, draft-dodging, AWOL, pretend president, the pain in their small brains must be damning. I bet they’re all speed-dialing Limpdick Limbaugh in the hopes of finding some meaning in all this madness.
Once again the inane stupidity of Mr Stupid shines through. I rarely visit Limbaugh Mr Stupid. I don’t need to use him when I can repulse the Bullshittium on my own! Shields on Full!
BTW Mr Stupid What is your IQ? I know where I went to school. I posted it on ASSWipes. I know how to install networks of many thousands of computers with associated storage, clients etc. WTF do you do for a living except try and denigrate this country, hope for a dirty bomb attack, and provide no answers for Al Qaeda?
Let’s hear it Mr Stupid! Tell us your vast knowledge. Tell us your accumlated horse sense!
GBS asks:
Why hasn’t Bush taken military action against an obvious terrorist state nation that has attacked our military and killed our sailors?
Good question. Who would he find to take out? The Moonbat!s would question why he attacked the Sudan.
Why does George W. Bush continue to appease the terrorists in this “post 9/11″ world?
How is he appeasing the terrorists GBS?
Regarding the Cole finding, the Bin Ladin stuff is hind sight. You and I both know Bush was called a cowboy in the 2000 elections. Ann Rochards said he was born with a silver spoon. So he’s damned if he does or not by your
Hi I’m George Bush. I’m going to bomb Sudan now because the evidence points to Sudan being a haven for Al Qaeda. Oh and we’ll lob some Tomahawk Cruise missles there in Afghanistan for good measure.
What would the Moonbat!s do? Go apoplectic like they are right now.
GBS: PacMan and I will meet you again soon for another lunch, schedules permitting. It’s trade show time and I have to peddle me wares!
See SeattleJew: Clueless@16 can’t even meet you half way. Forever Clueless no matter the name!
So Puffybutt – in addition to fucking your wife because she told me you’re a limpdick, she also said you have an IQ of 12 – so sorry I gave you more credit than you deserve.
And to prove your mother had no kids that lived, you claimed you could refute me without Lush Flimbaugh’s help, but then you didn’t! Come on you cum-drunk whore, tell us how you’re going to react to a fellow Publican talking about impeaching your fearless leader?
The sound of Puffybutt’s brain trying to “cipher” a problem.
#24: Thank goodness for, because you certainly weren’t going to find out about that poor woman here or at KOS, were you??? You’d be living in denial that this kind of thing doesn’t happen in the dream world of single-payer medicine. Proof that a fully govt. healthcare system is badly flawed…and that Alberta is better off because it has private medicine. Thank you for affirming that idea.
I’ve heard similar nightmare stories from the UK, where a dad was so desparate to get treatment for his little son (IN A SOCIALIST MEDICINE PARADISE LIKE THE UK, NO LESS!) he felt he had to threaten them with a gun. I thought that wasn’t necessary in such a socialist medical haven??? If it were really so good, you’d be there already. As for the rest of us, spare us the agony of rationed health care. You sound so callous about the poor woman who got totally screwed by the rationed care when they told her she had a three-year wait and ended up losing her bladder. You’re tossing it off when if it were you who sacrificed your bladder to the gods of socialized, rationed health care you’d be a lot sorrier. Imagine—private medicine is the safety valve for those who can go get it. Amazing, isn’t it? And do you think if we had that kind of thing here and you were the one who needed bladder surgery that you’d be moved up the line at all? But do you think someone like Hillary clinton would have to wait three years? She’d jump the line for sure with contacts in high places. And how fair is THAT?
PS—Don’t need to borrow anyone else’s brain. Because I can see that getting one’s much-needed surgery next week is waaaay better than waiting three years. Sorry you can’t see that. Maybe you need to get out of the KOS far-left echo chamber to understand that sooner is a lot better than later for some surgeries!
How to tell when a news story isn’t a news story…
When it appears on Newscrapx, Faux News or Manjob Malkin’s web site.
Right et al, perhaps you’d like to comment on the plight of the Canadian woman who lost her bladder because of rationed health care. She even offered to pay for it herself and they said NO. Now she has a bag.
You’re a fucking idiot. I have never addressed anyone on this blog using language like that, but you are drooling out of both sides of your mouth, so if the shoe fits, eat it.
First, you didn’t read a single fucking word I said. You saw a comment that didn’t completely slag Canada’s system, your brain went on autopilot and you started blathering. Your mom never taught you the adage that it’s better to keep your mouth closed and have some think you a fool than to open it and remove all doubt? Learning is a lifelong process, so now is a good time to hear it.
Second, I said (read it again), I think a rigid public-only system is (look for it) a bit silly. I also said (again, read) that it is not the only way to run publicly funded healthcare, nor in my opinion the best way. Most modern “single payer” systems are public/private. The UK and parts of Canada are fully public. You can take that up with the voters. They have had lots of chances to change or tweak this system and have declined to do so. Don’t blame me. I just work here.
I have worked or lived in a number of places with “single-payer” systems. You obviously haven’t. I’ve dealt with medical systems in various parts of the world. The US one is pretty good, but it is also disproportionately expensive.
This may be hard for you to parse, so I’ll explain it in small words. When you get to the very top end of the health care spectrum, the US is top-notch. They have the best specialists, the best equipment, etc. etc. If you have an exotic disease or late-stage cancer, I’d go nowhere else.
For regular soap, water, and bandages medicine, the care is not dramatically better than HK, Italy, Taiwan, Canada, or other places where I’ve seen the medical systems first-hand, but you’re still paying through the nose for it, and are being told you’re getting the world’s best health care for your money. You’re not. You’re getting the world’s best waiting rooms. You are getting charged for a bunch of stuff that is not benefiting you (i.e. the two staff members that are frantically trying to collect money for the doc from the insurance companies and the uninsured. Look for them the next time you visit the doc. They’re there. The practice I visit on Vancouver has six docs and one person to track the paperwork. A coincidence? I think not).
Finally, you are doing policy by anecdote. Look at this one poor person in Canada Michelle told me about. Look at this person in the UK I heard from Bill O’Reilly. Socialized medicine is bad because they found some sob stories from two largish countries with millions of people in them. Life’s not perfect under any political or economic system.
If the private US health care system was such hot shit, we should have the healthiest population in the developed world. We don’t. The OECD ranks American life expectancy at about 20th in the “developed” world, and most of the countries below us just aren’t that developed. Rejoice! You are more likely to live to a ripe old age than a Mexican peasant who makes less than a twentieth of what the average American makes, or someone living in smog-choked South Korea, but not as long as a Brit or a Frenchman, and not nearly as long as a Canadian suffering under the evils of single-payer.
(source below)
If you dare, explain to me why the American medical system is so great, but Americans as a whole die so young. I’m waiting. This should be good.
The only reason I’ve taken as much time as I have to respond to you is that someone else besides you may enjoy my ranting. I finished with you personally once I read the excrement that came out of your brain with absolutely no independent thought past right-wing talking points. You are worthless to debate with. I award you zero points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
BTW 8th, since you love this sob story of a poor Canadian woman so much, can you explain to me why she didn’t go to the US to have her bladder worked on? Are there attack dogs at the border that scare off people with hard currency, or is there some other rational explanation you can come up with?
JSA: You had me cheering you on until: “If the private US health care system was such hot shit, we should have the healthiest population in the developed world. We don’t. The OECD ranks American life expectancy at about 20th in the “developed” world, and most of the countries below us just aren’t that developed.” Medicine will fix our health when people smoke drink or glutton themselves to death?
We Americans are lazy slobs. Most people are stuck to their chair either blogging on ASSWipes or watching the boob-tube. It’s our diet that has given us the most problems in life. Nothing more or less!
Why do certain religious groups outlive others? Their diet. Most Americans are on a SEE FOOD diet!
Mr Stupid: What did you say? Oh… nuthin worthwhile!
Mr Stupid: Friend of Date Rape Drugs.
Mr Stupid: Visited by Rosy Palm and her Four Sisters and ugly step-sister every night!
Mr Stupid: And you do what for a living again…? Clean Toilets? Thought so!
When you install your first 3000 Node network see me! Shucks… when you install your Cable modem correctly contact me. I’ll be here!
Puddybud says:
“GBS asks:
Why hasn’t Bush taken military action against an obvious terrorist state nation that has attacked our military and killed our sailors?
Good question. Who would he find to take out? The Moonbat!s would question why he attacked the Sudan.
No, Puddybud, it’s not a good question; it’s a great question and it goes right to the matter of our national security and how the War on Terror is being mismanaged by the Republicans.
I don’t mind debating you, but please, now that you personally know me, respect me enough to bring your “A” game.
There is NOT one anti-war group that is against the War on Terror. No one is saying to pull our troops out of Afghanistan. Liberals were not the ones to cry foul when President Clinton attacked Sudan pursuing terrorists/al Qeada.
In fact, Puddybud, it was the Republicans who chanted “NO WAR FOR MONICA!!”
While President Clinton was fighting a new war, Republicans were busy trying to misuse the Impeachment Clause in the Constitution for their own political coup.
Liberals, Puddybud, are not afraid of a fight or to use overwhelming military force. We just want it to be justified and only as a last resort. When we’re attacked, a military response is the only and last resort.
Try again, you failed miserably.
Puddybud wrote:
“Why does George W. Bush continue to appease the terrorists in this “post 9/11″ world?
How is he appeasing the terrorists GBS?”
By not attacking Sudan who was instrumental in the attack on the USS Cole. He has sent a message of appeasement to nation’s who sponsor terror that our military isover committed, over stretched and not capable of dealing with Sudan.
George W. Bush has submitted like a dog to the nation of Sudan.
Puddybud wrote:
“Regarding the Cole finding, the Bin Ladin stuff is hind sight.”
The bin Laden stuff is relevant. Bush failed to act. Bush failed to heed President Clinton’s warnings. Bush failed to heed Richard Clarke’s warnings. Bush did not act on 50+ warnings of imminent terrorist attacks . . . ‘the red lights were flashing’ and Bush did not even mention al Qeada as a threat when he first addressed NATO.
This is not irrelevant hindsight. To the contrary, this clearly demonstrates the first major sign of incompetence of the Bush administration. Incompetence is the root cause of Katrina relief efforts, borrowing $5 trillion dollars, not sending enough force to Iraq as the generals wanted, saying “Mission Accomplished”, the insurgency is in it’s last throes, disbanding the entire Iraqi Army with their weapons, not guarding weapons depots, no pay, no jobs and wondering why they continue to attack and kill our troops.
No, Puddybud, to say its hindsight is being less than honest. I’ve been sounding the warning for you conservatives for several weeks now. Change your course, embrace the bitter pill of honesty now or become an out of power, irrelevant national political party for years, if not decades to come.
Republicans hitched their wagons to Bush and Bush has plunged off the cliff already. He’s not coming back. It’s not too late for some Republicans, but every passing day takes you farther and farther down the path of implosion.